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just had a disease, the motherland and we still love it!



so many people sticking it out, why wouldnt we try.



party this year, double love next year.



over China is waiting for you to recover. We will meet you in spring to watch

the cherry blossoms!



a meal together will not break the family relationship; eating together will add

chaos to society.





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1. at the thought of一想到…

2. as a whole (=in general) 就整体而论

3. at will 随心所欲

4. (be) abundant in(be rich in; be wellsupplied with) 富于,富有

5. access(to) (不可数名词) 能接近,进入,了解

6. by accident(=by chance, accidentally)偶然地,意外.Without accident(=safely)安全地,

7. of one’s ownaccord(=without being asked; willingly; freely)自愿地 ,主动地

8. in accord with 与…一致 . out ofone’s accord with 同…。不一致

9. with one accord (=with everybodyagreeing)一致地

10. in accordance with (=in agreement with)依照,根据

11. on one’s own account

1) 为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益

2) (=at one’s own risk) 自行负责

3) (=by oneself)依靠自己

12. take…intoaccount(=consider)把..。考虑进去

13. give sb. an account of 说明, 解释 (理由)

14. account for (=give an explanation orreason for) 解释,说明。

15. on account of (=because of) 由于,因为。

16. on no account(=in no case, for noreason)绝不要,无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装)

17. accuse…of…(=charge…with; blamesb. for sth. ; blame sth. on sb. ;

complain about) 指控,控告

18. be accustomed to (=be in the habit of,be used to)习惯于。

19. be acquainted with(=to have knowledgeof) 了解; (=to have met socially)熟悉

20. act on 奉行,按照…行动; act as 扮演; act for 代理

21. adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to) 使自己适应于

22. adapt…(for) (=make sth.Suitable for a new need) 改编,改写(以适应新的需要)

23. in addition (=besides) 此外, 又, 加之

24. in addition to(=as well as, besides,other than)除…外

25. adhere to (=abide by, conform to,comply with, cling to, insist on,

persist in, observe, opinion, belief ) 粘附; 坚持, 遵循

26. adjacent(=next to, close to) 毗邻的, 临近的

27. adjust..(to) (=change slightly)调节; 适应;

28. admit of (=be capable of, leave roomfor) …的可能,留有…的余地。

29. in advance (before in time) 预告, 事先

30. to advantage 有利的,使优点更加突出地

31. have an advantage over 胜过

have the advantage of 由于…处于有利条件

have the advantage of sb。知道某人所不知道的事

32. take advantage of (=make the best of,utilize, make use of, profit from,


33. agree with 赞同(某人意见) agreeto 同意

34. in agreement (with) 同意, 一致

35. ahead of 在…之前, 超过…. ahead of time 提前

36. in the air 1)不肯定, 不具体. 2)在谣传中

37. above all (=especially, most importantof all) 尤其是,最重要的

38. in all (=counting everyone oreverything, altogether) 总共,总计

39. after all 毕竟,到底; (not)at all 一点也不;

all at once(=suddenly)突然; once andfor all 只此一次; above all 最重要的; first of

all 首先; all in all 大体上说; be all in 累极了; all but 几乎

40. allow for (=take into consideration,take into account) 考虑到,估计到

41. amount to (=to be equal to) 总计, 等于。

42. answer for (undertake responsibilityfor, be liable for, take chargefor) 对…负责。

43. answer to (=conform to) 适合,符合。

44. be anxious about 为…焦急不安; 或anxious for

45. apologize to sb. for sth. 为…向…道歉

46. appeal to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人呼吁.appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力

47. apply to sb. for sth. 为…向…申请; applyfor申请; apply to 适用。

48. apply to 与…有关;适用

49. approve of (=consent to, be in favorof, favor, agree to, consider good,

right) 赞成, approve vt. 批准

50. arise from(=be caused by) 由…引起。

51. arrange for sb./sth. to do sth. 安排…做…

52. arrive on 到达; arrive at到达某地(小地方);得出,作出; arrive in 到达某地(大地方);

53. be ashamed of (=feel shame, guilt orsorrow because of sth. done)


54. assure sb. of sth. (=try to cause tobelieve or trust in sth.)


55. attach(to) (=to fix, fasten; join) 缚, 系 ,结

56. make an attempt at doing sth. (to dosth.) 试图做…

57. attend to (=give one’s attention,care and thought)注意,照顾;attend

on(upon)(=wait upon, serve, look after) 侍候,照料

58. attitude to/ toward …对…的态度。看法

59. attribute…to…(=to believesth. to be the result of…)把.。归因于..,


60. on the average (=on average, on anaverage) 平均

61. (be) aware of (=be conscious of ,having knowledge or


62. at the back of (=behind) 在…后面

63. in the back of 在…后部(里面); on theback of 在…后部(外面); be on one’s back(=be

ill in bed) 卧病不起。

64. at one’s back(=supportingor favoring sb.) 支持,维护; have sb. at one’s back


65. turn one’s back on sb. (=turnaway from sb. in an impolite way)


66. behind one’s back 背着某人(说坏话)

67. be based on / upon 基于

68. on the basis of 根据…, 在…基础上

69. beat…at 在…运动项目上打赢

70. begin with 以…开始. tobegin with (=first of all) 首先,第一(经常用于开始语)

71. on behalf of (=as the representativeof) 以…名义

72. believe in(=have faith or trust in;consider sth./sb. to be true)


73. benefit (from) 受益,得到好处。

74. for the benefit of 为了…的利益(好处)

75. for the better 好转

76. get the better of (=defeat sb.) 打败, 胜过。

77. by birth 在出生上,论出身,按血统 at birth在出生时; give birth to 出生

78. blame sb. for sth. 因…责备某人 .blame sth. on sb. 把…推在某人身上

79. in blossom开花(指树木) be inblossom开花(强调状态) come into blossom开花(强调动作)

80. on board 到船上, 在船上, 上火车或飞机

81. boast of (or about) 吹嘘

82. out of breath 喘不过气来

83. in brief(=in as few words as possible)简言之

84. in bulk 成批地,不散装的

85. take the floor 起立发言

86. on business 出差办事。

87. be busy with sth。于某事。 be busydoing sth. 忙于做某事

88. last but one 倒数第二。

89. but for (=without) 要不是. 表示假设

90. buy sth. for…money 用多少钱买

91. be capable of 能够, 有能力

be capable of being +过去分词:是能够被…的

92. in any case(=for love or money, at anyrate, at any price, at any cost,

whatever happens; anyhow)无论如何

93. in case (=for fear that) 万一;

94. in case of (=in the event of)如果发生…万一

in the case of 至于…, 就…而言

95. in no case在任何情况下都不(放句首倒装句)

96. be cautious of 谨防

97. center one’s attentionon(=focus one’s attention on) 把某人的注意力集中在…上

98. be certain of (=be sure of) 有把握, 一定。

99. for certain of (=for sure )肯定地,有把握地

100. by chance(=accidentally, by accident)偶然



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I will finish my middle school life soon, before I graduate, I need to take part in a very important test and it will decide which high school I will be in. I am so nervous now, I want to do my best and go to the ideal high school. My mother told me yesterday that no matter how the result was, she would be happy for me. She did not want me to have too much pressure and she believed me I could do well. Thinking about my mother’s words, I am not nervous now, what’s more, all of my families support me so much. The result is not that important, happiness comes first.





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15、四年的大学生活,回首想来,虽说没有中学时的紧张忙碌感,但仍然让我体会到了心灵上的充实感,受益良。 刚入大学的时候,带着家人对自己的期望,带着对外来的憧憬,在象牙塔里做着天之骄子的美梦。然而当梦惊醒的时候,才发觉大学生活已经过半。醒悟之后,就想把以往荒废掉的时间都弥补过来,认真去对待每一门课程,努力充实自己,同时做好由知识的掌握向实际应用技能的转变,走好踏上社会的第一步。 其实面临毕业,往往最令人不舍和留恋的还是与老师和同学们相处四年的感情。我们相信,无论以后我们会发生什么样的事情,遭遇怎样的挫折,我们都是彼此最坚强的后盾。我们相信明天会更好!

























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1 人活着 总是要得罪一些人的 就要看那些人是否值得得罪

When alive ,we may probably offend some people.However, we must think about whether they are deserved offended。

2 命里有时终需有 命里无时莫强求

You will have it if it belongs to you,whereas you dont kveth for it if it doesnt appear in your life。

3 没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜谁。

No one indebted for others,while many people dont know how to cherish others。

4 永远不是一种距离,而是一种决定。

Eternity is not a distance but a decision。

5 在回忆里继续梦幻不如在地狱里等待天堂

Dreaming in the memory is not as good as waiting for the paradise in the hell。

6 哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹

Where there is great love, there are always miracles。

7 爱情就像一只蝴蝶,它喜欢飞到哪里,就把欢乐带到哪里。

Love is like a butterfly. It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes。

8 假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。

If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden。

9 有了你,我迷失了自我;失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。

Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again。

10 每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人

At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet。

11 看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么。

Look into my eyes you will see what you mean to me。

12 距离使两颗心靠得更近。

Distance makes the hearts grow fonder。

13 如果没有相等的爱,那就让我爱多一些吧。

If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me。

14 爱是长在我们心里的藤蔓。

Love is a vine that grows into our hearts。

15 因为你,我懂得了爱。

If I know what love is, it is because of you。

16 爱情是生活最好的提神剂。

Love is the greatest refreshment in life。

17 有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。

The darkness is no darkness with thee。

18 如果没有人爱我们,我们也就不会再爱自己了。

We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us。

18 治疗爱的创伤唯有加倍地去爱。

There is no remedy for love but to love more。

20 如果爱不疯狂就不是爱了。

When love is not madness, it is not love。

21 有爱的心永远年轻。

A heart that loves is always young。

22 爱情就像月亮,不增则减。

Love is like the moon, when it does not increase, it decreases。

23 灵魂不能没有爱而存在。

The soul cannot live without love。

24 生命虽短,爱却绵长。

Brief is life, but love is long。

25 爱比大衣更能驱走寒冷。

Love keeps the cold out better than a cloak。

26 没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓。

Take away love, and our earth is a tomb。

27 我的爱与你同在。

My heart is with you。

28 尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想!

I miss you so much already and I havent even left yet!

29 我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步。

Ill think of you every step of the way。

30 无论你身在何处,无论你为何忙碌,我都会在此守候

Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you。



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In my understanding, if we refer to an ideal University life as a formal western dinner, then a high GPA, that is, Grade Point Average, should be the main course, while an active part in activities, together with associations, means the appetizer. Some romances, of course, play the role as desserts. They are the 3 key elements for an ideal University life.

Those, however, are not what University life is all about. As we all know, University is wildly different from middle school. It connects not only adolescence to adulthood, but also the ivory tower to the real society. Therefore, the ideal University life is that I become matured both physically and mentally, and that I obtain qualified academic knowledge and get well prepared for society at the same time.

Under this circumstance, I never expect my University life to be too ideal, or you can call it too perfect. It is not realistic to make all things on my own way, with everyone liking me, winning the first prize all the time, and so on. Of course, I’d like to lead a carefree life. However, this does little good to my future. What really helps is hardships like failure, betrayal, and unjust treatment. Only after experiencing those can I know what society is like, and what life is like.

To conclude my speech, I wanna say, some positive experiences are surely part of the ideal University life. But, I should not forget about the negative sides. They are not less necessary.



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5.注重课堂“时效性 ”,在优化课堂组织教学、合理设计教学活动,加大训练强度和密度的基础上,注重因材施教、分层教学。既要使大多数学生掌握好基础的知识与技能,同时注重知识的扩展和规律性知识的总结与归纳,让好学生也能获得充分的发展。




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Monday, August 12, 2013

Last summer, intolerable heat, so mom and Dad brought our family went to see the ice sculpture museum.

As soon as we walked into the ice sculpture museum, we felt the chill of the inside, and I knew it was only minus six degrees Celsius. Were just like going into a big fridge. Ice sculptures in the ice sculpture hall are lifelike. It stood the ancient "Four Beauties": Sha Shi, Mochizuki Pipa Wang Zhaojun, Diao Chan, Yang dancing, all lovingly pathetic. The side see also the twists and turns of the bridge deck and handrails, sparkling, shining. There are all kinds of ice sculptures at the side of the bridge. It was found that the eaves of a unique Pavilion were flying, the pillars were beautiful, and the chairs were exquisite, so that people could not help sitting down and resting for a while. Cool air around the body around, make people feel comfortable.

What impressed me most was the two high ice slide. The ice is as smooth as a mirror, and we "Hula" it slips underneath. My sister and I climbed up and down excitedly, screaming with excitement, even the coat was flying, and the clothes were soaked in.

These vivid ice sculptures left a deep impression on me. The ice sculpture museum in the "barbecue day" is really cool and joyful!



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1、 来过才知道,走了才明白。曾经年少轻狂,曾经满面风霜。回首大学梦想,犹如过眼烟云。

2、 大学里追美女,同样世俗,比精力、财力、人力、毅力、耐力;比才力者仅占少数,无奈……

3、 校园爱情随处可拾,图书馆、篮球场、食堂、外卖部、大会堂,都可成为爱情发源地。

4、 不知不觉间,四年已经过去,做过的事情永远值得记忆,并将成为永恒,挥不去、抹不掉。

5、 还记得么,每次给老师捣鬼后,都等待着看热闹,每次过后都会兴奋很久,哈哈。

6、 四年中有太多的尝试,辛酸也有,喜悦也有。一起调皮捣蛋,一起踢球和打架。

7、 感慨万千,心情有些凌乱,真不知道要从何处说起,唯有时间可以证明和解释一切。

8、 马上离开校园,突然间才感到了太多的无可奈何。后悔啊,感叹为何不活的更有意义。

9、 大学让我体会到了爱情的滋味,还有种种无奈和叹息。珍惜在一起的日子,继续保持联系。

10、 轻轻地挥一挥手,带走你的期望,留下我那美好时光,坦然面对未来,告诉你我会坚强;再见我的校园生活,愿你继续承载着我们的心愿,一代一代往下传......

11、 人离开只是暂时,心相聚才会永远;说一声同学保重,道一声母校平安;分离不道心酸语,学院时光留心里;未来日子常记起,你我友谊永不离!

12、 短短的几年里,留下了多少欢乐的记忆。如今转眼间就要离去,依依不舍的是情谊,愿朋友们未来的生活一切顺利。

13、 同窗整四载,酸甜苦辣咸,无知变有知,少年成青年。此时各天涯,往事刻心间,再过二十年,你我功满园,建设咱祖国,神通个显现。

14、 你是我一生的知己,一生的永远,短短的四年,情谊已经深深的藏在了心间。惟愿你今后的路一切顺利,生活永安!

15、 象牙塔里认识了很多的人,有的成了朋友,有的成了恋人,有的却可惜的只是擦肩而过。

16、 四年前初入校园,对什么都如此陌生却又好奇,如今体会了各种成功和失败,逐渐懂得:历练成才。

17、 四年大学,好快啊,转瞬即逝。在这里,留下了我最美好的回忆和记忆,珍惜啊!

18、 面对亲爱的宿友,我心中澎湃万千,虽有千言万语,却只字难出。祝福你们一路走好。

19、 站在求学道路终点站,此时此刻,心潮澎湃,思绪万千,昔日的点点滴滴,历历在目。

20、 光阴似箭,岁月如梭,岁月荏苒,青春渐远,我的大学,我的爱,何时再来?

21、 就要分别了,送你三千万,千万要照顾好自己,千万要幸福快乐,千万要记得常联系。

22、 今天我们以母校为荣,明天母校将以我们为荣。拼搏吧,奋斗吧,让我们绘出每个人不同的精彩人生!

23、 四年的相处,四年的相伴,四年的相知,四年的同窗,在这四年里我们既是同学,又是朋友,更似亲人,在这离别之际将我所有的祝福送给你,望你‘幸福快乐’到永远。

24、 青春是一首歌,青春是一幅画,只要我们把握好青春,就永远是其中的主角,就永远不会后悔。

25、 昨天我们还一起感叹人生,今日我们就要踏上人生的征程,在这个既是离别又是启程的日子里,我要祝福你‘前程似锦’。

26、 步入六月,离别的脚步也越来越近,弹指一挥间,四年美好的大学生活悄悄溜走。

27、 抓不住青春的尾巴,留不住时间的背影。匆匆的,四年已经过;悄悄的,不舍已增多。愿你以后的路越走越宽,幸福生活到永远。

28、 朋友别哭,我依然是你心灵的归宿,朋友别哭,要相信自己的路。虽然离别在眼前,但是我们的友谊依然。惟愿你幸福到永远!

29、 有相聚就有离别,这一刻让我们擦干眼泪,踏上社会的课堂,在那个课堂里我们依旧是朋友,依旧是同学,记得常联系,记得要幸福,记得要快乐,最重要的记得我。

30、 相信我们还会再见面,相信我们会常联系,相信我的的友谊会地久天长,相信我们都不会忘记这几年的相处,离别时刻我要把祝福送给你,这种祝福将跟随你一辈子。

31、 兄弟,天下没有不散的宴席,何况我们只是短暂的分离!兄弟,我们这几年的太多经历,在我脑子里还依然清晰。兄弟,我看到了你眼里的泪花,哥劝你千万不要哭泣。只要我们心里一直挂念对方,我们就像永远在一起!!!你的未来会很美!!!

32、 曾经以为四年的大学会何等漫长五味,可转眼间那一次次叛逆的挑逗就只剩下了后悔;各奔东西的兄弟们莫要流泪,如有一天你在外疲敝,这里依旧有你的安慰

33、 照毕业照了才知道大学聚在一起不容易;吃散伙饭了才知道一起开心多乐趣;要离开了才知道大学生活没有好好品味;送朋友的时候才知道在一起的可贵

34、 有相逢就会有分离,短暂的大学让你我相遇,思念的陪伴给了我们深厚友谊,不要太伤心,更不能哭泣。前程路上各奔东西,切莫忘记经常联系

35、 唱不出的是离别的歌曲;说不出的是告别的话语;喝不下去的是送别的酒;写不出的是不舍的文字。天涯路远,时间匆匆,愿朋友一生平安!

36、 满月花开桂吐香,竹景生情情义长,千里情缘隔不断,送别冬风春又扬,我止有以诗一首传递祝福,以表我们的心意,诉尽愁肠不要非伤。

37、 淡淡的晨曦特别清新,淡淡的浮云最是消魂,淡淡的溪流带走忧愁,淡淡的枫叶适宜送别,淡淡的背影无限深情,淡淡的叹息那是想你。

38、 走的伤心留的伤感,彼此都说有空多联系。送别走或留的朋友我们都很无奈,唯有送上真诚的祝福,祝各位远行的朋友一路顺风!

39、 你我离别之时,我没有给你送别,没有给你祝福。他乡的你同样要过的开心快乐,你我头顶上的是同一月亮,同一祝福。祝你幸福!

40、 牛夜的钟声响起,别离的那一刻最终来临,送别的人群一个,一个返回,望着你远去的身影,我从心底祝福你:祝你一路顺风。

41、 我是如此的凝望,你风中远去的背影,心中没送别的忧伤,只有阳光般的祝福,随你的旅程轻轻离去,朋友,愿你一生平安。

42、 夜色在笑语中渐渐沉落,朋友起身告辞,没有挽留,没有送别,甚至也没有问归期。懂得聚散,便懂得珍惜每一次相聚的温馨,懂得舍,懂得放,自然春风和熙,月明风清!

43、 美好的时光总是那么短暂,送别与重逢、相聚总是不停的演换,相聚总是遥遥无期,离别就在此时,重逢也许就是明天了吧,真正美丽总在一瞬间,珍惜与知己的每一分每一秒!

44、 日子在守望中凄清,渡口送别时你的回眸一笑就把无尽的思念和牵挂留给了我,让我在冷冷暖暖的日子里无数次回味你的笑颜你的温柔!

45、 当午夜的钟声敲痛离别的心门,却打不开我深深的沈默;当拥挤的月台挤痛送别的人们,却挤不掉我深深的离愁。你要勇敢闯荡,我在此深深祝福:走好!

46、 道一声珍重,作别深厚的情谊;斟一杯水酒,不舍的泪眼迷离;送一段路程,寄托美好的希冀;发一条短信,诚挚地祝你:一路顺风!

47、 是命运让我们相识相知,可偏偏命运也代表了别离。送别的今日,多少的不舍和留恋,唯有深深的祝愿,愿你一路顺风,生活永安!

48、 今日的离别是为了今后的相聚,暂时的分开让我们更懂的珍惜。虽人不在一起,但心却永相系;只愿时常的问候让你不觉孤寂。祝你一路顺风,一切如意!

49、 风和日丽掩不住心情低落。我知你将乘车离去,不敢当面和你别叙,发条短信祝福于你。祝你一帆风顺顺到底!愿你事事顺心心如意!

50、 但愿你知道,有个人时时关怀着你,有个人时时惦念着你。像星光闪闪的,是你含笑传情的眼睛。它缀在我的心幕上,夜夜亮晶晶。

51、 你轻轻的来了,却又要轻轻的走。挥一挥手,眼眸早已朦胧。桃花潭水深千尺,怎及我对你丝丝的情谊。世事弄人,唯有祝你一路顺风!

52、 轻轻的你将离开我,请将眼角的泪拭去;深深的友谊莫忘记,我们会是一生的知己。送别时刻,话语不多,惟愿你一路顺风!

53、 友情如不干涸的清泉,在你我的心中流淌,当握别后的你,在远行的路上寂寞时,请记住,我的祝福就在那最美的一朵云上。

54、 道离别,离别就在眼前;说再见,再见不会是永远。芳草萋萋下,我将你送别,祝愿你今后的道路越走越宽,越走越顺,一路珍重!

55、 长亭外,古道边,送君千里远,朋友情谊记心间,别后勿忘多络联,莫愁前路无知己,短信代酒送祝愿:前程平又坦,一路顺帆悬!

56、 花开花又榭,春去春又回。时间在搁浅,岁月在流转,唯一不变的是我们之间深厚的友谊。离别之际,愿我的祝福带给你美好的愿望:一路顺风,幸福长久。

57、 一缕发梢随风飘逸,一摸泪痕长亭送别,奋斗的青春,等待的收获,等待这幸福安静的到来。朋友,离别后,愿你一切安好!

58、 多少年来风雨路,现跟随岁月叹流年,忆往昔同游书山路,此时各奔天涯不相见,几多相思只化作颗颗热泪,祝君平安,愿君幸福。

59、 天高海深,比不上我们的感情;诗美词甜,比不上我们的真情;日月之光,比不上我们的纯情。今日分别,祝你一路顺风,健康常伴

60、 分离的,是我们的身影。牢系的,是我们的友谊。回忆的,是我们的嬉戏,憧憬的,是我们的重聚。祝福的,是我们的梦想!

61、 流水不因石而阻,友谊不因远而疏;人生本是一段路,有缘才能同迈步;离别不是只有苦,至少心中常停驻;祝你永远幸福。

62、 你没有眼泪,一直都给我灿烂的笑容;你没有挽留,一直都让我做自由的选择;你没有转身,一直都给我清晰的视线。离别只是暂时,爱你。

63、 离开才知道,你们多重要;所有不懂事,渐渐明白了;在外闯江湖,确实有点苦;若是不离开,怎能理解爱;我会好好的,一定放心吧。



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Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me  introduce myself. My name is ,24. I come from Nanchang,the capital  of Jiangxi Province. I graduated from the ****** department of *****University  in July ,2001.In the past two years I have been prepareing for the postgraduate  examination while I have been teaching *****in NO.****middle School and I was a  head-teacher of a class in junior grade two.Now all my hard work has got a  result since I have a chance to be interview by you.

I am open-minded ,quick in thought and very fond of history.In my spare  time,I have broad interests like many other youngers.I like reading books,  especially those about ****.Frequently I exchange with other people by making  comments in the forum on line.In addition ,during my college years,I was once a  Net-bar technician.So, I have a comparative good command of network  application.I am able to operate the computer well.I am skillful in searching  for information in Internet.I am a football fan for years.Italian team is my  favorite.Anyway,I feel great pity for our countrys team.

I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on  learning .Of course, if I am given a chance to study ****** in this famous  University,I will spare no effort to master a good command of advance  ******.



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My plan for College life我的大学计划

Im extremely excited now ,In face of new envirenment of study and life ,I must make a good plan for it .我现在感到无比的兴奋,面对的学习和生活环境,我必须为此做个好的打算。

Study comes first so I should make new goal and improve my study method.Hard will I study in the college as I do now.It is also important to learn how to live by myself . I will join in various activities and try my best to manage the relationship with other classmates.学习是第一位的所以我要制定新的目标并改善我的学习方法。在大学里,我要像现在一样的努力学习。学会独立生活也同样重要,我要参加各种各样的活动,并尽我所能处理好和其他同学的关系。

No matter what I will meet in the future,happiness or sorrow,keep an optimistic attitud towards life and I believe that my college life will be colorfull as planned.不管我将在未来的日子里遇到什么,快乐或悲伤,对生活始终保持乐观的态度,我相信我的大学生活一定会像我想象的那样丰富多彩。


1、extremely 非常;极其;极端地

e.g. This task is extremely difficult.

2、improve 改善;增进

e.g. I want to improve my English.

3、various 各种各样的;多方面的

e.g. For various reasons Id prefer not to meet him.

4、manage 管理;经营;处理

e.g. His wife knows how to manage him when he is angry.

5、optimistic 乐观的;乐观主义的

e.g. We must never stop taking an optimistic view of life.




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1)We have (take) pleasure in informing you that......


2)We have the pleasure of informing you that......


3)We are pleased (glad) to inform you that......


4)Further to our letter of yesterday, we now have (the) pleasure in informing you that......

续谈我方昨日函, 现告你方......

5)We confirm telegrams/fax messages recently exchanged between us and are pleased to say that......


6)We confirm cables exchanged as per copies (cable confirmation) herewith attached.


7)We learn from Messrs......that you are interested and well experienced in ......business, and would like to establish business relationship with us.


8)Although no communication has been exchanged between us for a long time, we trust that you are doing well in business.


9)Although we have not heard from you for quite some time, we hope your business is progressing satisfactorily.


10)We have pleasure in sending you our catalog, which gives full information about our various products.


11)We are pleased to send you by parcel post a package containing...


12)We have the pleasure in acknowledging the receipt of your letter dated...


13)We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your letter of...


14)We have duly received your letter of ...


15)We thank you for your letter of ...contents of which have been noted.


16) Refering to your letter of ......we are pleased to ....


17) Reverting to your letter of ...we wish to say that...


18)In reply to your letter of ...,we...


19) We wish to refer to your letter of ...concerning


20) In compliance with the request in your letter of ... we...




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Another deep impression of my university is her creativity and profundity. As is known to all, she has a wide range and comprehensive style. No wonder I can enjoy the multi-ceolored life here. Every school year a diversity of competitions and aetivities are held and a large number of students take active part in them. I do appreciate such a style, and in my minds eye, she resembles a tall tree silhouetting with all shapes of branches while stretching far into the blue sky.

Undoubtedly there is a world of difference between university and high school. University students are supposed to enjoy more freedom to develop themselves. However, Fudan seems more concerned about the efficient cooperation and teamwork among students as to prepare them for the competitive society. I believe upon graduation I will be equipped with abundant skills to face more unknown challenges.

After all, in my opinion, university is for more cultivated character, richer knowledge and greater abilities. Thats why I chose Fudan. She provides me with what Ive dreamed of.

Now all kinds of successes are in sight every day, and all I have to do is endeavor for a more beautiful future...



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Today is New Year, I wish my wish, very not easy to get this joyful holiday to come. New Years day, is our country folk ceremonious, the most lively a traditional holiday. I like the New Year, because you can get a red envelope, gather the family livelily, how happy things. Although our house is my mother and I and my sister, but Im still happy.

Early in the morning, I was waken up by the "or" firecrackers, began my new plan. I happily to find mom, grinning ground to say: "mom, I wish you a happy New Year, more and more beautiful!" Mother to listen to and then said, "that also wish you academic progress, happy every day!" And then solemnly give red packets to me.

In the afternoon, we went to bought a lot of gun, what the tortoise cannons, parachutes, fireworks anyway. By six o clock, we according to the convention on the balcony of the rope to hang a big bunch of firecrackers, exciting moment arrived, sister gently walked over, picked up in the hands of sweet braved Mars, carefully lit firecrackers, ran quickly. The gunshot deafening, we had to put his hand over his ears, look at the bright sparks, is very colorful. Then we went to dinner.

The food is delicious, have dumplings, braise in soy sauce meat, green vegetables soup, etc., an appetite is big, I forgot drooling, picked up the chopsticks one breath a soup, with a full stomach I watch TV.

New Years party was really wonderful ah, have a nice compendium of materia medica, and eye-catching "ring into egg", and "not bad money" zhao4 ben3 shan, is really an eye-opener to me.The New Year is really makes me unforgettable, like the first the unforgettable tonight!



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《 Notre Dame cathedral》 is one known far and wide romantic faction  strength which Victor Hugo writes . I take advantage of this summer  vacation free time, read this great work.

Notre Dame cathedrals story, actually was one at that time social  epic poem, since brimmed with really.  Friendly.  Beautiful, also the  flow selfish desire and is false.  Regardless of is good beautiful Asmelada ,or has the ugly semblance, Cacimodo with one pure mind, they represent the great amount the  lower level populace which suppresses;  Perhaps is sinister Coloud, he is appears by the theocracy face, all load bearing one kind of  authors ponder.The author in this work, for with the clown, was beautifully friendly  and wickedly does the best annotation, or take above three people as  the example, the rebel Asmelada has the  beautiful semblance and the chaste good mind, as well as pitiful  destiny, but Cacimodo, he withstood destiny deceive  nicely, the innermost feelings is his misery is graver, but Coloud maintained the benighted social rights and interests, he had brutally. Void mind and evil passion.  Good person physique hateful, but the  evil person actually says the appearance shore however, bright set  off, social unfair manifest.

But the article result also is when the opposition society until  criticism:  All beautiful is good all swallows by the might and the  evil, the lower level peoples weak strength in under the king power  rule, in the benighted society, only can be reduced to ashes.  Was  palatial Notre Dame cathedral, how many world tragedy testimony once,  in Hugo the novel, he as if had the life breath, he sheltered Asmelada ,exposed Coloud the crime, regret the  populace attack the magnificent feat which dark actually heroically  devoted...

Another the question which is worth pondering is:  Who is the hero?  Asmelada or Cacimodo?  I  think all is not, but is in the article by the Louis 11 rank smell of  blood suppression rather for sacreficed the populace gate, Asmelada with Cacimodo is not in  them the representative, Asmelada is loves  with the beautiful symbol, Cacimodo not many represents is unfortunate  and the pain.  But they, all suffer a tragic middle ages ignorant evil forces devastate, one each one painful soul is bleeding, flows the  tear.  Merely is Notre Dame cathedrals above engraves " the destiny  "?  They are in middle ages France, despotism sacrificial victim.

The entire story rich tragic color, the plot intense is moving,  exciting.  Author Hugo through " Notre Dame cathedral " this story,  but also disclosed at that time the dark societys essence to the  people.  This fascinating story likes that Ccimodo clocks  sound equally shocks several generation of readers minds.



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英语四级好作文不得不用的句子-开头句 1. ______________ is known as one of the most serious problems in today’s society. we can see it almost everywhere. as the graph depicts, ______________ . 2. from the cartoon, we can see that. it’s a forceful satire on the kind of ______________ . 3. from the first graph, we learn that ______________. according to the statistics shown in the second graph, we can see that ______________. 4. this table shown us that ______________. the figures indicate that there is an inspiring tendency of ______________. 5. what you first think of when seeing this cartoon might be that ______________. as a matter of fact, this cartoon reveals a typical social phenomenon. 6. according to the first graph, it can be seen that ______________, it can also be concluded from it that ______________. () 7. there is an interesting and instructive picture which goes like this: ______________. 8. nowadays there is a growing concern over ______________. many people like ______________, while others are inclined to ______________. 9. nowadays, it is common to ______________. many people like ______________ because ______________. besides, ______________. 10. ______________, just like many other things, are preferred by ______________. while being attacked by the idea that ______________, some people consider ______________. they point that ______________. 11. everything has two sides and ______________ is not an exception, it has both advantages and disadvantages. 12. for years ______________ had been viewed as ______________. but people are taking a fresh look at it now. () 13. it has stipulated by the government that ______________. to this stipulation, many people respond actively because ______________. 14. ______________ is a common occurrence in our daily life. whatever we do, ______________ can’t be avoided. 15. ______________ has become a hot topic among people, especially among the young, and heated debates are right on their way. 261



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1. A bad beginning makes a bad ending.恶其始者必恶其终。

2. A bad bush is better than the open field. 有胜于无。

3. A bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit. 吃亏的和解也比胜诉强。

4. A bad conscience is a snake in ones heart. 做贼心虚。

5. A bad custom is like a good cake, better broken than kept. 坏习惯像鲜馅饼,分食要比保存好。

6. A bad padlock invites a picklock. 开门揖盗。

7.A change of work is as good as a rest. 调换一下工作是很好的休息。

8. A bad thing never dies. 遗臭万年。

9. A bad workman quarrels with his tools. 拙匠常怨工具差(人笨怨刀钝)。

10. A bargain is a bargain. 君子一言,驷马难追。

11. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。

12. A beggars purse is bottomless. 乞丐的钱袋是无底洞。

13. A bird is known by its note,and a man by his talk. 闻其歌知其鸟,听其言知其人。

14. A bird may be known by its song. 什么鸟唱什么歌。

15. A bit in the morning is better than nothing all day. 略有胜于全无。

16. A blind man who leans against a wall imagines that its the boundary of the world. 坐井观天。

17. A blind man will not thank you for a looking-glass. 秋波送盲,白费痴情。

18. A book is the same today as it always was and it will never change. 一本好书今天如此,将来也如此,永不改变。

19. A book that remains shut is but a block. 有书闭卷不阅读,无异是一块木头。

20. A borrowed cloak does not keep one warm. 借来的斗篷不暖身。

21. Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it. 相聚爱益切,离别情更深。

22. A burden of ones choice is not felt. 自己选的担子不嫌重。

23. A burnt child dreads the fire. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。

24. A candle lights others and consumes itself. 蜡烛焚自身,光亮照别人。

25. A cat may look at a king. 猫也有权晋见国王。

26. A cat has nine lives. 猫有九条命。

27. Accidents will happen. 天有不测风云。

28. A chain is no stronger than its weakest link. 链条的坚固程度取决于它最薄弱的环节。

29. A change of work is as good as a rest. 调换一下工作是很好的休息。

30. A cheerful wife is the joy of life. 快乐的妻子是生活的乐事。




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With the end of another college entrance examination, many students are going to enter the colleges after the summer holiday. There are some suggestions for them to make some preparation for their college lives.


First, the most important thing they should learn is to learn to think independently.The ability of think independently is quite important in college life because no one will tell them what to do and how to do at all time in college. Therefore, to own a meaningful college time, students need to practice their ability of think independently so that they can deal with various matters by their own.


Second, another thing they should learn is to be independent. In addition to learn to think independently, they also need to be independent in their ordinary lives. They should develop an awareness of independence. They should aware the differences between high school life and college life. In life, they should try to cope with their own matters by themselves; in study, they need to make their arrangements and supervise themselves. In a word, they need to practice their ability of solving problems by themselves instead of asking others for help at first.


Finally, to avoid some difficulties in college life, students need to make some concrete preparations before their entering college. They need to know the basic information of the college where they are going to enter, such as the traffic and the routine around it. They also need to know the concrete requirement of their majors and even begin to learn the basic knowledge of their majors so that they will not feel confused at the beginning. Another point need to be mentioned is that learning English should not be stopped even though in holiday.


Therefore, to have a meaningful and wonderful life in college, students need to begin to make preparations before entering it.















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Be getting on well with one’s study某人的学习越来越好

take several courses at school在学校学若干门课程

have English (Chinese, Physics…) every (other )day work hard at…

put one’s heart into…专心于;致力于

be interested in…

be fond of

like chemistry best

be good at…; be poor at…; do well in…; be weak in…

make progress in…; fail in…’ be tired of…’

pass the examination; give sb. a passing grade;

major in history主修历史

He has the best record in school.他的成绩最棒。

get a doctor’s degree获得博士学位

be more interesting to sb.

learn about; succeed in…; be active in class (work);

take an active part in…; learn… by heart;

work out a (maths) problem; improve oneself in…;

get 90 marks for (English); get an“A” in the exam;

have a good command of…

lay a good foundation in (language study)


get on well with sb; like to be with students;

be gentle with us; be kind to sb;

be a strict teacher; be strict with one’s pupils;

be strict in work

We think of him (her) as…; help sb with sth;

praise sb for sth…; blame sb for sth..

give advice on…; question sb on…

be satisfied with…

correct the students’ homework carefully and prepare for the next day; give sb a lot of work;

try to teach sb good study habits; make one’s lessons lively and interesting; teach sb. sth.;

teach sb to do sth.

devote all one’s time to work;

admire (sb.for) his devotion to the cause of education



spend one’s time in many different ways;

enjoy doing things by oneself; go swimming;

go for an outing; have an outing at (the seashore);

see the sights of Beijing; play the piano (violin);

play chess (basketball); have a swim;

have dances on weekends; have a picnic over the weekend;

go to the cinema; have a party; hold a sports meeting;

do some reading; help sb do sth; enjoy a family trip;

get everything ready for;

ride one’s bike with sb.to(the park);

There are a lot of activities at (the beach).

We enjoy a change from our busy life in the city.

She would like to bring sth. to the picnic.

It was a very relaxing Sunday.

There are good programmes on TV on weekends.


take a message for sb; send a message to sb;

hear from sb; talk about/of sth; tell sb to do sth;

get information about…;

express one’s idea (feelings) in English用英语表达一个人的思想(感情);

Write sb a letter saying…给某人写信说..., apologize to sb for…

thank you for…; make a speech t at the meeting;

explain sth to s; look upon sb as…; think sb to be…;

take sb’s side


would like to do; allow sb to do;

keep sb from doing (prevent sb. from doing);

call on sb to do; be afraid to do (be afraid of…);

fee like doing; insist on doing; drive sb. off;

speak highly of sb; speak ill of sb; think highly of sb;

force sb to do; offer to do; refuse to do; agree to do;

regret doing;

prefer to do A rather than do B; had better do;

would rather (not) do.


have the habit of doing…; have no trouble doing;

make up one’s mind to do;

prepare sb for…; give up doing…; do sth as usual;

do what he wants us to do; set about doing;

try one’s best to do…=go all out to do;

get into trouble; help sb out; do one’s bit for New China;

wait for sb to do; find a way to do; make friends with sb;

show (tell) sb. how to do…; take (send) sb to…;

I’m trying to find…;

I’m afraid we are out of…;

pass the time doing; feel a little excited about doing…;

can’t help doing…; do some good deeds to people;

be prepared for more hard work;

Some are doing A, others are doing B, and still others are doing C.


look around for…; look up (down) at…; catch sight of…;

take a look at…; hear sb do (doing); take notice of…;

take view of…; have a good understanding of…;

consider sb (sth) to be…; come to know…;

realize that…; know that +从句


be pleased with…; be delighted in doing…;

take a pleasure in doing; be worried about;

feel surprised at…

be sorry for…; be angry with sb for sth;

be angry about…(为某事生气);

look forward to doing…; wish to do; expect to do;

long for (long to do); be sick for one’s home;

have a strong desire to do…;


be in good shape; be in good (poor )health;

feel weak (well, terrible, sick); have got a high (slight ) fever;

have a slight (bad) cold; take one’s temperature;

have got a pain in…; be good (bad) for one’s health(eyes);

It’s nothing serious. stay in bed until…; save one’s life


It (take)sb. some time to do…; It is said that…;

be fit for; be short of; be well dressed;

miss the lecture (train); change…into…;

waste time doing; spend time doing; be busy doing;

have no choice but to do; I can’t help it. be in need of…;

be mistaken about…; fall behind…; catch up with;

on behalf of; instead of; be welcome to do…;

Running, biking and swimming are popular in summer.

Skiing and skating are my favorite winter sports.


You letter came to me this morning.

I have received your letter of July the 20th.

I’m writing to you about the lecture to be given next Monday.

I’m writing to ask if you can come next week.

How time flies! It’s three months since I saw you last.

Thank you for your letter.

In reply to your letter about (the exhibition this year)…;

Let me tell you that…


Please remember me to your whole family.

Give my best regards (wishes) to your mother.

Best wishes.

With love.

Wish you a pleasant journey.

Wish you success. Wish you the best of health. (luck)

Looking forward to your next visit to China.

Looking forward to the pleasure of meeting you.

Expecting to hear from you as soon as possible.


Go down this street

Turn night/left at the first crossing

It’s about…meters from here

You can’t miss it

In front of behind at/a the corner(不用in)

Pass two blocks


⑴A large number of visitors come here

⑵There are lots of visitors coming here every day

⑶Many people visit here every day

⑷A lot of people pay a visit here every day


表列举:for example、for instance、that is to say

表补充:besides、in addition、moreover

表对比:on the one hand…on the other hand、in spite of

表原因:because of、thanks to、due to、owing to

表结果:therefore、thus、as a result、so

表结论:to conclude、in a word、in brief、to sum up



1. 关于……人们有不同的观点。一些人认为……

There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____.

2. 俗话说(常言道)……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。

There is an old saying______. Its the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today.

3. 现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,……;其次,……。更为糟糕的是……。

Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, ____ Second,____. What makes things worse is that______.

4. 现在,……很普遍,许多人喜欢……,因为……,另外(而且)


Nowadays,it is common to ______. Many people like ______ because ______. Besides,______.

5. 任何事物都是有两面性,……也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。

Everything has two sides and ______ is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages.

6. 关于……人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说)……,在他们看来,……

People‘s opinions about ______ vary from person to person. Some people say that ______.To them,_____.

7. 人类正面临着一个严重的问题……,这个问题变得越来越严重。

Man is now facing a big problem ______ which is becoming more and more serious.

8. ……已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。

______ has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way.

9. ……在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引发一些严重的问题。

______ has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.it has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.

10. 根据图表/数字/统计数字/表格中的百分比/图表/条形图/成形图可以看出……。很显然……,但是为什么呢?

According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages in the /chart/bar graph/line/graph,it can be seen that______ while. Obviously,______,but why?


1. 相反,有一些人赞成……,他们相信……,而且,他们认为……。

On the contrary,there are some people in favor of ___.At the same time,they say____.

2. 但是,我认为这不是解决……的好方法,比如……。最糟糕的是……。

But I dont think it is a very good way to solve ____.For example,____.Worst of all,___.

3. ……对我们国家的发展和建设是必不可少的,(也是)非常重要的。


______is necessary and important to our countrys development and construction. First,______.Whats more, _____.Most important of all,______.

4. 有几个可供我们采纳的方法。首先,我们可以……。

There are several measures for us to adopt. First, we can______

5. 面临……,我们应该采取一系列行之有效的方法来……。一方面……,另一方面,

Confronted with______,we should take a series of effective measures to______. For one thing,______For another,______

6. 早就应该拿出行动了。比如说……,另外……。所有这些方法肯定会……。

It is high time that something was done about it. For example. _____.In addition. _____.All these measures will certainly______.

7. 为什么……?第一个原因是……;第二个原因是……;第三个原因是……。总的来说,……的主要原因是由于……

Why______? The first reason is that ______.The second reason is ______.The third is ______.For all this, the main cause of ______due to ______.

8. 然而,正如任何事物都有好坏两个方面一样,……也有它的不利的一面,象……。

However, just like everything has both its good and bad sides, ______also has its own disadvantages, such as ______.

9. 尽管如此,我相信……更有利。

Nonetheless, I believe that ______is more advantageous.

10. 完全同意……这种观点(陈述),主要理由如下:

I fully agree with the statement that ______ because______.
