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Along with the time development, accessing the net already turned the extremely universal matter. No matter is adult or the child, so long as mentioning the computer, all think of internet. But, accessing the internet is advantageous ,but also has shortcoming.

I knew very many people access the net, mainly is for playing games, which is very bad for the study. Therefore, some people believed, the elementary and middle school students lack the self-control.

But,there are many people approving to accessing internet, why? Because internet can provide to the people very helps. First, the network looks like a library, we can look up very many materials easily,and it is quicker than the speed of consulting books; Next, we may read a richer news on-line; In addition, accessing the net also has other functions, for example, E-mail, telephoning on the net and so on.

Actually, accessing the net has its profit and the shortcoming place. We use it to open to expand the field of vision, the study knowledge, but must certainly grasp the discretion.




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例1:报纸和网站是当今两大主要媒体。请根据下表内容,以“Newspapers and Websites”为题,用英语写一篇短文,简要介绍这两种媒体的优缺点。

报 纸

1. 传统媒体,天天更新,信息可靠

2. 携带方便,随时随地可以阅读

3. 仅有文字和图片

网 站

1. 新兴媒体,信息更新速度快

2. 依赖于电脑及互联网

3. 包含文字、图片、音频和视频

注意:1. 短文必须包括表中所有内容,可以适当发挥;

2. 词数:100-120

3. 参考词汇:更新update;音频audio;视频video

Newspapers and Websites

Newspapers and websites are two major new media in the world today, both of which can provide us with lots of news and information. But they’re different in some ways.

Newspapers enjoy a longer history and often come out daily with more reliable news and information. They can be carried and read almost anywhere you like. So many people like reading them. But they can only contain texts and photos.

On the other hand, websites are quite new and popular, especially among young people. Websites have not only texts with pictures but also audios and videos, which makes stories more interesting. What’s more, they are updated from time to time. So the latest news is always seen on websites instead of in newspapers. But it is not quite convenient for people without a computer connected with the Internet to get information from websites.

八:目前,一些诸如GG, MM, Xia Mi 等网络语言在青少年中极为盛行,并且出现在家庭作业报告,甚至全国入学考试的作文中。请你以“Should Internet Slang Be Prohibited (禁止)?”为题,根据下表内容用英语写一篇短文,并谈谈你自己的看法。




注意:1. 短文开头已经给出,不计入总词数;2. 词数:100左右

3. 参考词汇:生动的vivid;智慧intelligence

Should Internet Slang Be Prohibited?

At present, Internet Slang, such as “GG, MM, Xia Mi”,has become popular among the teenagers.

There are different opinions on Internet Slang. Some students think Internet Slang is vivid, fashionable and full of humor and intelligence. Besides, it makes chatting on the Internet quicker.

However, some other students think Internet Slang lacks depth of thought and is too simple. Also, it is hard to understand and not accepted by most people. The words sometimes might make people confused, even resulting in misunderstanding.

Every coin has two sides. In my opinion, living in the Information Age, if we don’t know the Internet Slang, we seem to fall behind the times. It will be OK as long as these terms are used correctly in proper situations.



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在当今社会大家都喜欢玩电脑!这是众人皆知的事情!可是电脑对我们的危害,又有几个人得知呢!就算得知了可是实际行动呢?那么,电脑游戏对于我们中小学生而言,有哪些害处呢? 首先,玩电脑游戏,是需要时间的,如果玩电脑游戏的时间过多的话,那么,我们用来学习的时间就必然会大大地减少,除非是不用学习一看就会的天才,就我们这些普通人而言,学习成绩不下降才怪呢! 其次,玩电脑游戏,尤其是长时间地玩,十分有害我们青少年们的视力和健康,当 你 沉迷在电脑游戏带给你的快乐中时,你的视力也在不知不觉中一天天地衰退,等 你最后醒悟时,已经为时晚矣!可能还要搭上你曾经拥有过的健康身体。

第三,玩电脑游戏,十分地浪费金钱,作为中小学生的我们,其零花钱,主要依赖于我们的父母大人所赐,试想一下,有哪一位父母,很爽快地给钱让我们去上网玩游戏,所以,为了能够进网吧上网玩电脑游戏,我们必然会巧立名目向我们的父母索取,要不然就东拼西凑,挖空心思地弄钱,哪里还有心思学习,有的同学甚至因此而走上了犯罪的不归路,这又是何苦来着? 第四,玩电脑游戏,可能会污染我们青少年纯洁而美好的心灵。因为,许多的电脑游戏,都是打呀、杀呀的,为了达到目的,可以不择手段,试想,这与培育我们高尚的情操简直就是南辕北辙、背道而驰。

而一个品德、素质低下的人,又如何能够作为一名优秀的人才,从而担负起社会赋予他(或她)的重大责任呢? 电脑游戏还有很多的危害,我就不再一一列举了。 也许有的人可能会不服气,你说了那么多电脑游戏的害处,难道电脑游戏就没有一点益处了吗?起码玩电脑游戏可以锻炼、提高我们的反应能力和手脑的快速配合能力,可以帮助我们了解电脑、认识电脑、学习电脑,可以使我们在紧张的学习中得到放松,可以使我们得到在现实中我们得不到的荣誉等等,好处还是很多的嘛!何况,很多的大人不是照样沉迷在电脑游戏中吗?




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With the development of science and technology, we use computers more and more widely. Almost every family has a computer.

In this class meeting, we need to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet, and talk about the good and bad of the network.

Shang yi contained the first statement: "the Internet is a good helper for us to learn. Once, the teacher asked for the Spring Festival information, a little baidu, come out a lot! Therefore, I often use computer to check data." When the students listened, they couldnt help but start to nod their heads.

"And," he said, standing up without raising his hand, "there are many games on the Internet. Like the kingdom of rock, the vengeance, The Three Kingdoms and so on I will play, the net friend also praised me is the game master, the game master!" "No wonder you dont work hard every day. You cant do your homework. Youre playing games every day!" "Said liang jie, a member of the study committee. The dragon court heard these words, ashamed of the underground head.

"I have heard reports that one child is particularly good at studying, and when he was in the fifth grade, he became addicted to playing online games. The first thing he did after school was to play games in the Internet cafe. To this end, his parents often advised him not to go online to play games, but he didnt listen, and said that he would not leave his home on the Internet, and his parents were devastated. The result of this kid, is not because the total net play the net game?" Zhang zhuan told an online game example.

Finally, Mr. Wang concluded, "the network has both advantages and disadvantages. It is necessary to use the right way to become a good helper." The students listen to, all in the heart swear: do not take the bad things as usual, want the network to be the best partner of their study.



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“苦口良药利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。”同学们,希望你们能够好好地认识网络的危害,去好好的利用它,而不是被它所利用和控制。好好把握自己,就是给自己一个光明的人生;不好好把握自己,就是在扼杀自己的人生。 篇二:沉迷网络的危害作文


一 如果长时间上网,首先伤害的是我们的眼睛。电脑的辐射,会使我们的眼睛疲劳,酸痛,时间长了,就会变成近视眼。

二 由于玩游戏时,精力高度集中,血液流动加快,心跳速度也会加快,人的体力,精力消耗很大。青少年正是长身体的时候,如果长时间上网,对身体的危害不会小于毒品。

三 对上网过度的依赖,轻则影响学习,重则会导致心理变态,心理极度扭曲。有人说,学习压力大,能在网上找个忠实的朋友聊聊,可以得到放松,这种说法虽然有一定道理,但如果把握不好,会导致学习成绩下降,网聊的危害会导致心理压力更大,这是一种恶性循环。

四 网上有各种知识,可以开拓我们的视野,增长我们的知识,但也有很多糟粕,我们应加以区分,但是小学生缺乏判断能力,从而会影响小学生价值观,世界观的形成。

五 在网上,青少年面对的是一个虚拟的世界,电脑会服从于人们发出的指令,长时间上网,会使青少年脱离现实生活,不会与别人沟通,缺乏社交能力。




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In the cartoon, we can see that a teather feels rather puzzled about what his pupil writes in the assignment, because he hasnt got any idea of some phrases his pupil used in it. Seeing the teacher’s bewilderment, the pupil seems rather proud. He says to himself: “How does it come about that his teacher doesn’t understand prevailing network slangs.”

The cartoon presents a disturbing phenomenon in our society: the prevalence of coined network phrases among teenagers. According to a survey, eighty-five percent of teenagers use coined network phrases in their text messages and e-mails on a daily basis. What’s worse, seventy percent of teenagers have been using network abbreviation in their school work. Though some network languages have come into our vocabulary, the majority of network languages are coined and not commonly used, and some even shallow andd vulgar in content. Educators are much worried that these coined languages will exert a negative effect on the teenagers both in their growth and in their study of the Chinese language.

In my opinion, we should adopt an objective attitude towards the emergence of network language. On the one hand, network language has enriched our language, especially our oral language, making it more colorful. On the other hand, network language has a negative impact on our traditional language. Many network words and phrases are ridiculous in meaning and not standardized in formation, which will severely affect teenagers in their language study. Therefore, some necessary  measures should be taken to ensure a healthy development of network language.






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First, it is convenient for people to search what they really want, and the

mailboy will bring it to us wherever you are.

Second, people could easily find less expensive goods by comparing with the others.

Third, the salers can pay less rent though the virtual stage so that the

consumers can pay less than shopping in a real mall.

Disavantages: First, it is not that easy for consumers to distinguish the fake and the real without looking at real things.

Second, some times people would be cheated onlines without wariness. Third, tha bank account can not be certainly guaranteed when you are not using your own computer.

Fourth, it takes a long time to receive your goods when shopping on holidays such as Bachelors Day or on Spring Fesitival you cant shopping online because nobody will work on that break time.

Just as its name implies, online shopping is to conduct the shopping activities online.With the development of Internet and electronic commerce,it seems to be gaining in popularity.

Online shopping is accessible round the clock and it makes the worlds

marketplace at your fingertips. It is so convenience that you can buy whatever

you want even at 3 a.m. in the morning; you can choose from a wider variety of things available for you to shop which may not be available in the local brick and mortar stores.Whats more,its always cheaper for you.

However,given the lack of ability to inspect merchandise before purchase, consumers are at higher risk of fraud on the part of the merchant than in a physical store. So,when shopping online,we have to choose goods with care.

But all in all, I would say its advantages outweigh its disadvantages.



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With the widespread of computer, more and more people tend to use Internet to get information and learn knowledge, especially, many educational agent use online class to teacher their students. Many people think it is convenient for students to obtain knowledge by online education and can save students lots of time spending on traveling between home and school. Some people think students can’t focus on studying by online education. In my opinion, we can benefit a lot by online education.




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Nowadays playing computer games is a very common hobbies, especially among young people and teenagers. However there are many arguements on whether computer games are advantageous to people or not.

Although many people doubt the advantages of computer games, if used wisely computer games can actually be used in educational purposes, for example typing games to allow students to learn typing English or Chinese. Also another advantage of computer game is that the games may be played together among friends or family members, which may improve the relationship between family members and allow parents to know more about their children on their hobbies and interests.

However computer games if misused can also have very bad effects on human beings. Firstly spending long time in front of the computer screen will bring to various health problems, such as eye sore, back pain and headache. Also if people spend too much time on computer games rather than the work they should do, for example school work for students and projects and presentations for employees, it may have bad effects on their real life and social life status.

It is true for everything that it is beneficial if used wisely, therefore although computer games are widely said to be bad for people, it can still be used as a good tool if used wisely.



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The societys development and prosperity depend upon the advanced technology or science and sophisticated technique.whats the transmission for knowledgegs?how do you get the information?how do you know more apart from your teacher and mentor?from Library,yes,thats only one of ways that you can try.another way which proved even more important for seeking knowledge and instill yourself is by internet,especially in modern society.Internet is a endless "Knowledge Sea" for your search and exploitation.thats also one of the biggest advantages of internet.by internet,we can get information in what we want,science,astronomy,architecture,anthropology,archaeology etc without teacher or consultor.

Besides for information obtainment,but also for doing business if you want.for instance,Taobao--the most famous shopping website of China,you can through the website of yourown to do business with others.thats can be regarded as a network shopping site of you.if there is someone wants to buy things you listed in the sale items,then you will get profit from the trade transaction.

There is another advantage which is commonplace in the world.Distance-learning,yes,distance-learning,in this way,you can register in a distinguished and prestiged school for learning through internet only by the enrollment pay without walking out of your room and take long miles of ways to attend the class,there is no time limit,no place limit,you can learn new things in which you expect only by your computer,the internet,open the computer,click the website of the school,move your mouse,switch your microphone,then you will be able to attend the class.and some of them,if the video equipment is available to the learning course,then you can also switch your video device to see exactly the teacher or professor who has the class through the internet,his or her appearance,speaking manner,actions,all you will get like that the teacher is just in front of you to has class.For the advantage of such a learning style,you can take class in where you are,and you can also make arrangement with your professor for the timetable,then you can learn to when you want.and to be more,there is also no age limit for most internet-learning school.such a learning style is very important and popular in modern society,espcially for those people who are busy or have not time to go out for regular participation in learning.

now here i also like to list some of the disadvantages of internet,as you know,everything has its two-edges,for internet,is also the same case.one of the most disadvantages of internet is that network-game.espcially for that people in who has addicted.for same teenages,who are enchanted by the network game will get failure and deprogress or degradation in school work.and we should avoid the childen from tripping into such a volution.

another disadvantage is that internet crime.it means that somebody use the internet as a tool to doing something that threaten to society or peoples secure both life and property,and we know for that common words of "Hacker" which is with the purpose to destroy,stel or monitor government or enterprises documentations or personnal data.

In the end,id like to say,we should take the advantages of internet to make us progressive and sophisticated or knowledgeable,or doing business through it to make our life better,but for the disadvatages,we should definitely avoid from involving in,and say "No" to it.i wish all of you will be able to lead a more enjoyable life by internet in the future after reading the essay



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Nowadays, there are more and more students are addicted to computer games, even middle school students. I read some news before that some college students play computer games and fail in their study. Some students spend too much time in games and totally ignore their study. Their parents ban them playing at home, so they go to the Internet bar. They trick money from parents. Some even steal money from others, which is too serious. Therefore, it’s extremely important for students to stay far from computer games.



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提示词: give up concentrate on be (become)interested in

Li Xiaohu spent too much time playing computer games andhe fell behind others. As a good/close friend of his, I must do something tohelp him.

First, I think it’s veryimportant for him to learn lessons well. He should spend most of his time onhis study instead of computer games. Secondly, I must tell him that playingcomputer games too much is bad for his health, especially for his eyes. So hemust give it up. I can play more sports with him after school. Maybe he willbecome more interested in sports than computer games. And then Ill ask him toconcentrate more on his study. Of course, I will try my best to help him withall his subjects. I think I can do it in many fun ways and let him find muchfun in studying. At the same time, Ill ask both his parents and our teachersto help him, too. If I try these, Im sure he will make great progress soon.




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今天下午的作文课很有意思,我们的班主任言老师以“网 络游戏好坏”为主题,让同学们畅所欲言地讨论关于网络游 戏的利弊。

“哪位同学能告诉老师,在你眼中,网络游戏是好是 坏?”老师的话音刚落,曹文捷就腾地站了起来。“老师,我 觉得网络游戏是好的”。他清了清嗓子,接着说:“因为,当 我们学习累了可以玩一会儿网络游戏消除疲劳。”“我也赞同 曹文捷的说法!”戴维还没来得及举手,话就从嘴里冒出来 了。言老师微笑着看着大家没有说话。“我认为网络游戏对任 何人来说都是不好的!”杭飞飞站起来认真地说道:“网络游 戏色彩鲜艳,游戏好玩、刺激,很是吸引一些同学——特别是 男同学的喜爱,这本来不是什么坏事。可有的同学一玩就玩上 了瘾,一连几个小时沉迷于其中,导致视力下降,学习成绩变 差。所以,我不认为网络游戏好。”……

听着听着,我想起妈妈曾经给我讲过这样一个故事:有一 个品学兼优的高中生,原来的学习成绩在班里都是数一数二 的,可学会了玩网络游戏后很快就着了迷,学习成绩一落千 丈。后来连大学都没考上,他非常后悔、痛苦,一时想不开便 跳楼自杀了。所以我赞同杭飞飞的观点。

在同学们热烈的争论中,一节课很快过去了。最后言老师总结 道:“网络游戏对你们小学生来说是弊大于利。同学们不如利 用玩网络游戏的时间去看书、打球、爬山、听音乐等等,这些 活动对同学们更为有益。

这节作文课对我来说收获不小,通过与同学们的争论交流 中及老师的点拨,我更深刻地认识了网络游戏的好坏。懂得了 我们小学生应该把时间和精力更多地用在学习和健康的活动 中。

