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Autumn is a busy season 。 The days get shorter and shorter and the nights get longer and longer。 It is the harvest season and all farmers are very busy 。 Often ,I help them with the harvest 。Last year I helped them with the apple-picking。I really enjoy working on the farm。This year I am going to help them with the harvest。






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It gradually turns cool. The sunlight is no longer so strong and the

cicadas have stopped crying. The hot summer went by at last. The favorite season

in the year is coming.

Everywhere we can see the scene of bumper crops: on the fields is golden

rice,on the trees are ripe fruits. The farmers faces are full of smiles. They

are now expecting a good harvest through a summers hard work.

The autumn evening is especially beautiful. When the setting sun goes

slowly down to the west, the sky over the mountains is covered with red rays of

evening sunlight, which shines upon the blue sky and floating clouds, just as

the maple leaves fall onto the sky.

It is getting cool at dusk. The wind blows, the moonlight shines on the

ground,the frogs croak and insects chirp in the fields. Such a situation will

make you forget all the unhappy things in the daytime.

I love the beautiful season.



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A blink of an eye, the hot summer has gone far, people also ushered in the beautiful and cool autumn.

Autumn sky like a wash, like washed with water sapphire, as beautiful. A group of geese rowing neatly team flew to the distant south, they were lined up as "people" shape, while arranged in a "shape", while the edge of the flash seems to say: "the weather gradually cooler, we have to fly to the south Go to the winter, and wait until the spring comes, we will come back.

Autumn field, rice mature, from afar, like to the earth covered with a golden yellow carpet. Farmers uncle is hard work in the field, although tired and sweating, but to see the harvest scene, my heart has long been happy to open the flowers.

In the autumn orchard, the red persimmon pressed the branches, like a small lantern; red glowing apple hanging in the branches, like a red fluttering face; grape frame has long been full of vitality of the scene, and some grapes Like green emerald, some like amphibious amethyst, and some like a beautiful red agate. Red pomegranate is also this gratifying autumn smile grinned his mouth ... ...

Autumn is the season of harvest, and it is beautiful season. I love you - fall.



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Different from the south, autumn in the north is more obvious and beautiful. In the south, all the year round are green, but in the north, there are many colors. Autumn is golden yellow. When it comes to autumn, the leaves and grass turn to yellow gradually. At first, there are only a few leaves turn to yellow. They look like stars in the sea of green. And then, there are more and more leaves becoming yellow. It becomes a golden yellow world. But at last, all leaves fall down to the ground and grass die. But I think the autumn in the north would be extremely beautiful in the eyes of southerners.




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我喜欢百花盛开的春天;我喜欢树木苍翠的夏天;我喜欢白雪皑皑的冬天;但我更喜欢果实累累的秋天。I like flowers bloom in spring; I like the green trees in summer; I like the snow-capped in winter; but I prefer the fruit of autumn.在一阵阵秋雨后,天气变得格外晴朗。In the waves of autumn, the weather has become particularly clear.

蓝蓝的天空像擦拭得一尘不染的玻璃。Blue sky was spotless, like wiping the glass.碧空中的白云像一大团棉花糖在天空飞翔。Blue sky in the clouds like a marshmallow in the sky fly big group.太阳公公变得更加温柔了,他散发出柔和的光芒。The sun becomes more gentle father, and he exudes a soft light.美丽的秋天是一位心灵手巧的小裁缝。Autumn is a beautiful little ingenuity tailor.你看,它给每棵书都织了件新衣。You see, it gives Each species of the pieces of the book are woven clothes.它给枫树织的红袍最漂亮。

It gives the most beautiful maple woven Dahongpao.看,那山上的枫树像喝醉了酒,脸漲得通红。Well, the mountain maple, like drunk blushed.远看像一团团火焰,近看像一双双手掌,好像是为了迎接秋天而拍红了呢。Just like a flame a distance, near both look like a palm, it seems that in order to meet the fall while filming it red.银杏树的叶子像一把把小扇子,扇那扇那,扇走了夏天的炎热。Ginkgo tree leaves are like little fan, fan door that was, fan away the heat of the summer.只是松柏没有穿上秋天给的新衣。Pine is not only given new clothes to wear in autumn.它仍然苍翠挺拔,如同一座座碧绿的宝塔。

It is still green tall and straight, like a block of green pagoda.果园里一片丰收的景象,沉甸甸的果实挂在果树上。Orchard a harvest scene, heavy on the fruit hanging in the trees.硕大的苹果挂满枝头,压弯了树枝,像捉迷藏的孩子露出了笑脸。Apple covered with huge branches, bending the branches, like hide and seek child smiled.黄橙橙的柿子压弯了枝条。Huang Cheng Cheng bending the branches of the persimmon.远看像一盏盏小灯笼。From a distance, like a small lantern lamp.秋风一吹,柿子摆来摆去,好像争着要人们把它摘到篮子里呢。

Autumn Fengyi Chui, persimmon pendulum to swing to go, it seems that people scrambled to put it into the basket, it Zhai.那圆圆的柑桔犹如千盏小灯笼,金灿灿,红彤彤,在墨绿的树叶里灼灼闪光。That round citrus like 1000 small lanterns, golden, glowing red, in the dark green leaves where brilliant flash.




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Autumn came! Autumn came to the mountains and plains; autumn came to the village farmland; autumn also came to the orchard. Autumn orchard fruitful, autumn orchard filled with mature and harvest, autumn orchard people intoxicated!

Autumn orchards are colorful. You look! The orchard, fruit ripe, persimmon, pomegranate, apple, pear you squeeze me touch, as if to fight people to pick it! Persimmon smile red face, like a small lanterns hanging on the branches. Pomegranate laughed his mouth, red fruit like a red agate. The apple was covered with branches and the heavy fruit bent over the branches, like a shy little girl, hiding under the leaves, and was reluctant to come out. Huang Chengcheng pears hanging crystal clear dew, facing the morning sun, reflecting the dazzling light, as if to say: "Do you want to bite me?" Autumn is the fruit show the season.

Autumn orchard is really beautiful! I love the fall of the orchard, more love autumn orchard to bring people the joy of harvest!



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My hometown is famous Flower City. Because home roadsides, school yard and could see the figure of sweet-scented osmanthus tree, so called the Flower City.

In a flash, the golden autumn came. This is the sweet-scented osmanthus Hanbaoyufang season, the city of sweet-scented osmanthus are open. I walk in the street, smell the refreshing fragrance, can not help but come to a tree, looking at the long hiding in a green and leafy in the sweet-scented osmanthus that, ah! So beautiful, why Yao Guihua never dazzle own beautiful? I can not help but observe off a sweet-scented osmanthus, but I still do not understand why.

I sat on the ground, I looked at the floor of the sweet-scented osmanthus, ah! I really like sprinkle a layer of snow. This charming sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance really beautiful!

I love the sweet-scented osmanthus, more love Flower City!



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Perhaps autumn is the most pleasant season of the year. The weather is neither too hot nor too cold. It is the best time for going on a trip.

Last Sunday we went to the countryside. There was golden wheat all over the fields/The fields were covered with golden wheat. Large and colourful apples and pears were hanging on the trees. We could see some peasants were busy getting in the crops in the fields, and others were picking fruits under the trees. All the baskets were full of lovely fruits. It was also the fruit of the peasants labour. “ No pains, no gains. ” What a magnificent/beautiful picture(it was)! It seemed as if we were wandering in a splendid/wonderful world.

I love autumn. I love the harvest time.






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Autumn is a golden season and a bumper season. Autumn, the crops are all mature, and everywhere is a Huang Cancan, people can not help but want to sing a song, sing the joy of harvest.

However, in recent days, the weather was cold, not cloudy, is the downpour, it is cool and warm, the hearts can not help but add a bit sad.

Today s rain is really big, like a row of soybeans from heaven. This rain is also very anxious, low-lying place instantly become a Wang Yang. Occasional vehicles through, from time to time will provoke a blossoming flowers. The pedestrians on the road were hugging by the umbrella; the vehicle horned the horn from time to time, fearing the pedestrian. People standing high to see this scene, all feel like a boat like a boat in the river in general.

The rain is too fast to go, and the sky is sunny for a while.

I opened the window, fresh air from the nose, even the trees next to the road feel more than just the spirit. Autumn rain, although brought the slightest chill, but also people memorable.



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Cool autumn arrived, the grass slowly removed the green clothes, put on a yellow long, the wind blows, the leaves are falling, as if like fairy scattering flowers, and as each yellow butterfly in dance.

The flowers blossom in the garden: is there a chrysanthemum, iris, lily, rose, and some unknown flowers... Colorful, red like fire, powder like xia, white as snow, fantastic!

The students should know that autumn is a harvest season! Look! Uncle farmers are harvesting rice! Their low head, bow, face the loess, back down, looked up, his face is permeated with the joy of harvest!

, in the field is filled with gold, with lots of rice shyly bowed his head, like a shy little girl, red sorghum laugh in the face and cotton doll like a snow climbed up the branches, eggplant purple lanterns hanging on the branches, like a gourd like a fat baby, lazily lying on the ground.

The orchard, which is not the same picture again! Chinese flowering crabapple to reveal its face, and smiling to look; Apple is hiding under the leaves, pull open green leaves to look; Pear hiding in the middle of the green leaves, like a shy little girl, and glittering and translucent get rid of grapes... All kinds of fruit, is very rich: red, yellow, green, purple... Colorful, colorful.

I also love the autumn rain, autumn rain light, like yarn, like fog, like a feather, but she doesnt like the spring rain amount, more dont like summer rain cats and dogs, she has her own unique way.

Ah! I love autumn, I love the colors of autumn, I love the fruits of autumn.










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Fall to the grandmothers original quiet orchard all of a sudden lively up, and some picking fruit, and some filled with fruit basket to the outside, and some of the fruit has been clean to eat up. I greet a small partner on the same month and more treasure like adults with a large scissors and bamboo basket rushed into the orchard, with adults to pick fruit.

The first thing that catches the eye or the big and small apples, red, green, they grow under the cultivation of the autumn girl, they are more beautiful in the sunshine to see, that red seductive appearance, Greedy people have a direct saliva, bite the mouth that is full of sweet apples, lubricated delicious, really comfortable!

On the other side of the orchard, the tall persimmon tree shook the branches of the red persimmon waving toward us warmly, from afar, like a small lantern hanging on the branches, is simply unparalleled, Bite a bit, sweet, people praise.

Picking the fruit, we sat under the tree to rest, a piece of leaves falling from the tree down, as a color only butterfly in the air dancing, I immediately pick up, thinking: "I must pick up a few pieces of the most Beautiful leaves brought back to do bookmarks, Yue Ying quickly took out the book and tape, picked up a few leaves, and soon, a "rabbit eat radish" paste painting is completed, how beautiful! Treasure sitting in the newspaper On the idea of how to use their own pen to describe the "autumn orchard."

I love autumn, but more love this fall orchard.



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Autumn to the days of high clouds, cool breeze, orchard fruitful, faction of the harvest scene.

Look in the orchard that only a huge apple covered with branches, bending the branches, like hide and seek children exposed smile. I eat one, sweet and fragrant, really delicious. I looked at the scene, eating this apple, can not help but "poem" a: "tree apple orchard and large, red color like a child face; gently smell the smell of spicy, eat mouth sweet Jinjin!

The north of the apple forest is the vineyard. "Crystal" grape crystal translucent, like a crystal carved out like. "Red Earth" grape red with purple, like a string of red pearls hanging in the tree. And that "beauty refers to" grapes, the skin is very thin, like a touch on the broken like.

There is a large pomegranate tree on the west side of the vineyard. This is just a pomegranate like a "smiling" small doll, as if to say: "My belly big and big, which filled with small baby; everyone together to taste, teeth sweet out light. I could not stand the temptation of it, picked a, cut open the skin, took out into the mouth of a bite, red juice has been sweet to the heart, refreshing.

After tasting the pomegranate, we came to the persimmon garden. Persimmon flat, orange, like a small lantern.

The fruitful dressing up the beautiful orchard, it is indulge in pleasures without stop. This charming school of autumn, even look at a glance, also called you enchanted.



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Autumn, cool breeze. The autumn girl walked slowly and gentlely!

Autumn girl laughing Yingying walk in the field, she easily picked a wild chrysanthemum from the fields, on the nose, suddenly, fragrant, autumn girl exposed a sweet smile.

Autumn girl walking in the orchard, she also deliberately brought a cup of Ganlu sprinkled in the orchard, so that Apple baby, pear baby, become more sweet and more beautiful and then the farmers face has long been happy to open the flowers, and autumn girl also exposed A happy smile.

When the autumn girl walking in the woods, the leaves have become golden yellow, have falling, like a golden butterfly flying in the air. Beautiful! Autumn girl to see it all very happy, happy to play in the forest!

Can be cry girl also cry, when she saw the branches bare, lawn when yellow, she will cry, and that drizzle is her drop and drop of pity tears!

Autumn is golden! Autumn is beautiful! Autumn is my favorite season!



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Autumn came, the orchard faction of the scene.

You see, the fruit of the orchard mature, one persimmon smile red face, as if a small red lantern hanging in the branches. Pomegranate also playful to grin the mouth, and some laugh broken belly, revealing crystal clear seed child. The golden pear is covered with branches, like a golden gourd. The most notable is the apple. Ripe fruit bent over the branches, there are yellow banana apples, red glowing red Fuji apples - some of them head up like a mighty warrior; some hiding under the leaves, like a shy little girl; The two together, it is particularly affectionate.

A gust of wind blowing, a share of refreshing fragrance floating, the original is from the vineyard came the fragrance, full of grapes a string of string hanging on the vine. As if a big black pearl, was string together, very beautiful. So many bright colors, taste sweet fruit, people looked coveted.

Into the orchard, all kinds of fruit in the bright sun shining attractive luster. The joy of harvest, accompanied by busy fruit of the fruit, flowing in the orchard.

Autumn orchards bring happiness to people, I like the fall of the orchard.



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Beijing in Autumn is more beautiful than other seasons. Red leaves in Xiang Moutain, the Great Wall,the Summer Place and so on .

Actually Autumn is not the best time since the temperature is still too high. And the real time that red leaves full fille the Fragrant Hill is in October, around the golden week on October 1st.

the symbol of Beijing as well as of China; Tiananmen Square, the largest city square in the world; the former Imperial Palace (the "Forbidden City"), the largest and best-preserved ancient architectural complex in the world; and the Great Wall at Badaling, one of the "seven wonders of the world." Of these, the former Imperial Palace, the Great Wall, the site of Peking Man at Zhoukoudian, the Summer Palace and the Temple of Heaven are on the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List.




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All the year round, flowers in full bloom in spring, green trees, colorful summer, autumn fruit fragrance, is a winter with snow. Do you like spring? In the summer? Autumn? Or winter? But I like the autumn is fresh fruit fragrance.

Fall, although there is no spring so vibrant, so busy, no summer without winter so pure, so quiet, but it gave us the food and fruits, let us to live on earth.

Autumn, the paddy field a golden, like a golden sea, autumn wind blowing gently, gently stroked the golden rice, the rice as active children dressed in golden danced on the big stage, in a calm sea immediately once more the golden waves.

Autumn, the orchard emanate light fruit, the trees, big and small, yellow pear on the branches shook his body, as if to say: "we are mature, pick me first!" Another one said, "pick me to first!" "Pick me first!" "Pick me first!" ...... Pear quarrelled twittering in the branches. Look at the apple more lovely, waiting quietly on the branches of the farmer uncle to pick them, the farmer uncle came, and said: "these apples are big and round, it must be very delicious!" The apple listened to farmer uncle praise, very embarrassed, like a timid girl, face was red with shame. Gold and silver crystalclear grapes hanging on the fence, mouth water as soon as you see, of course, me too...

Which season do you like? I like the lovely and beautiful autumn.








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All the year round, I likeAutumnbest. Because autumn is a harvest season, is a colorful season.

Standing at the edge of the field, look, there is harvest scenes. The sorghum red; Rice laugh bending the waist; All kinds of delicious fruit is ripe, waiting for farmer uncle to gather. The human face is permeated with the joy of harvest.

Autumn wind is gentle, blow on the face has a cool, comfortable and sweet feeling. Deliver it blow away the heat in the summer, cool autumn, blew the leaves on the trees, blowing open the beautiful flowers, ripe harvest of fruit.

The autumn rain is gentle, thin. It also has a box of colorful paint! Ginkgo biloba is it dyed yellow, maple leaf is it dyed red, the field is it dyed a golden color. Most it the most loved chrysanthemums, gave chrysanthemum color, with purple, yellow, white, golden, they are for the doo-yan!

Autumn sunshine is warm, quiet, brilliant. Stand in the sun, everything is so bright.

The autumn air is blue, the tall, I finally know what call "the fall".

Autumn is beautiful, I like autumn. Because autumn brings us a better and hope!










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I like the spring of vitality,it makes me kind of dedication to life; the busy summer I like bright,beautiful and full,because it is not always the envy of others; I like winter Shen Su,permanent collections,as It contains the life and vitality.However,I prefer the autumn of my eyes,he it is so bleak,so the United States.So colorful.

Fall is harvest season so that we do not have to worry cold winter need food,the trees apples,pears children,Sinopodophyllum are you will not let me I will not let you argue the knot over the fruit,really want to go here end of a fruit,delicious taste that can not bear,lest they disturb pyronaridine beautiful dream

Well,red maple leaf as fire,falling from a tree just like a butterfly dancing in tribute to the beautiful autumn.Story is also in full bloom,though they do not have beautiful flowers in spring,autumn,given the addition of a few angry.People spend the hot summer,and praised the fall,as they fall to cool.

I am the eyes of autumn,was not letting a hundred flowers bloom in spring are the decorative chrysanthemum; I was not the eyes of the autumn leaves of the lush summer,but the falling leaves; the fall of the eyes,although I did not understand the snow day,but blowing it heart of the cool breeze

The fall,my eyes will always be so distinctive,so fascinating!








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Autumn to a field after the autumn rain, the fruit of the orchard mature. When I walked into the orchard, I was attracted to the fruit.

The first thing that catches my eyes is yellow pears. Look, that pear tree hanging a pear, like a gourd! A gust of wind blowing, pear shook his head, naughty you squeeze me touch, as if to say: "Come pick me! I am sweet and sweet "I finally could not help temptation, hand to pick one, but I did not pick, because I could not bear.

Go through the pear tree, I came to the banana tree, saw a tree banana tree sturdy tall and straight. A string of bananas hidden in the leaves, like the children of the month, like a fishermans boat, like my fathers sickle, like our children playing the "roundabout", but also like the fairy tale dwarf side by side in the cradle The I want to pick a string, but my mother said: "Only pick the banana can not eat, must go home to cover their yellow to eat."

The fruit of the orchard is so beautiful that the fruit of the orchard is too fragrant, and the feet of many children are painted, and they are sketched under the fruit trees, pick up the leaves, or eat the fruit. See all this, full of apples are laughing red face, persimmon tree also hung a red lantern.

This beautiful autumn orchard, I love you, could not bear to leave, really want to put the home here.



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Hot summer quietly away, cool autumn is coming to us.

That day, I was reading the extracurricular book at home, and when I had to breathe fresh air, a little drop of water fell on my little nose. I opened my eyes and looked, "Yeah, there was a drizzle.

Rain and thin and long, stroking in my face, gently kissed me. The flowers on the balcony looked up and sat down against the rain, and it touched the flowers, and it touched the grass, the trees, and the things of nature.

The rain is getting bigger and bigger, like all the things on the earth, calling more friends to be friends with them. Because the rain is big, we have put on a raincoat and hold up the umbrella I looked from the balcony, like a colorful little rain is moving, very interesting.

I put my hand out of the window, the raindrops "snapped" fell in my hand, and I heard the raindrops hit the window, the roof, the green leaves ... ... played a wonderful music.

Afternoon, the rain stopped. On the ground, houses, flowers and trees are washed a comfortable bath, flowers and trees are playing the twelfth spirit. The air has become more fresh, so refreshing.

After the autumn, our surroundings have become better. I like this fresh environment, prefer to make it fresh autumn.
