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My favourite animal is fish. Because they are very interesting. There are many kinds of fish. They are liveing in water very free. They are very colorful, some fish are red, some fish are white, and some fish are gold... So I like them very much !!!!

我最喜欢的动物是鱼。因为他们是非常有趣的。鱼的种类非常多。他们是在水中自由自在的生活。他们是五颜六色的,一些鱼是红色的,一些鱼是白色的,一些鱼是黄金色的……我非常喜欢它们! ! ! !




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Datong is a city with a long history. As early as Palaeolithic age, there were ancient people living in this area. During the Warring States Period (476 BC - 221 BC), Datong region belonged to the Yanmen County of Zhao Kingdom. After Qin (221BC - 206 BC) unified the whole of China, the Great Wall was built west of Datong City. Datong got the name Pingcheng County that means peaceful city in Chinese because of years of harsh battle with the Hun. During the Northern and Southern Dynasties (420-589), Pingcheng was settled as the capital of Northern Wei Kingdom for 96 years and became ruinds at the year 526. After a long term of recovering, it became an important strategic county during Sui (581-618), Tang (618-907) and Five Dynasties (907-979). Liao Dynasty (916-1125) made Datong the auxiliary capital in 1044 and Jin (Kin) (1115-1234) retained it as a big city comprised of seven counties and three towns. During the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368), Datong belonged to Zhongshu Province and had become a ’grandiose and beautiful city’ according to the description of the Italian traveler Marco Polo. In Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), Datong belonged to Shanxi Province and became Datong County during the domination of Republic of China. Datong was invaded by Japanese army in 1937 and became the capital of the so-called Northern Shanxi Self-Government. Finally in 1949, Datong was peacefully liberated.




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mount jiuhuait was a fine day in may. i took a bus to mount jiuhua. as the hus was passing half way through the mountain i saw a sea of green trees and bamboos. the trees were standing straight pointing upright to the sky. white louds floated in the blue air.

the bus zigzagged to the cable station. i got on the cahle car and soon i was in the air. the mountains and pavillions were underneath. then we came to the foot often king peak the highest among all peaks. the short cut ia steep and more difficult to climb. only the brave few took the path. following the guide i began climbing on all fours. it was a test of physique as well as courage.

our guide kept reminding ua of keeping away from looking at the scenes while climbing. the narrow steps in the mountain led ushigher and higher to the summit. stopping to take my breath i saw the candle like stones and the isolated pine against the sky above the mountain.

the climbing continued and i could not but think of the labouring people who braved the trail for us to follow. what wonderful work! at last we got to the summit. the squirrels were jumping in welcome. steam was rising up from the mountain below. standing above and looking down everything was in sight beneath me. it was magnificent and enlightening.








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Good morning, my admirable professors and my dear fellows. It’s my great honor to be here to introduce myself to all of you. My name is Xing Heng and I’m in my eighteen years old. I come fromXiamen, which is a famous and beautiful city. I strongly suggest you visiting there and I can be your guide if it’s convenient. After three years’ hard work, I am so excited that I am finally enrolled by my dreaming school,SichuanUniversityand be one of you. I am outgoing and I have many interests, such as playing basketball, football, and swimming, but I am only good at basketball. I hope we can always play together in the next four years. Computer Science and Technology is my favorite subject and I am sure that it’s also a promising area in the future, with the great development of computer science and our society. I am glad to be a classmate of you and I hope we can study and make progress together in the future. I greatly expect my life to be with you in the coming four years.




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Today is the first day of the first month, everywhere brimming with a festive atmosphere! See families are decorated, door with Spring Festival couplets, balcony hanging red light, the relatives get together for the family reunion dinner, a toast toast blessing after the work is smooth, the study progress, family happiness! On the way, people dressed in festive costumes and dressed up to visit their friends and relatives, the Spring Festival composition 600 words. We are no exception! Mom and dad took me to visit my grandmas house. All in! Two uncle, two aunt, three uncle, three aunt, aunt, uncle, and cousin, cousin, even younger sister this "little" also come to join the fun! Adults sit on the sofa chatting, watching TV, and we children hand in hand to the room, playing "hide things" games.



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Im writing this letter to you to introduce to you a new classmate.

His name is Li Hua, a friend of mine who is going to transfer to your school soon.

Li is very good at drawing and computer technologies. He is also very competent in English reading and writing. Unlike me, he is a person of few words, but he is very careful and also has a pioneering spirit. Table tennis is his favorite sport.

I think the two of you should be able to get acquainted with each other very quickly, and become very good friends, just as we did in the junior middle school years.

Miss you and keep in touch,

Yours truly,




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书目:《三国演义》、《水浒传》、《西>游记》、《红楼梦》、《聊斋志异》《名人故事》《百万英镑》《十万个为什么》《上下五千年》《希腊神话》《智慧背囊(4册)》《鲁滨逊漂流记》 、《格列佛游记》 《名人传》 、《童年》《钢铁是怎样炼成的》《唐。吉诃德》《巴黎圣母院》《欧也尼。葛朗台》《老人与海》、《茶花女》《傲慢与偏见》《简。爱》《童年》《科学家的故事》《笨狼旅行记》《小巫婆真美丽之飞向彩虹谷》《小巫婆真美丽之住在好玩街》《奇迹花园》《永远的西瓜小丑》《雾都孤儿》《桥下一家人》《狗来了》《夏日历险》《外公是棵樱桃树》《一百条裙子》《蒂莉阿姨的魔法箱》《时代广场的蟋蟀》《>幸福来临时》《钢琴小精灵》《真正的贼》《老鼠阿贝漂流记》《海蒂的天空》《企鹅的故事》《动物大逃亡》《帅狗杜明尼克》《傻狗温迪克》 《亲爱的汉修先生》 《小巫婆求仙记》 《塔克的郊外》《苹果树上的外婆》《橡树上的逃亡》(第一部、第二部)《电话里的童话》《雷梦拉与爸爸》《屋顶上的小孩》《雷梦拉八岁》《兔子坡》《绿拇指男孩》《宠物猫咪鲁·杰克逊》《洋葱头历险记》《魔法灰姑娘》《五毛钱的愿望》《波普先生的企鹅》《朝花夕拾》


智故事三百篇》《中外科学家的故事》《新编十万个为什么》《希腊神话和传说》《爱的教育》《吹牛大王历险记》《小鹿班比》《木偶奇遇记》《长袜子皮皮的故事》《一千零一夜全集》《海底两万里》《《秦文君文集》《女生日记》《隐身人》《时间机器》《《骑鹅旅行记》《假如给我三天光明》《环球八十天》《海蒂的天空》《昆虫记》《皮皮鲁总动员》之银红系列《皮皮鲁和419宗罪》 《皮皮鲁和病菌老大》 《皮皮鲁和大灰狼罗克》 《皮皮鲁和舒克贝塔》 《皮皮鲁和有鬼电车》《皮皮鲁和罐头小人》 《皮皮鲁和活车》 《皮皮鲁和教室里的隐身人》 《皮皮鲁和金拇指》 《皮皮鲁和梦中人》 《皮皮鲁魔鬼训练营》 《皮皮鲁恐怖易位》 《皮皮鲁总动员》之橙黄系列 (全10册) 《皮皮鲁总动员》之橙黄系列《皮皮鲁和蛇王阿奔》 《皮皮鲁和红桃老K》 《皮皮鲁保卫叛逆者》 《皮皮鲁和机器猴》 《皮皮鲁逃往雅典娜》 《皮皮鲁分身记》《皮皮鲁蒙冤记》 《皮皮鲁和魔筷》 《皮皮鲁和幻影号》 《皮皮鲁和魔方大厦》 《皮皮鲁总动员》之蔚蓝系列(全10册) 《皮皮鲁总动员》舒克、贝塔系列 《皮皮鲁压缩人生7天》 《皮皮鲁和巴拉娜》 《皮皮鲁遥控老师》 《克隆皮皮鲁》 《皮皮鲁和肥皂订书机》 《皮皮鲁和红鼻子火车》 《皮皮鲁和车鼠李小二》《皮皮鲁和蜘蛛表》 《皮皮鲁和红沙发音乐城》 《皮皮鲁和沙漠潜艇》 《皮皮鲁总动员》之舒克、贝塔系列(全6册) 《皮皮鲁总动员》大灰狼罗克系列 《舒克贝塔和航空公司》 《舒克贝塔和老鼠报》《舒克贝塔和五角飞碟》 《舒克贝塔德国游》 《舒克贝塔和歌唱家》 《贝塔无敌软件》 《皮皮鲁总动员》之大灰狼罗克系列(全6册) 《罗克和八字论文》 《罗克和超级警犬》 《罗克和返老还童丸》 《野狼歌唱家罗克》《罗克练摊记》 《罗克和神圣考察》 《皮皮鲁总动员》之鲁西西系列(全6册) 《鲁西西和龙珠风波》 《鲁西西和鲍尔历险记》 《鲁西西和大侦探乔麦皮》 《鲁西西外传》 《鲁西西和水晶兔》 《鲁西西和红汽车历险记》《皮皮鲁总动员》鲁西西系列《淘气包马小跳系列》《贪玩老爸》《轰隆隆老师》《笨女孩安琪儿》《四个调皮蛋》《>同桌冤家》《暑假奇遇》《跳跳电视台》《疯丫头杜真子》《寻找大熊猫》《超级市长》《天真妈妈》《巨人的城堡》《小大人丁文涛》《宠物集中营》《丁克舅舅》《漂亮女孩夏林果》《侦探小组在行动》《开甲壳虫车的女校长》《名叫牛皮的插班生》《杨红樱校园小说系列》:《男生日记》《女生日记》《五三班的坏小子》 《假小子戴安》《六三班的坏小子》《漂亮老师和坏小子》《杨红樱童话系列》:《神秘的女老师》《亲爱的笨笨猪》《流浪狗和流浪猫》《那个骑轮箱来的蜜儿》《没有尾巴的狼》《杨红樱非常系列》:《非常老师》 《非常男生》 《非常女生》 《非常爸爸》《非常妈妈》《非常小男生和小女生》《笑猫日记系列》:《塔顶上的猫》《幸福的鸭子》《想变成人的猴子》能闻出孩子味儿的乌龟》 《保姆狗的阴谋》《虎皮猫,你在哪里》《蓝色的兔耳朵草》 《小猫出生在秘密山洞》《樱桃沟的春天》《那个黑色的下午》《一头灵魂出窍的猪》《球球老老鼠》《绿狗山庄》《小白的选择》秦文君经典校园小说系列《小丫林晓梅》《女生贾梅全传》《男生贾里全传》《小鬼鲁智胜》《一只八音盒》《四弟的绿庄园》《开心女孩》《宝贝当家》亲近母语系列:《五个孩子和一个怪物》《小狐狸阿权》《小熊温尼。菩》《西顿动物故事》《雪地寻踪》阳光姐姐伍美珍最新校园系列《水果帮的夏天》同桌冤家系列 伍美珍 第一季+第二季全套10本《我和小姐姐克拉拉》《香草女巫》》张天翼长篇童话选 《宝葫芦的秘密》《秃秃大王》《精灵鼠小弟》《窗边的小豆豆》《小屁孩日记三年级》《小屁孩日记四年级》《 冰心散文 》《红色少年故事》《小学生感恩的100个友情故事》《青少年版学生读物-- 公主童话》《青少年版学生读物-- 尼尔斯骑鹅历险记》《《青少年版学生读物-- 谚语大全》《青少年版学生课外读物--绿山墙的安妮》《青少年版学生读物-- 故事大王》《小飞侠-彼得。潘》《克雷洛夫寓言》《阿凡提故事荟萃 聪明篇》《青少年版学生课外读物--海的女儿》《蔷薇别墅里的老鼠》《米粒与复活节彩蛋》《神话故事》《米粒与蛤蟆城城堡》《小时候就在想的事》《魔法小仙子系列》(共10册)《勇

敢水配方》《变大变小咒》《女妖的戒指》《天使的铃铛》《梦境批发站》《珠宝星归来》《星星总动员》《失踪的影子》《仙子狂欢节》《神奇的太阳花女孩》《夏日历险》《小公主和矮爸爸2》《小公主和矮爸爸3》《《芒果冰棒日报》事件-厕所帮少年侦探-7》《 便利店偷窃风波-厕所帮少年侦探-1》《癫狂的葱油饼先生》《冬日里的温暖》等,许多书我都看过。




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Hello! My name is Chen Danqing.  My English name is Joy.  Im 14 years old.  Im a happy girl.  I have a happy family.  My father and my mother are both office workers.  Theyre busy.  But at weekends, they always cook nice food for me.  Im happy in the family.  I love my parents and they love me very much.

Im a student at Dongzhou Middle School.  It is very big and beautiful.  There are many classroom buildings and office buildings.  Besides the buildings, there is a big playground.  After school, there are lots of boys playing basketball on it.  I think they are happy.  There are a lot of flowers and trees in my school.  They are beautiful.  I like my school.  In my school, I have many friends.  All my friends are polite and helpful.  My friends are all nice to me.  They can make me happy.  So I like playing with them.

My hobbies are listening to music and reading.  I like pop music very much.  I dislike sports because Im not strong.  Its hard for me.

I have a happy family, a beautiful school and many nice friends.  I enjoy every day.



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Hi, Im a child just in grade three, my name is pillars, I really very happy to introduce myself to you.

To introduce my personality, I was very shy on the outside, met a stranger facial muscle is always very nervous, sometimes even become common most familiar greeting coy. Can be in the home, my power and prestige eight sides, always reel talking with family, sister and brother play crazy, occasionally a little small temper. But I believe, I one day bumped into a stranger, can leisurely like in the home, laughing with them.

Introduction after my personality, then introduce my hobbies. I love reading of a book is a powder, I turned over every book at home. Gradually, home of the book is not enough to my reading, I often went to the bookstore, impatient, sometimes even forgot to bring money, again afraid a good book is finished, so we have to lift the book, on the bookcase, sometimes see sore eyes, his feet support can not put down, so we have to hold a book, squatting on the ground, close eyes, in order to temporary rest, but always cant wait want to see. Sometimes a thick book was quickly kill me in a few minutes, and then into a mind, his wisdom constantly on my way home to understand the content of this book, slowly one by one answer in mind.

I not only love reading, and has a certain interest in painting. Either on the draft paper, or in the white paper, who I met, were painted a mesh not miserably to see the whole paper is not miss even a corner. It is this persistent painting, now that I have been able to draw people to life.

I am a love of learning, reasonable obedient good boy.



介绍完我的性格,接下来就介绍一下我的兴趣爱好。 我是一个极爱看书的超级书粉,家里的书我都翻了个遍。渐渐地,家里的书已经不足够我的阅读量,我就常常跑去书店,有时心急,连钱都忘了带,又怕好书被买完,只好捧起书,倚靠在书柜上,有时看得眼睛酸疼,脚无力支撑也不舍放下,只好抱紧书,蹲在地上,微闭双眼,以求暂时的休息,但总是迫不及待的想去看完。有时厚厚的一本书也被我在几十分钟内迅速秒杀,然后把智慧吸入脑子中,在回家的路上不断地去体会这本书的内容,脑子中的疑问慢慢地一个一个解答出来。





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介 What impresses me most in Beijing is the Great Wall which is one of the greatest projects in the world. Its not only the cultural heritage, but also a symbol of China. "Its glorious." I think. It looks like a big dragon running across the mountainous area. It starts Shanhaiguan in the east to Jiayuguan in the west. Its so long that nobody can walk from the beginning to the end.


It was firstly built in Qin Dynasty and prolonged in Ming and Qing dynasties. It was used to protect the enemies from invading in the past, but now it has become the place of interest which attracts so many tourists both at home and abroad.


When I was standing on the top of the Great Wall, I felt as if I were in ancient days. I could see many laborers working very hard. How could they finish this extremely difficult task by hand?




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I harbored feelings reluctantly and quietly left the school.

Today, I would like to re-examination by the aspirations of the rostrum is so urgent! My family a total of three sisters, two sisters who work, in order to take care of the elderly parents, I have to stay around them. I have held a shop, first operational craft, then garments. But no matter how the business is handy, when a teacher is always glorious people yearn for and I would like to make every effort to pursue life-long career. I have to take the test several times, but for various reasons are unable to realize their dreams, but I secretly determined, given the chance, I have been test continue until the ideal realized.

Today, I am, after the test of life, compared to my competitors in terms of age I no longer have an advantage, but Im more than a child they love, patience and sense of responsibility, more of a mature and self-confidence. The teaching profession is sacred and great, he asked teachers not only must be knowledgeable, but also a noble sentiment. Therefore, when reading normal, I paid great attention to their overall development, to train its own extensive interests, and learned a trade, be good at painting and calligraphy than outside, but also sing, say, will speak. "High school only as a teacher, inspires them for the Fan" in the knowledge-learning and I also paid attention to develop their own high moral character, consciously abide by the law, abide by social morality, no bad habits and behavior. I think these are an educator should have the minimum literacy.

If, I passed the interview, Chengweizhongduo Teacher Groups in 成员 I shall keep Nuli study and work hard, my hometown of Jiao Yu force ourselves to the cause, never let down, "the human soul," a major title.

Thank you!



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Good afternoon, Everyone! I am XX. And I am 23 years old. My previous job was a Front Office Supervisor. During the three years when I was working, I also majored Tourism and Hotel Management in the local radio broadcasting and television college. I like this job very much and I like to deal with different guests every day. I hope I can have this chance to one of the members in this hotel. Thank you so much to share my brief introductions.




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很多人多喜欢养一些小动物做宠物,那么你知道要怎么用英语介绍它们吗?下面小编为大家带来有关介绍动物的英语作文,欢迎大家学习! 介绍动物英语作文一:

Dog is my favorite animal. The reason why I like it most is because it’s very competent. Dog is the best friend for mankind. It is also the best companion for the old people. The dog can feel the human nature. So many old people will raise dogs if their children are not with them. The old can give their love for their children to the dog to make themselves feel warmly. I believe the seeing eye dog is very famous. They are special dogs. Those dogs will guide their owners whose eyes is blind to go the correct way. See, I say dogs are very competent. 介绍动物英语作文二:

My favourite animal is the giant panda. The giant panda or panda is a bear living in central western and south western China. Most pandas live in Sichuan province. Pandas are adorable because of their distinctive black patches around eyes, ears and across its round body. Pandas are China’s national treasures. They’re among the world’s most adored and protected animals. Pandas are the star attractions in the Beijing Zoo. Experts say that despite their sweet public image, pandas are capable of attacking humans, especially if they feel threatened. 介绍动物英语作文三:

My favorite animals are rabbits. Rabbit is very cute, chubby, hairy. Its head is small, two long ears, like two big fan ed in the head, as long as there is a little static and dynamic, it will be kept on the ears before and after the swing. It is particularly beautiful eyes. It also has an endearing three mouth, the above two, the following one. Jigen on both sides of the mouth are thin beard, it always put the two long vertical whiskers were straight, and appears to be very spirited. Small rabbits love to eat green vegetables, red radish, but it is still the most favorite carrot. Rabbit likes to play on the lawn, it danced on the lawn, never mind played with more fun. 介绍动物英语作文四:

I like many animals ,such as cats,monkeys,fishes and tigers. but my favorite animals are dogs.I keep a dog in my house .My family members call it "Wang Wang" .It is black and white .All of us like him.It is very cute ,friendly and clever .I often takes him out for a walk in the evening.It brings us joys and smiles.So I like it best. 介绍动物英语作文五:

My favourite animal is the giant panda. The giant panda or panda is a bear living in central western and south western China. Most pandas live in Sichuan province. Pandas are adorable because of their distinctive black patches around eyes, ears and across its round body. Pandas are China’s national treasures. They’re among the world’s most adored and protected animals. Pandas are the star attractions in the Beijing Zoo. Experts say that despite their sweet public image, pandas are capable




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Hello! Its my pleasure to come here and have a chance to introduce myself. I will graduate from beijing unite teacher training university and live in beijing chaoyang district; my major is visual communication design.

On college days, I studied some graphic artist design, package design, book design, website design and so on. Here is my e-portfolio, please see it. besides, a few e-works in my flash disk. Please see it when you are convenient.

Thank you very much!



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Mothers love, like a long river, she quiet, occasionally with a slightly ripples; Her clear, can see the activity on pebbles in the river; She gently, such as the spring breeze slowly to send me. Mothers love for me, I also countless. However, in my impression deepest is the following a few things:

It was a summer night, suddenly the power went out, cant blow fanner. Hot cant sleep, my mother took their fan back and give me a breeze, let me fall asleep. Not only has a comfortable and cool, cool wind also mixed with mom to my thick love, bring me into the sweet dreams.

Another time, I in his home village and play with my cousin. I and my cousin play together I run, but with a small stones I tripped and fell. After I get up, I found more lap a wound, the wound is big and red, and blood flow out, it hurt so much I tears dc. Mother took me to the next to the small clinic simple after disinfection, ready to take me back home, but she was afraid to touch my wound, it just took me home.

Every night when I was learning, every once in a while, mother will always ask me: "daughter, thirst not thirsty, drink some water." And then holding a large glass of water. Water is always warm, let the house is full of warm meaning. Her mother know that I am afraid of hot, so the water right every time. She drink a first, say: "hot", just pass me water to drink.

The father loves the mountain, a mothers love is like the sea. Drop a mothers love can make a mothers love of the great river. Mom, I love you!



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Im so excited tonight. When you do your homework, you have to go to the light meeting. Mom had no choice but to take me. I went to the streets with great interest, and there were lanterns hanging in the sea. There are lanterns, rabbit lights, monkey lights, chicken lights, and lotus lanterns... They shine in the moonlight, and my eyes are dazzled. The streets were decorated with lights and decorated. By the way, there are not only all kinds of colorful lights, but also colorful neon lights.

Shopping arcade etc.service, brand stores to attract a lot of customers, the store down the street a wide variety of goods, uncle have to wear a suit, the aunt wear jewelry, and kids love to eat ice-sugar gourd and pearl milk tea. People came to the street in high spirits to watch the night scenes.

I seemed to enter the world of man and lamp.



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Good morning/afternoon teachers and classmates.Im XXX.I am a girl of 13.My family including my father,mother and me.I like basketball best.In addition,I also like table tennis.My favorite food is carrots.Im also very interested in snacks.What,Im good at computer.Using the computer E-mail,shopping and even solve my problems in the study and the life is so convenient.So I put my computer as my good helper.As for reading,Ive read about magic novel.Are these.Nice to meet you!I sincerely hope to make friends with you.




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Qu Yuan (ca.340 BCE – 278 BCE) was a Chinese scholar and minister to the King from the southern Chu during the Warring States Period.His works are mostly found in an anthology of poetry known as Chu Ci.His death is traditionally commemorated on the occasion of the Duanwu Festival ,which is commonly known in English as the Dragon Boat Festival or Double Fifth (fifth day of the fifth month of the traditional Chinese calendar)



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My new deskmate is a boy of sixteen. His name is Zhang Gao. He is 1.8 meters tall. His strongly-built body and sun-tanned skin make him look like a sportsman. He has two big dark eyes under a pair of thick eyebows. It seems that they are always smiling at you. Compared with my yellow hair, his hair is black and thick. He speaks a little bit fast but very clearly. However, he likes to gesture from time to time while hes talking. He has a dream of becoming a famous actor one day. I believe his dream will come true because of his handsome face and well-developed figure.




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My name isxx.  I am graduate from xxx seniorhigh school and major in xx.  There are xx people in my family.  My father works in a computer company.  And my mother is a housewife.  I am the youngest one in my family.

In my spare time, I like to read novels.  I think reading could enlargemy knowledge.  As for novels, I could imagine whatever I like such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master.  In addition to reading, I also like to play PC games.  A lot of grownups think playing PC games hinders the students from learning.  But I think PC games could motivate me to learn something such as English or Japanese. My favorite course is English because I think it is interesting to say one thing via different sounds.  I wish my English could be improved in the next four years and be able to speak fluent English in the future.



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This is my family。 There are four people in my family。 My grandmother, my father, my mother and me。

My grandmother has short white hair。 She looks very nice。 My father has short black hair and small eyes。 He looks very fat, so I often call him “fat man”。 He works at a factory。 My mother works at a L。D。T。 My mother has long black hair。 She likes sports and traveling, so I often go on sports with my mother。 On holidays my family often go to travel。 I study at Guiyuan Primary School。 We are very happy。

这是我的家。 有4人在家里。 奶奶、爸爸、妈妈和我。

奶奶短白发。 她看起来很漂亮。 爸爸小眼睛,短黑发。 他看起来很肥,所以我常常称呼他为"肥人"。 他在一家工厂工作。 妈妈在工程船名妈妈早已黑发。 喜欢运动和旅游,所以经常去和妈妈锻炼身体。 我们假日经常出去旅行。 我在桂园小学上学。 我们感到非常高兴。
