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"The legend of hercules" tells the story of the king of the gods Zeuss son hercules was born strong, causing the jealousy of the goddess Hera, committed horrible crimes against him.

For sin, he must be in 12 years for the king eurystheus complete 12 pieces. The first task is to ink the, will be a hungry lion kill, and bring back its body to eurystheus. The second task is to ear that lake, will be a monster with nine heads (hydra) to kill. The third task is to find the goddess Artemis golden deer, and bring it back. The fourth task is to catch a big wild boar in the mountains, and bring it back alive. The fifth task is to visit the king, the leather, and within a day to clean up the bullpen. 6 the task was to house the method, the lake, will be to kill cows giant birds to kill. The seventh task is to Crete, the king of the Minoan white bull caught. Task is to put the 8 female xi-bo wang lu te belt to get it. Task is 9 three-headed monster leather weng red bull back. Task is to put the king ten diomedes horse back in the palace. The eleventh task, to the end of the world, find the goddess Heras garden and back to three golden apples. 12 the task is to the underworld, a dog back.

These tasks, he did, for the forgiveness of the gods.







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There was a strange stillness. The birds, for examplewhere had they gone? The feeding stations in the backyards were deserted. The few birds seen anywhere were moribund; they trembled violently and could not fly. It was spring without voices. On the farms the hens brooded, but no chicks hatched. The roadsides, once so attractive, were now lined with browned and withered vegetation as though swept by fire. These, too, were silent, deserted by all living things. Even the streams were now lifeless.

This is a strange scene described by Rachel Carson, who is regarded as the mother of modern environmental protection movement。 Silent Spring is her representative work which lighted the fire of environmental protection in America and the whole world. Before 1960s, no books or magazines talked about things like environment and ecosystem. Such a phenomenon means that environmental protection had not come to people’s mind and the social consciousness. Indeed, the main opinion in human society from the very past about nature is to set war against or conquer it. In fact, many of human’s progresses are made on the base of such opinion. Rachel Carson was the first person who doubted the correctness of the belief and brought the topic under focus.

In Silent Spring, Carson described a miserable village which was dying under the using of DDT. The village used to be prosperous and beautiful. In spring, white clouds of bloom drifted above the green fields. In autumn, oak and maple and birch set up a blaze of color that flamed and flickered across a backdrop of pines. Then foxed barked in the hills and deer silently crossed the fields, half hidden in the mists of the fall mornings. She thought that with the using of variety kinds of pesticide, especially DDTs, the village suffered enormous and irreversible damage and gradually withered and died. Soon it became just like the one described in the beginning. From her fine and smooth describing, I can even feel the groan of the town. Moreover Carson also sharply pointed out that the deep-seated cause for the environmental problem is the human’s arrogance and ignorance. So she asked people to correct the attitude toward the nature and reconsidered the developing path of human being.

Carson thought that because of the antibody and differentiation, pesticides would never be completely useful. On the contrary, those more and more poisonous medicines, because of the enrichment effect, would accumulate in humans’ body. It’s quite sarcastic that we hurt ourselves much badly while hurting the others. Then she analyzed many poisonous components in pesticides. Those are all unfamiliar names except DDT, such as chlordane, chloronaphthalene, compound 497, etc.

Those things really make me feel scared. We are on the top of the food chain, and it is such a perfect and fragile system. We human beings are just part of it and we depend on all of the creatures who stay on the lower positions. It is so hard and ridiculous to try to match the nature. Only in the state does man have a rational existence. Every species have their value to be on this world. Then no one knows what would happened if we force them to disappear. For example, let’s imagine the food chain as a meticulously made castle built by billions of little blocks and we human beings are the top one. There might be several tiny blocks on the bottom which you think is useless and dispensable. But what would happen if we take them away? Perhaps nothing happened, and perhaps the whole castle ruined.

Destruction is always much easier than recovery, not counting those incurable ones. Humans always think that we are much cleverer than the other animals, so we become more and more conceited and firmly believe that we are the king. We didn’t see that the nature is so magical and knows how to revenge. The pay back is much more violent and cruel. We need balance and order. The nature has its own rule. Our aim is to use it and live in harmony with it. The ecosystem is so delicate that even a tiny disturbance could lead an unexpected consequence, just like the butterfly effect.

At the last chapter, some scientists came up with other ways to solve the pest problem----biotic control. There is now a bly running tide of interest in chemical sterility. Those sterile insects are released and mate the normal ones so that they won’t have any larva and get extinct gradually. This solution seems to be reasonable and helpful, but thinking about it carefully, you’ll find that it is just another way to ruin the food chain castle. Not only spring, but also summer and autumn would be still and silent in the future.

It is lucky that Rachel still kept her mind clear. She didn’t agree with the way of conquering the nature. At the very end of the book, she wrote, The ‘control of nature’ is a phrase conceived in arrogance, born of the Neanderthal age of biology and philosophy, when it was supposed that nature exists for the convenience of man. This sentence can be regarded as the book’s theme topic which is widely quoted in all kinds of articles about environmental protection.

Carson is a great woman and fighter. When writing the book, she was suffering from huge pain of the operation for mammary cancer. After the book was published, the widely affect brought her not honor and fortune, but fierce attack from the chemical estate. She died only one year after the book’s publishing. On the spring of 1964, the great woman passed away, but Silent Spring made her voice never silent.

The 20st century was a time that technology and economy developed rapidly, especially the 40 years after Silent Spring was published. But every spring, when flowers bloom, trees sprout, and water begins to flow, we used to recall a woman and her enduring works. We opened the window, and wonder if the spring is silent today, if it will be silent tomorrow.



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During the summer holiday, I spent much time in reading. I finished one of the four masterpieces ofChina, Journey to the West. It’s really an interesting book, telling many adventurous stories. I had watched the TV series before, but I found that the book is much interesting. Except for the adventurous experiences, we still can learn something from this book. We should be brave and confident to ourselves, no matter how many difficulties we meet. Our fellows and teamwork is important to us. When we are in trouble, they are the person we can rely on. And the trust between people is of great importance. It can combine people to a group and work together.





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On the face of it, Maupassants work seems to be a commonplace in society, but its implications are profound. Published 1880 "Boule de Suif" made him famous. Flaubert this work called the masterpiece. This article has also become a classic in the history of world literature. It is the author of the stand head and shoulders above others, refinement of life have a special insight understanding.

"Boule de Suif" occurred in the Franco Prussian War, Maupassant will lead to a fixed at the bottom of society, discrimination of prostitutes, as a positive character to describe, this is the work out of the ordinary place; the more attractive is the same, he will be a prostitute of every hue of bourgeois characters compared to pose as a person of high morals in all the way to the refugees, because the ball of fat on the wagon, people suddenly have become friends, but also friends, even in that case, still put on a Zimingqinggao look in front of a prostitute.

However, to the later, the "upper class" because there is no food, when they saw the car only with food ball of fat, eyes emit resentment eyes. Apparently, they were all hungry. The first to taunt Boule de Suif attack Lu oyzeau, initiated the personality, the eyes are staring at the full food bowl, hypocritically said: "wonderful, the lady of vision than we. "When he offered to Boule de Suif food, Lu oyzeau and have no sense of shame to say:" really, honestly, I could not refuse, I am so hungry I could not hold out. War must be fought by war, isnt it?. "Look," she said. "Before she discriminated a



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For the two months of summer vacation, I want a full, so I had the pleasure of reading the famous French novelist Maupassants "Boule de Suif". In addition to the book "Boule de Suif", there are other three stories, and I personally enjoy "Boule de Suif" this one.

The contents of this paper is based on the background of the Franco Prussian War, the hero is a living in the bottom of society, discrimination of prostitutes, a French coach before leaving the territory, was a Prussian Officer detained officers asked Boule de Suif to spend the night with him, otherwise the coach will not pass, but the ball of fat for his patriotism, resolutely refused. But with the car on the identity of the passengers for their own interests, in order to force her to sacrifice themselves, under the ruthless threat, suet ball was forced to make a choice, you saved. However, when second of the passengers when the car Tian Yi, a ruthless alienate her, and she no longer speak. As if she were a virus, she completely forgot that her freedom was in exchange for her own sacrifice.

The article with the succinct language, strong contrast, those people who have noble hypocrisy, elegant appearance of the ugly face to reveal the most incisive wonder about these hypocrites the resentment of the heart, beauty and ugliness of human nature to show up, impersonal, for the period of French politics, egoistic society let more, we should treat each other sincerely, people feel full of love and help each other under the atmosphere of society is very warm. At the same time, we are lucky to think that we are not living in the extraordinary circumstances. But if we do not know how to cherish, and people are wearing a "Mask", the way people are seeking whether can benefit from them, then our society will become very dim, there is no laughter. I do not want to see such a society exists, but also requires us to be honest with each other, trust each other and help each other. Every little bit to build it up, if you plant the seeds you false display of affection, will only get baoqingguayi fruit.

I believe that each person will be happy when he is sincere. Its pathetic to wear masks and money related relationships, so we need to eliminate the barriers in good faith. With sincerity to move around the relatives and friends, to create a harmonious, happy society! Let this world is full of love.









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Published in 1847, Wuthering Heights was not well received by the reading public, many of whom condemned it as sordid, vulgar, and unnatural--and author Emily Bronte went to her grave in 1848 believing that her only novel was a failure. It was not until 1850, when Wuthering Heights received a second printing with an introduction by Emilys sister Charlotte, that it attracted a wide readership. And from that point the reputation of the book has never looked back. Today it is widely recognized as one of the GREat novels of English literature.

Even so, Wuthering Heights continues to divide readers. It is not a pretty love story; rather, it is swirling tale of largely unlikeable people caught up in obsessive love that turns to dark madness. It is cruel, violent, dark and brooding, and many people find it extremely unpleasant. And yet--it possesses a grandeur of language and design, a sense of tremendous pity and GREat loss that sets it apart from virtually every other novel written.

The novel is told in the form of an extended FLASHback. After a visit to his strange landlord, a newcomer to the area desires to know the history of the family--which he receives from Nelly Deans, a servant who introduces us to the Earnshaw family who once resided in the house known as Wuthering Heights. It was once a cheerful place, but Old Earnshaw adopted a "Gipsy" child who he named Heathcliff. And Catherine, daughter of the house, found in him the perfect companion: wild, rude, and as proud and cruel as she. But although Catherine loves him, even recognizes him as her soulmate, she cannot lower herself to marry so far below her social station. She instead marries another, and in so doing sets in motion an obsession that will destroy them all.

Wuthering Heights is a bit difficult to "get into;" the opening chapters are so dark in their portrait of the end result of this obsessive love that they are somewhat off-putting. But they feed into the flow of the work in a remarkable way, setting the stage for one of the most remarkable structures in all of literature, a story that circles upon itself in a series of repetitions as it plays out across two generations. Catherine and Heathcliff are equally remarkable, both vicious and cruel, and yet never able to shed their impossible love no matter how brutally one may wound the other.

As the novel coils further into alcoholism, seduction, and one of the most elaborately imagined plans of revenge it gathers into a ghostly tone: Heathcliff, driven to madness by a woman who is not there but who seems reflected in every part of his world--dragging her corpse from the grave, hearing her calling to him from the moors, escalating his brutality not for the sake of brutality but so that her memory will never fade, so that she may never leave his mind until death itself. Yes, this is madness, insanity, and there is no peace this side of the grave or even beyond.

It is a stunning novel, frightening, inexorable, unsettling, filled with unbridled passion that makes one cringe. Even if you do not like it, you should read it at least once--and those who do like it will return to it again and again.



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Today, I went to the bookstore, took a bottle of mineral water to three layer directly, picked up a book to read with relish, suddenly, hand touched a book named "Sophies world", Im very interested in its name, then pick it up.

Story say is a 14-year-old girl Sophie discovered a letter when I come home in one day, the only brief three words: "who are you?" Envelope clearly written "three alfalfa road, Sophie", did not write the senders name above, also didnt stamp, this mysterious messenger Sophie fell into a meditation. In this way, in some mysterious mentor, under the guidance of Sophie began to think about, from ancient Greece to Kant, from kierkegaard to Freud, you master the fundamental problem thinking. At the same time, Sophie constantly hear from some of the unusual, the world like a mystery in her eyes. Sophie girl born savvy and nurture knowledge, attempt to unravel the mystery, however, the truth of the matter is far more weird than what she thought, more extraordinary.

"Sophies world, is not only the wisdom of the world, is also a dream world. It will awaken everyone heart to the praise of life and the ultimate meaning of life care and curiosity. World for us, it is the combination of many unknown mystery, is speculation, one end life all dont know what happened and the beginning, only free to live every day, is the life.






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There is no doubt that Pride and Prejudice is well-known, the book that is written by Jane Austen has an influence on the culture.As far as I’m concerned ,the ending of the fiction is wonderful, Elizabeth and Darcy won their happiness, leading a colourful life .

First of all, let’s learn about the author who is Jane Austen .She was unmarried all her life. She was born in a mid-class family and was brought up in a comfortable environment with harmonious surroundings, so there’s not too many conflicts in her sight neither in her novel. In Pride and Prejudice she talked different ideas about love and marriage through different characters.

Jane Austen disclosed mid-class young ladies’ different ideas of marriage and love through describing the different ways in which the Bennet girls doing with their marriage problems,and this undoubtedly shows the writer’s idea about love and marriage: it’s wrong to get married just for property, wealth and status while neither would it be without caring about those elements.Jane Austen just attached great significance to marriage through her novel

by telling people that marriage should be regarded carefully.

Then, let’s get close to story.The details is that Mr. Bennet is an English gentleman with an estate in Hertfordshire. He has five unmarried daughters but no sons while his inheritance must be inherited by a male, so Mrs. Bennet has been keen to seek husband for her daughters with great enthusiasm.

One day the Bennets had a new neighbor called Bingley who was a wealthy bachelor and followed be the target of Mrs. Bennet. At a ball Bingley fell in love with Jane Bennet who’s the oldest daughter of the Bennets. Bingley’s friend Darcy also came to the ball and struck the sights, many girls liked him while he thought all of them couldn’t suit his preference, including Elizabeth. Mr. Darcy always shows others a impression of pride, having found this Elizabeth began to hate Mr. Darcy.

Before long Darcy fell in love with Elizabeth Bennett because of her lovely behavior, while Elizabeth is disgusted by his pride and has a prejudice about him. The official Wickham was welcomed by the villagers, and Elizabeth also took a shine to him. Wickham told someting about darcy,which increased Eli’s prejudice about Mr. Darcy. At

another ball Mr. Darcy invited Elizabeth to dance with him, but Eli refused him. Eli’s elder male cousin Mr. Collin came to Hertfordshire to inherit the Bennetts property by rules, he wanted to marry with one of the Bennets. Having known that Jane was already engaged with Mr. Bingley, he asked Elizabeth to marry him but was seriously rejected. At last he proposed to Charllote who was Eli’s friend.

Mr. Collins was good at flattering and he got the pastorate with the help of Lady Catherine. Once his family was invited to Rosings Garden by Lady Catherine. Elizabeth also went there with Mr. Collin and Charllote. There she met Mr. Darcy who’s Lady Catherine’s nephew.Then Mr. Darcy came to the Collins’ and confessed his love for Elizabeth, of course he was rejected impolitely.

Afterwards Mr. Darcy wrote a letter to Eli in order to remove her misunderstandings of him. Elizabeth’s uncle and aunt were also impressed by Mr. Darcy’s politeness. Gradually Eli’s prejudice of Mr. Darcy disappeared. Eventually they became couple.

In my opinion ,on the one hand,I think Elizabeth has personality ethic which caused her independent idea about love and marriage and in consequence she earned a happy

life. There’re also Eli’s sisters’ love stories served as contrasts to the female subject’s ideal marriage, such as Charlotte and Collin’s life: they do had a luxury life, but there’s no real love between them and this kind of marriage is surely a tragedy of society.On the other hand,Darcy is brave ,he did do his best to pursuit his love.

As a matter of fact,everyone has shortcomings ,after reading the story ,I did realize that we should find our advantages and disadvantages by ourselves.Moreover,it’s necessary for us to try our best to get over shortcomings.I am aware that we ought to get along with others with the same attitude.The right that seeking for happiness is equal for everyone.therefore,we should value the things that we have,and cherish the chances.




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The old man and the sea mainly tells the story: an old fisherman for eighty-four days without fish, met with a giant marlin on the sea. After three days and three nights of struggle, the old man finally killed the big marlin, but he on the way home, but being attacked by a shark, when he returned, the big marlin only fish head fish left.

This story, but tell the immortal hero, although the old man fails, but thats just the sort of strength and a failure of the body, of his confidence and hope that it is impossible to burst. "People are not born for defeat. A man can be destroyed, but can not be one to beat! This is a tough guy spirit!" A very valuable spirit!

老人与海》主要讲述了:一位老渔夫连续八十四天没有捕到鱼的情况下,在大海上遇到了一条巨大的马林鱼。经过了三天三夜的较量,老人终于杀死了大马林鱼,可他返航的途中 ,却被鲨鱼袭击了,当他返回时,那条大马林鱼只剩下鱼头鱼尾了。




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I watched the movie "beauty and beast"this vacation.Its romantic love story.Bell is a very kind and beastuiful girl,living with her father in a small town,and the prince is a selfish guy trapped in a beasts body for his rudeness angering the enchantress.The beast has to find a person willing to fall in love with him.Then,in a occation,it met Bell and gradually fould out that Bell is a lovely girl and begin to fall in love with her, so it went to any length to help her.Bell was finally moved and fell in love with it and the prince escaped from the beasts body and led a happy life for ever.

Love is the topic of the whole story which can change any dark and evil stuff.Love means everything,and this is the reason the movie can get into the gate of Oscar.The real world is full of war and darkness,which turns peoples life in to chaos.Humans life lacks of Love,and if the love exists,humen have the power and the dream and the ideal "man can conquer nature"will no longer be a myth.

Love, the topic of humanbeings life.






全文共 2008 字

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Vivid Heroine

——On Sister Carrie

Carrie was such an ordinary rural girl at the beginning of the story. Sitting on the seat of a bus, she couldn’t help feeling exciting at the sight of the metropolis’ spectacle. She was impressed deeply by large crowd on the avenue, the spacious square or tall buildings.

Far more different from other heroines, Carrie was not a plain pure angel like Snow-white, nor was she brave enough to be a heroine of revolutionist or even a reformer, nor was she so clever as to be a successful career woman who start from scratch.

What attracted her most, after her entering this huge metropolis was the incredible fineries, fashion shoes, smart handbags displaying in the shop windows, the jewellerys shining brightly behind the glass. She dreamed that one day, she could wear all of these, jogging gracefully into the most luxurious hotel with focused sights of admiration.

And this was not merely a dream. Because she had large eyes which can earn others’ sympathy, even love. She had wonderful figure which can win others’ hearts. However, anything she got, anywhere she reached, had not come from her ambition. Things happened, and then she accepted. That’s what she had just done — just to accept willingly from the bottom of her heart. She was not at all an evil woman who would give anything for the fortune or fame. However, she would give uo something for a better life when her instinct defeated her intellect.

That was Carrie, a girl had her own desire, a human being just like many others in the realistic world.

There’s one sentence written in chapter VIII:” When this jangle of free-will instinct shall have been adjusted, when perfect understanding has given the former the power to replace the latter entirely, man will no longer vary.” However, how many people can go that further.

And I want to quote another sentence to wind up my essay:

“In Carrie — as in how many of our wordings do they not? — instinct and reason, desire and understanding, were at war for the mastery.”



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Sons and Lovers was D.H. Lawrences first major novel. His only major novel, some would say; but even readers who are out of sympathy with him, or who feel that his gifts were not really those of a novelist, have usually been happy to make a wholehearted exception in this one case.

It is a book that goes straight to the point, at the outset and at almost every subsequent stage. Between them his two methods leave us in no doubt where the heart of his story is to be located.

Gertrude Morel is a woman of high principle, of character and refinement. Her husband is a miner who can barely read and write. Marrying him for passion, she is bitterly disappointed by his rough manners, his drinking, what she can only see as his weakness and irresponsibility. When the book opens, the marriage has already turned into a battlefield, and the love she has withdrawn from Morel is being redirected toward the first of her children. In the previous chapters, Gertrude Morel is most devoted to her eldest son William. But after he dies of a skin disease, she plunges into grief. Seeing William is gone, she rededicates her life to Paul, and this revives her. She teaches her son art, education, and social advancement. She lives for her sons and will do anything to see them make their way in the world.

Mrs. Morel is terribly tired of her involvement in Paul and Miriams relationship and decides to stop intervening. She knows that Paul is an adult now and that there is nothing she can do to stop Paul from seeing Miriam. She feels that she can never forgive her son for sacrificing himself to love Miriam. As it mentions above, Paul has begun to realize how much his mother affects his life. Her deep love for him has made her a part of himself that when he wants to break free from his mother, he is unable to get away from her. His mother is ingrained into his very soul.

That’s to say, his mother influences Paul very much, and which proves to be for worse to him. When Paul finds girlfriend, he always find the girl who takes after his mother, not only the out look but also in mental. But in fact he could not find such girl. So it lead to that he never willing to be bound to Miriam in marriage or to Clara in physical love. At last Paul has begun to realize how much his mother affects his life. Her deep love for him has made her a part of himself that when he wants to break free from his mother, he is unable to get away from her. His mother is ingrained into his very soul.

To sum up, Paul’s mother has some bad influence on him and to a large extent changes his life.



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How can such a little boy who had already suffered oppressive affliction remain pure in body and mind? The reason is the nature of goodness. I think it is the most important information implied in the novel by Dickens-he believed that goodnecould conquer every difficulty. Although I don’t think goodneis omnipotent yet I do believe that those who are kind-hearted live more happily than those who are evil-minded.

For me the nature of goodneis one of the most necessary character for a person. Goodneis to humans what water is to fish. He who is without goodneis an utterly worthleperson. On the contrary as the famous saying goes ‘The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose’ he who is with goodneundoubtedly is a happy and useful person. People receiving his help are grateful to him and he also gets gratified from what he has done and thus he can do good to both the people he has helped and himself.

To my disappointment nowadays some people seem to doubt the existence of the goodnein humanity. They look down on people’s honesty and kindness thinking it foolish of people to be warm-hearted. As a result they show no sympathy to those who are in trouble and seldom offer to help others. On the other hand they attach importance to money and benefit. In their opinion money is the only real object while emotions and morality are nihility. If they cannot get profit from showing their ‘kindness’ they draw back when others are faced with trouble and even hit a man when he is down. They are one of the sorts that I really detest.

Francis Bacon said in his essay ‘Goodness of all virtues and dignities of the mind is the greatest being the character of the Deity and without it man is a busy mischievous wretched thing no better than a kind of vermin.’



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the Little Prince – A Tale of Love and Life Title: the Little Prince Author: Antoine de St-Exupery Main Characters: the little prince, the pilot, the rose, the fox, the snake, etc. Despite I’ve not in my childhood yet, I still prefer reading fairy-tale stories. the tales, which accompany with me in my old days, often make me think of some precious experience and sensation which only belong to children. This summer I’ve review this kind of tale, which was published in 1940. It’s the world-famous fairy-tale by the French author, Antoine de St-Exupery, The Little Prince. As many other fairy-tales, the outline of The Little Prince is not very complex. “I”, the narrator of the story, is a pilot whose plane has something wrong and lands in the Sahara. In this occasion, the pilot makes the acquaintance of the little prince, a little boy from another planet, the Asteroid B612. The little prince has escaped from his tiny planet, because he has some quarrel with a rose, which grows on his planet. In that case he left his own planet and took an exploration at some neighbor asteroids. On his all-alone journey, the little prince meets different kinds of people, which includes a king, a conceited man, a tippler, a businessman, a lamplighter and a geographer. From these people he gets a conclusion that the grown-ups are very odd. Following the instruction of the geographer, he descends in the Sahara, on the earth. Traveling on the earth, the little prince, who sees a garden of five-thousand roses, is overcome with astonishment and sadness, as he considers his rose is unique in the universe before. At that time a fox appears. The fox, who tell the little prince about the meaning of the word “tame”, becomes his new friend. At the time to say farewell, the fox makes him know that his rose is unique because she is his rose and tamed by him. From that the little prince begins to treasure friendship and be responsible to his rose. At the anniversary day of his descent of the earth, rejecting the pilot’s advice, he goes back to his own planet by bite of a snake. “It’s too far. I can not carry this body with me. It’s too heavy.” he said. He tells his friend, the pilot, he must be responsible for his rose, so he has to go back. At the end the author doesn’t tell us the ending directly.



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The father and son of E Blaus, a German painter, is an interesting and animated cartoon. The comic book reflects the sincere feelings of father and son. The father first came to this world, and later his son came to the world. On the road of life, more than one companion, also equal to more than a friend.

When father is in trouble, the first one to think of is his clever, lovely and lively son. When his son is in trouble, he first thinks of his humorous, fat and honest father. When his son was a child, his son grew up to be the patron saint of his father.

There are one hundred and ninety-five episodes in this comic book, and the first episode, "homework shy", attracts me like a magnet. Father saw his sons homework will not do, and then help his son to do, and the result of a mistake, his father was a teacher. I know that father loves his son, but he doesnt do it the right way.

Although there is not a word in the painting, they still feel the father and son love between them. For example, the "sons gift", his son gave his father a gift, but because of carelessness, gift broke. The son wept sadly. Instead of blaming him, father comforted his son. He picked up the needle in the debris of the gift and made a pipe through the pipe! Son, then I know, I still have meaning.

Kind and optimistic father and naughty son, they both draw the sense of father and son.



全文共 2007 字

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The character of Heidi show kindneand innocence of happineand joy. After reading this book, I read a lot. I saw Heidi be happy in doing good, helping others. Heidi used the pure personality and love to warm her the appearance of indifference but kind-hearted grandfather. She accompanied the blind grandmother talk, chat, make what is invisible blind grandmother found a life of joy and fun, grandma is no longer lonely. She helped kind paralyzed girl Clara, in Heidi and uncle "s encouragement, Clara used his power to learn to walk. And the young Peter under the influence of Heidi, also gradually began to learn, to be an honest child. See these touching stories, my heart was touched, I saw Heidi that pure, that a kind heart, and Heidi was really brilliant character.

I want to learn more about Heidi. Heidi"s age is small, but it is a very touching charm. I saw Heidi the love life of the mind. She told everything is so active, unlike me, take mincing steps. Her outspoken personality is also very worthy of my learning, and I should like Heidi has a decisive, straightforward character. Don"t hesitate, irresolute and hesitant.

I saw Heidi hot heart of nature: whether to others, or to the animal, are treated equally, always slowly pacify her Swan and little bear. The sheep are very like Heidi. See Heidi always fall over each other to Heidi came. I also know: you want others to respect you, there is a premise : that is, you must respect others. Now humans random killing various kinds of animal, animal is the human will run in to see. Although some people respect the animal, but after all, only a few. The human side say repeatedly repeatedly said is our animal friends, while the hunted animal cruelty. Let the animal to see human could not escape?

Reading this book, my deep feeling. You are right. To be full of love, love can overcome loneliness, love can beat the disease, love will bring us happiness.  Little Heidi is indeed a people know how to love life, love nature, care about others!
