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Six months ago, my grandma, I especially like the dog, just bought me a, so "doug" has become the "one" in our family.

It has a pair of small eyes like melon seeds, small round nose is black, like a small black beans, let a person more see the love, so I give it was named "doug", it has a white hair, roll up his tail, as if a blooming chrysanthemums, four legs, short run like a small white hair bulb when rolling on the ground.

"Doug" get along with and I have been for six months, it became my most loyal "partners", I call it what it will do, I will give it like a castle of the nest, it slept there, every time occasionally several days too hot, it fell asleep on the ground. Dou-dou ears can spirit, as long as there is a little noise, it immediately jumped up and barked barked, as if to say "what people? Have I housekeeping, bad people all go away! Careful I bite you".

Dou-dou while cute, but sometimes also let me in distress situation, it is a super big cat, it likes to eat meat and chew bones, if you give it food in less one, it will show you "hunger strike", no matter what you call it, feed it, it is ignored, and bend your head high, "demonstration" to me. Once I didnt eat for two days, the end it, because I love to compromise, to give it rice added some pork, it is big big stuttering.

In the morning, "doug" accompany me running, fitness; Home from school in the afternoon, "doug", like my mood, happily jumped down around me, play with me. In the evening, when I was learning, "doug" quiet on my feet, as if waiting for me to sleep with it. This is my dog "dou dou", it is like my "good friends", I like it very much.



我和“豆豆”相处已经六个月了,它成为了我最忠实的“伙伴”,我叫它做什么它就做什么,我给它垒了一个城堡似的窝,它每次都在那里睡,偶尔几次天太热了,它就趴在地上睡着了。 “豆豆”的耳朵可灵了,只要有一点响声,它立即跳起来汪汪的叫个不停,好像在说“什么人?有我看家,坏人都走开!小心我咬你”。


早晨, “豆豆”陪我一起跑步、健身;下午放学回到家,“豆豆”和我的心情一样,高兴地围着我又蹦又跳,与我嬉戏;晚上,我学习的时候,“豆豆”安静的趴在我脚边,好像在等待我和它一同入睡。这就是我的小狗“豆豆”,它就像我的“好朋友”,我非常喜欢它。




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A tiger is a kind of catamount animal. It looks like a cat, but much bigger than a cat. A tiger is very ferocious and it eats mainly meat. It has yellow and black streaks all over its body and it looks very beautiful. Its tail is long and strong and it can hit its quarry dying.


Tigers live in the thick forests and small animals in the forests are tigers food.


During the past years, many forests have been cut down and the living conditions of the tigers are becoming worse and worse. There are fewer tigers left in the world now. Tigers are the animals of the world, and they should have their own living spaces. We must do our best to protect the tigers and their living environment.




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我从东坡书院陈列馆的侧门到后面,见树荫深处是怀贤亭,亭的两旁分布有假山和。我也是慕名而来观狗崽花的人之一。院内有十来株狗崽花, 其中有一株是2001年种的, 已有两米高; 属于灌木的它高只能达3米。 茎皮黄白色, 枝粗壮, 圆柱状, 被灰白色绒毛。 叶几无柄, 椭圆状长圆形或倒卵状长圆形, 两面被灰白色绒毛。 花序腋生和顶生, 总花梗和花梗被灰白色绒毛。初见狗崽花,定要仔细看以后才发现它的奇特之处——绽放的花朵像是一把浅紫色的小伞,花梗笔直细长, 花瓣儿整齐地平展延伸; 花蕊像是五只小狗蹲坐, 脑袋上竖着两只尖尖的耳朵, 背后卷起的尾巴形状清晰可见; 嘴一齐朝向花蕊, 盛托着嫩绿色的副花冠; 下半年花开然后结果, 果实像牛角, 因而又名为牛角瓜。

人们团团围着绽放出狗崽花的植株, 花虽无香味, 但人们仍似蜂一样拥挤着。 指指点点---“有五只小狗在上面, 这个像耳朵, 哪个像尾巴。” “真是花如其名, 名如其花。” 用手机来拍, 拿相机照摄。 然而人们并非只冲它而来, 而是因它与苏东坡和王安石之间的一段文人趣闻有关。 这是有故事的狗崽花, 人们翘首以待。

这时管理处王圣阳主任来了, 人们等着他讲述这段千百年前的故事. 他说:“ 相传有一回苏东坡去王安石家中拜访, 但由于王安石上朝不在家, 坡公便到书房歇息等待. 在书房里, 坡公发现案桌上铺笺歇着----明月当空叫, 五犬卧花心——这样一句诗, 他认为王安石的这句诗不合事理, 明月岂能叫, 花心又岂能卧犬? 遂提起笔将王安石的诗句改成了——明月当空照, 五犬卧花阴----然后返回自己家. 待到王安石下朝回来发现诗句被改后, 便哂笑坡公见闻不广, 此话传到坡公耳朵里, 他心中略有不服之气。”

王主任见大伙听得入神接着说:“ 后来, 苏东坡谪居儋州, 居住在桄榔庵时常常在清朗的夜晚听有鸟儿啼叫, 逐问当地的老百姓, 百姓告诉坡公这是明月鸟. 以后又知道当地有一种花的蕊似五犬卧花心的狗崽花, 坡公才桄然大悟, 原来王安石的诗写" 明月’ 是一种鸟, 而 “ 五犬’ 是狗崽花的蕊, 鸟岂能不叫, 花又岂能无蕊? 顿时坡公自惭羞愧, 王安石的诗句原来是有根据的, 由于自己见闻不广, 就草率错改了诗句。”

有人见王主任介绍完就插嘴:" 狗崽花还可以入药。”

手机搜索:根据香港浸会大学中医药学院药用植物图像数字据库的资料显示, 狗崽花以叶入药, 于夏及秋季釆收晒干, 味微苦、涩、性平, 具袪痰、止咳等功效, 主治百曰咳、支气管炎、痢疾、风湿、皮肤病等病和治咳嗽痰多等症状, 现代药理研究表明牛角瓜的乳汁有毒, 具抗炎、抗凝血等作用, 树皮亦可用于治疗癞癣之上。

那人又说:" 说不定苏东坡哪时睡觉是靠狗崽花来帮他驱蚊虫的呢.”

“哪我们去载洒堂看看。” 我附和道。

载洒堂在书院前面, 是苏东坡居住和讲学的地方。 北宋绍圣四年(公元1097年), 东坡从惠州贬被至憺州, 在此谪居三年多, 并以文会友, 讲学授业, 传播中原文化, 为培养人才。 东坡来之前, 海南从未出过一个秀才, 完全是蛮荒之地, 文明是他带来的。 坡公的不幸, 却是海南的有幸。 正是" 其人圣德桄榔遗迹, 春风化雨惠泽南荒”。

我仿佛能穿越时空隧道, 听到坡公用当时的普通话或者川普或者黎苗话在讲课. 感受当年坡公吟出" 我本儋耳人, 寄生西蜀州。”、" 九死南荒吾不恨, 兹游奇绝冠平生。” 等诗句的心境。 站在书院内, 看着绿瓦重檐、墨宝碑刻、亭榭莲池, 我还是偏爱那盛开浅蓝色的狗崽花, 这花开得奇妙, 名字也取得炒。 它是造型奇妙的一种神奇植物, 一朵长相奇特的花儿, 与众不同。使我想: 坡公之所以与众不同, 是因为他多才多艺!




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我家养了一只小狗狗,叫小玉。它浑身雪白雪白的,耳朵一翘一翘,鼻子很灵,两个大眼睛水灵灵的像两颗黑葡萄,嘴巴小小的,很可爱。 它也很调皮。有一次,我在床上玩娃娃,突然想上洗手间,却发现,鞋子不见了,难道鞋子长脚跑了?这时我听见大厅内有声音,便好奇的来到大厅,只见小玉的头一半都在鞋孔里,拔不出来了,哎,真拿它没办法! 我喜欢小玉!




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New Years Day is one of important days for many people in the word during the year。Most people spend the New YearsDay in hotels。January 1st is considered as the New Years Day。most companies,shops,school,and government offices are closed during that time。People prepare for New Years Dayfrom late December。

Firt,people spend a few days to clean their houses completely。Some families then put up some new painting from November to be sent in January。The New Years meal is also prepcnared from the end of December。During the New Years Day,people usually do not cook and relax at home。 On New Years Eve,it is common to have a bag dinner with family members or friends at home or in hotels and hear bells which informs us of the coming New Year。

On New Years Day,people fiest greet each other。 Some people wear new coats and visit temples to pray for happiness and health theoughout the New Year。Children are busy with getting the gifts from their parents and relatives。



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Autumn is Jin Gui fragrance, day high clouds, trivial season, let us into the autumn, to feel the beauty of autumn.

In the orchard, the fruit is ripe, the sweet fruit is the childrens feet are hooked it! That apple is big and red, covered with branches, pear fragrant, sweet pineapple, children holding a basket and ladder Pick it!

Autumn, maple leaves become red, red maple leaves like drunk people like, maple leaves very red and red, red like fire! Look at the red maple leaves I think of a poem "cream leaves in February Flowers. "A gust of wind blowing, maple leaves like a lot of red little hands to greet us!

Autumn, sweet-scented osmanthus opened, drifting thousands of miles. Waves of fragrance drift into my nose, I always can not help but take a deep breath, really fragrant! Osmanthus petals rolled out, that golden petals like a small gold it is not beautiful, but it is not beautiful Thick smell of refreshing. They are together to gather together, as if in a meeting, like a baby asleep, is doing sweet dreams!

Autumn, sentence chrysanthemum in full bloom, colorful red, white, yellow, there are many colors, chrysanthemum has a touch of fragrance? Chrysanthemum variety, and some like a hydrangea, and some like aunt Curls, and some want to fly down the waterfall.

I love the beautiful autumn!



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My dog has a furry ears, curls on the head like waves of the sea, a pair of watery eyes, often shaking his tail cute and the.

My dog does not like eating dog food. But like to eat chicken wings, when it is eating chicken wings, it will eat the outer skin, eat the outer Phi, will eat the meat inside to see it eat with relish, I would like to eat a little past.

I go with my dog to play, it is old to love the pee under the trees, it will first smell the tree in a couple of laps, and then lift the back, they began to pee.

It is very cute when sleeping, it will dream! It sometimes put your fingers into his mouth suck it, really funny.

The dog will not sweat, it can use the tongue to heat, sometimes with the abdomen attached to the floor, because the floor is cooler.

This is my lovely puppy ... ... you like it?



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My mother’s name is nancy. She has long hair, two big eyes My mother likes sports and shopping. Her favourite sports are football and yoga. And her favourite food is ice cream. She also likes dogs and cats.


My mother is a high school techer, she works very hard and does very well in the school.


My mother also concerns my study. She always helps me study and play the piano. She is very glad when I make progress.


My mother loves me very much. And I love my mother too!




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My dog is very gentle cute. It had a white, fluffy long hair. It is a long, fleshy face, a pair of black eyes, look down on a sensitive nose. Further down is a greedy little mouth, raised his hand when it is hungry, staring at you, revealing a pitiful, give you a sense of Lianxiangxiyu.

This is my dog.






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Winter came and the sweat came down and the snow was falling. The north wind is howling. The cold wind is biting!

Not far away, you can see a few pines stand proudly in the snow with. Bamboo is so green, with wax plum with snow fight, the spirit of their worth learning, is really worthy of pine, bamboo and plum blossom!

The fierce Python hibernate. The industrious ants in early autumn reserves good food, is now the hole to sleep! Lovely little hedgehog is also in the warm hibernation.

The children were dressed in thick clothes! They are skiing on the slopes! And the children under the hill are playing rope skipping, skating, making a snowman. What fun they had!



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My House Dog

I’m a dog lover, because dogs are tame, friendly and easy to communicate with. I have kept one in my house, whose name is Chocolate. She is covered with brown curly hair and looks like a Teddy Bear. Now we have been living together for two years, so I’m very familiar with her characteristics. When she is hungry, she often barks loudly. At that time, I begin to realize that it’s time to feed her. She is keen on beef and fish. Sometimes, she also eats some rice.


Every day when I come home, she always jumps up to me happily, with her tail moving. She seems to be my best friend. As time goes by, the relationship between us becomes closer and closer. Therefore, I think her as an important member in my family. I really have the pleasure of her company.




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We went to Yulong mountain this weekend. There were six persons in our group. We gathered together at our school gate at 8:00 on Saturday. We started to climb the mountain at 8:30 and get to the top at 10:00 am. We had lunch at the top of the mountain. After lunch, we arranged some free activities , such as singing, dancing and game playing. We returned at 5:00 pm. In order to have a good time, every member of our group prepared necessities by themself, such as tent, sleeping bag, coat, water, food, and so on. What a happy day!



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There is this story about the moon-cake. during the Yuan dynasty China was ruled by the Mongolian people. Leaders from the preceding Sung dynasty were unhappy at submitting to the foreign rule, and set how to coordinate the rebellion without being discovered. The leaders of the rebellion, knowing that the Moon Festival was drawing near, ordered the making of special cakes. Backed into each moon cake was a message with the outline of the attack. On the night of the Moon Festival, the rebels successfully attached and overthrew the government. Today, moon cakes are eaten to commemorate this legend and was called the Moon Cake.

For generations, moon cakes have been made with sweet fillings of nuts, mashed red beans, lotus-seed paste or Chinese dates(枣子), wrapped in a pastry. Sometimes a cooked egg yolk can be found in the middle of the rich tasting dessert. People compare moon cakes to the plum pudding and fruit cakes which are served in the English holiday seasons.

Nowadays, there are hundreds varieties of moon cakes on sale a month before the arrival of Moon Festival.



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The first go to the seaside Summer holiday has already come. How happy am I!

The favorite thing I wanna do is traveling. I joined an outdoor club and went to the seaside in Zhejiang province with other members. On July 20, we started our journey at 21:00 in the evening. I was so sleepy that I fell asleep in the bus.

Suddenly someone was pushing me. I opened my eyes and a beautiful sea was right there. What a beautiful place! We swam in the sea and played beach volleyball. The wind, the sunshine, the blue sky and the happy boys and girls formed a wonderful picture! At noon, we cooked seafood like crabs, shrimps, seashells and so on. They are all so delicious.



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My first teacher is called qiu-ling zhang, just entered preschool, I what all dont understand, is teacher zhang from one, two, three began to teach me to do, and lead me to learn to write his own name. She not only taught me knowledge, but also in the life of meticulous care.

When I in grade three, I heard my first teacher is married, however would not be in our school teaching. Go after, I never see a teacher, but I will remember her forever, she is a core value and amiable teacher very much.



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A kind of little car may someday take the place of todays big ones. If people drive such cars in the future, there will be less pollution in the air. There will be more space for parking in cities.

The streets will be less crowded. And driving will be safer as these little cars can go only 65 km per hour.

The future cars will be fine for getting round a city, but they will not be useful for long trips. Little cars will go 200km, before needing to stop for more gas. If big carsare still used along with the small ones, two sets of roads will be needed in the future.

Some roads will be used for the big fast cars and other roads will be needed for the slow and small ones. Its said that three such little cars fit in the space now needed for o Summer is the second season in the year.

In the Northern Hemisphere, summer goes from June to August.

Summer is the hottest season in the year. Sometimes, the temperature reaches40°C.

Many people can not stand such hot weather. So they always stay indoors. At night, people would go out for a walk. Swimming is the most popular sport in summer. It brings cool to people.ne car the usual size.



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In winter, feather like snow flying in the air, like a little elf in winter news propaganda. At this time, the beautiful flowers bloom, but also often exudes a thick fragrance.

The snow stopped, the squirrel out of a hole in a tree enjoying the scenery, the sparrow flew on to the wires singing, children make snowmen in the snow snowball fights, play happy!

My parents and I went to the park, see the wintersweet flower fall over each other to open up, seemed to welcome our arrival.

I like winter.
