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1) 对于我们来说,最大的幸福莫过于有理解自已的父母,我得到了这种幸福,并从未失去过,所以在您的生日,我要对您说声:谢谢!

2) 献上天天都属于你的赤诚和爱心,寄上声声都祝福你的亲情,亲爱的妈妈,祝你生日快乐,永远快乐!

3) 你是大树,为我们遮蔽风风雨雨;你是太阳,为我们的生活带来光明。亲爱的父亲,祝你健康长寿。生日快乐!

4) 淑贤雅韵气不凡,芳心慧质品如兰!生日了,所有的祝福都承载不动我们的深情--愿人生美满满意意达所愿……生日快乐!

5) 生日的烛光中摇曳一季繁花,每一支都是我的祝愿:生日快乐!

6) 心到,凮想到,初看到,刅闻到,凌听到,刂人到,则手到,划脚到,净说到,刨做到,凛得到,凔时间到,凛你的礼物没到,刧只有我的祝福传到,热烈祝贺你的生日,祝您身体健康,长寿。

7) 今天是个喜庆的日子,在您辛劳了几十年的今天,子孙欢聚一堂,同享天伦之乐,祝您寿与天齐,并祝美好明天!

8) 给予我生命的父母亲;您是我至上的阳光,我将永远铭记您的恩情与教诲。在您的寿诞之际,敬祝您健康如意,幸福满怀!

9) 妈妈,在您的寿诞之日,远在异国他乡的独生子敬上三个祝福:一祝您安宁健康;二祝您幸福快乐;三祝您多福多寿!

10) 福如东海长流水,寿比南山不老松。

11) 福寿安康,笑颜永驻

12) 花经雨后香微淡,松到秋深色尚苍。

13) 欢乐就是健康,愉快的情绪是长寿的最好秘决。祝您天天快乐!

14) 嘉宾旨酒,笑指青山来献寿。百岁平安,人共梅花老岁寒。

15) “满目青山夕照明",愿您老晚年幸福,健康长寿。

16) 爱你,谢谢你,还要声声不断祝福你,因为母亲能做到的一切你都做到了。祝你生日快乐!

17) 安逸静谧的晚年,一种休息,一种愉悦,一种至高的享受!祝您福如东海长流水寿比南山不老松!

18) 苍龙日暮还行雨,老树春深更著花。

19) “满目青山夕照明",愿您老晚年幸福,健康长寿。

20) 嘉宾旨酒,笑指青山来献寿。百岁平安,人共梅花老岁寒。

21) 爷爷阅尽人间沧桑,一生中积累的最大财富是他那勤劳善良的朴素品格,他那宽厚待人的处世之道,他那严爱有加的朴实家风。爷爷生日祝愿您生日快乐,长寿永远。

22) 福如东海,寿比南山,年年有今日,岁岁有今朝。

23) 愿电波驾着我的祝福:幸福,好运送给你。祝你生日愉快!天天愉快!

24) 祝姥姥:福如东海,寿比南山!身体健康,生活幸福!虎年大吉,顺心如意!孙子敬上!

25) 愿您老 寿比南山四季长青长命百岁。

26) 亲爱的爷爷,向您送上最真诚最温馨的祝福,祝爷爷福如东海,寿比南山,健康如意,福乐绵绵,笑口常开,益寿延年!

27) 祝姥姥:福如东海,寿比南山!身体健康,生活幸福!虎年大吉,顺心如意!孙子敬上!

28) 支支灿烂的烛光,岁岁生日的幸福。幸运的你,明天会更好!

29) 掬一捧雪山的圣水,为?您送去一缕清凉;采一朵夏日的幽莲,为?您祈福永远的平安!生日快乐,幸福美满!

30) 爱你,谢谢你,还要声声不断祝福你,因为母亲能做到的一切你都做到了。祝你生日快乐!

31) 安逸静谧的晚年,一种休息,一种愉悦,一种至高的享受!祝您福如东海长流水寿比南山不老松!

32) 苍龙日暮还行雨,老树春深更著花。

33) 恭祝老寿星,福如东海,日月昌明。松鹤长春,春秋不老,古稀重新,欢乐远长。同时也祝愿在坐的的各位都幸福安康!

34) 姥爷,祝您永远快乐健康,笑在眉头喜在心头,福寿绵绵,长命百年!

35) 是谁藏起了一针一线编织的毛衣,是谁丢弃了下雨天装在书包里的雨伞,是谁堵起耳朵回避了善意的唠叨,老妈,对不起,辛苦你为我操劳了这么多,生日快乐。

36) 心底的祝福是为了你的寿辰,但爱却整年伴随你左右!

37) 外婆的心,是最温暖的春风;外婆的手,是最灵巧的画家;外婆的笑容,是世界上最温暖的彩虹!亲爱的外婆,祝你年年有今日,岁岁有今朝!

38) 岁月不饶人,长辈的生日到了,又老了一岁,在此特送上老人生日祝福语,愿您健康长寿。

39) 愉快的情绪和由之而来的良好的健康状况,是幸福的最好资本。祝您乐观长寿!

40) 天赐遐龄 寿比松龄 寿富康宁 星辉南辉 耆英望重

41) 祝姥姥:福如东海,寿比南山!身体健康,生活幸福!蛇年大吉,顺心如意!孙子敬上!

42) 我将同样回报给你。祝福你事事顺心,幸福无边!

43) 洁白的纸上该写些什么?当生日的蜡烛点燃时,我的祝愿,我的思念,早已像童年的我,顽皮地挤了您一杯

44) 在特别欢乐的一天,给完美无缺的伯父祝寿,真叫我喜悦满心间。

45) 健康就是幸福 祝您乐观长寿 福如东海水长流,寿比南山不老松。

46) 总是忘不了家乡的水,总也忘不掉故乡的云,耳边常响起妈妈的话,心里常惦记妈妈的吻,梦里拥抱母亲的白发,只想说声:妈妈,生日快乐!

47) ^o^特别的日子,特别的祝福,送给生日的你:希望长大一岁的你更成熟,更顺利,更成功,要钞票多成堆,要情情溢四方,要福福满东海,祝你生日快乐!

48) 在你生日来临之即,祝您身体壮如虎,金钱不胜数,干活不辛苦,快乐非你莫属!

49) 你用母爱哺育了我的魂魄和躯体,你的乳汁是我思维的源泉,你的眼里系着我生命的希冀。我的母亲,我不知如何报答你,祝你生日快乐!




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It was sunny and hot today.I got up early at half past six.I read English

and then had breakfast.I helped my mother washed the dishes.Then I did my

homework and cleaned my room.I went shopping with my mother in the

afternoon.Then I played table tennis with my friends.In the evening I watched TV

and read a book.I really had a busy and interesting day.




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i like learning english because i can get a lot of fun。 but learning english is also a lot of difficulties。 for example, i often hard to remember new words。 so i often write them often read in a book they。 over time i remember。 for oral english i also often difficult to face。 initially, i am very shy and afraid to speak english in public places。 but my teacher encouraged me to take a deep breath, smile。 this method is very useful to me。 i dare not scared up gradually。 i think often read good english newspaper will help our reading ability。 and every day to keep a diary in english is a good method to improve my writing ability。


in our school for a long time it is a good environment for learning english。 in class when i listen to the teachers words。 after class review carefully before class preparation will be able to get good grades。 i often and the teachers and students to talk in english。 this can improve my english ability in organization and spoken english。


often practice dont give up this is the best way。



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Dear Xiao Wang,

I am very glad to learn that you are going to visit me during the week-long holiday.

[我很高兴得知你要在我为期一周的假期里来看我。]My parents will also be happy to see you again.[我的父母也很高兴再次见到你。]I am sure you will enjoy every minute here. [


I have arranged our schedule for the holiday as follows.[我已经安排好我们的日程安排的假期如下.]On the first day you arrive, I will show you around our campus. [在你来着的第一天,我会带你参观我的校园。]On the second day, we will visit the art gallery and the music hall.[第二天,我们去参观艺术馆和音乐厅。]Next day,we will climb a hill in the northeastern part of the city.[第三天,我们去攀爬城市东北部的山峰。]On the top of the hill, we can have a wonderful bird’s eye view of the city.[在山顶上,我们可以鸟瞰这个美丽的城市。]During the next three days, we’ll make some short trips to some places of interest nearby,such as the Swan Cave, the Golden Lake, etc.[接下来的三天,我们去附近的名胜古迹来些短途旅行,例如天鹅洞,金色湖。]On the last day, I’ll see you off at the railway station.[最后一天,我会到火车站送你。]

Please remember to call and tell me your train number and time of arrival so that I can meet you at the railway station. [请记得打电话告诉我你的火车号和抵达时间以便我去火车站接你。]By the way, it is very hot here and we have a lot of sunshine, so don’t forget to wear

you sunglasses. [顺便提一下,这里天气很热阳光强烈,所以不要忘了戴太阳镜。]

I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.[我期待很快见到你。]

Sincerely yours,

Zhang Ying



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The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. Before the Spring Festival People clean their houses,put red couplets on their gates,and set off firecrackers to drive away the legendary monster “Nian”.


On the eve of the Spring Festival, families get together and have a big dinner. Dumplings are the most traditional food.


The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long .People visit relatives and friends with the words “Happy new year”. People enjoy the Spring Festival, during this time they can have a good rest.


Children like the festival very much, because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .They can also get some money from their elders. This money is given to children for good luck.




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My Birthday

My birthday is on##.My parents and friends celebrate it to me every year.On that day,we usually hold a small birthday party at home and invite my friends to come for a dinner.We chat,watch TV or play games together that we really enjoy ourselves.When we are playing,my parents prepare a delicious dinner.My friends and I like the dishes very much.Of course,I can get some gifts from parents and friends.I am very happy because they always know what I want and need.But,on the other hand,when the birthday comes, I am a year older,so that I must be more sensible and independent.Last but not the least, it’s also a time to show my appreciation to my parents.They work hard and do their best to bring me up.





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The first day to go to school, I am so nervous, but the moment I see the campus, I feel eased. There are so many trees and flowers around the school, it is like a garden, making people very comfortable. Now I will always walk around the school and appreciate its beauty. I like my campus so much and I am so proud of it.





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The Great Wall is one of the "world heritage" in our country, it is like a dragon hovering in the northern Chinese vast land. The epitome of the ancient Chinese working people sweat and wisdom, is the symbol of ancient Chinese civilization. It now, however, is to smile, is suffering from the wreck and destruction of people, has lost its past glory and majesty.

As more and more tourists to visit the Great Wall, brought obvious damage to the Great Wall, for example: such as white plastic bags, water bottles, peel, confetti trash everywhere, seriously damaged the health of the Great Wall. Tourists also graffito of the scribble on the wall, make the wall stretched, destroyed the beauty of the Great Wall. Local villagers are horse-refraining pits and on the path to the Great Wall the erection of the ladder, secretly run to collect fees, Im ashamed of their behavior. Worse is that some real estate developers for their own interests, regardless of other peoples discouraging, built a lot of buildings around the Great Wall, excavators rumbling, forklift truck is still in back and forth, very busy, do not hesitate to destroy the scenery around the Great Wall, accelerate the destruction of the natural landscape around the Great Wall...

Standing on the Great Wall, holding the stone on the wall, ear seems to sounded the horn, the ancient war eyes seemed to show verve magnificent scenes in wartime. Great Wall through countless the baptism of war and the years vicissitudes of life, still stand tall in front of us. It with grand and spectacular attracts numerous tourists to visit. It is a symbol of our ancient working peoples wisdom. So, we need to protect the Great Wall. As long as the tourists throw less trash, the Great Wall will be more beautiful. Therefore, I want to tell you: please protect our ancient Great Wall! Let us join hands to start from the us, start from now and make a civilized tourists.

I believe that as long as you are my efforts, the ancient Great Wall will always magnificent stands on this vast land of China.







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Today is my grandmas birthday. She lives with my uncle in a village far away from us. My family decided to visit her.

At eight oclock in the morning, my parents and I went to a shop and bought a big birthday cake. It took us two hours to go there in my fathers car. My grandma and uncle were very glad to see us. I shook her by the hand and said, "Happy birthday to you!" She smiled happily. Then we sat down to talk, and we had a wonderful time together. At 5 oclock in the afternoon we said goodbye to them and went home.

I love my grandma. I am going to see her again next month.



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My New Deskmate

My new deskmate is a boy of sixteen. His name is Zhang Gao. He is 1.8

meters tall. His strongly-built body and sun-tanned skin make him look like a

sportsman. He has two big dark eyes under a pair of thick eyebows. It seems that

they are always smiling at you. Compared with my yellow hair, his hair is black

and thick. He speaks a little bit fast but very clearly. However, he likes to

gesture from time to time while hes talking. He has a dream of becoming a famous

actor one day. I believe his dream will come true because of his handsome face

and well-developed figure.




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Yesterday we played happily, but there were only ten people. I remembered

last year there were twenty-two people at all. I heard some my friends had gone

abroad. They went abroad to study. Maybe I couldn’t see them in the future. I

think next year we won’t make a party. Next year is a very important year. We

all will prepare the new term’s new subject.I know, it is the most important for

us now.




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"Reading a good book is like talking to a man of noble." This winter holiday, I can not control their own curiosity, opened a "Notre Dame DE Paris", entered the author Victor Hugos inner world.

This book tells the story of two completely not an amazing stories of people all over the world.

Roams about the entertainer lada is a beautiful love, beauty. She not only looks beautiful, and a noble mind. When the poet grand hang a pivotal moment in the ancient kingdom of tile is going to be a beggar, she in the form of willing to marry him without hesitation and save the poet; When vice bishop crowe Hadley etc all kinds of despicable means to force her, she also shows unprecedented calm, she also to surrender, to show her the gallows in righteously...

Quasimodo is an extremely ugly deaf blind bell ringers. He was abandoned by the family and the society as a whole. Instead of pollution but bad luck instead of his heart, make him become a kind person. He has saved lada love, beauty, also often help homeless orphans. Fate gave him the chance to fall in love with love, beauty lada, but at the conclusion of his life, god opened a great joke with him -- in another world with love, beauty of love. Story is tragic, but they left spirit is eternal!

Yes, a person cant because their deficiency and desperate, more than the pursuit of beauty. We should learn to sincerely treat to others. Want to know to cherish life, respect for each and every one of the world.








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Modest since ancient times is seen as a virtue. Yes, modesty is the best way to improve, people is the important condition to success. Only learn humility, people will continuously enterprising, make greater achievements.

Situation is not equal to inferior, some people dont fully understand oneself, ability to degrade yourself too much, as long as there is a task to him, he always said: "I do bad, you still find someone else!" Others have dont understand the question for him, he is always lower the head and said: "I dont know." This is modesty? No, this is a sign of inferiority. Low self-esteem tend to be "humble" false packaging, inferiority, as well as pride, stupid. It is often accompanied by laziness, it is usually to their own survival of explanation. This is worthless.

Inferior never s appearance, often hid themselves and laziness to fabricated the trap of their own. Inferior fear of failure, will never succeed. But the eagle can fly less than chicken, but chicken will never fly to eagle is so high. Inferior is willing to do a fall behind of chicken, also dont want to be a failure of the eagle.

The modest man progress is endless. When people praise of their achievements, a "no" to display with noble moral character. Inferior will only put the "I cant" "I wont excuse to escape." It is this seemingly humble, seemingly sincere confession, became the imprison their shackles. Those under the "modesty" conceal not aggressive inferior, need is out of ignorance, behind the shadow, feet on the ground, only to the confidence, the courage to face yourself to be successful. The composition

Instructions, inferiority is not modest, humble will never contain inferiority...








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Like a painting, harmony as one song, harmony produce harmonious strength. The harmony of the sky, is wearing a blue; Harmony is wearing a suit of green forest; The harmony of sunshine, such as diamond edition of dazzling; The harmony of the setting sun, is leaving the last splendid beauty.

In fact, a harmonious around us every moment of the day. He is our family, friends, all around us anytime and anywhere. In the society, school, family, nature, everywhere you can see the figure of his beautiful · · · · · · a red berries, independent, proud snow beauty in its independent winter, adds to the beauty in it landscape picture; An eagle, into the sky, the beauty in its bravery, beauty in it broke through the clouds in a flash. Someone says: "harmony is a beautiful picture scroll. Some said: "harmony is a wonderful music. I said: "harmony is the joy of life". Beautiful flowers, because had the greenery foils, looks amazingly beautiful. Quiet sky, because of the clouds nestled just appear more serene; The vast earth, because of the external things of love, become more productive. In my opinion the harmonious is very simple, there is no conflict between parents and harmonious! Society does not filled with the smoke of war, that is harmonious. People meet and dont know say "hello", this is more harmonious.

Harmonious beauty will not tolerate the bondage of fame and fortune, only indifferent can be called the United States, the eagle is in order to fight the sky and fly freely in the sky, it is need to really be happy space; Sail for braving the rushes out a slice of heaven and earth, it is need to really have an expansive sea broad sky.

Is a kind of beauty, harmony brings us a goodwill, the happiness of civilization bring harmony, friendship brings harmony, let embodied everywhere in our life harmony!







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昨天晚上,是一个难忘的时刻,那是我的朋友李智健的12岁生日,他请了我、张雨鑫、杨雪琪、陈婧怡,于是晚上6:30,我就来到了应邀的麦当劳前来参加生日聚会。进入餐厅后,我们聊聊天、叙叙旧,不一会儿,美味的大餐就来了,真让我们大饱眼福:八个汉堡、四包薯条 、四盒鸡翅、和两盒鸡块以及十几杯饮料,这对于我们来说虽然是家常便饭,但在这样的时刻如此挥霍,可见李智健是非常的大方。

很快我们就以猛兽般吃掉了这么多食物,当我们一个个肚皮圆圆时,一位杨服务员来到我们的桌上,说:“你们都吃的这么饱,我们玩一些游戏怎么样?”“好的,好的。” 李智健高兴的说,因为他是小寿星,最有发言权。于是我们开始玩了游戏。



刚开学,我的同学刘欣悦就生日了。我们约好:星期日下午五点在学校门口见。 我早早的带着礼品到了场地。不一会儿,9个好朋友浩浩荡荡地聚在一起,像麻雀一样叽叽喳喳地说个不停,有的手里捧着包装精美的礼物盒说:“我送的是书!”另一个举着一只漂亮的笔说:“我送的是笔!”相信刘欣悦收到这些礼物一定会很有开心。 大概等了30分钟,生日的主角刘欣悦到了,今天的她格外漂亮。大家迫不及待将礼物塞给欣悦,她都快抱不住了。“生日快乐!”我们大声喊着。“谢谢,谢谢!”欣悦兴奋极了!接着大家一起坐车去花园城中心里的“棒约翰”吃饭。大家一坐下来就大吵大闹,嚷嚷着:“快点菜,我们饿死了!”大家点了一些大比萨、薯片、薯条、果汁、芝士条、鸡翅、雪糕、面、沙拉等。

食物香香的,我们的胃口大了起来,此时的我们不再像淑女了,个个满嘴流油,瞧,有的左手拿着块比萨,右手拿着杯可乐,大口地吃着,眼睛还盯着桌子上的雪糕。我也一样,手大,拿的东西也多,唉,谁让美食当前呢! 吃了饭,我们又去书店看了一会儿书,最后就去刘欣悦家玩了一会儿,临走时,大家都有些舍不得离开,好久没有这样痛痛快快地玩一玩儿了! 这个生日聚会过得真开心,多想天天有人过生日,那该多好啊!



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I believe that one of the factors that makes a piece of literature or even a movie a masterpiece is how well the reader can relate to the story. This is definitely a book everyone can relate to.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a literary masterpieces, written in 1876 by the famous author Mark Twain. Tom Sawyer is a mischievous young boy who lives in the small town on the Mississippi River called St. Petersburg. The story line is simple, the book reads like a biography or a memoir of a summer in Tom Sawyers life.

Tom Sawyer seems to be the precursor of and the template for misfit kids such as Dennis the Menace, Malcolm in the Middle, and Calvin and Hobbs. What makes this story great is that Tom Sawyer represents everything that is great about childhood. The book is filled with Toms adventures playing pirates and war with his friend Joe Harper. Tom has a trusted friend, Huck Finn, who few of the adults approve of. The book is filled with ideas of how the world works, such as how pirates and robbers work, that are so innocent, they could only come from a child. It is a story filled with action, adventure, ingenious ideas, love, and schoolyard politics. The whole story is seemingly a complication of what people did or wish they did during their childhood.

The book is a little difficult to read at first. Personally, it takes me a little while to get used to the 19th century dialect in the book. Other than referring to persons of African decent in derogatory terms (which Im sure uses terms even young children already know), the book would be an enjoyable read for people of all ages. I highly recommend this book for anyone looking to feel young again, if just for a few hundred pages.






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Dear Mr. X,


You are the most respected teacher in my mind, although you are very

strict, but you put your heart on us. You work from dawn to dusk, thinking about

better teaching methods. You are like a candle, let me feel the infinite future

of the bright, but burned themselves.

Trees cant grow without sunshine, rain and dew, only their selfless

charity, will have a vibrant. The life of a flower is inseparable from the

earth. With the nutrition provided by the earth, there will be a beautiful and

moving flower. And our life, inseparable from the teacher, with your enthusiasm

to help, with your inculcate, will have our healthy growth... Thank you so much,

teacher! Shi-en is like a fish in water. In the past three years, you have

taught us with great care. Every one of your epigrams is still vividly in my

mind, which reminds me of a lot of things.

It is because of your education, we can have todays knowledge, will have

todays such a talent to learn, it is because of your care, we these "flowers of

the motherland" to healthy growth, it is because of your little teachings, we

understand the truth of life. You are like a tree, we thrive under your shade.

You give us care like a mother, let me feel very happy, let me have the interest

of learning, let me feel that you give endless strength, let me feel that you

are my rely on, let me feel inseparable from you. Teacher, our good grades

cannot do without your hard education, our good grades cannot do without your

careful cultivation. Every step forward is inseparable from your hard sweat.

Teacher, thank you for our serious and responsible education, thank you for

your concern about us, thank you for teaching us a lot of knowledge, thank you

for your selfless dedication to us, one thousand ten thousand "thank you" can

not return your teaching to us.


A healthy body

Your students









