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1. Mary has felt blue ever since her boyfriend left for Europe。


2. You get a chance like this only once in a blue moon。


3. You can talk till all is blue but I shall not believe it。


4. Do you see any green in my eye?


5. Although he is physically old, his mind is still in the green。


6. She is red with anger。


7. All the family is in the pink。


8. Though I believe in telling the truth, I think a white lie is sometimes justified。


9. He insisted on putting the agreement down in black and white。


10. Henry was beaten black and blue, you cant see a white spot about him。


11. Im glad that he is not so black as he is painted。


12. They came out of the bank carrying the money and the police caught them red-handed。

他们带着赃款从银行里出来,被警察当场捉住。 “颜色”英语

13. We will soon be out of the red。


14. I cant even talk about it, except to you, because anybody else would think I was yellow。


15. They choose a white day for their engagement。


16. He is the kind of person who calls white black。





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1、 希望圣诞老公公能在圣诞夜,把各科期末考试答案塞到自己床头的袜子里~

2、 我要飞:祝福我们宿舍参加四级的同学们这次能顺利通过,相信自己,一定行!

3、 我通过了你的考核,上帝也会帮你通过这次过级.加油吧,上帝在看着你呢.

4、 听说今年下凡了个幸运星,我不知道是谁,玉帝也不告诉我,于是我用宇宙大爆炸学说、相对论、模糊数学、还有阴阳八卦太极的知识经过七七四十九天推倒,终于发现:那个幸运之星原来就是你,所以你要风得风要雨得雨喽!明天的四级你肯定过了呵呵:)

5、 天再热,热不过心;有信心,一切皆有可能。祝六级顺利,前程似锦。

6、 天道酬勤,曾经的每一分付出,必将收到百倍回报。不管揭晓的答案是什么,只要努力过、奋斗过,就不会后悔。

7、 四级六级屈服于你,高分羡慕环抱着你,勤奋努力支持着你,美好人生等待着你!

8、 四级考试没有什么大不了的,我能做得出的题目别人不一定能做出来,我做不出的题目别人同样做不出,我所做的就是对的,我就是最棒的!

9、 手机短信,那是问候;手机唱歌,那是祝福;手机震动,那一定是我握住了你的手。六级考试成功!我的朋友。

10、 十年寒窗苦读日,只盼金榜题名时,祝你六级拿高分,鲤鱼跳龙门!加油!

11、 十年寒窗今破壁,锦绣前程自此辟。挥毫烟云落笔疾,马到成功身名立!

12、 声声祝福请微风替我传送,缕缕关怀托流水替我寄予,虽然忙忙碌碌无法常相聚,但却时时刻刻把你惦记。

13、 生活中,我们每天都在尝试中,我们走向成功,品味失败,走过心灵的阴雨晴空。运动员们,不要放弃尝试,无论失败与否,重要的是你勇于参与的精神,付出的背后是胜利。无论是否成功,我们永远赞美你,你们永远是我们的骄傲。

14、 人都是在跌倒与爬起之间学会坚强,都是在风雨与阳光之间走过成长的路。失败所能带给你的只应是一些教训,一些冷静的思考,而不该有绝望、颓废、不知所措。

15、 期末了,卷子泛滥成灾,作业逆流成河。(

16、 期末考试都这么多年了,你就不能搞个周年庆神马的么?考四十送二十。过两科送一科。任选两科免考优惠活动。

17、 努力的苦读,就为这一刻啰!把你的实力全部发挥,所有关爱着你的人,都会为你祝福、祈祷,相信你会考出满意的成绩,榜上有名喔!

18、 面对目标,信心百倍,人生能有几次搏?面对成绩,心胸豁达,条条大陆通罗马。 给自己一个恰如其分的自信。

19、 快到考试的日子了,希望你干自愿事,吃顺口饭,听轻松话,睡安心觉。使自己保持良好平静的心态,不要太紧张,相信你的梦想会实现的!

20、 考四级的意义是在于你真正投入的过程。请务必坚持信念,守得云开见月明!祝你们成功!

21、 考四级的日子在逼近,希望你能调整好自己的心态,好好发挥,考上理想的公大! 在为你祝福。一定会成功的!

22、 考试的学弟学妹们,失眠没什么的,一定要放松,不要因为想着前天晚上的失眠而影响考试,最后祝参加考试的学弟学妹们考试顺利,金榜题名!

23、 考试的日子在逼近,希望你能调整好自己的心态,好好发挥,考上理想的学校!我在为你祝福。一定会成功!

24、 考试的日子里,你要像猪一样能吃能睡,能像马一样多拉快跑,像鼠一样能钻能窜,像猴一样能蹦能跳,更要像狼一样坚韧不拔,最后像被通缉一样跑不掉被录取,然后从此过上幸福生活。

25、 距离考四级还有182天,我没有裸考,因为我今天做了套真题。。。

26、 就要考试了,希望我的问候短信会为你送去一份轻松清爽的心情,不要太紧张哦!不然可会把答案忘掉的!我在这里支持着你,鼓励着你,为你祝福!

27、 风儿静静的吹动,凤凰花吐露着嫣红,亲爱的朋友请握一握手,明天就要各奔西东!但不要忘记彼此的约定:六级考试成功!

28、 点点心血勤育英才厚泽九州,滴滴汗水勇赴学海逐鹿中原。



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When winter holiday is around corner,I have so many plans,but now I just like coughpotato. My sister and I sleep in the morning,my parents get mad at us.They force us to get up,we lock the bedroom door until we are both hungry.Ha... Because of final exams,our skin in bad condition,my sister said that sleeping is good for skin.Yeah,female do care about their appearence all the time. Afternoon belongs to friend.Call them out and go shopping toghter.We gossip all the people we know.This feeling is so cool,you may find that friend is so important in the world,no on can live without them. My day is simple.



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languageis essential; language is what we use to communicate among others. it is something that joins us just as strongly as it separates us. There are many different “languages” in the world but really they are all bound by certain rules, they all have a format that they follow, all of them have nouns, verbs, tenses, and adjectives.

Language is almost like a math, the point of it is that when you speak, you try to reach a conclusion with a different person, and in math you use equations to solve problems and reach conclusions, one is numbers the other is words.



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People differ about____ .Some people hold that ____.


There is an old saying that______. Its the experience of the older generation,however,it is still the case even today.


Today, ____, which have done damage to our daily life. First, ____ Second,____. What makes things worse is that______.


Nowadays,it is common to ______. Many people care for ______ because ______. Besides,______.


Everything has two sides and so does ____,it has both advantages and disadvantages.


People’s views about ______ vary from person to person. Some people think that ______.To them,_____.


Humans are now confronted with a big problem: ______ which is becoming more and more serious.


______ has become a public concern,especially among the young, and thus heated debates are stimulated.


______ has been playing an increasingly important role in our daily life.it has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.


According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages in the /chart/bar graph/line/graph,it can be seen that______ . Obviously,______,but whats the reason behind?



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1. 昨日撒下勤奋种,今朝一搏必成功。鲤鱼一跃便成龙,大鹏展翅震长空。前程似锦圆美梦,锦衣凯旋沐春风。寒窗不负苦心人

2. 有一份期待,曾经固守曾经孤独曾经也有诸多的无奈,记忆里写满黎明后的英语也写缕缕人生革命情怀,高考的季节里没有花香没有恋爱,太多太多别人的享受只能独自融化在思维中理解,登上这条船要扬帆要破浪要历经磨难。

3. 没有付出,就没有收获,人只有上坡路才是最难走的,相信自己能成功,自己就一定能成功。努力吧,希望会属于你的。

4. 相信自己就好了,没什么大不了的,真的不用想太多,会什么做什么,你不会的他们肯定会的也不多,相信我没错!

5. 在人生的旅程中,总有一些战争是需要一个人战斗的,谁也没办法帮忙,所以,要更加地努力,更加地坚强,用最骄傲的姿势走过这段旅程。

6. 一天天积累,一点点努力,一步步前进,一滴滴汇聚,终于到了考试这一天。放松心情,面带微笑,保持信心,你必将拥有灿烂的人生。

7. 考试像漫漫人生路上的一道坎,无论成败与否,我认为现在都不重要了,重要的是要总结考试的得与失,以便在今后的人生之路上迈好每一个坎!

8. 当离别拉开窗帘,当回忆睡在胸前,要说再见真的很伤感,只有爱依旧灿烂!友谊万岁!考试顺利,共闯人生这一关!

9. 为了梦想,多少年寒窗苦读。每一次跌倒,爬起来更加坚强。把命运握在自己手中,轻装上阵。努力了就没遗憾。祝你考试交出满足的答卷。

10. 加油!要发挥出最好的状态……

11. 没有茧,就体会不到破茧而出的快乐;没有险,就体会不到独占鳌头的豪迈;没有败,就磨不了越挫越强的肩膀。无论何时,都送你一句话:信自己,就最强!

12. 正在奋斗,或者准备奋斗,抑或奋斗好长好长时间的朋友,你是基于什么缘由,为了谁,而坚持,奋斗着呢?不紧要,因为,我们都在做同一件事情。那就是:我们都在奋斗着;不紧要,我们都坚信一切都会有,幸福总会来。我们可以,一同奔赴最接近天空的地方,圆梦,实现理想。

13. 失败是什么?没有什么,只是更走近成功一步;成功是什么?就是走过了所有通向失败的路,只剩下一条路,那就是成功的路。不要惧怕失败,尽力了就没有什么好怕的了。

14. 天有多高,愿你的快乐就能飞多高;地有多大,愿你的成功就能有多大;海有多宽,愿你的好运就能占多宽

15. 夺冠那一刻,豪情万丈!登顶那一瞬,万众瞩目!那一刻的嫣然一笑,灿烂甜美!那一瞬的激-情绽放,催人奋进!胜利,永远属于为梦想奋斗的人新乐吧!

16. 如果困难是堵砖墙,拍拍它说你还不够高。如果困难是地上的荆棘,我们脱掉鞋子,光着脚笑笑,我们摇摇头说,困难其实没什么大不了。任何困难都不是困难,考试加油吧

17. 考试是一件因人而异的东西,有些人觉得很简单,而有些人却觉得很难。其实考试

18. 付出终有回报,信心绝对重要。现在就到考试,别忘面带微笑。既要方法,也要学习者的恒心、毅力。

19. 天道酬勤,曾经的每一分付出,必将收到百倍回报。不管揭晓的答案是什么,只要努力过、奋斗过,就不会后悔。

20. 不要掉泪,不要屈服,哪怕胜利永远只是个未知数。跌倒了,不要放弃,爬起来,继续努力前进!因为如果放弃,虽不会再摔跤,但是——永远不会前进半步!我们追求,绿叶为我们喝彩,风雨为我们做伴,用微笑洗去尘埃,把心点燃,照亮一切美好的未来!

21. 勤奋的态度和主动积极的精神是一种良好生活的习惯,这种良好的生活习惯可以使我们为考试创造出更多成功的机会。

22. 面临考试,心态要好;摆正身心,价值千金;只要努力,总有天地!

23. 对待试题:冷静、乐观,对待考试:认真、自信。

24. 说一声加油一切更美好,所有的悲伤请往边靠,曾经流过的泪,淋湿了伤口就让阳光晒干而退 ,这一种加油人人都需要,手牵手我们一起赛跑,说好不见不散每分每秒守护你到老……

25. 一份耕耘,一份收获,上苍从来不会忘记努力学习的人!尽量去考,因为天道酬勤。大胆去考,没必要杞人忧天、患得患失,天生我才必有用!假如有些紧张,就告诉自己:“紧张”实际上也是一种兴奋,也有利于发挥。适当的紧张是正常的和必要的。

26. 天道酬勤,曾经的每一分付出,必将收到百倍回报。不管揭晓的答案是什么,只要努力过、奋斗过,就不会后悔。

27. 经历了汗水洗礼,才更懂得收获的喜悦,加油!

28. 考前满信心,下笔如有神;休息多静心,养好精气神;思考必细心,身心都入神;答题要用心,聚精又会神,心态最重要,千叮万嘱为你好。祝你马到成功,金榜题名!

29. 没有付出,就没有收获,人只有上坡路才是最难走的,相信自己能成功,自己就一定能成功。努力吧,希望会属于你的。

30. 面对挫折,我们要坚持不懈;面对困难,我们要迎难而上;面对失败,我们要百折不挠!相信天道酬勤,智慧与勤奋的你定能走向成功!

31. 奏响生活的凯歌,跳一曲青春的圆舞。让赛场成为我们的舞台,让对手成为我们的朋友。努力努力奋勇拼搏,为了梦想铸就辉煌。

32. 想摘玫瑰,就要先折刺枝;想走坦途,就要斩除荆棘;想看到天明,就要勇闯夜寂;想期末考好,就要倍加努力:厚德载物,天道酬勤!

33. 振作起来!我们的困难很快就会过去

34. 总在鼓舞自己,要成功就得努力。热血在赛场沸腾,巨人在赛场升起。相信自己,你将赢得胜利,创造奇迹;相信自己,梦想在你手中,这是你的天地

35. 加油,加油,为你加油。福星为你照,好运跟你走,美好日子就在你前头。今天将最好的运气、最好的问候、最好的祝福送给你:祝考试顺利!

36. 想说爱你,感觉太沉;想说喜欢,感觉太轻;一每天地眷恋,一夜夜的无眠,我只有数着相思的绿莹帘珠,托星月寄到你窗前.祝考试顺意!

















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It is quite often seen that many students walk their pets on campus nowadays. For the owners, it is really good enjoyment and happiness. But for the other students, it may not so good. As more and more students bring their pets to campus, a cry for forbidding the pets brought to campus is higher and higher. For me, I think the owner shouldn’t take their cute pets on campus for the sake of clean.


Firstly, keeping pets in dormitory will make dormitory smell bad and cause noise pollution. Pets couldn’t go to toilet and flush their waste as human does, so they just urine everywhere, which makes the place smelly. Besides, pets can make lots of noisy which is annoying especially at night. For other students who live with the owner, it is absolutely a disaster for they have to suffering from both the terrible smell and the disturbing noise.


Secondly, raising pets can be time-consuming and even affect their study. For students, they are supposed to spend more time studying. If they put their focus on their pets, then they will have less time to study. Not to imagine that they will do good in their study.


In conclusion, I don’t think it is good for students to raising pets on campus in consideration to the good of the public hygiene and also their improvement in their academic performance.




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I was fortunate to 200 * years in September admitted to the University of  ad specialty XX. From 200 * to 200 *, from East Campus to Dushu Lake Campus. In  the Soviet four years, brought me a lot of heritage and memory. Four years  passed away, when they graduate, should be for the life of four years in the  Ivory Tower to learn to do an interview self-introduction.

In four years, I quite seriously in learning, performance is also better,  every year the school received a scholarship in the class have been able to  maintain in the top five. Particularly in the specialized courses concerned, as  far as possible to learn good use. Actively participate in various advertising  competitions, and won the National College Advertising Art Competition Third  Prize of Jiangsu Division. Both peacetime operations, or papers, or exams, can  seriously hope the best. If you would like to say that four years in learning  what the greatest regret is that English, formerly in high school Ive had a  nice English, but into the university, I slack on the English language, and not  spend too much time to learn , resulting in the test to graduate have not been  6.

In social practice, I think my experience was very abundant. 200 * in the  second half, I have to do internship in an advertising agency planning work,  although the beginning of what will not, very hard, very tired, but when I as a  Fan Meeting planners and executors of the stage and flowers after child  communication band, when I write advertising effectiveness measurement companies  Ina ceramic gain customer acceptance of the report, when I see their planned  ceremony, opening ceremony of the successful implementation of the time, when I  designed the LOGO when used by businesses When I work independently in the scene  when the road show, I was happy. With my own efforts to complete a task.  Internship in advertising, I learned a lot of things can not go to school books,  contact with clients across industries, while also working in the printing  industry, media, service organizations and other rituals have a certain  understanding for the future able to adapt quickly to lay the foundation for  work.

Prior to this, McDonalds, I also worked part-time, bitter, tired, but that  time has given me a lot of fun. Learn a lot. I begun to taste the hardships of  life and make money easily. McDonalds as a world-class enterprises, it has a  strict standard of staff training system and working mechanism. Work at  McDonalds, on the one hand I learned such a big company product promotion,  teamwork, customer service, quality assurance and so should learn the rules and  regulations and successful experiences, on the other hand, deal with all kinds  of customers, but also enhance the my ability to communicate with others, in  addition, work has worked hard my hard-working spirit.

In addition, in terms of ideology, I also actively move closer to the  party, on the one hand, to strengthen its own ideological and moral  construction, to arm themselves ideologically; on the other hand, in the spirit  of serving the people, adhere to help others, serve the community members of the  strict demands on themselves. Finally the beginning of the glorious junior  joined the Chinese Communist Party, and successfully turned positive after one  year.

Four years in college, I know a lot of friends, they gave me a lot of help,  let me learn a lot, this is college, in addition to expertise outside of an  additional valuable asset.

In short, four years of school life, whether professional or social  knowledge about, or people skills, have learned a lot I can say that four years  of my life the most significant period of time, my ideal life and the pursuit of  life during this period to determine their own career planning for a new life  also have a new goal. I will continue to work closer to success!

Thank you!



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1、gaps are left in life through which comes the sad music of death.


2、on earth there is nothing great but man; in the man there is nothing great but mind.


3、good advice is beyond all price.


4、let life be beautiful like summer flower,and death like autumn tears.


5、where there is a will ,there is a way.


6、knowing something of everything and everything of something.


7、one sad voice has its nest among the ruins of the years. it sings to me in the night “i loved you.”


8、a bold attempt is half success.


9、a handful of common sense is worth a bushel of learning.


10、like teacher ,like students.


11、no invention has received more praise and abuse than internet.


12、a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.


13、if you want knowledge,you must toil for it.


14、doubt is the key of knowledge.


15、life is a leaf of paper white, thereon each of us may write his word or two.




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My name is liu * *, for the sake of the name, I used to call themselves the Internet the queen of the "star". Do not think I am too mad, because the stars themselves both ordinary and flash, so I like them. One of the numerous stars, of course, also want to be. If one day, you met online a girl named "star dance", it must be me - 11 years old, monkey, virgo to choose a suitable text book

Of course, I have like stars very ordinary appearance: small eyes - but very bright. Neither tall nor short nose; Not big not too small mouth. Fair skin, a long or a short horsetail plait, stuck high in my brain, flash flash, very naughty to choose a suitable text book, but I have my hair cut short now, mother to)

My hobby is widespread, such as: music, microcomputer, aoshu, choose a suitable text book of English ha ha, there is a you sure cant think of! To tell you the truth, that is, space exploration, such as: Stonehenge, crop circles, alien to choose a suitable text book in a word, I like all of the unknown things. I like music, especially since 6 years old I began to play the piano, less than nine years old, I was out of the piano level 6. Whenever I bounce

Mendelssohns "boat song of Venice, I as if place oneself in a ripple on the boat on the water, the surrounding silence, moonlight, like mercury, scattered on the surface of the flash, good beautiful, choose a suitable text book

I also love the guitar, just learned two lessons, I began to play the chords. Now I have learned many years ago, "walk" "red river valley" "childhood", etc.

A lot of beautiful sounds of music to choose a suitable text book

You have to ask why I love this music, in fact, I dont know. But, when I am in the rhythm of the music, I felt a great deal of enjoyment.

I also like the Olympic math, because it can develop my intelligence, makes me on the head turn, turn. Difficult as past castle, although it is difficult to overcome, but as long as I use your head, you can feel the joy of success. Of course, there must be less than America and China, my shortcomings is very sloppy, every day to find things at home, watch on today, tomorrow to find, everything all over the place. Alas! The family and I cant, dont look at me in the life is very careless, but I dont careless, to solve the problem. I can check each question carefully. , however, and the occasional careless like that I do, because not serious topic, papers clearly demand reduction ratio, I have made for ratio! Worse, dizzy, abbreviation! Just because of this, the teacher gave me a buckle 4 points. After this lesson several times, I must be in the future to correct this bad habit, sloppy bull is not blown oh! Believe me!

Paint bottom like me? In the future there will be three years of time to test and verify. I really really want to do the north star - the brightest the star sky, of course, this need me to pay a huge effort.

The above is my personal introduction, hope in the next three years, the teacher and the students get along well, and the teacher the students were rushed through the difficulties!




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一】at the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。

二】Good name in man and woman, dear my lord, is the immediate jewel of their souls: Who steals my purse steals trash; ’tis something, nothing. (Othello )无论男人女人,名誉是他们灵魂中最贴心的珍宝,如果有人偷走了我的钱袋,他不过偷走了一些废物,那不过是些毫无价值的东西罢了。——《奥赛罗》

三】We all are wishing especially for you the nicest birthday. May all the beautiful things in life will come to you.大伙儿都祝福你度过一个最美好的生日,愿你拥有生活中的一切美丽!

四】the sandflass remembers the time we lost沙漏记得`我们遗忘的时光

五】、Love, and the same charcoal, burning, need to find ways to ask cooling. Allow an arbitrary, it is necessary to heart charred爱,和炭相同,烧起来,得想办法叫它冷却。让它任意着,那就要把一颗心烧焦

六】don’t forget the things you once you owned. treasure the things you can’t get. don’t give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory.

七】我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空气。look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me.

八】gaps are left in life through which comes the sad music of death. 生命中留下许多间隙,从中传来死亡的伤感乐曲.

九】to keep someone around you is not love; love is to let the one you love go freely.不是把对方留在自己身边才叫爱,能放手让所爱的人离开,也是爱的一种。

十】a thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step. 千里之行,始于足下。

十一】words can not express true love, loyalty behavior is the best explanation 真正的爱情是不能用言语表达的,行为才是忠心的最好说明。

十二】idon’t think that when people grow up, they will become morebroad-minded and can accept everything. conversely, i think it’s aselecting process, knowing what’s the most important and what’s theleast. and then be a simple man.我不觉得人的心智成熟是越来越宽容涵盖,什么都可以接受。相反,我觉得那应该是一个逐渐剔除的过程,知道自己最重要的是什么,知道不重要的东西是什么。而后,做一个纯简的人。

十三】the road of life is a spiral path, only swagger, flexible turning, can rise to the ideal.人生道路是一条螺旋上升的路径,只有昂首阔步,灵活弯转,才能上升至理想的峰顶。

十四】to keep someone around you is not love; love is to let the one you love go freely.不是把对方留在自己身边才叫爱,能放手让所爱的人离开,也是爱的一种。

十五】why is it that i have to climb , mountains to get to you and all you have to do is smile to get to me 为什么我要翻山越岭才能靠近你,而你,则只需一个微笑?

十六】even next second we didn’t meet, on one second we will meet.即使下一秒我们没有相遇,上一秒我们也会相见。

十七】love is not a matter of counting the days. it’s making the days count. 爱情不是数着日子过去,它让每个日子都变得有意义。

十八】if you leave me, please don’t comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.

十九】active long will be very tired, care about for a long time will crash! 主动久了会很累, 在乎久了会崩溃!

二十】an aim in life is the only fortune worth finding.生活的目标,是唯一值得寻找的财富。

二十一】eternity is not a distance but a decision. 永远不是一种距离,而是一种决定。

二十二】in love’s bumpy road, we’d better not say love.在爱情的坎坷路上,我们最好别说爱。


二十四】put my broken heart together again把我破碎的心再拼凑起来

二十五】i feel happy at times we have had angry words but these have been kissed away.我们生气争执时,爱的双唇把它们吻得无影无踪,我的心也顿觉甜蜜。

二十六】to the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。

二十七】don’t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。

二十八】why is it that i have to climb , mountains to get to you and all you have to do is smile to get to me 为什么我要翻山越岭才能靠近你,而你,则只需一个微笑?

二十九】:no man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won‘t make you cry.没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。

三十】Warm wishes on your birthday. I send along my love and affection for you as well as a small gift. Take care!热烈祝贺你的生日,捎给你我对你的爱,也寄去一件小礼物,多保重!

三十一】even next second we didn’t meet, on one second we will meet.即使下一秒我们没有相遇,上一秒我们也会相见。

三十二】he who has ability to be such a naughty guy and can be stronger more as well. 有本事任性的人,也会有本事坚强



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A great poem is a fountain forever overflowing with the waters of wisdom and delight .(P. B. Shelley , British poet )

伟大的诗篇即是永远喷出智慧和欢欣之水的喷泉。(英国诗人 雪莱. P. B)

A novel is a mirror walking along a main road .( Stendhcl , French writer )

一部小说犹如一面在大街上走的镜子。 (法国作家 司汤达)

Art is a lie that tells the truth .( Picasso , Spanish painter )

美术是揭示真理的谎言。 (西班牙画家 毕加索)

Humor has been well defined as thinking in fun while feeling in earnest. (Mark Twain , American novelist )

幽默被人正确地解释为“以诚挚表达感受,寓深思于嬉笑”。(美国小说家 马克·吐温)

The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation ; the two keep in their downward tendency.( Johan Wolfgang von Goethe , German poet )

文学的衰落表明一个民族的衰落。这两者走下坡路的时间是齐头并进的。(德国诗人 歌德 . J . W .)

When one loves one‘s art no service seems too hard .( O. Henry, American novelist )

一旦热爱艺术,什么奉献也不难。 (美国小说家 欧·亨利)



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In my understanding, if we refer to an ideal college life as a formal western dinner, then a high GPA, that is, Grade Point Average, should be the main course, while an active part in activities, together with associations, means the appetizer. Some romances, of course, play the role as desserts. They are the 3 key elements for an ideal college life.

Those, however, are not what college life is all about. As we all know, college is wildly different from middle school. It connects not only adolescence to adulthood, but also the ivory tower to the real society. Therefore, the ideal college life is that I become matured both physically and mentally, and that I obtain qualified academic knowledge and get well prepared for society at the same time.

Under this circumstance, I never expect my college life to be too ideal, or you can call it too perfect. It is not realistic to make all things on my own way, with everyone liking me, winning the first prize all the time, and so on. Of course, I’d like to lead a carefree life. However, this does little good to my future. What really helps is hardships like failure, betrayal, and unjust treatment. Only after experiencing those can I know what society is like, and what life is like.

To conclude my speech, I wanna say, some positive experiences are surely part of the ideal college life. But, I should not forget about the negative sides. They are not less necessary.



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It is a fact that college is becoming more and more expensive and college life is becoming especially hard for the students who were born in needy families. However, there are several ways in which these students can cover their tuition that their parents are not able to afford. Finding a part-time job, for example, is an ideal way. Besides, one can ask the bank for a loan and repay it when he has the ability. Finally, one can seek assistance from the society.

For me, earning tuition by doing part-time jobs is the most suitable way. First, I learn to be independent both mentally and economically in this way. Apart from this, I no longer need to wor-ry my parents with so heavy a burden. Finally, since I earn my own living, I will be more confi-dent with myself and, therefore, I can live a busy but meaningful college life.



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“铃铃铃”上课铃声响了。英语老师拿着一叠试卷进来了。等英语老师一发下试卷,我就开始看听力题目。不一会儿,英语老师说:“现在,我们开始做听力,请大家准备好,第一题是听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词语。NO.1 name……”英语老师,就这样一题一题的报下去。不一会儿,英语的听力就做好了。接下来是做笔试部分。我一题一题的做下去,似乎都没有什么问题,做得也比较顺利。我想这次考试我应该十拿九稳的拿到满分了吧。可是,到了下午,英语老师拿着试卷进来的时候,我一开始还是满怀期待着,谁知,发到试卷的那一刹那,我惊呆了,我竟然失去了五分,并不是,我想象中的满分。我一看,其实这两题我都不应错的呀!我怎么可能会犯这种错误呢?哎!事已至此,也没有办法了。我只好把它订正好,争取下次考好点。




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Academic Plagiarism

Nowadays, the problem of academic plagiarism becomes more and more serious. In orderto earn academic titles, some teachers plagiarize others academic papers; in order tograduate smoothly, some college students plagiarize others graduation papers. Everything hasits reasons; academic plagiarism is no exception.

First, college authorities put too much emphasis on papers while conferring academic titlesand graduating students. Second, modern technology makes it unprecedentedly easy to getinformation and materials. Some plagiarists who are morally corrupt cant resist thetemptation and decide to take risks. Third, the system of censorship and penalty are farfrom being strict, encouraging plagiarism to some extent.

Plagiarism causes many bad results. On the one hand, plagiarism infringes original writersright and it is unfair for teachers and students who dont plagiarize. On the other hand,plagiarism may spread negative thoughts which in the end will ruin colleges fame. Therefore,I suggest college authorities should not regard papers as the only criterion for evaluating teachers and students. Besides, much stricter system of censorship and penalty should beapplied.



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Topic one:Environment Protection(环境保护)

Water Pollution

With the development of industry, water pollution is becoming more serious now. The polluted water not only kills fish, it is also harmful to our health. Many people get sick because they drink the polluted water. In some rivers the water is so dirty that they can even kill plants.

We should fight against the pollution. We should stop using harmful things. I wish it is not a dream that in the near future we can have clean rivers again.

Environment Protection

Nowadays, peoples life has changed a lot with the development of modern technology and economy, which has put lots of negative effects on the environment.

Why this? Because, firstly, some factories are pouring wastes into rivers, lakes, seas and so forth; secondly, because of human activities, a great number of plants and animals are losing their lives; thirdly, using modern machines and chemicals is bad for the environment. Besides these, there are a lot of human activities which have done or are doing harm to our surroundings.

For this, I think, first, our government should make drastic measures to regulate human activities; second, we human beings should take pains-taking work to stop ourselves destroying the environment and try our best to protect our living space more.

Forest Pretention保护森林

Our country has a large area of forest. However, not until recently did the government begin to realize the importance of protecting the forest. As we may know from various sources, the government recently adopted a policy called "restore the farmland to the forest"(退耕还林).This has brought much hope to the forest of our country as well as the sustainable development of our country.

Pollution: a Social Problem

When we read newspapers, we often come across the word pollution. This word was not familiar to the people some decades ago. But now, it is a serious threat to usbecause. it means the poisoning of the air, seas, rivers and lands, which would do harm to our health.

There are many factories that bring pollution to us. We can not have fresh air in the morning. This is mainly because of the poisonous smoke coming from factories, especially chemical ones. In rivers, seas and oceans, there are industrial wastes. Some factories just throw their wastes into seas or let them flow into rivers. When people drink the water from such rivers, they get poisoned. Besides, there is rubbish from ships and when sometimes an accident occurs in an ocean, oil flows out from tankers.

On land, the accumulation of rubbish in the streets may dirty the city and ruin our health. This is mainly due to the improper disposal of rubbish by people.

If we do mot fight against pollution, surely one day all of us will be killed. Some people like to put the blame on the industrial revolutions. On the contrary, the pollution problem will be solved only with the help of modem science and technology.



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Only the delicious food, know the whereabouts of your soul; Only the delicious food, listen with your heart to tell of the stomach. Have to hurry, how much we missed the pure delicious; Tip of the finger food, the food and love in your pocket. You have your personality, I have my pursuit: pot bag meat.

A week off to just into the house, smell a fragrant delicious cuisine. I am sure that mother gave me a delicious pot bag meat. I follow scent into the kitchen, did not beyond my expectations, mother in doing pot bag meat for me. Saw the delicious pot bag meat, stirs my saliva, slowly began to mean. I hurried back, that I may not let mother found. My mother asked me to write my homework first, and then wash your hands, give me to eat a delicious pot bag meat for a while.

I which have idea to write my homework, my mind only pot bag meat. I wash your hands, take the double I dedicated chopsticks quickly do the table. Soon, my mother brought a plate of golden pot bag meat came in, not mother put the pot bag meat on the table, such as I have already put a piece of into the mouth. Enjoy the pot bag meat delicious, mother see I eat with a smile. I asked my mother: "why dont you eat?" "I ate," mom said. I dont believe, just put a bowl to the mother. Then we together eat it with relish.

Pot bag meat, why are you so good? Let me have a special liking to you. Because the pot bag meat is permeated with mother selfless great love to me.



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Hello everyone! My name is * * *, from Jiangsu * *. Very pleased to enter the academic atmosphere of the * * * * college. After all, for every student, public undergraduate is a dream that is worth working through. Today, it is becoming the youth of the post, dream of the stage, the struggle of the blue sky.

For this was rooted in the heart of the dream, we work hard, we fought in the busy high school life, we only know must strive to finish each paper, do well every quality inspection, in each examination room are outstanding. We dont even have time to ask ourselves if its going to be hard work.

Today, I finally arrived at * * * and came to the beautiful campus of the university. Actually, in March of this year, I stepped into this city with a long history for 4 times. However, the legend of the picturesque scenic spots: Dr. Sun Yat-sens Mausoleum, Mochou Lake, the Qinhuai River, Confucius temple, I never want to see. Those famous snacks, I did not want to have a try. I dont want to go shopping in those busy commercial centers in Xinjiekou.

Why? Because I am very clear, I came to * * *, the purpose is to participate in the art of radio and television director of the examination. I remember when I gave myself a chance to choose more, and in the confused eyes of my teachers and classmates, I often played the violin on my back, and took the south train at 4 in the morning.

What kind of day is that? While at the same time to course review, while also practicing the violin concerto butterfly, while reciting the historical geography textbooks, while also have time to read reviews, stories, practice commentary, prepared speech. Even with some basic drawings, I dare not relax. You may know: at Nanjing Arts Institute was next to a park, I took the examination room to see from the south, first, look at the list, and then to go to the provincial exam retest, located south Normal University, I dont know how many times through to a total of 8 times, this park? Or maybe the 10 time? But even today, I dont know what the name of that park is

When the Nanjing Arts Institute professional examination scores down, the provinces fifth results did not bring me joy. I am still in learning, in practice, a tiny bit are not slack. The teacher said, "you have got a good result in the cultural class. Why do you want to do art?" Students say: your violin level already by the China Conservatory of Music grade 8 examination, why practicing until late at night? I dont know how to answer. I just have to try and even try my best. In order to dream, in order to be able to enter the University hall.

Finally, my dream came true. I love art, but I love Chinese language and literature more. Although I gave up art, but art has shed sweat and no waste, because art is able to help us better understand the literature, literature and art combined with each other, a beautiful flower, bear the fruit of happiness.

I sincerely hope that with the help of teachers and students, I can bring my special skills in art field into full play in Chinese language and literature. We can have the opportunity to contribute to our professional development and the development of our school.

Thank you all!
