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ladies and gentlemen, may i take your attention? thank you! today i will give a talk about biding to host the national civilized city. with the developing of societal science and technology in the earth which i love deeply, our life becomes more and more convinent and comfortable. but on the other hand, how is our envorinment and how is people’s cultural quality. iam very sad .because people throw rabbish here and there. and people drive car again sting the rules. how terrible our city is!

but luckly, the govenment of jiang xi province hosts an activity named "bid to host the national civilizd city".it can help to ehance our cultural quality as the same time the developing of sicence and technolog.

this activity let citizens know the ture meaning of civilizd city.besides,let people know more about the basic knoeledge and low.also, let us know hosting the national civilizd city is not a thing of a moment!so we must have perseverance to do what we can do and what we should do to help our city to be more civilizable.

for example, we can hold some good activities every month.we can make some speeches to arouse the public’s aware.

when we do our best to do it, we can see the blue sky being cleaner,the rival is more beautiful, the traffic is more convinent and our city is more civilizable.

what’s more, people smlle more friendly ! that’s all.thanks!




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Strengthen Confidence and Work Together for A New Round of World Economic Growth

Special Message by H.E. Wen Jiabao

Premier of the State Council of the Peoples Republic of China At the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2009

28 January 2009

Professor Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am delighted to be here and address the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2009. Let me begin by thanking Chairman Schwab for his kind invitation and thoughtful arrangements. This annual meeting has a special significance. Amidst a global financial crisis rarely seen in history, it brings together government leaders, business people, experts and scholars of different countries to jointly explore ways to maintain international financial stability, promote world economic growth and better address global issues. Its theme -- "Shaping the Post-Crisis World" is highly relevant. It reflects the vision of its organizers. People from across the world are eager to hear words of wisdom from here that will give them strength to tide over the crisis. It is thus our responsibility to send to the world a message of confidence, courage and hope. I look forward to a successful meeting.





The ongoing international financial crisis has landed the world economy in the most difficult situation since last centurys Great Depression. In the face of the crisis, countries and the international community have taken various measures to address it. These measures have played an important role in boosting confidence, reducing the consequences of the crisis, and forestalling a meltdown of the financial system and a deep global recession. This crisis is attributable to a variety of factors and the major ones are: inappropriate macroeconomic policies of some economies and their unsustainable model of development characterized by prolonged low savings and high consumption; excessive expansion of financial institutions in a blind pursuit of profit; lack of self-discipline among financial institutions and rating agencies and the ensuing distortion of risk information and asset pricing; and the failure of financial supervision and regulation to keep up with financial innovations, which allowed the risks of financial derivatives to build and spread. As the saying goes, "A fall in the pit, a gain in your wit," we must draw lessons from this crisis and address its root causes. In other words, we must strike a balance between savings and consumption, between financial innovation and regulation, and between the financial sector and real economy.


The current crisis has inflicted a rather big impact on Chinas economy. We are facing severe challenges, including notably shrinking external demand, overcapacity in some sectors, difficult business conditions for enterprises, rising unemployment in urban areas and greater downward pressure on economic growth.


As a big responsible country, China has acted in an active and responsible way during this crisis. We mainly rely on expanding effective domestic demand, particularly consumer demand, to boost economic growth. We have made timely adjustment to the direction of our macroeconomic policy, swiftly adopted a proactive fiscal policy and a moderately easy monetary policy, introduced ten measures to shore up domestic demand and put in place a series of related policies. Together, they make up a systematic and comprehensive package plan aimed at ensuring steady and relatively fast economic growth.


First, substantially increase government spending and implement a structural tax cut. The Chinese Government has rolled out a two-year program involving a total investment of RMB 4 trillion, equivalent to 16 percent of Chinas GDP in 2007.


The investment will mainly go to government-subsidized housing projects, projects concerning the well-being of rural residents, railway construction and other infrastructural projects, environmental protection projects and post-earthquake recovery and reconstruction. Some of them are identified as priority projects in Chinas 11th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development. The rest are additional ones to meet the needs of the new situation. This two-year stimulus program has gone through scientific feasibility studies and is supported by a detailed financial arrangement. RMB 1.18 trillion will come from central governments budget, which is expected to generate funds from local governments and other sources. The Chinese Government has also launched a massive tax cut program which features the comprehensive transformation of the value-added tax, the adoption of preferential tax policies for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and real estate transactions, and the abolition or suspension of 100 items of administrative fees. It is expected to bring about a total saving of RMB 500 billion for businesses and households each year.


Second, frequently cut interest rates and increase liquidity in the banking system. The central bank has cut deposit and lending rates of financial institutions five times in a row, with the one-year benchmark deposit and lending rates down by 1.89 percentage points and 2.16 percentage points respectively. Thus the financial burden of companies has been greatly reduced. The required reserve ratio has been lowered four times, adding up to a total reduction of 2 percentage points for large financial institutions and 4 percentage points for small and medium-sized ones. This has released around RMB 800 billion of liquidity and substantially increased funds available to commercial banks. A series of policy measures have been adopted in the financial sector to boost economic growth, including increasing lending, optimizing the credit structure, and providing greater financial support to agriculture and the SMEs.


Third, implement the industrial restructuring and rejuvenation program on a large scale. We are seizing the opportunity to push ahead comprehensive industrial restructuring and upgrading. To this end, plans are being drawn up for key industries such as automobile and iron and steel, which not only focus on addressing the immediate difficulties of enterprises but also look toward their long-term development. We have taken strong measures to facilitate the merger and reorganization of enterprises, phase out backward production capacity, promote advanced productive forces, and improve industry concentration and the efficiency of resource allocation. We encourage our enterprises to upgrade technologies and make technological renovation. We support them in making extensive use of new technologies, techniques, equipment and materials to restructure their product mix, develop marketable products and improve their competitiveness. Our financial support policies are being improved, a sound credit guarantee system installed and market access eased for the benefit of SME development.


Fourth, actively encourage innovation and upgrading in science and technology. We are speeding up the implementation of the National Program for Medium- and Long-Term Scientific and Technological Development with a special focus on 16 key projects in order to make breakthroughs in core technologies and key generic technologies. This will provide scientific and technological support for Chinas sustainable economic development at a higher level. We are developing high-tech industrial clusters and creating new social demand and new economic growth areas.


Fifth, substantially raise the level of social security. We have accelerated the improvement of social safety net. We will continue to increase basic pension for enterprise retirees and upgrade the standard of unemployment insurance and workers compensation. We will raise the level of basic cost of living allowances in both urban and rural areas, welfare allowances for those rural residents without family support and the special allowances and assistance to entitled groups. This year, the central budget for social security and employment will increase at a much higher rate than the growth of the overall fiscal revenue.


We are advancing the reform of the medical and health system and working to put in place a nationwide basic medical and health system covering both urban and rural areas within three years and achieve the goal of everyone having access to basic medical and health service. It is estimated that governments at all levels will invest RMB 850 billion for this purpose. We give priority to education and are now working on the Guidelines of the National Program for Medium- and Long-Term Educational Reform and Development.


This year, we will increase public funds for compulsory education in rural areas, offer more financial support to students from poor families and improve the well-being of middle and primary school teachers so as to promote equity in education and optimize the educational structure. We are using every possible means to lessen the impact of the financial crisis on employment.


We are following a more active employment policy. In particular, we have introduced various policy measures to help college graduates and migrant workers find jobs and provided more government-funded jobs in public service. These major policy measures as a whole target both symptoms and root causes, and address both immediate and long-term concerns. They represent a holistic approach and are mutually reinforcing. They are designed to address the need to boost domestic demand, readjust and reinvigorate industries, encourage scientific innovation and strengthen social security. They are designed to stimulate consumption through increased investment, overcome the current difficulties with long-term development in mind, and promote economic growth in the interest of peoples livelihood. These measures can mobilize all resources to meet the current crisis.


Chinas economy is in good shape on the whole. We managed to maintain steady and relatively fast economic growth in 2008 despite two unexpected massive natural disasters. Our GDP grew by 9 percent. CPI was basically stable. We had a good grain harvest for the fifth consecutive year, with a total output of 528.5 million tons. Eleven million and one hundred and thirty thousand new jobs were created in cities and towns. Household income in both urban and rural areas continued to rise. The financial system functioned well and the banking system kept its liquidity and credit asset quality at a healthy level. When China, a large developing country, runs its affairs well, it can help restore confidence in global economic growth and curb the spread of the international financial crisis. It will also help increase Chinas imports and outbound investment, boost world economic growth and create more development and job opportunities for other countries. Steady and fast growth of Chinas economy is in itself an important contribution to global financial stability and world economic growth.

当前中国经济形势总体上是好的。经过努力,在战胜两场突如其来的特大自然灾害的同时,2008年中国经济保持了平稳较快发展。国内生产总值增长9%,居民消费价格基本稳定;粮食连续5年丰收,总产量达到5.28亿吨;城镇新增就业 1113万人,城乡居民收入持续增加;金融体系稳健运行,银行体系流动性和信贷资产质量保持在较好水平。作为一个发展中大国,中国把自己的事情办好,有利于提振对世界经济增长的信心,有利于减缓国际金融危机扩散蔓延趋势,有利于增加中国的进口和对外投资,拉动世界经济增长,给其他国家提供更多发展机遇和就业机会。中国经济保持平稳较快发展,对维护国际金融稳定和促进世界经济增长作出了重要贡献。

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Will Chinas economy continue to grow fast and steadily? Some people may have doubts about it. Yet I can give you a definite answer: Yes, it will. We are full of confidence. Where does our confidence come from? It comes from the fact that the fundamentals of Chinas economy remain unchanged. Thanks to our right judgment of the situation and prompt and decisive adjustment to our macroeconomic policy, our economy remains on the track of steady and fast development. Our package plan takes into consideration both the need to address current difficulties and that of long-term development. It is beginning to produce results and will be more effective this year. Our confidence comes from the fact that the long-term trend of Chinas economic development remains unchanged.




We are in an important period of strategic opportunities and in the process of fast industrialization and urbanization. Infrastructure construction, upgrading of industrial and consumption structures, environmental protection and conservation projects, and various social development programs--all can be translated into huge demand and growth potential and will bolster relatively high-speed growth of our economy for a long time to come. Our confidence also comes from the fact that the advantages contributing to Chinas economic growth remain unchanged. With 30 years of reform and opening-up, we have laid a good material, technological and institutional foundation.

We have a large well-trained and relatively low-cost labor force. We have a healthy fiscal balance, a sound financial system and adequate funds. Our system enables us to mobilize the necessary resources for big undertakings. There is harmony and stability in our society. What is more important, we follow a scientific approach to development which puts people first and seeks comprehensive, balanced and sustainable development. We are committed to reform, opening-up and win-win progress. We have found the right development path in line with Chinas national conditions and the trend of our times. Our people are hard-working, persevering and resilient. It is precisely these fine qualities that endow China, a country with a time-honored history, with greater vitality in the face of adversities.



At the same time, there is no fundamental change in the external environment for Chinas economic growth. The pursuit of peace, development and cooperation is the irreversible trend in todays world. The readjustment to the international division of labor offers new opportunities. We have the confidence, conditions and ability to maintain steady and fast economic growth and continue to contribute to world economic growth.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

The global financial crisis is a challenge for the whole world. Confidence, cooperation and responsibility are key to overcoming the crisis. Confidence is the source of strength. The power of confidence is far greater than what can be imagined. The pressing task for the international community and individual countries is to take further measures to restore market confidence as soon as possible. In times of economic hardships, confidence of all countries in the prospect of global economic development, confidence of leaders and people around the world in their countries, confidence of enterprises in investment and confidence of individuals in consumption are more important than anything else. In tackling the crisis, practical cooperation is the effective way.



In a world of economic globalization, countries are tied together in their destinies and can hardly be separated from one another. The financial crisis is a test of the readiness of the international community to enhance cooperation, and a test of our wisdom. Only with closer cooperation and mutual help, can we successfully manage the crisis. To prevail over the crisis, accepting responsibilities is the prerequisite. When governments fulfill their responsibilities with resolution and courage, they can help maintain a stable financial order and prevent the crisis from causing more serious damage on the real economy. Political leaders must be forward-looking. They should be responsible to the entire international community as well as to their own countries and people.


It is imperative that we implement the broad agreement reached since the G20 Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy. We should not only take more forceful and effective steps to tide over the current difficulties, but also push for the establishment of a new world economic order that is just, equitable, sound and stable. To this end, I would like to share with you the following ideas.




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Saying goodbye to childhood,we step into another important time in the pace of young,facing new situations,dealing with different problems……

everyone has his ownunderstanding of young,it is a period of time of beauty and wonders,only after you have

experienced the sour ,sweet ,bitter and salty can you really become a person of significance.thre time of young is limitted,it may pass by without your attention,and when you discover what has happened ,it is always too late.grasping the young well means a better time is waiting for you in the near future,or the situation may be opposite .

having a view on these great men in the history of hunmanbeing,they all made full use of their youth time ,to do things that are useful to society,to the whole mankind,and as a cosquence ,they are remembered by later

generations,admired by everyone.so do something in the time of young,although you may not get achievements as these greatmen did ,though not for the whole word,just for youeself,for those around!

the young is just like blooming flowers,they are so beautiful when blooming,they make people feel happy,but with time passing by,after they withers ,moet people think they are ugly.and so it is the same with young,we are enthusiastic when we are young,then we may lose our passion when getting older and older.so we must treasure it ,dont let the limitted time pass by ,leaving nothing of significance.



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首先提前祝大家儿童节快乐。XX年5月31日是第二十三个世界无烟日,今年无烟日的主题是“烟草吞噬生命”。烟草的危害刚才六三中队的同学已经介绍过了。我国吸烟族年龄已日趋年轻化,青少年在其中占了很大的比例。1992 年 4 月至 6 月,根据山东临沂地区教育部门对沂蒙山地区 3667 名中学生中吸烟情况的调查,其总吸烟率为 24.46% ,男生吸烟率为 42.5% ,女生吸烟率为 7.3% 。男女生吸烟率均随年龄增长而提高。他们中出于好奇和好玩而吸烟者占 59.7% 。吸烟已成为影响我国青少年健康成长的一大杀手,引起了全社会的广泛关注。1991 年 6 月 29 日,第七届全国人大常委会第 20 次会 议通过了《中华人民共和国烟草专卖法》,将“劝阻青少年吸烟,禁止中小学生吸烟”,突出地写在了第一章总则第五条之内。据反映,我们的学生中间有少数人也在偷偷抽烟,同学们,人的生命只有一次,是父母的给予和上苍的恩赐,拥有生命本身就是一种幸福。但人的生命又是短暂的,古人云:“人生处一世,去若朝露唏”,人的价值就在于使短暂的生命永恒。如果你渴望健康和美丽,就请珍爱生命中的每一天,只有用心去感悟和体会人生,你才会真正懂得生命的美丽。六一儿童节到来之际,请向你、你们的家长以及所有的老师提议,未来大家的健康,请不要再公共场所抽烟或者尽量不抽烟,还孩子一个无烟的儿童节。谢谢大家。




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篇13:大学生英语演讲稿:Hold Fast To Your Dreams

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I have a dream today.

I have a dream that one day every vally shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.

Wow, what a dream it has been for Martin Luther King. But the changing world seems telling me that people gradually get their dreams lost somehow in the process of growing up, and sometimes I personally find myself saying goodbye unconsciously to those distant childhood dreams.

However, we meed dreams. They nourish our spirit; they represent possibility even when we are dragged down by reality. They keep us going. Most successful people are dreamers as well as ordinary people who are not afraid to think big and dare to be great. When we were little kids, we all dreamed of doing something big and splashy, something significant. Now what we need to do is to maintain them, refresh them and turn them into reality. However, the toughest part is that we often have no ideas how to translate these dreams into actions. Well, just start with concrete objectives and stick to it. Don’t let the nameless fear confuse the eye and confound our strong belief of future. Through our talents, through our wits, through our endurance and through our creativity, we will make it.

Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams, for when dreams go, life is a barren field frozen with snow. So my dear friends, think of your old and maybe dead dreams. Whatever it is, pick it up and make it alive from today.



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Know the room. Be familiar with the place in which you will speak. Arrive early, walk around the speaking area and practise using the microphone and any visual aids. Know the audience. Greet some of the audience as they arrive. It’s easier to speak to a group of friends than to a group of strangers. Know your material. If you’re not familiar with your material or are uncomfortable with it, your nervousness will increase. Practise your speech and revise it if necessary. Relax. Ease tension by doing exercises. Visualize yourself giving your speech. Imagine yourself speaking, your voice loud, clear, and assured. When you visualize yourself as successful, you will be successful. Realize that people want you to succeed. Audiences want you to be interesting, stimulating, informative, and entertaining. They don’t want you to fail. Don’t apologize. If you mention your nervousness or apologize for any problems you think you have with your speech, you may be calling the audience’s attention to something they hadn’t noticed. Keep silent. Concentrate on the message — not the medium. Focus your attention away from your own anxieties, and outwardly toward your message and your audience. Your nervousness will dissipate. Turn nervousness into positive energy. Harness your nervous energy and transform it into vitality and enthusiasm. Gain experience. Experience builds confidence, which is the key to effective speaking. A Toastmasters club can provide the experience you need. 熟悉场地。争取熟悉你要在那里发表演讲的环境。提早到达并巡视讲台,练习使用麦克风和其他辅助视觉设施。 熟悉听众。在听众进入会场时向他们致意。向一群朋友演讲总比对一群陌生人演讲来得容易些。 熟悉你的讲稿。如果你不熟悉你的稿子或者对它不满意,你的紧张感就会增强。练习一下你的演讲稿,并且做必要的修改。

放松自己。做些准备活动松弛紧张的神经。 设想你自己演讲时的情景。想象你自己在侃侃而谈,声音洪亮、吐字清晰、充满自信。倘能设想自己成功,你就一定会成功。





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Youth Day (青年节) in the Peoples Republic of China is on May 4. It was established in December 1949 by the Government Administration Council to commemorate the beginning of the May Fourth Movement in 1919. This day is known as …

May Fourth Movement

Chinese intellectual revolution and sociopolitical reform movement (1917 – 21)。 In 1915 young intellectuals inspired by Chen Duxiu began agitating for the reform and strengthening of Chinese society through acceptance of Western science, democracy, and schools of thought, one objective being to make China strong enough to resist Western imperialism. On May 4, 1919, reformist zeal found focus in a protest by Beijings students against the Versailles Peace Conferences decision to transfer former German concessions in China to Japan. After more than a month of demonstrations, strikes, and boycotts of Japanese goods, the government gave way and refused to sign the peace treaty with Germany. The movement spurred the successful reorganization of the Nationalist Party and gave birth to the Chinese Communist Party. See also Treaty of Versailles.



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English is a useful language all over the world. Why are we began to learn English when we were little children? Beacause it is very important for us to learn it.In the world, if you cannot speak English you will lose half a chance to success.

I began to learn English when I was 8 years old.At that moment,I do not like English.I connot remember all the words which I have learnt.I think it is very difficult for me to learn it well.So I cannot read English loudly and I never answer the questions in the English classes.

Even if my English is very bad, my teacher stll encourages me to learn English hard and he gives me some ways to learn English. He tells me to read passages loudly and listen to the English tapes everyday morning.In order to progress my writing he also asks me to write some articles at times. I like listen to the English songs,he suggests me to sing the English songs.As a result of his ways my English becomes well.

Now, I like English very well and I still use the ways he tells me.I know I must learn English even hard.



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大家好!今天,我怀着无比喜悦的心情站在这里,来向大家告白我对邮政的热爱与执着!我演讲的题目是《责任心》。 责任心是什么呢?责任心它是一种使命,一种做人的态度。小而言之,在一个家庭里,作为父母,你有抚养和教育子女的责任;作为儿女,你同样需要尽到孝顺父母的责任,这些责任都是不可推卸的,是每个公民应尽的责任,也是社会发展不可或缺的动力。如果没有这样的责任感、责任心,无法想象我们的社会会变成什么样子。










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When it comes to success, different people have different opinions about what makes it come true. Some people regard hard-working as an essential quality to success while others believe being clever would lead to success. From my point of view, I think perseverance and hard-working are indispensable for those who want to make an achieveme


Firstly, perseverance let people step closely towards success. Most people want to make a big difference to prove their value. People who set their goal and keep moving would make their dream come true. However, there are some people who set their goal but they stop at the difficulty would fail in the end. I think the difference between success and failure is perseverance. If we have perseverance, even if we are not clever, we will make a great difference, but if we not, we are doomed to lose. As we all know, Edison is a great inventor in the world. However, before he invented the bulb, he kept trying for tens of thousands of times to find a suitable wire. Let us imagine, if he gave up at the 999th, then how he couldn’t become so successful. So, I strongly believe that perseverance produces success.


Secondly, there is also a kind of people who are born with cleverness, I think they are lucky. Nevertheless, if they don’t make a hard work on their way to their goal, they, absolutely, will become loser. Whether we are gifted for intelligent, we must be hard-working so as to success. I regard hard-working as an efficient approach to be successful because I believe ‘pains and gains’. As for those who do not make great efforts on work, failure follows. In old times, there is a clever boy who can make excellent poem when he can talk. When his father found the little child’s cleverness, he just let the child make poems to show around while never let the boy learned anything. When the boy grew up, people forgot him because he lost the ability Secondly, there is also a kind of people who are born with cleverness, I think they are lucky.

Nevertheless, if they don’t make a hard work on their way to their goal, they, absolutely, will become loser. Whether we are gifted for intelligent, we must be hard-working so as to success. I regard hard-working as an efficient approach to be successful because I believe ‘pains and gains’. As for those who do not make great efforts on work, failure follows. In old times, there is a clever boy who can make excellent poem when he can talk. When his father found the little child’s cleverness, he just let the child make poems to show around while never let the boy learned anything. When the boy grew up, people forgot him because he lost the ability

其次,还有一种人是天生聪明的,他们是幸运的。然而,如果他们没有在实现目标之前努力工作,他们当然也会成为失败者。无论我们是否有天资,我们都应该努力工作以获得成功。我认为勤奋是成功的一个有效的方法,因为我相信的“付出和收获”。对于那些不努力工作的人最后是失败的了。在古代,有一个聪明的男孩,在他能说话的时候就可以作优秀的诗歌。当他的父亲发现他孩子的聪明时,他只是让孩子到处作诗歌来炫耀,却从不让他儿子学习别的知识。孩子长大后,人们把他遗忘了,因为他失去了创作能力,成为了普通人。从这件事中,我们可以看到,只有通过努力工作才能获得知识,拥有一个好的 Anyway, I think perseverance and hard-working are both important in our way to success for they enhance us and produce success




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