初中期末英语作文写作九大技巧分析九篇 作文范文汇总20篇

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如“A Trip to Huangshan(黄山之旅)”的开头就可以是:Last month, my family went to Huangshan by train. It took us ten hours to get there. What a long and tiring journey! We were tired but the beautiful scenery excited us.


如“The Time and the Money(时间和金钱)”的开头可以是:Most people say that money is more important than time. But I don’t think so. First, when money is used up, you can earn it back,but?



在描述事件或游记类的文章中,采用回忆性的开头往往更能吸引人的眼球。这种类型的开头中通常含有描述自己心情或情绪的词汇,如never forget (永远无法忘记), remember (记得),unforgettable (难以忘怀的), exciting(令人激动的),surprising(令人惊讶的), sad (难过的)……如“A Trip to Huangshan(黄山之旅)”的开头还可以这样写:I will never forget my first trip to Huangshan. 或It was really an unforgettable experience I had.



如“Planting Trees(种树)”的开头可以是:Have you ever planted trees? Don’t you think planting trees is ……

再如“Traveling Abroad(出国之旅)”的开头可以是:If you have an opportunity to travel abroad, why not consider Singapore?



如“Catching Thieves (捉贼)”的开头可以这样写:I lay in bed in the hospital. I smiled at my friends even though my legs hurt. Do you want to know what happened to me? Let me tell you. It’s a … story.








如“Helping the Policeman(帮助警察)”的结尾可以是:The two children were praised by the police and they felt happy.

再如“The Tortoise and the Hare(龟兔赛跑)”的结尾可以是:When the hare got to the tree, the tortoise had already been there。


如“I Love My Hometown(我爱家乡)”的结尾可以是:I love my hometown, and I am proud of it.


如 “Learning English can Give us a Lot of Pleasure (学英语能为我们带来许多乐趣)” 的结尾可以是:If we learn English well, we can …Don’t you think learning English is great fun?



如“A Letter to the Farmers(给农民们的一封信)”的结尾可以是:I hope the farmers’life will be better and better. 另外,书信的结尾常有以下形式的祝福语:Best wishes;I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year;I wish you have a good time等。






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I always think there is not enough time. For example, I have just taken a

three-day holiday. But when I look back, I just feel that it‘s only one day.

There goes a proverb, “Time is money”。 Now I want to say, time is more precious

than money, because when money is spent, we can earn some more again. However,

when time is gone or lost, never will it return.

Time goes without being noticed. The time for our study and work is usually

limited. So I think we must make full use of our time. But it‘s a pity that I am

always not aware of the importance of time until it’s too late.

So I think, I should get into the good habit of saving time because wasting

time is equal to wasting one‘s life. Do not put off what can be done today till




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I used to receive gifts like a basketball, a swatch or a CD. But the gift

I’m looking forward to is a bicycle though I can’t ride it now. How I want to

learn it well so that I can ride anywhere I want to go! Every morning, it is my

father who always drives me to school in all kinds of weather. Especially in the

past few days, he has worked hard until midnight. If I ride my own bicycle to

school, he will be able to sleep a little longer and work a bit harder. I hope

my dream of owning a bicycle will be realized in the shortest possible time.



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1、(首) 都说生活的船不能没有理想的帆,都说生活的理想就是为了理想的生活,而理想的生活中最快乐的时光,便是梦想的花季。

(尾) 花季中,我希望自己能永远记住先哲的那句良训:生活的船不能没有理想的帆。生活的理想就是为了理想的生活。 (选自湖荆州中考满分文《把梦想带给花季》)


2、(首) 有一种光华,笼罩着中华民族的精神家园;有一种火苗,跃动在民族灵魂的奥林匹克山上;有一种烈焰,温暖了绵远的文明情思,那就是友善!

(尾) 我们不能因为屡受伤害就失去与丑恶斗争的信心,因为我们需要守卫我们的精神火种――友善! (选自河南中考满分文《守卫精神的火种》)



1、让我们大家行动起来吧,把爱心带给他人,带给那些失学儿童,带给那些孤寡老人……带给身边的每一个人。当你把爱心献给他人时,你也获得了莫大的幸福。要相信,只要人人都献出一份爱,世界将变成美好的人间。 (选自湖北荆州中考满分文《把爱心带给他人》)

2、二十一世纪,我们是祖国的春天,我们不是我们的父母,热情奔放是我们的性格,我们不需要守那些规矩,打破陈规,让我们脑中的那团热情火燃烧得更猛烈,把我们的笑声、爱心串在一起,让全世界笼罩在爱之中。要笑就笑个痛痛快快,要哭就哭个歇斯底里,不要压抑自己,不要让那陈旧的观念束缚着,不要随便改变自己,请记住我的名言:“我就是我,给我一点阳光就这么灿烂。” (选自福建省中考满分文《给一点阳光就这么灿烂》)





2、不同的话有不同的影响,不同的角度有不同的视野,不同的哈哈镜有不同的成像,不同的心情会有不同的行动,不同的花有不同的花香和样子,不同的评价造就孩子不同的命运。何必要让自己狭小的视角不公地评价一个人、伤害一个人,何必要熄灭风中的烛光,何必要让所有的孩子都成为一个模子里刻出来的无个性的模型? (选自湖北省中考满分文《哈哈镜中的我》)



1、“野芳发而幽香,佳木秀而繁阴,风霜高洁,水落而石出”,15年来,生活让我懂得了放弃!为了我的理想,为了更多的人可以读书,我必须放弃! (选自广州中考满分文《从天空想到的》)

2、想到这里,我又记起了一位名人说过的一句话:“身边的书多着呢,只要发觉,肯定会学到很多……” (选自陕西中考满分文《阅读身边的人》)

3、明日歌中说:“明日复明日,明日何其多,我生待明日,万事成蹉跎……”希望大家能把握今天,创造出美好的明天。 (选自四川内江中考满分文《创造美好的明天》)

4、佐拉说:“人生――只有两分半种的时间,一分种微笑、一分种叹息、半分种的爱……”在我看来,在我陶醉于欣赏母亲的梳妆中,那一分钟的微笑不是勉强,那一分钟的叹息之后不再是叹息,而是爱的传递,母亲将她对生命的爱,对生活的爱,对亲人的爱融于平日的点滴中,我忘情天其中了…… (选自吉林省中考满分文《陶醉》)



1、其实宁静就是那么简单,一个浅浅的微笑,一句贴心的话语,一颗能包含一切的心灵,足以使一张紧绷的脸松弛开来,让笑容在人们脸上轻轻地绽开,那笑容就如徜徉在天边的云朵,轻轻地点缀着那片蔚蓝的天,清新而自然, (选自广州中考满分文《从天空想到的》)

2、春光似海,青春如花。青春是美丽的,美丽的青春在于奋斗,在于拼搏。愿天下的人们都能让自己的青春绽放出花一样的馨香! (选自吉林省中考满分文《花样年华》)



1、风停了,暴雨也结束了,太阳重新露出了笑容,两代人的那扇玻璃也被那片残阳熔化了。太阳在远处逐渐隐去,消失在一片晚霞中,两者混为一体,没有距离。 (选自广州中考满分文《雨中品读》)


2、此刻,一缕阳光从外面射进病房,我感到自已真像一棵受伤的小树沐浴着它。呵,成长的路上,虽然风云莫测,但是阳光毕竟很好!我想。 (选自湖北省仙桃市中考满分文《在阳光下成长》)




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I have nine little goldfish. Eight goldfish are all orange and one is black. I like the black one best. We call it Xiao Hei. Its body is black. It has two big and round eyes, a small mouth, and a big tail. Though its very small, it swims fast.

I often feed them and change water for them. We are good friends.



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Everybody has a best friend that they can share everything with. I also

have a best friend. We met in school, and were in the same grade.

My best friend is a good student because he is very hardworking. I learn a

lot from him. He helps me with math; I help him with English. We always help

each other. Besides that, hes honest and reliable. I trust him completely and

we share secrets all the time.

My best friend is a loyal and brave boy. When a bully teased me, he came to

my rescue right away. He always remembers my birthday and he is fun to be with.

He tells funny jokes and stories. He always makes me laugh. Finally, he is a

very good listener and he knows how to cheer me up when Im down. I hope well

stay friends forever.



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Last year, my father bought a lovely pet for me. She has four white paws

and a white and yellow tail. She has two small ears, two green eyes and eight

whiskers on her face. Her name is Sally and she is one year old.

Do you know what it is? A cat? Yes, it is a cat. She has very short fur and

she is quite small. She weighs about 2 kilograms. She is usually very friendly

and quiet. We never frighten her or pull her tail or ears. She likes walking

around me and playing with me.

If she is hungry, she will miaow. Usually, she eats food from a tin, but

her favorite food is fish. She likes juice if it is not too cold. She likes to

chase and catch mice and sometimes she plays with butterflies. Sally often plays

with balls and pieces of string. She does not like dogs and she hates the rain.

She likes sitting on the sofa and watching TV.

Sally is a very good friend, but she is quite lazy! She never worries

because we take good care of her. She is always a happy cat.



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Our class have had a discussion about whether we can use mobile phones.

Some students think it is good to use mobile phones because they can take

photos with them in our daily life. They can also listen to music to relax

themselves in free time. Besides, using mobile phones makes it easy to keep in

touch with their parents and friends.

But some others dont think so. They think students shouldnt use mobile

phones. Using mobile phones too much is bad for their eyes and its a waste of

time to chat with friends. Sometimes some students use mobile phones to play

games. It will have a bad effect on study.

In my opinion, I think wed better not use mobile phones. We should spend

more time on our study instead of using mobile phones.



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Dim lamp, I looked at the cup of tea, boiling water, the impact of time and

time again, let me feel the fragrance of tea. That bitter taste in his mouth, a

point slightly sweet, but also by my greedy mouth to the occupation, and eyes

dim, hazy outlines of the memory, can no longer be hazy memory already.

Work as much as “cook a meal,” a playful little, the teachers serious

“inhibition” the laughter of the Miao, the pressure of the heavy, “created” in

the dreams of us - growing pains. Open the heavy book of memories, that little

thoughts, perhaps tired of back and some memories back.

“At first” arrive, I am a fragile being “enemy” aimed at the

“vulnerability” opened a fierce shot, that vulnerable, I, in the “blood” at the

expense of ground could be a “sleeping inside burning the midnight oil to see

volume, Dreaming rang Beishi ”and I once again stood up. Those days are dark,

puzzled me, and learn and sometimes I have to find a seat has not yet withered

and yellow grass, and sometimes a desk, windowsill side to see the rows of trees

standing in the distance is hard, for the only be able to issue a final touch of

Brilliant Green. What are those trees? I have no way of knowing what effect this

relationship? As long as they are trees, would be sufficient. When I looked at

them a daze, the heart will be a myriad of thoughts, when my eyes back to the

tree when the mood suddenly see the light, the pressure disappeared and instead

engaged in learning among busy.



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I remember it like yesterday.We were all waiting patiently for my father to come home from the race track.He promised me and my sister that if he won,he would take us all to Rye Playland.

The minutes felt like hours.It was the longest hour of my life.Then finally we heard the car door shut.Me and my sister ran to the front door anxiously waiting for the news.He opened the door and walked in.We tried to read the expression on his face but of course he was looking down while taking his sneakers off.

The suspense was killing us.Then he looked up.No words were spoken between us and our father.He just gave us a blank stare.I didnt know what to think.I was scared to ask because I was so worried of the response.



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I am a love reading girl, since I was young, I very love books, and book

the indissoluble bond. I put the book as an indispensable nourishment, he saw a

book like the hungry to see bread, fondle admiringly. Because the book is the

source of human wisdom, is the ladder of human progress. Book give me knowledge

and wisdom, and also gave me strength and courage. In my room, there is a large

bookcase, there are all books, every birthday, mom and dad asked me to want what

gift, I will blurt out: "a book, I as long as the book." When reading, I often

forget all about eating and sleeping, as if into another world.

Reading, can make us grow many knowledge, solve the problem. On one

occasion, grandmother domesticated some hares, hares to depilate, grandma see

hares like bite lice, gradually to open mouth, the neck fur with red meat, and

then use the tongue to the sides, and behind them in a hurry to say to me: "you

see how this rabbit. Red meat are exposed, it doing?" . I to grandma said with a

smile: "it is the hair removal, then fluff will regrow of glistening." My

grandma listened to, smiled and said to me: "how do you know?" I proudly said:

"from the book to see." It seems that these reading useless really big ah.

Colorful in the book, read the "lei feng diary let me know how people live

to be more of others, read" how the steel was tempered "which I understand the

difficulties cannot be back, have the perseverance and strong will to overcome




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My Dream


Yesterday, we had a discussion. The topic is"What is my dream?"Everyone has his dream. Some want to be teachers,others want to be scientists. My dream is to become a doctor.


My friends asked me why. I told them my story. When I was a small boy, I was very weak. Once I was terribly ill. I had a high fever. My parents sent me to the hospital but the doctors could do nothing for me. Then my parents heard there was a very good doctor in another town. They took me there at once. I was saved.


A good doctor can save peoples lives. From then on I decided to become a doctor. I know it is not easy to be a doctor.But I am determined to study hard. I am sure my dream will come true.





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As the drawing presents, there is a man walking across the street

absorbedly focusing on his cell phone without noticing the surroundings. This

sort of phenomenon is not uncommon and rare in some metropolis, especially among

the youngsters.

What the picture illustrates is the prevailing situation that has long

existed in todays China. That is the mobile phone obsession. With the advent of

information age, people are becoming

increasingly fascinated on the electronic products, especially the cell

phones. Not surprisingly, you could easily notice that most of us are obsessed

in sending messages, playing online games with their mobile phones. It cannot be

denied that this phenomenon may negatively impact the relationship among people,

and therefore they will become estranged and isolated.

Personally, in view of the overuse of mobile phones, I hold that we

individuals should raise the necessary awareness that good relationships are

reinforced by sincere and face-to-face communication.



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1. International travel often leads people to have someprejudicesrather than broad-mind. What are the main reasons of this phenomenon? What do you think people can do to get better understanding of the countries they visit?



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"When a guest comes to my home from afar on a cold night, I light bamboo to

boil tea to offer him.”— Ancient Chinese poem.

China is the home country of tea. Before the Tang Dynasty, Chinese tea was

exported by land and sea, first to Japan and Korea, then to India and Central

Asia and, in the Ming and Qing dynasties, to the Arabian Peninsula. In the early

period of the 17th century, Chinese tea was exported to Europe, where the upper

class adopted the fashion of drinking tea. Chinese tea—like Chinese silk and

china—has become synonymous worldwide with refined culture. At the heart of the

culture of tea—the study and practice of tea in all its aspects—is the simple

gesture of offering a cup of tea to a guest that for Chinese people today is a

fundamental social custom, as it has been for centuries.

China traces the development of tea as an art form to Lu Yu, known as "the

Saint of Tea" in Chinese history, who lived during the Tang Dynasty and who

wrote The Book of Tea, the first ever treatise on tea and tea culture. The

spirit of tea permeates Chinese culture, and throughout the country there are

many kinds of teas, teahouses, tea legends, tea artifacts and tea customs.

Better-known places to enjoy a good cup of tea in China include Beijing noted

for its variety of teahouses; Fujian and Guangdong provinces and other places in

the southeast of China that serve gongfu tea, a formal serving of tea in tiny

cups; the West Lake in Hangzhou, also the home of the Tea Connoisseurs

Association, noted for its excellent green tea; and provinces in southwest China

like Yunnan where the ethnic groups less affected by foreign cultures retain tea

ceremonies and customs in original tea-growing areas.



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I am a chinese girl and i study in wuyilu primary school. i get up very  early in the morning and then help my mother cook breakfast. after breakfast, i  walk to school, because its not far from my house.

I have many friends at school. we often help each other with our lessons.my  mother is forty-six years old, and she works in meet all supermarket. its near  my school. the supermarket is very big, and it sells all kinds of things. the  students in my school often buy school things there.

my father is two years younger than my mother. he is in the same  supermarket, but he doesnt sell things. hes a driver.

my family is a happy one.




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It has been witnessed that since the coming of the cell phone, it has been

developed so fast, thanks to the high technology, today, the function of cell

phone improves a lot, some even can equal to the computer. People like to change

the cell phone, because they want to have more function, but some teenagers lose

wise mind on the road of changing cell phone. They want to buy the newest

product, so that they can show off. Recently, it has been reported a boy sell

his kidney for the purpose of buying an iphone, this is so shocked, the boy is

selling his health for a new cell phone. People should be wise to the cell

phone, they need to figure out that all the cell phones have some common basic

function, some new products’ function is almost the same. They should measure

their situation to buy a new one.



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一、 说明文的定义


二、 说明文的特点

说明文的特点是说,而且具有一定的知识性。这种知识,或者来自有关科学研究资料,或者是亲身实践、调查、考察的所得,都具有严格的科学性。为了要把事物说明白,就必须把握事物的特征,进而揭示出事物的本质属性,即不仅要说明是什么,还要说明为什么是这样。应用性说明文一般只要求说明事物的特征,阐述性说明文则必须揭示出问题的本源和实质。 说明文是客观地说明事物的一种文体,目的在于给人以知识:或说明事物的状态、性质、功能,或阐明事理。《中国石拱桥》属于前者,它以赵州桥和卢沟桥为例说明中国石拱桥不但形式优美,而且结构坚固的特征。《大自然的语言》属于后者,文章科学地说明了物候学知识。说明事物特点和阐明事理是说明文的两种类型。

三、 说明文的常用说明方法及作用

1、说明的方法有:下定义,作诠释,举例子,列数字,打比方,作比较,分类别,引资料,摹状貌,做图表 2、明白各种方法的作用。

举例子:这里使用了举例子的说明方法,具体说明了 这种说明方法的作用是使说明的对象具体形象,便于读者理解。

作比较:这里拿和作比较,突出(具体)说明了 作比较用于突出强调被说明对象的特点(地位、影响等)。

列数字:这里使用了列数字的说明方法,准确说明了 (列举了的数字,准确说明了)其作用是使说明准确无误,令读者信服。








四、 如何写好说明文









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Many years ago, I saw a science fiction film, which described a future

world. The way people lived was very different. They could drive cars in the

sky. Everything in the future world was so convenient. Since then, I was always

curious about how the future world would become. The fling cars seemed so

ridiculous for now, but thinking about more than 100 years ago, people never

thought about flying in the sky, but now we could take planes and traveled

around the world. Everything was possible. Whats more, the development of

technology is so fast that the world changes so much every ten years. Nowadays,

people can pay the bill online. No matter where they go, a cell phone can solve

most problems. I believe that future transportation will be much efficient and

will surprise us all.



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Today, many people, especially young people, are phone freaks. They are addicted to their mobile phones. They always spend too much time chatting or watching movies on their mobile phones. They have less time to communicate with their friends and family members. They often feel anxious without mobile phones.

Depending on mobile phones too much is a kind of illness. Its bad for health. Looking at the mobile phones too often is bad for our eyes. Playing with mobile phones is a waste of time and gets in the way of study.

Phones can help us communicate more easily and know more about whats happening around the world. If we can use them at proper time and proper situations, they can help us have a better, happier life.
