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Good morning , ladies and gentlemen ,

Some of us are having problems with our parents , as they often look into

our school bags or read our diaries . I fully understand why we are not

comfortable about it , but there’s no need to feel too sad. Our parents are

checking our bags or diaries to make sure we are not getting into any trouble .

They have probably heard some horrible stories about other kids and thought we

might do the same . Or perhaps they just want to connect with us but are doing

it all wrong . My suggestion is : Tell them we want them to trust us as much as

we’d like to trust them .If you don’t think you can talk to them , write them a

letter and leave it lying around ---they are bound to read it .

Thank you!




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一天,家里异常安静,我在卧室里写作业,突然,一阵饭香飘到我的鼻里,我知道要吃饭了,高高兴兴地跑到厨房,爸爸坐在那里吃饭,我坐在爸爸的旁边,爸爸好像心情很好的样子和弟弟妹妹开起玩笑来,我在那里一边大笑,一边还讽刺他像小孩子一样,哪知道爸爸又来捉弄我,“弄疼我了”!我一阵尖利的叫声,之后妈妈把饭菜端进来了,我一时忍不住,就把饭菜端出去吃,爸爸见状,一下子生起气来,我一个人坐在水泥台上,心如刀绞,爸爸狠狠地骂我:“跟谁学的这坏脾气,连点玩笑都开不起,脾气怎么这么臭。”一边骂,一连用手拍桌子。听到这些,我哽咽了,盯着无味的饭流出了泪水,那种滋味真如万箭穿心,顿时那眼泪就像倾盆大雨一样,我艰难的吞咽着米饭,连饭里也有了我伤痛的泪水。我面上带着泪水一个人坐在漆黑的夜里,就像被人抛弃了一样,真是百味俱全,手中的筷子不知怎么了,怎么都捏不住,心里想:我真的错了吗?不,我没有错,这个错不在我。这样来安慰自己忐忑不安的心情。后来,我一直没进去,叫妹妹把饭碗拿了进去,一会儿,妈妈来了,她语重心长的说:“没关系,又不是打你,有必要生那么大的气吗? ”我的心情稍微平静了。也因为这件事,我和爸爸一直没有说话,直到一星期后,爸爸出差了,我对妈妈说:“妈妈,你说那天的事情,我和爸爸谁对谁错了?”妈妈看了看我,说:“你说的没错,他的确是惹你在先,但他毕竟是你的爸爸,你应该让点他,可你却这样对他,这就是你不对了。”我仔细想了想,觉得妈妈说的话很有道理,我对妈妈说:“嗯,是我不对,等爸爸下一次回来,一定好好地向他道歉。”我心里想:也许只有这样,我才会安心。人的一生就是感恩的一生,我们沐浴着别人的思泽而来,感恩是我们一生的使命,让我们以感恩的心将我们的爱撒向这个世界。




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Dear Robert,


Im glad to receive your letter. Now I will tell you something about my

plan for summer vacation after the final exam. Firstly, I will learn to drive. I

think driving can be useful. Secondly, I will take some English courses.

Thirdly, I will visit some tourist attractions. It must be very exciting. Last,

I will do some reading in the vacation. What about you? I hope you can have a

pretty vacation.






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This is a good news for Chinese singers, it is said that there will be a Chinese music group and a man invited to performance in the American famous music show. It sounds so inspiring, it seems that Chinese music has been introduced into American market. While the fact is not, the invited Chinese singers only get their performance when the advertisement time comes, it is so awkward, they are given the unimportant time. Chinese music still not get into the American musical market, American people just want to catch Chinese people’s attention and go into Chinese market, so they invited the Chinese singers. I believe that our Chinese music will get be popular around the world some day.




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她是我最好的朋友,没有之一。可她是她,我是我。她是Y。有共同爱好不假,我们都喜欢读四维的书,初二那时候班主任特别不提倡,于是我们每次偷着跑去图书馆,以至于现在我们和图书室的老师特别熟,也收获了点小特权。我一直以为这是我们最成功的一件事;我们都喜欢吴亦凡,我说大概我们三观太一样;我们都性格怪异,心情时好时坏,坏了也没有理由,我想我们大概上辈子太过欢脱,以至于这辈子只剩了忧郁。( )









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True friends dont have to contact every day, when youre depressed, find someone to vent when first thought the man, when you have good things to share right away the first person to think of...

True friend after a long and you will have to talk about, even if two people together there is no words dont feel embarrassed!

True friend he will understand your temper, your habits, in front of him you dont need to disguise, you can blunt he lost his temper, he can understand you.

He will make you happy when you sad, he will follow you when you are happy happy together, two people occasionally because a little things that conflict, but the contradiction will be more stable after your feelings.

A true friend is the person you care about When you most care about people hurt themselves, that kind of mood... So, dont think so much, my friend dont care how many, there are several bosom friend is enough...



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There is an old Chinese saying: Top students come from strict teachers.

Perhaps affected by this saying for a long time, we believe it right. However,

as time flies, lots of things have changed. Therefore, I am eager to discuss

what relation is the best between teachers and students.A teacher can treat a

student in two ways .One is strict, and the other is friendly. Most teachers

prefer the first way.To start with, we certainly have to admit that strictness

is very effective, especially to the naughty pupils.

As pupils we aren’t able to control ourselves well or fix our attention on

one thing for a long time. We do most things because they are interesting or we

feel like doing. We are always looking out of the window in class. Sometimes, we

get to play games and forget our homework. On this occasion, strictness is a

must. It not only forces us to do the right thing, but also helps us develop a

good learning habit, which is of great importance during our whole life .In

other words, it is the first step to success.Still, everything has two sides.

Its weak points are very obvious. You see, there’re top students in a class,

where average students make up the majority. Then teachers’ orders or

suggestions are for the majority, not for top students. However, top students

always have their own study plans and prefer special homework, so orders usually

won’t take great effect on them.

Maybe you have thought out that teachers can give orders only to the

majority and set some freedom to top students. However, it’s impossible .For a

whole class, teachers couldn’t give order to part of the class, for the majority

would question why they needn’t do such work, but we need? It would be probable

that they think teachers treat them not equally, and will not obey teachers’

orders any more. This is a difficulty for teachers.It also has another

disadvantage——the communication problem .Since teachers are strict, we never

tell teachers our personal affairs or secrets. Mostly we just tell them to our

friends, but as students too, they couldn’t help to solve our problem, such as

puppy love, communication problems or study problems .Not being solved

completely, they always disturb us, influencing our daily life and study. I’m

sure that you think that making friends with teachers can solve the problem, and

you are eager to do so as well. But if we do so, new problems will come out .You

see, an adult couldnt control himself well at times, let alone us students.

However if teachers are our friends, I doubt whether their orders will take

effect any more .You see, have we ever treated our friends’ orders as orders? We

think they’re only jokes. This is another difficulty for teachers.Additionally,

our parents have the same problem. Yes, we need to be friends, but not complete

friends. We need to keep a certain distance, making us communicate well and

willing to take your orders. I remember a story.One day, a lady had her rest

room decorated. And a skilled worker was bricking up the wall. Seeing large

cracks between the bricks, she questioned why. The worker told her after this

summer, the bricks would become bigger, and those cracks would disappear.That is

not only decoration, but also communication. The principle is the same.



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in some countries where racial prejudice is acute, violence has so come to be taken for granted as a means of solving differences, that it is not even questioned. what is really frightening, what really fills you with despair, is the realization that when it comes to the crunch, we have made no actual progress at all. we may wear collars and ties instead of war-paint, but our instincts remain basically unchanged. the whole of the recorded history of the human race, that tedious documentation of violence, has taught us absolutely nothing. we have still not learnt that violence never solves a problem but makes it more acute. the sheer horror, the bloodshed, the suffering mean nothing. no solution ever comes to light the morning after when we dismally contemplate the smoking ruins and wonder what hit us.

the truly reasonable men who know where the solutions lie are finding it harder and harder to get a hearing. they are despised, mistrusted and even persecuted by their own kind because they advocate such apparently outrageous things own kind because they advocate such apparently outrageous things as law enforcement. if half the energy that goes into violent acts were put to good use, if our efforts were directed at cleaning up the slums and ghettos, at improving living-standards and providing education and employment for all, we would have gone a long way to arriving at a solution. our strength is sapped by having to mop up the mess that violence leaves in its wake. in a welldirected effort, it would not be impossible to fulfil the ideals of a stable social programme. the benefits that can be derived from contructive solutions are everywhere apparent in the world around us. genuine and lasting solutions are always, possible, providing we work within the framework of the law.

before we can even begin to contemplate peaceful co-existence between the races, we must appreciate each other’s problems. and to do this, we must learn about them: it is a simple exercise in communication, in exchanging information, ‘talk, talk talk,’ the advocates of violence say, ‘all you ever do is talk, and we are none the wiser.’ it’s rather like the story of the famous barrister who painstakingly explained his case to the judge. after listening to a lengthy argument the judge complained that after all this talk, he was none the wiser. ‘possibly, my lord’ the barrister replied, ‘none the wiser, but surely far better informed.’ knowledge is the necessary prerequisite to wisdom: the knowledge that violence creates the evils it pretends to solve.



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After a brief reunion with our American aunt, we soon embarked on a trip to the east of the United States. Our first stop was New York.

On July 21, we got up at 6:30 am and after more than half an hours drive, we came to Wall Street. There was a bull in the street, and I took many photos with my parents. After that, we went to the Empire State Building and passed through security. Then, lets go through the winding corridor to the elevator, and soon, a delicate elevator will we carry on the 80 layer, through the 80th floor of pictures and words, I understand the process of the Empire State Building construction in the 1830 s, the U.S. government in 400 days time built the 102th floor of the Empire State Building, is a miracle. Were on the 86th floor, and the 86th floor is a sightseeing layer that can get a full view of New York City. Then we went to the met and saw the Egyptian temple, the dunhuang murals, the longyan grottoes and so on

Then we followed the guide to the intrepid America and saw the American space agency NASAs space shuttle.

Finally, we went to times square, but I didnt buy anything I liked.



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Nowadays, in an ever tighter job market, great importance has been attached to an interview by both the employer and the applicant. The interview, so to speak, has become indispensable for getting a satisfactory job. On the one hand, the interviewer can take advantage of the occasion to learn about the candidates, such as their work experiences, education and their personalities, so as to pick out the right person for the company. On the other hand, the interviewee can make use of the

opportunity to get to know the job he is going to take up, the salary, the working conditions and many other things about the job he is interested in. Therefore, the job interview is very important to a job-hunter. But how can one succeed in it? Firstly of all, the interviewee must pay attention to his or her appearance. The first impression is always where we start. Get dressed properly and neatly. Secondly, good manners are equally important. Dont be too proud, and neither too timid. Just be courteous. Thirdly, the interviewee must demonstrate his aptitude and skills for the job and his knowledge about eh job-related areas. Be confident.

Last but not the least, the interviewee ought to be honest about his or her personal as well as academic background, for honesty is the best policy. To sum up, the job interview is indeed important, but there is no need to be nervous. As long as the interviewee has the ability for the job, with careful preparation and a fairly confident and honest performance, his or her success can be ensured.


如工作经验,教育背景和他们的个性,以挑选出该公司的合适人选。另一方面,求职者可以利用这个机会去了解他所要从事的工作,如待遇,工作条件以及其他一些他感兴趣的情况。 因此,对于求职者来说面试是非常重要的。但如何才能成功呢?首先,求职者一定要注意其外表。第一印象往往首当其冲。穿着要适当和整齐。其次,良好的举止也同样重要。不要太骄傲





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My Friend

Sally is my good friend.She is slim with long black hair.She is a pretty girl with big eyes and small mouth.She is good at English,so she can speak English very well.She also likes singing and dancing.Well,she likes doing sports,and she is good at playing badminton.Her favorite hobby is collecting stamps,so she has many beautiful stamps from all over the world.She is kind and funny too,all of us like her.





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spring comes with all its glories. the new grass exposes green color .the pretty flowers open their blossoms. we are tempted to go for an outing.

last tuesday, the weather was fine. we went to the chimelong paradise. it took us about half an hour to get there by bus. what a beautiful city it is! there stand countless tall buildings. half an hour later, we entered the gate of chimelong paradise. we jumped with joy. we rode many rides there. we were very excited and tired, and quite out of breath. as long as you have courage, you can conquer any ride, no matter how dangerous it is. it was about half past four and we had rode all of the rides. we had to take a bus to go back to our school.

what a nice day we had!

[以A Spring Outing为题目初三英语作文



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1.As far as ...is concerned 就而言

2.It goes without saying that... 不言而喻,...

3.It can be said with certainty that... 可以肯定地说......

4.As the proverb says, 正如谚语所说的,

5.It has to be noticed that... 它必须注意到,...

6.Its generally recognized that... 它普遍认为...

7.Its likely that ... 这可能是因为...

8.Its hardly that... 这是很难的......

9.Its hardly too much to say that... 它几乎没有太多的说...

10.What calls for special attention is that...需要特别注意的是

11.Theres no denying the fact that...毫无疑问,无可否认

12.Nothing is more important than the fact that... 没有什么比这更重要的是

13.whats far more important is that... 更重要的是



1.A case in point is ... 一个典型的例子是...

2.As is often the case...由于通常情况下...

3.As stated in the previous paragraph 如前段所述

4.But the problem is not so simple. Therefore 然而问题并非如此简单,所以

5.But its a pity that... 但遗憾的是

6.For all that...对于这一切...... In spite of the fact that...尽管事实......

7.Further, we hold opinion that... 此外,我们坚持认为,

8.However , the difficulty lies in...然而,困难在于

9.Similarly, we should pay attention to... 同样,我们要注意...


11.In view of the present station.鉴于目前形势

12.As has been mentioned above...正如上面所提到的

13.In this respect, we may as well (say) 从这个角度上我们可以说

14.However, we have to look at the other side of the coin, that is... 然而我们还得看到事物的另一方面,即



1.Lets take...to illustrate this.

2.lets take the above chart as an example to illustrate this.

3. Here is one more example.

4.Take for example.

5.The same is true of.

6.This offers a typical instance of.

7.We may quote a common example of.

8.Just think of.



1. Some people think that . 有些人认为

To be frank, I can not agree with their opinion for the reasons below. 坦率地说,我不能同意他们的意见,理由如下。

2. For years, has been seen as , but things are quite different now.多年来,一直被视为,但今天的情况有很大的不同。

3. I believe the title statement is valid because. 我认为这个论点是正确的,因为

4. I cannot entirely agree with the idea that .我无法完全同意这一观点的 I believe.

5. My argument for this view goes as follows.我对这个问题的看法如下。

6. Along with the development of, more and more.随着的发展,越来越多

7. There is a long-running debate as to whether.有一个长期运行的辩论,是否

8. It is commonly/generally/widely/ believed /held/accepted/recognized that.它通常是认为

9. As far as I am concerned, I completely agree with the former/ the latter.就我而言,我完全同意前者/后者。

10. Before giving my opinion, I think it is essential to look at the argument of both sides.在给出我的观点之前,我想有必要看看双方的论据。



1. A is completely / totally / entirely different from B.

2. A and B are different in some/every way / respect / aspect.

3. A and B differ in.

4. A differs from B in.

5. The difference between A and B is/lies in/exists in.

6. Compared with/In contrast to/Unlike A, B.

7. A, on the other hand,/in contrast,/while/whereas B.

8. While it is generally believed that A , I believe B.

9. Despite their similarities, A and B are also different.

10. Both A and B . However, A on the other hand, B.

11. The most striking difference is that A, while B.



1. There are several reasons for, but in general, they come down to three major ones.有几个原因,但一般,他们可以归结为三个主要的。

2. There are many factors that may account for, but the following are the most typical ones.有许多因素可能占...,但以下是最典型的。

3. Many ways can contribute to solving this problem, but the following ones may be most effective.有很多方法可以解决这个问题,但下面的可能是最有效的。

4. Generally, the advantages can be listed as follows.一般来说,这些优势可以列举如下。

5. The reasons are as follows.



1.Because/Since we read the book, we have learned a lot.

2. If we read the book, we would learn a lot.

3. We read the book; as a result / therefore / thus / hence / consequently / for this reason / because of this, weve learned a lot.

4. As a result of /Because of/Due to/Owing to reading the book, weve learned a lot. 由于阅读这本书,我们已经学到了很多。

5. The cause of/reason for/overweight is eating too much.

6.Overweight is caused by/due

to/because of eating too much.

7. The effect/consequence/result of eating too much is overweight.

8. Eating too much causes/results in/leads to overweight. 吃太多导致超重。



1.I will conclude by saying... 最后我要说

2.Therefore, we have the reason to believe that...因此,我们有理由相信

3.All things considered,总而言之 It may be safely said that...它可以有把握地说......

4.Therefore, in my opinion, its more advisable...因此,在我看来,更可取的是

5.From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that.通过以上讨论,我们可以得出结论

6.The data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that.通过数据我们得到的结论是,....

7.It can be concluded from the discussion that...从中我们可以得出这样的结论

8.From my point of view, it would be better if...在我看来也许更好



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Dear Haiqing,

I am very sorry to learn that you are unhappy now. But I don‘ t think you

should be unhappy.

I know that your iamily is not rich. So your parents can‘ t afford to buy

you something of famous brands, which makes you unhappy. But they have sent you

to school so that you can receive good education and have abreght future. This

is not easy for your parents. So you should think about your parents. Don‘t ask

for something that is out of your parents‘ reach. Don‘ t be vain-glorious.

I also thind you should put your heart into study. Read more books and then

you can get a lot from reading. Without the famous brand competition you will

become happy.

I hope I can help you out of unhappiness. Wish you happy.


Huang Ping



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Zhang Ying is my good friend. Shes in Class1, Grade4 of Tianjiao Primary School. Shes a model student. Shes clever and shes helpful, too. She often helps teachers and young students at school. She is good at Chinese, maths, English, arts and crafts, music and so on. She has a lot of hobbies. She likes painting and drawing. And she likes listening to music, having picnics with her parents. Oh yeah, she likes fishing, too. But she doesnt like playing basketball, football, table tennis or volleyball. Zhang Ying is the best friend of mine. I like playing with her. We always work together and help each other.



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请用英语写一篇100词左右的短文,简要描述漫画内容,并结合生活实际, 就漫画主题发表感想,题目自拟。参考词汇:公民道德civic virtue





①see sb do sth

②throw sth on the ground

③The boy handing the book, shouted, Who lose civic virtue?

④I wish


Who Lose Civic Virtue?

One day, a child went home after class. On his way home, he saw some adults spit on the ground. On the other side of the road, a man threw the garbage on the ground after eating a banana. The child found a book Civic Virtue, lying on the ground. So he picked up the book and shouted, Who lose civic virtue?

The childs words should make people think more. Now, many people are scared of civic virtue, and dont protect public environment at all. I wish this cartoon can wake their virtue and make our life better.




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Liang liang is no longer the boy he used to be – he has changed greatly. Only a year ago, he was overweight and a little lazy. He got tired easily and did not like sport. His favorite meal was fried chicken and chips. One day, he realized that he couldnt continue like this. So, he decided to change. He started to exercise. He ran in the school playground every day. He also began eating a healthier diet of more fruits and vegetable, and less meat. These changes helped him lose a lot of weight. He is now a very happy boy in very good shape, and he is always so active. What can we learn from Liang liang to feel better and look better? We should all be careful about what we eat and make sure that we get enough exercise.
