给山区小朋友的一封信7篇 写给某某的信英语【合集20篇】

我最爱的朋友,是一个喜欢帮助别人的好朋友,是一个对我特别好的朋友。今天小编就来分享给山区小朋友的一封信7篇 写给某某的信英语,请各位读者好好欣赏和借鉴。






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Dear Miss Wang

How are things going? Thanks for you very much. You make your English class

so interesting that we all like you and your class very much. I still remembed

when you was my English teacher at the beginning, I was so weak in English and I

nearly gave up. It was you that talked with me and taught me how to learn

English well. You often helped with my English after school. With your help, I

have made great progress in English. Now, I am good at English and I always get

good grades. Thanks so much for your help and your education. I will study hard

in the future.





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I have a backpack. It is large and it is blue. It is a birthday gift from

my parents. I love it very much. It is very hard-working, because I keep all my

school things in it. It is very heavy. It is with all the time during school

days. It is a goo



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dear all,

its time to say goodbye to everyone today. i will leave this afternoon.

in __x years, with you good friends, i have so much happy memory. i will

never forget that and they are my largest fortune in my life.

it is my pleasure to work with you and i appreciate much that you have

shared precious time with me. thank you for sharing, support, help and

encouragement and thank you for everything!

wish you happy and healthy!

keep in touch via



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There were actually, valuable animals in the world; they are not only

pandas or other animals sorts; but lizards too.

A lizard can be a very good animal; it can camouflage, and not to be seen,

some like in Africa can even switch color; some are even in China. Besides

camouflaging and color changing, some even have super strength, some stories in

the future, have many stories; like this one:

A boy once found an egg, and didn’t know what was in it, and so left it in

his room to keep it safe. For a short time he thought that it was a chicken, at

another hand it was a duck… Just as he was about to speak up, he found out that

he was wrong, for the egg hatched, and out came a little green guy; and that was

the first lizard in the world.

The boy found out about this of course, and was not pleased at all. He

thought that it was just what was on the TV show, a toy egg, except it can move.

It was an alive toy, but the boy didn’t notice that it was actually an animal:

When he was just about to send him away to sell and earn money, he found only

his regular toys on the ground, but not the lizard; that was when the lizard

used his camouflage.

And so you see, a lizard: Like the one in the story, can use its camouflage

to save his life. Now let us continue this story:

The boy was astonished, then he turned back, and then turned to where the

lizard stood, then he found him; he thought this was a sort of magic trick, at

last he went to watch TV; because he thought that he could find out something

about that lizard. But he found his feet stuck under a big shelf. Suddenly he

found the lizard come here, and lift up the toy easily; that was when he used

his super strength…

There are still many stories of lizards, but now you have noticed the

basics of lizards. Not let us finish the story:

The boy thought that this lizard was amazing, he tickled him, and then he

lay down and squealed. The boy knew at once that this was no ordinary toy, this

was a real life animal. He was more than astonished, for he didn’t actually know

that this was an amazing animal. When he finished school the next day, he went

home. He found a coloring pencil and to color a picture for fun; but he didn’t

realize that this was a lizard, the lizard switched back immediately to save his

own life.



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A little boy wanted to read a book, but he had no money; he decided to earn

some in return. But he had nothing to do, and so he just had to stay at home

just like usual life; he was very sad.

Suddenly, a strange thing took place, and he began to make use of something

that he wanted to try. After a short time, he came back from the basement with a

ruffled shovel in his hand. When it was time to finish the work that he was to

earn money, he smiled happily.

His work was to shovel snow for the other neighbors in the winter, because

most of the times when snow was very, very big; some of the house doors got

block, and they need to pay $100 for a builder to come and shovel the snow out

of way. But now the boy will help shovel the snow, and they need only to pay $10

in return. At first the boy was not good at it at all, but soon he got the use

of it, and earned lots of money. When it was time to use the money, he figured

that he didn’t have enough to pay for the grammar book that he wanted for

school. It was not that big of a deal of very much; but was not quite things of


He kept on this work for 4 years, until he had finally got enough money to

buy the grammar. He was so very excited, that he jumped about in the room from

brick to brick. When he went to the store, he figured it was closed; all the

grammars are sold out, but in the other hand in opened because he shoveled the

snow away which let him get enough money to buy another grammar in another


It was almost summer and the snow melted away, a statue of him was made up

in the town square where he lived; for making the snow disappear. He was also

the first in the class every morning, because he was willing to learn some

identities to learn grammar. He loved grammar. And when it was time for him to

head home and buy another harder one; he used the same plan just a little


And when people saw his statue shimmering in the morning sunlight, they

would remember his gratitude for everybody in the town.

It was a “Magnificent” day; it was already beheld the shoveling day.



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Dear Robert,

Im glad to receive your letter. Now I will tell you something about my plan

for summer vacation after the final exam. Firstly, I will learn to drive. I

think driving can be useful. Secondly, I will take some English courses.

Thirdly, I will visit some tourist attractions. It must be very exciting. Last,

I will do some reading in the vacation. What about you? I hope you can have a

pretty vacation.




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Dear Mr. Cao

happy new year!

On the night of new years Eve, my parents and I went to Lianhua Mountain

to visit Deng Xiaoping after the reunion. The streets are deserted, and many

people have returned to their hometown. I think of the 23rd day of the twelfth

lunar month when my grandparents were busy cleaning the house and buying all

kinds of new years products. I am curious: why is the Spring Festival so busy?

Why are so many people desperate to buy tickets back home for the new year? What

are the customs and traditions of Chinese Spring Festival? Why do my parents

take me to pay a new years visit to grandfather Deng?

With these questions, I immediately found a book about Chinese Spring

Festival folklore when I went home. The book introduces many customs, including

pasting New Year pictures. It is said that the characters in the New Year

pictures can ward off evil spirits, eat reunion dinner, legend of new year

animals, offering sacrifices to the kitchen and sweeping the Chen, meeting the

God of wealth, etc. One of the most impressive is the kitchen and sweeping the


Among the people, the traditional Spring Festival begins on the 23rd of the

twelfth lunar month and ends with the Lantern Festival. As the saying goes, "23,

sacrifice to the kitchen official." The kitchen official is the monitoring God

of the world. At this time of year, the kitchen official will go to heaven to

report everything on earth, so the people will worship him on the 23rd of the

twelfth lunar month. No matter how small the household is, they should clean up

the stove, several cases, pots and pans, and prepare kitchen cakes and sugar for

sacrifice. The kitchen cake is the dry food that the kitchen god wants to bring,

and the kitchen sugar should be put on the kitchen gods mouth. The cooking

sugar is made from malt. It tastes very sweet and sticky. It is put on the

kitchen gods mouth to let him "say good things from heaven and keep peace in

the lower world".

After the sacrifice, the kitchen was cleaned up. In the old days, it was

called "sweeping Chen", and "Chen" was homophonic with "dust", so sweeping Chen

was to sweep the dust in an all-round way. This is more detailed and

comprehensive than the usual cleaning. The places that are not easy to clean at

ordinary times, such as spider webs on the roof, dust, furniture corners, doors

and windows, etc., should be wiped clean with bamboo poles and rags. Bed sheets

and quilt covers will also be removed and cleaned. Some people even paint the

walls and paint doors and windows to make the interior look brand new.

There is no custom of offering sacrifices to the kitchen in our family. We

will "sweep the Chen" every year. This is the traditional virtue of the Chinese

nation, which loves to be clean and clean. In the future, I will also help my

family to clean up the house together.

There are also a lot of folk stories, I will tell you slowly after the

beginning of school.

Best wishes

Good health and good luck!

Your student: Li Chenhao



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亲爱的朋友: 你最近还好吗?你还记得我吗?我们曾经无话不说,我们曾经无视不做,我们曾是一对令人羡慕的青梅竹马;可是现在的我们却如同陌生人一样不再交谈。这是为什么呢?是青春的羞涩吗?是外人的挑拨吗?还是几年不见使我们之间有了隔阂呢?不,我不相这些能撼动我们那深厚的友谊。 在我认为这是因为我们都变了。你不再是以前那个活泼可爱的小女孩了,而是一个追求时尚、追求潮流的青少年,望着你那染过色的头发我不敢相信这是我认识的你,也不敢相信这还是我的朋友。 朋友,你还记得吗?曾经在我上幼儿园的时候,我妈为我交了学费,可我却犟得像头牛一样不愿去学校,我妈想尽了一切办法却还是没有用。就在这时,一个人出现了,那就是你,我的朋友。你带着我玩泥巴、玩积木,让我感到了快乐。可是就在几天后你对我说你要上幼儿园了,而我为了能继续和你在一起玩也随你去上学了。就这样我傻乎乎的掉进了你和我妈共同设计的圈套之中。 朋友,你还记得吗?在上小学时,我们又被分到了同一个班级,我门俩一起上学、一起回家、一起吃饭、一起躺在床上唱的慢慢的,我们之间的友谊得到了加深。还记得小学三年级的时候,我的头被人打得出血了,为此我请了一周的假在家养伤。当时没有一个同学拉看我,可是你却坚持每天来我家看望我、安慰我,甚至还每天为我补习功课。正当我们都沉睡在这友谊之中时,一切都破碎了。那天,我们正在学校上课,我在认真的做作业,突然,你和你的同桌发生了矛盾,你有意无意的骂了一句:“姓刘的没一个好东西。”这句话深深的刺进了我的心里,顿时一阵怒火由心中迸发出来,我过身对你来了个重重的右钩拳,我又将你的课桌掀起压在你的身上。事后老师将我们叫到了办公室训了一顿,直到那时我才知道你的头被砸出了一个大包。事后我后悔不已,可我却没有勇气去向你认错。直到你第二学期学离开了,我才发现你在我生命中有多么重要。从此以后,我们很少再见面,即使见了面也没再说过一句话。你知道吗?玩我多么想和你说一声“对不起”,可我却没有勇气也没有机会了。朋友你知道吗?我一直以为是因为我打你你才走的,慢慢的我变了,变得内向了,直到现在再回想起来我才知道你学不是因为我打了你,因为你不会这么斤斤计较,也不会对我这样。朋友对不起,以前是我太冲动了,希望你能原谅我。 朋友,你还好吗?每当我听到这首歌时我都会想起你,想起我们过

去的快乐种.种,那些场景像电影一样在我脑海中回放,使我久久不能忘记。 朋友,对不起,我对以前向你犯的所有错误道歉,希望你能原谅我。朋友,无论你以后会变成什么样,请你记住你还有我这样一个朋友。 祝你平安幸福! 你永远的朋友



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dear sirs:

thanks for your visit to our company,i hope our administrative model

andproducts quality level have impressed you.

in __x(此处替换成你公司所在城市),it is still hot these days,but it does not prevent

your comming here,we were touched deeply and appreciated for your efforts and

time.we believe that our joint efforts could lead to a fruitful cooperation.and

your visit would be a hopeful start.

in fact,since __,our company proceeded to extend business on european

andamerican market.our products gained glory by its quality and our prompt and

considerate service.so ,we hope we could serve you similarly to gain benefits

forboth of us.action speaks louder than speak,we are looking forward to our

in-deapthcooperation,we believe that our establishing relation will be lead to a

bright and hopeful future. again,thanks for your visit and efforts.if any

question or further information about us,pls do not hesitate to contact with

us,for your convenience,following is

our contact methods:


looking forward to your prompt reply ,thank you .

yours faithfull



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Dear Mary,

Thanks for your last letter. Im so glad that you have been able (at last! ) to arrange a holiday in Australia. As I fear I wont be able to meet you at the airport when you arrive, nor will I be able to be home until later in the afternoon, so here are some instructions and suggestions.

There is a bus from the airport to the city. It is much cheaper than a cab. Take the bus to the city and ask to get off at Town Hall railway station.

To get to my place in the eastern suburbs you have three options. You can either take a cab, a bus or the train. I suggest you take the train, since the airport bus will leave you right at the station. Get off at Cliff Station. From there you can either walk to my place (about ten minutes) or take a taxi. Probably you should take a taxi as you will have luggage.

When you arrive at my flat, ring the intercom for Flat 2. My friend Lillian will be at home and she will open the front door for you and let you into my flat.

Presumably you will be tired and want to sleep. But if you feel like some exercise after that long flight, you could stroll down to Cooper Park, which is only ten minutes away ? you can see it from the window.

Cheers and looking forward to seeing you.

Yours sincerely,




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Dear Mr Fu,

This is my first letter to you. Its a thank-you letter!

Thank you for what? Thank you for teaching me and helping me.

When I am in trouble, is your warm hand to help me, not when I want to give

up when you use your words to support me, I sincerely thank you! Thank you very


In the coming Christmas, I would like to express my deep thanks to you


I wish you good health and good luck in everything!

Your students










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dear leo,

how are you?

tem-4 is around the corner. according to the teachers’ telling, i know passing tem4 is not an easy thing. although it may not be too difficult to pass it, getting a high mark needs hard work. so i often go to the library to study.i like the feeling of working hard. while i prepare for the exam, i often feelso satisfied. i think it’s a good thing for me to prepare tem4. the most difficult thing for me to do well in tem-4 is the vocabulary. i find it’s hard to remember, and i am unwilling to remember words, because in middle school and high school ididntneed to remember vocabulary on purpose. i can remember them through the exercises. unfortunately, i can’t do it now. but my problem is i still can’t find a good method which is fit for me to remember vocabulary well. could you do me a favor? i am looking forward to your replying. best wishes!

sincerely yours,




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Mrs. Wilson,

Im going out shopping,and wont be back until about 5:00 pm.I have taken with me the two books you asked me tore turn to the City Library.At about 10clock this afternoon,Tracy called,saying that she couldnt meet you at Bolton Coffee tomorrow morning as she has something important to attend to.She felt very sorry about that,but said that you could set some other time for the meeting.She wanted you to call her back as soon as you are home.She has already told Susan about this change.


Li Hua



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Dear Mother,

Hello! You are my teacher on the road of life, is my model of learning life, every bit of my growth is written by your love, looking back on the fleeting time, including joy, pain, tears and laughter.

There is one thing, I still can not forget, I wonder if you still remember? One time after school, I let you buy me spicy string, you said: this no nutrition, I go to buy you a cake. I said: No, I will have spicy kebabs. Without saying a word, you took me to the cake king. After buying the cake you let me carry, I put a pout, head a low pretend not to hear, not only did not pay you; And threw the door and ran out. Back at home, you give me cooking; Fill me with rice; Help me to my dish... Looking at your busy figure, my heart is very sad, you work day and night for me, but I...... Mother I am not sensible; Well, Im sorry... Mom, is you raise me, is you a mouthful of rice feed me grew up, you for my laundry, cooking, after going to school, regardless of the wind, rain, you pick me up on time every day to school, school, evening but also help me write homework, teach me some truth, you pay too much for me too much...... Thank you for giving me life, for giving me happiness, for giving me the chance to make my life worth living.

Thank you for raising me and being my first teacher, teaching me how to live and how to be grateful.

A mothers love is like a gentle, a mothers love is a poem, the poem have not finished writing, tears down slowly, the years in a hurry, some things will dissipate over time, my mother gave me love and will never disappear, a mothers love is like the sun in the sky, always warm my heart, a mothers love, like the sea, and endless, unfathomable, but contained all my fault, a mothers love is like snow mountain in one thousand, glittering and translucent and transparent. Some people say: a mothers love is like a poem, a mothers love is like a song. I would like to say: how can a small poem write a mothers love, how can a piece of music sing a mothers love, a picture, how can draw a mother? A thousand words come in one sentence: mom, I love you!

I wish you a successful New Year and good health.



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Spring is coming! We walk on the grass to welcome and embrace the beautiful

spring. Look! The flowers are smiling, the grass is nodding, the little swallows

are twittering, the warm spring breeze is blowing over the cheek, and the birds

are singing happily. We are so happy! Spring is full of life!



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Dear (Bosss Name),

Thank you so much for seeing me yesterday. The interview confirmed what

others have told me - that (Company Name) would be a terrific place for someone

with my skills and interests.

I am convinced that I could make an impact and add value as a (job title)

in your department. As we reviewed my background, I hope that you came to a

similar conclusion. It was indeed a pleasure to discuss the opportunities with

you. I thank you again for the opportunity and look forward to our next


Again, you can reach me (when) (Call time) at (telephone), or you may leave

a message on my answering machine, and I will return your call promptly.




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Dear Mercy,

How is everything going! Last time you said you are anxious now because you

find it hard to learn English well. Don’t worry. I think you have to improve

your English step by step. And I will right behind you. In my view, you should

develop you interest on English first. According to my experience, I think

watching English movie, listen to some wonderful English songs and talk in

English on the Internet would be helpful. Secondly, you have to prepare lessons

before class that will help you understand what the teacher says in the class. I

know you feel bored in the class, but you have force yourself to be

concentrated. A few days later you will feel it a little easy to learn English.

The left steps I will tell next time. By the way, we have not seen each other

since your family move to Hunan a year ago. Have you ever thought about going

back to visit me and learn English together in the coming Summer vacation.

Looking forward to your reply.

Best wishes,

