关于世界环境日的英语作文通用两篇 作文(推荐20篇)

关于描写环境的优美段落大家了解过多少呢?可能很多人都不是很清楚,下面就是小编分享的关于世界环境日的英语作文通用两篇 作文,一起来看一下吧。






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1. 鸟语花香,自然魅力凸现;蓝天白云,自然清新表现;海天一色,自然风格展现。

2. 一花一草皆生命,一树一木也有情

3. 环保短信五光十色,中华大地万紫千红。

4. 心系环保,心动环保,心装环保,心向环保,心怀环保,心仪环保,心随环保,心赢环保。

5. 鸟语花香,绿树清泉,失之易,得之难。

6. 少一支喷烟,多一缕清风;少一座烟筒,多一片蓝天、

7. 一草一木亦生命,万水千山总是情。 赤橙黄绿青蓝紫,环保彩虹当空舞,有你有我也有他,众手浇、、、

8. 蓝蓝天空白云飘,空气清新心情好,治理大气见成效,生活环境日日好!

9. 明月松间照,清泉石上流,曲径通幽处,花丛觅知音,遥望紫禁城,兰蕊吐芬芳,但愿景长久,千年共婵娟、

10. 绿色飘带染京城,今年花胜去年红!

11. 天高云淡,望到西山脉,环保不达目的,非好汉;巾帼须眉,与污染相战,屈指已干三十年,蓝天碧水、、、

12. 赤诚护卫着蓝天,让家园更加美丽;环境保护系万代,天道酬勤靠大家。

13. 一条短信四方传,齐为环保作贡献。地球环境同爱护,幸福生活到永远。

14. 世界环境日,送你清新剂,愿空间清新舒爽宜人;送你去污剂,愿周边环境天蓝地绿水清;送你宣传册,愿你唤起人们爱护环境,保护环境,保护自己的家园。

15. 手上不需要太多钱,够花就好。手机不需要太时髦,能转发短信就好。今天是世界环境日,让我们一起宣传,一起行动。保护环境,共创美丽家园。

16. 多动一点手,让能源少一点消耗;多走一步路,让城市少一点垃圾;多植一棵树,让空气少一点污染;多尽一份心,让地球少一点负担。世界环境日,现在多用一点心思,未来少一份困扰。节能减排,低碳环保,人人可以做到!

17. 爱生活,爱这一片美丽的大自然;爱喝水,爱这一汪清澈的水源;爱环保,爱我们生存的大地。母亲,紧握你的手,我们是你的好子女。望天下朋友传递环保,共创美好的家园

18. 消除垃圾污染,减少噪音危害,还我绿色家园,6月5日世界环境日,让我们携起手来为我们共同的家园添绿添彩。

19. 行个路,堵个车,生气;游个湖,垃圾多,晦气;起个早,粉尘多,霉气;不留神,到工厂,毒气。世界环境日,保护环境,让我们的地球有个好空气!

20. 世界环境日,生活环境保护好,日子红火又逍遥;心情环境维护好,幸福生活少不了;身体环境清理好,美丽健康身材妙!祝朋友生活幸福,事业发达!

21. 世界环境日,送你锻炼有妙招,早起满街跑,手拿拾物夹,兜揣塑料袋,见到垃圾全收起,饮料瓶子把钱换,其它废品垃圾站。锻炼身体又环保,一天收入还不少,如此好事去哪找!还不准备满街跑!

22. 小草的梦是人们不再去践踏它,不要让它变得遍体鳞伤;花儿的梦是人们不再去采摘它,不要让它离开自己的家乡;小鸟的梦是人们不再去伤害它,不要让它不能自由飞翔。世界环境日,我们的梦是人们不再去破坏环境,爱护地球妈妈!

23. 环境保护很重要,你我时刻要记牢。节约水,节约电,垃圾分类处理好。多植树,多种草,退耕还林青山绕。爱护花,爱护鸟,鸟语花香乐陶陶。世界环境日,愿你我一起努力,保护好我们的家园!

24. 不要等到身处荒漠才怀念绿色,不要等到雾霾不散才渴望阳光,不要等到垃圾遍布才想要清洁,不要等到地球上只剩下人类才说孤单。6月5日国际环境日,维护环境从我做起!

25. 空气清新,让你心情舒畅,清水清洁,让你身体健康,美好风景,让你留连忘返,绿色环境,让你生活无限好,世界环境日,祝你幸福永远,笑口常开。

26. 花草守护土地,让荒漠远离;树木守护天空,让污染远离;流水守护生命,让世界生意盎然;人类守护环境,让生命绵延不绝。世界环境日,守护好你身边的环境,享受你的绿色人生!

27. 绿化做得好,染污就减少。垃圾分类放,环境有保障。天空是小鸟的家,河流是鱼儿的家,地球是我们的家。失去了它,我们就将无家可归。世界环境日,提醒我们:环境保护,从我做起!

28. 大地我的兄弟,我们亲同手足,保护你,我们并肩作战,战胜一切外来破坏;海洋我的姐妹,我们骨肉亲亲,爱护你,我们携手同进,客服一切废物污染。兄弟,姐妹,我最亲的人,用爱,绽放你湛蓝的天空,青青大地,绿水长流。

29. 因为一次性筷子,多少森林消失不见。因为废弃塑料袋,多少土壤痛苦挣扎。因为尾气排放,多少蓝天变成阴天。因为水源污染,多少鱼虾奄奄一息。世界环境日,让我们一起保护环境,节能减排,绿色低碳生活,反义词!

30. "六月五日环境日,家庭主妇必注意,烧菜做饭液化气,煤火碳炉全除去,炒菜只要油温热 ,冒烟放菜伤全家,科学健康来做饭,节能减排举手劳。世界环境日,祝愿家庭主妇快乐科学操家务。"

31. 山有情,高高矗立为人们遮风挡雨;人有情,为高山披上漂亮绿衣;鸟有情,为树木增添无限生机;水有情,滋润干涸大地;人有情,开库蓄水以待不时之需。山水有情爱人类,人类有情爱山水。世界环境日,让我们用实际行动使我们的地球上到处山青水绿,鸟语花香。

32. 爱蓝天,爱绿树,不爱污染横行,爱地球妈妈,爱低碳生活,不爱浪费资源,爱节能,爱环保,更爱传递保护环境的信念。世界环境日,我不是什么垃圾短信,我是绿色信使,保护环境,幸福每天!

33. 清洁环境记心间,果皮纸屑捡一捡;低碳生活在身边,减少浪费节水电;空气清新心舒坦,爱惜身体莫抽烟;文明举止手足间,爱惜花草绿满园。世界环境日,为了一个美好环境的心愿,共建一片幸福的家园,让我们携手相伴!

34. 环境污染,祸及人类,危害生存,带来疾病。保护环境,带来健康,环境美好,心情舒畅,无病无忧。今天世界环境日,愿和你一起行动,保护环境,共创绿色和谐家园!

35. 鸟儿说:多种些树吧,否则让我在哪里筑巢?鱼儿说:别再排污水了,否则让我们如何自由徜徉?天空说:少些污染吧,否则怎么让群星闪耀?地球说:保护好我吧,否则人类如何把美好创造?世界环境日,提醒我们保护环境,从我做起!

36. 人类靠环境生存 ,环境靠人类保护,追求环保是大家的心愿,参与环保是大家的责任。世界环境日提醒大家,要从我做起,从身边小事做起。提高环保意识,爱护地球的 一草一木,一山一水。让我们的家园变得更美丽,生活更幸福!

37. 垃圾归类处理清,一片蔚蓝好晴空,亮了我们的眼睛;乘坐公交减排放,享受空气高质量,带来每一秒舒畅;勤俭节约习惯好,增加储蓄又环保,都夸会过心眼好。献出一片保护环境的真心,得到快乐日子开心。祝你世界环境日舒心。




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henry ford didn’t always pay attention in school. one day ,he and a friend took a watch apart. angry and upset, the teacher told him both to stay after school. their punishment was to stay until they had fixed the watch. but the teacher did not know young ford’s genius. in ten minutes, this mechanical wizard had repaired the watch and was on this way home..

ford was always interested in how things worked. he once plugged up the spout of a teapot and placed it on the fire. then he waited to see what would happen. the water boiled and, of course, turned to steam. since the steam had no way to escape, the teapot exploded. the explosion cracked a mirror and broke a window. the young inventor was badly scalded

ford’s year of curiosity and tinkering paid off. he dreamed of a horseless carriage. when he built one, the world of transportation was changed forever.



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Today is the National Eyes Caring Day,so I remind everybody to treasure your eys.Now let me introduce something should be remembered to treasure our eyes especially to the stdents.

First of all,its important to keep the standard sitting position while you are reading and studying which means that you cant put your eyes to close to the books or notebooks.Secondly,you should keep on doing eye exercises during the ten-minute break carefully.Thirdly,try to look far into the distance during the break,too.Besides,you should remember that if there is something wrong with your eyes,go to see the doctor in time.I believe that if you do as what I say,you can keep on owning good eyesight.



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The school, is the world of knowledge, the school, is our friends paradise, it provides us a healthy and beautiful learning environment.

Let me introduce our school. Once inside the school gate, two rows of straight palm trees stand on each side, like two young pioneers, guarding the campus. Two beautiful little gardens behind them, the flowers in them are beautiful. The willow tree in the playground, graceful, the spring comes, she was combing her hair, as if in waved to us, one side of the Holly and poplar have also show their new clothes. The pleasant scenery of the campus has created a comfortable learning environment for us to grow healthy and lively.

However, there are a few students behavior, let we see what we dont want to see: the playground, there will always leave some on the corridor, corridor confetti and small bags; On the lawn, the green belt occasionally discovers the deep footprints left by the students. Others have turned the desks in the classroom into "cat faces"; Not to save water, to lose precious water, and to make the flower bed a playground...



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Environmental pollution can cause direct damage and impact to ecosystems, such as desertification and forest damage, which can also cause indirect hazards to ecosystems and human societies. Sometimes the harm of this indirect environmental effect is greater than the direct hazard caused by it, It is more difficult to eliminate. For example, the greenhouse effect, acid rain, and ozone depletion are the environmental effects derived from atmospheric pollution. This environmental effect derived from environmental pollution is lagging behind, often at the time of the occurrence of pollution is not easy to be perceived or expected, but in the event of environmental pollution has been developed to a very serious point. Of course, the most direct and most environmentally conscious consequence of environmental pollution is the decline in the quality of the human environment, affecting human quality of life, physical health and productive activities. Such as the citys air pollution caused by air pollution, peoples morbidity and so on; water pollution so that the deterioration of water quality, drinking water quality generally decline, threatening human health. Serious pollution incidents not only bring health problems, but also cause social problems. With the increase in pollution and peoples awareness of the environment, due to pollution caused by population disputes and conflicts increased year by year.

Let us all love nature, love the earth, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, heart to cast a green embankment, to defend the resources, to defend the environment, to defend the earth, to defend our beautiful home now!





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六月五日到, 地球很懊恼,垃圾真不少,生活变糟糕,大家有钱花,也该环环保,今天环境日,把地扫一扫,周围变干净,心情更美好。6.5世界环境日,不管花钱多与少,时刻心想要环保。














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With the improvement of peoples living standard, people more and more do not take the protection of the environment, throw rubbish everywhere and spit everywhere.

Whenever I see garbage on the ground, I will be deeply touched, protect the environment, starts from me. Take the a small river near my house, for instance, in the past, the water in the river is very clear, like a bright mirror, can see clearly the many stone in the river; You can see fish free in swimming in the river. There are often many children playing, playing in the river water; The adults in the river to wash the dishes, washing clothes. Gradually, people then throw the garbage into the river, sewage discharge into the river, make the river as well as smelly and dirty, can no longer on the bottom, into a murky waters of the bin. Serious environmental pollution, serious harm peoples health. Yes, only set up the idea of protecting the environment, have a better tomorrow.

On Sunday, I find to my good friend small good, each with a plastic bag, pick up the trash in the river one by one to light, our hands are full of bags, is really "to eat"! Even if we pick up the trash in the river, but you cant stop the garbage in the river, get off there will be, how to do? The most critical or arouse peoples environmental consciousness, we took a plank on the plate is greatly write: please protect the environment, starts from me. We put it in the river, in a prominent place in the task is complete, we are pleased to go home.

In order to protect our own home, in order to protect our own life, for the sake of our own future, in order to our beautiful environment, make the sky bluer, the water cleaner, let mother earth more lovely and more vibrant, let us open hands, a love, out of a force, creating a green environment.







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1、 做地球妈妈的好孩子,保护她!

2、 追求绿色*时尚、走向绿色*文明。

3、 只有一个地球、人类应该同舟共济。

4、 只有保护环境,明天,美好的明天!就指日可待了!

5、 止住您的脚步,留住一片绿茵!

6、 植树造林,功在千秋。

7、 斩断飞向天空的“黑龙”,拥有湛蓝的天。

8、 有花有草,不摘花草,无花无草,应栽花种草,破坏环境,岂不可惜。

9、 用我们的双手,保护我们的地球。

10、 用好你的手,垃圾无处溜。

11、 我是一朵花,请爱我,别采我。

12、 希望有一天,垃圾筒也会下岗。

13、 小草刚钻出地面,请自觉保护弱小。

14、 因为人类的恶作剧,所以地球母亲在痛哭,快止住妈妈的眼泪。

15、 依靠科技进步促进环境保护。

16、 一个地球,够了,一个海洋,够了,不够的是—环保。

17、 幸福生活不只在于丰衣足食,也在于碧水蓝天。

18、 兴我中华,爱我昆山。爱护家园,人人有责。

19、 欣赏荒野、回归自然。

20、 小草正睡觉,勿入草坪来打扰。

21、 迎绿色资源,送废气污染。

22、 请高抬贵脚,听,小草在哭泣!

23、 天空是小鸟家,河流是鱼儿的家,地球是我们的家。

24、 把绿色带到世界每一个角落,让绿色流入人们心中。

25、 绿树成荫,花香扑鼻——理想家园靠大家。

26、 风清水绿天蓝,我们美丽的家。

27、 让天更蓝,让水更清,让我们从小事做起。

28、 捡起一张纸,创造一个美的环境。

29、 陆地、天空、大海,我们都要保护。

30、 谁不爱家?谁不爱妈妈——保护地球。

31、 爱护我们共同的家园——地球。

32、 人的生命是有限的,保护环境是无限的。

33、 请脚下留情,别伤害一棵小草。

34、 请别乱坎树林,让空气更加清新。

35、 让我们来保护花草树木吧!看,花草树木在向你挥出希望的小手。

36、 如果没有花草树木,我们还能吸收氧气吗?让我们保护花草树木吧!

37、 绿树成荫,鲜花遍地,人间仙境,非常美丽。

38、 有花有草,不摘花草,无花无草,应栽花种草,破坏环境,岂不可惜。

39、 因为人类的恶作剧,所以地球母亲在痛哭,快止住妈妈的眼泪。

40、 拥护美丽家园就是拥有宝贵的财富。

41、 我们为天然资源越来越少而伤心,地球为我们破坏资源而哭泣。

42、 我们梦想一个没有污染的环境。

43、 水是生命之源,树是生命之根。

44、 水是一切生命的起源点。

45、 提高环境意识保护美好家园。

46、 天空是小鸟家,河流是鱼儿的家,地球是我们的家。

47、 为了地球的生命,拯救我们的环境。

48、 为了地球上的生命,拯救我们的海洋。

49、 如果没有花草树木,我们还能吸收氧气吗?让我们保护花草树木吧!

50、 山中何所有?岑上多白云。

51、 少抽一支烟,多栽一棵树。

52、 什么时候垃圾筒也会下岗。

53、 使“母亲”成为乐园,需要“儿女”携手努力。



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Good environment can make people feel happy and fit 。 To improve the environment means to improve our life。

We should plant more trees and flowers around us 。 We shouldn’t cut them down 。 We should stop factories from pouring waste water into the river and waste gas into the air。

Whenever we see litter on the ground , we should pick it up and throw it into dusbins。 Never spit in public。 Don’t draw on public walls。 It’s our duty to protect the environment。




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velopment and the Environment

It is undeniable that the worsening environment has become the biggest concern of the present-day world. Land resources are dwindling because of water loss and soil erosion. Waste gases poison the air we breathe. The rivers and lakes are polluted by waste dumped in them from factories. It is probably no exaggeration to say that deterioration of the quality of the environment threatens the existence of mankind itself.

Some people are of the opinion that the environmental problem is the price we have to pay for economic development. But I do not think that this argument is valid. After all, what is the point of economic growth if peoples lives are adversely alfected by worsening environmental pollution?

There is plenty of evidence to show that sustainable development can be achieved by balancing economic growth with protection of the environment. The key to achieving this is to make people aware of the seriousness of the problem. Both governments and ordinary citizens should join hands to make this world a better place to live in, not only for ourselves, but also for future generations.



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Xitang, a beautiful scenery, the scenery pleasant, pond water bottom, little fish in the water, the ducks on the water, and a variety of unknown elf dallied, men weeping willows graceful, flowers to outshine each other... But then xitang is changed.

Xitang, turned into a "dump". Pond floated on the surface of a lot of garbage bags, sometimes floating in the pumpkin. Below the surface are all black skin mud, and people have lost. How to make the town is not contaminated?

From now on, we have to clean the bottom of the pond sludge, dont let the pond water in xitang, well have some trash can, men and also made some billboards, told men store boss and passing pedestrians dont litter.

Let us act, to join protect xitang environment! I believe in the near future, xitang must be as beautiful as before.







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The environmental pollution is worse and worse more and more seriously today. Water is polluted; we have no clean water to drink. Many trees are cutting down, some animals is getting less and less. Some factories are pouring dirty air in the sky, the population is increasing faster and faster, resources are getting less and less…etc. Not only does it affect our lives and health, it but also has a great affection in the future. Peoples health has been greatly affected by air, noise and water pollution. Many people died of diseases. In order to live a better life, we need protect our world。 We shouldnt throw away rubbish everywhere. We want to recycle, reduce, reuse things .Dont waste things. This saves money and reduces pollution. Use things for as long as possible. We dont use plastic bags. We must plant more trees and stop the people cutting them .We hope our world becomes more and more beautiful.



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I believe the school environment protection are important because students need a quiet and pollution-free environment to study. What we need to do in order to maintain our clean and neat environment to our students? First, we will need to have giant garbage can around each corner. Second, we will need to have school policies regarding littering and spits on the ground, where students and teachers would be fine if they violated the school policies. Third, we also will need to have garbage cans in classrooms, school main entrance, back door, parking lots, basketball court, ect. Last, we will need to announce the school policies, so the students and teachers will need to follow. By doing all this, we can promise the clean and neat environment for our current and future students.



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How to protect the environment.

Good environment can make people feel happy and fit . To improve the environment means to improve our life.

We should plant more trees and flowers around us . We shouldn’t cut them down . We should stop factories from pouring waste water into the river and waste gas into the air.

Whenever we see litter on the ground , we should pick it up and throw it into dusbins. Never spit in public. Don’t draw on public walls. It’s our duty to protect the environment.




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In life there are a lot of people are suffering from AIDS. Many people think that AIDS will infect, hugging, shaking hands this action will infect.

That I want to tell you, you are wrong, you wrong too wide of the mark. Do this and HIV/AIDS patients, it is not contagious, even though you know wont infect, also dont want to and they do this, you reject them in my mind, rejected them in life.

Some people even close to them, do not want to go near. AIDS patients know this disease is not contagious, but, around them know they have AIDS, try not to let themselves be others to touch your body each place. They do this is why? So that I dont want to let others to infection, although they know wont infect, but I still do that.

HIV/AIDS patients have been protected us, dont let us to be infected. But we even words all dont, they say, even a kind word doesnt say them. HIV/AIDS patients is that we need more care and support, they also want to like normal person, doing what you can do a normal person.







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My father made me a little cabin on the tree when I was five years old. I like this cabin so much, it is my little world. I put many toys in it, I decorate this cabin so well. I can do what I want in this little world, sometimes I will ask my friends to come. I have a good time in my little world.




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Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic:

Pollution: An Increasing Concern in China You should write at least120 words following the outline below in Chinese.

1. 中国的污染的现状

2. 造成污染的原因

3. 解决的办法

Pollution: An Increasing Concern in China

It is reported that ten big cities in China are being ranked among the top twenty cities with the highest pollution index in the world. This means it is high time we did something to bring the situation under control.Many factors are contributing to the deteriorating situation: industrial wastes pumped into the air, the lakes and rivers; a increasing number of automobiles crowding into the streets; the widespread use of plastic bags etc.

To my view, stiffer laws and regulations must be implemented to check pollution. Industries that release wastes without permission should be heavily fined. Cars should be equipped to minimize the exhaust they release into the air. And the use of plastic bags and disposable meal boxes should be banned. What’s more, the media should play an important role in implanting a sense of environmental consciousness into people’s mind. If everybody works toward a common goal of making the environment better, we can create a cleaner and lovelier world for us and for the coming generation.



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地球是生命的摇篮,万物的母亲,人类的家园。曾经,她是那样的美丽壮观。然而,不知从何时开始,地球妈妈的脸上开始笼罩着阴霾,她开始哭泣,开始呻吟!过量的农药、大量的白色垃圾污染了松软的土壤,使地球妈妈的皮肤变得贫瘠。大量的工业废水、生活污水流入海洋,使地球妈妈的血液变得肮脏。汽车排放出的超标尾气,烟囱散发的乌烟瘴气,使地球妈妈呼吸不到新鲜的空气……她像一个羸弱的病人,太需要我们的关爱和呵护了!同学们有没有注意到,近几年,世界各地发生了许多自然灾害:,地震海啸飓风,频频肆虐.特别是前不久日本的地震, 更是让人类触目惊心.这些都与人类对地球的破坏活动有关。森林面积缩小,全不气候变暖,物种迅速减少,空气严重污染……人类要快快重视环境问题,保护这唯一的地球,避免无可挽回的灾难。


























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In the stream next to the road, there is a trash, in the trash next to, there are a lot of garbage: rotten apples, dead mice, Coke cans ... ...

Roadside, people coming and going, bustling, withering. They are talking and laughing, some people eat snacks, the garbage to the direction of the trash to throw; some people through here, smell the stench, clutching his nose hurriedly left; there are people Mamalielie, his face exposed Hated look. But no one is going to clean up the rubbish.

That day, Hasty and Showtime chest wearing a bright red scarf went to school. In the moment after the trash, they stopped, looked at the show, Showtime, said: "Hasty, we clean up the garbage!" Xinxin bent down, rolled up the sleeves, picked up the garbage into the Trash, they are not too dirty, even dead rats, dead cockroaches have not let go.

After the garbage, the winter and winter from the bag out of the pen and paper, touched the back of the head, waved "brush" to write: "civilization - only one step!" And then paste the slogan to the trash Warned passers-by.

I have heard such a story -

In a Korean home, there is a handy paper was blown away by the wind. He chased him all fifteen minutes on the street and threw it into the trash. The reason is not because of their own to bring pollution to the earth.

The earth gives the essence of the material, and in the end, it is from the people that the rebate is rubbish.

Treat the earth is to treat yourself. Save the earth is to save the future. So we want to start from today, from their own to protect our Mother Earth.

Protect the environment by everyone!













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now, our side of the car constant more up, the environment also increasingly worse! that the air around us there are many harmful substances. therefore, we want to sue around things start to do. for example, we can go to school by bike or walk, it can exercise. if you have time can use less elevator, many climb stairs. we can not only physical exercise, but also to protect our environment.

