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Do not rely completely on any other human being, however dear. We meet all life’s greatest tests alone.” -Agnes Macphail


I have found that the more time I spend alone, the more comfortable I become in my own skin because I can truly get to know myself. This provides me with more patience to accept myself as I am, wherever I am in my journey, on a daily basis.


This lesson was something I learned after spending a summer alone in Italy with a family friend.


I embarked on the journey, turning off my phone for the first time, well, probably ever. I would be jetting all over America then landing in a country with a family basically unknown to me.


It wasn’t until two years after I returned that I wished I had spent more time living in the moment while experiencing the greatest adventure of my life. I was not comfortable enough in my own skin to truly be present in the magical moments presenting themselves in a foreign country.


My mind stayed distracted as I wondered what people were thinking of me, and what I would post online to my friends back home.


At 19 years old, it seemed much more important to capture photos to upload to social media. The Internet was a crutch for me to not feel so alone in an unknown territory. As brave as I was to be completely alone in my adventure, I had a thousand people to “connect” with on my lonely nights!


Two years later I realized that I could have filled my days with activities for growth.


I now wish I had traveled to nearby cities, spent my days reading in a cafe, tried acupuncture—anything out of the ordinary.


The truth was I didn’t have the hobbies I have now. The trip did help me grow, but I regret that I could not simply enjoy the moments, instead of wanting thousands of others to see I was enjoying them.


I discovered that if I want to be happy, it would be my own doing. Happiness is an interior process and comes without validation from others.


This is something that is a lesson to be relearned each day.


Spending small moments of time alone—sans phone, tablet, laptop, TV, and radio—allows one to really tune in. We need to ask ourselves things like: What is my body telling me today? How do I feel today?


There are all kinds of things we can do to enjoy our alone time, some of them very simple. I enjoy my shower, my yoga practice, and the scenic drive home, all without communication to the exterior world. This helps me to really absorb my practice and just “be.” I find it helpful to journal, old fashion style, with a pen and paper after this little escape.

我们可以做很多事情来享受独处的时光,有些事情非常简单。我喜欢淋浴,喜欢瑜伽练习,喜欢在开车回家的路上看秀丽的风 景,这些都不需要和外部世界联系。这能帮我真正消化自己的所做所为,仅仅安静的待着。我发现在这种小小的消遣之后,用在纸上用笔写日记这样古老的方式很有帮助。




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There is no doubt that we should never go out there to see what happens; instead, we should take actions to make things happen. A telling example is Youyou Tu. She and her colleagues made 380 extracts from 2,00 herbs before they finally succeeded in discovering the pure substance qinghaosu, which can be used to treat malaria. As we all know, there were numerous scientists who wanted to find this substance, but it was her firm actions that made her the first Chinese Nobel laureate in medicine.

Why?Reasons are quite simple and can be listed as follows. To begin with, only by taking actions can we find the best way to solve those problems we are facing, but as a bystander, we can learn nothing meaningful. In addition, in an age full of ruthless and relentless competitions, without taking actions to make things happen, we are bound to lose those valuable opportunities. For instance, if Apple had just gone out there to see what happens in mobile phones, it could not have presented the amazing product, iPhone, to us.

Accordingly, we college students should not just be a watcher but a doer. In my humble opinion, we can start from applying what we have learned into practice.

毫无疑问,我们永远不应该走出去看看发生了什么;相反,我们应该采取行动让事情发生。一个生动的例子就是由你。她和她的同事做了380提取物2 00草药才终于发现了纯物质青蒿素,可用于治疗疟疾。我们都知道,有很多的科学家们想找到这种物质,但这是她公司的行为,让她第一个中国医学诺贝尔奖得主。





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当代社会越来越强调大学生的综合素质,国家教育、企业商界也越来越注重大学生的综合素质,而大学生最缺乏的就是社会实践、社会认识、社会经验。从素质教育的提出到具体的各项教育改革无不是为了响应这个号召。同时,基层社会也需外界关注的急切的愿望,为改变他们落后的面貌找到一条渠道。身为主体的大学生更应积极响应,从而为现代化建设作出应有的贡献。然而,环境形势依然严峻,水环境污染严重,九大湖泊和一些河流水质恶化趋势没有得到根本扭转,流经城市的河流普遍受到污染,一些地区饮用水安全问题日益突出。大气环境污染负荷明显加重,二氧化硫、烟尘、工业粉尘排放呈增长趋势,工业污染物排放总量控制和全*面达标排放任务艰巨,污染控制和治理难度进一步加大,所以,必须把环境保护摆在更加重要的战略位置。环境保护是全面建设小康社会的重要内容,是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要方面,是衡量发展质量和人民群众生活水平的重要标准,是造福当代、惠及子孙的事业,关系到我省现代化建设全局和长远发展。各地区各部门一定要深刻认识加强环境保护的重要意义,进一步增强紧迫感和使命感,以对国家、对民族、对子孙后代高度负责的精神,把环境保护摆在更加重要的战略位置,推进经济社会与环境全面、协调、可持续发展。 同时在政策的影响下,构建和谐社会,新农村新面貌。













(一)活动地点的选择 程海不仅水产丰富奇特,风光也很优美。古人曾有诗云:“银海含山色,渔舟傍石峨;晚来最高处,相对发狂歌。”登舟畅游,但见水光潋滟,烟波浩渺;沿岸梯田青青,村舍柳暗花明,仿佛进入如诗如画之境。这里四季无霜,湖面水温17.6℃~27.5℃,北部海湾沙滩细软洁净,长达数里,可以戏水游泳,卧波纳闵,成为天然的冬泳和娱乐之地。程海西岸现有公路贯通南北,湖内可通航,车舟并行,交通十分方便。这个美丽富饶的聚宝盆,有待开发为重要的旅游度假胜地。










7、对当地工厂、企业进行采访,参观,并调查它对当地经济、环境造成的影响。 八、活动具体计划

第一阶段: 1月1日--------1月19日 前期准备工作阶段

1) 面向云南财经大学全校师生募捐书籍,购买学习用品作为礼物;政府及企业的赞助。

2) 落实住宿问题,协调活动日程安排。

3) 申请 “介绍信”等交接文书

4) 准备一定数量的宣传单、宣传海报

5) 准备一定质量的文艺节目

6) 服务队旗帜、横幅、衣服、帽子;照相机、数码摄像机;医药物质; 19日:早上八点由*云南财大出发,大概中午到达程海镇,安排住宿,在当地政府的安排下,熟悉环境,并组织一个见面交流会,听取当地政府部门的介绍。

20日: 在设兴仁村开展环保宣传以及生活医疗卫生宣传,科学知识的宣传并举行有趣味的小活动,成立环保志愿服务队,通过发传单形式对当地居民宣讲环保知识,增强其环保意识,

21日 :进入星湖小学,进入课堂与同学交流互动,并进行问卷调查,发放学习用品,与孩子们交谈,传授外面的知识。




1月25日 于程海镇活动后期宣传,表

演我们带去的文艺节目 ,总结多天来的成果,收整返校


第三阶段: 活动总结:






1、材料: 科普、政策、环境保护知识宣传资料手册共计500分


工作t恤衫、工作证 20元/件*9=180元

队旗、横幅等宣传资料 150元

帽子 7元/顶*7=49元

2、后勤 火食住宿30元/人/天*7人*6天=1260元

应急药品 100元 4.胶卷及冲印: 200元

5.通讯费: 200元

总计: 4459元


姓名 专业 年级 特长 分工负责

谭国辉 公共事业管理 三年级 组织,交际 总负责

张雯婷 国际贸易 三年级 组织,策划,交际 活动策划,活动安排

韩震 法学 教师 善于沟通 与当地政府的协调



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There’s no doubt that it’s always been a pretty hard timeduring the training.

Last afternoon,our group stopped beside the threatre andbegan to exercise.A moment later,I could barely concentrate and my body wasshaking fiercely.We were asked to stand straightly and properly.I tried hard tohold on my pace,but then my brain started to go blank.Ninty percent of my sightwas covered by some sorts of shadows as if they’were starve devils,eating up mymind.With the help of my teachers,those annoying shadows graudually fadedaway.Then it just left me endless guilty and shame.I just wanna go home.

Time was slippery as an eel,the sky wentdark.Eventually,our class teacher taught us the true meaning of thetraining.Not until this moment,did I suddenly realized that I should havecarried on longer.The training is a different form of lesson,showing us how todeal with troubles as well as issues,how to obey orders accurately and whatresistance truly is.

At the moment,a well-known saying just hit in mythoughts—Keep calm,and carry on.








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Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

The twentieth century has brought with it many advances. With those advances, human lives have changed dramatically. In some ways life is worse, but mostly it is better. Changes in food preparation methods, for example, have improved our lives greatly.

The convenience of preparing food today is amazing. Even stoves have gotten too slow for us. Microwave cooking is much easier. We can press a few buttons and a meal is completely cooked in just a short time. People used to spend hours preparing an oven-cooked meal, and now they can use that time for other, better things. Plus, there are all kinds of portable, prepackaged foods we can buy. Heat them in the office microwave, and lunch at work is quick and easy.

Food preparation today allows for more variety. With refrigerators and freezers, we can preserve a lot of different foods in our homes. Since technology makes cooking so much faster, people are willing to make several dishes for even a small meal. Parents are more likely to let children be picky, now that they can easily heat them up some prepackaged macaroni and cheese on the side. Needless to say, adults living in the same house may have very different eating habits as well. If they don’t want to cook a lot of different dishes, it’s common now to eat out at restaurants several times a week.

Healthful eating is also easier than ever now. When people cook, they use new fat substitutes and cooking sprays to cut fat and calories. This reduces the risk of heart disease and high cholesterol. Additionally, we can buy fruits and vegetable fresh, frozen or canned. They are easy to prepare, so many of us eat more of those nutritious items daily. A hundred years ago, you couldn’t imagine the process of taking some frozen fruit and ice from the freezer, adding some low-fat yogurt from a plastic cup and some juice from a can in the refrigerator, and whipping up a low-fat smoothie in the blender!

Our lifestyle is fast, but people still like good food. What new food preparation technology has given us is more choices. Today, we can prepare food that is more convenient, healthier, and of greater variety than ever before in history.




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Dear teacher,

Words fail me when I want to express my thanks to you. You have taken good care of me since I came to this school. When I am in trouble,you always encourage me and cheer me up. You are kind but strict with us,you never allow us to pretend that we know what we dont know. You often tell us that its no use memorizing new words without understanding. With your help,my English has greatly improved. Thank you for caring about me,I will work harder in the future。

Best wishes。


Zhang hua



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Nature has given us everything, and our food and clothing cant live without it, so we should be grateful and look at nature with gratitude.

Gratitude it contains tolerance, but some people dont know the tolerance of natural, they only know by deforestation and killing of wild animals, only know to claim from the nature, but never written for nature to do what. The ancients of our country knew "the grace of the water of the people". But we still dont understand the true meaning of this sentence. When nature retaliates against us, we complain of nature and blame nature instead of tolerance. To know that nature hurts us much less than we do to it. The harm we suffer is nothing compared to the harm done to nature. Moreover, we have gained a lot from nature, and do not blame nature, let us treat nature with gratitude.

When the rising sun rises from the east, it brings light and warmth to us. He has never been stingy with what he has, giving us everything he has, like our selfless parents, who give their best to their children and never think of themselves.

When the rain falls on the earth, it moistens everything, gives birth to life, and gives the most sincere heart to people. It washes away the dirt from all things, and never complains that it is getting dirty. It is like the teacher who imparts knowledge, the hard work nourishes us, enables us to thrive without taking into account the dissipation of our energy.

When a breeze blows past you, it lifts the heat of the summer, and pays nothing in return. It always offers its most tender side to people, never to blame people easily. It is like an encouraging look in the distance, and when you fail, you touch your tired heart silently.

When a severe thunder comes, it seems to be a stern voice to your admonition, which may sound surprising, but it inspires and reminds you.

But now, the environment has been destroyed. The morning sun is not so soft; The rain is no longer pure; The breeze becomes violent and the air quality drops; The water became cloudy, even the atmosphere was empty, and the intense ultraviolet radiation hit the earth. Everything began to dry up and the environment began to deteriorate. Why is that? This is because humans do not appreciate gratitude, and do not appreciate nature. They keep taking away from nature, and impoverish the rich; To change the nature of goodness; To make the beauty of nature ugly. Now "blue sky white clouds float, white clouds under the horse run." The scene is gone, except that the smoke of the factory is dancing in the air to kill the chirping of birds. The effluent effluent flowing into the otherwise clean river has been able to extinguish the game of shrimp under the fish. Instead, the noisy sonatas of cars, the roaring symphony of factories... So nature is taking revenge on us, and in recent years, natural disasters have taken the lives of our loved ones, and we have suffered from the loss of our relatives. Its all because people dont appreciate nature and change nature, so now were going to save it and save ourselves, and the way to save it is to be grateful. Only every one have a grateful heart, to understand, to understand the true meaning of love, if we live in a world full of gratitude, full of love, then our life will be more beautiful, the sky will be more blue, pure, vast.

Let us be thankful for nature and love nature with our hearts so that we can live in harmony with nature.




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1995 I went into taizhou junior middle school.Totally we had 7 classes,I

was in class 4.The head-teacher of the class was a middle age woman.she was so

strict with us.for example, i was catched when i ate a big rabbit sugar during

class time,she asked me to buy that bland sugar one peice for everyone.in my

opinion ,she hated everyting except study,everyweekend ,she asked us to study in

school,sunday afternoon was just the free time for us.when she saw we played

football,she must get the ball back to her office.someone who was to be in love

was found by her,he would be punished just like a shit.luckyly,i was not found

by her.i liked the girl who was my Elementary school schoolmate during my junior

middle school.i didnt know she konwed or not.it ended when we graduated.but i

liked to talk with others during class time,everytime i was found by her,she

asked me to write 3000 words to explain why and how to do in future. nowadyas

every time i remeber what happened in my junior middle school,i deeply appreciat

her kindness.she is real a good teacher.

My junior middle school time has pasted ,but it will influece till the end

of my life.



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My name is Beth。 Im 14 years old, and I study in No。 1 Middle School of Hangzhou。 My school is very big and beautiful。 Im very happy in the school。

I usually get up at 6:15 in the morning。 Then I do morning exercises in the playground。 At 6:40, I have my breakfast。 You can see many students and teachers in the dinning room。 After breakfast, I often read English with my classmates。

We have six classes every day。 The first class begins at 7:50 am。 I like all the classes for my teachers can make the classes lively and interesting。 My favorite subject is English, so I join English Corner every week。 I can speak English with many other students there。 Its very interesting and exciting。 I think its helpful for me to learn English well。 After class, I always play games with my friends。 We play soccer ball,basketball, volleyball, ping—pong and so on。 They are very relaxing。

I like my lessons, my friends and my teachers。 In a word, I love my school。 I find my school life more and more meaningful and colorful。 My school life is wonderful, isnt it?



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Low carbon life today is no longer a fresh word, the people all know what call low carbon life.

Today I will say the low-carbon life in our house. One day, after I had finished my homework was sitting on the sofa watching TV, movie about environmental protection commonweal advertisement attracted me. The frame there are pieces of white clouds in the blue sky, the endless prairie, green grass in the wind gently shake its head, the colorful flowers and small butterflies dance ballet on the ground. But, the scene became is full of weeds, desolate desert.

I sat on the sofa, looking out the window the yellow sky thought:

If we dont protect the environment, cant tell which day our hometown will become like that. Thought of here Ill stand up to mom and dad said: "low carbon life is start from our home!"

After that day, our family really played a low-carbon life.

As long as it doesnt black home absolutely does not turn on the light. Go out not to ride electric vehicles is the bus. And I put up a piece of white paper in the bathroom write "please save water" several characters, ah! Indeed effective, mom and dad would never waste water, both of the water to wash the dishes, wash clothes of water save flush the toilet and do it saves water, also save a lot of water.

My dad used to throw rubbish are packed in a bag together willy-nilly throw it away. But now is different, he always put the garbage classification, not thrown away, can be recycled are collected to sell to recyclers, the sale of the waste of money saved up can also buy vegetables.

So two months of low-carbon life, not only make people form good habits, our family also save a lot of cost of living. Mother happily say: "low carbon life is environmental protection, and save money, also can let us healthy life, we must put the low carbon life in the end!"











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Time passes qiuckly,and the summer hoilday is coming.During the hoilday,i will have a rest to reileve my stress and do some exercises to strength my body.

Besides i will spend more time in companying my parents and doing the housework as much as possible beacuse i have paid too much attention on study that i ignored them when i was in school.

However, i will do some part-time jobs as well for it can broaden my harizon and enrich my knowledge,and therefore i can learn more and have a promising future.




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Before I entered the middle school, I felt so worried about the life in

middle school, because my cousin told me that I would have to compete with so

many excellent students. Now I get used to the life, I learn many subjects from

Monday to Friday. Though I always meet the difficulties in learning the new

knowledge, I get help from my teachers and classmates. I am not afraid of the

middle school life again, I am so excited to learn new things every day. In the

future days, I will meet many challenges, I believe I can get over them. Life in

middle school has happiness and sorrow, they fulfill my life.



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Dear Mr. Zhang, Because I have got a cold and high fever. The doctor adviced me to rest for several days. I will attend school as soon as possible. And you dont worry about my work, I will ask my classmates to help me with it once I am back.

I hope my absence will not cause you any inconvenience.


xiao Li



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hello everybody.Today Im glad to be here to give a speech about my fresh experience in China Agriculture University.

First I must say the campus life is really different from what I have experienced in high school.For instance,I used to lean upon my dormitory teacher to wake me up on time.But now I have to set several alarm clocks to make myself could hear them in the morning otherwise I would miss my class.And then even worse there would be nobody remind me

except my teacher!So the differences are everywhere and I could easily find them.The change of life is great and its wonderful:I have more time of my own and the rights to decide how I live.

My campus activities are rich and colorful.Learning English has become a habit to me cause I plan to study abroad in next few years.Playing Guzheng is my favorite activity.I have kept on practising it since I was a little girl and I wish to win more competitions in my campus life.

Our university has the first level equipments and the most experienced teachers,also has the best students(laugh).I consider it to be a honor that Ive got a chance to study here and I sincerely hope that we could live wonderful lives in our campus!



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The word "low carbon" has become the pronoun of 21st century, low carbon is also because now people realize the importance of protecting the environment, to create a word. So I decided to, in the future life, I also want to "low carbon" everywhere, protect our survival homeland.

Everything from the beginning of the trip, I go out less as far as possible to get a taxi, short distance of walking, long distance sit bus. I found that, after a period of time, I will save money, and exercise the body, is the best of both worlds.

Then, we should start from the water. I try to use the laundry water to clean the toilet, mop the floor... Every time to drink water, I will pick up as much as they remember to drink water, not pick up more, save water resources. Slowly, I found that mop and clean, even I can do.

In the end, is the power saving. Brightly lit at night, our family, each room the lights are on, sometimes, no one in front of the TV, TV is still open, waste a lot of electricity. I told mom and dad, the door after you leave the room. Dont watch TV, remember to turn off the television, and less use the computer. In the daytime, can not turn on the light, dont turn on the light. Our family all do that, I believe that our electricity will be a lot less. Two months later, the mother to go for electricity time-consuming, found many degrees less electricity!

I learned from the Internet, in Beijing, people in order to make cars less discharge exhaust, with single and double car that runs on different dates. To develop car free day, also hope you can low carbon life, the protection and preservation of our home!








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十年寒窗苦读,在高中三年的艰苦拼搏过后,我们终于战胜了期待已久却又微带恐惧的高考,打开了人生一道新的窗口,我们如愿走进了大学,开始了新的生活,在学习之前,我们都要经历军训。 。










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My schoool life is busy and fantastic。 First, we have four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon。 We have to get to school before 7:30 because we have a morning class。 Second, I like my school life because teachers and my classmates are friendly and helpful。 We also have lots of after—school activies。 Third, our school environment is very beautiful, the teachers all can make their lesson interesting and instructive。 So I like my school life very much。
