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In the survival of our planet, there are lovely animals bring us laughter, has plants the smell, heady mist. But in recent years, the human is relentlessly destroy the natural ecological environment.

The recent rise in global temperatures, penguins and polar bears are being destroyed, become the direct climate refugees. Dressed in a black "tails" penguins have to tow, a large number of large Numbers of immigrants. Simple and honest lovely polar bears because cant find the food cold and hunger, tummy "loud gurgling" straight. Charming scenery of the maldives is a good place for leisure vacation, every year thousands of tourists come to sightseeing. But in the near future, there will be inundated by the Antarctic melting glaciers. Residents of the panic, some even abandoned the upbringing of their homeland, migrate.

Also dont understand the people of low carbon life consciousness soon! For humans, animals and nature in harmony forever. Each one of us should be low carbon environmental small guards, start from the self, from small start bit by bit, with a grateful heart, to build our beautiful earth.







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the 5th day of the 5th month of the lunar year is an important day for the chinese people. the day is called duan wu festival, or dragon boat festival, celebrated everywhere in china.


this festival dates back to about 2,000 years ago with a number of legends explaining its origin. the best-known story centers on a great patriotic poet named qu yuan.


the customs vary a lot in different areas of the country, but most of the families would hang the picture of zhong kui (a ghost that can exorcise), calamus and moxa in their houses. people have dragon boat races, eat zong zi (dumpling made of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves) and carry a spice bag around with them.




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The Dragon Boat Festival comes from the story of qu yuan, a patriotic poet qu yuan out a good idea to rich countries qiangming, but not adopted by the king, he was kicked out of the palace. Qu yuan was so angry that he jumped into the miluo river. The local fisherman learned that he rowed a boat to the miluo river to the miluo river. Later, the bamboo tube was changed to zongzi, and the boat was changed to the dragon boat to commemorate qu yuan. Our family is very impressed with qu yuan, so we celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival every year.

The traditional custom of the Dragon Boat Festival is eating zongzi. Our family has a really good zongzi -- my mother. Every year during the Dragon Boat Festival, our whole family can eat delicious dumplings. Momma always said: the rice dumplings with reeds are the most fragrant. Therefore, every year, the mother of the Dragon Boat Festival USES the leaves of the reed to make zongzi. Before making zongzi, she prepared herself: boil the leaves of the reeds in the water and wash them separately. When the reed leaves were cold, she began to make zongzi. Her first three leaf, this three leaves into a cone, then put a date first, and then put on inside glutinous rice, middle to clip a few dates, the last thread tied leaves, a rice dumplings wrapped. Her dumplings are fat and big, like the old Buddha sleeping. After the dumplings have finished, mom put them in a pressure cooker for 40 minutes, then another three or four hours to make it taste and then eat it! My mothers dumplings are very fragrant, so that when I see the zongzi, I will eat them. So, when eating zongzi, I always eat a lot!

The Dragon Boat Festival besides the need to eat zongzi, also the dragon boat!

I like watching dragon boat RACES the most, and dozens of mariners, with their OARS, struggling to make their way to the drum, beat the drum and beat the drum. "Come on, come on! The outside cheerleaders were enthusiastic, thundering and cheering, and the sailors were forced to row harder. The scene of the dragon boat race was spectacular and enthusiastic.

Eating zongzi and racing dragon boat racing, the two traditional customs jointly knit together a hot and noisy Dragon Boat Festival.



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The Dragon Boat Festival is a lunar holiday, occurring on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month holiday, occurring on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month

The Chinese Dragon Boat Festival is a significant holiday celebrated in China, and the one with the longest history .

The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated by boat races in the shape of dragons.

Competing teams row their boats forward to a drumbeat racing to reach the finish end first.

The boat races during the Dragon Boat Festival are traditional customs to attempts to rescue the patriotic poet Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan drowned on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in 277 B.C. Chinese citizens now throw bamboo leaves filled with cooked rice into the water.

Therefore the fish could eat the rice rather than the hero poet. This later on turned into the custom of eating tzungtzu and rice dumplings.



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Once upon a time. There was a house. Beside the house there was a bird cage. One day a cat went to eat the bird, So the cat jumped and hit the bird cage. The bird cage fell down to the ground knocking the bird cage‘s door open. The bird then flew away. So the cat started to chase the bird and the dog chased the cat. However the bird flew on top of the tree. So the cat started to climb the tree and the dog barked at the cat. Before the cat could reach the bird, the bird flew away. this caused the cat to fall out of the tree. The dog then ran away, The bird quickly flew back into his cage and the man from the house carried him safely home.



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Mum, What a great word, As great as the angel!

Mum,You are the sky.And I am the bird, The bird grows in the sky.

Mum, You are the sea. And I am the shell. The sea makes the shell colorful.

Mum, You are the sun. And I am the flower, The sun makes the flower healthy.

Mum, You are the ground. And I am the grass, The ground gives the grass power.

Your love, Like a cup of coffee, Bitter but spicy.

Your love, like a cup of tea, Isn’t sweet but make me sober.

Your love, like a cup of medicine, Isn’t nice but can make me healthy.

Mum, do you know, I sometimes make you angry, But I want to say: Mum, I love you.



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端午节: the Dragon Boat Festival (falling on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month)

Tzung Tzu 粽子

He ate so much Tzung Tzu that he became sick.他因为吃太多粽子而感到身体不适。


粽子: a pyramid-shaped dumpling, wrapped in reed leaves with glutinous rice in it

粽叶:bamboo leaves

Ay Tsao 艾草

Every year my family hangs Ay Tsao on their front door.每年我的家人都会挂艾草在前门。

Hanging Moxa and Calamus 挂艾叶菖蒲

Hsiang Bao 香包

The children love to collect the colorful Hsiang Bao.小孩喜欢搜集鲜艳的香包。

Realgar wine 雄黄酒

People drink realgar wine to protect themselves from illness.人们喝雄黄酒保护自己免于生病。

sachet 香包、香袋

Carrying Spice Bag/ sachet 佩香囊

The sachets are very fragrant.那些香包很香。

fragrant 芳香的

Those flowers are very fragrant.那些花很香。

dragon boat 龙舟

That dragon boat is very colorful.那艘龙舟非常鲜艳。

Dragon boat race 龙舟竞赛

festival 节庆

In Taiwan, people celebrate many different festivals.在台湾,人们庆祝许多不同的节庆。

Lunar calendar 农历

The lunar calendar is different from the calendar used in the west.农历和西方所用的历法不一样。

to ward off/ scare away evil spirits 驱鬼辟邪

hanging up the picture of Zhong Kui, the Exorcist 悬钟馗像



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May Day

Hello, today is May Day. I and My father, mother and sister went shopping. We bought, lollipops, ice creams, cornflakes, toasts, butter, orange, milk and rolls. And my mother bought toys for me. Such as: train, ball, balloon, car, doll, plane and skateboard. After that we went to zoo. I saw rabbit, tigers, snails, and lions, hamsters, budgies and zebras. My sister asked me “what do your like?” I answered “I like skipping rope. That’s very nice.” She said “Here is you prize, Sunny!” “Oh, thank you! I love it!” I shouted. We sat under a tree. After lunch we drank some milk.

Today I am very happy!

my favorite season

If you ask to me favorite season? I to say: my favorite season is fall. Because fall is cool and windy but isnt hot and cold. I like readar relaxed and happy feeling. moreover fall will come, farmers can harvest theirs "fruits of lador" The most exciting still can eat many tasty fruits. Such as: oranges, mangos, bananas, apples, pears.

Listen to my introduce, do you know why I like fall?

I like fall best.



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我赞美我的家乡美景,因为在我眼里多美的家乡,一个亲切的词;家乡,一个温暖的家;家乡,一个优雅的地方。地方。也及不上家的温暖。 我的家乡四面彬都是绿油油的景田野,人们天天都忙得不可开交。田野里,一到春天,到处都是高大的大棚铁架,像一座小部落;夏天,大棚的塑料一取,里面全是绿油油的瓜枝和金灿灿的甜瓜;秋天,村子里飘着成熟地气息,眺望去田野一片金黄,村子人人都笑开了花;冬天,大雪纷飞,为村子穿上了一件雪白棉袄。田野,更是一片美景,雪花落在景田野上,田野显得分外美丽辽阔。

I praise my hometown beauty, because in the eyes of my beautiful hometown, a kind word; home, a warm home; home, an elegant place. Place. And the warmth of the family. My hometown four bin is green landscape field, people are busy every day. In the field, in the spring, everywhere is a tall canopy frame, like a small tribe; in summer, the plastic greenhouse, which is full of lush fruit branches and golden muskmelon; autumn, the village with a mature atmosphere, look to a golden field, village everyone laugh flowers; winter, snow village, wearing a white jacket. The field, is a piece of scenery, snow fell on the king of wild, appears particularly beautiful vast fields.


My hometown has four different scenery, with my heart. Let I immersed in the beautiful scenery of the four seasons of a year. It is "early know growing up in happiness".


I love my hometown, because of its beautiful scenery intoxicated me, because it gave birth to me. Because of my education.


I love my hometown, it is a fertile ground for educating people, educating people is a piece of pure land; it has many places of historic interest and scenic beauty as unique in my heart.



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Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, the family got up at five, according to the custom of the mountain to go to the dew. I scooped handfuls of dew drops to the eyes with the eyes of a time I feel like a lot of light. Until the time when sitting in the classroom, I still feel the eyes are particularly bright, what word can see clearly.After school, I cast legs to run home. Just arrived at the door to smell the dumplings incense, a door to see my father made a good table, such as a good food and I go home to eat. To wash my hands and went to the dining table, first to the mom and dad one solution of a rice dumplings, sprinkle with sugar and to my own solution to a beautiful triangular dumplings, sprinkle with sugar is with relish to eat. On the table, our family ate, chatted, the room full of happy Dragon Boat Festival atmosphere, filled with delicious dumplings taste and thick Aixiang.After the meal, my mother gave me the ear on the male yellow wine, I have a lipstick on the mouth, to my wrist wearing a red line, I dress as incense and dumplings, let me go to school to learn.I like to eat rice dumplings, loved the Dragon Boat Festival, love to enjoy the festive atmosphere of the festival.





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Xitang, a beautiful scenery, the scenery pleasant, pond water bottom, little fish in the water, the ducks on the water, and a variety of unknown elf dallied, men weeping willows graceful, flowers to outshine each other... But then xitang is changed.

Xitang, turned into a "dump". Pond floated on the surface of a lot of garbage bags, sometimes floating in the pumpkin. Below the surface are all black skin mud, and people have lost. How to make the town is not contaminated?

From now on, we have to clean the bottom of the pond sludge, dont let the pond water in xitang, well have some trash can, men and also made some billboards, told men store boss and passing pedestrians dont litter.

Let us act, to join protect xitang environment! I believe in the near future, xitang must be as beautiful as before.







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Over the years, the story of Qu’s demise transformed into the traditions of racing dragon boats and eating zongzi – a kind of rice wrapped in bamboo leaves. The races have certainly captured the imagination of people from all over the world. Every spring there are nearly 60 dragon boat races held outside of China in cities from Vancouver to Sydney, from Gdańsk, Poland to Cape Town, South Africa. Canada alone has nearly 50 dragon boat teams and Germany has nearly 30.





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When we are ill be completely bedridden, parents care in every possible way to us; when we poor exams, parents encourage us; when we make a mistake, parents teach us to correct our mistakes......


Thank the parents in my frustration, encourage me, comfort me, give me courage, let me brave to face the difficulties to establish confidence. I remember a math test, I only got more than 80%. I become dejected and despondent home, homework is not done well, eat not sweet. My mother saw me freak, sit beside me kindly ask me why. I had to tell the truth to the examination of the mother, so I did not expect is the mother not only did not criticize me, but comfort me to say: "good boy, a failure does not mean that he is not good, you have to analyze the reasons, know where this is progress." After listening to my mother, my mood suddenly relaxed.


There is a saying that goes "who grass inch heart, reported in the apartments". Therefore, in order to hard rearing repay my parents, I must now learn, grow up, find a good job, let parents live. My parents gave me, I will be ten times, a hundred times thanks, return them, let them give valuable.



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Dragon Boat race Traditions At the center of this festival are the dragon boat races. Competing teams drive their colorful dragon boats forward to the rhythm of beating drums. These exciting races were inspired by the villagers valiant attempts to rescue Chu Yuan from the Mi Lo river. This tradition has remained unbroken for centuries.

Tzung Tzu A very popular dish during the Dragon Boat festival is tzung tzu. This tasty dish consists of rice dumplings with meat, peanut, egg yolk, or other fillings wrapped in bamboo leaves. The tradition of tzung tzu is meant to remind us of the village fishermen scattering rice across the water of the Mi Low river in order to appease the river dragons so that they would not devour Chu Yuan.

Ay Taso The time of year of the Dragon Boat Festival, the fifth lunar moon, has more significance than just the story of Chu Yuan. Many Chinese consider this time of year an especially dangerous time when extra efforts must be made to protect their family from illness. Families will hang various herbs, called Ay Tsao, on their door for protection. The drinking of realgar wine is thought to remove poisons from the body. Hsiang Bao are also worn. These sachets contain various fragrant medicinal herbs thought to protect the wearer from illness.






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Our classroom is bright and clean. But it is not big. There are twenty-three desks and chairs in it. They are new. Theres a big desk in front of the classroom. Its for our teachers.There are five pictures on the right wall. Theres a map of the world and a map of China on the left wall.

Beside the window theres a bookshelf. There are many books on it. Our classroom is very nice. We have lessons here. We like our classroom.



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Time flies. In the past six years, primary like by the breeze. May the joy of my school to make my unforgettable. It is recorded in the process of growing I recorded my dribs and drabs, after the success of joy, also with my hard sweat...

Remember the sports meeting, our class in the class, and sports scores and back to the moral FengShangJiang two awards. This news, as a member of the class is glad I. "Because," the relay a key for my class won the honour.

Until now, I even never chu remember classmates in the preparation of the determination and the spirit of striving, when there is a classmate off, they quickly grabbed the baton toward the opposite end, every student rushed the look in the eyes are filled with firmness: it is certain to win. In the game of "red-hot", in the first player to finish in the "go" by NaHanSheng neutralization of cheering, we won!

When the footprints on the school playground strings, when the sunset dyed red in the face, we when we heartily cheers and flip the moment, are deeply in my memory album frames. The red in the face and smile and smile and even the waist. I know, that is the joy of success to my school.



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The mention of the Dragon Boat Festival, people will think of eating dumplings, dragon boat racing. However, do you know what is the meaning of "Dragon Boat Festival", the Dragon Boat Festival customs is how come?


"Dragon Boat Festival". "The end" is the "beginning" "beginning", so the lunar calendar in May called "dragon boat festival". To the Tang Dynasty, because of the Tang Dynasty emperor Tang Xuanyu was born on August 5th, in order to avoid the use of "Five", with the echo "afternoon" replace "Five", then, "end of the five" was called the "Dragon Boat Festival".


Why the fifth May this day will become the "Dragon Boat Festival"? The folklore of the several different versions. One of the most popular argument is to commemorate Qu Yuan.


Qu Yuan is a high official from the state of Chu during the Warring States period, Chu did not take his governing principles, but he will be removed from the exile, he saw the decline in exile, the peoples suffering, and to save the people, he had to endure grief and indignation, to 278 BC in the fifth day of May, into the Miluo River. The people of Chu know, has the boat to rescue, but it was too late, the people to worry about the river fish, turtle, eating Qu Yuans body, then wrapped with bamboo rice into the river to feed the fish shell. Since then, the dragon boat, zongzi is our Chinese customs.


I like the Dragon Boat Festival every year, I look forward to the arrival of the Dragon Boat festival.



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Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, I am happy! I want to know how I had the Dragon Boat Festival? If you want to know, come with me.

In the morning, we got up early. As soon as I came out of the room, I smelled a delicious smell. When I came to the kitchen, I saw that grandma was cooking my favorite meat dumpling. Grandma cooked the zongzi, and I ate two meat dumplings at the same time.

After eating the meat dumplings, and mother taking me shopping, I got two very beautiful silver bracelets, a beautiful necklace and a nice little sachet.

Having bought something, we came to the grandmothers house to eat the cake bin. Let me teach you to make a cake canister! First, take the skin of the pie, then put the main raw material on the top, then put some vegetables on it, so that it can be rolled up. The last step is to pour the broth into the mouth of the pie tube.

The Dragon Boat Festival is really interesting!



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At the beginning of May each year five China is the most traditional festival, the Dragon Boat festival.

In the festival, we get up early in the morning. Suddenly, I heard a smell of fragrance. I ran over to see it. What a big pot of zongzi! How sweet it is! Greedy dead me! Look at the next pot, wow! There is also a big basin of snowy white duck eggs and garlic. It looks lovely and I want to eat. Mom said, "hurry up and wash your face and brush your teeth." After I washed, I sat around the table. Dad put rice dumplings, duck eggs, eggs and garlic on the table. Our family finished our breakfast happily and cheerfully.

Then I went to the vegetable market with my father and mother to buy rice field eel and amaranth, and I asked my mother why I want to buy these things. My mother said, "this is the custom of Dragon Boat Festival". I still dont understand, but nodded. Later, my mother took me to buy some green grass to go home. Give me a bath with wormwood soaked mother, I asked why the mother with wormwood bath? Mother said, "because this mosquito doesnt sting you." The mother and the rest of the ed in the door, I asked my mother why the wormwood are ed in the door? Mom said, "because this mosquito will not fly to our house."

After the bath, my mother told me that there was another name called "dolls Day" on the Dragon Boat Festival. At last, mom wore colorful knits on my hands. Today, I know a lot of knowledge about five sessions. I am so happy.
