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Dear Miss Brown,

I am writing to express my sincere thanks to you for caring me in the last

two years. During the days of being your student, I learn a lot. Firstly, your

serious attitude towards teaching and our students moves me too much. You

inspire and push me to work harder and harder. Secondly, I fall in love with

English under the influence of you. As a student of science and engineering,

I’ve been thinking that English does no good to me, but you help me to find the

fabulous glamour of English that leads me to know a totally different world and

develop a different way of thinking. Finally, your continuous encouragement

supports me a lot when I meet challenges or difficulties. You said that

everything to the last will certainly become a good thing, if it is not, not yet

to the last. Every time, remembering your words, I am so inspired to keep


Above all, I want to say thank you again and please accept my sincere

appreciation. Best wishes for you.








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(80)Lu Zi, No. 2140

This is to certificate that Mr. Zhao Dong holds a diploma issued to him in July, 1980 by Liaoning University (Diploma No. 058) and that we have carefully checked the seal of the university and the signature by President Zhou Yongrong.

Jinan Notary Public Office

Liaoning Province

The People?s Republic of China

Notary: Fang Hongjian

May 2, 2001



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Water is used in homes, in farming, and in manufacturing. The water used by the people comes from oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams. Many water sources are becoming polluted.

People are throwing things into the water. Factories are dumping waste materials into the water. Cities are dumping sewage into the water. Some water sources have become so badly polluted that the water cannot be made fit to use.

Would you like to drink water that came from a source that had been so badly mistreatedNow is the time that we should take up our responsibility to protect our environment from being polluted.



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Today is March Womens Day,I want to do several things to help his mother,let her have a happy holiday.

At noon,I came home and found the table already filled with delicious food,but just could not see her mother.Suddenly,I heard a sound of laundry to the laundry and saw the stage,my mother was washing clothes.I said:"Mom,you go to eat,Ill wash.Because today is your holiday,I want to make you happy." "Are you okay?" Mom asked,smiling."OK," I said.Mom went to eat doubtfully.

I picked up the sleeves,took out a piece of clothing,wet with blisters,and then cast soap,then rub hard.Yeah rub rub,rub my hands are red,but there are still a little greasy clothes,do not rub clean.I had to rinse with a brush,then rinse well with water and the clothes clean.I washed some clothes,my mother came,looked at me hard to look like,my mother smiles,so happy,so happy.

Evening,I rush to help her mother wash the dishes,I washed dishes placed neatly.Mother looked,smiled and said:"So this is Yao Yao gave me holiday gift!" Although I am more tired than usual today,but I am very happy because I let my mother had a happy holiday season.



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China nation has a strong family concept and always have family reunion in someimportant days. Family Reunion Dinner is an essential custom on New Years Eve. They usually enjoy a big feast this day. And dumpling and fish are must during theFamily Reunion Dinner on New Years Eve. Some people will put a coin inside onedumpling. The people who eat this dumpling will be to thought be a lucky guy. Thefish could not be eaten out because the fish means extra things by partial tone. And it represents the wish for a prosperous year with abundant and even extrawealth and luck.



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有两则关于同一条英语谚语Blood is thicker than water的译例。其一是“清水不浓血却浓”,其二是“血浓于水”。从字面上看,上述两则译例译得固然不错,似无可厚非。译文读起来很顺,又比较易懂,但读后似有不知所云之感。


Longman Dictionary of English Idioms(p.28)上对这条谚语的解释是“The relationship between people of the same family is stronger than other,relationships”因此,这则谚语似可以借用汉语中一句俗语“亲不亲一家人”来译更能表达出“属于同一血缘关系的一家人比别人更亲近一些”的寓意。



Pride comes before a fall.骄兵必败。

Amiss is as good as a mile.差之毫厘,失之千里。

Two is company,but three is none.两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚无水吃。

Walls have ear.隔墙有耳。

Enough is as good as a feast.知足常乐。


Two can play the game.孤掌难鸣。

Newbroom sweeps clean.新官上任三把火。

Speak of the devil,and he appears.说曹操,曹操到。

The grass is greener on the other side of the hill.这山望着那山高。

Putting the cart before the horse.本末倒置。


People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.如译成“住在玻璃房子里的人,不应扔石头”不如译成“己有过,勿正人”或“责人必先责己”。

In fair weather prepare for the foul.如译成“晴天要防阴天”,不如译成“有备无患”或“居安思危”或“未雨绸缪”。

Murder will out.如译成“谋杀终必败露”,不如译成“纸包不住火”。

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.如译成“愚者敢闯天使不敢去的地方”,不如译成“初生牛犊不怕虎”。

One cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs.如译成“想吃煎蛋卷,就得打鸡蛋”,不如译成工“有得必有失”或甚至可以引申为“不破不立”。


God helps those who help themselves.上帝帮助那些自己帮助自己的人。或“自助者天助之”。

Money is the root of all evil.金钱是万恶之源。

An empty sack cannot stand upright.空袋立不直。

Do as you would be done by. 以你所期望的别人待你的方式待人。

这与另一谚语: Don’t do unto others what you don’t want others do unto you.“己所不欲勿施于人”很相似。

Money talks.钱能通神。


You may take a horse to the water, but you can’t make it drink.





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Seriously 认真

mad 生气

gloomy 郁闷


haggard 憔悴的

halcyon 平静的

sad 悲伤

happy 开心

angry 生气






悲喜交集 悲愤填膺 百感交集 感人肺腑

动人心弦 情不自禁 心潮澎湃

激昂慷慨 慷慨激昂


感激涕零 感恩戴德 谢天谢地

没齿不忘 感同身受


垂头丧气 灰心丧气 心灰意冷 心灰意懒

万念俱灰 自暴自弃 黯然销魂 大失所望


心如刀割 切肤之痛 哀毁骨立 悲天悯人


怒不可遏 怒形于色 怒火中烧 忍无可忍



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My dear:

Please allow me to call you darling for the last time, as I have always

liked to do before. Surprise! Yeah, it was me. It was me writing to you, your

ex-girlfriend. Perhaps you feel very embarrassed or very indifferent, no other

meaning, I just want to write a letter to you, break up half a year to allow me

this trivial selfishness.

I know you are very happy now, but my sudden letter made you feel

unexpected. Last night, my sister and I saw you on the way home, as before the

skin is very white and clean wearing glasses, maybe love men will pay attention

to their own image, you are more neat and clean than before. Riding a bike, you

sit behind a girl. You are very happy, I want to call you, but I dare not, I how

bashful shout, stunned in, so all the way to see you from my line of sight more

and more far. I know, this county is too small, the crowd is too crowded and we

always meet by chance, dear, I love you very much but cant change the reality,

I love you too deep or your love is too shallow love is not firm. Now, only

wish, wish you happy. She, very simple, suitable for your other half. I know

well never be the same again. All I know is that a lot of couples dont make it

and then never get back in touch. But, my dear, if we cant be husband and wife,

cant we even be friends? I remember the first time I saw you, you are very

sunny, and I happened to be depressed at that time. Such me, even friends do not

want to do with you, with a depressed mood love ignore you. But you run every

day after running with me, even if I angry to say you only sad for a while and

then began to take a smile at me. Later in our life, we caught fish, caught

rabbits, visited the beauty of large rape, cherry blossom in the park in full

bloom and fell, I sat in the back of the car and spread my arms and said to fly,

you like to eat sesame ball and I hate it to death, the first time you kissed me

was I severely slap... Honey, I cry every time we turn around. Until the last

time because of the parents of both sides, I know is, you will relentlessly will

insist, but I was too confident, you did not. And I still silly in situ waiting

for you, you left me, give up this relationship, you go, you never look


Dear, I hear that there are five hundred people suitable for me in ones

life. Among them, I am no longer the only one for you. I know, I often say to

myself that it will be ok, as time goes by, our relationship will slowly fade

away. Maybe one day I will be as happy as you are now, dear, but this time is

very long, long trance in my life I think I will never meet the person I love

again, like love you. During the half year of separation, I learned to be used

to loneliness, to look at clouds and clouds, to look at the stars in the sky on

the windowsill at night, and in my spare time, I would hold my friends pet and

walk in the big temple behind your house... Darling, Im looking forward to

meeting you, but Im afraid. I am afraid that your happiness will make my eyes

blindfolded and can not see the world clearly, dear, I know you are very happy,

love a person is to make each other happy, you choose, I respect.

Happy Christmas Eve!

Bless you!



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Skiing is a recreational activity and competitive sport in which the participant attaches long runners or skis to boots or shoes on the feet and uses them to travel on top of snow.

Aside from recreation and competition,skiing has been used for military purposes and even travelling in areas that experience heavy snowfall.Many types of competitive skiing events are recognized by the International Olympic Committee,and the International Ski Federation.



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Sky in my hometown 家乡的天空

When I was very young ,the sky in my hometown was nice and beautiful, the sky was very blue,and the air was fresh. There were some birds singing ,and there were many trees in the fields. I often played with my friends in the open air.I liked it.

Now the people are rich ,but the sky in my homerown isnt blue .the trees were cut down , and there arent many birds. And the air isnt fresher than before. The rubbish is put here and there, it was bad for our health.So wo must do something to protect the environment. If we make a contribution to protecting the environment,the sky will become much more beautiful.



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Each time I feel very emotional after reading the news about bad or unfair treatment towards city hygiene workers. On one hand, they have to suffer the poor working environment; on the other hand, they do not earn the respect from the society or public. It is a very sad fact in China, which is a wake-up call for us to face the situation in good manner. In my opinion, the education background differences outweigh other factors. People who are not well educated do not see the hardwork and uneasy life of those city beauty workers. All they care is their own feelings and interest. Moreover, if we do not appreciate or cherish others devotion to the city, the city as a mirror will reflect its bad side towards ourselves. Therefore, the public need to learn to respect and behave properly such as not throw about the garbage. In addition, the government should also make its efforts to improve the treatment of those sanitation workers as well as set up a good example in the public.


To be a sanitation worker can never be considered as a decent job in peoples eyes, especially in China. A story of Sanmao, a Taiwanese author, described that she wanted to be a garbabge collector and she wrote this in her homework in her elementary school but teasing and objection came from her teacher and classmates. There is nothing wrong about a childish girls idea, and she thought that job could provide the most freedom. But this reflect the obvious discrimination. However, there is a dustman in my department. Everyone says hello, chats, jokes, and respects him as respect any other professors and students because people dont see differences between jobs.


He is a cleaner,quiet and ordinary looking.People dont pay attention to the figures in the public when the cleaners at work.He is one of them.He has to get up very early in the morning to sweep the streets.He enjoyed this time of the day for there is sunshine,birds sing and less traffic and peoples noise.He finishes the street sweeping by 8 oclock and he can take some time to the breakfast stand to have his favorite breakfast.After that,he has to work in a shopping center .The public toilets,dining halls and the elevators are the area he is responsible to keep clean.At lunch time,he has an hour to eat at the corner food store.In the afternoon,he continues to carry on the same duty until 6 oclock when the shopping center closes.

He comes home to his wife and daughter at dinner time.This is the happiest time of his day.He loves his family and they love him.He is a very happy man.


In cold winter, people are warming up near the fireplace at home, while sanitation workers are cleaning the broken branches and falling leaves. Usually sanitation workers have always been very hard, plus cruel and merciless wind and snow will be cut off branches and leaves on the roadside, the road, the sidewalk ... everywhere, sanitation can be miserable. They took the knife to cut off the branches, took the shovel to shovel branches and leaves, and take the broom sweeping, tired in the cold weather sweating profusely, the cold wind did not feel cold, they forget the tiredness and cold. In such a cold weather, sanitation workers have cleaned up our Fuzhou streets and won peoples respect. We should learn from sanitation workers and learn from their hard-working and optimistic spirit. In extraordinary positions, to make extraordinary things, although their own dirty, but Fuzhou city has become more beautiful. When people see such a clean street, they think of sanitation workers as the hardest people and the loveliest people.



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I am very happy to introduce myself here.I was born in Liaoning Province.I graduated from Nankai University and majored in International Trade. I like music and reaing books,especially economical books. It is my honor to apply this job. I hope I can realise my dream in our company.Please give me a chance.Thank you very much

it is my great pleasure to introduce myself.i was born in LIAONING. My major is international trade. I was graduated in Nankai University. My hobby lies in the music and reading, especially like economics.

i am glad that i can take part in this interview and i am sincerely hope that i can join this company to realize my dream. please give my a chance. Thank you.



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Hazy Weather

Recently,hazy weather has become commonin China. People wear masks to avoid

poisonous air. Emissionproduced from factories and cars is the main source. The

smog surely hasnegative effects on peoples health especially that of

thechildren and the elderly .But how to deal with it?

First, the government should perfect laws to punish those factories

thatignore the protection. And businessmen must pay more attention to

theenvironment instead of money. Second, green commuting and alow-carbon life

are supposed to be called for. Third,we should develop green and energy-saving

energy to lower theemission of haze.

If we work together,our environmentwill get better and better and haze

weather will disappear completely.



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With the development of the Internet, many people are used to shopping

online. It has become a fashion in our daily life. Some of us students also join

the group.

Shopping online has many advantages. Just by a click of the mouse, you can

buy what youre interested in without going outdoors. You can avoid getting

tired and being trapped in the crowded people and cars and save time. When

shopping online, you can choose from more varieties of goods, whose prices are

generally lower.

Every coin has two sides. Its disadvantages are obvious, too. On the one

hand, its very easy for you to buy goods different from the pictures you see on

the Internet. On the other hand, shopping online may cause people to buy goods

that are not badly needed. Thats a waste of money.

All in all, I love shopping online.



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The sun rises every day, and the tide rises and falls. The date on which the stone was marked on the wall with a stone on the island, the coconut water has no taste, the first eaten crab should be the worlds most delicious food, and later did not have any flavor. “ I invented the fire! ” and when he shouted the words excitedly, I really believed in the worlds “ fire ” indeed, it was invented by krishnamurti. Its more exciting than Edison invented the electric light, and is there anything more meaningful than that?

People can endure the pain of the body, can endure hunger, can endure the cold, but how can people tolerate long-term absolute loneliness? But the pocket watch Kylie, but fortunately there is volleyball become Weixin, followed from the mail. If a man is desperate, what he needs most is not his ideal for tomorrow, but whether he has friends today. Here by a netizen said: “ Kylies watch and make chuck feel love; let friends feel Weixin chuck friendship; open wings let mail chuck feel responsibility. ” even though he has guessed that Kylie must marry another friend, but he is Weixin talking to yourself, encourage a volleyball of their own, the mail sent to almost no possibility, but for now the police grams, their presence is enough, can let him feel the love and affection and responsibility, can let him continue to have the courage to survive and have a glimmer of hope. He is how to cherish these things, an impulse to chuck Wilson thrown out, he was so afraid to go back to “ WBL, sorry, I will not leave you ”.

The sea finally brought a sail &mdash to the crew; — a piece of iron. It was so precious that he could not wait to see what God would give him. He spent all the islands he could take as ropes, and made a sailing boat that was as important to him as Noahs ark. With a few coconut, together with the friend Weixin, leave this piece did not dare to think of living alone for four years the island, began to seek the rebirth of the airlines. When he gradually away from the island, looking back, is how complex feelings, perhaps all emotions can not be said, only in the heart of their own exclamation “ really can not believe! ”

The vast sea, a boat, a few nights of rain, is still in the sea, the sea ruthless friend Weixin away, chuck aware he will like this around like whale to stay the sea, but whale ah, here is your paradise of happiness, it is my grave!

The cargo ship arrived, and the cargo ship came in early, not late. “ Im not going to talk about the movie here; the plot must be arranged like this, ”. It seems not to chuck life. If he dies, you and I and all people will not be reconciled. “ Kylie — — ” only the most sincere hope that chuck survived Kylie let chuck in a long call to see the ship, “ Kylie — — ”

Chucks back, almost all of my friends than he is to be happy, after the disaster, chuck has no daxitaibei, let joy to my friends. If it turns out that Charlie has changed a lot, one of them is to understand how important it is to support and encourage friends. On the plane, he said to Stan, "“ when Marie died, I wasnt there. Im sorry. I should be there for you, &rdquo.";.

After dinner, chuck face a big table meal, when he saw the crabs, this very common dish, he has become a life-saving food, now think about it, really love a tired! The process lighter, lighter senior human wisdom invention, do not love, no matter how beautiful also, very low but I invented drilling wood fire, how do you appear in the table, rather than on the island!

Kylie, Kylies beloved, and the most difficult years to accompany her through his heart. “ I dont know what to say to her. What should I say?. &rdquo is going to see Kylie; Chuck! After she first thought lost chuck, was married to be at a loss what to do, chuck saw dental dentist Lucheri. Now, suddenly she appeared, and she was at a loss again. In the rainy night, Richard drove to Kylie. “ one thing I want to know ” chuck say this Kylie heart knew he wanted to know what — — how do you marry the dentist Lucheri! But they all understand this reason, on the island of chuck had already foreseen such a result, if not Lucheri, then would be someone else. But Chuck is clever, the director is also clever, chuck asked: “ the Tennessee football team in Nashville now? ” “ Oh, my days ” Kylie was so relieved, knew each other sadness is not necessary to open it so clear. I quite agree with the directors arrangement.











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Ofo is very popular nowadays, which brings great convenience to people. For

foreign media, they even treat Ofo as one of new four inventions in China. I

like to use Ofo so much. I can take exercise and enjoy the scenery. But the news

reported that a lot of Ofos had been destroyed. some were stolen and some were

broken. Ofo is the new industry, which needs to be supported. While some

peoples bad behavior hurts publics interest. I believe that most people will

protect the bikes and they return them on time. It is everybodys duty to

protect the public property. Dont be greedy for the small advantage.



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Santa Claus:


I was a very bookish fourth grader, and Christmas was coming, so what I

wanted this time: a big pile of books.

I was a smart, reading kid who was consistently in the top ten of my class.

Books were my best friend. Remember once, I ordered the second class did not

carefully look, my mother asked me the content, ask three Do not know. Just for

that one time, my mother let me promise: after all bought a book, must carefully

read, or from now on do not buy a book, until finished reading. So, I look

carefully every time, also tell the content to my mother to listen. Now, I have

finished reading the book is a hill, mother ready to throw, But I think of one

thing: "the book is so good, we can donate to the poor mountain! As expected,

this year, we launched a book donation activity, I did not hesitate to donate 5


Santa Claus, for I love such a book of children, you can send me a book? I

will watch it carefully. Thank you so much!

Wish you a long and healthy life!

Zhang Wan Ting loves reading










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课外活动之我见 My Views on Extracurricular Activity

Some students like to participate actively in after class activities. They think after class activities are an integral part of school life. By going in for such activities, they can learn what they cant learn from books, which will be beneficial to them in the future.


Others, however, dont like after class activities at all. They think that a students work at school is learning theoretical knowledge and nothing else. Taking part in after class activities is a waste of the valuable time at school.


In my opinion, every student should engage in some after class activities because from these activities we can learn many valuable things that we wont learn in classrooms. School is not just a place for learning the difference between "lie" or "lay", or what caused the hours of the daily schedule. Finally, after class activities broaden our circle of acquaintances. No amount of ordinary school work can take the place of friends acquired in the informal familiarities of activities.





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With the last breath of my soul I’ll be blessing you. 在我灵魂最后的呼吸中我祝福你。

You’re always there for me.当我需要你时你永远在那里。

You know my loneliness is only kept for you, my sweet songs are only sung for you.你可知我百年的孤寂只为你一人守侯,千夜的恋歌只为你一人而唱。

When love is not madness, it is not love.如果爱不疯狂就不是爱了。

When every love comes to the end, if u look back, u will find flowers and sorrows, but it’s always beautiful.不是把对方留在自己身边才叫爱,能放手让所爱的人离开,也是爱的一种。

what a loveiy world it well be with you away.没有了你.这个世界多么寂寞。

We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us.如果没有人爱我们,我们也就不会再爱自己了。

To see a world in a grain of sand. And a heaven in a wild flower.从一粒沙子看到一个世界,从一朵野花看到一个天堂。

this valentine is for the girl who stole my heart.这份情人节礼物,是送给那位偷去我的心的女孩。

There will always be people who’ll hurt you, so you need to continue trusting,just be careful.生活中总会有伤害你的人,所以你仍然需要继续相信别人,只是小心些而已。



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