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Nowadays university graduates have different job outlooks. For most of them, to find a job with satisfactory pay is their most important wish while majority want to be self – employed. However, a certain number of graduates are not in a hurry to hunt for jobs. They are just waiting for better chances. Toward this point of view, some experts warn that it is not wise to be just waiting. They advise that graduates should find a regular, full-time job as quickly as possible so that they can earn money to support themselves and get working experience, which will help to find a better position later. Moreover, it might be more difficult to find a satisfactory job next year.

如今大学毕业生的就业前景不同。对于大部分孩子来说,要找到一个令人满意的支付工作是他们最重要的希望,而多数是希望能够自我 - 就业。但是,一定数量的毕业生不急于寻找就业机会。他们只是在等待更好的机会。对这一观点,一些专家警告说,只是等待这是不明智的。他们提醒毕业生应该找到一个正规,全职工作,以便尽可能快的挣钱来养活自己和获得工作经验,这将有助于找到更好的更高的位置。此外,明年可能更难找到一个称心如意的工作。




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Its so nice to celebrate the Spring Festival, my in the mind. Because can see the lantern show and guess riddles, set off firecrackers, watch fireworks, but also can work normally cannot do.

Mom took me to grandmas first. Tianyi fading, I let my mother take me to see the light, the streets are full of all kinds of lights, with a snake type lamp, circular lights, bar lights; Modelling lamp and children very like animals, such as a quick, leg, heaven; There are lights on many riddle let you guess, but fun. Watching the lantern show, we went back to grandmas house. Dad and I took off firecrackers began shooting from the basement. I put small gun, dad put whip, double bang firecracker and firecrackers, in less than a few minutes the whole yard is colorful, the more we put more huan, laughter, firecrackers, mixed together, full of festive atmosphere. That night, I want to watch more TV dont want to sleep, because of the Spring Festival, mother also no matter, I Im so happy.

Its time for bed, listening to the trickle of firecrackers outside the window, I seem to hear their cheerful laughter, for them I also happy for myself, what a nice New Year!


妈妈先带我来到了奶奶家。天一擦黑,我就让妈妈带我去看灯,那里的大街小巷挂满了各各样的彩灯,有蛇型灯、圆形灯、条形灯; 还有小朋友非常喜欢的动物造型灯,比如马到成功、金鸡独立、大闹天宫;还有的灯上写着许多谜语让大家猜,可好玩儿了。看完灯展,我们就回到了奶奶家。我和爸爸从地下室拿出鞭炮开始放炮。我放小炮,爸爸放挂鞭、二踢脚和花炮,用不了几分钟整个院子就成了五颜六色了,我们越放越欢,笑声、鞭炮声夹杂在一起,充满了喜庆气氛。夜深了,我还想看电视不愿意睡觉,因为过春节,妈妈也不管我,我真是太高兴了。




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July 9 2009

It was the second day of our summer holiday. I felt good. I felt I am free. I had a lot of time to do things I like. My parents are in Zhongshan. So I live alone but I don’t feel lonely. But I didn’t do something special. I stayed at home and watched TV. Oh! I wrote an Englishdaily composition. It was my homework. Today, I have slept for 14 hours.I thought I was very tired. It was time for dinner. I must go! I am very hungry.

这是我们第二天的暑假。我感觉很好。我觉得我很自由。我有很多时间做我喜欢。我的父母都在中山。所以,我独自生活,但我并不感到孤独。但是,我没有做什么特别。我住在家里看电视。噢!我写了英语日记组成。这是我的功课。今天,我睡了14 小时.我以为我很疲惫。现在是吃晚饭。我必须去!我非常渴望。




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1.(亮光) light

2.(明亮) bright; promising

3.(坦白; 没有私心) openhearted; guileless

4.{穴位} Guangming (G 37)


◎ 光明 guāngmíng

(1) [light]∶亮光


(2) [glory]∶荣耀;光彩


◎ 光明 guāngmíng

(1) [bright;promissing]

(2) 明亮的


(3) 比喻正义或有希望



(4) [openhearted]∶没有私心



(1).光亮;明亮。《荀子·王霸》:“《诗》云:‘如霜雪之将将,如日月之光明。’” 汉 班固 《东都赋》:“是以皇城之内,宫室光明,闕庭神丽。”《古今小说·木绵庵郑虎臣发迹》:“一日, 理宗皇帝 游苑,登 凤凰山 ,至夜望见 西湖 内灯火辉煌,一片光明。” 鲁迅 《彷徨·祝福》:“我回到四叔的书房里时,瓦楞上已经雪白,房里也映得较光明。”

(2).照耀;辉映。《易·谦》:“天道下济而光明,地道卑而上行。” 孔颖达 疏:“光明者,谓三光垂耀而显明也。”《后汉书·南匈奴传》:“ 昭君 丰容靚饰,光明 汉 宫,顾影裴回,竦动左右。” 刘师培 《骈文读本序》:“故能光明上下,劈棤万类。”

(3).光大;显扬。《吕氏春秋·尊师》:“君子之学也,説义必称师以论道,听从必尽力以光明。”《后汉书·冯衍传下》:“乃作赋自厉,命其篇曰《显志》。显志者,言光明风化之情,昭章玄妙之思也。” 唐 杜牧 《答庄充书》:“自 两汉 已来,富贵者千百;自今观之,声势光明,孰若 马迁 、 相如 、 贾谊 、 刘向 、 扬雄 之徒?” 宋 苏舜钦 《又答范资政书》:“充于胸中,因时而发,大庇天下,则其道卷舒而光明矣。”

(4).荣耀;光彩。 唐 刘驾 《厉志》诗:“及时立功德,身后犹光明。” 宋 曾巩 《上欧阳学士第二书》:“时枉笔墨,特赐教诲,不惟增疏贱之光明,抑实得以刻心思、铭肌骨,而佩服矜式焉。”

(5).昌明盛大。《国语·周语上》:“至于 武王 ,昭前之光明而加之以慈和,事神保民,莫弗欣喜。” 唐 柳宗元 《献平淮夷雅表》:“谨撰《平淮夷雅》二篇,虽不及 尹吉甫 、 召穆公 等,庶施诸后代,有以佐 唐 之光明。” 清 刘大櫆 《湖南按察司副使朱君墓志铭》:“价不使抑,平不使短,斛不使浮,贫富咸济,其道光明。”

(6).磊落;坦白。 唐 李翱 《谢杨郎中书》:“窃惟当兹之士,立行光明,可以为后生之所依归者,不过十人焉。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷二十:“某家跡蒙曖昧,心地光明,错认做歪人,久行废弃。”《儿女英雄传》第二五回:“他老夫妻看準姑娘的性情纯正,心地光明。”

(7).《诗·周颂·敬之》:“日就月将,学有缉熙于光明。” 郑玄 笺:“且欲学於有光明之光明者,谓贤中之贤也。”后以“光明”指贤者的仪范,风采。 唐 韩愈 《感二鸟赋序》:“曾不得名荐书,齿下士于朝,以仰望天子之光明。” 宋 范仲淹 《上张右丞书》:“天下才士,莫不稽顙仰望光明。”

(8).正义的,有希望的。 丁玲 《梦珂》:“她本是为了不愿再见那些虚伪的人儿才离开那所住屋,但她便走上光明大道了吗?”




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Music is a kind of beautiful enjoyment, it makes me happy, makes me feel better. The music brought joy to people!

The grass to listen to music, grow more and more flourishing, more and more green. Several long more and more high wood to listen to the concert. People listen to the music is good, can relieve pain, fatigue, also can turn a bad mood into a good mood, still can make people happy, let people follow the music dance dance to.

If the world without music, the grass will not listen to music, will wither. The trees will not thrive without the music, also wont grow taller. People wont listen to the music, will feel very lonely, lonely, will feel very depressed.

He said mom and dad!!!! They go to work, a days hard work, come back in the evening to listen to music, relax the mood, relieve the body of a long day, also can relieve fatigue.

Grandma is very lonely one day, I went to school in the morning, mom and dad go to work, my grandfather has also gone out to the park. Grandma leg is not good, is more walk leg ache, so grandma had to stay at home. Grandma do not work, just listen to music at home, so she didnt feel lonely, also have things to do.

People alive, be without music, without music, the world will be very pale, our life is monotonous, boring, so the music is very important to us.









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Were born in this world, the first touch is the "family", perhaps we had a quarrel with his family, also have a disagreement, but when frustrated, is they accompany us, towards the unknown future, perhaps and they get along with time may not be a long time, but they have to give our love without reservation, I admit, I really will make parents angry, but on the rise countries at that time, I changed, because I dont want to in the circle of life, wasted the time belongs to us.

We dont know, how long can you live in this world, the only sure: "family love" is never change. My family is not rich, but I have a warm family, also let me understand a lot of way of doing things a person, everyone wants to be loved, but dont know what is the definition of love? Actually, love is very simple, just hard to understand a person, and to care for others.

Life wont last very long, I hope that love in the world, this is my view of the world, because I know, nothing, no character, no love, no care is equal to the waste in life, there is no meaning, so, dont let your own life meaningful? So, I want to take advantage of reading to giving back to the family love.

If the parents dont care about his daughter, he wont leave your tears, and the children dont care about his parents, will not Mr Spell a career, to let their parents a better life. But I, is the same, for your family also have feelings, loathe to give up, happy, sad mood, such as in the end I want to say is, "I really love all the people in my family."







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当初,孙权对吕蒙说:“你现在当权掌管政事,不可以不学习!”吕蒙用军中事务繁多的理由来推托。孙权说:“我难道是想要你研究儒家经典成为传授经书的学官吗?只是应当粗略地阅读,了解历史罢了。你说军中事务繁多,谁能比得上我呢?我经常读书,(我)自认为(读书对我)有很大的好处。”吕蒙于是就开始学习。等到鲁肃到寻阳的时候,和吕蒙论议国家大事,(鲁肃)惊讶地说:“你现在的才干和谋略,不再是以前那个吴县的阿蒙了!”吕蒙说:“和有抱负的人分开一段时间后,就要用新的眼光来看待,长兄怎么认清事物这么晚啊!”于是鲁肃拜见吕蒙的母亲,与吕蒙结为朋友才分别 。



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My best friend is WangMing. He is 12 years-old.He always play jokes

with me.I like to stay with him.It is because he can help me all the time. When

I find him say that I am sad or happy,he always listen to me and he is very kind

to me.He is very clever.He always help with my homeworks.If I have a worry and

dont know how to do he could help me.He can be a friend with






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Today I went to grandmas house to play。 I have five years did not go。 I was under the impression that it is a small village。 No four wheel vehicle nor spacious asphalt road。 But also a few households do not have a computer and television。 I broke away from science and technology is always boring there。 But this time, the small village let me be startled at。 Here built villas and almost every family has a TV or computer。 I was very surprised。 My grandmother smiled and said, it is because of this a few years the rapid development of technology, more and more rich Chinese relationship。 I looked at the happy smile。




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Looking forward to! Looking forward to ah, see the Spring Festival is coming soon, thought of here, I couldnt help laughing, before the Spring Festival, people all beaming, in high spirit. Shopping came in an endless stream, some are buying New Year pictures, some are buying necessities and some sit around the stove fire box to watch TV, there are people playing mahjong, etc., to name but a few.

The street was a sea of people, all kinds of goods full of beautiful things in eyes, what people want to buy, Im afraid it is difficult to choose.

Before the Spring Festival, every family all lights, all dressed up to the house having a unique style, each have each personality. They put to buy necessities are all over the floor. Buy whats posted pictures, then each have their own style and preferences. Some dish, some backwards, and the crooked stick, each has his strong point. People buy vegetables all done, just wait for one to the Chinese New Year festival can be a festival. Families with firecrackers, people wear new clothes, preparing New Year, before the Spring Festival, people go out, if you had a good friend, mouth always dont forget to say "to buy necessities."

People kill pig to kill sheep, busily preparing for the Spring Festival belly-worship.

The Spring Festival, the children will get up early, came to mom and dads room to start the traditional New Year ceremony. The children of parents said some lucky though, my parents brought out New Years money, let the children happily. Everybody hope this year will good lucky for you.

People play until deep Kuang, with eating delicious fruit, setting off firecrackers fireworks in his hand... Adult children forget to play with.









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Im in grade 5. In recent years I have read a lot of reference books. There are Chinese, with English and Korean, vivid and interesting stories in the book touched my education I, has taught me to be the truth.

Heard that a few days ago, I lived in the mountains of the children have no of extra-curricular reading, I think if I can send these books I read to them, they must be in the mind very happy. I decided to send them. But how to send? I asked many people. Some people say a car, but I cant drive, too. Some people said the plane, but the plane was too expensive. Finally my father to come up with a good idea. The annual Christmas, let Santa Claus for help. After I listened to decided to call Santa Claus, I find out the number of books. Went to the s, detected the Santa Claus. I call Santa. About him in December 24 days, Qingdao gold frame home, help gold frame delay. Also specially asked him to take his BaLi car. Be there or be square.

On December 24. White beard and white eyebrows, sit BaLi hoary-headed old Santa Claus, dressed in a red Christmas suits, really came to my home. We said hello to each other, he then asked me: "what are you doing about me here?" "Gift this Christmas I what all dont. I just want you to help give these books to a mountainous area child, let them have a merry Christmas." I answer with a smile of assurance. Santa Claus drove walked away, I looked at him and felt happy.

That night in the dream Santa give me a call, he told me: children to get the book, each with a smile, happy. Santa Claus touch head also smiled.



12月 24日.白胡子,白眉毛,白头发的圣诞老人坐着耙犁,穿着红色的圣诞服,果真来到了我家里.我们互打了招呼,他接着问我∶“你约我来这里做什么?”“今年圣诞节我什么礼物都不要.我只想让你帮把这些书送给山区的孩子,让他们过个快乐的圣诞节.”我胸有成竹的笑着回答.圣诞老人驾着车走远了我看着他的身影,心情无比高兴.




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Elephant is the largest animal on land today. It weights some ninety kilograms and is about one metre high when born. When it is 12 years old it studs over three meters and does not grow any more.

Elephant is usually grey in color having a long trunk with large ivory tusks protruding from each side of its mouth. Usually moving in groups and caring for each other Elephant is know to be a very and gentle creamre. For many years people have used the strength of these poweful animals to move trees and heavy logs. Elephant has been and is a vital tool for people to do many things that would normally be imposs-ible. Elephant is and will continue to be one of the greatest creatures man has ever come into contact with.

Its size. beauty and power willforever be useful to man.







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My fathers name is ____. He has an English name, Jack. He is thirty-eight years old. My father is a worker. Heworks in a factory. He has two big eyes and two big ears. He has short hair. My father is very thin. He is only fifty kilograms. He likes learning English very much. He learns English everyday. My father likes watching TV. His favorite television channel is CCTV-10, because he can learn a lot English from the program Outlook English at that channel.

English is my fathers good friend. I am my father?s friend, too.






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1. Hope your Halloween is masked with spooky fun ... just as mine.


2. Thank you for your very special wish. Happy Halloween!


3. Thank you for making my Halloween so special.


4. Thank you for making my cauldrons full of fun! Happy Halloween!


5. Your smile lights up our world! Wishing you a Halloween bright and glowing as you are!


6. Its Halloween ... time to dress up in your spookiest best and grab all the fun! Hope its lit up with smiles for you! Happy Halloween!


7. My Halloweens happy when I freak out with you! Happy Halloween to you ...my friend!


8. Its hell lot of fun when Im with you! Happy Halloween to you!


9. You never know what might happen on Halloween. Wait until dark for some spooky surprises. The creatures of the night are waiting. To my dear pal, have a howling Halloween!


10. Trick or treat what it will be? Wishing you a happy Halloween!





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One sunny afternoon, when I was merrily riding home, I heard "Help! Help!".


I rode to the riverside and found a boy of about five in the river struggling. I jumped into the water, swam to the boy and dragged him to the river bank. The boy said he was trying to catch a fish near the river bank and carelessly fell into the water. I asked him where his home was and sent him home.


"Thank you very much!" The boys parents said, when I left his home. Though I got home late that afternoon, I was very happy.




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They survive in some of the coldest environments in the world - but even penguins appreciate a warm woolly jumper once in a while.

The mini knitted garments have helped save hundreds of flightless birds caught in oil spills providing protection from the elements and stopping them from ingesting poisonous pollution.

Knits for Nature a program run by The Penguin Foundation which conserves the little penguin population of Phillip Island 140km south-east of Melbourne has created up to 300 different designs over the years - and its all thanks to talented volunteers.

‘There’s a lot of hidden creativity out there said Lyn Blom of the Phillip Island Nature Park.

People love to know that they’re helping the penguins because they’re so cute and small and they waddle up the beach and they’re so feisty. But they need to be they live in a pretty tough sort of environment.’

A thumbnail-sized patch of oil can kill little penguins the smallest of the species measuring just 13 inches (33cm) and weighing 2.2lbs (1kg). The oil separates and mats their feathers breaking natural waterproofing and heating functions.

Ms Blom estimates she has knitted between 200 and 300 penguin jumpers over the years including ones in the colours of every Australian Rules football team in the country.

A staff member read an article in an English women’s magazine about knitting for guillemot birds and decided to adapt the designs.

‘There’s an awful lot of ladies out there who used to knit for their children and grandchildren. These ladies have spare wool and idle hands and they love to feel loved and needed and we love and need them’ said Ms Blom.

The Penguin Foundation recently staged a competition for the most creative jumper which received an enthusiastic response.

The Penguin Foundation rescues approximately 20 birds a year. They even have a stockpile of jumpers in case of emergency - such as the large oil spill near Phillip Island in 2001.

In that instance 453 Little Penguins were affected 96 percent of which were saved - most thanks to the jumpers.






“人们愿意帮助企鹅,因为它们又小又可爱,活跃极了。在沙滩上摇摆着身体走动时,它们又显得那么坚强。 这又是必然的,毕竟它们生活在这么恶劣的条件下。”










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Punishments from the Nature

A woodcutter and a woodpecker lived in the forest. The woodcutter used to cut down trees to catch insects to make her living. Year after year they did the same things.

But one day when the woodcutter came to the forest, he found the forest had disappeared. He could only see the stumps around him. Then he heard somebody crying. He looked around and saw the bird standing on a stump and crying.

Yes, now there was no wood, no insects. How would they make their living? They were punishments from the nature.








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On Thanksgiving, Smaller Plates for Larger Palates


As we in approach the Thanksgiving holiday, one major question looms large for millions of large Americans: Are my fat pants fat enough?


Thanksgiving marks the start of the holiday season foodfest, a six-week stretch when diets and belts will be severely strained. So what can be done to keep the gluttony under something resembling control?


Brian Wansink directs the Cornell University Food and Brand Lab and is the author of the book Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think. His research has revealed that simply serving food on a 10-inch plate rather than a 12-inch plate could lead to a more than 20 percent reduction in calories, with the meal still being satisfying. He also found that even other food researchers ate more than half as much ice cream if they served themselves with big bowls and big scoops versus smaller bowls and scoops.





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The joy of laughter flooded, almost everyone returned to the warm home, only the big aunt. I waited and waited until the meal was cooked, and the chairs were arranged. When everything was ready, I asked my mother, &ldquo, the big aunt. Havent they got to come back? ”


Mother shook her head, disappointed to say to me: “ no yes! ” I become dejected and despondent back to the living room to see good dishes, sighed and murmured: “ well! I would like to have a new years dinner with the big aunt this year. ”


Aunt seldom go home, so she come back every time will bring a lot of things for us to eat these devils, occasionally buy clothes to wear, she does not know our size, but always to a belongs to our clothes, but this years Eve she still did not come back, this let my mood and suddenly swung to the bottom.


Fortunately, we still have the laughter of her cousin, no matter what grade are still love to laugh, sometimes even joke she can smile to hold the stomach down, as long as she was, would not have the chance to silence. When we were having dinner, my cousin just began to laugh, we do not know what she was laughing, but we all like to be contagious, also began to giggle, I still will spray out Hot pot soup!


The warm chafing dish is a contrast with the coldly cold day. When adults talk about their children, they watch TV and rush to play 3C products. Though the distance is very close, their hearts are not as close as they used to be.


&ldquo, little friend, get a red bag! ” adults cried, we like a swarm of bees queuing, I was at a loss, because I suddenly found that I forget this year wants to say where an auspicious words, its my turn to red collar, I squeeze haltingly: “ … &hellip and Kyrgyzstan! ” I was silly to laugh. Although this years red packet is not very big and not very small, but I was very happy to lead.


This years new years Eve dinner, we eat warm chafing dish, watching New Years Eve special program, holding a big red envelope once a year, passed an ordinary but also extraordinary night.



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Last night, I watched a movie, it is about two teenagers, they have cancer,

but the boy is positive about life while the girl is negative about life. They

meet each other, then the girl is affected by the boy, she starts to see the

beautiful things in her life. I am so moved by the movie, though the ending of

the movie is not so perfect, we see the change of the girls life. The topic of

the movie is to tell people to be positive about life, no matter what happens,

even the bad fortune they get, they still need to smile every day. People need

to find the beauty of life, so they wont life live without meaning.

