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弗兰克林说过:“有非常之胆识,始可做非常之事业”对于我们中学生来说 写一篇好的作文 画一幅美丽的图画 唱一支动人的歌曲 打一场漂亮的球赛 都是我们中学征途中的一次次成功。成功中是我们的喜悦,成功背后是我们辛勤的汗水 你也可以投稿,没有耕耘就哪有收获 没有付出哪有所得。因此,对于即将成熟的我们,更应该好好珍惜这段宝贵的时光充实自己,把自己的理想变为势不可当的动力!












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The New Year begins, we as if in anything is very fresh. New clothes, books, new challenge! Do you want to know my new plan?

A, spend learning. Teacher often said that "everybody has frequently as the diameter, road to learning bitter for a ship", "book is the ladder of human progress." So, this year Im going to my "nest egg" to buy the readers digest "childrens literature". Change to buy some snacks to eat, and New Years money, I used to be tuition, buy stationery.

Second, challenge themselves, beyond the limit. Because of the arrogance of last semester, leading to the final exam a slip-up, confusion, pride, at that time careless, eventually "lost" Han gave the rain! So, Im going to in this semester, do your best to go beyond the rain Han. In addition, I served as the monitor in the class, so I will try to manage the class when the teacher good assistants and teachers and students between the Bridges.

Third, get rid of disadvantages, everyone together, make a sensible boy. Before I always always love lost his temper, at home, eat good, wear well, live a good, like a little princess, I dont know my parents in the mind of the bitter. From watching the TV series "warm spring", I was going to save money, help my mother do the housework, reduce the burden of parents.

Flowers are open, all is a bird to fly, is to smoke a leaf tree. Who doesnt want to be a general is not a good soldier. Today, I was involved in a winner; Tomorrow, I am a successful participants! In the New Year, we struggle for yourself!





是花都要开放,是鸟都要飞翔,是树都要抽枝长叶。不想当将军的士兵就不是好兵。今天,我是参与成功者;明天, 我是成功的参与者!在新的一年里,我们为自己而奋斗吧!



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I have a happy holiday. In the holiday. I have do lots of thing.

First, I make a plan. Plan about everyday life and study. My life have rule.

Second, I according to plan execuition. Enable my holiday is very amplitude.

I watch TV, too. I love English today. Because I like English very much.

Sometimes I play the computer. I can watch MTV and learn English on computer.

I have a good holiday.



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The First Day in New Term

Today is September 3rd, the first day of the new semester. I am happy to see all of my classmates come back to school. Today is the first day for school, so we get our new textbooks. I open them generally and I find that I am interested in most of the contexts. Today we have Chinese, math, English, physics and so on. In the Chinese class, our teacher greets to us and then she suggests us talking about our holidays to others. All of us share the interesting things with classmates. I find that we all have a good holiday. I hope we can make progress in study together.





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Today I had a good time. It was my grandpas birthday. Our family went back to his home to celebrate his birthday. My mother cooked many delicious food and we brought a big birthday cake. We got together to have a big family dinner. We gave grandpa some presents and said, "Happy birthday to you!" In the afternoon we went boating in the park. We enjoyed ourselves, and my grandpa had a nice time on his birthday.


It was Christmas Day yesterday. I had a good time with my friends. We had a Christmas party at school. Many friends of mine came to the party. After we said"Merry Christmas", we began to sing Christmas songs, such as Edelweiss, andso on. Then we told some Christmas s(来自: 博文学习 网:初中新年计划英语作文)tories, such as Christmas Father. Then I danced and laughted with my friends. We all had a good time. When the party came to the end,we said "Happy New Year" to each other. We made up our mind that we would study hard to make great progress in the coming year.

昨天是圣诞节,我和我的朋友过得很愉快。我们在学校举办了圣诞晚会,我的许多朋友都来参加晚会。我们互道“圣诞快乐”后,开始唱圣诞歌,像“雪绒花”等。然后我们讲圣诞故事,如“圣诞老人”等,我们都玩得很开心。当晚会即将结束时,我们互祝“新年快乐”。 我们下决心在即将来临的一年中努力学习,以取得更大的进步。

The bell rang and the class was over. Many classmates jumped up from the seat. The classroom became noisy. Some students went out of the classroom. I was just chatting with some of my classmates when Li Hong came to me. She smiled and said to me, "Whats four minus four? Do you know?" "Its zero. That is easy." answered I. But Li Hong shook her head and said "Its wrong. Its eight." "Why? Thats impossible!" "You will understand if you cut down four corners of a desk." said Li Hong. "Is that a joke?" "Oh, yes." We all laughed. During the class break, we had a good rest. Our class break was often full of fun and laughter. We often have a pleasant break.



My Happy Times During Winter Vacation

I often go to see my grandma and grandpa during winter vacation. They are both seventy years old and live in the country happily. I can do many interesting things there. I am used to getting up early in the morning and breathing the fresh air in the countryside. After snow, I would like to skate and ski with my friends. When night comes, I am used to sitting by the fire and listening to grandma telling me many funny stories. And I tell her some new things happening in the city. When I have to go back, I am always reluctant to go. I really feel happy living in the country.


Yesterday was my thirteenth birthday. My parents had a birthday party for me. I invited my friends to my party. My parents bought new clothes and some books as my birthday presents. How happy I felt when I put on the new clothes!

When all my friends arrived, my mother brought delicious food and a big birthday cake. My father gave me new clothes and some books as presents. I was moved to tears. My friends sang "Happy birthday to you!" and gave me some presents. Then we began to eat. It was my happiest day. I had a wonderful birthday.





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2022初中英语教师个人工作计划【篇六】 2022 junior high school English teacher personal work plan [Chapter 6]



























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大学英语四级考试,即CET-4,College English Test Band 4的缩写,是由国家教育部高等教育司主持的全国性教学考试。下面是由小编为你精心编辑的大学英语四级作文模板:现象说明文,欢迎阅读!






Recently _______,what amazes us most is______________,it is ture that__________.

There are many reasons explaining__________________________.The main reason is____________________.

what is more_________________________.thirdly__________________________.As a result_______________.

Considering all there,________________________.For one thing_____________________,for another____________.In Conclusion____________________.一种事物或现象(负面意义倾向)



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A little boy was very naughty and would not say his prayers before going to bed.

One day his father warned him that if he kept doing so. He would not go to heaven. The boy cried noisily and said, "I dont like to go to heaven alone. I want to go with you and mama."





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good afternoon, my dear friends.

i am very happy to meet you here.it is my great honor to communicate with you at such a special occation.first of all,please allow me to express my appreciation to you all to listion to me.

i am proud of being a college student.the collegelife is fresh,new teachers, new classmates and new friends. i like the friendship, and their wide knowledge and opening mind. the grand library, school buildings and wide playground attrattde me very much.my college life is better than i expected, i can do anything i like. in the college we can not only learn the professional knowledge,but also develop our comprehensive abilities.if we can make full use of the period,we can learn many useful things.besides,we should have the active attitude to our life,do a contributionto the society.collegelife is the most precious time in our life.most of us want to become an outstanding man. but there are some students still waste their time. they get together for eating, drinking or playing cards. theyre busy in searching for a girlfriend or a boyfriend. they completely forget their task as college students.

finally, i hope everybody can try their best to become a worthy person to our country, and make great contributions to the society!







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尊敬的西南大学招生办公室领导: 您们好!

我叫梅鹏云,男,今年十七岁。是xxx第一中学(省级重点示范高中)高三理科实验班的一名学生。首先我对您能在百忙中读这封深表感谢! 记得很小的时候,自己就是一个“很不安分”的孩子。家中的物件小到电筒、闹钟,大到收音机、电风扇等,都被我无数次地拆装过,为此我没少挨过父母的责骂。然而多次的责

骂最终也没能使我的这一兴趣得以丝毫改变。 进入小学以后,自己的兴趣和爱好更加广泛起来。在老师的培养下,我在学校组织的计算机竞赛中多次获得优异成绩,三年级的自己在全市中小学生象棋比赛中获得了排名第一的好成绩。

自打初中开设了物理科目以后,自己仿佛一下子进入了兴趣世界的天堂。奇幻奥妙的物理世界叫人目不暇接,留连忘返,物理实验课更是成了我的最爱,优异的物理成绩使得自己年年成为了班里的物理课代表。然而在老师的提醒和敦促下,自己并没有因为对物理的强烈喜爱而偏废其它科目,最终以极其优异的成绩考入了第一中学的理科实验班。 “书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟”。实验班三年紧张而快乐的学习生活既让我深切体味到了畅游学海的酣畅,又让我真正品味出了攀登书山的艰辛。面对频繁举行的省市级物理学科竞赛和各项考试,自己像一名精神饱满斗志昂扬的战士,随时准备着投入拼搏与厮杀。 是的,我渴望开启更大的知识宝库,我渴望遨游更为宽阔的知识海洋。 三年的高中学习生活就要结束了,说实话每当我不经意间意识到这点时,心里的颇多感触便会油然而生,这是因为其间我获得了太多的收益。

我深深感谢我的老师,是他们,像辛勤的园丁,精心地培育、呵护着我们。不仅传授知识,还教会了我许多书本以外的做人道理;同时我也感谢我亲爱的同学们,让我获取了无比珍贵的友谊和帮助。 面对即将到来的大学学习生活,我既满怀兴奋又充满期待。西南大学是我仰慕已久的一所大学,学校悠久的办学历史和突出的教学成就深受国人景仰,就读于西南交大早已为无数有志于工科学习的学子所期盼。同样,学在西南交大也让我梦寐以求,而美丽富饶的西南边陲更是我魂牵梦绕的地方。因为我的母亲打小就生活在那里,所有童年的美好记忆也都留在了那里。直到今天,母亲对那里的一山一水、一草一木仍然记忆犹新,饱含深情......





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1. 关于课前,必须得好好预习,用查资料的方式来提前知道书本上讲的是什么,需要我们巩固的是什么,要牢记的是什么,要了解的是什么。

2. 关于上课的时候,要认真上课,思维要跟着老师的思维想问题,并且还要积极举手答问,做好笔记,不能开小差,更不许上课讨论一些跟课堂无关的事情。

3. 关于课后,时不时要温习一下所学过的知识。还可以再拓展课外的知识,所谓“读书百遍,其义自见”。温习时,若还是有不懂的问题,要与同学讨论,或直接请教老师。

4. 与同学们要和谐相处,不能因为一点小事就打“冷战”,对任何事情要用一颗宽容的心去包容他人。就算不是自己的错,也要好好地和同学解释清楚。初中的朋友是最纯结的,没有利益关系的存在,对友谊没有多大的影响。要珍惜现在的友谊,对朋友同学要真挚诚恳。

5. 对老师长辈要尊重,我要以微笑去对待所有长辈老师。在成长路上,是他们一路陪伴着我们,像一展照明灯一般,照亮我们的前方。







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University, a place that people yearn for. There have their own space and time, after school can be the light of heart from care and your love shopping, can boldly go hand in hand to see the teacher also satisfied a smile in the campus, you can sleep in the class is not afraid of being punished teacher, can occasionally to the Internet in the dormitory, so the fairys life can not worth we yearn for it? The university is simply a human being.

I am envious when I hear such a student life, because I also yearn for this kind of life. Happy days came at last, and I jumped into my long - worshipped college life like a rabbit. Unfortunately, I was not there to find happiness, more disappointed and confused about life. A day may be one or two classes, no homework, no sooner or later self study. Twelve years of draconous and stressful life suddenly changed, like a tight rubber band that suddenly loosened. The result of such a sudden relaxation is to get up at night in the daytime, to accept the radiation of the computer and not to ask the teachers star knowledge. This kind of life is free, but how long can it persist? Enter the university are ambitious, in order to find a good job, but now lost to this temptation......

Im just a freshman, I know a lot in this year, and I have learned a lot of things that I dont have in many books. Dont be addicted to the immortal life of the University. University is a good platform for development. Just because everyone is obsessed with this kind of life, students who study hard a little bit will have a good future. The life of the university is not easy, even more pressure than the pressure of high school life. Why do you say that? If universities want to realize their dreams, they cant relax themselves and enhance their self-control ability. When other students go online, they should stay in the study room or study in the library when they go shopping. And the university is also half a society, to have its own interpersonal relationship, and to speak the corresponding responsibility. If what position in the school, but also for the appreciation of their own to do some "small abacus." The parents who go to school are not around, and some things have to learn to take their own ideas. Like a flower growing in a greenhouse, it is now suddenly taken away to go through the baptism of rain and rain.

So, easy and comfortable college life is that those who have no pursuit will say it. I hope all of our college students are in the pursuit of the ideal road not to stand in the sight of the spectacle and forget where they are going.



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Nowadays, colleges and universities enroll an increasing number of students year after year. After four years of study, they have to meet more and more rivals in the labor market, usually many of them going home with no work at all, disappointed.

With more graduates and less job vacancies, students are encouraged to start business of their own when they graduate from university. They may start take up anything they are interested in, make decision on their own, and obtain the fruit of their own labor. In this way, graduates will become more independent, imaginative and creative.

Yet this process should be supported by our government. The government should provide special policies for these students, and when necessary, guide them onto a correct road.



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Im happy to have such a good summer holiday.because I will have much time to visit some places of intrest.Im going to Beijing tomorrow,so now I feel very happy.I will go there by plane and stay there for 10 days.This is my first time to go to Beijing,not only the Olympic Games is coming,but also I can learn more knowledges about the Olympic Games.And it is a great chance for me to communicate with foreigners,so I wont miss it.Therefore,now I want to say:Beijing,Im coming!



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On the first day of winter vacation, I will give myself made a rigorous study plan, hope you can spend a substantial winter vacation.

My study plan put my winter holiday is full of. I plan to put all the homework before the holiday are swept away, after the Chinese New Year in the top volume with three days to review your knowledge of our sage Confucius said, "consider"! The rest of the will to prepare book1&book 2 new knowledge, or else how can have a foothold in the superior competitive school? I write my these learning plan on a piece of paper, posted on my study desk, make it a little paper play a bigger role, it can play the role of a reminder to urge.

Saying and doing are two different things, in my winter vacation plan is really reflect incisively and vividly! Every day I wait for the sun to be basked in elder sister to the quilt to get up in the morning, all day in the hands of the pen to write, the temptation of television and computer, always to prohibit on learning table winter holiday schedule become worthless. My homework to the annual month to complete, the review plans to use five days, your plan is to complete the ugly, mathematics preview only the teacher must make the preview of the first two units, other disciplines in almost flat. My poor self-control and efficiency!

My winter holiday finish so unsatisfactory study plan, why? She thought I was a little lazy, didnt want to learn that, poor self-control, learning efficiency is too low. I must conscientiously corrected, let oneself after all plan to become a reality, not smoke, hopes to have a full winter vacation next year to be happy!







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My past university

I want to talk about my past university—Shan Xi Da Tong University. It not only provided me learning environment, but also provided me social practice platform. That is to say, I am not only acquired basic knowledge but also learnt how to get along well with others in four years’ university life .I missed these places mostly, library, student union and my dormitory. I used to study in library because it’s learning environment is very good and it has many kinds of books, but seats are limited; I took part in the student union when I was a freshman. I made more friends and actived in many extracurricular activities in union, but it often took a lot of time; I like my dormitory best. I shared my happiness and sorrows with my room-mates and I relaxed myself sufficiently in it. But the condition of my dormitory is poor. Above all, University is my unforgettable place. I spent most of my extra-study time in library. Generally speaking, It is a good study place. Firstly, the atmosphere of study is strong, but sometimes someone would receive and make calls, which would impact others’ study. If it can provide a few of fountains, the library would be perfect. Secondly, it has abundant of professional books, thus I can access to needed information timely when I encountered problems in study.

Besides, there are also all kinds of magazine, so I can relax myself and expand my vision when I was tired of studying. But the limited time of borrowed books is short. Last but not least, the seats are limited, which disturbed me very much. I had to go to the library line up very early just for seat. But the desks and chairs are big enough, which gave me much space to think and study and reduced the impact between students. The desks and chairs are tidy and comfortable. All in all, I like our library very much.

I took part in the student union when I was a freshman. I made many friends in union. I exchanged my idea with others. I enhanced my ability to communicate with others, but I fed up with some students in union because I don’t like their character; I took part in many activities in union, which enhanced my practice skills and accumulated a lot of social experience, but it occasionally made me embarrassed in activities; It took me a lot of time in union, which influenced my study. But at the same time, I eiched my college life and made full use of my spare time. All in all, I think it is worthy to join in the union.

I missed my dormitory and my room-mates. The reasons as follows: Firstly, I shared my happinesses and sorrows with my room-mates.in dormitory we talked and sung loudly and we made on decision on something by absorbing everyone’s advice; but we inevitably had little contradictions sometimes. Secondly, I relaxed myself sufficiently. I shout

big sleep when I was tired of one day’ study to alleviated fatigue and I freely vented myself. But thanks to personal habits are different, we didn’t reach on agreement on something. Lastly, the most regrettable is that the condition of my dormitory is poor. The room is small and there is not bathroom; but I feel very warmly because it’s my another family. I missed my dormitory very much especially my room-mates.

Generally speaking, my college life is interesting and rewarding. I was not only learnt basic professional knowledge but also made many friends and enhanced my practical skills. The library provided me a good learning environment. The union gave me practice platform. The dormitory made me become a happiness girl. I missed my past university very much. Now, I am in a new university and I think I will spend a more meaningfull postgraduate life in there .



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My name is___________ . There are 4 people in my family. My father is a Chemistry teacher. He teaches chemistry in senior high school. My mother is an English teacher. She teaches English in the university. I have a younger brother, he is a junior high school student and is preparing for the entrance exam.

I like to read English story books in my free time. Sometimes I surf the Internet and download the E- books to read. Reading E- books is fun. In addition, it also enlarges my vocabulary words because of the advanced technology and the vivid animations.

I hope to study both English and computer technology because I am interested in both of the subjects. Maybe one day I could combine both of them and apply to my research in the future.



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The year of 2015 is coming now,and now I have made my new year plan as follows:

In this year,I want to improve my English and Chinese,because I am not good at them,and I am not good at writing too.I want to spend a lot of time on them to practise .I will try my best .

I want to learn how to swim better this summer,because swimming is a good way to keep healthy.There is a swimming pool near our school .

I will go there with my best friend after school.He will help me .We‘ll have a good time.
