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My favourate animal is tiger,because tiger is very strong and powerful,it is the king of the forest.Tiger looks handsome as well, the skin has two corlors:yellow and black,and they are both my favourate colors.

I like tiger,and the year 201X is just the Chinese tiger year.I hope all the people will keep healthy,just like tiger.




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Our great motherland is one of the largest countries in the world. It has a population of over eleven hundred million. Peking is its capital.

We Chinese people are brave and hardworking. We have a glorious revolutionary tradition. We drove out Japanese invaders and overthrew Kuomingtang government. In 1949 the Peoples Republic of China was founded. Since then great changes have taken place in our motherland. Now our country is getting stronger and stronger. We Chinese people are working hard to make our motherland into a powerful socialist country.



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最近还在开展关于“限塑令”的调查和实施活动,增强大家的环保意识。还鼓励同学们学习环保知识,并介绍给认识和不认识的人。我班的志愿者活动也多 次以“保护环境,从我做起”为主题展开活动,例如:到小壁林区进行义务植树,为城市增添一抹绿色;清理城市“牛皮癣”,为城市带来新的生机;打扫小区卫 生,让小区焕然一新,使居民们生活在整洁的环境中.

启动仪式结束之后,是异彩纷呈的文艺表演。令我印象最深的是诗朗诵《地球——我的母亲》,朗诵者饱含深情地向我们诉说了炎黄子孙对地球母亲的种种劣行,以 及炎黄子孙最后的觉醒和做出的深刻反思。最后,朗诵者呼吁我们要保护地球母亲,否则地球上最后一滴水会是人们的眼泪。

最吸引我们眼球的是,分四个展区集中展示的环保公益作品、环保科技作品、环保手工艺作品、环保时装秀。这些都是河北科技大学和我们四十中学志愿者亲手制作 的环保展品、模型环保创意作品。这些参展的手工制品取材,全是塑料瓶、废板材等废旧物料他们丰富的想象力令我们叹服。首先吸引我的是“无电动力车”,设计 者用牙膏盒和四个小轮胎制作成车,在尾部安装磁铁,手中的小棒也装有磁铁,利用同极相斥的原则,使车无需电池也能行驶。接下来的是大学生的“塑料瓶系列” 展品,他们用一双双灵巧的手,将普通的瓶子变成一束束鲜花、一款款手镯、一个个储物盒……最令人拍案叫绝的是用两个塑料瓶组成的沙漏,构思巧妙,制作精 美,让人们赞不绝口。另一个大学生用一个个瓶盖做成了一套象棋,棋盘是由报纸做成的,真是即美观又经济环保。一位大姐姐还用废旧牛仔裤做成了背包,有许多 人背起背包拍照留念。“大嘴巴便签框”是用废旧的开关贴组成的,将便签放进去就组成了一颗颗牙齿,栩栩如生,惟妙惟肖。各种各样的创意作品让我们开阔了眼 界,增长了见识,激发了我们的奇思妙想,让我明白了科技与生活息息相关。其实,生活并不是缺少美,而是缺少一双善于美发现的眼睛。在生活中,我们要留心观 察周围事物,做一个生活中的有心人,大胆的将一些废弃物和环保材料废物利用,也许你会收获到意想不到的效果。


活动的最后,我们观看了穹幕电影《深海绿洲》,那里有美丽的自然景观,各具特色的生物,它们和谐相处、其乐融融,影片向我们介绍了各种生物的习性,领略了 独特的自然风光,认识了许多生物学家。穹幕电影《深海绿洲》让人有身临其境的感觉,随着情节的发展或平静或激动,让人们更深刻的体会到人与自然、人与动物 应和谐相处,和它们成为朋友。





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Waking up on New Year, everybody dresses up. First they extend greetings to

their parents. Then each child will get money as a New Year gift, wrapped up in

red paper. People in northern China will eat jiaozi, or dumplings, for

breakfast, as they think "jiaozi" in sound means "bidding farewell to the old

and ushering in the new". Also, the shape of the dumpling is like gold ingot

from ancient China. So people eat them and wish for money and treasure.

Southern Chinese eat niangao (New Year cake made of glutinous rice flour)

on this occasion, because as a homophone, niangao means "higher and higher, one

year after another." The first five days after the Spring Festival are a good

time for relatives, friends, and classmates as well as colleagues to exchange

greetings, gifts and chat leisurely.

China has 56 ethnic groups. Minorities celebrate their Spring Festival

almost the same day as the Han people, and they have different customs.



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The dream is flying at the foot of the Great Wall. Hope will kindle in our

mind. A lamp in the darkness guides us in the direction. Remember, Socrates

said, "nothing in the world is happier than striving for dreams.". I never doubt

it, because dreams can become reality as long as they struggle. Even if no

success, we do not regret, because we have at least tried for the dream, but

also struggled. Everyone is eager to succeed, but also all his life to this




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My name is Xiaoming and I like traveling very much. Last summar, I went to the Great Wall with my family.

It was fine that day. We went there by bus early in the morning. When we got there, there were many other visitors there. When my family and I went onto the Great Wall, we saw beautiful scenery(风景). We all were amazed(惊讶的) by how beautiful it was. We took quite a few photos there.

We had a good time there. The time flew by, and soon we had to go back. I was tired after traveling, but I really enjoyed visiting the Great Wall!



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With the development of science and technology, the term "low carbon" is often appear in our life. But, we really do low carbon? On the road, the car is everywhere, exhaust air pollution. Life, watching TV dont turn it off, dont turn off the light when you go out, is a waste of energy. In the campus, after class, students litter, eat the food bag is full. You know, it is full of pollution?

Speaking of which, I thought of his hometown river. Past, shadow of the trees such as on the green grass like the sea. But now, people in order to build a house, cut away the trees on the Banks of the river, pull out of the bank of the soil, hollow out the Cumberland river. So, one to the rainy season, flood river flooded river on both sides of the green crops, the stream sobbing, green in the sigh. People, this is not in oneself life?

Now that you know the importance of environmental protection, low carbon, so, we all will move together! Such as: less car more cycling, the door in the toilet cistern put two bottles, saving a drop of water every day. You dont see these are trivial, but we do it together, that is not trivial! Heard my introduction, do you want to save, low carbon life? The environmental protection together!!!!






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One day during the summer vacation, my father and I agreed to play

badminton, so we went to guolin park with badminton and racket.

The scenery of the park is picturesque, there are colorful flowers, and

some flowers are fragrant and beautiful. We came to a clearing and put the bag

on the lawn. Starting to play, the father said, "take the ball in your left

hand, take the beat in your right hand, and throw the ball gently at the beat of

the ball and hit the ball towards the other." I cant serve at the beginning,

also wont catch, serve as dad said practice is much more skilled practice, but

the other ball back, I was a little bad. I was a little frustrated by this, but

I thought: once you do something, you must do it well! So I trained again. I was

able to catch my dads ball very well, and my father praised me for saying that

the more I played the better, I was so happy.



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I asked my English teacher this morning, “How do you learn Chinese when you were a child? Think about it, and you’ll find the answer.”

I cannot recall how I studied my native language, but I still remember the way my little cousin learned to speak. He listened to what people said and tried to imitate what he had heard. At two or three years old, he could express himself in simple language. Now, he is five years old, he can speak more perfectly. He is using language, thinking in it and talking in it all the time.

I understand if I use English all the time, it won’t seem so difficult. I will learn it quickly. It’s the best way to learn a foreign language.






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July 21

I had a good time last weekend. On Sunday morning, I stayed at home and did my homework. The homework wasnt difficult. After that, I played volleyball with my friends. It was tired, but very exciting. In the afternoon, I cooked dinner for my parents. It was a little difficult, I think. After dinner, I went to swim in the river. I can swim very well. I had a relaxing weekend.





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With the development of economy, there are more and more vehicles on the

streets. Governments at all levels have to do something to solve the problem of

heavy traffic in the city.

I would like to share with you some ideas about this problem: firstly, the

government should build more roads. This action can decrease the degree of

street congestion and make it possible for cars to run faster than ever before.

But each coin has two sides. If a city builds too many roads, the streets will

occupy much land. We will have little space used for other purposes. So

secondly, more special bus lines for public transportation should be added. Thus

people can go conveniently everywhere they like; they will not ride bikes or

drive cars. In this way, the number of cars and bikes on the road will be

greatly cut down.

As far as I am concerned, if we want to solve this problem, we should set

up an idea of public transportation first and give a priority to this idea in

our traffic work.



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My birtiday is on 24th May. I always have both happy and sad feelings on my birthday. Why I am happy? I have group of friends that come over to celebrate with me. And they give me birthday presents, sometimes the gifts surprised me very much. Also, I can feel how much my family loves me because my parents always make a birthday cake for me. They do not go to buy one, but make one themselves. I feel so happy about that. However, I understand my mother was the one who suffered the most pain on the date I came to the world. I feel so sorry for my mother for what she had suffered. But I promise her, I will take good care of her when I have that ability.




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Wang Lin is a Young Pioneer. It seems to me that he is a very ordinary student. He is tall and thin. He is a boy of few words. But we all know he is quite good at English and Chinese.

Last week a woman came to our school. She came to thank Wang Lin. The woman is Li Qiangs mother. This is the story she told us.

"A year ago, my son, Li Qiang, was seriously ill. He was so ill that he couldnt go to school. When Wang Lin learned it from the newspaper, he decided to do something to help my son.

He kept visiting my son and encouraged him. He helped him with his lessons once a week. They made good friends. With the help of Wang Lin, Li Qiang didnt feel lonely any more. Now Li Qiang has recovered. I am quite grateful to the boy for his kind help."

What a good Young Pioneer he is!



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结构:中考最流行的结构就是三段式,深受各地区中考英语写作阅卷老师的喜爱。为什么尼?因为这种结构十分清晰。“观点——要点——总结”让人一目了然。三段式的第一段:简单明了,开门见山,不超过2句话,如,我们想表达小强很强壮,第一段直接说XQis extremely strong。观点明确,这一句足矣。

第二段:分2-3点说为什么他强壮。1. 每天吃10顿饭,He has ten mealseveryday!详举吃的是什么。2. 每天运动2小时,He does exercise 2 hours a day!详举做了什么运动。

第三段:经过第二段的论证,可以得出结论。但请注意,不能完全照抄第一段,要有升华。也可以提出希望和建议等。如,Howstrong and robust XQ is!I hope to be him one day!

逻辑:这里的逻辑实际指的就是逻辑词。最常用的就是表示递进的,转折的,总结的逻辑词等。递进:除了first,second,third,finally等还可以使用高级点的,如first of all(首先),in addition,whatsmore,moreover(都是另外的意思),in a word,all inall(表示总结的)。转折:but,yet,however等。真正有经验的阅卷老师会很注意这些逻辑连接词,因为这些词体现了这个文章的思路。





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The earth is our mother, she is the cradle of life, is the homeland of all mankind. Instead, her body is worse and worse.

We want to energy conservation, emission reduction, and reducing consumption, protect the environment, it is urgent, let us positive action, and with the attitude of ownership, with conscience and enthusiasm to pay attention to our living environment, to save, green ideas permeate all aspects of our life, starts from me, start from around things, save water, save electricity, resolutely resist and oppose all kinds of the destruction of the environment, save energy, reduce pollution, protect the ecological environment as our conscious action.

In the classroom, dormitory, do people walk conveniently turn off the lights, electric fans, air conditioning and other electrical appliances; Computer, multimedia in promptly cut off the power supply and turn off when not in use. Dont waste paper in the daily learning, we should try to be convertible, dining room to buy rice do quantity is good enough, not buy not disorderly.

We do not throw garbage, does not destroy the trees and flowers around, dont destroy public facilities, as far as possible not leftovers, but not disorderly leftovers, use less disposable tableware, disposable toothbrush, disposable pen... When shopping, bring your own shopping bags or reusable shopping bags, plastic raw materials mainly from nonrenewable fossil energy such as coal, oil, natural gas, plastic bags is to save energy saving, and can reduce the white pollution, protect the ecological environment.

I hope everyone in the world to protect the homeland, protect a small beautiful and fragile planet, let the earth be our eternal paradise.








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你是Mike,你去Marry 家,想问问她去不去参加你的生日聚会,但是她不在家,你给她留了便条。任务:请你用英语给Marry写一个50词左右的便条。内容包括:

1. 明天是我的生日,你会参加我的生日聚会吗?聚会晚上6:30开始;

2. 我的家人、朋友及同学都会来,你可以见到他们;

3. 如果你来,就打电话给我,我希望你能来。


Dear Marry,

I’m Mike. Tomorrow is my birthday. I want to invite you to take part in my birthday. Can you come tomorrow?

The party will begin at half past six in the evening. My parents, friends and classmates will come, you can see them in the party.

If you come to my birthday party, please make a phone call to me. I will be happy that you can come.












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My Traveling in Beijing

A few years ago, I went to Beijing. I really had a great time there.

The first time I went to Beijing, I was very confused. Beijing was very

big. It was so big that I couldn’t find the right directions. And the traffic

was always so busy.

During my staying in Beijing, I visited so many places of interest, such as

the Great Wall, Tiananmen Square, the Summer Palace, the Forbidden City, and so

on. I also went to Wangfujing shopping mall. But things were very expensive. So

I just did the window shopping.

What’s more, the most exciting thing for me was taking the underground.

Although it was crowded, I still felt excited. Because I could follow the steps

of the modern city.



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My father likesFishing. He always goes fishing with his friends in Autumn.

One day, he took me to fish, too. In autumn, fish have grown up. It is the best season to fish. First, we chose a good place. Then my father helped me put an earthworm onto the fishhook. Afterwards, I threw the fishhook into the river. I waited for a long time. Suddenly, I saw the float sink. I was very happy. I pulled it out of the water but I only saw half of the earthworm. The fish played a trick on me. I was very angry. But my father said to me, “it takes time. You need to be more patient.” I tried again. A few minutes later, I caught a big fish and I showed it to my father. My father praised me, “what a good angler you are!”
