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我在这里写的是一位普普通通,平凡得不能再平凡的人民教师,50来岁,由于终日为我们不辞辛苦的操劳,脸上布满了皱纹,她的两眼黑得发亮,锋利的目光,仿佛要把什么刺穿似的。我有点害怕。她只教我们还不到四个月,但是,每当我想起她时。她对我们的严就像教练训练运动员那样一丝不苟;她对我们很关心,体贴,就像对待自己的儿女一样。 但是,那一次,我尽对她起了怨恨。那是一节自习课,英语老师让同学们把作业本A订正好交到办公室去批改,作业本B作好的也去批改。我怀着喜悦的心情拿着作好的B去批改,"报告""进来"她的声音很平稳,我走了进去,队伍并不长,我跑到英语老师右边去批改,无意间发现了电脑里有语文竞赛的成绩,我便很期盼得到自己的成绩,不听话的手尽往鼠标地区前行,不经意间,我触摸到了,这下手更不听使唤,一直往下翻动着,"啊"我目瞪口呆,倒数第三,我的喜悦心情沉淀了下来,"谁呀,谁在动我的电脑?"一声果断而又严厉的语言向我发起进攻,我吓了一大跳,我心里想:哎呀,这下怎么办呀,不如来个死不承认,或者,英语老师的教棒在桌上"吃吃"作响,"把手拿过来。"我害怕极了,真想使用一下神仙的仙术,把英语老师的教棒变成长长的棉花棒,只有我能看见,而老师看不见,软软的棉花棒触摸了我一下,"哇!"教棒落下来了,打得好痛呀,我有点生气,心里暗暗想着;你这个老太太,太坏了,我只不过碰了一下鼠标,看了电脑屏幕一眼,也不过如此,您竟打我,只要教育几下就行了嘛,我可是个怕痛的女孩。我心中的怨恨一直不能平静。但刚想完,那教棒的滋味和对老师的怨恨跑掉了,我寻找着,发现它屹立在英语老师身上展现出来的无可抗拒的人格魅力上。





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In my life I have met many people who are really worth mentioning.But perhaps the most unforgettable person I have ever known is my English Teacher.

It is his special quality that is always kept in my memory.

For one thing,I was attracked by his wide range of knowledge.I remember that we students always attended his class with great eaherness because his lectures were humourously delivered,and he never failed to give us valuable advice.Nothing seemed difficult to learn after his explanation.

For another,I was deeply impressed by the respect he showed for us.As he treated us like friends rather than students,we all liked to visit his home for social activities as well as for advice.

Although it is over a year now since I attended his last class,he is the talk of our old classmates,and I know part of him has already stayed in my heart.



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上课时,没有一个人不跟着她的思路转,要不然就会出洋相。比如说,一个同学上课不专心,玩跳格子的时候,老师说:“前面、左边、右边、右边、后面、后面、前面。”正好是那个不专心听讲的同学,他还不知道到他自己了,还在玩,直到同桌提醒他,他才站起来读“juice”,同学们哄堂大笑。Miss. Chen要同学们坐好时就说:“一、二、三、整理好发型!”同学们就都坐好了。如果Miss. Chen玩叉子或其它游戏时,你得注意,她随时会说:“刚刚读的遍数乘三、减六、加二,预备!齐!”使你不得不头脑变通,如果多念就会扣分。Miss. Chen还玩蛀牙、钓鱼、压分、炸弹,都是训练我们发音是否熟练。另外,还让我们做课堂笔记,作业一般很少。

这个风趣的英语老师Miss. Chen使得我们酷爱英语、喜欢英语。




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I like to do all kinds of sports, in the morning, I will do some jogging

and in the evening, sometime I will go to the gym with my friends. My favorite

sport is playing tennis, tennis brings my life so much happiness, I can watch

the match while talking to my friends happily. To do the sport will improve my

health and make me catch up with the time.

When I was small, one day, when I went home after school, I felt bored and

opened the TV, then I saw the tennis match. Two beautiful girls were playing

intensively, the game was so excellent, I couldn’t move my eye away from the

match. From then on, I started to fall in love with tennis, I watched many

matches and got to know more about the game.

Tennis sport is the combination of power and asthetics. The tennis players

dress the beautiful clothes and their power make the ball fly quickly. The other

tennis players will return the tennis ball with their rightly power. The game is

so wonderful, if we watch the match alive.

There is no doubt that I am a big fan of the tennis sport. I find so much

fun from it, it enriches my life.



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This years Mid-Autumn festival, I go home with my father and mother and grandparents. Grandpa told me a few of the legend of the Mid-Autumn festival, one of the most famous should be chang e.

Hero legend shoot day after implement married a beautiful good wife named chang e. Hou yi in the heavenly queen, her mother gave hou yi a pack of medicine, was supposed to eat this medicine can be immortal, hou yi is not willing to give up the goddess of the moon, and then put the fairy medicine to the goddess of the moon. But it was a bad man, so bad men taking advantage of hou yi was not at home when ran to steal medicine, was the goddess of the moon. In order not to let the bad guys get fairy medicine, she ate fairy medicine himself. The goddess of the moon because of his obsession with, fly to earths nearest the moon turned into the moon fairy. Hou yi was very sad after go home, but there is no way, only the goddess of the moon on the moon hem like fruit, snacks, remote sending his thoughts to the goddess of the moon. From the customs in folk worship got around.

Grandpa told me a few legends about the moon, next year the Mid-Autumn festival I must look at the moon, see above exactly have the goddess of the moon, the moon, old osmanthus.






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My teacher has a pair of big eyes ones eyes brimming with radiating vigour, red lips and a head of black hair. Very kind, I like her very much.


My teachers love us, once I was ill, badly burned, I feel very dizzy, fell to the ground, the mother immediately sent me to the hospital, when I woke up, found that the teacher and mother in my side, I asked my mother what the teacher came in, the mother said: "you fainted after the teacher will come", from then on, the teacher came to see me every day, I returned to my lessons, I listen to the teacher said, well, she gave me a few questions, Im all right, the teacher said: "we must study harder, to recover as soon as possible, all the students. You go back."


After the doctor and the mothers careful and hard to take care of my sick, finally well, my mother sent me to school, our class, are catching up with the quiz, I put the question is done, do not know right, the next day, the teacher hair volume, the students feel very nervous, I also include,, teacher called my name, I was thinking, for so long a time, I certainly did not do well in the exam, but the teacher said my score is 100 points, I cant believe, when I get the papers, the teacher said: "we must continue to work hard". I will not let the teacher down.


Thank you, my teacher, I will Study hard, good grades to repay you.



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Dear Yong

Hello! Thank you for accompanying us to grow up, let us feel the loving

care of a mother, you work hard every day, let us learn more knowledge.

I remember one time I and some dictation did not get 100 points, so I have

to stay to review the dictation. It was more than five oclock at that time. I

still didnt get all the dictation right the second time. You said to us, "its

too late, go home! Review well and dictation tomorrow. " In the afternoon of the

next day, I didnt get 100 points, so you left us to tutor alone after class

from Monday to Friday, but I never got 100 points. So you are very angry and

ask, "Wang Ziyi! Why didnt you get 100 points? Think about it. Is that your

level? " Its already more than six oclock after you severely criticized me.

You let me go home to review and dictation next time. Later, I finally got full

marks through hard work. I also remember that you told me to study hard and


Oh! Mr. Yong, you are more like us. No matter how hard you work and how

angry you are, you also patiently teach us to learn. You are really a good


I will study hard in the future and live up to your expectations.

I wish you success in your work and happy every day!

Your student: Wang Ziyi



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Miss Zhang is my English teacher. She is very beautiful. Look! She has a round face, two small black eyes, a small nose, a big mouth and two small ears. Her hair is short and black. She often wears a light blue dress.She looks like a fairy.

Miss Zhang is kind to me,so she is my good friend. My English is not very good. She often helps me with my English. She often says to me, “ Every thing will be all right !”Now my English is better. Miss Zhang is very happy.

Miss Zhang is my favourite teacher because she not only teaches me knowledge, but also leads me too a new world.



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雷锋——我的英语老师-A“Living Lei Feng”----My English Teacher




A“Living Lei Feng”----My English TeacherOne afternoon my English teacher and I went to visit a student's mother, who was lying in hospital. As soon as we entered the hospital, something happened.A 15-year-old girl was carrying a patient, her father, to the doctor's office. Before they reached the office, the old man fell down to the ground, gasping his last①. What a pity to see the girl too weak to do anything for him! Feeling helpless, she did nothing but cry.At this moment, some people went to help, but were shocked to find that the old man was dying fast. They were too frightened to do anything.Glancing at me, my English teacher hurried over to the dying man without hesitation②. He knelt on one knee and lifted the old man up. But the man couldn't walk. So my teacher put him on his back. When they reached the door of the office, the patient was dead. Just then a doctor came up and said to my teacher:“How miserable! Please send your father into the mortuary③.”“He isn't my teacher's father; it's hers,” I explained to the doctor, pointing to the girl.“Hers?” replied the doctor in surprise.“Yes, it's hers. My teacher and I happened to pass by here just now.”“Your teacher?” the doctor said. “Which school are you from? What's your teacher's name?”“His name is….” Just then I saw my teacher signaling④ to me with his hand. Clearly he wanted me to stop. But how could I?“He is my English teacher. His name is Zhou Hongdun (周洪敦),”answered I proudly.Hearing what I said, people around smiled at my English teacher.“What a good‘living Lei Feng!’” one of them said, deeply moved.(选自1987年12月8日《上海学生英文报》)


①gasp[ga:sp] one's last 奄奄一息②hesitation[?hezi'teiM+n]n.犹豫;踌躇③mortuary['m&:tju+ri] n.(医院的)太平间④signal['sign+l]v.以动作向……示意【写法指要】本文只写了一件事:周老师救助即将断气的一位老人的行为。文章的前四段是铺垫部分,交待事情发生的背景。后面是用对话的形式叙述周老师助人为乐的行为发生的经过。办好事不让别人知道姓名,正是雷锋精神的体现,而且,说周老师是“活雷锋”者不是作者自已,而是一位受到感动的旁观者,这样写具有很强的说服力。



这个班的老师姓肖,叫肖柳,长着一双大大的眼睛,圆圆的脸,两只耳朵小小的,头发长长的,是个女性,她的英文名叫:gigi。 她教课教的很好,仅仅一个暑假,同学们都很喜欢她,而且同学们也学得很好。她课间和我们做游戏,交朋友,上课也用微笑面对每一个同学。她想要的课堂气氛是轻松、快乐课堂。上课时,还用游戏的方式让我们对每天所学的新单词加深印象。

她说话也很有风趣,还有,爱与同学们聊天说笑,深受同学们爱戴。虽然课堂随意性大,但同学们的作业完成得非常好,而且,同学们考试成绩没下过80分。在家长会上,校长说我们都很努力,老师也非常认真负责。 虽然肖老师要带几个班的学生,但她对待每个班的学生都一样认真负责,这也是肖老师本人的一大亮点。 肖老师还有一套令我们好好学习的妙招,那就是奖励。





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今年 刚开学,我认识了一位新的英语老师,她姓罗,女老师,二十来岁。圆圆的脸上总是挂着笑容,明亮的眼睛,红润的嘴巴,粉红的脸蛋,配着她那一套新鲜亮丽的春装,非常阳光,真是太 美了!

第一次上英语课,同学们都在议论,说今天可能要换新老师,我的心就怦怦怦地跳,心想:不会又是一个”暴力女“吧!我坐在最前面一排,上课铃一响,就看见一个高个子女老师站在教室门 口,许多同学又开始议论:”我觉得这个老师一定很和蔼!“”不!相反,高个子老师一般应该很暴力!“听了这些话,我情不自禁地想到以前老师生气的样子;板着个脸,铁青的面孔,很吓人。于是 我的心更加紧张。正在这时,高个子老师走进教室,上课了,老师第一句话竟是:”大家好,我姓罗,以后和同学们一起学习,请多多指教!“和风细雨般的,这句话震惊了全场人!我紧张的心立刻轻 松了许多……开始写作业了,我拿起笔,刷刷刷地写到了最后一题,这可把我难住了,我一会儿摸摸头,一会儿玩玩笔,正当我百思不得其解时,罗老师过来,”怎么了,像很为难的样子?“我说出了 我的困难,罗老师笑笑指着课本上刚学的句子,”哦!我明白了!“我那堵塞的思路立即被疏通了。多亏罗老师地及时到来呀!我再看看她的脸——白白的脸蛋透着粉红,挂着温柔地微笑,十分亲切。 多么可爱的老师啊!

还有一次报听写,虽然单词很简单,可是由于我太紧张,不小心写错了一个字母。,事后,我肠子都悔青了!第二节英语课,老师要公布听写成绩,听到别人都是一百分,我惭愧地低下了头。 念到我了,老师特意说,虽然错了一个,可老师相信我的有实力,还和蔼地对我说:”不要紧,下次认真点就好了!“我听了,特别感动。罗老师,您是我心目中最棒的老师。




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Dear teacher,


It is also a harvest season and a safe season. On this special holiday, On behalf of all the students in the Class of Business School x, I would like to extend my most sincere holiday wishes to the teachers!

Time travel, the passage of time, in the blink of an eye we from a naughty child to sensible youth. Two years ago, it was the teacher who brought us to the university gate. In the past two years, we have felt the care of the teachers relatives.

As a Chinese saying goes, "teachers are teachers, so they impart knowledge and solve doubts". In the classroom, I can still see the busy figure of teachers. They impart their lifes knowledge to us without reservation and patiently teach us. I remember that one of our international trade professional teachers often give us lessons in sickness, listening to her hoarse voice so far I can not imagine; We did not have water to drink in the training room. She brought us water to drink by boiling it herself and took care of us like a kind mother.

"A day as a teacher, a lifetime as a mother," in the life of the teacher meticulous care to take care of us. Just entered the university we are not used to the university life, teachers often come to our dormitory to visit us and chat with us. I remember one time when a student in our dormitory got sick at 2 o clock in the evening. After dialing the teacher, the teacher immediately came to accompany him to the hospital. He didnt come back to school until 7 o clock in the morning. When we thank, the teacher said such a situation often happen, you do not need to thank, this is what we should do.

"Happy to go home, safe return to school" every holiday home, business school will be under the leadership of Secretary Xu visited each dormitory, exhort ten thousand safety first.

Out of the school, review the reading career bit by bit, campus events in mind. The heart of gratitude, the presence of exhibitors: do not forget the hard work of teachers, teachers do not respect the teachings. According to the preliminary understanding of the X class of business school internship situation is optimistic. Ask 13 classes of students, most of the number has been in the unit internship. There are internship in foreign trade companies, logistics companies internship also some in the factory tracking orders, like a large number of students chain classes are in the supermarket internship...... Different students are distributed across different industries. They are conscientious in their posts and study hard to live up to their teachers expectations.

Remember that President Wang once said to us: even if you go out of the school but the teachers and students love continuous, always depend on; On campus, you are proud of your school. On campus, the school is proud of you. We will return the teacher with excellent results, live up to the teachers expectations of us.

"Spring silkworm to the death of silk, wax torch ashes tears before dry", looking back yesterday, looking forward to the Ming Dynasty, we thank the teacher for our dedication. Finally to all the teacher sincere tunnel 1: "hard work, teacher!" And I would like to express my highest respect to you! May teachers flourish and peaches and plums fragrance all over the world!





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Dear teachers

hello everyone!

Novel coronavirus our wills unite like a fortress. The Spring Festival

holiday in 2020 has been a long time for us. Facing the sudden outbreak of the

new coronavirus, the people of the whole country are united in their efforts to

fight the epidemic. In this battlefield without gunpowder smoke, as a member of

the real primary school kindergarten, we should always put "the life safety and

health of teachers and students first", respond to the epidemic situation with a

positive attitude, and do our best with a high sense of social responsibility!

To this end, the following initiatives are issued to all teachers:

1、 Be the forerunner of scientific epidemic prevention

Teachers should follow the novel coronavirus pneumonia prevention

guidelines and other epidemic prevention regulations, do not gather, do not

gather, do not gather at the gathering place, eliminate contact with the

relevant personnel in key areas of epidemic prevention and control, wear masks

outside, wash hands frequently, return to good hygiene habits, do well in their

own and family health management, and actively cooperate with the community

(Village) group control. Work, strengthen physical exercise, improve physical

quality, fully show the good image of peoples teachers.

2、 To be a caretaker of students

At this special moment, every teacher should pay more attention to and care

for children. Through wechat group, QQ group and other ways, we should further

strengthen the scientific prevention guidance for children and parents, do a

good job in the touch and arrangement of each child, understand the daily

movement and health situation of children, and summarize them according to the

times of the school. Guide parents to take good care and supervision, remind

parents to pay close attention to childrens physical and mental health,

appropriate exercise, reasonable diet, to ensure childrens physical and mental


3、 Be the practitioner of online service

As the saying goes, "spring is at the end of a year". According to the

guiding opinions on primary and secondary schools and kindergartens during the

delayed start of epidemic prevention and control in Chongqing city "issued by

the Municipal Academy of education and science, Shixiao kindergarten has decided

to guide children to" suspend classes and never stop school, Da Ai Yong online

"during the period of school extension

1. According to the needs of epidemic prevention and control, the school

will be postponed. Teachers scientifically arrange their own work and life at

home, and take grade group as the unit, formulate online learning activities

(including one week activity plan, work and rest schedule, activity content,

childrens learning feedback and other requirements).

2. Through the class wechat group (or QQ group) upload activity

arrangement, effectively carry out the class self-help learning guidance work

(childrens learning feedback).

3. Adhere to professional reading, read "learning with children" carefully,

and think about the kindergarten based curriculum of "etiquette education"

combined with class examples.

In this special holiday, lets always pay attention to the growth of

children and use professional strength to convey warmth and love! Home hand in

hand, accompany children to spend special holidays!

Dadukou Experimental Primary School Kindergarten







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Hello,everyone!Today,Id like to talk to you about myself.Im a outgoing girl,For example, Im always happy no matter what happens.Im generous and am ready to help others.Such people are welcomes wherever they go,because they may bring pleasure to others.

We all live under the same sky and in the same sun,we all hope there are more friendships and more smiles among us. So let‘s improve our characters,thus our life will become more cheerful.



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The person I admire best in the middle school is my head teacher.

He is a responsible person. He cares about us very much. He often tells us that we shouldn’t wait for what we want to come and we should try our best to go after what we want. He not only teaches us knowledge, but also tells us how to face difficulties and challenges, what to do with the career in the future and how to communicate with friends.

He is a strict person. He always says to us that details decide success or failure. Even if we make a small mistake, he will encourage us to deal with it and correct it in a proper way.

He is also an intellectual person. He is good at math and physics. Besides, he has a wide knowledge of literature and art. So he always gives us great help on our studies.

In short, he is a good teacher. He helps us understand how important the study is, inspire us to keep advancing, share the happiness and sorrow of our studies. With the help of such an excellent teacher, we will study better and more happily.









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Seeing mywhole education history, I have many teachers. But my favorite teacher is onlyone. He is Mr Lu. He is my middle Chinese teacher and head teacher. He is aboutfifty years old. Maybe he works too hard, so his back is a little bent.

He alwayswears a black glasses. He looks amiable but serious in study.

He always thinks us before everything. His class isvery interesting and full of different kinds of encouraging stories. He is verystrict to us in study. But whoever has difficulties, he would help us withouthesitation.

Sometimes he plays the role of a strict teacher, sometimes he takesthe place of a kind father.







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