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My holiday was good. I stayed at home for sometime. I went to Tianyi Square

and bought same games. But one day, my monther, my younger brother and I went to

Tianyi digital square to buy games. And I bought a new uniform in the evening.

Id like to have a glass of apple juice my monther bought it for me. I says, "

Thanks a lot. " I bought some shoes. I want a pair of sports shoes. In the shop,

the wonderful song added tour pleasure. I see the black shoes. my monther says,

" There are beautiful !"

I was happy that day, because I went to Tianyi Square and had a lot of




篇1:初二英语作文:Is School Education Enough?

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We go to school for education. We learn Maths, English,Chinese, Physics and other subjects. School education is necessary and important. However, no one can learn everything from school. Even a very good teacher can not tell his students everything they want to know.

Edison didnt have much schooling, but he became a famous scientist. It doesnt mean that school education is not important.He knew how to learn new things by himself. As a matter of fact, many things can be learned outside school by the students themselves.

So we should learn how to learn at school.



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I am very familiar with my hometown, I was impressed by the clarity that is the bottom of the river because it has good memories of my childhood. There are many in the riverbed of the small fish and small stones, they are often hiding in a rock, then you can rock to hold down the small fish will swim in the future while you rock hands on just after the fish swim in your Your hands

Handy to be able to fish the arrested, but sometimes you encounter the clever fish grasp it, because you rock hands on it after the tour has been a long, so we devised a method: From the store,

Lane bought firecrackers to fish, but sometimes the fish will be killed, I will be arrested and a number of friends will come to fish with Charcoal. First of all, we will pick a piece of local fish would be a good pick if there is no fire and then we have to look around a number of stone

Head circumference of a circle, to find some of the fire burning matches, take a fish in the final tool to let the fish go, then garnish salt and MSG, the delicious baked fish at once, if we caught fish will not eat From home with some of the corn

, And some sausage to grilled vegetables. Since that fish every time we come here to play.

Each year we will be in a small river in the bamboo forest to play, we will hand with two bamboo, and then turned himself in the future, no one who is more than double the victor. Sometimes we will play with stones in the river bypass the requirement is up

Solid and often beautiful I always win, although I take a slow, but I use my patience to win the game.

I love you beautiful river!.



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People always say that if you want to be successful, then you need to never

give up. I agree with it. The power of insistence is infinite. It can bring us

to our destination. I have made up my mind to finish the task in the planned

time. At the beginning, I would write my homework once I got home and I finished

it quickly without other’s interruption. But sometimes my friends came to my

house and asked me to join the activity, and I would say yes without hesitation.

When I got home was almost ten o’clock, all I wanted to do was to sleep, but

thinking about the homework, then I decided to finish it and refused to leave

them another day. Today’s thing should be done in today. That’s my faith. My

insistence helps me to be an excellent student.



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My father is a manager.He likes singing and playing cards.He liakes drinking tea in his office.He likes watching TV and smoking.He likes making friends very much.So he has many friends,He`s outstanding and calm.I like his personality.My mother is a history teacher.She likes drinking juice in her free time.She likes playing volleyball and badminton.She likes watching tv ,too.And she also likes listening to the music.She always does housework because she wants to have a beatiful and clean house.She`s economical and smart.I love my parents.



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From the cartoons given above, we can see that the cow is explaining to the little baby that it is not her fault for giving the poisoned power milk/the keeper is feeding the pig with Clenbuterol . The cartoon wisely reflects the food safety issues which occur in recent years. Food safety related to people’s health and it concerns about people’s basic livelihood. Since the Sanlu Incident occurred in 2008, the entire society was increasingly concerned about food safety issue. It was in this context that the food safety issue has been referred to an unprecedented height.

Problems leading to food safety are as follows: 1) using poor quality raw materials in the food manufacturing process; 2) adding toxic substances; 3) excessive use of food additives; 4) abusing of chemical additives and so on. There are many reasons that cause this problem. It is regulators, producers, and even consumers who share the responsibilities.

As Confucius instructed: better late than never. Prompt and strict measures should be taken to turn back this evil trend. The government should launch a massive moral campaign to educate all citizens and draw up tougher laws to crack down on those irresponsible corporations and prohibit them from entering the food industry again. I am firmly convinced that through our combined efforts we are bound to enjoy more risk-free foods in the days ahead.






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伴随着三月温暖的春风,xx学院“以光盘为荣 以剩宴为耻”主题教育月活动如火如荼的开展着,“节约粮食”又一次构成了校园的一道美丽的风景线。节约?浪费?这两者不得不引起我们的深思。

近日,随着全国主流媒体对“舌尖上的浪费”的播报和大加挞伐,习总书记就坚决杜绝公款浪费,厉行节约、反对浪费进行了重要批示。据调查,仅我国13亿人口在餐桌上浪费的粮食一年高达XX亿元,被倒掉的食物相当于2亿多人一年的口粮。 这一个个数据有没有让你的为之震撼,再回头看看平时的自己,你是否也曾经把还没吃完的饭菜倒掉,也许在你的心里浪费一点点粮食根本就算不上什么,可是当你看到那慢慢(满满)的潲水桶的时候,难道你真的一点也不觉得可惜吗?“舌尖上的浪费”要引起我们的警觉。浪费是一种不尊重自然和他人劳动果实的可耻行为,在此,我们提出倡议:珍惜粮食,适量定餐,避免剩餐,减少浪费;吃饭时吃多少盛多少,不扔剩饭剩菜;利用手机等新媒体,参与话题#光盘行动#,微博拍照秀“光盘”;不偏食,不挑食,养成健康合理的就餐方式;积极监督身边的同事(学)和朋友,及时制止浪费粮食的现象。









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The dream is flying at the foot of the Great Wall. Hope will kindle in our

mind. A lamp in the darkness guides us in the direction. Remember, Socrates

said, "nothing in the world is happier than striving for dreams.". I never doubt

it, because dreams can become reality as long as they struggle. Even if no

success, we do not regret, because we have at least tried for the dream, but

also struggled. Everyone is eager to succeed, but also all his life to this




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Of all the subjects, I like Chinese best because I have a good Chinese teacher. Though she has been teaching us for only three years, I respect and love her very much.

My Chinese teacher is thirty-six years old and she is neither tall nor short.

Ms Sun works very hard. She is always the first to come and the last to leave her office. She tries to make her classes lively and interesting. And we enjoy her lessons very much.

Ms Sun is very kind and friendly to us. And we’re getting on well with each other. But she is very strict with us in our studies.

Ms Sun teaches us so well that we all enjoy learning Chinese. All the students think she is one of the most popular teachers in our school.



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The Spring Festival in the past half a month, but I still cant forget!

I and the daddy, mother, uncle, aunt, grandpa, grandma at home together the delicious dumplings, and then together to eat a sumptuous dinner! I will give them, get a lot of money, I was so happy! I put on my mother bought me new clothes, and his mother cheerfully stick couplets on the Spring Festival. In the evening, I watch the gala, singing, dancing, and magic, I got dumbfounded, really wonderful!

Unconsciously, I have to go downstairs and shooting time. I bought a lot of guns, rockets, with beads, and ZhenTianLei, various and colorful. I put this, and sent that, busy also called, not only hear the entire neighborhood was deafening, almost every household in shooting!!!

A day in the morning, we go out to play. Hangs red lanterns and flags everywhere, see the street is decorated, very busy! Every passing people face beaming!

Mall is packed inside, go walk, especially sell candy, let me see more dazzling, saliva is out!

The Spring Festival is really happy!









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公益组织的志愿者倡议市民在饭店就餐打包剩饭,“光盘”离开,形成人人节约粮食的好风气。据活动组织者介绍,未来他们将继续在不同城市开展这个公益活动。 许多人其实都应该问问自己:在家或外出就餐时,我有多久没有剩过饭菜或打包?相信绝大部分人都会对类似的问题不屑一顾,因为在他们看来,这早已是远离饥饿与食不裹腹的年代,已不必再去对所谓的剩菜剩饭斤斤计较。而正在发起的“光盘行动”,显然是在试图提醒与告诫我们:饥饿感距离我们仍并不遥远,而即便时至今日,尊重粮食仍是需要被奉行的古老美德之一。


我们真的需要拒绝一种“舌尖上的浪费”,事实上,这也是在为我们储存下明天所需要的粮食。有一项调查结果显示,我国消费者每年仅餐饮浪费的食物蛋白和脂肪就分别达800万吨和300万吨,最少倒掉了约2亿人一年的口粮。你随意的对剩菜剩饭的倒掉,很可能是2亿人的口粮——在这样触目惊心的日常数据叠加后,你还能为自己对食物的漠不在意而心安理得吗?普通公民铺张浪费的饮食习惯必须要改变,而制度,更需要为制止过度的公款吃喝树立起“防火墙”。 2012年的世界粮食日里,国家粮食局首次向全国粮食干部职工发起倡议,倡导自愿参加24小时饥饿体验活动,以更好地警醒世人“丰年不忘灾年,增产不忘节约,消费不能浪费”。




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Today is my shopping day.I wanted to buy some delicious food.there were many kinds of food.I wanted to eat more vegetables and more fruits.I wanted to eat apples in order to lose weight.I liked eating bananas,straw berries,pears and watermelons,I wanted to buy some books,I thought they can help me study not long after my holidays,I wanted to buy a pair of golves for myself because my golves were lost.And I bought some CDs.



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Today, when I read the newspaper, I saw the interesting news, it is said that the first rainbow tunnel has been built in our country. I have seen many tunnels when I went out by bus, every time when the bus went through the tunnel, it was so dark, I felt not good, it just like I went to another gloomy space. But the rainbow tunnel is very different, it is so colorful, it looks so comfortable. It is so sweet for the workers to build such lovely tunnel, it brings the travelers good mood, the workers are so considerate, they deserve the big praise. I think if more rainbow tunnels are built, the travelers will be less tired in their journey.



篇14:初二年级英语作文:Visit the Great Wall

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Three days ago we decided to visit the Great Wall.

Today we met at the bus stop early in the morning. When we were on the bus, we saw a lot of new buildings and new shops.Beijing was taller than before, I thought.

It took us about two hours to get to the Great Wall. When the Great Wall appeared in front of us, we couldn , t help thinking how wonderful it is! I wondered how the people in the past built it without modem machines. It is said you can see it from the space.I was proud of it.

After coming home I made up my mind to study harder than before. When I grow up, I will work hard to make our country more beautiful and stronger.



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My Chinese New Year for this year was fantastic!

I went to Hai Nan with my parents during the Chinese New Year and visited my relatives over there. The weather over there was beautiful. It was so much warmer than my city. We stayed in a hotel and we spent a lot of time on the beaches. My parents also took me for a ride round the island. It was so much fun and I wish it was longer.



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People always believe that when there is pressure, there is motivation, it

seems that pressure equals motivation. We need pressure, it makes us keep move

on, with pressure, we know what to do and how to fulfill our targets. Without

pressure, we are just like a child, never grow up, having no idea of

responsibility. It is pressure that makes us become mature, we should have

pressure, it indeed equals motivation at the certain level. While having too

much pressure is bad for our mind, it is just like a burden that presses our

mind, making people hard to take a breath. Nowadays the case of people commit

suicide is increasing, the reason is that people can’t take a breath from much

pressure, they feel there is no hope in life, no matter what they do, life just

frustrates them. We should have the right attitude towards pressure.



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Everyone should go to school,But there are many diffierent school,Here is my drean school. In that school,there is no teacher.Many robots can teach you about your lessons,YOU neednt take books with you ,you can use your computer.My school had better have an amusement park.because if we are tired ,we can have a good time here.IN the future ,students will have a more wonderful time than now.



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A life without a friend is a life without a sun. Friendship is one of the most important things in everyones life.

Friends are who changes your life just by being a part of it, who makes you believe that there really is good in the world, who convinces you that there really is an unlock door just waiting for you to open it.

When you’re down, friends lift you up. When you lose your way, friends guide you and cheer you on.

So cherish your friend, Do not save your loving speeches.for your friends till they are dead.Do not write them on their tombstones, speak them rather now instead

初二英语作文:Information Age

Its the age of information now and information is very important in the society.we need verious of information to live a normal life.we need to know the lastest news ,listen to the weather forecast,learn about the newly published books and many other things we are interested in and want to know.

There are many way of acquiring information,for example we can watch TV,listen to radio, read newspaper and magazines and go on line which is to most popupar ,convienent and effective way now.

Living in such an age of information,what should we to to face up to the challenge of it?I think we should try our best to learn as much knowledge as we can and try to master the new techonology.

奥运英语作文 北京奥运第一枚金牌属于谁?

北京奥运第一枚金牌属于谁?(Who will win the first gold medal?)

The suspense over who will win the first Olympic medal and in which event is really a interesting thing. Chinese officials are determined to make sure China, as the host country, wins the first gold of the Games. The womens 10m air rifle - which includes two Chinese medal favorites - has its final scheduled at 10:30 am on Aug 9 and should end about 20 minutes later.

If all goes as planned, either reigning gold medalist shooter Du Li or world champion Zhao Yinghui will raise 2008s first gold at the Beijing Shooting Range.

But if Du and Zhao are too far behind in points going into the final, the rumor says, organizers will delay the last ten shots of the final while the weightlifting final goes on as planned so China can secure the gold.

I think the first gold medal must belong to we Chinese, let wait this moment together.

奥运英语作文 关于北京奥运会开幕式的

关于北京奥运会开幕式的(About Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony)

The Olympic Opening Ceremony was an international event and the whole world was watching! The event was held in a stadium designed to seat a large group of people.

The athletes entered the stadium in a specific order. The athletes from Greece entered first in honor of the original Olympics held in Greece. Then, the other athletes followed by nation in the alphabetical order of the host country’s language. The host country’s athletes came last. So for this coming Olympics 2008, the athletes from China will enter the stadium last.

The chief of state of the host country declared the games open, followed by the raising of the Olympic Flag. Music was played and fireworks were set off in salute. Then, doves were released into the air as a symbol of peace. Runners in cross-country relays brought in the Olympic torch. The running of the torch began four weeks before the Olympic ceremony and thousands of runners took part in this. Planes and ships transported the Olympic torch to each country that lies between Greece and the host country. The most exciting moment of the Olympic ceremony was when the torch entered the stadium and lit the Olympic Flame. The Flame was kept burning until the end of the Olympic games.

奥运英语作文 关于北京奥运会闭幕式的

关于北京奥运会闭幕式的(About Beijing Olympic Closing Ceremony)

The closing ceremony must take place in the stadium after the end of all the events. The flag bearers of the participating delegations and the name-board-bearers enter the stadium in single file. Behind them march the athletes, without distinction of nationality.

The flag bearers then form a semi-circle behind the rostrum.

The President of the IOC and the President of the OCOG mount the rostrum. To the sounds of the Greek national anthem, the Greek flag is hoisted on the flagpole that stands to the right of the central flagpole used for the winners flags. The flag of the host country is then hoisted on the central flagpole, while its anthem is played. Finally, the flag of the host country of the next Olympic Games is hoisted on the lefthand flagpole to the strains of its anthem.

The mayor of the host city joins the President of the IOC on the rostrum and returns to him the Olympic flag. The president of the IOC then entrusts it to the mayor of the host city of the following Olympic Games. This flag must be displayed in the latter citys main municipal building.

After an address by the President of the OCOG, the President of the IOC gives the closing speech of the Olympic Games, which he ends with these words:

"I declare the Games of the ... Olympiad closed and, in accordance with tradition, I call upon the youth of the world to assemble four years from now at ... to celebrate with us there the Games of the ... Olympiad".

A fanfare then sounds; the Olympic flame is extinguished, and while the Olympic anthem is being played, the Olympic flag is slowly lowered from the flagpole and, unfurled horizontally, carried out of the arena, followed by the flag bearers. A farewell song resounds.


奥运英语作文:我最喜欢的中国射击运动员(The Chinese sport shooter I like best)

The Chinese sport shooter I like best is Wang Yifu who was in terms of Olympic medals one of the most successful sport shooters of all times. He specializes in the 50 m Pistol and 10 m Air Pistol events.

Wang won his first Olympic medal in the Los Angeles games at the age of 23. After this, the Air Pistol event was added to the program, and this is where he has achieved his greatest accomplishments. He won the 1992 gold medal only days after a new medal in the 50 m event. His three attempts to repeat the victory have provided impressive results and very tight duels:

In the 2004 competition, Wang scored 590 once more, but lost the Olympic record to Mikhail Nestruev (Russia) who achieved 591. However, Wang Yifu chased quickly and eventually won by a margin of 0.2 points to get his second Olympic gold.

I like Wang Yifu, and I also like his great sprite.



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Let me tell you a little about my lifestyle.

I often eat fruit and vegetables. Apples and oranges are my favorites. I love junk food, too, and I eat it three or four times a week. I sleep less than seven hours ever day. I often feel sleepy. I brush my teeth once a day. I run in the morning, and play ping-pong after school. In my free time, I enjoy surfing the Internet. On weekends, I often go to the movies with my friends.

I think I’m kind of unhealthy. I shouldn’t eat too much junk food. I’ll try to have a balanced diet and sleep more. I should brush my teeth twice a day. I hope I can have a better lifestyle.



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Recently, “clearyour plate” campaign is more and more popular in society, which advocates saving against wasting. The campaign draws our attention to wasting on campus.Some students are noticed to throw away a lot of food in the canteen. As is often the case, some lights are still on with nobody in classrooms. What’s more, many a student spends much money buying unnecessary items. As far as Iam concerned, it’s high time that we fought against wasting. Here’re my suggestions. Firstly, I think our school should carry out various activities to arouse students’ awareness of saving. Secondly, relevant rules and regulations are supposed to be made to punish those who waste things. Most importantly, we should form the habit of saving from now. It is everybody’s duty to save resources.
