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It is Teachers Day today. On this special occasion I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to all teachers, "Happy Teachers Day!"

Of all teachers who have taught me since my early childhood, the most unforgettable one is my first English teacher in college, Ms. Zhang. It is she who has aroused my keen interest in the learning of English and helped me realize the importance of self-reliance. Born into a poor farmers family in a mountainous area and educated in relatively primitive surroundings, I found myself lagging far behind in the first class in college, which happened to be Ms. Zhangs English class. I was really discouraged and frustrated, so I decided to drop out. Ms. Zhang was so keenly insightful that she had noticed my embarrassment in class. After class, she called me into the Teachers Room and discussed the situation with me, earnestly and kindly, citing the example of Robinson Crusoe to motivate me to go ahead in spite of all kinds of difficulties. "Be a man and rely on yourself," she nudged me. The next time we met, she brought me a simplified version of Robinson Crusoe and recommended that I finish reading it in a week and write a book report. Under her consistent and patient guidance, not only has my English been greatly improved, but my confidence and courage enhanced considerably.

"Rely on yourself and be a man," Ms. Zhangs inspiring words have been echoing in my mind. I will work harder and try my utmost to lay a solid foundation for my future career. Only by so doing can I repay Ms. Zhangs kindness and live up to her expectations of me, that is, to become a useful person and contribute to society.



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进入三年级,我们增加了一门新课程——英语。之前我对英语一点也不感兴趣,觉得特别难。第一节英语课,老师给我们播放了英语录音,还和我们做有趣的游戏。老师饶有风趣的话语,充满激情的讲 解,丰富多样的课堂活动,让我一下子就喜欢上英语。从此以后,每天晚上都认真听英语录音,和妈妈用英语对话。这次期中考试我的英语考了100分,心里甭提多高兴了,这应该感谢英语老师的教导。




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Someone says: are you a silkworm, spit of the continuous filament and die. Someone says: you are the candle, to the best of the last drop of tears to illuminate the dark night sky; Someone said, you are the morning dew, often before dawn, moistens the land silently all things... You, is my respected teacher, non-existent.

Non-existent with tall, round face, with two arch eyebrows on his forehead, under the arch eyebrows with a pair of bright and sharp eyes, she has a plausible mouth, a smile, mouth petal meniscus as quiet.

Non-existent at ordinary times is very strict with our requirements. Each lesson learned to write the book of copying, will ask us to write the word is very good, to write bad words will never let go, until it is written. Words because some students in our class wrote too fast and some bad, non-existent will let them change to come over, we all have greatly improved.

Non-existent also care about us. Remember once, I was a bit uncomfortable, go to the clinic under temperature, amount of 37.5 degrees, non-existent just said to me: "if uncomfortable, he said to the teacher, the teacher will and parents said." Non-existent for we really care about.

Teacher, I salute you! Is that you get ignorant we into the space of knowledge, sowing love with you that like the sound of a song! Like a candle, burn yourself, you give we lit the fire of hope, with your persistent enthusiasm to guide us to open our science maze! Thank you, teacher!








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Dear Miss Luo,


A year has slipped away from our laughter between our eyes, and we should say goodbye to you. Although we only wanted to work for a short year, you left me a deeper impression than the foreign teacher who taught me for five years.

I used to think that Chinese class is a boring thing, but since I know you, I like Chinese class.

First of all, I think you love to encourage classmates. When I answer questions in class, if the answer is right, you will look at me with happy eyes and ask me to make persistent efforts. If I got it wrong, you encouraged me with a gentle voice and spoke to the whole class about my problem. Whether I am right or wrong, I feel happy.

Secondly, I think you are very earnest and meticulous in doing things. For example, when we borrowed arrows from the grass boat, you not only let us learn the surface meaning, but also took us to study the text deeply. To my surprise, you also let us listen to the pingshu, to stimulate the interest of the students, so that the students learn more practical.

You still love to delay, I used to think that it is to deprive me of time to play, but a long time I understand the love for us then, let us learn more knowledge.

Finally, I think you are very concerned about the students, once, there was no meal in the canteen, the students had to be hungry, but you did not ignore, but to invite them to eat noodles.

All in all, you are wonderful, admirable and unforgettable. It seems that this is the main reason that you are better than my original teacher!

I wish you success in your work!

Your students



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In my life I have met a great many teachers who are really worth recalling.

But perhaps the most unforgettable one I ever know is my English teacher.

What frequently brings back memories of my school teacher is his special qualities. First of all, he gave us the greatest gift a teacher can offer—an awakening of a passion for learning.

He not only led us to an appreciation of the beauty and perfection of English language and literature, but also aroused our great interest in exploring something deeper in this field. Second, I was attracted by his lively wit.

I remember that we students always anticipated his class with great eagerness because his lecture were humorously delivered, never failing to provoke chuckles or loud laughs.

Although it is nearly two years since I attended his last class, he is the talk of our old classmates, and I know part of him has already stayed in my heart.



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1. 愿你插上一对有力的翅膀。坚韧地飞吧,不要为风雨所折服;诚挚地飞吧,不要为香甜的蜜汁所陶醉。朝着明确的目标,飞向美好的未来。

2. 没有秋霜的锤打,没有秋风的锻铸,秋天的枫叶怎会周身红彻?愿你像这火红的枫叶,在生活的风霜中染成鲜红的颜色!

3. 假如生活是一条河流,愿你是一叶执著向前的小舟;假如生活是一叶小舟,愿你是个风雨无阻的水手。

4. 愿你是一棵树:春天,吐一山淡淡的香味;夏天,洒一抹如泉的凉荫;秋天,举一树甜甜的青果;冬天,做一个养精蓄锐的好梦!

5. 让时间在知识的枝条上、智慧的绿叶上、成熟的果实上留下它勤奋的印痕!

6. 你有涌泉一样的智慧和一双辛勤的手,不管你身在何处,幸运与快乐时刻陪伴着你!

7. 亲爱的孩子,你有着最令人羡慕的年龄,你的面前条条道路金光灿灿,愿你快快成长起来,去获取你光明的未来。

8. 你的天赋好比一朵火花,假如你用勤勉辛劳去助燃,它一定会变成熊熊烈火,放出无比的光和热来。

9. 愿你是风,鼓起白色的帆;愿你是船,剪开蓝色的波澜。生活正在你的前方微笑,勇敢的走上前去,将彩色的人生拥抱。

10. 不要学花儿只把春天等待,要学燕子把春天衔来。

11. 世间最可宝贵的就是今天,最易丧失的也是今天;愿你在未来的一年中,无限珍惜这每一个今天。

12. 明天,这是个美丽灿烂。辉映着五光十色的迷人的字眼。愿你的明天无限美丽。无限灿烂。无限迷人!

13. 高尚的理想是人生的指路明灯。有了它,生活就有了方向;有了它,内心就感到充实。迈开坚定的步伐,走向既定的目标吧!

14. 春天是碧绿的天地,秋天是黄金的世界。愿你用青春的绿色去酿造未来富有的金秋!

15. 愿你们驾驶着信念铸造的航船,到希望的大海去犁出雪白的浪花。

16. 你是花季的蓓蕾,你是展翅的雄鹰,明天是你们的世界,一切因你们而光辉。

17. 朝霞般美好的理想,在向你们召唤。你们是一滴一滴的水,全将活跃在祖国的大海里!

18. 愿我的临别赠言是一把伞,能为你遮挡征途上的烈日与风雨。

19. 不要说一天的时间无足轻重,人生的漫长岁月就由这一天一天连接而成;愿你珍惜生命征途上的每一个一天,让每天都朝气蓬勃地向前进。

20. 假如你曾有过虚度的时光,请不要以叹息作为补偿;明天的路途毕竟长于逝去的岁月。快迈步,前面相迎的是幸福的曙光!



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December 27th, 2009

Dear Mr Pan:

It has been a long time since I wrote the last letter. Nowdays, people write letters less and less, instead, they make a call or send a SMS. However, it is still a good way for us to communicate with each other by sending a letter.

Its my honour to get the chance to write to you. "Approachable" is my first impression of you, because you always keeps smiling. Students may fear the teachers that are serious both in and out of class. Smile makes a teacher popular with his students, you are a teacher of this very kind.

You always arrive at the classroom ahead of any of the students, from which we could imply that you are a diligent man with regular habit. Before the class, you like to talk to us, at this very time, you are more a friend than a teacher. To be honest, I was surprised in the first class when I learned a teacher at your age could speak English in such a fluent way.(I didnt mean you are old, youre young at heart.) Moreover, you know well how to keep your class attractive. Youve got such an active mind that you can keep talking during the whole class without a pause. I always appreciated your ideas and enjoyed listening to you. In your class, I learned not only the writing skills but also the presentation skills as well as much knowledge of other areas. Thanks for your excellent teaching.

Ive got some suggestions for you. It seems that we students have got few chances to participate in discussion during the class time. Most of the time, we are listening. Seldom did we express our own ideas. I suggest that teachers should interact with students more frequently in the class. Besides, Id like to practice writing more, so would you please leave us more assignments?

Happy new year.

With every good wish.

Yours sincerely Dali Wang




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我的英语老师姓唐,平时她一头飘逸的长发总是直直地披在肩上,秀美且整洁。一双美丽的大眼睛从不掩饰她的喜怒哀乐。微微向外凸出的牙齿衬托着嘴唇成樱桃状,而左下角的一颗美人痣更显樱桃小口的妩媚动人。也许是长年教毕业班且操心我们学业的原因,唐老师整个人十分瘦削,甚至我们班有许多同学都比她壮实多了。 唐老师看似弱不禁风,却是一个深藏不露的体育健将。我也是临近毕业才知道的,记得有次我陪我爸我妈去买菜的路上,我妈说:“你们唐老师很有运动细胞,跳远、跑步、踢毽样样都拿手,在区里还得过奖呢!”当时我很惊讶。







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dear teacher,

it has been a long time since i wrote the last letter. nowdays, people

write letters less and less, instead, they make a call or send a sms. however,

it is still a good way for us to communicate with each other by sending a


its my honour to get the chance to write to you. "approachable" is my

first impression of you, because you always keeps smiling. students may fear the

teachers that are serious both in and out of class. smile makes a teacher

popular with his students, you are a teacher of this very kind.

you always arrive at the classroom ahead of any of the students, from which

we could imply that you are a diligent man with regular habit. before the class,

you like to talk to us, at this very time, you are more a friend than a teacher.

to be honest, i was surprised in the first class when i learned a teacher at

your age could speak english insuch a fluent way.(i didnt mean you are old,

youre young at heart.) moreover, you know well how to keep your class

attractive. youve got such an active mind that you can keep talking during the

whole class without a pause. i always appreciated your ideas and enjoyed

listening to you. in your class, i learned not only the writing skills but also

the presentation skills as well as much knowledge of other areas. thanks for

your excellent teaching.

ive got some suggestions for you. it seems that we students have got few

chances to participate in discussion during the class time. most of the time, we

are listening. seldom did we express our own ideas. i suggest that teachers

should interact with students more frequently in the class. besides, id like to

practice writing more, so would you please leave us more assignments?

happy new year.

with every good wish.

yours sincerely dali wang




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Our Foreign Teacher

Ms Jerry is a foreign teacher. She oomes from New Zealand. She is thirty-one years old. She has fair hair, white skin and gray eyes. She is tall and slim. She looks very kind. And in fact, she is kind indeed.

Ms Jerry is a good teacher. Although she only comes to our school twice a week, yet she is very responsible to her work and strict with her students. Once. she was ill, but she went on giving us lessons. When we learned this, we all listened to her even more attentively than usual.

Ms Jerry teaches us English with great enthusiasm:" Eaoh lesson she Will bring us new pictures, new stories, new games and new songs. Her class is always full of happy laughter and merry songs.

Ms Jerry is such a good teacher that all of us love and respect her.








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I am just writing to say thank you.thank you for teaching us things we need to learn, thank you for being there for us when we have any problems, thanks for your devotion and willingneto help us, thank you for the love youve shown to us.

I am lucky to have a teacher like you. and no matter what kind of person I will become, you will always have your influence on me. You taught me how to study, how to live and even how to be a man. From you I learned what kind of person i want to be and what should i get from life. this means everything to me.

my dear teacher, no matter what you will always have a special place in my heart and i will remember what i have learned from you and carry the knowleges through my life!



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Dear Ms.vvv,

I write this letter because I want to talk to you about thepunishment of copying the sentences on the English book.

I don’t think this punishment is fair.

Firstly, I am quite sure that I did complete my homework before. Itis a weekend assignment. Li Peiqi goes to myhouse every Friday. We do our homework together. She can prove thatI did it exactly.

Secondly, I remembered that I handed in the paper.

Thirdly, I don’t know the rule of punishment before. Besides, Idon’t know my paper disappear.

Last, I still like you so much while I would like you to know thetruth.





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Dear Ms. Fu,


I would like you to know that I appreciate the help and support you gave to

me when I was in junior high school. I enjoyed being taught by you immensely.

You are an excellent teacher and inspired me to continue learning with an open

and positive mind.


I would like to convey my heartfelt gratitude to you for teaching me what

is responsibility. You helped me how to find the best place for myself and look

for the personal values. I remember you gave me a book as a present of the

Spring Festival. You are the first teacher who gave me a present which I was

moved for a long time.


I would further say that you gave me so good memories that I wish I could

go back to that time again. It was you who encouraged me to overcome obstacles.

It was you who cared about my emotions. I appreciate all you have done for me,

which meant so much to me. I hope that this letter brings my best wishes to you

and I once again thank you for giving me those precious memories of my life,

which I shall cherish forever.


Sincerely yours,




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I want to thank you。You are the one of brightest stars in the sky。I want to thank you,you teach me how to do well in all things。

I want to thank you,you give me advice about how to be a top student。Thank you Mrs Xu。When I have trouble,you will give me a helping hand and have a rest with the help of you。

My English has improved much。In the word I really want to thank you。
