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Most of you are familiar with American, Canadian and English Christmas customs, which are largely the same, including Santa bringing presents that sit below a lit up tree. But have you ever wondered just how Christmas is celebrated in China, or in Finland?

Whether you’re just interested in learning more about other cultures or want to incorporate some new traditions into your holiday celebrations, this article is filled with all you need to know about international Christmases.




For Poles, Christmas Eve is a night of magic when animals are said to talk and people have the power to predict the future. It’s a time for families to gather and reconcile any differences, and to remember loved ones who have gone before them.


Wigilia (vee-GEEL-yah), which literally means "vigil," or waiting for the birth of Baby Jesus, is considered more important than Christmas Day itself.


Wigilia is a meatless meal because, years ago, Roman Catholics fasted for the four weeks of Advent, including Christmas Eve. In the past there were thirteen main dishes

(representing the Apostles and Christ), but, these days, many families have replaced this tradition with a twelve-fruit compote for dessert.



The foods are to represent the four corners of the earth -- mushrooms from the forest, grain from the fields, fruit from the orchards, and fish from the lakes and sea.


Meals vary from family to family but usually include a special soup followed by many elegant fish preparations, vegetables, and pierogi.


Czech Republic


The Czech version of Saint Nick is known as Svaty Mikulas, who is said to climb down to Earth from the heavens using a golden rope. Mikulas is accompanied by an angel and a 2

devil who help him decide which girls and boys deserve treats and toys, and which ones deserve a swatch.

捷克人称圣诞老人为“米库拉斯”(Svaty Mikulas)。据说他用一根金绳从天堂爬到了大地。陪在他身边的是一位天使和一位恶魔。他们俩决定哪些男孩女孩值得得到美食和玩具而哪些孩子该被鞭打一顿。

There are a lot of fortune-telling traditions that are associated with Christmas as well. One involves a family member cutting a branch from a cherry tree and putting it inside in water. If it blooms in time for Christmas it is good luck. It also may represent that the winter will be short, or if a single woman picked the branch, it could mean she will get married in the next year.


On Christmas Eve, single woman also try to see if they will get married in the next year by standing outside with their back to their front door, removing one of their shoes and

throwing it over their shoulder. If the shoe lands with the toe facing the door, then she will marry in the next year. If not, she will have to wait at least another 12 months.




Austrian children still get to celebrate the arrival of Ol’ Saint Nick, but they also have to brace themselves for the arrival of his evil counterpart, Krampus. Where Saint Nicholas 3

rewards good behavior with treats and toys on December 6, the demonic Krampus arrives on December 5, looking to punish all the bad children. His weapons of choice are birch switches to beat children with and burlap sacks to kidnap them and throw them into the river. The worst part is that local men actually dress up like Krampus (just like many men dress up as Santa in America) and terrorize the streets. In some villages, kids are even made to run what is known as a Krampus-gauntlet, in an attempt to outrun the switches. 地利的孩子们庆祝圣诞老人的到来,但同时他们也得迎来邪恶的克拉普斯(Krampus)。圣诞老人在12月6号给表现好的孩子送美食、发玩具。而恶魔般的克拉普斯5号就到了,意在惩罚所有的坏孩子。他把桦树枝做的鞭子当武器,还用粗麻袋绑架他们,把他们扔到河里。最糟糕的是,当地的男士会打扮的像克拉普斯(就像许多美国人打扮的像圣诞老人一样),在街上吓唬小孩子。在很多村庄里,很多小孩子甚至必须接受“克拉普斯大挑战”,他们努力比克拉普斯的鞭子跑得更快。



Children of East France have an evil visitor to keep them behaving all year long. Le Pere Fouettard, which translates into “The Whipping Father,” accompanies Saint Nicolas in on December 6. While St. Nick gives good children presents, Le Pere Fouettard gives coal and whippings to the naughty children.

法国东部的孩子们有个邪恶的造访者,他叫“鞭子老爹”(Le Pere Fouettard),确保孩子们一整年都表现乖巧。圣诞老人12月6号给孩子分发礼物时,他也陪伴左右。“鞭子老爹”会给淘气的孩子煤块和一顿鞭子。


One of the most popular origin stories of the character say that he was a greedy inn

keeper who killed three rich boys on their way to boarding school. In many versions of the story, he even eats the children. Whether or not he cannibalizes the boys, the story ends when Saint Nick finds out and resurrects the children and forces Le Pere Fouettard to act as his servant throughout time.


Aside from The Whipping Father, another popular French tradition involves making a cake that looks like a traditional Yule log, known as buche de Noel. Christmas trees never really caught on in the country and while most people don’t have any use for an actual Yule log, the cake is a fun and festive substitute. Some of the buche de Nol can get fairly elaborate and even involve meringue mushrooms and edible flower decorations.




Belsnickel is the German Santa’s dark enforcer, but he’s not nearly as evil as Krumpus or The Whipping Father. Instead he just wears fur from head to toe and gives good girls and boys candy and bad children coal and switches.





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People mountain people sea, today is mothers birthday of the motherland, the street is busy! Shop is auspicious, there are red lanterns on the street...

The darkness came quickly, bundles beautiful flowers in the air, the bright flowers like a little angel in dance, bundles of flowers like I put on both sides of the street. Just still quiet street busy right away. Suddenly, I heard someone call me, turned out to be the elder sister call I go to fireworks. We happily to fireworks, then dad took a fireworks lit the fire, when to throw out the fireworks burst. We are frightened to disgrace to daddy, daddy hand blown were bleeding, we hesitate to go to the hospital, the doctor said, "but thats ok, just skin injury." We didnt put down the heart to it. On the way home, we talk to dad said: "be careful next time." Dad smiled shyly, we laughed, too.

Today is a happy day!






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The bell rang and the class was over. The classroom became noisy. Some students went out of the classroom. I was just chatting with some of my classmates when Li Hong came to me. She smiled and said to me, "Whats four minus four? Do you know?" "Its zero. That is easy." answered I.

But Li Hong shook her head and said "Its wrong. Its eight." "Why? Thats impossible!" "You will understand if you cut down four corners of a desk." said Li Hong. "Is that a joke?" "Oh, yes." We all laughed. During the class break, we had a good rest. We often have a pleasant break.



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I was born in Guangdong, the southernmost province in mainland China where in winter the temperature seldom falls be low 5C.

For the past 19 years, I had never seen snow.I couldnt remember from when I had been dreaming of seeing a real snow, and experiencing a bleak winter.Before I entered the university, I had never expected the climate difference of Shanghai and Guangzhou.

But as October came, the falling golden leaves and the chilly winds indicated that this winter would be cold.October walked away in the whisper of the falling leaves.Winter approached in November, and then December.

The dazzling golden color already faded away, leaving only the bare branches sticking out into the frosty air. Grass that was once as thick as a fine cardigan carpet could no longer be found anywhere. What I saw were the slushy fields which were jade green in September.

I considered it a great fortune to watch the sun, which was mild, jumping off the horizon and into those bare branches.Even on sunny days, the temperature was still low. The campus was left deserted and lifeless.

Was this what I had been longing for? Could it be called a bleak winter? I thought I should feel satisfied. Shanghai is still in the south. I couldnt expect more. But there was still some thing in my mind, as it was only one step to my dream. I prayed every day for a snow. A slight one could be enough. Once again.God heard.

Ill never forget the morning of Christmas. On my way to the library, a white elf found its way into my coat.It took me more than a minute to realize what was happening. Believe it or not, it snowed. Suddenly I understood why God took all the signs of life away in winter.He must have been clearing up a stage for his spoiled kid

snow, to show off.stage for his spoiled kid

snow, to show off.

Tears welled up in my eyes, for my thankfulness to God and to the special, bleak winter.




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1、 圣诞节来到,送你一棵特制的圣诞树:开心是树叶,用欢乐发光装点,再加上无数幸福的礼物,飘落的雪花组成了“圣诞快乐”,祝你身体健康万事如意。

2、 浪漫融合爱情,灯光拉手飞雪,圣诞树挂满礼物,寒冷已被融化,温馨不断涌现,化作心头一句浓浓真言:圣诞快乐!

3、 铃儿响,鹿儿跑,圣诞老人在奔忙;孩童笑,有惊喜,圣诞礼物袜中藏;发短,传祝福,流金溢彩气氛浓;过圣诞,真热闹,祝福大家喜事多,圣诞快乐!

4、 天气预报:圣诞节当天,全市会下礼物,出行的市民最好带个包,装不下的用外套,捡的越多越美妙,更有机会得圣蛋,祝你快乐幸福每一天。

5、 亲爱的朋友,圣诞老人今年太忙,委托我来送你礼物:貌美如花衣,穿了以后倾国倾城,点石成金手套,财神爷爷都要追你跑,健步如飞鞋,身体健康事事如意!

6、 圣诞节,做盘菜,美名曰,幸福菜:绿油油,鲜嫩嫩,香喷喷,水灵灵,甜丝丝,脆生生,红艳艳。油光闪亮,鲜嫩水灵,细嫩清脆,爽口清脆,赏心悦目,秀色可餐。祝胃口大开,可口可乐、圣诞快乐。

7、 铃儿叮当响,叮当铃儿唱,圣诞快乐曲,愿你心情扬,圣诞祝福信,愿你心欢畅,圣诞礼花放,让你精神爽,圣诞快乐为你送上!

8、 圣诞节告诉你个秘密:“快乐”说她爱上你,“幸福”给你捎情书,“甜蜜”的暗恋明朗化,“开心”的痴情要疯狂,她们都要和你住,不然就去找老爸,她们老爸不可怕,胡子很长叫“圣诞”,礼物很多脾气好,“女儿”全都爱上你!圣诞快乐!

9、 爬过烟囱穿过窗,坐着雪橇踏着霜,挂着礼物化了妆,扮着老人送福光:我爬山涉水,远渡重洋来到你的窗外,不知道你床头的袜子是否准备好了?

10、 圣诞树上,挂满我的祝愿;点点烛光,摇曳我的思念;铃儿叮当,送上我的礼物;一条短信,寄托我的挂念。一年又是一年,为你祝福为你祈安。圣诞快乐!

11、 圣诞到,心欢笑,张灯结彩真美妙;鹿儿跑,礼物到,铃儿叮当响云霄;雪花飘,梦儿好,一早幸福幸福绕;花儿开,鸟儿叫,所有幸福来报道。

12、 星光点点,烛光闪闪,温馨浪漫有你伴;铃儿叮当,鹿儿欢欢,圣诞祝福低头见;信息短短,情谊长长,无限相思是祝愿。幸福常常有,天天是圣诞。

13、 圣诞节日到,短信来问好,圣诞老人到,礼物随车跑,圣诞树上好,霓虹灯闪耀,圣诞就是妙,气氛真热闹。祝你圣诞乐逍遥、消烦恼,财运福运全来到。

14、 戴着小白帽穿着红棉袄的圣诞老人,挂满五彩斑斓的圣诞树,闪闪发光的金色铃铛,圣诞节到了,让自己放松,自由一天,祝圣诞快乐,吉祥如意。

15、 摘一朵圣诞雪,用热心温暖,用温情融化,成一滴圣诞水,用爱心飘洒,用柔情浇灌,生一棵圣诞树,用关心呵护,用真心爱抚,开一朵圣诞花,用欢乐滋润,用祝福孕育,结一颗圣诞果,张着一张幸福的脸,镶着一双祝福的眼,开着一口圣诞的嘴,开口就叫:圣诞快乐!

16、 没想到去年你用来接受礼物的袜子,今年还用而且还没洗,我只能说“I Fu le YOU”,连圣诞老人都住院了,所以委托我短信祝你,圣诞节快乐!

17、 圣诞节来到,美好心愿放在枕头套,圣诞老人送礼让你梦里都笑,兴奋的心情持续有效,快乐每天很美妙,欢笑一直陪你老!

18、 礼不在贵,真心就行,字不在多,真意就灵,虽是短信,祝福深藏,愿你圣诞快乐,天天快乐,收到就可兑现,转发更有惊喜褒奖!

19、 堆雪人、打雪仗,滑雪橇,溜冰儿,唱雪歌,圣诞节,重拾过去美好回忆,找回因忙碌而淡忘的快乐,不管节日里下不下雪,我都要祝福你圣诞快乐!

20、 平时你被工作围绕,下课又被美女怀抱,到了圣诞节,发条短信祝你生活美妙,幸福萦绕,心情要整好,这样快乐才会常来骚扰,让你被欢乐喧闹!

21、 “圣”旨到,要“诞”(淡)定,“节”快乐。圣诞节,愿你永远拥有10岁的心情,20岁的容貌,30岁的身材,40岁的风情,50岁的智慧,60岁的豁达,70岁的坦然,80岁的无所谓,90岁的超凡脱俗,100岁的快乐似神仙。

22、 圣诞节到了,送袜子,一装快乐无极限,二塞好礼惊喜连连,三回收你的压力烦恼,让你轻松每一天,祝你身体健康,每天好心情!

23、 生蛋(圣诞)节到了,送你真强十蛋大礼包:双重甜蜜蛋,双重快乐蛋,双重美丽蛋,双重幸运蛋,双重幸福蛋,祝你开心过圣诞,烦恼都滚蛋!

24、 圣诞节里雪花飘,圣诞老人礼物到,快快打开瞧一瞧,祝福短信有一条,温馨之夜饮美酒,甜蜜快乐无忧愁。祝福朋友天天开心,圣诞节快乐!

25、 圣诞夜,做小偷,爬上圣诞树,偷下圣诞果,吃下圣诞肉,喝下圣诞汁,暖着激动的圣诞心,流着幸福的圣诞泪,传着欢乐的圣诞情,说着祝福的圣诞话,偶尔放下一个圣诞皮(屁),送给你我的同僚:祝你圣诞节快乐!

26、 圣诞节特产:本品采用“天然思念”酿造,“真情流露”制造,“关爱祝福”打造,“真情久久”创造,无污染,纯绿色,不含防腐剂,保质永久,真是出家旅行,过节赠友,必备良品,现赠于你,祝圣诞节快乐!

27、 圣诞节,玲儿响,圣诞祝福响当当,用“真心”拌“诚心”送你“开心”美味餐,圣诞老人梦里闯,礼物多多给你享,大礼小礼“快乐”就是真(礼)理。圣诞节,祝你圣诞快乐,万事如意。

28、 寒冷的冬季,寂寞的天空,飘舞的雪花,红色的圣诞,温馨的祝福,圣诞节就快到了,提前祝你圣诞快乐,开心如意。

29、 错过了平安夜的狂欢,还有这圣诞节的幸福,这一天让我们远离那霓虹闪烁的喧嚣,走进那轻舞飞扬般的浪漫,点燃祝福的烟花,看燃起的烟火落在身边,让拂晓的阳光照向双眼,静静体会那一刻的幸福甜蜜,祝圣诞快乐。

30、 圣诞节就要到来了,愿我的短信传递友谊,让远方的朋友感受到友谊长存的温暖,但愿很快能和好友在一起把酒言欢。祝福朋友圣诞节快乐,幸福开心到永远。




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Tomorrow is Teachers’ Day and I can’t help thinking of my teachers. They do the great jobin the world. They not only teach us knowledge and skills. The more important isthat they teach and guide us to be a person who is useful to our society. Theyact as models to lead us to be a kind and warm-hearted person. They are alwayspatient and careful to students, caring they needs in study and life. They workhard to get more knowledge and to help students make progress. For them, the improvementof students is the best reward. Therefore, I want to say “Happy Teachers’ Day”sincerely to teachers. Hope them everything goes well both in work and life.




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Every day looking forward to the “61” Children has finally come.

Morning, 5:30 on my . My mothers face cream first serious个true face wash, and then red comb black comb Liangliang the braids, in a flower on the top bar.draw good makeup, I look at themselves in the mirror left-right look, feel really good, they turned to the school run. As if my joy will not walk, do not know how I went to school from home.

Went to school, teaching see hanging in front of the building to celebrate “61” Children of the huge banner, banners below are to allow us to display the broad stage of talent. We will be here to celebrate “61” International Childrens Day.

Renqing “61” event at the thunderous applause began. First, school leaders give excellent Shaoxian squadron and outstanding young pioneers, “ten juvenile Flower”, “to help learn flower” were presented with awards in recognition of advanced, next is our childrens talent show, performances.

The first one-year program are the children as “61” section of the clapping song rehearsal. Only a small lively Student beautiful, full of energy ahead. Liang opened their voice to sing hard, hard shot with open hands, small hands beat red. The second program is the sixth grade, Big Brothers and Big Sisters performing chorus. They lined up a huge team, bright open -like voice, singing, crying to celebrate “61.” At the time singing, laughter, applause, music passed fast. The play has been our fifth grade. We must use the joy of dance to celebrate “61.” Standing on the platform, I do not know how good my jump, but I saw the audience of teachers and classmates are looking at our laughter towards our applause. After the U.S. dance , Xu sweet for everyone classmates sang “Solar Rain” theme song, her sweet voice with their own resounding solo to celebrate “61.” Turn to instrumental performances, and we took to go blowing clarinet Units, tracks are “painting the Carpenter”, “cowboy”, “Spring has.” Dozens of students stood on stage together blowing, sound filled the campus, applause reverberated in the campus, smiling at his face in full bloom.

How time flies! Unconsciously program finished performing, but our hearts are still immersed in the joy of holiday in a long time should not calm.

Back home, turn on the TV I watch to celebrate “61” Highlights of the event. Original country, children all over the world with us as excited as joy, as happy, because today is the U.S. holiday, are “61” International Children ah!



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Im a happy girl.my english name is kitty.are you happy? im very happy.i have a good friend.her name is cheng xin ting.she has a pair of big eyes.i like her.

I like english.my birthday is in november.im a good girl.im ten years old.im in class seven grade four.my teachers name is yao hui feng.she is a good teacher!i like her.

what color do you like? i like pink and perple.i want a rabbit for my birthday.i like to eat hambuger.i like to go to shool.

I have a good mother.i have a good father.

oh,no!im hugry! "mumy! im hugry!"

good bye!




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When the summer holiday came, my cousin and I went to Huamei International School and joined the English and Art Camp.

The camp lasted for three weeks. We had many interesting activities. I enjoyed them so much, and I was always happy.

I made more new friends there too. I like studying and playing with them very much and I think they were very friendly.

Our classroom, bedroom and canteen were all very comfortable. They are not only bright, but also tidy and clean. The food in the canteen was also very delicious and healthy. I enjoyed the school food a lot. The teachers loved us very much and they took good care of us.

I like the life in Huamei International School.




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In the afternoon of the second day of the year, my mother and I went shopping and went to the square of the Cultural Palace to see the sea of people in the sea. Refurbishment of a new square is beautiful and elegant!

The fountain is on the south side of the square. The fountain now turns from the original circle to a rectangle. It has three steps, and the water flows down the upstream to form two beautiful falls. The water column that draws out attracts people from all sides. The water column is suddenly high and low, thick and thin. Some of them go straight to the sky, just like a crystal rod that is crystal clear. Some of them are scattered to the four sides, as if a blooming flower is blooming. With the music, they are constantly changing the beautiful posture, reflecting the brilliant sunshine and giving out the brilliant glory.

In the elevator, we came to the underground square. Wow, the underground Plaza changed! The large stage of the original more cold, now red and red fire! The background of the stage is new, with the theme of green, a vivid picture of the beginning of the Spring Festival. On the stage, a group of small actors, dressed in festive costumes, with a cheerful rhythm, jumped the dance and twisted the Yangge. This joyous scene makes the visitors slow to slow down and enjoy the … …

Why, why are there so many people there? Oh, it was a puzzle. I cant wait to drag my mother, too. We squeezed in from the human joints. We saw many coloured strips on the wall. There were all kinds of riddles on it. There were animals who had guessed animals, including plants that were suspected of having a place name, &hellip with a song name, and &hellip. We read one Zhang Zhang, look at it, read and think, and guess. People are getting more and more interested. My mother is not easy to guess a riddle, is “ three people leave a shadow on the same day, mother ” guess the answer is &ldquo ” spring; word, I listened to the thought, think it is reasonable, then remove the riddle to accept the award, unfortunately, our answer is incorrect. We are back to feel shy about in situ. Its a bit of a scent, but it doesnt taste like it.

New years happy new year, people with a sweet smile on the face, the air echoed with the singing of joy, I feel how happy!



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Dear teacher, As the Spring Festival is coming. I wish you to have a good mood to spend this festival .Time flies fast , the pasy days always remind me of you. Still now , I can still remember the words you have said to me which encouraged me a lot . Your encouraging words are still inspiring me . Under your care and education, Ive already enterd a new school .As a sdudent , Im proud that I used to have such a good teacher and thats also the reason why I choose to be an English teacher. I will sduty hard and make use of my knowledge to repay your hard work and behave myself as you. In the future, I will also treat my students with patience and encouragement . With my best wishes! Sincerely,.



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Dear Dad,

Today I was at the shopping mall and I spent a lot of time reading the Father’s Day cards. They all had a special message that in some way or another reflected how I feel about you. Yet as I selected and read, and selected and read again, it occurred to me that not a single card said what I really want to say to you.

You’ll soon be 84 years old, Dad, and you and I will have had 55 Father’s Days together. I haven’t always been with you on Father’s Day nor have I been with you for all of your birthdays. It wasn’t because I didn’t want to be with you. I’ve always been with you in my heart but sometimes life gets in the way.

You know, Dad, there was a time when we were not only separated by the generation gap but completely polarized by it. You stood on one side of the Great Divide and I on the other, father and daughter split apart by age and experience, opinions, hairstyles, cosmetics, clothing, curfews, music, and boys.

The Father-Daughter Duel of ’54 shifted into high gear when you taught me to drive the old Dodge and I decided I would drive the ‘54 Chevy whether you liked it or not. The police officer who escorted me home after you reported the Chevy stolen late one evening was too young to understand father-daughter politics and too old to have much tolerance for a snotty 16 year old. You were so decent about it, Dad, and I think that was probably what made it the worst night of my life.



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Happy Lantern Festival is coming, the forest animal decided to prepare a grand festival in such a cold winter evening.

The day before the Lantern Festival, the actor Miss sheep is forest fire to a white coat.

In the critical moment, intelligent monkey thought a great way, then, President of Miss sheep and party lantern breathed a sigh of relief.

The night is starry night, the evening started, I saw a sheep in a by butterfly wings be riotous with colour images of fashion. A beautiful squirrels and formed the scarf on the neck. Two fireflies in Miss sheep Ears Hang becomes luminous earrings. Two butterflies in the flowers made into a card becomes the butterfly hairpin. In the cheers of the audience, Miss sheep singing a song, let the audience applaud. Then each animal to eat delicious dumplings, and add a warmth to the cold winter.

It is a beautiful and happy lantern festival!



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Four great early morning, the father pushed open up windows, only heard the bang exclaimed: "wow! The world of ice and snow you beautiful!" I am delighted to hear, hurriedly dressed, then mother and father down the stairs while also taking the side shouting excitedly: "snowball fights myself! snowball fights myself!"

A fierce war began. And my father put the car leaves, the bridge to stop poles and snow on the ground have made a snowball from the mother when the referee started to snowball fights. One time, I saw flying snowball dance, laughter is also flying dance, my side chasing side playing, father fled the side edge back, I am pleased to sing: "The imperialist tail between its escape." At this time a father snowball fly over, I quickly returned fire.

Accidentally, the snowball hit my fathers feet, I angrily put a snowball flew into the fathers neck, the father ran one straight side in cases of doubt: "I die of cold!ah!" I shouted: "Oh, a win, a win!" happy mother laughed!




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Today is Sunday. I went shopping with my father and mother.


First, we went to the department store. My mother bought a beautiful dress. My father bought a pair of shoes. I had a new T-shirt, too. I like it very much.


They bought some books for me. And then, we went to the supermarket. We bought some meats, vegetables, drinks and snacks. At Four o’clock, we went home by bus. What a happy day!




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My christmas holiday Christmas Day,the 25th of December,is the biggest festival celebrated in the Christian countries of the world.Although everyone enjoys Christmas Day,it is particularly enjoyed by children,who get very excited because of the presents they know they are going to receive.Small children believe that their presents are brought by Santa Claus. Santa Claus (also called" Father Christmas)is a kind of old man  ho,the children are told,lives at the North Pole.He travels through the sky on a sleigh which is pulled by reindeers and loaded with presents.Stopping on the roof of houses,he enters by climbing the chimney.When small children go to bed on Christmas Eve,they hang a stocking at the end of their beds.Their parents warn them not to try to look at Father Christmas,or he will not leave them anything.When they wake,they find their stockings filled with presents.

Children are very excited on Christmas morning and always wake up early. Christmas is also a family celebration.As any members of the family as possible gather to eat,play party games and watch the special Christmas programmes on TV.



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A happy Day

It was sunny and very hot today. I got up early and helped my parents cook breakfast. Then I washed the dishes and cleaned the room. After a short rest I did my homework in the morning. In the afternoon I went swimming in the nearest swimming pool with my friends. It was really cool to swim in such a hot day. I surfed the internet and read a storybook in the evening. I really had a busy and happy day.

今天天气晴朗比较热。 我起得很早,帮父母做早饭。然后我洗碗打扫屋子。休息一会后我上午做作业。 下午我和朋友去我家最近的游泳池游泳。 在如此炎热的夏天游泳的确很棒。 晚上我上网、看故事书。我今天很忙过得很快乐

