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Your personality charm conquered by students, Your nurturing students with rich knowledge, Your enthusiasm infection with the students, unselfish You use the warm sunshine. Bleyou, my dear teacher: every day like the sunshine with smile, happy life and happy family, healthy body, thank you!




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记的那是在我上二年级的时候,有一天放学后,天空突然下起了大雨,我没有带雨伞,背起书包就冲出校门往家跑去。谁知,雨越下越大,我被冰冷的雨水,淋成了一只落汤鸡,“谁来帮帮我呀!谁快来给我送一把雨伞呀……”正在我望天长叹地时候,一把雨伞遮在了我头顶,我扭头一看,一位好心的叔叔语气和蔼地对我说:“小伙子 ,你家在哪住?我送你回家。”我激动地望着眼前的这位好心人不知所措,“你不冷吗?还不快走。”叔叔回过头来对我说。我赶紧挤到叔叔身边,觉得身体立刻暖和了许多。叔叔把雨伞全遮在了我的头顶,而他的大半边身子都被雨水淋湿了。不知不觉我到家了,叔叔拍拍我的肩:“快上楼吧,别感冒了。”说完,他扭身走了。我望着这位好心的叔叔,激动又感动地大声喊:“谢谢叔叔!叔叔再见!”







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是谁在我最需要的时候,出现在我的面前?是谁在我最难受的时候安慰我?是谁在我最低落的时候鼓励我?是谁在我遇到困难的时候帮助我?是谁在我最开 心的时候与我分享我的快乐?又是谁一直以来都在陪伴着我,与我共同进退呢?是谁呢?这是谁呢?---这就是我的好同桌,我的好朋友,我的死党--慧茵。

她 是个个子高高,眉清目秀的女孩子。与我一样,也是个阳光女孩。她有时很沉默,不大爱在别人面前说话,可是面对着我,就是无话不谈了。真是个特别的女孩。我 们相识是在小学的时候,她二年级时转来我班的,从那之后我跟她就成了同桌。在小学毕业时我还以为我们会分道扬镳,没想到我们挺有缘的。居然上了初中还能与 我在同一班学习,而且还是同桌。我的心情是无比的高兴吖。现在又差不多要面临毕业了,我真的是好舍不得她吖。毕竟她同我一起风风雨雨地走过了那么多年。这 些年来,我真的很感谢她。感谢有她陪伴着我度过那些日子。因为有她,我面前的路才会风雨无阻。就因为她,所以我才感谢她。

她是我的至密好 友,同时也是最了解我的人。还记得每次我受了委屈之后,趴在桌上无动于衷的时候,仿佛只有她才能看出我的心思。她坐在我旁边瞧了一下我,下了意识,之后就 讲一些笑话给我听,尽管我没有多理你,你依然想逗我开心。最后,她就一直跟我谈心,帮我解决我的烦恼;还记得,我考试时总有一个焦虑--害怕写作文。这就 成了我每次考试的担心点。每次我总是忧虑重重的,很害怕自己会写不出好的作文来。而恰恰相反她的作文却很好。你知道了我有这考试忧虑时,她不免每次都提醒 我,叫我放松点,不要太紧张,想到什么就写什么。她还告诉我如果这次考不好,不要紧,下次再努力些,追上来……考试了,你也不免提醒我一句,好好写作文, 我的水平与你相差不远的。就因为你对我的鼓励,现在我就不害怕作文了,我还能泰然面对了;还记得吗?那个深秋的傍晚,是我人生最低落的起点。也是我最悲伤 的时候。我不仅忍受着失去一个亲人的痛苦,还要忍受着被人嘲笑的痛苦,当时我真的是无地自容了,也是整天以泪洗脸。那段日子里,我真的很不开心。可庆幸的 是,我还有一位这么好的知己。你对我十分的好。不仅抚慰着我那颗受伤的心,还经常与我玩,与我一起学习,一起快乐。让我走出那片悲伤。渐渐地,我就恢复我 往日那灿烂的笑容,她比我还要开心;还记得,在我遇到困难时,总是有她陪伴着我度过,总是她,与我共进退,共患难……




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Sincere Thanks to My Friends

Everyone has his circle of friends,big or small.There is an ancient proverb in China——“the more friends you make,the more ways you can take”, which means friends are the person who can help us.But from my point of view,the value of friendship can not be estimated.Besides help us,they also can accompany us and love us.Friends are the person will not leave us whether we are together or not and wherever we go.

In my life,I also have had many friends so far.We might come across in Primary School,Middle School,High School and University.Even we met when we were born and grow together,we call them “fa xiao”in Chinese.My friends make me happy,sad, heart-broken.We cry together,laugh together,and sometimes we may argue,speak something bad and decide to break up forever at the time of being impetuous.But we always came to an compromise and apologized to each other.Our friendship and our emotion made us lose courage to abandon the other.I am willing to apology to everyone hurt by my mistakes and I am also ready to forgive the people who have courage to acknowledge a mistake,because I cherish our friendship.

In a word,friendship is the biggest wealth in my life,and it is the fruit I harvest on the way to grow up.My friends

all,thanks for your company ,thanks for your love.

Don’t say “give up”simply .Don’t loose your hands simply.Or else,one day you will find how big the mistake you made is and how late the time you can apology is.



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Dear Mom and Dad,

The time has come: I’m graduating, and I thank you both for all your help

during these 15 years. I still remember when you guys used to say, “You can be

whatever you want.” I’m so glad you are my parents, especially when I hear kids

say they don’t get along with theirs. I’m glad we do, and that you support me in

my decisions. You always try to help, and that’s important to me.

Dad, I remember when you first took me fishing. I loved going even though I

never caught anything. I also remember when you would get mad at me. I realize

you were only trying to show me the right way. When I would cry, you would

always be there to try to cheer me up. That’s what I call a good, loving, caring

dad. Sometimes you and Mom don’t agree with the decisions I make, but you are

there by my side in whatever I do, and that’s why I love you both so much.

Mom, we have our girls night out every Friday and I hope that never

changes, even when I am in college. I love telling you everything; the best part

about you is that you listen. Not only do you have great style, but you love to

have fun, and Dad does, too. You always give me your opinion and I listen. And

when I don’t, you are usually right!

I thank God every day that you are my parents and that you guys brought me

up right. I’m very fortunate having the two of you by me side when some kids

don’t have this kind of relationship with their parents. It makes me know how

lucky I am that you two are still together and get along so well. That’s what

makes you both so special to me and I take in every moment that I get with you

guys. Love always,




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Everyone Needs Help

One day, when I was on my way home, I saw an old man walking slowly around the street Corner. Suddenly he fell down, I ran to him. I couldn’t move him. I look around. Just at that time, I saw a telephone box. I had an idea. I called the police and soon they came. They thanked me for the help. “Everyone needs help.” I said with a smile.




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We havebeen told when we were a little child that we help others as they are in need. We often do as what we were told in the childhood, but when we grow up nowadays weare not dare to help others. Because the society becomes more and complicated. There are some people will make traps for the kind people. For example, you see anold lady falling on the ground and you would like to help her.

However, you maybe charged for pushing her down and ask you to give money for seeing a doctor. Yeah,this things often happen. But helping others is the traditional for ourChinese, we should carry it out on any condition. Helping others will not onlyhelp other people but also help yourself. You will feel happy and satisfy whenassisting others.

So please give a hand to the people in need carefully.



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1) 做到语法、拼写、标点正确、用词恰当;





感谢信的目的是感激对方为自己的付出,感激之情要传达得真挚自然,不要刻意夸大。感谢信所涉及的内容多种多样,比如可以感谢对方替自己做了一件事情,在自己痛苦时安慰了自己,出席了自己的宴会等等。其内容包括:1)表达感激之情2)回顾事情的经过 3)肯定对方帮助的价值以及对自己的影响,表达自己回报的愿望。



Thanks so much for…;Abundant thanks to … for…

Im writing to express my heartfelt thanks for …

On behalf of my whole family, I wish to extend our heartfelt thanks for all the trouble you had taken in …I must write to thank you for inviting me to…


You will never know how much we appreciated your kind and practical help. Your …meant more than I can express in words. Nothing can be more precious for me than your…


I hope I can return the favor someday … Do call on me if I can ever return the favor. 感谢信中比较特殊是求职者面试后给面试官写的信。

此类感谢信的内容不只是感谢,而是一般感谢信和求职信的结合。其主要内容包括:(1)感谢对方给你面谈的机会,并注明你面试的时间和所求的职位;(2) 说明你对该公司、该职位的兴趣,强调你的知识与技能符合公司的需要,表示自己能为公司的发展做出贡献。也可以补充说明或澄清在面谈中忽略或没有讲明的问题 (3)重申你对该职位的兴趣,主动提供更多的材料,表示期待他们的消息。

Directions: You have just attended an interview in Apfel Incorporated for the position of marketing analyst. Write a letter of appreciation to the interviewer Mr. David Wayne. Your letter should include the following points:

1) express your appreciation for the interview

2) tell about your job-related skills and experience


Dear Mr. Wayne,

Thank you very much for taking the time from your busy schedule last Friday to interview me for the marketing analyst position at Apfel Incorporated. After our meeting, I am convinced that your company is an excellent place for my career.

I am extremely excited about the position and believe that my skills are a good match for the company. As you may remember, I completed a project that is similar in nature to the work I

would be doing at your company. I believe that I could make an immediate contribution to Apfel Incorporated.

Please let me know if I can provide you with any additional information about my background or goals. My email address is LiMing@yahoo.com, and my phone number is 12345678. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Li Ming



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Dear Mom & Dad,

Today I want to tell you that you dont need to worry about me any more.

Im grown up! I will be responsible for my life and for my future. I will study

very hard. I will exercise everyday to keep fit. I will read English every

morning and every night. I will make the best use of every spare minute. I will

be happy, confident, positive and energetic everyday!! I will develop good

habits and use them to constantly improve myself. I will never do anything that

would harm my body or my mind. I will never do anything that would make you feel

disappointed or ashamed. I will learn as much as I can and become smarter and

stronger every day. I have learned by watching you that the best way to reach my

goals is to work hard and never give up. You’re my best role models. You set a

great example for me.

I have so many great dreams. I know that realizing these dreams will take a

lot of time and effort. But dont worry about me. I have strong confidence in

myself. I know if I keep trying, keep working hard and keep dreaming, I will

definitely realize all my dreams. I will be somebody special. But I will not

only care about myself. I will contribute to my school, my hometown and my

country. I will contribute to society. I will use all my abilities and talents

to help my family and my country have a glorious future. I will make a

difference in this world.

Dear Mom and Dad, you’ll be proud of me! You will see great results from

all your hard work and sacrifice. Thank you very much for your continued

support! Thank you very much for your patience, love and understanding. I love

you! I appreciate you! I’m very proud of you!

Exercise every day to keep healthy! Enjoy life every day and stay happy! My

only hope for you is you both to enjoy continued health and happiness. You

brought me into this word to share your life. I will do my best to make sure

each day of it is filled with joy and pride.

Mom & Dad, you are the best parents in the world! I don’t know what I

would have done without you.

All My Everlasting Love,

Your Daughter



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Dear Mr.Shakespeare ,

I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude. i am referring to that

unfortunate accident the other day , when I was hit by taxi.

If it had not been for your timely assistance in giving me first aid , I

felt that the consequences might have much more serious. Everyone agrees that it

was your quick-witted response in that emergency that has led to this

satisfactory outcome.

Although more and more people today talk about the need to be unselfish ,

we see very few people pracice what they preach. If there were more people like

you , this world would be a much nicer place.

Yours sincerely ,

Li Ming









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这时,妈妈正要下来看看我们正在玩什么,谁知看见我坐在了地面上哇哇大哭,就急忙跑过去,问我发生了什么事情,我就把事情的经过仔仔细细地告诉了给妈妈听。我刚说完,妈妈就对同学说:“你先回去吧,下次我再请你到我们家去玩吧。”同学听了妈妈 的话,就先回家去了。等我的同学回去了以后,妈妈就抱起我,急匆匆地跑回家去,给我擦了一点药油。因为我的腿现在还很痛,所以还不能走路,妈妈 就去她的公司里请假,专门来陪我。第二天,妈妈一大早就起来煮面给我吃,当我觉得口渴的时候,就帮我倒水……日子一天天过去了,我的腿也渐渐好起来了,不过妈妈也陪了我好几天了,但是妈妈看见我的腿好了,还是非常的高兴。




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We havebeen told when we were a little child that we help others as they are in need. Weoften do as what we were told in the childhood, but when we grow up nowadays weare not dare to help others.

Because the society becomes more and complicated. Thereare some people will make traps for the kind people.

For example, you see anold lady falling on the ground and you would like to help her. However, you maybe charged for pushing her down and ask you to give money for seeing a doctor. Yeah,this things often happen.

But helping others is the traditional for ourChinese, we should carry it out on any condition. Helping others will not onlyhelp other people but also help yourself.

You will feel happy and satisfy whenassisting others. So please give a hand to the people in need carefully.








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Last week our music teacher taught us a song, named Indebted Heart. Through it I know that we should live with a thankful heart. At that time, I think of my parents. I think they are the first people I should thank. It’s them who give me life. It’s them who give me home. It’s them who bring me up. It’s them who look after me. It’s them who teach me knowledge and live happily. I should thank my parents giving me so much. Maybe I should think how to pay back the love my parents give me. But now I think the best way to be appreciated of my parents is to study well and then being a useful person to the society when I grow up.




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Dear Mary,

Thanks for your last letter. Im so glad that you have been able (at last!

) to arrange a holiday in Australia. As I fear I wont be able to meet you at

the airport when you arrive, nor will I be able to be home until later in the

afternoon, so here are some instructions and suggestions. There is a bus from

the airport to the city. It is much cheaper than a cab. Take the bus to the city

and ask to get off at Town Hall railway station. To get to my place in the

eastern suburbs you have three options. You can either take a cab, a bus or the

train. I suggest you take the train, since the airport bus will leave you right

at the station. Get off at Cliff Station. From there you can either walk to my

place (about ten minutes) or take a taxi. Probably you should take a taxi as you

will have luggage.

When you arrive at my flat, ring the intercom for Flat 2. My friend Lillian

will be at home and she will open the front door for you and let you into my

flat. Presumably you will be tired and want to sleep. But if you feel like some

exercise after that long flight, you could stroll down to Cooper Park, which is

only ten minutes away ? you can see it from the window. Cheers and looking

forward to seeing you.

Yours sincerely,


P.S. I will leave something for breakfast in the fridge. Help yourself to

anything you want.



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It was one day morning in May.Xiao Han paid a visit to his friends.On his way he found a crowd of onlookers had gathered,then he just went and investigate.He saw me lying on the street,for being ill.He called the driver to stop right away and sent me to the hospital.Then he paid the treatment expenses by himself and tried to contact my family.After a while,my parents got to the hospital and has learnt that what had happened to me.When i was willing to express my thanks to him,Xiao Han had already gone.



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Dear Minister,

I am writing this letter to thank you for you warm hospitality accorded to

me and my delegation during our recent visit to your beautiful country. I would

also like to thank you for your interesting discussion with me which I have

found very informative and useful.

During the entire visit, my delegation and I were overwhelmed by the

enthusiasm expressed by your business representatives on cooperation with China.

I sincerely hope we could have more exchanges like this one when we would be

able to continue our interesting discussion on possible ways to expand our

bilateral ecomomic and trade relations and bring our business people


I am lookingforward to your early visit to China when I will be able to pay

back some of the hospitality I received during my memorable stay in yur

beautiful country. With kind personal regards,

Faithfully yours,




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Parents fostered a seedling - that is what we are. In the storm, they like a big umbrella, zhefengdangyu for us, do their best to protect us, we must learn to Thanksgiving our parents.

As the saying goes, the fathers day, mother earth. Yeah! Is you give us enough nutrition; Is you give us sufficient moisture. Is you give us abundant sunshine; Give us enough oxygen. It is our great parents.

Gratitude is the traditional virtue of Chinese people. You will know gratitude towards the road to success, you know that gratitude soul becomes more rich, know gratitude your life will be more happy, happy. Gratitude is not saying a word, it is to rely on your own efforts can be obtained. The ancient Confucius, mencius and Lao tze which are know Thanksgiving will big achievements in return for their parents. With parents only have we, no parents we come from?

People ask me how to repay their parents? I said to them, go with your heart grateful; Use the results to return them.

People are always not satisfied, always want to get more. But if not grateful parents, cant get to the divine.

Quick to cherish! Let us learn to Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving care your people care you love you of person!






