高一英语作文六篇 作文怎么写(优秀20篇)







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My high school life, nothing exciting - from flat to start, but also in the flat end. Can not call it exciting, but it can not be pleased to lament the difficult, but it can not be portrayed as odd. But "dull" is not possible to rub out the highlights of my life, but it will show a more bright, brilliant ... ... 我的高一生活平平淡淡——是从平淡中开始,又是在平淡中落幕。既不能称之为精彩,又不能欣然去感叹它的艰难,更不能将它描写得那样曲折离奇。但“平淡”是不可能抹杀掉我生活中的亮点的,反而会将它呈现得更加明亮,辉煌……

Long and short years, I learned the most important thing, not a textbook knowledge of those endless, but people learned how to do - to get along with everyone in the days, I learned a technique called "unity" thing, it allows us to hear the voice of 54 hearts beat together; short life in boarding school a few months, I learned to "inclusive", which is a blend of our strength; in ride out the storm with friends when I know the "concern", a pair of "It better to give than to receive." The best interpretation of ... Yes, I learned a lot of things like that, they are impossible to find in the textbook knowledge, they can not be called a capability. They are the people, heart to heart between the alternating collision, can really feel the same things, maybe you can in an instant perception of their true meaning, but maybe you really can not fathom the life out of the mystery ... ...

Perhaps this is my high school life, perhaps it will make you feel very empty, but it really is I want to sway the hearts of all, but I am very clumsy, but seemingly meaningful words can not make you feel I feel nothing at this moment ... ... 漫长而又短暂的岁月里,我学到的最为重要的东西,并不是课本上那些层出不穷的知识,而是学到了应该怎样去做人——在与大家一起相处日子里,我学会了一种叫做“团结”的东西,它能让我们听到 54颗心一起跳动的声音;在住校几个月的短暂生活里,我学会了“包容”,这是一种将我们融为一体的力量;在与好友共度的难关之时,我懂得了“关心”,一个对“ It’ better to give than to receive.”的最好诠释……是的,我学到了很多诸如此类的东西,它们都是在课本中所无从寻觅的知识,它们也不能被称作是一种能力。它们是在人与人,心与心之间,交替碰撞的时候,才能真正所感受到的东西,也许在瞬间你就可以感悟它们的真谛,但也许你真的就一辈子也无法参透出其中的玄机…… 也许这就是我的高一生活,也许它会让您觉得很空洞,但这确实是我内心深处所想要挥洒出的一切,只不过我那些看似隽永却笨拙无比的文字无法让您感受到我此时此刻的心情罢了……




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My hobby is fishing. I am fond of going fishing, for it is both interesting and iastructive-It tempers my willpower. Last Sunday I went fishing with my friend, He Ping. We started at daybreak. After three hours cycling, we arrived at the outskirts of Hefei and came to a stream. The water is clear and clean. One can see fish swimming. The meadow sprinkled with buttercups slopes to the stream. It is a good place for fishing.

In a few minutes everything was ready. Putting the bait of earthworms on the hook, dropping the hue into the strum, we sat there fishing with rod in hand. An hour passed. I did not catch a single fish. I lifted the fishing rod time and again. Time and again I was disappointed. There was no fish on the hook. On the other side of the stream, He Ping had caught several fish, one of which was very big.

How comes it that you catch fish casily while it is so difficult for me? I asked.

it s easy. Only you need Io be patient. He Ping answered. Make sure that you lift the fishing rod when the whole flat has sunk. I m sure a fish will greet you on the hook.

After a while the floats were swinging. I kept my breath and waked. The floats became still again. Come on my hook, dear fish. I was saying to myself. In a moment the floats swang again and then sank abruptly, Just at that moment I lifted my fishing rod. To my delight I caught a fish. Grlnning, I took it off the hook.

[My Hobby高一英语作文



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Look at the cloud is the weather

We can also according to the phenomenon of light on the cloud, speculated that the weather condition. Around the sun and the moon, sometimes a kind of beautiful colorful aperture, layer is red,The aperture is called halo. Solar halo and mooning often produce in volume layer cloud, volume layer at the back of the large altostratus cloud and rain clouds, is the sign of the big wind and rain. So have a "solar halo night rain, lunar halo noon the wind". Volume layer cloud in the instructions, and dizzy, the weather becomes bad. Another smaller than halo of color ring, known as "China". The arrangement of color is red, uv with dizzy just the opposite.Solar corona and part on the edge of altostratus yuet mostly. HuaHuan changed from small to big, the weather to clear. HuaHuan from large to small, the weather is likely to turn to rain. Summer, after a storm comes a calm,opposite the sun on the clouds of often hang a colorful arc, that is the rainbow. People often say: "east rainbow boom west rainbow rain."



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It is known to us all that some students cheat in examinations at school.

As students, we often take examinations at school, but sometimes we have too many examinations which are too difficult for us. On the other hand, some of us are lazy and dont work hard at their lessons. So when taking examinations, they sometimes cheat in order to get better results to please their parents and teachers.

In my opinion, it is wrong to cheat in examinations because it breaks the rules of schools. We students should be honest and try to get good results by studying hard instead of cheating in examinations. Whats more, we should improve our study methods and get well prepared for examinations.



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Speaking of patriotism, we can think of many patriotic heroes at once. Qu Yuan embraced a patriotic passion to vote in the MI Luo river, which became a thousand ancient songs; Yue Fei backed the thorns of "faithful to the country", and let the world praise them; Wen Tianxiang "lament the lonely ocean in the lonely ocean" and "leave the heart to take the heart of the Qing Dynasty"; Liu Hulans knife before the knife is not low, and Huangs eye is not afraid in front of the eye of the gun. They stand up in front of the achievements, major issues issues of right and wrong, shaking heaven and Earth Spirit of patriotism. Read their stories, often let us respect, admiration and reverence arise spontaneously.

Today, I read the "the most tender, the most pure patriotic heart" in "the Beidou star of the change of life", I deeply feel that the original spirit of patriotism can also be interpreted so. Yes, the 8 year old Xin Yues greatest wish before leaving the world was to stand in front of the Tiananmen to see the flag raising ceremony and listen to the national anthem. Who can say that this is not the most sacred love of patriotism? Are those 119 volunteers just willing to fulfill Xiao Xins wish? Is this not the most real expression of their patriotic feelings?

Patriotism is not necessarily vigorous. In fact, it is not far away. It is around us. Every time the flag raising ceremony, we stand upright and respectfully salute, this is patriotism; the teacher is a hard gardener, we respect the teacher, listen to their teaching, and let oneself become a useful talent for the future construction of the motherland, this is patriotism. We respect our elders and care for them. This is patriotism. Perhaps someone will be surprised: "are these simple behaviors patriotic?" Yes! From the start, the simple side of things, we can be in front of major issues issues of right and wrong.

Students, let us down from the trivial little things, for the love of the motherland and contribute our utter innocence! Let the Beidou star guide us and illuminate our direction.



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Our class to Guangzhou Beach Park to travel, I and my good friend Lin Wei Hao can be happy,the first day ready to take away things,know the day to travel,we frantically singing songs.

We were crazy to spend a pleasant time in the car, but I do not know we have to hit our destination,we ordered the car. But with a cheerful mood,to our dream of the beach park.

We have a good team directly with the captain of the fast to the entertainment, where there are “haunted house”, “flying sky”, “pirate ship”, and I like the “bumper car” and so on.Entertainment, although I, every one play But I am not happy,because Lin Wei Hao and his old classmates to play,did not come to play with me,I also put him as my best friend,he did not come with me Play these games.

Because today is a special day,I am not too unhappy, or resolutely continue to play about the terrorist point, relax about the mood.

Until the time to go,Lin Wei Hao see I am not happy look, as if I am not happy to know the reason seems to have come,said: “Today did not play with you I am sorry,I just forgot your agreement the day before yesterday, said To play with the time to play, but I did not mean that.”I said to him:“nothing I play a very happy.”

Since that day I and my good friend Lin Wei Hao not so good before, although still in a class, our communication is less and less.The first tour turned out to be such a result,leading us to become ordinary students.



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I always care so much about the food I eat, because my stomach is a little

week, so I can’t eat the junk food all the time. The healthy food makes me keep

fit so I eat it. Vegetable is very important, we should eat it every meal. The

fruit contains a lot of vitamins, it is in need. The fish is best for me.



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Once man did not have to think about the protection of his environment。

There were few people on the earth, and natural resources seemed to be


Today things are different。 The world has bee too crowded。 We are using up

our natural resources,and polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals。 If

we continue to do this, human life on earth will not survive。

We realize that if too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be

none left。 Yet,with modern fishing methods, more and more fish are caught。We

know that if too many trees are cut down, forests will disappear。 Yet, we

continue to use powerful machines to cut down more and more trees。 We see that

if rivers are polluted with waste products, we will die。 Yet, waste products


still put into rivers。

We know that if the population continues to rise at the present rate, in a

few years, there wont be enough food。What can we do to solve these


If we eat more vegetables and less meat, there will be more food available。

Land for crops feeds five times more people than land where animals are


Our natural resources will last longer if we learn to recycie them。

The world population will not rise so quickly if people use modern methods

of birth control。

Finally, if we educate people to think about the problems we shall have a

better and cleaner planet in the future。



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Today, after school, my friends asked me to have dinner with them, I felt so happy and went the restaurant with them. Then I found they wanted to eat buffet, I was so happy, because I always wanted to have buffet, I could eat a lot of food.

As we paid the money more than we usually spent, so all of us wanted to eat as more as possible, even though we were full enough, we still tried to eat. I would go the wash room many times, so that I could continue to eat. I found eating the buffet should be a happy thing for me, but now it seemed to be a kind of torture, I always told myself to eat more than I could bear, my stomach hurt.

The experience to eat buffet lets me realize that I should enjoy the food instead of eat more than I could bear.



全文共 1994 字

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My grandparents believed you were either honest or you werent. There was

no in between. They had a simple motto hanging on their living-room wall: "Life

is like a field of newly fallen snow; where I choose to walk every step will

show. "They didnt have to talk about it--they demonstratedthe motto by the way

they lived. They understood instinctively that integrity means having a personal

standard of morality and ethics that does not sell out to expediency and that is

not relative to the situation at hand. Integrity is an inner standard for

judging your behavior.Unfortunately, integrity is in short supply today--and

getting scarcer. But it is the real bottom line in every area of society.And it

is something we must demand of ourselves.

A good test for this value is to look at what I call the Integrity Trial,

which consists of three key principles: Stand firmly for your convictions in the

face of personal pressure.

When you know youre right, you cant back down. Always give others credit

that is rightfully theirs. Dont be afraid of those who might have a better idea

or who might even be smarter than you are. Be honest and open about who you

really are. People who lack genuine core values rely on external factors--their

looks or status---in order to feel good about themselves. Inevitably they will

do everything they can to preserve this facade,but they will do very little to

develop their inner value and personal growth.

So be yourself. Dont engage in a personal cover-up of areas that are

unpleasing in your life. When its tough, do it tough. In other words, face

reality and be adult in your responses to lifes challenges.

Self-respect and a clear conscience are powerful components of integrity

and are the basis for enriching your relationships with others.

Integrity means you do what you do because its right and not just

fashionable or politically correct. A life of principle, of not succumbing to

the seductive sirens of an easy morality,will always win the day. My

grandparents taught me that.



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Teacher, perhaps the two words you have listened to many times, but I still want to say to you: "teacher, thank you!" On the occasion of arrival of teachers day, I will always think of you taught my scenes at ordinary times. When I have trouble, you always took pains to my guidance and help me; When I have a mistake, you will seriously pointed out, and then kindly help me to correct mistakes; When I achieved good grades, you will always be cock thumb, smile with canthus.

Teacher, you are my teacher! You are let me admire, let me progress, let me grow up tutor!

Teachers, thank you!



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My hometown is in xiushui county, jiangxi province, there is a beautiful place. Trees all the year round, flowers in full bloom.

Spring, connect dressed in colorful dress, lightly stepped onto the stage, she put the long sleeves, shrub land were stained green. Connect and dainty hand weave beautiful flowers, to go to the audience. Flower fly to the green earth, fly to the green trees, instantly, between the green leaves of green compose full of flowers.

In summer, the hot sun baked the earth mercilessly. The cook was JiaoFa very hot, the ground seemed to have been a huge steamed over, make a person to breathe. But, this is the charm of summer, it let me have a kind of place oneself in the warm feeling.

Autumn is a harvest season, look, on the apple tree in the orchard, one is big and red apple crowded high up in the tree. The grapes of the vine tree and violet is big, it seems, is flow saliva. The pomegranate tree full of red pomegranate on, them one by one to get, if carelessly will fall down.

The breath of winter quietly came to earth, he will blow the world turned white; He a blow off the goose feather snow; A blow to the people to love for the winter; It blows the trees the clothing to blow away; It blows... .

My hometown is like an exhibition hall, the beauty of spring, summer, autumn and winter even show come out, I love my hometown!









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Today is September 10. It is TeachersDay.(英语作文) Xiao Hua has been ill in bed for more than a week. Her teacher comes to her home to give her lessons after school every day. In order to show their respect, Xiao Hua and her mother decide to give the teacher a present.They make a big red flower.

When the teacher arrives, Xiao Hua presents the flower to the teacher. She fastens it to the breast of her teacher s jacket, and says "Happy Teachers Day" to her. The teacher expresses her thanks and sets down to give her lessons. Xiao Huas mother pours a glass of water for the teacher and puts a lamp on the table.



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Dear Jack,

Im glad to have received your e-mail but I am sorry you are having some

trouble in making friends.

In my opinion, friendship is one of the most important things in everyones

life because without friends we will suffer loneliness. If you would like to

take my advice, youll win real friendship. First, why not communicate with your

friend when possible and tell him/her what you think about friends and

friendship and let him/her know that you want to make friends with him/her.

Secondly, you should learn to share your happiness and sorrow with your friends.

Thirdly, it would be a good idea if you like to invite him/her to join in some

activities such as swimming and ball games, which can make you learn to

appreciate your friends and cherish your friendship.

I hope you will find these opinions and ideas useful. Best wishes!


篇14:高一年级英语作文:Thanksgiving Day

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Do you know thanksgiving day? do you know why human thank god?

Thanksgiving falls on the fourth thursday of november, a different date every year. the president must proclaim that date as the official celebration.

Thanksgiving is a time for tradition and sharing. even if they live far away, family members gather for a reunion at the house of an older relative. all give thanks together for the good things that they have.

In this spirit of sharing, civic groups and charitable organizations offer a traditional meal to those in need, particularly the homeless. on most tables throughout the united states,foods eaten at the first thanksgiving have become traditional.

What should we thank?

The thankful great universe provides the environment of existence for us and give us sunlight,air, water and everything in keeping with we existence of space, bring storm to let us accept to toughen for us, bring to us mysterious let us look for.

The thankful parents give us the life, make us feel the merriment of the human life, feel the genuine feeling of the human life, feel the comity of the human life, feel happiness of the human life, also feel hardships and pain and sufferings of the human life!

The thankful teacher works with diligence and without fatigue everyday of teach, give us knowledge ability, put on the wing which flies toward the ideal for us.

The thankful classmate and friend grows up road of, let i no longer standing alone in the itinerary of life; the with gratitude is frustrated and let us become in a time the failurestronger.



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The computer is a wonderful machine. They are already widely used in industries and in universities. They are used in many ways.

Computerscan do many kinds of work. For example, computers can helps us do maths problems quickly. Some problems are too hard for us to work them out, but computers can. A scientist can ask computers some questions, and the computers can answer on the screen.

In a car-factory computer tells the robots how to do with the cars.

Computers are very useful. So many parents buy computers for their children. They hope computers can help them improve their studies in school, but some children don’t do as what parents want them to do. Because they used the computers for surfing on the Internet and spend too much time playing computer games instead of learning. It does not good for their eyesight. So their parents complain about computers not help children to study but also make them fall behind.

In many companies computers instead of workers to work. So many people lose their jobs. So many workers think computers bring them a lot of trouble.

If computers are good for us or bad for us it’s hard to say so I hope computers will be used in the right way.



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Nowadays, many school students smoke, and the number is growing increasingly, which makes school and parents worried.


According to a survey, more than two fifths of the students smoke in a school. They often get extra money from their parents to pay for cigarette, but their parents usually do not realize it. Even, some students steal money to buy cigarette, which is really a serious event. For middle school students, smoking do more harm to them than to adults, which is not only harmful to the body, but also detrimental to thinking. Furthermore, smoking is also harmful to others. Experts say that the second-hand smoke do more harm to others than the smoker.


In short, smoking is a bad habit which wastes of money as well as do harm to health.




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Whether sixty or sixteen, there is in every human beings heart the lure of

wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of whats next and the joy of the game

of living. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station:

so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from

men and from the infinite, so long are you young.

An individual human existence should be like a river—small at first,

narrowly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately past boulders and

over waterfalls. Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters

flow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible break, they become merged

in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being.

Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the

appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of

sixty more than a boy of twenty. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years.

We grow old by deserting our ideals.

Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.

Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.



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November 11 is Bachelor’s Day, it is a joke that shopping can make up the

loneliness on that day, the manufacturers sense the great business, so they give

great discount on that day, people are attracting by the discount, they buy a

lot of things on that special day. But we known that people lose their wisdom

when they buy things, most things are useless.

Today, shopping online brings great discount, the price of the product will

be cheaper online, so people like to shopping online. When the holiday comes,

the products even get cheaper, customers always wait for the chance to pay the

lower price. It is said that as so many buy things on Bachelor’s Day, the

express delivery congested, customers got their stuff very late. It is more

ridiculous that a couple divorced because the wife bought too many things


Now December 12 is coming soon, the discount is being presented, it is a

great lure that customers can’t control themselves. Shopping online should be

rational, we just buy what we need, the rest even is cheaper, but without value,

we must realize is a waste.

Now, we can get cheaper stuff not only online, we should control ourselves,

we buy what we are using, we can use the money to do meaning thing.



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A good teacher is like a shining star to students. Miss Li, my senior middle school English teacher, is a shining star in my life.

When I began my senior middle school years, I had difficulty in learning English. I dared not speak English aloud in public because of my poor pronunciation and intonation.I could not get high marks and grammar was not right at all.Afraid of being lanughed at,I never put up my hand to answer questions in English class.When Miss Li found out my situation,she encouraged me and lent me a hand,which rapidly improved my English.With her help,I became interested in English and eventually got high marks.

p>Miss Li,like a shining star,shines in my path of success.

[高一学生英语作文:A Shining Star



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Every year in October, our school will have the tradition to hold a sports

meeting. It is the biggest event of the year, so all the students will practise

very hard to win the biggest honor. Relay race is the most important match,

because it involves so many students to take part in, showing the unity of a

team. Last year, our class won the second place. We lagged behind the champion

just a little distance, so we hoped to defeated them this time and won the first

prize. We have practised very hard, and every student in the team wanted to make

the breakthrough. When the match finally began, we ran very fast and kept our

space. Even though other team tried to disturbed us, we focused our attention.

The moment when our team first crossed the line, we cheer and cried. We made

