给山区小朋友的一封信7篇 写给某某的信英语【汇总20篇】

我最爱的朋友,是一个喜欢帮助别人的好朋友,是一个对我特别好的朋友。今天小编就来分享给山区小朋友的一封信7篇 写给某某的信英语,请各位读者好好欣赏和借鉴。






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岭, 当邮递员叔叔平安送到你手中时,你就会认识一个来自xx的11岁男孩——崔xx。







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There was once a little girl named Jerry that lived with her mother in a

small cottage in the forest, they were very poor, and could only afford to eat

bread. “Oh no!” cried Jerry’s mother one noon, “We ran out of bread, and it is

almost time for supper!” “Do we have any eggs left?” asked Jerry, “No, none;”

said her mother very worried.

“Don’t worry mother,” said Jerry suddenly, “I shall go and get some in the

market.” Then she ran off through the forest to the market with her basket.

Along the way, she was quite tired, and so rested upon some big rocks. It

gradually became late and Jerry decided to go and buy the bread, but suddenly a

wolf cried out behind her; “Please, please help me!” cried the wolf, “I have a

problem that nobody wants to help!” then he held out his paw to Jerry, there was

a thorn stuck to his paw. “Is this a trick?” asked Jerry, “Because wolves like

to eat people.”

“Oh no,” answered the wolf, “We do not eat people now, we only want to eat

some bread with mustard on top;” then he cried again. Jerry quickly knelt down

and removed the thorn from the wolf’s paw; “Oh thank you! Thank you!” shouted

the wolf joyfully, “I shall never forget your kindness!” then the wolf returned

to his home. Jerry walked to the market to buy healthy fresh bread, and then she

ran off home with a full basket of it.

On the way, she was still tired; and so she stayed at the same place and

the same time. As she was about to go, some greedy wolves blocked her way; they

had water in their mouths and said, “Give us the bread!” said a wolf, “Where are

the mustard?” asked a second wolf, “Just give it to us!” shouted the third wolf.

Jerry had no choice, as she was about to give the fresh bread away to the wolf,

the wolf that she had saved before rushed out and said, “Leave her alone!” he

growled, “That girl saved me before, and so leave her alone!” he shouted


The other wolves had no choice but to obey, they walked away. Jerry thanked

her new friend the wolf, and the wolf said that he was supposed to do that in

return. And so to show Jerry’s respect for him, she gave him half the bread, and

returned home immediately to tell her mother about it.

They had some bread that evening, and Jerry’s mother including Jerry

herself all became good friends with the wolf; the wolf also had plenty of

bread, and moved his home close to Jerry.

The moral of this story was, if you help others and they will help you, you

help them again then friends you’ll become. It will be a peaceful life if

friendship is all around us; and that would be great for an important




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Huang yixuan is my best friend. She is lovely. She is as tall as me. She

has a black long hair. Her round face is always red, just like an apple. She

likes smile. She like study, but doesnt like sports. She enjoys fishing.

Sometimes she will ask me to go with her and her dad to fishing. Her favorite

color is blue. So do I. she is good at playing piano. She is a perfect girl in

my mind.



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Related enterprises:

To promote the industrialization of agriculture, commercial construction,

promote the name special new agricultural and sideline products production,

processing and marketing docking, agricultural enterprises project development

and social institutions and financing docking, characteristics exploitation of

agricultural resources and high-tech research results into the butt.

The purpose of pragmatic, efficient, convenient thrift, Chinese business

enterprise management Association of Rural Business Development Committee

(hereinafter referred to as "Chinas Rural Commercial Commission") 20__ is

scheduled for early September 2007 in Beijing held 20__. Beijing special new

agricultural and sideline products production, sale and development of

cooperation Fair.

Fair fitting in the selection of a certain strength of a special new

agricultural and sideline products production enterprises (Regional Industry

Association), in Beijing selection about 10 large-scale wholesale markets,

supermarket chains, also invited some institutions buy units, and benefit of

financial institutions, Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the news media to

participate in, and invited the Ministry of agriculture, Ministry of Commerce,

all China Federation of supply and marketing cooperatives, ministries and

leaders to attend. Sincerely welcome the willingness of participation and

support of business registration, the title sponsor of this event. The relevant

matters are as follows:

The organizer: Chinese Commercial Commission

Support unit: Information center of the Ministry of Agriculture

Time and place:

Time: 20__ in early September (2 days), the specific time to be registered

after the notification of the participating units,

Location: seven Beijing Road, No. 22 Fengtai District Zhuang Yingxiang




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Teachers and workers, Party members, teachers and educators in the


happy new year!

On the occasion of spring and winter, the Party committee and

administration of Jiangan County Education Bureau extend their cordial

greetings and festival congratulations to all Party members, cadres, teaching

staff and educators who have worked hard and selflessly on the education front,

and extend the most sincere New Years wishes to the retired comrades who have

contributed their youth to the education reform, development and stability in

our county!

20__ is a fruitful year. The countys education work around the municipal

Party committees "stability and efficiency, innovation and progress" work

requirements and the county Party committee, county governments "145"

development strategy, implemented the work deployment of the Municipal Bureau of

education and sports, worked hard to implement the "12388" education work ideas,

fully completed all the objectives and tasks, won 58 awards of various types at

all levels, overcame one difficulty after another in tackling difficulties, and

achieved success in the transformation and catch-up We got one gratifying result

after another. First, the four major projects of "two bedrooms, one hall and one

road" in rural compulsory education took the lead in fulfilling the solemn

promise of "three-year task and two-year completion" made by the county Party

committee to the municipal Party committee one year ahead of schedule. Its

working practices have been communicated and promoted in the City for four times

and have been publicized and praised by the whole city; Second, the teaching

quality of each stage has been comprehensively improved and the goal and task of

"three-year action plan for quality improvement" of the county Party committee

and the county government has been successfully completed. Preschool education

has won the first prize of the city (third place), the teaching quality of

compulsory education has won the second prize (fourth place), the second prize

of recommendation and selection of top-notch innovative talents (third place),

and senior high school education has won the citys top-notch innovative talents

training contribution award and the second comprehensive teaching quality award

Jiangan vocational school has won the first prize of comprehensive evaluation

of teaching quality and the first prize of National Youth Science and technology

innovation; third, the system of education supervision responsibility area

established by innovation has been promoted in the whole province and has been

praised by the provincial and municipal education supervision committee, and has

been exchanged and promoted inside and outside the province; Fourth, the

education and peoples livelihood work goal and task assessment ranked the top

three in the city for five consecutive years. In the citys education and

peoples livelihood work goal and task assessment achieved 7 first places and 6

second places, especially the rural compulsory education "two bedrooms, one hall

and one road" project ranked first in the city; Fifthly, new breakthroughs have

been made in raising funds for educational development. The proportion of

financial education funds in the countys budget expenditure has increased to

24%, reaching 517.55 million yuan, and a total of 100 million yuan has been

obtained in the whole year

20__ is an extraordinary year. It is not only the year with the most

outstanding features and achievements, but also the most complicated year in

which the positive energy is gathered and the negative containment is actively

resolved under the new normal. However, under the strong leadership of the

county Party committee and the county government, with the care and help of the

county peoples Congress and the county CPPCC, and under the careful guidance of

the Municipal Bureau of education and sports, the party and government team of

the County Education Bureau united and led the vast number of teaching and

administrative staff in the county, took a firm stand, took the initiative, took

the courage to take responsibility and overcome the difficulties, withstood the

severe tests again and again, overcame one difficulty after another, and won

each other The understanding and support of the leaders and the society have won

a good opportunity for development. Here, I would like to express my heartfelt


The year of 20__ is a key year to promote the reform of the whole area,

administer education according to law, and adapt to the new normal. The

education work of the whole county will closely follow the development

orientation of the "three demonstration counties" of the county Party committee

and the county government and the main line of "steady speed and quality

improvement", comprehensively implement the work deployment of the Municipal

Bureau of education and sports, highlight the work theme of "promoting

righteousness, promoting harmony and strengthening development", and focus on

the implementation of the "six ones" development strategy with "three needs" and

"two behaviors" We should pay close attention to a plan, that is, the overall

plan of education reform and development of the whole county; vigorously

implement a project, that is, to implement the project of "going out and

inviting in"; build a core with solid, namely, the core of education quality;

Make a good preparation with eyes, that is to prepare for the acceptance of

balanced development of national and Provincial Compulsory Education in 20__; We

should make great efforts to promote the new development with the new normal of

"six uses" of force, heart, energy, practicality, eye and policy, and strive to

run a satisfactory education for the people, and make new contributions to

accelerating the realization of the "three major struggle goals" in the whole


In the new year, with a new starting point and a new journey, we hope that

the staff and Party members and teachers in the county will meet the new

challenges with a new attitude and create more brilliant achievements. At the

same time, I wish the teaching staff, Party members, teachers and educators in

the countys education system a happy new year, good health, happy family and

all the best!



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亲爱的朋友: 你最近还好吗?你还记得我吗?我们曾经无话不说,我们曾经无视不做,我们曾是一对令人羡慕的青梅竹马;可是现在的我们却如同陌生人一样不再交谈。这是为什么呢?是青春的羞涩吗?是外人的挑拨吗?还是几年不见使我们之间有了隔阂呢?不,我不相这些能撼动我们那深厚的友谊。 在我认为这是因为我们都变了。你不再是以前那个活泼可爱的小女孩了,而是一个追求时尚、追求潮流的青少年,望着你那染过色的头发我不敢相信这是我认识的你,也不敢相信这还是我的朋友。 朋友,你还记得吗?曾经在我上幼儿园的时候,我妈为我交了学费,可我却犟得像头牛一样不愿去学校,我妈想尽了一切办法却还是没有用。就在这时,一个人出现了,那就是你,我的朋友。你带着我玩泥巴、玩积木,让我感到了快乐。可是就在几天后你对我说你要上幼儿园了,而我为了能继续和你在一起玩也随你去上学了。就这样我傻乎乎的掉进了你和我妈共同设计的圈套之中。 朋友,你还记得吗?在上小学时,我们又被分到了同一个班级,我门俩一起上学、一起回家、一起吃饭、一起躺在床上唱的慢慢的,我们之间的友谊得到了加深。还记得小学三年级的时候,我的头被人打得出血了,为此我请了一周的假在家养伤。当时没有一个同学拉看我,可是你却坚持每天来我家看望我、安慰我,甚至还每天为我补习功课。正当我们都沉睡在这友谊之中时,一切都破碎了。那天,我们正在学校上课,我在认真的做作业,突然,你和你的同桌发生了矛盾,你有意无意的骂了一句:“姓刘的没一个好东西。”这句话深深的刺进了我的心里,顿时一阵怒火由心中迸发出来,我过身对你来了个重重的右钩拳,我又将你的课桌掀起压在你的身上。事后老师将我们叫到了办公室训了一顿,直到那时我才知道你的头被砸出了一个大包。事后我后悔不已,可我却没有勇气去向你认错。直到你第二学期学离开了,我才发现你在我生命中有多么重要。从此以后,我们很少再见面,即使见了面也没再说过一句话。你知道吗?玩我多么想和你说一声“对不起”,可我却没有勇气也没有机会了。朋友你知道吗?我一直以为是因为我打你你才走的,慢慢的我变了,变得内向了,直到现在再回想起来我才知道你学不是因为我打了你,因为你不会这么斤斤计较,也不会对我这样。朋友对不起,以前是我太冲动了,希望你能原谅我。 朋友,你还好吗?每当我听到这首歌时我都会想起你,想起我们过

去的快乐种.种,那些场景像电影一样在我脑海中回放,使我久久不能忘记。 朋友,对不起,我对以前向你犯的所有错误道歉,希望你能原谅我。朋友,无论你以后会变成什么样,请你记住你还有我这样一个朋友。 祝你平安幸福! 你永远的朋友



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Dear Anne,

Thank you for your invitation to dinner at your home tomorrow evening.

Unfortunately, it is much to my regret that I cannot join you and your family,

because I will be fully occupied then for an important exam coming the day after

tomorrow. I feel terribly sorry for missing the chance of such a happy

get-together, and I hope that all of you enjoy a good time. Is it possible for

you and me to have a private meeting afterward? If so, please dont hesitate to

drop me a line about your preferable date. I do long for a pleasant chat with


Please allow me to say sorry again.


Li Ming



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Dear sir /Madam ,

My name is Li ming , a student currently studying at Qi Ming high school. I am writing, on behalf of my classmates ,to apply for the 2000 yuan worth of fund in a bid to initiate a program aimed at helping those students who are financially disadvantaged.

Being raised in families that don’t have to worry about putting food on the table need not mean oblivion to our less fortunate peers. On this account , we would appreciate it if you could sponsor our poverty –relief endeavor . The following is how we would go about using the money. We would spend 1500yuan purchasing some stationery for the needy students in our school .We would inform them to pick up the school supplies themselves instead of us handing the supplies out so that we wouldn’t embarrass those who we want to help . The remainder of the fund would be used to invite a motivational speaker who was to talk about how to lift oneself out of poverty by making right academic and professional decisions .

Modest as our efforts may sound, we believe they will warm some hearts . We would be much obliged if you could reply at your earliest convenience .

Yours sincerely ,

Li ming



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Dear Dad,

Today is father’s day, for so many years I’ve been seekig a way to express

my heartfelt thanks for all you have done for me. Here comes it!Thank you for

always being there sharing my life when I need you most. Whenever I encounter

difficulties, I never feel alone and vulnerable, because you will keep me on the

right path. I’m blessed to have you.Thank you for offering me education and

teaching me how to be a man. You always inspire me not by words, but by what you

have done! Your efforts in the work, your loyalty to your friends, your

responsibility for the family and your persistence in the life have already set

me good examples in my own life.Thank you for always appreciating my work, no

matter how tiny it is! You have made me realize that it’s capacity not scores

that really counts.

Dad, I love you and I will love you forever!

Yours beloved,



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Which is more important, health or wealth? When given this question, different people have varied answers. Some insist that health plays a more important role in our life, while others see more advantages arising from wealth.


The first group of people quote the old saying "Health is above wealth" to prove their idea. They argue that, on the one hand, a strong person can do almost anything as long as he/she tries hard. On the other hand, however, rich people will not be able to enjoy the wealth if their days are numbered.


In contrast, the advocates of wealth have such arguments as follows. For one thing, wealthy people will be able to buy more healthful foods. For another, they can enjoy better facilities to improve their health. Take my neighbor, Lao Wang, as an example. He had a heart attack and is in hospital. However, he cannot afford the expensive operation, which costs as much as 100,000 yuan. Therefore, he has to lie in bed hopelessly. If he were a rich man, his life could be saved.


As far as I am concerned, both health and wealth are important to our life. We should try to strike a balance between them and gain wealth with a healthy body.




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Yesterday I was busy.

First I went to the children s palace.I played the piano and read some


Then I went to my friend s home. We played the badminton and some


Next I went to the bookshop bought some books.

After I did my homework and go to bed .

Yesterday I was busy but I was very happy.



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There is a special woman who lives next to my house. She has two children

and she looks much younger than her real age. My mother feels envious about her,

and always speaks highly of her. I talk to the woman one time and I find that

the way she talks just like a girl. She has a young heart, which is the way

makes her special.



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Dear Tom,

I’m so hapy to learn that you want to learn Chinese in Zunyi Teachers’ College here.There is no doubt that to learn Chinese well is by no means an easy thing, but I have some ideas that may help.

Firstly, it is important to listen to the teacher carefully in class and take notes so that you can go over your lessons later.Secondly, try to practise speaking Chinese as much as possible out of class and write down whatever you hear to accunulate more commonly-used words and idioms.Don’t be afraid of making mistakes.And try to communicate with local people to develop your listening ability.Last but not least, you should organize your time and do lots of exercise.

I think the most important thing is that you should believe in yourself.I’m sure that you will suceed after your hard work.


Wang Hua



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I always complain about my mother, because she is very strict to me and I

can’t do whatever I want. But some day, when I go home very late, she criticizes

me at first and then asks me whether I get hurt. I explain to her that I just

play with my friends. My mother loves me so much and she does everything for




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Dear X:

We have not seen each other for a long time. I miss (think of) you very much. I wish (that) I had wings and could fly to your home. However, this is impossible!

Father (My father) has gone abroad of late. If I had had time then, I would have accompanied him. Only Mother (my mother) and I are at home now (at present). We are leading (living) a quiet and happy life. We look as if we were fairies. I hope (that) I can hear from you very often.

Sincerely yours.



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Tom is my best friend. Who is he? He is a dog. He is a special dog. My

father give him to me at my 10 year birthday. The moment I saw him, I love him.

His fur is white. He is very lovely. He knows how to make me happy. Everyday

when I come back from school, I will play with him. He is also smart. He will

drag my quilt if I sleep late. Besides, if my clock doesn’t alarm in the

morning, he will bark at me. See, he is so clever that I couldnt help loving




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dear jennifer,

i’m very happy that you’re coming to xining soon. and i would be very happy to answer your questions.

it will be the coldest time in a year when you are coming, so please take some warm clothes with you. rice is usually the main food for dinner, and sometimes we have dumplings and noodles. you are lucky that you can spend spring festival with us which is the most important festival in our country. we can enjoy a lot of traditional performances and taste many different kinds of local food. our family plan to take you to visit qinghai lake. that would be fun?

i coulnd’t wait to meet you at the airport!

