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英文求职自荐信 - 开学吧









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Dear Sir/Madam:

Are you searching for a telecommunications manager with expertise in project management and team leadership?

I specialize in creating and implementing high-performance strategies that directly impact growth and profitability of large telecommunications companies. In addition to my knowledge of business processes, I also offer proficiency in telecom software development and cutting-edge technologies.

I am relocating to Shenzhen and would be interested in opportunities with your firm. Currently, I serve as manager for BIT Companys Information Industry Division. Briefly, some of my accomplishments include:

Developed a tool to track and forecast price,quantity,and revenue, which enables client to monitor business performance Implemented a customized end-to-end testing process and SQL database

My business acumen, technical expertise, and leadership capabilities have contributed to a number of successful projects. The enclosed resume outlines my credentials and accomplishments in greater detail. I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.


Gu Bin




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美国前总统威尔逊在十八岁时,正在艰苦地过着他的徒工生活,此时他还要徒步到100英里外的马萨诺塞州去学习皮匠手艺;杰克·伦墩在十八岁时,正 不学无术地到处流浪,而一年后他却进入了大学,也步入了文学的殿堂;希尔顿在十八岁时,正积极地积蓄能量,为日后希尔顿的饭店帝国打着坚实的基础;比尔· 盖茨在十八岁时从大学退学,走上了自己的创业之路……十八岁的他们怀着无比幻想和激情,如同掌舵于幽深莫测的海洋,试着开辟一条属于自己的青春航道,去寻 求大海彼岸的壮美风景!



儿子,十八岁的你也有着同样的炽热情怀。但年轻人缺乏思考,因为这个世界对你们来说还很陌生;年轻人做事鲁莽,因为你们对这个世界的凶险和复杂缺 乏了解;年轻人容易犯错,因为你们的思维单纯又没有过多的实践经验。所以,孩子,当你在十八岁的年龄里表现出这样那样的缺点时,我并不感到太多的担心。


儿子,你还记得那个来自《圣经》的箴言故事吗:有天晚上,一群虔诚游牧的人正想扎营休息时,忽然被一束强光所笼罩。他们知道神要出现了。带着热切 的期待,他们等待着上天的降福。终于,神的声音响起:“尽力收集鹅卵石。把它们放在你们的鞍袋里。再旅行一天,明晚你们会感到快乐,同时也会感到愧悔。” 这些游牧的人都感到失望与愤怒。他们期待的是伟大真理的揭秘,使他们足以因此创造财富,可神却只吩咐他们去做这种卑贱而无意义的事。但出于对神的敬仰,他 们仍然各自拣拾了一些鹅卵石,放在鞍袋里,并不怎么情愿。







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Thank you, Mr. Gibson. I feel deeply indebted to you and I really dont know how to thank you enough for your help.Its a great honor to be following in your footsteps as Overseas Sales Manager.

To be honest, this promotion came as quite a surprise. Id like to think its mainly a recognition of the teamwork, above and beyond the call of duty, in my department. On that same note, Id like to thank all my colleagues in the company for their enthusiasm and hard work. Due to their efforts, weve really gotten some overseas projects off the ground for Action.

Looking to the future, Id still like to maintain contact with everyone, even though Ill be working at the senior level. Well, what Im trying to say is I wont let this step-up go to my head. My door will always be open. Thank you again.



1. Its a great honor to be following in your footsteps as Overseas Sales Manager.

2. Its a privilege for me to be following in your footsteps as Overseas Sales Manager.

3. Its both an honor and a great thrill to be following in your footsteps.

要对提拔你的人致谢;"Its a great honor (privilege) to …"是个很好的句型,"to"后面就接让你感到荣幸的事。

● 表示谦让

1. To be honest, this promotion came as quite a surprise.

2. Truthfully, this promotion came as quite a surprise.

3. In all honesty, it was quite a surprise for me to get this promotion.

本段重点在于表示自己完全未曾预期升迁的谦虚心理。"to be honest"、"truthfully"或"in all honesty"是强调你说的都是真心话。"quite a surprise",则是说十分令人意外的惊喜。

● 感谢同仁

1. On that same note, Id like to thank all my colleagues in the company for their enthusiasm and hard work.

2. Similarly, I must thank all my colleagues in the company for their enthusiasm and hard work.

3. Also, I thank all my colleagues in the company for their enthusiasm and hard work. 由于在上段已感谢过上司及部门同仁,想再向其它同事致谢时,可用"on that same note"承接这个表示相同感谢的句子,并引导下文。"note"在此是指「口气、特点」,"on the same note"等于"similarly"或"also"。

● 未来的承诺

1. Well, what Im trying to say is I wont let this step-up go to my head.

2. I mean I wont let this promotion change me.

3. To put it another way, I wont let this promotion go to my head.

● 二、 Useful Sentences and Paragraphs (常用语句和段落)

● A. Sentences (语句)

1. I’m indebted to all the staff who have been working so hard. 我十分感激一直如此努力的全体员工。

2. We acknowledge the continued support from the embassy. 我们感谢大使馆长期以来的支持。

3. I am grateful to you for helping me. 感谢你的帮忙。

4. I am greatly indebted to you for the trouble you have gone. 你为我办事不辞辛劳,我感谢不尽。

5. It is generous of you to take so much interest in my work. 承蒙你对我的工作如此操心。

6. I realize that the task took a lot of your precious time. 我知道你为这事花了大量宝贵的时间。

7. Believe me, I am truly grateful for your good understanding. 对你们的理解,我真诚地表示感谢。

8. Thank you for your generous spirit of cooperation. 感谢你的慷慨合作精神。

9. I enjoyed the short stay at your home which is both delightful and memorable. 在你家的短暂停留是愉快而令人难忘的。

10. This is to thank you again for you wonderful hospitality. 再一次感谢你的盛情款待。

● B. Paragraphs (段落)

1. I have just returned to China from my American trip and it is only now that I have the opportunity of sending you a message of deep thanks for the cordial reception and hospitality extended to me and all my friends during our one-week stay in New York.


2. At any rate, I want to thank you for your help. The job looks very challenging, but because of the thorough training, I received at USC, together with your own informal coaching, I’m confident I can handle it.


3. Your assistance on my recent trip was much appreciated. Without your advice and guidance I couldn’t possibly have achieved as much as I was able to in so short a period of time. 非常感谢你在我最近旅途上所给予的帮助。如果没有你的建议与指导,我就不可能在如此短的时间内获得如此大的收获。



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Dear Mr. Wang,

Thank you for a rapid response to our invitation. Enclosed you will find an

outline of events to take place during International Week here at the University

of Montana. I will also list a number of possible speaking engagements so that

you can choose those things in which you are most interested. As far as topics

are concerned, the topics for classroom visits are generally determined by the

professor, but most professors are very flexible. We have approximately

thirty-five faculty members that teach courses in Asian Studies, ranging from

language and culture to history and economics.

Here is a tentative schedule:

Sunday, April 8th

10 am - Cultural Exhibition opens

12 am - International Festival begins with a speech by the university

president and an introduction of visiting dignitaries

1-5 pm - Opportunity to visit festival, interact with student performers,

taste foods

6 pm - Dinner with Director of Mansfield Center Phil West, Ambassador Mark

Johnson, and staff of Mansfield Center

As you can see, there is tremendous interest in China here at the

University of Montana. Please let me know if this outline suits your purpose,

and if not, please dont hesitate to offer any suggestions for changes. We can

arrange as many or as few speaking engagements as you have time for.

Thank you for your attention and enthusiasm.

Yours sincerely,

Lily Ma



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I have not written to you for at least twelve years. I did not expect to

write to you about such a thing in the third year after your son went to


Have you any idea how I felt after I answered the phone from dad this

evening? I didnt expect that you should be angry with your son for such a thing

and make the whole family uneasy.

I called you last Saturday, you said your cell phone will be out of

service, I said mom, I will give you a few days to pay the phone fee. Although

you said no, I still insist that I will pay for you in a few days. Actually,

this matter son is to have a fault, did not pay mobile phone fee for you

immediately. That morning we just finished invigilating a Chinese exam, there

was no invigilation in the afternoon, so I accompanied your daughter-in-law to

go shopping. True, there were a lot of mobile offices on the road, but I just

didnt stop. Not intentionally, but the son really forgot, really forgot to pay

for you. Maybe because we havent come out for a long time, we havent come out

from the 15th day of the first lunar month to last Saturday, because the weather

is bad, it always rains, and most importantly, we dont have much time. As a

matter of fact, you know your son is busy with his work. Your son is leading the

graduating class for the first time this year. He has two Chinese classes and a

head teacher. Your daughter-in-law is taking two classes in English. The most

important thing is that your daughter-in-law has been pregnant for four months.

You all know that. Because there are only 80 days to go before the college

entrance examination, and our school did not do well in the second simulation

exam, the class your son teaches only scored medium in this exam, the class

teacher and teacher who did poorly in this exam will write a review, and the

principal will personally hold a teacher symposium for your class. Your son is a

young man who just started to work. I think highly of this job. You have also

taught your son to be a success, and your son is working hard in this direction.

Dont I work so hard just to argue for you?

I just mentioned that your daughter-in-law is four months pregnant, so now

she is the key object of protection in our family. In the family where I work,

there are only two of us living and everything in the family is left to me. If I

dont buy food for a day, I have no food for a day. No matter when I come home

at noon every day, I always have to cook at home, and no matter what time I come

home every night, I have to cook dinner. No matter how tired your son is, the

POTS and bowls are always washed by your son. Mom, my son is so tired.

The pressure from work has made my son a little out of breath. Really,

every morning at 6:30 am to the class to guard the students morning reading, I

take Chinese class, Monday on Friday there is also a language morning reading,

also asked to sit in the class, the middle should guard the students on 9:50 to

10:20 small self-study, generally from 6:30 am to work to 11 o clock can go

home from work. Sometimes I have my fourth class and I get home at twelve o

clock sharp. But still silently suffer. After having lunch at noon, my son will

come to the class at about one o clock to watch over the students for their

lunch break. In the afternoon also asked to sit, of course, there are afternoon

classes, the son still have to go.

Sometimes go home after school is 5:35, at six o clock or so will be to

the class to watch the students late practice, and night self-study, night back

home is 11:00 more, mother, son very tired.

Mom, I think very selfishly, I dont want to grow up, because when I was a

child, you will take care of me, I dont have to worry about food and clothing.

I did not expect to grow up so much trouble, so much pressure. Life a lot of

things to me, all the ups and downs to fall on the shoulders of my a person,

mother ah, my favorite mom, son grew up, the son is responsible for the society

and school family give me, but the son, after all, or the son, your son, after

all, only 27 years old, 27 of how I felt as a child, although I have a family,

as the RenFu, soon as parents, but I always so young shoulders pressure big,

mother, son, really very tired very tired.

Mom, your son is a man. How can he tell anyone these words? Even your

daughter-in-law sometimes doesnt feel the pressure of your son. Mother, how I

want to sit down, sit on your side to and you happy talk, son want to let you

listen to not know more, want you also to share the sons a little bit more,

but, son always too busy to go home during the Spring Festival is just eat a

meal, and busy with relatives happy New Year, what time to sit down and talk to

you? Mother, my good mother, your son and you have many times in the dream chat,

your son and you are the most conversable ah, I remember when I was a child in

your side, but I told you everything. Remember the second day, the son of a girl

for you and write a love letter to the photos, your son is told the others write

love letter things to you, later, or you help the idea of rejected this door

"good thing", there are a lot of things son was willing to share with you, oh,

mother, as time goes by slowly, your son is also grew up in slowly. By the

original at your side, then went to college in xinxiang, then went to college in

xinyang, to the present work, gradually away from you, the son of you always not

in your side, although a week is also a two telephone, although every time is 20

minutes of talk time, but you still cant share all your son, gradually, mom,

you have misunderstood your son.

Son really wanted to give you money, but is in this Wednesday, because I

change a day of the examination paper on Sunday, the Sunday afternoon to

supervise, and on Sunday night self-study, that one day, your son at the end of

the volume change is very sick, because 170 Chinese papers, want to change down

in most, it is not easy, on Monday, the time you have two classes in the

morning, the son of, to do morning reading and research meeting to be held in

the afternoon, on Monday night I have night self-study, is four lessons on

Tuesday, Wednesday, when I said go to pay the phone bill for you, but this time

your phone has been through. I called you several times last night to tell you

about this, and finally got your call around eight o clock. I explained a lot

to you at that time, just in case you were angry. I didnt expect that my father

called me tonight and said that you were really angry and furious. Mom, my son

is really sad. I didnt expect you to be like this because of something like

this. After all, I am a piece of your flesh, mother, and you must not

misunderstand your son. Your son, who has always loved you dearly.

I love you, Mom.



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Dear Sir,

I am working on a new project which is called A Survey of New Industry in

the Maywood District. According to the design of our district, we need

information about firms that have recently moved into this area. Your firm is

one of the largest of these, so I shall be very grateful if you can spare the

time to help me.

Three points are specially important to the project. The first one is the

training schemes for school leavers. The second one is about the transport

arrangements to overcome poor road and rail links in this district. The third is

the plans for expansion.

Any other information will be useful, but those points are the ones with

which I most need your help.

I am enclosing an information form for you to fill in. I hope you can post

it to us as soon as possible. I apologize for adding to your work with this

request, but I do hope that you will feel able to assist me.

I would be most grateful for your favorable consideration of this


Yours faithfully,

Mary Spencer



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儿子,生日是什么,生日其实是母亲受难的日子,是我们应该面对母亲、面对亲友感恩的日子。生日又是我们生命中一个重要的里程碑,表示我们已经长大了。十二年过去了,爸爸和妈妈已经变得不再年轻,风风雨雨的日子里,我们一步一步挺了过来。(励志名言 )知道爸爸为什么希望你争气吗?因为,我们除了奋斗,别无他法。爸爸很欣慰,你叔叔终于走出了闭塞的大山,白手起家,如今拥有自己的工厂,自己的小车,成为方圆十里八村年轻人的楷模。爸爸通过奋斗,在城里拥有了自己的房子,有了自己的事业。不远的将来,城市对我们来说,不再是一个匆匆的驿站,我们将是一名真正的城市的主人。那么,明天的主人,我们今天应该准备些什么呢?











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Dear Dad:

Today is father’s day, for so many years I’ve been seekig a way to express

my heartfelt thanks for all you have done for me. Here comes it!

Thank you for always being there sharing my life when I need you most.

Whenever I encounter difficulties, I never feel alone and vulnerable, because

you will keep me on the right path. I’m blessed to have you.

Thank you for offering me education and teaching me how to be a man. You

always inspire me not by words, but by what you have done! Your efforts in the

work, your loyalty to your friends, your responsibility for the family and your

persistence in the life have already set me good examples in my own life.

Thank you for always appreciating my work, no matter how tiny it is! You

have made me realize that it’s capacity not scores that really counts.

Dad, I love you and I will love you forever!

Yours beloved,



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Dear Santa Claus:

Howdy!Arrive the Christmas festival soon again, did you want to" go to work" again?Would you still ride the floret deer trailer to come this time?

Can you arrive at my bed front?Do you put previous lists to line up the dry skates in the socks, like?I liked it too, putting on it many cool!

Can you arrive at the kid sister younger sisters bed front?Sing a lullaby for her at the time of she cry, coax her to enter the beautiful dream country quickly and quickly.

You can stop in the sky, to a peaceful seed?The people of now needed it too, for the sake of these the innocent peoples, letting them feel the sweet.

Santa Claus, you which the gift that come?You are how can anyone know the children demand what?

Wish you:

Happy every day!Healthy longevity!



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Dear Mum,


After school at noon today, I quarreled with you on my way home. Why do you

suppose I quarrelled with you? Thats because you said a sentence that makes me

very angry, which is: "Mr. Lin sent text messages to criticize you today."

Because you said a lie, let me very angry, it is because of your words, I give

nasty! Usually you say me, I have no complaint. But todays you why want to give

me so big fire! Are you scolding me, scolding me, or beating me because your

shop is not doing well? Or because you read the text message of my

misunderstanding. I know you dont mean it, but just speak to me when you have

something to say, and dont be so cross when you talk to me. I think you do not

understand the meaning of the teacher said, I now come to tell you what the

teachers words mean! In fact, the teachers meaning is very simple: the teacher

told us in the morning: "Yesterday only Wei Yujie revised all the diary, while

others only modified a part, did not completely correct." The words "one person"

in the teachers text message refer to Wei Yujie, and "others" refer to everyone

in our class (except Wei). In this way, it is easy to understand: everyone in

the class (except Wei Yujie) must finish revising all the diaries this


But it was also my fault, because I did not explain myself clearly to you,

and it was your misunderstanding of me. So here I want to say to you: "Mom,


I wish you:


Happy every day



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20 July 2006

Dear Mr. Wang,

Thank you for taking the time to write your wonderful letter in support of MCEA (Maywood Chinese Education Association). Your letter clearly articulates all the major reasons children in Maywood will benefit from studying the Chinese language as part of their elementary school education. It provides invaluable support that will help making bilingual Chinese education a reality in Maywood public schools.

Although MCEA would like to see Palo Alto public schools implement the first bilingual Chinese kindergarten class in September of 2006, we have learned that the school district must take the time to understand how a new program will affect existing educational offerings, and to validate community interest. Nevertheless, MCEA, with more than 70 members, will continue to actively promote bilingual Chinese education in the Palo Alto public schools and will keep you apprised of the progress we make.

Thanks again for sending a letter in support of MCEA. We will continue to do all we can to realize this program both for families of Chinese descent and those with a general interest in participating in the growing economic power of China.

Yours sincerely,

George Chen

Useful Expressions

Thanks for. . .

It was very nice/good of you to ...

Thank you very much for. . .

I must thank you for. . .

I am extremely grateful for your help. . .

I am most grateful for. . .



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Dear customers


Welcome to your home. There is a childrens library.

Picture book, namely picture book, is a kind of genre that children like to

see. It is in line with the characteristics of childrens thinking development.

It is very attractive for children to read and welcomed by children. In the

process of picture book reading, childrens imagination and creativity get good


Datong family has book boy, is the pioneer of picture book rental and

delivery service. It is committed to the establishment of childrens reading

habits. Through the regular distribution of picture books to customers homes,

parents can develop the cognitive habit of reading in the childrens habit

development period, so as to help children establish their own way of thinking

and cognition of the world and promote self-help learning The cultivation of

habit. At the same time, there are book children at home. For families that pay

attention to childrens growth, parents and childrens picture books story

meeting is provided free of charge. The teacher is a loving gardener who has

been teaching for many years and is committed to promoting picture books.

Different classes and different harvests are available. Parents and children are

welcome to come home and have a childrens picture book library. Please read and

let your children harvest a scholarly childhood in the wonderful picture book


Reading is a lifelong thing, youd better take 20 minutes out of your busy

schedule every day to accompany children to read books, discuss and enjoy the

fun of books together. After a period of time, you will find that there is a TV

fan, a computer fan, a troublemaker and a bookworm. Reading picture books gives

children not only the visual enjoyment, but also the understanding of details

and spiritual eXperience. In the spiritual dialogue with picture books, children

roam between the lines which are full of human brilliance, harmony of nature and

childlike innocence. It is bound to broaden the horizons, enrich the heart,

sublimate the realm, and improve the personality, so as to give the children a

chance to love reading I fell in love with the opportunity to learn. I read a

library every four weeks, 16 books a month, and 200 books a year. I read a

library in my childhood, making reading a habit and learning a pleasure.

Starting from having a schoolboy at home, we firmly believe that cultivating

reading habits will benefit childrens life.



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Dear Zhangxuan:

I am writing this letter to thank. First, I must thank the god, for letting

me meet with you, my best friend throughout my life. And then, thank you very

much for staying with me all the time.

From the time we know each other, every time when I meet with troubles, you

always try your best to help me. When I am sad or unhappy, you always comfort me

to make me forget the sad things. And you usually share your good and happy

experiences with meAll these make me delighted. Although you are in Tianjin now,

I believe we still stay together.

Because of you, I feel the life is wonderful. Meeting with you is really a

good thing. At last, I have only a sentence want to sayMy dear friend, thank



