写一件幸福的事英语作文通用两篇 作文19篇







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Wealth has always been what some people long for. It is true that most of them try to acquire wealth by means of honest labour. Their efforts contribute to the welfare of the society and at the same time to the accumulation of their wealth, and hence to their happiness.

But there are exceptions when wealth does not go hand in hand with happiness. Wealth may tempt weak-willed persons to be addicted to harmful habits, such as drug-taking and gambling, and result in their own ruin. Besides, a person may lose his even some government officials who take advantage of their positions to take bribes from the people turning to them for help. All these will bring about the negative effect of wealth if we don’t take a proper attitude to it.

In my opinion, on no account can we identify wealth with happiness. I also believe that one should never reckon only on wealth to achieve happiness .







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Does money buy happiness? No! Ah, but would a little more money make us a little happier? Many of us smirk and nod. There is, we believe, some connection between fiscal fitness and feeling fantastic. Most of us would say that, yes, we would like to be rich. Three in four American collegians now consider it “very important” or “essential” that they become “very well off financially”. Money matters.


Well, are rich people happier? Researchers have found that in poor countries, being relatively well off does make for greater well-being. We need food, rest, shelter and social contact. But a surprising fact of life is that in countries where nearly everyone can afford life’s necessities, increasing affluence matters surprisingly little. The correlation between income and happiness is “surprisingly weak”. Once comfortable, more money provides diminishing returns. The second piece of pie, or the second $100,000, never tastes as good as the first. Even lottery winners and the Forbes’ 100 wealthiest Americans have expressed only slightly greater happiness than the average American. Making it big brings temporary joy. But in the long run, wealth is like health: its utter absence can breed misery, but having it doesn’t guarantee happiness.




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Growth is happy, because someone growth of relaxed and happy; Because someone grow carefree; Someone because of happy and happy growth. And because of growing step by step closer to my dreams and be happy.

I always have a big not distant dream, that is to become a photographer. This dream is derived from a program on TV, that program recorded the working process of different photographers - war reporter through the smoke fire, record the cruelty of war; Entertainment reporters crowded into the crowd, for many fans to provide a large star cafe many gossip; News reporters in the great hall of the people, to record the President, the representatives of the wonderful speech; To the reporters who specialise in nature photography is risking the danger of various natural disasters and passive plant damage record the dribs and drabs of nature. I was then think photographer is a small but indispensable role, wish with all my heart to become a photographer.

When elementary school, the father bought one of the most simple camera, I often excited and curious to play with it. Every weekend, I have time to go to the park to take photos, at the expense of the break time to write my homework, just for Saturday and Sunday can be carefree for photography.

After secondary school, my photography has some increase, also joined the school photography club. Every corporate practice of photography, the spring and autumn period and the swimming, sports, art festival, science festival activities such as I will not waste, will be for each photography earnestly. One day, I suddenly in my subscription to a magazine to see a familiar pictures, that is a picture of me! Im boiling inside. The magazine my photo! I dream a step closer! A whole afternoon, I immersed in happiness and excitement, but I didnt so proud and complacent, because I this result for the dream to become a photographer is only a small step forward, become a photographers dream is still a long way from me.

I grew up is happy, because I have a dream, because I step by step closer to my dream. Dream is like a "lift" shortcut "skyscraper", grow up just like that cant see the top of the ladder, although it is impossible to expect success, but step by step on the top floor. Is the happiness, isnt it?








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幸福是什么(what is happiness?)




happiness means different things to different people. for example, some people believe that if they have lots of money, they will be happy. they believe that if they are wealthy, they will be able to do anything they want, which means happiness. on the other hand, some people believe that holding a high position in the government is happiness. in this way, you have not onlymoney, but also many other things which can't be bought by money. however, other people believe that having lots of money is not happiness nor is holding a high position in the government. these people value their beliefs, or their intelligence, or their health. they think these can make them happy. for me, happiness is closely tied to my studies, my work and my family. when i made great progress in my studies, when i made contributions to the society through my work, when all the members in my family live in harmony, sharing good and sad times, i was happy. although the definition of happiness depends on each individual my "wealth" of happiness is in my studies, my work, and my family.




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Someone asks me what on earth happiness means?I cant give you the exact definition of it,but Im sure if you love and help others,youll get it.

Ill never forget an old lady.She lives in a small house alone.Its said that her husband and her son died in a traffic accident.How bitter her life is!But the old lady often helps others with a smile.Whenever it snows,she is always the first to clean the paths.She looks after several children living nearby.I am one of them.I often remember the stories she told us and her kind smile.Perhaps she is unlucky,but I think she is a happy person.Her life is full of laughter and love.

But Im sad to see some people getting their happiness in bad ways.They speak loudly in cinemas and meeting rooms; they destroy trees to enjoy themselves and they laugh at others shortcomings.Perhaps they feel happy at that time,but they will never get true happiness because they have lost their personality.

Now I know what happiness is.It means kindness,love and

unselfishness.Above all,only bringing happiness to others can make you yourself get it.



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There are many small things in life, it seems trivial, but a small piece of paper but let me know how to cherish.

The day of art class, the teacher let us draw "car" in the future. I drew two feel bad, you tear up the page. And then I drew a few pen feel or bad, and tear a sheet of paper. So a new drawing book is my three under two ripped to only two or three pages, whereas the paper trash heap of higher and higher.

Evening, mother found a new drawing book check your homework became thin pages. So I put the art on the ability to tell his mother. Mother without an angry face, she stood up and turned on the computer, call I go to see. A few pictures on the computer and a paragraph, it says, take good care of the trees, the trees are our friends; Save paper, waste of a single paper, is to destroy a small tree. I think of science class the teacher said that trees can prevent water loss and soil erosion, resist dust storms, and trees can purify air, beautify the environment... Think of these, I bowed his head in shame.

"Mother, I was wrong." I quietly said to my mother. Mother touched my head, gently said: "you know, now it is not easy to have such a good learning conditions, you must learn to cherish, let us save a piece of paper, start from the small truths."

After this, "start from the save a piece of paper, start from the small truths." This sentence is deeply engraved in my heart.








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I have a happy and happy family. Family members have "good girl" I. "Shopaholics" Mom and Dad "handyman". Now, let me make the next introduction!

In our clean home, "handyman" is indispensable, he is my father. Every day when I see something in my house is broken or something is dirty, my dad always comes forward. I remember once, my lamp is broken, I hurried to find dad, after my dad looked at me, immediately brought the tools, began to repair, with a sound bite Ling clang repair after the sound, my lamp repaired! I was just going to say thank you daddy, but Dad took the rag, wiped the lamp carefully, and asked me how? I see, which is used for the lamp, just like a new, I happily ran into her fathers arms, and said: "thank you dad!" Dad smiled happily.

Looking at a full wardrobe, big and small, brightly coloured clothes, and I think "shopaholics" mother shopping scene. One day at noon, I just finished lunch, my mother took me to Xidan without demur. I asked my mother, "Why are you in such a hurry?"" Mother said, "todays Xidan sale."." We ran to the third floor, bought 3 pieces of clothes, and then bought a basket of daily necessities, when I was like a deflated balloon, just want her mother to go home, my mother just went home unhappily.

Im a "good girl" at home". Every day after school, carefully finished homework, carefully checked, every day to help mom and dad do housework. In fact, this is not my instinct, I ah, the most care of people. I remember once my mother was ill, and it happened that my father was on duty. So I decided to take care of my mother. I made a tomato egg noodle for my mother first, and then gave it to her gently. My mother was moved, and I was happy too. After eating one mouthful, the mother stroked her head and said, "well, my daughter has grown up."!" At that time my heart. The second day, under my care, mothers disease has improved. When she meets people, she says Im a good kid, and Im embarrassed.

This is our family, a happy family.



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A lazy afternoon in autumn, when there was nothing to do, went walking on the street. Sunshine wrapped around me, not many pedestrians on the road. Suddenly, in a never noticed the alley, find a antique wood shop. I walked in with curiosity. Autumn sun in that piece of rough wood, was like a chestnut like, broke a piece of dry Yulie fragrance. I like children back in the Pacific and like the scent of my trance gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind, see can see the forests, I saw the first person to get the ax Kanxiang green, axe down, fall over each other to spray the whole forest woody, the man almost startled, but what will permanently disappear. Now think about the happiness and the living mission of trees growing up. Every tree is a bottle of perfume storage for a long time, once unsealed, is too sweet to get out of hand, and after pregnancy in October before the official world like luster. Each ring is an ancient Fu, such as the increase of the same age, stand the most carefully the most exquisite chant reading. And I heard the message from woody. Dead trees tell me that every moment of life is bliss. I think, I do not what is missing, I have a whole street late autumn sunshine, and free of heavy fragrance of scent, so they turned to the most wonderful life and life in the sense of happiness. Now, happiness reveals its hiding figure carelessly. Indeed, what makes people happy is not piles of wealth, make happiness arise spontaneously is surprisingly simple things, that is life. Think about it, when you complain when the shoes do not fit, have no shoes; when you complain about no shoes, a man who had no feet; no feet before you complain about your God, for you how unfair, do something meaningful, at least when you have nothing, you have a life, you can love someone else. At least, we live. Dont waste time on meaningless complaints and curses. We still have life, every moment of life is happy, because we dont have to sleep in the cold land. Happiness is now. Treasure this easy happiness.



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Last year my father lost his job.At that time my parents felt a bit sad.I encouraged my father and said I was old enough and could do something to help.In order to help my parents,I took a part time job on weekends in the KFC near my home.

Luckily,it didnt take long time for my father to find a new job in a company.With the money I earned through working I bought a pair of new shoes for my father to celebrate the good news.My parents were deeply moved.

I said,"We are a happy family whether we are rich or poor.

I have a happy family.Though there is only a little furniture in my home and everything in the rooms seems rather disorderly,I love my home very much.

My father is an engineer,nearly fifty years old.As a Party member,quite often he works late into the night.He even forgets himself when he is reading.Once when having supper,I found that the soup tasted watery.It soon became clear that my father,deep in his reading,had forgotten to put salt in the soup.

I have a kind mother.She is a primary school teacher.She loves her pupils and her job very much and puts all her heart into her work.All our clothes are made by tailors,for she is too busy to sew for us.As a housewife,she has to do almost all the housework.So she is the busiest one in our family.

We all keep a lot of books and we love reading.During our leisure time,reading is our main hobby.Evening is the happiest hour in our family.We usually sit in my parents room,reading and discussing everything were interested in.

I love my family.It not only gives me much happiness and warmth but also teaches me how to be a real man.



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Everybody wants to get wealth. In today’s material world, making money or becoming wealthy symbolizes a person’s success and capability. Many people make every effort, pay any price to attain greater wealth. With money, they can but nice, large apartments in nice neighborhood; with money, they can own stately luxury cars. Wealth seems with money. Wealth seems to bring all happiness in life.


In my opinion, people cannot do anything without money, but money is not everything. What money will bring you depends on your personal belief and goal in life. If you are kind enough to help others, especially the poor, money is a good thing to you. With it, you can do much more for the benefit of people and your country, and it will to your own happiness.


If you want money just for your own needs, you’ll never be satisfied or happy. In a word, you should have money spent for more people, only then can money be the source of your happiness.





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幸福是什么?幸福是父母为你营造的温馨的家,幸福是老师望向你的赞许的目光,幸福是孤独时朋友送来的一杯奶茶,幸福是…… 请以My happiness为话题,写一件曾经发生过的令你感到幸福的事情。

要求:条理清晰,语言流畅,用词准确, 字迹工整,80-100词。


Happiness is important in our life. In fact, happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it。

I will never forget one thing. Once, I had a bad mark at a math test. I was shy and afraid to meet my parents. But when I got back home late, my parents knew what happened, they said to me: “It doesn’t matter, my child. Remember we’ll be always beside you when you need help. We believe you can be better next time. Never give up!” I was moved and made up my mind to work harder and harder。

I feel happy. Whenever I am in trouble, I can feel my parents’ love. I want to be a good child for my parents。



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Happiness is valuable, cherish and grasp, life will be happy. Because of its powerful treasure eagle wings, to be in the blue sky Hanxiang; grass is because I know how to cherish your land, only heart to realize their value; and Tang Taizongzheng Wei Zheng because I know how to cherish, to achievement of Zhenguan legend. We also have to learn to cherish, cherish what we have, that everything will make me benefit, happy life. Happiness is actually around us. All human beings have the sun and the air for free, and that is our happiness. Most people live in a peaceful environment, which is the happiness of most of us. As students, we can learn a lot of knowledge, this is our happiness. The happiness is to enjoy an easy job to do so, we dont know how to be grateful and cherish it? Cherish these we have, we will be able to live a healthy life, life and light of heart from care to master life, so this is our most precious happiness! Because the number of people who do not know how to cherish the history of happiness, and finally come to a downfall. Xia Jie and Zhou on inheritance supreme power, because they do not cherish this privilege to benefit the people, but to use this privilege to oppress the people and their people, the final result is the people they overthrew. The late Qing Dynasty, the rulers of content with staying where one is extremely arrogant. Sincerity and make foreign envoys, they take people away, the seclusion. The results of other people have been to the development of the industrial revolution, the era of rapid development of science and technology, and Chinese has been far behind the world, cause was later forced to open the door to foreign invaders China, become foreigners "shake Qian Shu". China compatriots in dire straits. Happiness is in each of us, who knows how to cherish, the goddess of happiness who cares. Some people think he himself is not happy, accompanied by his suffering and frustration, failure and tears. Where do we come and cherish? But great men have said, "suffering is a university."." Yes, in the hardships and setbacks in our training we will enhance our perseverance, rich life experience, isnt this a blessing in disguise? Will fail to gain experience and lessons, if we can change the attitude, calm face, and learn to "keep the material, we will succeed. Happiness will come. Cherish what you have, especially treasure your own happiness, so that life will be wonderful, like the rainbow after rain



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As long as parents have children, they are the happiest. Because my parents gave us everything, my parents gave me unlimited love, but now it is difficult to repay. But as long as you do what you can do every day, thats what you can do to help your parents. Id like to talk about the happiness that my parents bring me! Remember it was on a quiet night. I dont know what time it is after night. Just remember, when I was sleeping, there were dozens of people rushing up to me and throwing me up into the stove. And then I woke up, and I realized it was a dream. I whispered, "what a dream it is, so strange."! But I still feel warm all over, I want to have a fever is not so hot? I hurried down from the bed, feeling quite weak, maybe when I get out of bed by my mother, my mother looked at me as if she knew her sick child like, just touch my forehead, and then the mother hurried and shouted to Dad, dad also touched my forehead and said: "hurry to the hospital". Mom and Dad took me rushed towards the hospital....... Soon I was taken to the hospital and examined, and then transfusion, and mother lulled me to sleep again...... When I woke up, there was no needle in my hand, and I felt relaxed. I looked at my mother lying beside my bed, and my mother had fallen asleep. The mother must keep to my fever to sleep, this time Dad came in holding a bowl of hot Rice porridge, caring eyes looked at me, put down the bowl in his hand touched my forehead and said: "good son". And mother wakes up. Dad said to eat what is still warm. My hand went to the bowl, my mother stopped me and said: "mom gave you my tongue" with a bowl of a sour, tears fell down the pit, I think this is my parents brought me happiness. The usual life is very dull, and I can not see how good parents are to me, just when I was sick, I felt the panic, care and companionship that I brought to my parents...... I really feel the happiness of the family, I love my mom and dad. My physical quality is not good, often minor illness constantly, every father and mother are very timely take me to medical treatment. When I was injured, my father and mother helped me clean up the wound: when I was sad, my father and mother were the first time to help me out of trouble...... This kind of thing goes on in small days, and all of these form a feeling: it is the feeling of happiness. My father and mother love me, and I love my mother and father, I have the love of my father and mother, I am the happiest child in the world.



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人类已进入了一个崭新的世纪,不同的人有不同的幸福观。An Express Way to English (英语通)正在中学生中进行幸福观的讨论,请你根据下表的提示,用英语写一篇短文,以便向该刊投稿。

Students| Possessions| Benefits

Some |Money |Buying and doing anything

Some|Health |Enjoyment Some Wealth From parents free from work

Ι|Knowledge |For mankind



Happiness means different things to different people. For example, some students believe that if they have much money or a large number of possessions, they will be happy. They believe that they will be able to do anything they want to if they have money. Some students think that they should be in good health, and enjoy whatever they like. Many students wish to have much wealth from their parents. In this way they don’t have to work hard, and they can have everything. I don’t agree with the above points. We can’t buy many important things with money, such as health, happiness and knowledge. I value knowledge, which makes me happy, for I can do much for mankind with knowledge. Although different people value happiness differently, my “wealth” of happiness is in my study.




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Wealth and Happiness

Some people think wealth can bring happiness to them. It is true that most of them try to acquire wealth by means of honest labor. They work hard and overcome many difficulties. After doing this, they feel very happy and pleased. Even their spending money is a kind of happiness。

But some people believe wealth cant bring them happiness. For example, when one gets a fortune, the family members will come from different parts of the country and try to share the wealth with him. And afterwards, they will quarrel with one another, trying to share more. And sometimes even appear bloody fight and killing. What a terrible result!

In my opinion, I think there is no doubt that wealth brings happiness, especially in the modern society. If you have money you can lead a comfortable and colorful life. But we should take a proper attitude towards wealth. Remember: money is not everything。




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I have a happy family.Do you want to know?Now,let me tell you.

There are four people in my family.They’re my father,my mother,my sister and I.My father is a businessman,but he wants to be a policeman.Because he thinks it’s an exciting job.He likes reading newspapers very much.He reads newspapers every morning.My mother is a businesswoman,but she wants to be a doctor.Because she thinks it’s a great job and doctors can save people’s lives.She’s very busy.She cooks meals and cleans the house every day.I think she is very tired.She likes watching TV.My sister is a student.She wants to be a singer,because ahe thinks it’s fun.She likes dancing.She can dance well.I’m a student,too.I want to be a actress.I think it’s interesting.I like listening to pop music and reading.

I like my family very much.



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I believe that everyone has an ideal, because ideal is a pursuit of everyone is a mans lifes goal, only had a target to let yourself full of confidence.

My ideal is to be a scientist, I want to make everything in the world is harmonious, for humans, animals, become a good partner, let the poor poor to rich the second generation is not no longer think that $money, make science and technology advanced, make the air fresh, make the environment of "harmony".

I have been think, why does man have ideal? Why do you have desire? Now I finally understand, because we want to reform the world, not only the harmony and unity between the world!

Man is to live for ideal, is to let the world, let the family harmony, although there is a thief, but he (she) are also mostly for family reasons and necessity!

I accidentally found in the summer vacation life, actually I think carefree life is the most happy: "get up at 7:00 in the morning, do homework, 12:30 should be able to finish, then eat lunch then go for a walk, buy a sorbet eating, walk, sit. Go home to play. In the afternoon, at 6:30 to go out for a walk.

This is my ideal pursuit.










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As is revealed in the cartoon, a boy is contemplating(认为) the true meaning of happiness. It is indeed a tough question for him: what is happiness? Making a huge sum of money, or winning true love, or keeping good health, or what? The picture is fairly thought-provoking(发人深省), which intends to convey to us this message: Due attention should be paid to the constant topic of human—happiness.

We can easily recognize the significance of attitude in terms of happiness. On the one hand, some have suffered a great deal but generally remain happy. Take the victims of Wen Chuan earthquake as an example, they lost their families and even something more precious, but they eventually stepped out of the pain to rebuild their home. On the other hand, people who have a relatively easy and comfortable life, and yet are essentially unhappy. Without a positive attitude or the determination to find the little happiness of life, you are destined to(注定) be grievous, no matter what kind of situation you are in.

Considering all the points discussed above, it is advisable that we highly value optimism and apply it in our studies and work. We are, therefore, supposed to take a rational attitude. Happiness is an attitude, not a condition, which lies in the unswerving efforts(坚持不懈的努力) to complete one’s life.







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I have a happy family. There are three people in my family, my father, mother and me. My father is a businessman. He is always busy with his work and he often goes to business trips. But when he is free, he stays with us. My mother is a worker. She works hard, too. She works hard to take care of our home. I love my parents



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Are You Happy

Two year ago, Chinese biggest TV Channel played an interview which brought great response to the audience. The interview is about a journalist asked a worker that if he felt happy, the worker didnt react what the question is, he answered that he his name is not happy. The interview became hot, everyone was taking about it, "Are you happy" has become a greeting when people meet, they made fun of it. The reason why the interview becomes so popular is that people lack of sense of happiness today, they find a way to make fun of happiness. As the development of technology, people live in a fast-pace lifestyle, the pressure from work is so heavy that people focus too much on work, they dont have time to relax, many people bring the work issues to home, keeping busy all the time. We should find the balance between work and family life, try to enjoy life.



两年以前,中国最大的电视频道播放了一条采访片子,引起了观众的巨大反应。采访是关于一位记者问一位农民工“你幸福吗?”,农民工没反应过来,他说他不叫幸福。这条采访片子很热门,大家都在谈论,“你幸福吗”成为了人们见面时的问候语,成为了一个玩笑。这条采访片子红的原因在于人们对幸福感的缺失, 他们找到了开玩笑的方式。随着科技的发展,人们生活节奏变得很快,工作的压力太大以至于工作投入过多,他们没有时间去放松,很多人把工作事情带回家,一直 工作。我们应该找到工作和家庭生活的平衡点,多享受生活。
