《红字》小说的英文读后感两篇 作文怎么写【推荐20篇】

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她也是封建保守的,没有什么谋生的本领。她本是出自一个保守的家庭,文章开篇,“他们用的是老钟。他们的十点钟是人家的十一点。他们唱歌唱走了板,跟不上生命的胡琴。” “又没念过两句书,肩不能挑,手不能提,能做什么事?”所以,她原本是从一个老旧、保守的家庭里走出来的保守的人。她对柳原说“我什么都不会,我是顶无用的人”,这确不是谦辞,只是坦白而已。范柳原却说“无用的女人是最厉害的女人”。她是传统的中国女子,她有着自己的性情和品格,她是顶坚韧而勇敢的人。在那个女子没有地位的年代,“离婚岂是容易的事?要离就离了,稀松平常”,不然,要强的四奶奶对不争气的四爷伤透了心,她为何不离婚呢?可是她顶着旁人异样的目光,坚持离婚,回了娘家。在白公馆,她哥哥们花光了她的钱,她却受尽嫂子姊妹们的白眼,在这里,再也生活不下去了!如此,她才是一心想要嫁给柳原的。

然而范柳原不一样。范柳原在英国长大,辗转回国,他是受过新思想,见过外面的世界的人。他长得或许并不精致,但自有自己的风采。透过流苏的眼睛,我们可以看见,“那范柳原虽然够不上称做美男子,粗枝大叶的,也有他的一种风度”。在别人的眼中,“他年纪轻轻的时候受了些刺激,渐渐的就往放浪的一条路上走,嫖赌吃着,样样都来,独独无意于家庭幸福”。 一个海外归来的浪子,本是无根的浮萍,四处飘摇,加上生活的纸醉金迷,便把“女人看成他脚底下的泥”。爱情和婚姻原是他不相信,也不敢指望的,然而柳原内心深处是渴望安稳的,只因他追求的纯粹的爱情和生活,在当时的社会风气下,是行不通的。“我知道你是不快乐的。我们四周的那些坏事,坏人,你一定是看够了。可是,如果你这是第一次看见他们,你一定更看不惯,更难受。我就是这样。我回中国来的时候,已经二十四了。关于我的家乡,我做了好些梦。你可以想象到我是多么的失望。我受不了这个打击,不由自主的就往下溜。你……你如果认识从前的我,也许你会原谅现在的我。”正如流苏看到的那样,“不知道为什么他背着人这样的稳重,当众却喜欢放肆。”以范柳原当时这样好的条件,却在三十三岁仍没有结婚,只是未找到,他真正称心的爱情罢了。


而柳原期待的则是一个自己爱,而且她也爱他的人。他想尽方法,无论是每天伴着流苏到处跑,还是惹她吃醋,无非是为了让流苏爱上自己。他曾在夜里打电话给流苏,“我不至于那么糊涂,我犯不着花了钱娶一个对我毫无感情的人来管束我。那太不公平了。对于你那也不公平。”他想找一个理解自己的人 。“ ‘我自己也不懂得我自己——可是我要你懂得我!我要你懂得我!’他嘴里这么说着,心里早已绝望了,然而他还是固执地,哀恳似的说着:‘我要你懂得我!’ ”。纵然柳原说,“我一直想从你的窗户里看月亮。这边屋里比那边看得清楚些。”但是,他从未这样做过。……柳原道:“我这边,窗子上面吊下一枝藤花,挡住了一半。也许是玫瑰,也许不是。”他们之间,也许是爱情,也许不是。因此,如此交往下去,辗转数次的结果,最终也不过是流苏留在了香港独居,柳原自去了英国罢了。然而此时,他们虽不算是两个不相干的人了,但仍旧是两个世界的人。






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Informal feedbacks and opinions about “The Da Vinci Code”

Okay, at first I have to admit that “The Da Vinci Code” is an amazing book. When I read in mid-parts, sometimes I just wanna to ask, “Okay, okay, what is happening?” It is a horrible period to let an eastern person to understand western religions in sudden. And so, this book basically is in love with the western religion issues.

Honestly, the author is a genius that he organizes plots and conflicts so dramatically and delicately. It’s like a gift. Reading the book is taking a roller coaster, and even worse, your eyes are forced to be close, the world is full of empty black and you got no idea what the railway go next. Everybody seems like suspect. There is absolutely an organization that was killing people and tried to hide something, which is the secret truth. Langdon knows that. Langdon figured the secret organization--priory of Sion at last, and it shows everything is related, the death of Saunière led Langdon all the way to Rossiyn Chapel, with finding “the rose line” the first prime meridian (RGO) that located France, Paris, Louvre. Where the story ends.

I can not understand that why the followers of Christianity and Catholicism would ever think that pain is good for people and human kind is meant to be guilty because they make the “God” or “Guesses Christ” mad or hurt. Actually I am a real big fan of Christopher Hitches, so now you see. The keystones are in great demand. Everybody wants them, and the truth behind of the keystones. They are delish. Christianity and Catholicism want it because it tells where the secret documents that could destroy the religion is. Where the San-greal is. Dramatically, San-greal is not a real cup, but a woman. Mary Magdalene. Mary Magdalene was legend by the wife of Guesses, who born the true blood of royal (Guesses Christ). The conflict only have one aim that are the keystones and behind of them, which is the San-greal. The plot descripts different personality well, and discovers the characteristics behind different force that was struggling the San-greal distinctly. In order to understand what is happening, and what are the symbols, characters, numbers really mean, and understand why the followers of the religion will be so obsessed, the reader have to place himself in the version of a total western guy, or a follower. Because of the different believe probably, I could not comprehend some of the strange behaviors (I mean they are weirdoes) that author described in story, but as a horror plus suspense fiction, I think “The Da Vinci Code” is better then “Sherlock Homes”.

I quite enjoy the reading, and thanks for the ones that borrow the book to me.




老实说,作者是一个天才,他组织情节和冲突如此戏剧性和微妙。这就像一个礼物。读这本书是坐过山车,更糟糕的是,你的眼睛被迫关闭,世界充满了空黑色,你不知道什么是铁路去下一步。每个人似乎都怀疑。绝对有一个组织在杀害人们,试图隐藏一些东西,这就是秘密的真相。兰登知道。兰登认为,秘密组织——锡安隐修会在最后,它表明一切都是相关的,对sauniè重新死亡导致兰登一直到Rossiyn Chapel,找到“玫瑰线”第一本初子午线(RGO),位于法国,巴黎,Louvre。故事结束的地方。

我不明白为什么基督教和天主教的信徒会认为痛苦是对人有益的,而人类是注定有罪的,因为他们使“上帝”或“猜测基督”疯狂或伤害。其实我是一个真正的Christopher Hitches的球迷,所以现在你看到的。重点是需求量很大。每个人都希望他们背后的真相,并重点。他们是美味。基督教和天主教希望它,因为它告诉的秘密文件,可以破坏宗教是。在三真是。戏剧性的是,三大是不是一个真正的杯,但一个女人。Mary Magdalene。Mary Magdalene是传说的猜测妻子,谁出生的皇家皇家血(猜测基督)。冲突的目标只有一个,为重点,在他们的背后,是三大。剧情描述了不同的个性,不同的特点,找出背后的力量,挣扎着的三大明显。为了了解发生了什么,什么是符号,人物,数字真的意味着,并理解为什么信徒的宗教将如此痴迷,读者必须把自己在版本的总西方家伙,或追随者。因为不同的相信,我不能理解一些奇怪的行为(我的意思是他们是怪物),作者描述的故事,但作为一个恐怖加悬疑小说,我认为“达文西密码”比“家园”。




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The Olympic Games, which originated in ancient Greece, is the most distinguished sporting event in the world. Once every four years, the utmost athletes from all around are lured to gather together and spare no efforts to compete against each other and try to win a medal for the country that they represent. Frankly speaking, that was virtually all I knew about the world-famous Olympic Games before I had read a book entitled The Olympics published by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. However, I found even more philosophy beyond just winning medals from reading the book, which was beyond my imagination and considerably inspiring.

Someone once said, “Were everybody on earth involved in some kind of sport, our world would be free of war for long.” Starting from three thousand years ago, the ancient Olympic Games has long been an event not only for competition but also for peace. In ancient times, no war was allowed between the cities during the Games, which was rather surprising to me since I could hardly imagine warriors actally putting down their weapons and give a break for peace. The precious tradition of peace continued: I would never fail to recall the scene of the opening ceremonies when North and South Korean athletes entering the stadium with their hands held together. The two neighboring countries that used to be enemies are no longer enemies during the Games. Instead they became friends. Speaking of the XX Athens Olympics, perhaps most people would have the same opinion that the most noable part of the opening ceremony arrived when Iraqi and Afghan representatives showed up. These two unfortunate nations, the people of which have undergone innumerable wars, are coming back again to take their own responsibility in world sports after recent invasions by America. The fearless people of Iraq and Afghanistan are once more sharing the spirit of the Games with people from the rest of the world.

There is another story in this book that makes me deep in thoughts. There is no doubt that the most unusual Olympic Games ever in history is the 1936 Olympics held in Germany, which was then ruled by the Nazi Party. Led by Adolf Hitler, the Nazi believed that the so-called Aryan people were superior to all others in all aspects. They looked down upon Jews and blacks, the latter of which was a major constitution of the United States Olympic team. Despite the barrier that faced him, the African American Jesse Owens, who was a most outstanding runner and jumper, did all that he could and finally won gold medals for his country and went home a hero. This reveals another fact that no power on earth is able to hinder the sacred Olympic Games. For all participants, no matter what their gender, race, nationalities and backgrounds are, equality is distributed among every one who observes the Game’s rules.

At the XX Athens Olympics, our Chinese team did extraordinarily well. We ranked second on the medal lists for the first time in history. In my opinion, however, we should not only concentrate on the figure of medals; instead the strength and perseverance of those who failed to get any medals ought to be highly cherished. Whether ever success or failure, whether ever cheer or tear, whether ever medal or not, the never-gave-up spirits of athletes are always motivating us. I believe in the year 2008, the world will focus all their attention to Beijing, China, where the glory of the Games will continue to thrive forever!



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Scarlett , a very personality figures ,the two mans she love ,neither does she know about.To her, I was compelled to admire, admire her strong and brave, admire her to lay down in the environment, farm workers previously suffered education, admire her to disregard the community to create their own expression of the cause .She is in the whole story, all a person full of fighting will full of vitality . I appreciated most , it is this " Tomorrow is another day of hers. " . Promising forever, full of fighting will , will never give up, never desperate. I think I’m moved by her.So, whenever I meet difficulty, the mood is not good, I will tell oneself : " Tomorrow is another day. " ’Gone with the Wind’ is absolutely a good book that is worth sampling repeatedly, the characters are graceful , the plot rises and falls, exciting boldly and unconstrainedly, though the subjective factor because of the author among them , the appraisal on U.S.A.’s Civil War is not objective and overall, but as to angle of literature, this one fine piece of writing generation definitely absolutely, worth visiting.

Title: The Little Prince

Author: Antoine de St-Exupery

Main Characters: The little prince, the pilot, the rose, the fox, the snake, etc.

Despite I’ve not in my childhood yet, I still prefer reading fairy-tale stories. The tales, which accompany with me in my old days, often make me think of some precious experience and sensation which only belong to children. This summer I’ve review this kind of tale, which was published in 1940. It’s the world-famous fairy-tale by the French author, Antoine de St-Exupery, The Little Prince.

As many other fairy-tales, the outline of The Little Prince is not very complex. “I”, the narrator of the story, is a pilot whose plane has something wrong and lands in the Sahara. In this occasion, the pilot makes the acquaintance of the little prince, a little boy from another planet, the Asteroid B612. The little prince has escaped from his tiny planet, because he has some quarrel with a rose, which grows on his planet. In that case he left his own planet and took an exploration at some neighbor asteroids.



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This book is simply wonderful. The tales involved are tales of the Persian Gulf, of Bagdhad, Arabia, and tales that we as adults should revisit for some enjoyable light reading that will make us smile and wonder at the old folklore of the Arabian Peninsula.

Sinbad the Sailor is in there, as is Aladdin in its original form, and the story begins of a king who is so upset by his wifes unfaithfulness that he will now only accept virgins for one night and then have them killed. A smart virgin begins her night with the infamous king by telling him stories, and she so fascinates him and enthralls him with her tales that the tales turn into folklore for readers of the ages. I wont tell you what happens in the end to the virgin princess, but you will find humor, enchantment, wisdom and fantasy for those times when stress becomes a factor in your life.

I highly recommend the tale of "The Historic Fart" as a both funny and inspiring tale of human nature. Please buy this book and remember to become a nine -12 year old again as you read with curiosity and wonder at the fabulous enchanting, lively stories. I was beginning to wish my children were a bit younger so I could read these to them. Any child would enjoy these stories, and any adult will find them simply relaxing and a reflection of medieval Islam.



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One of the most interesting questions about Gullivers Travels is whether the Houyhnhnms represent an ideal of rationality or whether on the other hand they are the butt of Swifts satire. In other words, in Book IV, is Swift poking fun at the talking horses or does he intend for us to take them seriously as the proper way to act? If we look closely at the way that the Houyhnhnms act, we can see that in fact Swift does not take them seriously: he uses them to show the dangers of pride.

First we have to see that Swift does not even take Gullver seriously. For instance, his name sounds much like gullible, which suggests that he will believe anything. Also, when he first sees the Yahoos and they throw excrement on him, he responds by doing the same in return until they run away. He says, "I must needs discover some more rational being," even though as a human he is already the most rational being there is. This is why Swift refers to Erasmus Darwins discovery of the origin of the species and the voyage of the Beagle-to show how Gulliver knows that people are at the top of the food chain. But if Lemule Gulliver is satirized, so are the Houyhnhnms, whose voices sound like the call of castrati. They walk on two legs instead of four, and seem to be much like people. As Gulliver says, "It was with the utmost astonishment that I witnessed these creatures playing the flute and dancing a Vienese waltz. To my mind, they seemed like the greatest humans ever seen in court, even more dextrous than the Lord Edmund Burke" . As this quote demonstrates, Gulliver is terribly impressed, but his admiration for the Houyhnhnms is short-lived because they are so prideful. For instance, the leader of the Houyhnhnms claims that he has read all the works of Charles Dickens, and that he can singlehandedly recite the names of all the Kings and Queens of England up to George II. Swift subtly shows that this Houyhnhnms pride is misplaced when, in the middle of the intellectual competition, he forgets the name of Queen Elizabeths husband.

Swifts satire of the Houyhnhnms comes out in other ways as well. One of the most memorable scenes is when the dapple grey mare attempts to woo the horse that Guenivre has brought with him to the island. First she acts flirtatiously, parading around the bewildered horse. But when this does not have the desired effect, she gets another idea: "As I watched in amazement from my perch in the top of a tree, the sorrel nag dashed off and returned with a yahoo on her back who was yet more monstrous than Mr. Pope being fitted by a clothier. She dropped this creature before my nag as if offering up a sacrifice. My horse sniffed the creature and turned away." It might seem that we should take this scene seriously as a failed attempt at courtship, and that consequently we should see the grey mare as an unrequited lover. But it makes more sense if we see that Swift is being satiric here: it is the female Houyhnhnm who makes the move, which would not have happened in eighteenth-century England. The Houyhnhm is being prideful, and it is that pride that makes him unable to impress Gullivers horse. Gulliver imagines the horse saying, Sblood, the notion of creating the bare backed beast with an animal who had held Mr. Pope on her back makes me queezy .

A final indication that the Houyhnmns are not meant to be taken seriously occurs when the leader of the Houynhms visits Lilliput, where he visits the French Royal Society. He goes into a room in which a scientist is trying to turn wine into water (itself a prideful act that refers to the marriage at Gallilee). The scientist has been working hard at the experiment for many years without success, when the Houyhnmn arrives and immediately knows that to do: "The creature no sooner stepped through the doorway than he struck upon a plan. Slurping up all the wine in sight, he quickly made water in a bucket that sat near the door" .



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主人公方鸿渐是个从中国南方乡绅家庭走出的青年人,迫于家庭压力与同乡周家女子订亲。但在其上大学期间,周氏患病早亡。准岳父周先生被方所写的唁电感动,资助他出国求学。方在欧洲游学期间,不理学业。为了给家人一个交待,方于毕业前购买了虚构的"克莱登大学"的博士学位证书,并随海外学成的学生回国。在船上与留学生鲍小姐相识并热恋,但被鲍小姐欺骗感情。同时也遇见了大学同学苏文纨。到达上海后,在准岳父周先生开办的银行任职。此时,方获得了同学苏文纨的青睐,又与苏的表妹唐晓芙一见钟情,整日周旋于苏、唐二人之间,但最终与此二人感情破裂,并由此结识了苏的同学赵辛楣。方鸿渐逐渐与周家不和。抗战开始,方家逃难至上海的租界。在赵辛楣的引荐下,与赵辛楣、孙柔嘉、顾尔谦、李老师亭几人同赴位于内地的三闾大学任教。 后与孙柔嘉订婚,并离开三闾大学回到上海。在赵辛楣的帮助下,方鸿渐在一家报馆任职,与孙柔嘉结婚。婚后,方鸿渐夫妇与方家、孙柔嘉姑母家的矛盾暴露并激化。方鸿渐辞职并与孙柔嘉吵翻,逐渐失去了生活的希望。 很多人喜欢《围城》,或是因为它记叙的贴近大多数人的心理,许多感受都触动到了那曾经历的心里状态吧!杨绛在《记钱钟书与》中说道:“钟书把方鸿渐作为故事的中心,常从他的眼里看事,从他的心里感受。不经意的读者会对他由了解而同情,由同情而关切,甚至把自己和他合为一体。”





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Elizabeth resourcefulness, have courage, visionary, have very strong self-respect, and be good at thinking. It is because of this quality, just make her have independent opinion on the emotional problems, and prompted her and the darcy composition content family.

Books as the name implies, pride and prejudice, and in the book is male leading the obstacle of the love, but in the real society is also a communication barriers between people, but also in the right attitude towards themselves, treat things in a stumbling block. In real life, we will also often because of his unilateral idea but myself with others, so we have to overcome the "pride and prejudice", take the initiative to understand others. Each person actually are easy to be driven by their own subjective impression, and therefore easy to incorrect comment on other people, thus caused the misunderstanding between each other. A man give first impression is can affect many things, but not must not change, want to have a more in-depth understanding, in order to have a more objective point argument, just like the heroine of the story of darcys view, is because understanding just change. The book reaction of social reality is so hit the nail on the head, she is about marriage, has nothing to do with love.





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The Scarlet Letter offers an extraordinary insight into the norms and behavior of the 17th century if American Puritan society.The basic conflicts and problems of its main characters,however,are familiar to readers in the present.The female protagonist,has borne a child out of wedlock and has been jailed for over three months and sentenced to wear a symbol of her adultery,a scarlet “A” on her dress at all times.It concerns about the moral,emotional and psychological effect of the sin on people in general.It’s not simply a love story or a story of sin.The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne uses the scarlet letters to symbolize the harshness of Puritan society,showing how they brand sinners for life.

The story happened in Boston about 200 years ago.It narrates love affairs between three persons.The punished woman.Hester Prynne and his husband.Who called himself Roger Chillingworth .He is an old misshapen man and a doctor.Hester does not love him at all.Another man is a young minister,Dimmesdale,who has a high position among ministers and is highly respected among his people in town.Hester and Dimmesdale love each other.But their love is forbidden in that time .It is sinful.Due to this,Hester is punished by society with a letter A on her chest,which considered an evil,a shame.

In this novel,the mainline seems to be around the letter A.Hester is brave enough to face the cruel reality.She is always with a mind of courage.She has been alone with her child for so long ,with litter communication.Shame!Hopelessness!Loneliness!Hester has to wear the letter A day after day,seven years as for punishment and ill fame.

When a woman has lived through a difficult experience,her character changes a great deal.If she be all tenderness,she will die.If she survive,the tenderness will leave her .Hester’s charitable deeds and quiet humility have earned her a reprieve from the scorn of the community.The letter on her chest represents her work on earth ,always helping others,without expecting any thanks.Never afterwards,does that scarlet letter leave her chest.The townspeople no longer view the letter as a punishment ,but rather as representing her great strength and bravery and thy say it means “Able”.

But Arthur Dimmesdale,his sin against Hester and Pearl is that he will not acknowledge them as his wife and daughter in the daylight.He keeps his dreadful secret from all those under his care in the church for seven years for fear that he will lose their love and will not be forgiven.He is too weak to admit his sins.He suffers from mysterious heart trouble,seemingly caused by psychological distress.What’s worse,he is an advisor to the townspeople about their sins.

After Mr.Dimmesdale’s death ,no one changes more in appearance than Roger Chilling worth.All his strength and energy has been used to harm his patient .This unhappy man has made his aim in life to add to the suffering of the young minister.When the evil old man no longer has such a purpose,the devil takes him back to the hell .It is a curious subject of observation,however,whether hatred or love are not of the same place.Each takes a great deal of emotion from one person.The two feelings seem basically the same,expect that one is smiled upon by God,while the other is worshipped by the devil.



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Shakspere (wrong spelling) created Hamlet--a man with wisdom and courage .In order to revenge on his uncle for killing his father, he pretented (spelling mistake) to be mad and suffered a series of misery. On the contrary, we can also say that Hamlet is rude and selfish for he did not think twice before his revenge . if (Capitalize "If" since it is the beginning word of the sentence.) a country has no king, how can a country keep alive (You need a question mark here since it is a question.) So, every thing has two sides, the bright side and adumbral side. Every time we make a decision we have to think twice.


Be careful with your spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Too many uncessary mistakes.It is good that you looked at both the dark and bright sides of Hamlet. Thats quite objective and convincing.



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