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After a short time, a green parrot hopped out of the enchanted zoo, and

wentback towards the town. As he was hopping about, the animal control

officercame and shouted to him;the parrot understood, and started to fly up. The

van of the so called “Animal controller”, followed until the gas ran out. He had

no choice but to give up.

Now of course, the green parrot escaped out of sight, and found some twigs

that were going to help him be comfortable during the whole free time. When the

pirate Captain Cook came back from his journey; he stopped a while to find

treasure on an island during his way pass. Once or twice a time he would turn

back and sail for land, but he couldn’t make up his mind. At last he got the

treasure from his mates, and started for land immediately, they kept the

treasure in a box, which had a code of handsome Ship. None of his mates knew

that, so whenever they wanted to steal some gold from the Captain, they would

have to enter the code.

Now let’s go back to the parrot; the parrot was actually having a pretty

good time, but his nest became a pretty kettle of fish. His eyesight was not too

bad either; nor his ears. When Captain Cook’s ship came closer to land, the

parrot was all ears to hear what he was saying. “Mates, you go down and fetch as

much gold as you can, while I stay here. I ve had a long week of sailing onthis

ship, so I’m going to stay in my bed and kick back.”

His mates were like servants and obeyed immediately. The parrot, however;

heard his every word, and wanted to stay and live with the captain. He had a

plan, and then he flew down and tickled a mate’s toe. The mate laughed, and the

parrot stopped. When the mate paid attention to the parrot, the mate said, “How

are you doing?” the parrot answered, “Great; how are you doing?” “Not too bad,

thanks;” “Take it easy,” they soon became friends, and chatted all along, “So,

can you give me a home to live on the ship?” “Sure thing, piece of cake;” when

they got the parrot on the ship; the captain came out, and became friends with

the parrot also.

The parrot gave him advice, and he became wealthy and returned all the

gold, but kept the treasure he found himself on other islands. If people trouble

the parrot, the captain with which will defeat those guys with his mighty





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Dear Sir,

I was very interested in your advertisement in todays edition of The

Evening Post and I should like to apply to be a member of the Amazon Expedition


I am twenty-three years old and have an honors degree in Botany from Bath

University. Since leaving university I have been working in a research

laboratory but my contract comes to an end in six weeks. I would particularly

like to join the expedition for the opportunity it would give me to study the

plant life of the area.

I enjoy several outdoor activities including rowing and rock climbing and I

consider myself to be both fit and healthy enough to undertake such an


If you would like me to attend an interview, I would be able to come at any

time convenient to you, (J1) my employers have agreed to give me time off for

the purpose. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Lily Ma



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I like to read books, because a good book, contains a wealth of knowledge

and good feelings. Reading a good book is across time and space, dialogue with

wisdom and noble people.

Reading makes me rich knowledge, purify the soul. Book is the ocean of

knowledge, it is gradually broadened my horizons, improve my ability. I have

benefited a lot from reading this is self-evident.

Reading is a golden key for me open the door to knowledge, reading is like

the sun light up bright future for me.






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Dear Mum and Dad,

Im writing to remind you of the importance of keeping a healthy life.

You’re so busy every day that you don’t pay much attention to your health. I’m

worried about that all the time so Id like to give you some suggestions.

First, you should balance your diet. Eating more fruit and vegetable is

good for your health. Second, since your company isn’t far away, why not walk to

the office? I hear that walking is the best sport. Besides, you’d better take

exercise at least twice a week, such as playing basketball or tennis. Going to

swim is also a nice choice. What’s more, try not to stay up too late. Going to

bed early and getting up early is also important. Having enough sleep can help

your brain work better.

I hope you will find these ideas useful.





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When festival comes, I will be very excited, because it is a good time for

my families to get together and we share our happiness. My favorite holiday is

Mid-autumn festival, I can eat mooncake. It is so delicious for me. The moon

looks so bright and big. We can appreciate it while playing cards in the




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A little boy wanted to read a book, but he had no money; he decided to earn

some in return. But he had nothing to do, and so he just had to stay at home

just like usual life; he was very sad.

Suddenly, a strange thing took place, and he began to make use of something

that he wanted to try. After a short time, he came back from the basement with a

ruffled shovel in his hand. When it was time to finish the work that he was to

earn money, he smiled happily.

His work was to shovel snow for the other neighbors in the winter, because

most of the times when snow was very, very big; some of the house doors got

block, and they need to pay $100 for a builder to come and shovel the snow out

of way. But now the boy will help shovel the snow, and they need only to pay $10

in return. At first the boy was not good at it at all, but soon he got the use

of it, and earned lots of money. When it was time to use the money, he figured

that he didn’t have enough to pay for the grammar book that he wanted for

school. It was not that big of a deal of very much; but was not quite things of


He kept on this work for 4 years, until he had finally got enough money to

buy the grammar. He was so very excited, that he jumped about in the room from

brick to brick. When he went to the store, he figured it was closed; all the

grammars are sold out, but in the other hand in opened because he shoveled the

snow away which let him get enough money to buy another grammar in another


It was almost summer and the snow melted away, a statue of him was made up

in the town square where he lived; for making the snow disappear. He was also

the first in the class every morning, because he was willing to learn some

identities to learn grammar. He loved grammar. And when it was time for him to

head home and buy another harder one; he used the same plan just a little


And when people saw his statue shimmering in the morning sunlight, they

would remember his gratitude for everybody in the town.

It was a “Magnificent” day; it was already beheld the shoveling day.



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Since the swallow had brought back the prince’s red gem, he could at last

stay; but one night as soon as he was about to return to the Egypt, the happy

prince said to the little swallow, “OH little swallow, please stay with me for

one last night?” the swallow replied, “Oh dear prince, I couldn’t stay with you

any longer, my friends are waiting for me and…” “Oh please little swallow, you

must obey me;” the swallow sighed and said, “All right I shall stay with you for

one last night.”

The swallow then took a breath, after that he continued, “What is the

request that you want me to do dear prince?” the prince said to the swallow,

“See that poor old man writing a story, he is very hungry; and I could tell by

his face,” “What do you want me to give to him dear prince?” asked the swallow,

as if he had so many questions to ask; “I want you to take out my blue eye ball,

it is like a gem, and bring it to the man so that he could finish his act; and

be happy once more.”

At these words the swallow said, “OH my dear prince, I couldn’t do that! I

swear! Because…” “No little swallow, you must do what I say, and help that poor

man!” at these words, the swallow had no choice but to obey, he took out the

other prince’s eye; with a squeak, as if he was helping the poor prince to

recover from his pain.

When the swallow flew to the man with the blue sapphire gem, he felt the

warm wind of the spring dancing around in his brain. When he arrived, he placed

the gem under the man’s face, and flew back to the prince. When he returned, the

prince asked the swallow, “Did you succeed?” asked the prince joyfully, “I did,

and I hope the man enjoys it too.

The man awoke eventually, when he saw the blue sapphire gem; he said

happily, “What on the world is this? somebody actually likes my plays, yes! Now

I can finish my play;” and he began to write. The next day, the swallow flew

away to Egypt and before that he said to the prince, “I am going to fly away to

Egypt today and…” “Oh please little swallow, oh please can you stay with me for

one last night?” but the swallow was very satisfied, “But, dear prince; I can’t

do that, my friends are waiting for me and it is getting colder and colder here;

I have to go to Egypt, where the sun is hot, and it is warm and cool there;”

“You must little swallow, you must stay with me for one last night,” “Dear

prince, I couldn’t and…” “Swallow this can’t be, you have to stay with me; I

command you!” the little swallow had no choice but to obey.

“Okay prince, what is your command?” “See that poor little girl on the

road, she is selling matches; it is Christmas day, and she hadn’t even sold one

match. But she dares not to go home; because her father was a cruel man, and he

would punish her and hit her hard and say mean words to her if she doesn’t bring

home any money. She is crying bitterly, and I want you to do something that I

want; which is very important, I now realize that helping people is good since

it feels good.”

“Well what do you suggest me to do dear prince?” “I want you to take my

sword’s red gem off again, and give it to her so that she can bring home,” “OH

my dear prince!” shouted the swallow in the loudest voice, “I can’t do that, you

will lose your sword’s red gem and…” “No swallow, you must do what I tell you,

or face your doom!” and so the swallow brought the red gem to the little girl by

wings, the little girl looks at it and smiled, “That is nice! But it is still

not enough as my father wished me to give it to him;” then she began to sigh and

cry again, the swallow heard what the girl had just said; he said to himself,

“What a picky girl!” when he flew back, he didn’t tell the prince the message

that he had just received from the little girl; but he still was very cold.

He knew that since he did not help the poor little girl, he felt bad; and

so that was the reason why he was cold. He was very sad; and when he was about

to fly to Egypt, the prince said to the swallow, “I see that you are very sad

these days; I wonder what is the matter, tell me?” the swallow did not speak,

the prince forced the swallow to tell him; but he still didn’t say anything. At

last the prince said, “If you don’t tell me I will put dynamites on your head

and blow you up! I was trying to help you!”

At these words the swallow was so scared that he said out loud, “I heard

the little girl say that that wasn’t enough to pay for his father, and so I

didn’t tell you because I thought that you would not like it and…”

“Oh my dear swallow, why on earth would you think I will not help a little

girl? And why on earth would you not tell me about this?” the spell was broken,

the prince turned to real life, and jumped down from the statue’s stand, “Thank

you dear swallow, you have broke the spell, and now I can live on land once


That was the end of the happy prince. During the lives when he was a golden

statue, he realized how important everybody was to him, and that how important

helping people is.



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Dear friends:

If you can dream it, you can do it.——Walt Disney

It was a long four years. Even after I had actually graduated, the

nightmares began to haunt me, the university would call to say I hadn’t truly

graduated. There had been a mistake and there was just one more class I needed

to take. I was always so relieved to wake up and realize that it had only been a

bad dream. In reality, I had completed every course needed for my degree, and I

was a full-fledged college graduate!

Now, the rest of my life loomed ahead of me. Sometimes a bachelor’s degree

prepares you for a specific occupation——you train to be an accountant, you

graduate and get a position in an accounting firm. Often, however, your stint in

college only prepares you to make further decisions regarding your future.

You’re pretty sure what you don’t want to do!

During my senior year of college, I had toyed with the idea of changing my

major. At that point, I had finally discovered what captured my heart. But,

wanting to finally be finishing school was a stronger pull. So, I took a few

courses in physiology and exercise science, but not enough to receive a degree

in physical therapy. That would require advanced schooling, beyond my bachelor’s

degree——and I just wasn’tready to tackle that. Having completed my B.C. degree,

I didn’t have any intentions of furthering my education.

So, I did the safe thing and got an office job——the very thing I was sure

that I didn’t want to do! I detested the office policies, the suits I had to

wear and the downtown environment that I had to drive to every day. I knew this

was not where I belonged.

But god knew what path my career was to follow. A position opened up at the

most exclusive health club in our city, so I applied. This was my kind of

environment——an active, vibrant kind of place——completely at the opposite end of

the spectrum from the office environment where I found myself. The position

required that I work Saturday nights and Sunday mornings. Perfect, I thought! I

could keep my office job Monday through Friday and work at my dream job on the

weekends. This arrangement lasted several months until, eventually, a full-time

position opened up and I was able to resign from my office job.

Over the next few years, I worked my way up the leader, gaining experience

in several different departments. I found my niche as the director of member

services——catering to our clientele and providing them with numerous

cutting-edge programs. I would have stayed at that job forever——it seemed to be

the pinnacle of all my dreams fulfilled. Here were fellow employees who had a

passion for the same things that I did——health and fitness. Yet again, god had

other plans for my life.Within two years, a newer, bigger, better and more

state-of-the-art health club facility was built——just five miles down the road.

And, in turn, the owner lost many members to that club. And, in turn, the owner

lost thousands of dollars. One by one we were each laid off.

After trying unsuccessfully to land another similar position elsewhere, I

knew what I had to do. Go back to school!thanks!



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May Day is coming. I?m so happy because my father and my mother take me to

WuQuan Park this holiday. In the park, I see many trees and beautiful flowers.

There are many children and many happy playing games, too.

My parents take me to the zoo. There are lions, tigers, eagles, bears,

deer, monkeys, and so on. I like the monkeys best because they are very clever

and they make us laugh. How lovely they are!

I have a good time that day. What a beautiful and happy holiday.







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Dear friends,


How have you been doing? Are you okay? Where did you go this summer

vacation? I now introduce a good place to you, that is my hometown. My hometown

is He Street, which is about 20 kilometers away from the downtown of Hezhou

City. It is surrounded by mountains on all sides with a wide basin in the


When you are driving on the road, you will involuntarily look around the

surrounding mountains: the mountains on the east are like a giant Chinese

dragon, winding and winding; the mountains on the west are like high humps with

continuous peaks; the mountains on the south are plum red. The small tree on the

hill to the north is green. If you walk on a mountain path and look up at the

blue sky, the blue sky is like a blue belt; looking down on the earth, the earth

is like a beautiful picture. Isnt this living in a fairyland?

When you walk out of the mountains, you will clearly hear the crowing of

chickens, the singing of children and the bells of the mountain village

elementary school. At this time, the appearance of the mountain village will be

revealed before your eyes: a brand-new cement road leads directly to the

entrance of the village; small bungalows are strewn together; under the sun,

industrious people are watering and fertilizing the rice fields. The village

here is like a pearl, inlaid on the placket of the lichen.

When you come to my home, the hospitable grandparents will bring out their

own peanuts, bean sour, radish sour, mung bean porridge and other delicious

things to greet you, and tell you the fun that will never be finished. s


Dear friend, in fact, there is nothing peculiar about my hometown. It can

be said that it cannot be simpler or simpler, but the unique charm of the

mountain and the unique taste of the person are not worth your visit. ? You are

welcome to come and play!

I wish you learning progress! May all go well with you!














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dear teacher,

it has been a long time since i wrote the last letter. nowdays, people write letters less and less, instead, they make a call or send a sms. however, it is still a good way for us to communicate with each other by sending a letter

its my honour to get the chance to write to you. "approachable" is my first impression of you, because you always keeps smiling. students may fear the teachers that are serious both in and out of class. smile makes a teacher popular with his students, you are a teacher of this very kind.

you always arrive at the classroom ahead of any of the students, from which we could imply that you are a diligent man with regular habit. before the class, you like to talk to us, at this very time, you are more a friend than a teacher. to be honest, i was surprised in the first class when i learned a teacher at your age could speak english insuch a fluent way.(i didnt mean you are old, youre young at heart.) moreover, you know well how to keep your class attractive. youve got such an active mind that you can keep talking during the whole class without a pause. i always appreciated your ideas and enjoyed listening to you. in your class, i learned not only the writing skills but also the presentation skills as well as much knowledge of other areas. thanks for your excellent teaching.

ive got some suggestions for you. it seems that we students have got few chances to participate in discussion during the class time. most of the time, we are listening. seldom did we express our own ideas. i suggest that teachers should interact with students more frequently in the class. besides, id like to practice writing more, so would you please leave us more assignments?

happy new year.

with every good wish.

yours sincerely dali wang



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There is a small road near my home. I can go this road to school, so that I

can reduce time. one night, as it was dark, I felt a little scared, but I still

decided to go that road. It was so quiet and nobody was around. I rushed home.

My mother told me never do it again, because it was dangerous. I said yes.



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My grandfather likes to play Ping-pong so much. He will play it for an hour

everyday. Sometimes he asks me to play with him, and I refuse because I want to

play computer games. But recently I want to experience this sport, so I practice

it with my grandfather. I find that I fall in love with Ping-pong. It makes me

feel the energy.



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In our life,good learner are like trees,the more study,the more they will

be very good,but how to be a good learner?today ,let me tell you. First,you have

to finish doing your homework quackly every evening,and must be careful ,but you

cant copy,and you must have some good study habits,it the secret to study

english. Second,you must often take part in the study groups,then you could

study with your classmates. Third,you must dont forget do exercises in your

life,it is also important for study. So ,to be a good learner is not far form

you ,come on!



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my father is a nice man. he likes to play computer games. he is an owner of

a factory which produces many things .he is good at designing. he works very

hard. i love him very much because, sometimes, i can help him to do something in

his factory .he is always on business trips because he has his business

everywhere so it takes up too much of his time .

therefore, he doesn’t have any time to play with me but i don’t blame him

for that. i often spend a lot of my time on the computer, so i have something to

do. my mother is usually on the phone and tells my father to get home early but

my father doesn’t listen to her. so my mother and i sometimes are upset and i

don’t like my father in a sense that he always gets home late.

i love my father but not his job!



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Housework? Honestly speaking I never do houseworks. My mum does all of

them. I hate doing houseworks because it is boring and tiring, and Learning

English is boring and tiring enough for me. Whenever my mum ask me to wash

dishes for her I shout to her "No Way! Study is already impossibly hard for me

and more housework can only drive me closer to madness." Thats all I know about




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Dear Lucy:

Hello!Im your new pen pal.My names ChenHui,Im 13 years old.Im from

China,I live in Chengdu.I speak Chinese and a little English.I want to be a

teacher,because thats fun.do you want to be a teacher?

I like dolphins and penguins,because they are cute.How about you?why?

Im eating.What are you doing?Howthe weather?Its great!Because I amhappy

today.Hows it going?

Im medium height and a little heavy.I have long straight and black

hair.What do you look like?

I have a happy family!My father is a reporter,my mother is a shop

assistant,Im a student.

My motto future depends on your dreams and deeds!

Can you write to me soon?




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Dear John,

Long time no see, how is your summer vacation? I’m really sorry for writing

so late. I have been too busy at this moment. I am happy to hear that you have

traveled to Tibet at this summer holiday. How I wish I could go there with


Let me tell you something about my summer holiday. My summer holiday is

rich and colorful. My parents take me to Hong Kong. That’s a beautiful place. I

buy a lot of funny things at there. Such as pretty dresses, cute dolls and the

snacks I never eat before. I really want to stay there and never come back! In a

word, I really appreciate the life there.

I’m really looking forward to your reply!

Truly yours,




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Now I am ten years old, I always wish I can grow up soon, so that I can

make my own money. With the money, I can travel around the world and learn a lot

of culture. I want to know more about the world. So I have read many books about

travel. When I grow up, I can start my journey.
