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People will make a lot of friends during their lifetime, the more friends

they make, the more capable they are. Some young people are proud of having many

friends, but only the true friends deserve us to care about. The person we make

must be positive to life. He will set the good example to you and help you to be

a better man. The bad friends will make you perverted, especially for the

teenagers, they can’t make the right judgement and are easy to follow others, so

the friends are very important part of their lives. Once they make the wrong

friends, they will do the bad thing. So we don’t need more friends, just the

right one.




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National Day is coming,and we can have a seven-day.My family are going to Hainan.Its a good seaside city.We are staying there for a week. We are going to the beach and going swimming in the sea.Were visiting Tianya Haijiao,Wanquan River and many other beautiful places.I think well have a good time there.、国庆节来了,我有七天的假期,我们一家去海南,那是一个美丽的海滨城。

我们在那里待上一个星期,我们去沙滩,还在海里游泳,我们游览天涯海角,菀泉河还有别的许多利益所,我想我们在那里会玩得很开心,例2National Day HolidaysI went to my cousins house on the first day of the holidays and got a piece of good news that his wife was pregnant。

She said shes worrying about getting fat,but on her face there was a unconcealable pleasure of conceiving a baby.My cousin told me that hell educate his child in a severe way,with a future fathers matureness.Im happy for them.)Yesterday,our research schools soccer team had a match with the graduate students from the department of international business.It was almost a close game in the first half,but we seemed lacking of vigor in the second half,sowe lost the game.Half of the National Day holidays have passed bylife still goes with good and bad times.



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October 1 of each year is the annual National Day of our great motherland mothers birthday. With the ups and downs, we have the mother of the motherland 55 years of age, this day, to celebrate the nation are celebrating the holiday.

Early in the morning, we went to the school, at school, students have a blackboard, drawing; do some greeting cards, the Zhutibanhui; there through the diary, in the form of poetry to express their love for the motherlands mother . National Day vacation, the students get out of the house, together with parents, to visit historical sites and enjoy the great culture of the motherland. Hanging at the entrance of the store balloons and bunting, red, yellow, green ... ... filled with a festive atmosphere. Inside voices that are discounted, to carry out series of promotional activities. Sea of people on the street, even buying the car to a long row of the team have to play good, and so on for a long time. Scenic areas like the long queue of visitors, countless men, women and children in the best of them, people are taking advantage of the holiday play out. Almost no empty parking places, restaurants, hotel revenues must be substantial.

Beijing distant uncle called to tell us that the Beijing National Day extraordinary excitement. I would like to go to Beijing to see Tiananmen Square to see the face of our great capital city, uncle and I have an appointment next year in conjunction with the summer tour Beijing.

National Day is a happy day, really raise peoples living standards rapidly. We are in the embrace of the motherlands mother, the well-being, happiness and growth, mother of the motherland is willing to always beautiful, always prosperity of the motherland is willing to prosper year after year, developed!







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3. 国庆节快到,祝福要趁早:一祝身体好、二祝没烦恼、三祝心情妙、四祝收入高、五祝好运到;时时祝幸福缠绕、刻刻祝快乐逍遥!





6. 开心的潮水冲刷你,喜笑颜开;愉快的心弦拨弄你,欢喜连连;惬意的时光梳理你,逍遥无比;远方的朋友祝福你,心花怒放:祝国庆开心,心情好好!

7. 爱国,要胸怀大志;强国,要励精图治;为国,要清醒理智;中国,要团结一致。祖国的生日,愿你我明志:为我们伟大的祖国奉献一世!祝国庆快乐!

8. 有一种亲情叫做血浓于水,有一种“恩情”叫做恩同再造。国庆节到了,让我们对这位对我们恩重如山的“亲人”真诚地送上一句:生日快乐,我爱你!

9. 白云从不向天空承诺去留,却朝夕相处;星星从不向暗夜许诺光明,却尽力闪烁;我从不向你倾诉思念,却永远牵挂。国庆快乐!

10. 真心的祝你节日快乐,最简单通俗的祝愿,却代表了我最真挚的心。也许不久之后你会删掉这条信息,但是我最真的祝福会一直伴随你左右。



12. 敲击问候的键盘,输入快乐的字符;编辑真挚的情感,标注吉祥的标点;融汇朴实的言语,献上最美的祝福。国庆节到了,愿你笑的开心,过的愉快!

13. 十一送你十个一:一表人才,一团和气,一马当先,一呼百应,一帆风顺,一本万利,一气呵成,一鼓作气,一飞冲天,一鸣惊人!国庆快乐!

14. 闪闪闪闪闪,全都闪开了。不是我霸道,而是你重要。国庆祝福提前报到,愿你口袋满钞票,头上福星照,生活更美妙。



16. 任时光匆匆,岁月流逝。永不腿色的是祝福;永不改变的是友情。我深深的祝福你开心快乐每一天。愿这短短的话语给你带来国庆的快乐!

17. 万紫千红迎国庆,片片红叶舞秋风。举国上下齐欢畅,家和国盛万事兴。祝我们的祖国更加繁荣富强!

18. 祝愿祖国和平长久,繁荣昌盛。

19. 祖国妈妈我爱你!我要刻苦学习,让您更加美丽富饶。

20. 祝祖国强盛,国旗是我们的骄傲,就让我向国旗敬礼,向祖国敬礼。我是炎黄子孙,要为祖国争光。

21. 祝福你祖国,我把青春献给你,愿你永远年轻永远快乐;我把赤诚献给你,愿你永远坚强永远蓬勃。

22. 不一样的民族,同一个祖国。母亲的生日,同喜同喜。

23. 祖国强,我强;祖国富,我富,我和祖国血肉相连!

24. 我骄傲我的国,我永远爱你我的国。

25. 祝福我亲爱的祖国,永永远远朝气蓬勃。

26. 祖国妈妈,多谢您!我要好好学习,奋发向上,做一个礼貌有礼的好孩子。

27. 我们就是中国,中国就是我们。我们勇敢地承担起自己的使命,祝祖国更加美好!

28. 没有国,哪有家;没有家,哪有你我。国庆来临,让我们一起祝愿国圆家圆,家和万事兴。

29. 祝福我们祖国的明天,天更蓝、山更绿、水更清、经济更繁荣、人民更幸福、国力更盛、祖国的明天更美好。

30. 祖国母亲,愿你更加繁荣富强!我要努力学习,做一个对社会有用的人!

31. 初心始终,砥砺前行,唱响了一首首中华赞歌。欢度国庆,爱我中华,愿祖国繁荣昌盛,欣欣向荣。

32. 祝福祖国的明天,天更蓝、山更绿、水更清,经济更繁荣、人民更幸福、国力更强盛。

33. 不忘初心,牢记使命,愿祖国繁荣昌盛。

34. 仰不愧天,俯不愧地,外不愧人,内不愧心,为祖国贡献一切。

35. 祝福伟大的祖国更加强盛,祝福祖国的人民天天向上。祝福你我口袋日见膨胀,祝福我们的爱人健康漂亮。

36. 对祖国的深情,渗透在我滚烫的血液中,跳动在我火热的心中。

37. 中国是我们的妈妈,我们要永远爱护她。

38. 十月一日,悄然来到,祖国的生日,即将开启!祝福伟大的祖国,生日快乐,节日快乐!

39. 我以我心爱祖国,我以我行报祖国。

40. 啊!祖国!我的祖国!您是希望,您是信念,您是我们一切拼搏进取的依托。



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The new term is coming. I am so excited because in the new term, I will be a Grade 8 student. In the new term, I will have some new teachers. As for me, I want to make a difference in the new term, so I have made a plan for it.First, my Chinese and English are the best and I will work hard to keep them good as usual. But my math and physics are not as good as Chinese and English. Therefore, I have to try my best to improve them. Except preview and finishing homework, I have to review regularly to strengthen knowledge. Second, I will pay more attention to news, so that I will read more newspapers and watch news program. I dont want to be a student who just study only. Last, I will do exercise twice a week. Badminton and table tennis are my favorites. All in all, I look forward to my life in Grade 8.


学期快来临,我很激动,因为我即将成为一名八年级学生。新的学期,我将有很多新老师。对于我自己,新的学期也要有不同的表现,为此我做出了计划。首先,我的语文和英语还不错,我将继续发扬。我的数学跟物理,没那两门这么好,因此要努力提高才行。除了预习跟完成功课以外, 我要逐渐注重扩大知识面。其次,我将开始关注新闻,多浏览报纸,看新闻栏目,我不想成为死读书的人。最后,每周两次锻炼,羽毛球,乒乓球是我的最爱。我很期待我的八年级生活。



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Hello, I am Fan Rong. I am from China . This is my family’s travel plan. We are going in to travel around China during the summer holidays. We are going to stay in China for two weeks. In the first week , We are going to visit Chengdu, Beijing, Yunnan and Sanya. I know the Emei Mountain and Dujiang Weir are in Chengdu.

It is very spectacular and beautiful. The second week ,we are going to Shanghai, Qingdao, Kunming and Jiangsu. I know the stone forest is in Kunming. I hear it is very beautiful. This is a exciting travel !



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just had a disease, the motherland and we still love it!



so many people sticking it out, why wouldnt we try.



party this year, double love next year.



over China is waiting for you to recover. We will meet you in spring to watch

the cherry blossoms!



a meal together will not break the family relationship; eating together will add

chaos to society.




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Today is New Years Eve morning, firecrackers sounding snap snap away. As

long as you take a look at the outside, red firecrackers everywhere, come

together to form a Red Sea. The family have their own homes going up in the

beautiful, it seems like in the match. My family is no exception, sweeping,

glass, cabinets, such as rubbing. Prepare the arrival of the New Year.

Afternoon, we posted in accordance with the custom of the Chinese New Year

couplets, father and a good paste, and then said to me: "I paste you posted, I

looked at the high level you say rich, said that if the lower rising good

you ", I asked my father why? Dad said: "The plan is a lucky," "Oh, I

understand," We posted on the Alliance are: evil Hongfu family happy is: wang

gas people to come into everything.



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Journey to Australia

Australia is one of the famous Oceanian country. The country is famous for its wool production and seashore tour. As the climate there is warm and comfortable, many people spend vocations there every year. I’m a super fan of water entertainment, so I choose it as my destination.

In Australia, the sky is bluer than blue, the clouds are whiter than white, all the local people enjoy an optimistic and active life. They also show their kindness and enthusiasm to the tourists.

The first step should be Sydney Opera which is among the most brilliant and splendid architectures in the world. Many world-class plays are put on in it .The surface and shape of it is like a seashell with glory decorations inside.

Then Melbourne is a good choice to be as the next step. In Melbourne, skin screen is a must to take with as the sunshine is upset and may burn your skin. The most attractive thing to me is the Australia Open, which is one of the biggest world-class tennis competition. Many great players such as Roddick Federer and its local player Hewitt etc. gather to compete. It’s really a feast for the eyes.

Australia is also home to one of the most challenging and exciting surfing and diving projects. As we know, it is always called “a country riding on the back of sheep”. From the interesting saying ,we can know something about the rich wool-production country. If you love animals, kangaroos and kaolas are good company to you .

So don’t forget Australia when you plan a trip.



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Today is the day of National Day military parade tiananmen square, dad would turn on the TV to watch the news in the morning, half an hour away from the official start of the, I not play online, I play of is, listen to the mother said: "started, started, Jiang Hui quick see!" , mother see I dont respond, come and take me off the computer.

I like frost dozen of eggplant, listless, sitting in the stagger, 10 o clock bell just sound, immediately the salute roar, under President hu jintao announced big parade began, President hu jintao to ride along the way for the sympathy and patrol and delivered a speech, say hello to the armed forces. "Good comrades"! "Comrades hard head good!" "serve the people!" The national flag hand. "Get up, do not wish to do the slaves people..." The, red flag, national anthem, the five-star red flag blowing in the wind in the air. Mummy cry, why, why, when people happy mother crying? I asked my mother. "Because our country, regard us as foreigners before the sick man of Asia, this just 60 years, China is now the status of rising position in the world, the Chinese people really stood up!"

We are flowers of the motherland, so we should cherish the time, the future of China to create better, make the future of the motherland has more brilliant!






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The spring festival is the tradition festival in China.It is the same as the christmas day in the west country,it is welcome the new year.

It is the day that the families get together.

The spring festival is usually in the February ,sometimes in January.In the spring festival,every family all paste the lucky inscriptions,they fire the cracker,they eat the dumplings.The day before the new years first day is the new years eve,same as the christmas eve,all the families get together to have the new yaars dinner,wishes each other,talk about the wishes about the new year.Small children will receive the money given to children as a lunar new year gift.



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My plans in the future When I chose to study further, it is because I want to avoid the job pressure, now three years will pass, I come to my cross road again, at this time, I must make my choice, I can’t avoid the pressure anymore. I have already made my future plan, it has two parts.


One part of my future plan is that I want to be a teacher. This is my career plan, being a teacher is always my dream, I can pass my knowledge to students, I like to talk to them, I want to lead them to the successful road. So now I must pay attention to the recruit message, I should seize every chance to be a teacher.


The other part of my future plan is that I want to travel around the world. Being a teacher can make me have many vacations, so I can make used of these vacations and to carry out my travel plan. I have heard about many interesting foreign things, so I want to go out and have a look at the world.


My future plans are so perfect for me, it needs me to hard work to make it come true. 我将来的计划对于我来说是如此的完美,这需要我努力工作来实现。



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祖国是我们的大家 ,我们要尽自己的全力去守护她 ,让祖国母亲感受到中华儿女对她的爱!






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Zhang Ying is my good friend. She’s in Class1, Grade4 in Tianjiao Primary

School. She’s a model student. She’s smart and she’s helpful, too. She often

helps teachers and young students at school. She is good at Chinese, math,

English, arts and crafts, music and so on. She has a lot of hobbies. She likes

painting and drawing. And she likes listening to music, having picnics with her

parents. Oh yeah, she likes fishing, too. But she doesn’t like playing

basketball, football, table tennis or volleyball. Zhang Ying is the best friend

of mine. I like playing with her. We always work together and help each




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Time flies, the twinkling of an eye, and a semester has passed, we welcomed our long-expected winter holiday, celebrated our joy. This, of course, happiness is not to play computer to watch TV every day of the "happy", but a reasonable arrangement of holiday time, mix to get happiness. Here is my winter vacation plan, please review.

A, serious finish the teacher leave each homework. During the holiday season, we want to learn, practice and play these three aspects, of course, learning is the most important. So, we should finish the teacher leave each homework seriously, do playing and learning.

Second, to take part in more social practice. In the study, we cant at home and watch TV every day, more out of their homes, to participate in some meaningful social practice activities.

Third, read some good books. About two months of winter vacation, we cant just want to play, but also read some good books, broaden our horizons. Truly "min and studious, fools".

Four, out of the door, go to outdoor exercise. Holiday life, little of course not stay healthy. We should make full use of vacation time, enhance their own resistance, make your body more healthy.

Fifth, preview the content of the next semester to learn. I hope I can during the holidays, understand the contents of the next semester to learn, and to prepare, at the same time also want to review what we have learnt last term.

Holiday life is like a colorful pebbles, a less intense colour, also a more relaxed joy.










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Whenever a college student is asked "What are you going to do this summer vacation?" The most probable answer might be "I am going to have a travel. " It sounds that college students are fond of travelling. Why? Because travel has numerous advantages.

First of all travel can widen our knowledge of geography the knowledge of customs cultures and lifestyles of different places and countries. Secondly we can make friends and practise a foreign language through travelling. Finally travel is the best way of pastime. We can enjoy eating various food and seeing beautiful sceneries.In a word we can benefit from travel in more than one way. It is worth spending the time.
