我喜欢冬天英语作文热门3篇 作文怎么写【热门20篇】

导语:在一个风和日丽的下午,我和我的几个同学在我家的小院子里玩游戏。小编收集我喜欢冬天英语作文热门3篇 作文怎么写,欢迎阅读。






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My favorite season is summer.

Among all the year round, my favorite season is summer.

Every time in summer I will be very happy, because summer is my favorite season. Though the summer is very hot, but I still like it.

Summer when burning sun pawn, I for the sake of good will swim in the swimming pool inside, of course, swimming is also one of my favorites!

When I go to school every day after school, you will see some of the street looks green is very green, very lush trees, let a person look very comfortable.

We wuhans summer that call a word "hot", in our summer in wuhan, that everyone must say wuhan is a big stove.










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My favorite animal is a dog, there is a small dog called small white mother kindergarten, it body hair is white, a pair of watery eyes, want to two bright pearls rolling, very agreeable.

It doesnt know me at first. On one occasion, my mother and I went to kindergarten, it is very fierce, I came so close to my legs, also good mother stopped it, the second day, my mother brought me in, little white saw my mom ran shaking his tail, mother said to the little white, of me, this is one of their own, dont bite well in the future. it look at me, his tail, on my feet smell the smell went away, so we met, I grew to like it.

Small white the most affectionate mother, it runs every see mother bark thy mothers foot, as if to say master, give something to eat. "Mother said, forgot, didnt give you. its not pleasant walks away. It is also very affectionate to me, one time, it ran up to me to eat, I have to gave it bought chicken legs, it eats the voracious, mouth also issued a whine. It ate chicken leg, I will play with it, it ran like the wind blows, I how also not overtake, later on, its on the lawn waiting to play with me.

This is I like my dog, a likeable, conscientious puppy.







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The weather in winter is a set of all the phenomena in a given atmosphere at a given time. It also includes interactions with the hydrosphere.它同样包括水圈的相互作用。

The term usually refers to the activity of these phenomena over short periods (hours or days), as opposed to the term climate, which refers to the average atmospheric conditions over longer periods of time. When used without qualification, weather" is understood to be the weather of Earth. 如果没有限定的条件,人们对于气候的理解就是地球的天气。



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This morning, the snow girl came to us with her gift, and she walked all the way to her. You guessed it, her gift is snow.

I came to school, in front of a vast expanse of white. The branches are white, the roof is a white, everywhere is a white, playground like a layer of carpet.

There is a statue behind the building. It was a young pioneer, his neck tied a red scarf, wearing white clothes and pants. A blossoming snow fly down, fell on his head, clothes, hands, although his face was pale and pale, but he is still blowing his small speakers, more brave "little warrior" ah!

The children are very happy. Some of them stepped on the stairs, trampled out a "painting"; some in the playground on the snowman. The most interesting is the snowball fight. Everyone you hit me, I hit you, happy face Feixia, the campus laughing groaning.

Ah! Snow girl quietly left us, but the snow girl brought the gift we will treasure in the heart.



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Winter morning is sometimes good, sometimes bad, really make people wonder.

It makes me know what the cold and windy, let me know the taste of the knife, but it is sometimes good.

Open the window in the morning and found the earth covered with a thick layer of white cotton blanket, bare tree also put on a white clothes, from afar, beautiful ah! Ran out, playing in the snow two roll, Kick a few feet, race a few times to run, catch a few times to hide, playing a few snow battle, heap a few snowman. Ah, really happy!

Into the foot of the forest, the forest is not a spring of vitality, but I believe that the spring will come. Climbed to the mountainside, has been about to see the end of the town. At this time, the town has been a pair of white hands to protect. Climbed to the top of the hill, the sun has been from the horizon, struggling out. At this time, found the town is so cute, surrounded by several hills to help the town against the cold wind.

My favorite winter snow. Snow is the beauty of beauty: powder makeup jade puzzle, snow vast. In the morning, open the doors and windows: a tree tree with a long blossoming pear. This reminds me of the "Suddenly the night of the spring, thousands of trees million pear tree open."

In this morning full of infinite dreams, I understand that people simply so easy. Winter morning beauty, with us to enjoy. Winter in the context of nature, enjoy blooming with their own grace, for our lives add infinite vitality and vitality.



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喜欢冬,喜欢那令人食指大动的汤圆,每到冬至,我总是不厌其烦的搓揉着汤圆,有大有小,让人爱不释手,每当我正准备细细品尝那人间美味的汤圆时,我总是口水直流、垂涎欲滴,恨不得立刻大饱口福一番啊!“哇!真是独一无二的汤圆啊!”每当我轻轻咬下它时,可口的汤汁立刻钻了出来,有嚼劲的它,总让我赞不绝 口、齿夹流香,也让我把疲倦和烦恼抛到九霄云外、释放得干二净。

我喜欢冬,喜欢看到四处洋溢着圣诞的喜悦,踏进学校,轻快的圣诞歌在我耳际回荡,同学们的脸有如朵朵灿烂的花儿,每个人都像调皮的小猴子般,高兴的手舞足蹈,我与它们七嘴八舌的分享圣诞节的幸福,走进家门,数不尽的圣诞礼物节比邻次的排在圣诞树下,我插上插头,原本孤寂无光的圣诞树顿时五彩缤纷,七彩的颜色照亮我心房,我小心翼翼的拆开圣诞礼物,每当礼物拆开,彷彿中了头彩般的兴奋,拉开窗户,雪花仍在飘扬,此起彼落的欢笑声不绝于耳、明亮的灯火正努力的 发光。

我喜欢冬,喜欢漫山遍野的梅花,每到冬天,我总是穿着厚重的大衣来享受冬天这份绝无仅有的礼物,山上白雪皑皑,一珠珠的花团併在一起,一望无际的花海让人 恍如步入了银白世界,它们不畏寒风的吹拂,大雨的打击,反而在这冷飕飕的冬天抬头挺胸,它们好像在和寒冬生死搏斗,这种不屈不挠、勇往直前的精神,让我佩服得五体投地。

冬天,是我最喜欢的季节,虽然空气凝聚了寒冷,却温暖了我的心,它的美丽,它的幸福,以蓝天为纸,以海水为墨,也说不完,如果没有冬天,彷彿夜空少了繁 星,再也无法吸引人,亦彷彿月亮少了云彩,不能表现出柔美,所以我们应该多多注重全球暖化的问题,做好节能减炭的责任,让多采多姿的冬天能源源不绝。



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I have a party on my eleven birthday, many friends give me the present. There is a doll, a pen, a music box, a notebook, a book and a flower. My faverite present is the flower. The flower is very beautiful. Its colour is red. I like to smell it. I put it in a bottle of water. My mother says it is a rose. I can plant it in the pot. I water the flower everyday. I wish it can be beautiful forever.



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My favorite fruit My favorite is lemon fruit. Lemon is not very round, with a sharp point, is yellow. The Latin species name Citrus limon lemon. Lemon juice can enhance memory, improve osteoporosis, a beauty effects, and so on. Lemon juice or beverage preparation of important raw materials and manufacturing drugs, often Trickle-down lemon juice to remove Westerners eating again. Used mainly for juice, fruits sometimes used as cooking, but the basic need for Xiansi because too sour. Fruits containing 5% citric acid were. Containing 501.6 mg per litre lemon juice, vitamin C and citric acid were 49.88 grams. This is my favorite fruit.

我最喜欢水果是柠檬。柠檬不是很圆,带一点尖,是黄色的。柠檬的拉丁种名为Citrus limon。柠檬汁可以强化记忆力,改善骨质疏松,达到美容效果等等。柠檬汁还是调制鸡尾酒和制造饮料的重要原料,西方人吃鱼时常滴入柠檬汁以去除腥味。主要为榨汁用,果实有时也用做烹饪,但基本不用作鲜食,因为太酸。果实中含5%的柠檬酸。每升柠檬汁中含 501.6 毫克的维生素 C 和 49.88 克的柠檬酸。这就是我最喜欢的水果。



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Today, I have the geography class. I am afraid of the geography class, because I have the bad memory and can’t remember the places. But in this class, our teacher does something different, she shows us many pictures and tells us many interesting things about her trips. I listen to her carefully. I like this lesson, it is vivid and I can learn many things about geography.





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Music is an important part in my life,I even cant live without music.

Actually,I like many kinds of music,Id like to talk about my favorite music here.Well,I like Irish folk music best,New age is Irish style,and its mixes some morden melody,it sounds very nice and pure,can bring you into the never land and dream land,just relax,and forget all the problems.I like Enya,she is a very famous New age singer,her song just like the voice of heaven,her song is as nice and beautiful as herself!

Im not keen on American pop songs,they are terrible for me!The melody is not soft and nice at all!So fast and strong beat,too exciting,and cant hear them clearly.I cant stand the strong beat,that nearly make me fainted!

In a word,music has an very important place in my life.As for the importance of music to my life,I think you can guess,it just like meals and sleeping,I cant live without it.Does anyone want to take it away from me,Im gonna fight him and never give up!



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As you know, sports can help the body to keep healthy.

I enjoy many kinds of sports , such as swimming, running, and dancing. However, the sport that I like most is swimming. Because I was born in the year of the snake, I like water very much as a snake. During summer vacations, I go swimming with my mother, although I should get up very early every day, I do not feel hard, because I can enjoy the cool summer water. In the other hand, swimming is a good sport, it can exercise every parts of our body, when you swimming, you should move your hand, your leg, your head, and every body parts should cooperate with each other. Swimming can make me more and more strong.

So dear friends,lets go swimming together.




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冬季到了蚂蚁在蛰伏了,树也开是掉头发了,水也便冰块了,气候也变冷了,温度也开是下降了,山上也开始下雪了,咱们也开始穿上厚厚的大外套,冬季你怎样那 么的冷酷无情把咱们整个南半球变成一个冷清清的冰山,但是冬季是每一个都要过的,不喜爱冬季的人也一定要过这个冬季,冬季你就像一个伟大的神相同,具有一 股能够让一切事物变得冷冷清清,也将一些美丽美丽的留鸟给赶开,让咱们在这个时节不能看到这些美丽美丽的留鸟,也让赏鸟的人不能观看那些美丽美丽的留鸟了,连想调查动物的人也关不到这些动物了,由于动物都在蛰伏,但是冬季也是有长处,冬季也有把咱们最厌烦的飓风给吓跑了,所以咱们也要多多感谢冬季把许多咱们厌烦的飓风给吓跑所以冬季很少飓风,但是有人仍是很厌烦冬季,但是冬季有许多节日能够玩,如:圣诞节有礼物、春节有红包还能够放假、万圣节有糖块能够吃。就涮不要过冬季也仍是要过冬季,冬季也渐渐的脱离咱们,换春天来迎候咱们新的时节。




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I have a parrot. Its name is Nancy. I call it Nancy, because it is my passed grandmother’s name. I love her and hope she can accompany with, so I name my parrot her name. Nancy is very beautiful. Its fur is special comfortable. It is clever, too. At first, it can’t say any words, but now it can say many words. Like, good morning, good afternoon, good night, good bye and so on. it learns fast. I love it very much.?



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Winter morning is very beautiful, not letter, please have a look at --

Pushed open the door to go out every morning, the bitter wind blowing, with coming to me from time to time. And, occasionally, there will be a naughty little snowflake swirl to fall down, just like dancing. Hexagonal snowflakes all kinds: some like silver needle, some like leaves, and as a scrap of paper... It looks good. Fall to the ground, as if the earth covered with a thick blanket; Fall in the trees, like putting on the silver; Fall in the car, like freshly baked fresh cream cakes. This beautiful snow makes people immersed in the fresh air. White everywhere, beautiful.

However, most can make people in the home can be the first to feel the breath of winter is the window on the ice, some like a forest, mysterious; Some like a stream, as if to flowing; Some like Santa Claus, as if to give people gifts... Winter girl is really ingenuity!

At the club, it is a sea of people, very lively. People wear thick cotton-padded clothes, like cotton. He (she) is accompanied by beautiful music, for morning exercise.

Artificial lake on a thick layer of ice, some naughty little classmate play combat on the lake, there were laughter from time to time, the surface of the lake. ......

In winter, very cold. To be honest, I do not want it to come, but it comes, but I have a strange feeling. Oh, I love winter, because winter "of the wind tests the strength", I love its character.









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In the morning of the morning, the sleeping earth was just awake, and there was no living grass on it, because of the land, it was flourishing; for you, the grass appeared to be filled with winter: because of the grass, : Because of you, those lonely children are full of laughter, that is you - snow!

The playground school have lost their umbrellas, three or five groups laughing with each other, chasing, and some stretched little cold hands to feel the presence of snow, and some big mouth to taste the taste of snow, you take the snowball throw me That snow ball throw you, everyone in the snow to enjoy the laughter, like a child of ignorance play, very happy!

Mountains and rivers, rivers, trees, houses, all covered with a layer of thick snow, thousands of miles, into a pink makeup jade world. The leaves of the willow covered with fluffy shiny silver bullion children; and those winter and evergreen pine and cypress trees, covered with fluffy pine heavy snowball children.

This will me and the class in the snow in the play, feeling the body more and more light, suddenly I flew up, put on a white and beautiful clothes, my hand gently waved the snow stopped, in a wave, Snow and open to the next, the students exposed the envy of the eyes. Suddenly, I restored the status quo, what fell from the air, and open eyes to see the original I rolled down the bed, really a false alarm!



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The cool autumn is over and the cold winter is coming. The heavy snow changed the earth to a snow-white dress. The children, dressed in warm coats and warm hats, came to play in the broad snow. A little girl rolled a big snowball first, then rolled a little bit of snowball, and folded them together and became a snow child. The snow child was so cute. There is a little boy while holding a lovely dog, while playing football, playing really happy, and there is a little boy, he hid behind my snowman, is a game of hide and seek! It is very interesting, winter is a really fun season!



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The rotation of one season after season, the wind shadow, handguns. Vibrant spring, hot summer, autumn fruits, bitterly cold winter, has given me four different feelings. But, in contrast, I prefer winter, like his goose feather snow, like the snow mountains.

In the south, snow seems to be a very rare, worthy of attention. So I have a special liking to snow is. In the winter, Im looking forward to snow.

Snow, as the angel of the winter, the winter of information spread through the ends of the earth. Snow, falling from the sky, a perfect star drifted down, like a flower rain. Snow, like a naive and lively children, so naughty, so lovely, to the earth is aspersing endless meteor... Remember 2008, snow fell, the world is covered by snow, became a fairy tale. It good white beautiful, like a babys skin, they are standing on the branch, in an instant, the branches became a silver bar, like a tree full of white flowers. Is really "like night of spring breeze comes suddenly, thousand trees critics, pear flower open"!

In the snow days, the vast expanse of snow fell little guilty of, some are not afraid of cold, children are running in the snow, they speak their savings already a long time the laughter of the frozen on the snow, for a long time. They snowball fights, a snowman, the snow has become their playmate, become their everything.

Snow is so pure, can be called the soul of the winter, no snow, winter is not winter, also become lifeless winter. I love winter, but I like snow, I love his naughty, his beauty, his dancing scene. I love winter, as I love winter with the snow elves.








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nowadays more and more people have the habitat of exercise,because in this way,people can keep health.and in these sports,my favourite sport is swimming.swimming can not only take good effection to my health,but also keep me fit.

swimming makes me enjoyable,when i swim, i feel i am just like a free fish,i like the feeling that you can enjoy the endless freedom.

swimming makes me confident,when i swim so fast that i can hear the brisk voice of the water,i think i am the best swimmer,though maybe somebody swims faster than me ,but i keep the good feeling and high spirit.

i like swimming, it makes me positive and happy,i will insist on this hobby all the time.



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Pet Raising


Nowadays, with the improvement of the people’s living standard, some people form a habit of raising small or domestic animals as pets. Some raise small dogs or cats as their pets while others raise various birds or fishes as their pets.


However, some people object to the idea of raising animals as pets. To them, animals have their own right to live a natural life like human beings. On the other hand, the way people raise animals as pets have a negative influence on the surroundings ,for example, dogs’ chasing people on the street and so on. What’s more, some animals will transmit some diseases.


In my opinion, I do not like the idea to raise animals at pets. We should not deprive them of their natural right. In this way, we will live in a peaceful world in harmony with the other living creatures.


