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My grandmother is a kind-heart granny who is popular among my neighbors.

She takes a walk outside every day, so she is familiar with many people. She is so experienced in looking after babies, so some young mothers who have problems would like to ask her for help. My grandmother is always ready to help them. My grandmother loves me very much.

She takes care of me since I was a little baby. I have always been taking care of by her, so that I don’t have to worry my life at all. I am so happy to have such a great granny. Now, she is getting old and I want to be the one who can look after her.




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Snow swirl underground, like feathers, white, white ZhuGeDiao into this world.

A class, regardless of the 2 or 3 all came running out to snowball fights, carefree like a kindergarten child, this years first snow, make everyone crazy.

First snow in addition to is to make a snowman snowball fights more not less, from the size of a fist snowball into the snowmans body ah roll roll ah, the snowmans head, rolling a snowball do again to find two as the snowmans eyes a cute snowman was born, looks very cute.

Brush under the snow for a long time for a long time, the sky turned red very beautiful is very beautiful, like a no impurity of ink painting.

Snow is the most beautiful, standing in the snow, patches of snow soon covered with the palm of your hand, look at every snowflake is different, very beautiful, no words can describe, for a few seconds after the snow melts away and disappear.

Throughout the snow reminds me of a words: "if not catkin because of the wind." Pieces of snow like catkin flying in the air, let a person forget the cold, just enjoying the nice view.

On campus, branch is full of snow, like flowers, quietly cover above, white and beautiful.

The wind blowing snow flying, rapidly change the direction of the flying, staggered flying, just like that.

Who wont be tempted like snow? Every child is not about the snowman, snowman, have snow battle, also on the way is walking on the slippery, fell to climb up, continue to go "there hed stand up"

This year the snow is very beautiful is very beautiful.

The snowman a lot this year.

This child is very happy very happy.

The first snow of 2012, bring us a beautiful and happy.

Hope 2013 snow also would be so beautiful and happy.

















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1) 送一个圆圆的饼,献一颗圆圆的心,寄一份圆圆的情,圆一个圆圆的梦。中秋节快乐!

2) 让最圓的明月陪伴你和我,让明月传达我的心愿与祝福…祝福中秋佳节快乐,月圆人圆事事圆满.

3) 床前明月光头佬,疑是地上镶牙佬,举头望明月饼佬,低头思故乡下佬。看此讯息正傻佬!

4) 月有阴情圆缺,人有悲欢离合。希望从今天起月亮永远是圆的,你永远是快乐的!祝你中秋节愉快!

5) 在此中秋佳节来临之际,愿你心情如秋高气爽!笑脸如鲜花常开!愿望个个如愿!中秋快乐!

6) 千里试问平安否?且把思念遥相寄。绵绵爱意与关怀,浓浓情意与祝福,中秋快乐!

7) 中秋就快到了我要送你一个月饼。第一层体贴!第二层关怀!第三层浪漫!中间夹层甜蜜!愿你喜欢!

8) 月到是秋分外明,又是一年团圆日,祝你节日愉快,身体安康

9) 又是一年月圆夜,月下为你许三愿:一愿美梦好似月儿圆,二愿日子更比月饼甜,三愿美貌犹如月中仙。:)

10) 正逢中秋之际,祝您位高权重责任轻,钱多事少离家近,每天睡到自然醒,工资数到手抽筋,奖金多到车来运,别人加班您加薪!

11) 让最圓的明月陪伴你和我,让明月传达我的心愿与祝福…祝福中秋佳节快乐,月圆人圆事事圆满.

12) 举杯仰天遥祝:月圆人圆花好,事顺业顺家兴。

13) 月是中秋分外明,我把问候遥相寄;皓月当空洒清辉,中秋良宵念挚心;祝愿佳节多好运,月圆人圆事事圆!

14) 月到双节分外明,节日喜气伴你行。人逢喜事精神爽,人团家圆事业成。节日愉快身体硬,心想事成您准赢。

15) 月圆了,家圆了,肚子圆了,最好钱包也圆了……节日快乐,万事如意,合家团圆美满!!

16) 中秋到了,月儿圆了,一群猴子捞月去。一会从下往上捞,一会从上往下捞。一只小猴在偷懒,拿着手机看短信。

17) 关掉你的手机,慢慢的闭上眼睛,想想我,想想月饼,你会发现我和月饼一样可爱!!!中秋节快乐!!!

18) 后羿忙射日,嫦娥偷奔月。月老不曾老,自古情难了。中秋月儿挂,心中圆往事。玉兔伴嫦娥,绢带千古绕相思。

19) 春江潮水连海平,海上明月共潮生,花好月圆人团聚,祝福声声伴你行。朋友:中秋快乐!

20) 望着满天星星,传来海浪声音,回忆你的温馨,给我的片片柔情,现在给你写去,几句柔情蜜语,但愿借此短信息,传达我的心语,好让我的笑容,留在你的梦里。

21) 网缘!情缘!月圆!中秋夜语寄相思,花好月圆情难圆。带去问候和思恋,心想事成愿缘圆。

22) 在这特别的日子里,送一份淡淡的清香,为你洒脱缤纷的祝福!远方的你,中秋节快乐!

23) 中秋快乐!如果有什么值得庆祝的话,那一定是团圆;如果有什么值得庆幸的话,那就是平安

24) 中秋了月圆了是祝福的时候了祝你永远幸福,没有烦恼,永远快乐,只有微笑天使没有你纯洁花儿没有你灿烂 .

25) 明月几时有,把饼问青天,不知饼中何馅,今日是莲蓉,我欲乘舟观月,又恐飞船太慢,远处不胜寒。

26) 朋友,不管你现在身处何方,今晚一定要看看那被你遗忘已久的月亮,许个愿吧很可能就会实现哦! 中秋快乐!

27) 相思是一种浓浓的酒,总在举杯时散发出醉人的芬芳;乡愁是一份厚厚的情,总在月圆时轻唤起难言的惆怅。

28) 明月千里难以触摸,对你的思念无处寄托。举杯邀明月,请她对你说:福多!钱多!快乐多!

29) 明月本无价,高山皆有情。路遥千里,难断相思。人虽不至,心向往之。衷心祝愿您和家人团圆美满,幸福安康.

30) 送上香甜的月饼,连同一颗祝福的心...愿你过的每一天都象十五的月亮一样成功 !

31) 明月本无价,高山皆有情。愿你的生活就象这十五的月亮一样,圆圆满满!

32) 又是一年月圆夜,月下为你许三愿:一愿美梦好似月儿圆,二愿日子更比月饼甜,三愿美貌犹如月中仙。:)

33) 在人月两团圆,普天同庆的日子愿你:有泡不完的帅哥!“吊”不完的凯子。随心所欲(遇)!!花好月圆人更“圆”!!

34) 明月几时有,把饼问青天,不知饼中何馅,今日是莲蓉,我欲乘舟观月,又恐飞船太慢,远处不胜寒。

35) 月是中秋分外明,我把问候遥相寄;皓月当空洒清辉,中秋良宵念挚心;祝愿佳节多好运,月圆人圆事事圆!

36) 我正着手筹备公司生产月饼。用浪漫做皮;用温馨做馅;幸福做蛋王;懂得品味的人不需要多,最好只有你一个!

37) 一心一意的支持陪伴,接二连三的合作美满,四书五经的学习不断,六出奇计的辉煌呈现,七窍玲珑的谋略高瞻,八拜之交的情谊康健,九九(久久)依偎的相互扶搀,十全十美的真诚不变。亲爱的客户一生的缘,祝中秋节快乐,幸福连连。

38) 让最圆的明月陪伴你和我,让明月传达我的心愿与祝福…祝福中秋佳节快乐,月圆人圆事事圆满!

39) 中秋节祝福短信:中秋将至,祝你日圆月圆梦圆,团团圆圆;官源财源路源,左右逢源;人缘福缘份缘,缘缘不断;情愿心愿意愿,愿愿随心!中秋快乐!

40) 中秋快乐!中秋佳节快到了,提前送你八轮“月”:身体月来月棒,笑容“月”来“月”甜,钞票“月”来“月”多,生活“月”来“月”顺。记住,转发就能实现!

41) 教师节中秋节,祝你天天快乐,心想事成,身体健康!

42) 有你这样的客户是我的荣幸!在这中秋佳节来临之际,愿送去我最真挚的祝福:身体健康,合家团圆!也愿我们的情谊天长地久!

43) 一帆风顺送给你,二话不说祝福你,三言两语话情谊,四面八方齐祝愿,五光十色属你帅。中秋佳节的到来,发表短信祝愿客户的事业蒸蒸日上,家庭和和美美,身体健健康康。

44) 明月几时有,把饼问青天,不知饼中何馅,今日是莲蓉,我欲乘舟观月,又恐飞船太慢,远处不胜寒。

45) 月是中秋分外明,我把问候遥相寄;皓月当空洒清辉,中秋良宵念挚心;祝愿佳节多好运,月圆人圆事事圆!

46) 我正着手筹备公司生产月饼。用浪漫做皮;用温馨做馅;幸福做蛋王;懂得品味的人不需要多,最好只有你一个!

47) 嗨,嫦娥让我给你带个话,今年中秋给她留点月饼渣,她明年会给你送个大金月饼。祝中秋节快乐!

48) 月是中秋分外明,祝你天天好心情;皓月当空洒清辉,美好事儿一堆堆;祝愿佳节多喜庆,以后天天走好运!



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In this world, there are a lot of people, who like to pursue the fame and fortune, and spend money like a magnificent villa, enjoying prosperity and wealth. But there is a person, is very different with these people, they do not want to enjoy the wealth, they work hard every day quietly pay, no return, because the world has them, so we can be so perfect.

Among these people, the cleaner is the best example. Some of the sweep road cleaner, for fear of the vehicle is too much, so I have to early in the morning, just open your sleep, street sweeping the floor, and they work very dangerous, because they are likely to be of the car a hit, died. Personnel and a clean, also often wander in the line of death, at any time may cross the line of death, this kind of cleaner, is responsible for cleaning up underground ditch, we absolutely do not think that sweeps the floor under the ditch, just swept the dirt out, actually these cleaning staff, must face the test of death, because they may at any time step into deep does not see the bottom concave hole, is more terrible, they may die because of biogas, so sweeping down the ditch, is also a very dangerous job. Among all the cleaners, building glass, is one of the most dangerous, because the cleaners, may be a pendant, hell, because usually is to brush a few floors of the glass, so dont fell dead, also was frightened to death, so building glass cleaners, is a very dangerous job, a forbidding place.

Although these people do not attract attention, but their credit, but higher than the sky, the sea is still deep, and their labor and resentment spirit, more straight us study.



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Article two: visit the Great Wall composition 300 words

The Great Wall is my dream place, today I came to the the Badaling Great Wall in Beijing.

We began to climb the Great Wall. The Great Wall was covered with a piece of brick, very smooth. The Great Wall is very wide, five or six horses can be parallel, like a wide and long street. Every section of the road there is a Beacon Tower, Beacon Tower used to light fireworks convey important military, such as the enemy occurred, table is connected, transmitting military.

I look much against the wall, the Great Wall looks like a long dragon winding prone in the lofty mountains and high ranges between stretch as far as eye can see, under the blue sky, the queue is mighty, magnificent. To the distance, the mountain peaks on the rolling, tree verdant. Like a sea of green. I looked down, only a car such as beetles, a pedestrian as ants.

Standing on the Great Wall, tread the brick, leaning on the wall of stone, it is natural to think of the working people of ancient construction of the Great Wall. No car, train, crane handling tools of ancient, two thousand or three thousand pound brick rely on ancient craftsmen a express to this steep mountains, its not easy! Dont know how many people are dead in the the Great Wall, because of the ancient working people have today this magnificent dragon.

The Great Wall, you are so powerful, how magnificent, I love you.



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Last spring, my father and mother went to an uncle, he had three puppies, he put the first dog to me, I do not love love, Dad, put second puppies to me, I still dont love, mother love, he put third puppies for me. I like, mom and Dad love, the uncle said: "this dog. Its name is Mimi especially love to dress himself, once I moved back to the United States and the United States, flour, flour roll in the body, and then to me, and its soft on the body feels really comfortable.

The uncle said, "you like you to take it away!" I said, "thank you, uncle!" the uncle said, "Im not welcome. "Mom said," lets go home! "I said," no, I want to play with beauty! "Dad said," lets play here, and Ill pick you up in a moment. " "

My uncle gave me a ball, let me play it for a while, play for a while, I was tired, and Mei was also tired. When I was in the rest, I saw the puppy sleeping. When I went to America and America, I woke up and felt very funny.

Dad came to pick me up. When he got home, Meimei seemed hungry. I said, "Mom, puppy seems hungry. Do you buy dog food for it?"

When I went to bed at night, dad made a small room for it. It was very nice. When he did it, it jumped and jumped as if it was thanks to us.



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In the corner of my living room, stood a small fish tank. Fish tank four or four square, four walls like a trapped that goldfish. Fish tank is very small, can only accommodate two small goldfish. Since the other goldfish died, the rest of the goldfish no partner.

My family sometimes changed water for goldfish, but many times forgot to feed it, but it never starved to death. Although I rarely see it, but every time I see it, it is still very pleasant to swim. Sometimes, it saw me, more in the water with the tail, as if very happy.

One night I could not sleep, out of the living room to find something dry, but pay attention to the fish that fish. It swim alone, never stopped. This goldfish, even in such a harsh environment without any biological friends companion, lack of food, may not be sufficient space for the event. But also feel that this is a miracle: it is always healthy and happy to live. Small goldfish have succumbed to all the factors that are detrimental to it, the requirements of the living environment is just a box of water.

If this goldfish compared to people, perhaps, it is a poor, livelihood is enough to make ends meet, but he is still optimistic to live. Maybe he will look forward to the future, and the world really have such a person. Now, the society is rapidly changing, willpower weaker can not stand the changes in society, so self-mutilation reported when heard. Do not we even a goldfish is not it?

Work in this society, in addition to stress wisdom, but also need enough resilience - who knows you will not be demoted, deducted artificial, or even dismissed? As the goldfish, the harsh environment is not the same The most important thing is, how will you go to face if everyone is faced with difficulties and obstacles. Can think of the spirit of the goldfish, social negative emotions can be greatly reduced. Can everyone smile to face adversity, is not it more effective than escape?



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What is the rain in the autumn? It is not like a thunder in spring, it is not as heavy rain as the summer, it is not as rain and snow as winter. Then what is it in the end it? Let us go together to reveal the mysterious veil of autumn it!

Autumn is softer. Autumn hit in the face, Rou Si, a cool feeling can not help but arises spontaneously. After the rain, the air fresh, you will never bother it.

The rainbow rhythm, the rhythm of the raindrops beat in the filthy car cover, playing a wonderful symphony, a rain, the car turned to spotless, like a new one. Raindrops hit the window glass, the window glass immediately become clear and bright, "vocal" accompanied by "water painting", beautiful. Irritable time, take a look, cool, and trouble immediately thrown into the clouds. Field, raindrops came to the top of the tent, sit on the "slide" jump down, the dust are taken away.

Autumn is air conditioning. Under a few rain, the temperature immediately down, the air is not so hot. Rain, the temperature immediately cool down, if not rain, the summer tail seems to have refused to go the same.

Autumn is stamps, postal cool, small animals who have to save food, and autumn harvest winter, in order to avoid winter cold and cold forced to be frozen.

Autumn is a magnifying glass, it is useful for people to enlarge things, people are eyeful harvest scene.



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Look, the leaves on the trees are slowly turning yellow.All the leaves following the autumn wind, lightly fall to the ground. Now the ground covers m with golden leaves.Every clear day,the sun shines on the golden yelow leavess,they will make a rusting noise telling us autumn is here!

Autumn is all the small animals is busiest season.

Autumn is also everyone is busiest time.

Autumn is short. To the sutudents,this is the best time for learning.

I love autumn!



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I loveSummer! In summer, the tree is very green, the flower is very beautiful, the river is very limpidity, the grass is very verdant. I like enjoy the summer!

In summer, I like swimming, it’s interesting. I can wear pretty dress and Tshirt, I like eating icecreams, too. I don’t like winter because I must wear sweater, I can’t eat ice creams.



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Autumn came, the fruit of the orchard was ripe.

You see, apple red, and big and round, like a small bowls of light. Pear Huang Chengcheng, like a small gourd, covered with branches, the number is also countless. Grapes, purple, light green, a string of water Lingling, looks very good. They are floating fragrance, looked really lovable.

Listen, the orchard came out of the noisy voice, oh, the original is a few children in the orchard picking fruit! Bull is a Hercules, he picked a basket of apples ready to send them to uncle aunt home. Do not look at the point is a little point, she can not be willing to fall behind someone else, she climbed the ladder, picked a big round and round apples, shouted: "I picked a biggest apple!" Show it, Brought up an apple, on the baskets, everyone applauded for her.

There are a few small hedgehogs also came to the orchard join in the fun, as long as they can be filled with a roll and return.

Autumn orchard really lively ah! I love the fall of the orchard!



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The Lunar New Year is a great occasion to the Chinese people.It lasts about the first four days of the year,during which people do not work except for the workers on duty.Students do not go to school,and shops are closed.

Several days before the new year,people begin to prepare.Farmers kill pigs,sheep,cocks and hens.City dwellers buy meat fish and vegetables.Houses are cleaned; coupletsare posted on the doors.Colourful lanterns are hung at the gate.

On the eve of the new year,each family has its members gatherd together and eats a family reunion dinner.After the meal they watch TV until the clock strickes twelve.Then every family sets off long strings of small firecrackers and other fire works to welcome the new year.On the first day of the new year,almost everyone is dressed in his or her best.When people meet on the way,they say to each other "Happy New Year".Friends and relatives pay new year calls and gives presents to each other.Children indulge themselves in games.



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Finally arrived, and finally to the Lantern Festival. From over the years, I have been waiting for this day.

Lantern Festival, the festival has to be taken seriously since the western han dynasty period, jun, and become a folk customs, people carry on for hundreds of years of tradition, -- to admire the lanterns, guess riddles, dragon dance, lion dance, twist DaYangGe, very lively, with the development of science and technology now and create a new folk - to watch the fireworks.

Today, the whole family gather together, waiting for the yuan get to midnight snack, it just dark down, you can hear "bang hua" of firecrackers.

At night, I walk in the street, with the family is full of "boom" sound, the sky is the fireworks, although not as good as the day, but it is also illuminated. Walking up and down the street, looking at people, listening to the deafening firecrackers; Feel the lively gas; My heart also could not help being alert and cheerful. Along the way, all the stores a Lantern Festival color, roadside lights flash new moon, full moon in the sky upon the earth, is "with no lights light there is not a beauty, Japan is not spring".

Condensed out of the accident, my eyes and in the fireworks in the sky above, like will soon open the flower of the hail, suddenly open, scattered pieces of the blossom. Everywhere is the flowers open, as if spring mei fang and hail in full bloom.

Today busy angry, also let me feel though years have passed, but the yuan snack than eve also. Lively.









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