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Dear Ms.___,

I write this letter because I want to talk to you about thepunishment of

copying the sentences on the English book.

I don’t think this punishment is fair.

Firstly, I am quite sure that I did complete my homework before. Itis a

weekend assignment. Li Peiqi goes to myhouse every Friday. We do our homework

together. She can prove thatI did it exactly.

Secondly, I remembered that I handed in the paper.

Thirdly, I don’t know the rule of punishment before. Besides, Idon’t know

my paper disappear.

Last, I still like you so much while I would like you to know thetruth.










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1.Time is flying away,and years are passing by.Only our friendship is always in my heart.Farewell,my friend!Take care,my friend!流水匆匆,岁月匆匆,唯有友情永存心中。朋友,再见!朋友,珍重!

2.Oh,my friend,do you like stars?If you feel lonely far away from home,look up at the stars in the sky, where there is a star for luck that Ive send you.朋友,你喜欢星空吗?如果有一天你在远方流浪时感到孤独、忧郁,请抬头看看星空,那儿有我送给你的幸运星。

3.Life is a profound book.Others notes cannot replace your own understanding.May you find and create something new in it.生活是一本精深的书,别人的注释代替不了自己的理解。愿你有所发现,有所创造。

4.Dont be disappointed on the journey of life.There are friends in the world.Seize your chance and value your opportunities.May our friendship be everlasting.人生路上何须惆怅,天涯海角总有知音。把握机会珍惜缘分,祝愿我们友谊长存。

5.Time does not water down the wine of friendship;distance does not separate our hands of longing.Wishing you happiness forever!时间冲不淡友情的酒,距离拉不开思念的手,祝福你,永远永远!

6.I have three wishes:May our friendship warm our hearts!May joy be always with you and me!May we often meet each other!我有三愿:一愿友情温暖我们心田,二愿欢乐永驻你我心间,三愿我们常常相见!

7.Thinking of each other is just like a thread connecting both you on the one end and m e on the other end.思念是一条细长的线,一端系着你,一端系着我,时刻连接着两颗跳动不息的心。

8.If life cheats you,dont be disappointed and worried.Calmness is needed in melancholy days.Believe that pleasantness is coming.Long for the bright future though you are unhappy. All will pass by and everything will be over.Past things will be pleasant memories. —〔Russia〕Alesander Pushkin


9.If I should meet thee,

After long years,

How should I greet thee?

With silence and tears.

—〔Britain〕George Gordon Byron




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my new teacher is science teacher. he’s very strong. he has a big mouth, two big ears, two big eyes and a not too big and not too small nose. he often wears a black new shirt and brown pants, with two big shoes。

my science teacher is very kind. and he is very smart, isn’t he? today, we have science class. we are very happy. because he is so funny. who is he? he’s a mr. zhou .






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Teachers and workers, Party members, teachers and educators in the


happy new year!

On the occasion of spring and winter, the Party committee and

administration of Jiangan County Education Bureau extend their cordial

greetings and festival congratulations to all Party members, cadres, teaching

staff and educators who have worked hard and selflessly on the education front,

and extend the most sincere New Years wishes to the retired comrades who have

contributed their youth to the education reform, development and stability in

our county!

20__ is a fruitful year. The countys education work around the municipal

Party committees "stability and efficiency, innovation and progress" work

requirements and the county Party committee, county governments "145"

development strategy, implemented the work deployment of the Municipal Bureau of

education and sports, worked hard to implement the "12388" education work ideas,

fully completed all the objectives and tasks, won 58 awards of various types at

all levels, overcame one difficulty after another in tackling difficulties, and

achieved success in the transformation and catch-up We got one gratifying result

after another. First, the four major projects of "two bedrooms, one hall and one

road" in rural compulsory education took the lead in fulfilling the solemn

promise of "three-year task and two-year completion" made by the county Party

committee to the municipal Party committee one year ahead of schedule. Its

working practices have been communicated and promoted in the City for four times

and have been publicized and praised by the whole city; Second, the teaching

quality of each stage has been comprehensively improved and the goal and task of

"three-year action plan for quality improvement" of the county Party committee

and the county government has been successfully completed. Preschool education

has won the first prize of the city (third place), the teaching quality of

compulsory education has won the second prize (fourth place), the second prize

of recommendation and selection of top-notch innovative talents (third place),

and senior high school education has won the citys top-notch innovative talents

training contribution award and the second comprehensive teaching quality award

Jiangan vocational school has won the first prize of comprehensive evaluation

of teaching quality and the first prize of National Youth Science and technology

innovation; third, the system of education supervision responsibility area

established by innovation has been promoted in the whole province and has been

praised by the provincial and municipal education supervision committee, and has

been exchanged and promoted inside and outside the province; Fourth, the

education and peoples livelihood work goal and task assessment ranked the top

three in the city for five consecutive years. In the citys education and

peoples livelihood work goal and task assessment achieved 7 first places and 6

second places, especially the rural compulsory education "two bedrooms, one hall

and one road" project ranked first in the city; Fifthly, new breakthroughs have

been made in raising funds for educational development. The proportion of

financial education funds in the countys budget expenditure has increased to

24%, reaching 517.55 million yuan, and a total of 100 million yuan has been

obtained in the whole year

20__ is an extraordinary year. It is not only the year with the most

outstanding features and achievements, but also the most complicated year in

which the positive energy is gathered and the negative containment is actively

resolved under the new normal. However, under the strong leadership of the

county Party committee and the county government, with the care and help of the

county peoples Congress and the county CPPCC, and under the careful guidance of

the Municipal Bureau of education and sports, the party and government team of

the County Education Bureau united and led the vast number of teaching and

administrative staff in the county, took a firm stand, took the initiative, took

the courage to take responsibility and overcome the difficulties, withstood the

severe tests again and again, overcame one difficulty after another, and won

each other The understanding and support of the leaders and the society have won

a good opportunity for development. Here, I would like to express my heartfelt


The year of 20__ is a key year to promote the reform of the whole area,

administer education according to law, and adapt to the new normal. The

education work of the whole county will closely follow the development

orientation of the "three demonstration counties" of the county Party committee

and the county government and the main line of "steady speed and quality

improvement", comprehensively implement the work deployment of the Municipal

Bureau of education and sports, highlight the work theme of "promoting

righteousness, promoting harmony and strengthening development", and focus on

the implementation of the "six ones" development strategy with "three needs" and

"two behaviors" We should pay close attention to a plan, that is, the overall

plan of education reform and development of the whole county; vigorously

implement a project, that is, to implement the project of "going out and

inviting in"; build a core with solid, namely, the core of education quality;

Make a good preparation with eyes, that is to prepare for the acceptance of

balanced development of national and Provincial Compulsory Education in 20__; We

should make great efforts to promote the new development with the new normal of

"six uses" of force, heart, energy, practicality, eye and policy, and strive to

run a satisfactory education for the people, and make new contributions to

accelerating the realization of the "three major struggle goals" in the whole


In the new year, with a new starting point and a new journey, we hope that

the staff and Party members and teachers in the county will meet the new

challenges with a new attitude and create more brilliant achievements. At the

same time, I wish the teaching staff, Party members, teachers and educators in

the countys education system a happy new year, good health, happy family and

all the best!



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老师是我们班的英语老师,从三年级开始学英语,她就教我们了。她一个人教好几个班,很辛苦,但每次见到她,她的脸上总带着微笑,给人一种和蔼可亲的感觉。杨老师英语说得流利,上课气氛活跃 ,批改作业又对又快,我们都很喜欢她。

记得有一次写一号本作业,我写得很认真,又让妈妈来回帮我检查了几遍,觉得胸有成竹,没有什么错了,于是第二天满怀信心地把作业本交给了杨老师。只见杨老师拿着红笔,一行一个勾,中间几乎 没有什么停顿,我想:杨老师改作业可真快呀!这时,杨老师突然停住了笔,我想:哎呀,是不是什么地方有错了,但不会呀,我和妈妈昨天明明查了好几遍,不应该有错呀!只见杨老师在一个单词上 画了一个圈,然后把本子递给我说:”嗯,不错,只错了一个,有进步!“我拿回本子,然后对着书一看,哎呀,两个字母颠倒了,真错了,杨老师的”火眼金睛“可真厉害!

还有一次,周三下午放学后,因我的《评价手册》没写完,被杨老师叫到了办公室,我找了一个位置坐下来继续写,杨老师在一旁批改作业,办公桌上堆了满满高高的作业本,我不禁赞叹,杨老师的工 作量可真大呀!于是我更加认真地写起来,不想给她添麻烦。当我把本子交上去,还有一题不小心写错了,杨老师就耐心、仔细地给我讲解,一会儿我就全懂了。




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The flower thanks rain, because rain to moisten it grow; goshawk Thanksgiving sky, because the sky let it fly; mountain Thanksgiving earth, because the earth it tall; I am grateful to my teacher, because the teacher opens the wisdom door, let me travel in the ocean of knowledge. As I grew up, your deep love of the teachers has been around. Yes, the teacher is a sacred profession. The teacher is the Enlightenment of the pillars of the motherland, the creator there is no teacher, how will the motherlands prosperity today? Like the teacher won Ding, hard to cultivate the motherland flowers. Teachers, though not our loved ones, but wins is our loved ones! Is undoutable. A good teacher! Time passes in a hurry, and is a teacher, the teacher, you worked hard, whenever the dead of night, you have in preparing lessons, looking at your shadow, I couldnt help wanted to say: "thank you, teacher, whenever we encounter do not understand the problem, you are patiently explained to us, watching you, I couldnt help but think to say" thank you, teacher. Whenever we naughty fun or not doing homework, you will not scold us, just give us serious reason. Let us recognize the error. It takes a hundred years. I will forget the teachers teachings. Some people say, you like, because the mountains towering, revered. I want to say, you like the sea, because Ohai Hiro, immeasurable. Thank you, teacher.







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Dear Mr. Lu


"In the sound of firecrackers, the spring breeze brings warmth into Tu su."

In the morning, the dream slipped away in the sound of firecrackers outside the

window. It is another year of celebration, unity of mind, and family reunion

day, my mother and I also like the past year back to mother-in-laws home.

My mother-in-laws home is not far from Nanjing in the center of the

county. Let me tell you! The spring festival atmosphere in my mother-in-laws

house is very lively. My mother-in-law opened it in the kitchen a few days ago.

She cooked pickles, fried assorted dishes and made dumplings. It seems like Im

going to finish all the food of the year on this day. The kitchen was smoky and

my mother-in-law was like an old fairy in protective clothing. What about

father-in-law? Its his specialty to create a new years atmosphere. You see,

early in the morning, he was also busy in a pile of red couplets, looking for

double-sided stickers, cleaning the door, and being waved around by his

mother-in-law. On such a cold day, sweat glistened on the bald head with few

hairs. Every year, a clean mother would take a bath before lunch, and she was

also known as getting rid of the old and welcoming the new year, washing away

the discomfort and worries of a year, and having a fresh and refreshing new

year. What about me? I write to you to report these in this happy busy life, and

let my beloved teacher LV stay at home and feel a different new years


First of all, I wish you and your family good health. I wish you more

brilliant achievements in the teaching of the year of the horse!

Your students



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我在这里写的是一位普普通通,平凡得不能再平凡的人民教师,50来岁,由于终日为我们不辞辛苦的操劳,脸上布满了皱纹,她的两眼黑得发亮,锋利的目光,仿佛要把什么刺穿似的。我有点害怕。她只教我们还不到四个月,但是,每当我想起她时。她对我们的严就像教练训练运动员那样一丝不苟;她对我们很关心,体贴,就像对待自己的儿女一样。 但是,那一次,我尽对她起了怨恨。那是一节自习课,英语老师让同学们把作业本A订正好交到办公室去批改,作业本B作好的也去批改。我怀着喜悦的心情拿着作好的B去批改,"报告""进来"她的声音很平稳,我走了进去,队伍并不长,我跑到英语老师右边去批改,无意间发现了电脑里有语文竞赛的成绩,我便很期盼得到自己的成绩,不听话的手尽往鼠标地区前行,不经意间,我触摸到了,这下手更不听使唤,一直往下翻动着,"啊"我目瞪口呆,倒数第三,我的喜悦心情沉淀了下来,"谁呀,谁在动我的电脑?"一声果断而又严厉的语言向我发起进攻,我吓了一大跳,我心里想:哎呀,这下怎么办呀,不如来个死不承认,或者,英语老师的教棒在桌上"吃吃"作响,"把手拿过来。"我害怕极了,真想使用一下神仙的仙术,把英语老师的教棒变成长长的棉花棒,只有我能看见,而老师看不见,软软的棉花棒触摸了我一下,"哇!"教棒落下来了,打得好痛呀,我有点生气,心里暗暗想着;你这个老太太,太坏了,我只不过碰了一下鼠标,看了电脑屏幕一眼,也不过如此,您竟打我,只要教育几下就行了嘛,我可是个怕痛的女孩。我心中的怨恨一直不能平静。但刚想完,那教棒的滋味和对老师的怨恨跑掉了,我寻找着,发现它屹立在英语老师身上展现出来的无可抗拒的人格魅力上。




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A great change is now taking place in higher education throughout our country。 Teachers are being held responsible as never before for how well they serve their students。 It has become as common in colleges and universities for students to grade teachers as for teachers to grade students。 In some universities students' rating has even become the only source of information on teaching effectiveness。

This, however, has caused great controversy。 Some are in favor of the rating system。 They hold that since students attend the teachers classes everyday, they should have their opinion about their teachers' effectiveness。 Others, on the contrary, are strongly against it。 They think that students' rating is easy to administer and score, but it also is easy to abuse。 They believe that there is much more to teaching than what is shown on students' rating forms。 Students should not be expected to judge whether the materials used are up to date or how well the teacher knows about the subject。These judgments require professional knowledge, which is best left for the teachers' colleagues。

I think students' rating of their teachers is necessary, but it should be conducted in a way that can really shed meaningful light on teachers' performance。 Instead of rating the teachers' knowledge on the subject, students should be asked to estimate what they themselves have leaned in a course, and to report on such things as a teacher's ability to communicate with students, his relationship with students, and his ability to arouse interest in the subject。




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We have a good English teacher。His name is Bruce。 He comes from Britain, about forty years old。 He is tall and thin。 Wearing a pair of glasses makes him more gentlemen。He is strict with us。 He often makes full preparations for his class and corrects our homework carefully。 His teaching style is very unique, because he is used to encouraging all of us to think by ourselves and study on our own。 The relationship between Bruce and us is harmonious。 He is so kind and friendly that every student likes him and respects him deeply。 Our teacher is so excellent that we all love him very much。

我们有一个很好的英语老师,他的名字叫Bmce。他来自英国,大约40岁。他是一个又高又瘦的人,戴着一副眼镜,这使他显得更有绅士风度。 他总是严格要求我们。他经常认真备课,认真为我们批改作业。他的教学风格很是与众不同,这是由于他总是习惯鼓励学生努力思考,并且培养我们的自学能力。我们之间的关系很融洽。他对人和蔼可亲,所以深受我们的爱戴和尊敬。 我们的老师很出色,我们都很喜欢他。



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Dear Yong

Hello! Thank you for accompanying us to grow up, let us feel the loving

care of a mother, you work hard every day, let us learn more knowledge.

I remember one time I and some dictation did not get 100 points, so I have

to stay to review the dictation. It was more than five oclock at that time. I

still didnt get all the dictation right the second time. You said to us, "its

too late, go home! Review well and dictation tomorrow. " In the afternoon of the

next day, I didnt get 100 points, so you left us to tutor alone after class

from Monday to Friday, but I never got 100 points. So you are very angry and

ask, "Wang Ziyi! Why didnt you get 100 points? Think about it. Is that your

level? " Its already more than six oclock after you severely criticized me.

You let me go home to review and dictation next time. Later, I finally got full

marks through hard work. I also remember that you told me to study hard and


Oh! Mr. Yong, you are more like us. No matter how hard you work and how

angry you are, you also patiently teach us to learn. You are really a good


I will study hard in the future and live up to your expectations.

I wish you success in your work and happy every day!

Your student: Wang Ziyi



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戴老师不仅在课上认真地教我们学英语,生活中她也利用一切机会锻炼我们运用英语的能力。记得有一次,我们全校师生去南郊秋游,戴老师以英语报数的形式来点名。“One——two——three……twenty.”“Let’s go!”戴老师兴奋地说。一路上,我们看到了美丽的天鹅,金色的佛像和形态各异的十二生肖像。戴老师都用英语一一告诉我们这三样事物该怎么讲,她站在每一个生肖前,用手指着它,一遍又一遍声情并茂地演示给我们看,同学们也跟着学,读完了一遍又一遍,还小声嘀咕着单词,用心去记,比在学校里还认真呢!接着,我们就跟随戴老师一起爬山,只听她说:“Clim hill.”我们也跟着念:“Clim hill. 1,2,3,……”就这样,两分钟后我们就到了山顶,我们展开双臂,大声喊:“Hills, Hou are you! I Love you!”那天,我们玩得真开心啊!戴老师就是这样让我们在玩中学,在学中玩,我真爱英语呀!





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My english teacher

Today, I go to school with a headache. At the beginning, it is just a slightly pain. Nevertheless, it is not until the English lesson that my head pains heavily. So it is difficult for me to take notes. Luckily, my English teacher notices it so she takes me to theoffice. With a big smile on her face and caring words, she gives me a glass of water. To my surprise, she offers to help me notes. It is her love that warms me up. At that moment, I whisper myself that I will do my utmost to help others as kind as my English teacher.



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1) 词数100左右。

2) 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。


Dear Ms Zhang,

I’m writing to express my sincere gratitude to you. You are the very person who gave me a hand when necessary.

One month ago, with the College Entrance Examination around the corner, I was nervous and in low spirits, being afraid of letting my parents down because of my average academic performance. When I was at a loss and on the point of giving up, as my headteacher, you asked me to go to your office. Instead of blaming me, you comforted me and discussed with me the reasons for my failing in the exam. More unforgettably, you managed to help me with my study and always inspired me from time to time. Gradually, I learned how to adjust to myself and stayed calm in the College Entrance Examination.

Ms Zhang, I’m more than grateful for what you have done for me, from which I’ve got to know it is never too late to get back when there is still hope. Wish you happiness and good health.

Sincerely yours,

Li Hua










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Dear staff and their families

hello everyone!

"Spring comes early again", the Spring Festival of the year of the sheep is

quietly coming to us. On the occasion of the Spring Festival, principal Chen of

Taishan junior high school, together with the school leadership, extended new

years blessing and festival greetings to the hard-working staff and their

families, and extended high respect and sincere thanks to the family members who

have been caring and supporting the work of the school for a long time!

The past 2014 has been an extraordinary year. It has been a year when we

have worked hand in hand, overcome difficulties and forge ahead in unity. It has

also been a year of fruitful achievements and good news. Under the correct

leadership of the superior competent department, all the staff of our school are

in the same boat through ups and downs, unite as one, work hard and forge ahead

with determination, overcome many difficulties and strive for first-class

achievements. The school was rated as a modern school in Jiangsu Province; in

the assessment of the school by the Education Bureau, the school won the second

prize; more than 20 students entered Baoying county middle school, and a large

number of students were admitted to other senior high schools free of charge; in

the provincial supervision, the school scored high and passed the supervision of

experts, leading experts listened to 24 classes, and 23 courses were awarded

excellent grades; In the national middle school students composition contest,

Yang Yichen, a student from class 6 of junior high school, participated in the

provincial final and won the first prize. In the final examination just

finished, each grade reached or exceeded the assessment index issued by the

school at the beginning of the school year. When we are immersed in these

achievements bring us joy and joy, we will think that these gains come from the

hard work of teachers. It is you who guide students to constantly improve their

moral quality; it is you who work hard to let students broaden their horizons

and appreciate the brilliant scenery of scientific and cultural knowledge. Of

course, the achievement of these achievements is inseparable from the support of

the family members of the staff. There are also sweat and effort of the family

members in these achievements. Here we would like to sincerely say "thank you

for your hard work". Winter vacation is a holiday full of festivities, and the

Spring Festival is an auspicious and happy festival. In order to have a full and

civilized Festival, the school puts forward the following suggestions.

Give yourself more reminders. We should always pay attention to the safety

of fire, electricity and gas during the holidays. When visiting relatives and

friends, we must pay attention to guard against theft, close the doors and

windows, lock the door, and do not drive after drinking to ensure the safety of

yourself and your family. We should consciously avoid gambling, drinking, feudal

superstitious activities and indulging in the Internet. We should do more

physical exercise every day and take part in healthy and beneficial cultural and

recreational activities. Pay attention to scientific diet, dont overeat and

take good care of your body.

Give more time to study. Winter vacation has a relatively concentrated time

to be at your disposal. It is suggested that you should arrange a little time

for self "charging". On the one hand, we should sum up the experience and

lessons in the work of this semester and formulate the work plan and objectives

for the next semester; on the other hand, we can calm down to get familiar with

the curriculum standards of teaching subjects and read the textbooks for the

next semester in advance. Read one or two good books, study some education and

teaching theory, constantly enrich, enrich, improve themselves. Let thinking and

practice walk together, let oneself better adapt to the needs of classroom

teaching reform.

Give your family more care. Enjoy the family, our life journey is not

lonely, spread the family, can win the respect of others. During the Spring

Festival, lets be filial to our elders, take care of our younger ones, and keep

in touch with our friends. In particular, we should take care of our bodies,

experience the beauty of human nature and feel a better life in dedication and


Finally, once again, I wish you all a safe, happy, peaceful and meaningful

festival. I wish all staff and their families a happy Spring Festival, all the

best of luck, good health and a happy family!



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