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This is my friend. His name is Tom. He has two big eyes and a small nose. He has a big mouth and two small ears. He likes eating beef, chicken, hamburger, pizza, pork and Chinese cabbage. He is good at playing football and he is good at running. Tom runs faster than me.




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A few days ago, I attended a friends birthday party in our class, we play there is cricket. To like hockey, cricket is also holding a racket, but playing in his room. And is holding a ball slapping a ball with small holes. When we begin to be team consists of, the people are angry and surprised. Why is that? Because, to our team consists of that aunt seemed to know what we are thinking, threw us and our good friend points in different groups, but didnt also way, had to this. Alas! Later if I became the king, who put others and his friends in a different team, took him to the lions!

The race began! Someone got the ball! He brought the ball to midfield, couldnt brought forward, and he passed in front of the players, the players had a man, and then shot, goal! Our spirit fell straight racket, their team shouted, cried, there is a person still at us quite a chest, head high head, as if to say: "you dont want to win our team forever!" I am even more angry at this time, very anxious to bring the boy and kill it!

We cant, have to go to the midfield. We have a friend received the ball, I ran to the door, he just to me, I shot, the door! This time should be our proud, should they are depressed, it is fair! But then they scored more and more... Alas, if, in all our team not how!

Finally we sing happy birthday, my all quick enough, and the adults all ears.

That day is really happy! Unfortunately, the happy time in the past!



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She is the person whom I just came to little lotus to know at the earliest stage.I know she is a good student from the other peoples.She upholds the law strictly in the little lotus, no matter who it is, plagiarizing her to stop, her personality is very bright, meeting the affair calm and steady dispassion.She loves to make friend very much, so her friend is a lot of, this lets me envy very much.

Hoping her to continue makes great effort!







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Sincere Thanks to My Friends

Everyone has his circle of friends,big or small.There is an ancient proverb in China——“the more friends you make,the more ways you can take”, which means friends are the person who can help us.But from my point of view,the value of friendship can not be estimated.Besides help us,they also can accompany us and love us.Friends are the person will not leave us whether we are together or not and wherever we go.

In my life,I also have had many friends so far.We might come across in Primary School,Middle School,High School and University.Even we met when we were born and grow together,we call them “fa xiao”in Chinese.My friends make me happy,sad, heart-broken.We cry together,laugh together,and sometimes we may argue,speak something bad and decide to break up forever at the time of being impetuous.But we always came to an compromise and apologized to each other.Our friendship and our emotion made us lose courage to abandon the other.I am willing to apology to everyone hurt by my mistakes and I am also ready to forgive the people who have courage to acknowledge a mistake,because I cherish our friendship.

In a word,friendship is the biggest wealth in my life,and it is the fruit I harvest on the way to grow up.My friends

all,thanks for your company ,thanks for your love.

Don’t say “give up”simply .Don’t loose your hands simply.Or else,one day you will find how big the mistake you made is and how late the time you can apology is.



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1、 有痰不要乱吐,垃圾不要随手丢弃,不要随地大小便,请做到以上这些内容,因为公共卫生关系到我们每一个人的健康。每个人的一个善举,便可以成就一个奇迹。祝福朋友们世界卫生日快乐。

2、 听说你三年没有洗发,头发上面已经可以长草;五年没有洗澡,身上的泥可以当土壤;世界卫生日到,还不快洗澡!呵呵,洗洗才健康哟!

3、 世界卫生日到了,提醒你:作息要规律,床铺要整洁,饭前要洗手,睡前要洗脚,不是乱啰嗦,愿你身体好,注意讲卫生,疾病找不了,愿你真幸福,一生都美好!

4、 世界卫生日到,讲卫生,身安康,勤打扫,心情爽,勤洗手,病菌走,勤消毒,疾病无,勤洗澡,身体好,勤锻炼,体康健,勤宣传,美家园。

5、 白鹅在湖里游泳,洗去烦恼更快乐;小鱼在水里歌唱,洗洗更加健康;你也不要在执迷不悟,光顾着滚粪球了!世界卫生日到,注意卫生哟!

6、 世界卫生日,蟑螂向你发出了抗议,老鼠开始居家迁徙,蚊蝇对你退避三舍,百步之内我不敢见你。哥,在世界卫生日你就好好洗洗吧。祝你世界卫生日快乐。

7、 猪,起床了吗?今天可是一个特殊的日子——世界卫生日,即便你是猪也要过节啊。起床洗脸刷牙更清醒,勤洗手除细菌,出来晒晒太阳身体好。猪,世界卫生日,一年就一回,你还等什么呢,还不赶快起床?

8、 世界卫生日到,我的短信来到,不乱倒垃圾,保护环境,不随地吐痰,养成习惯,勤晒太阳,杀掉细菌,扫去灰尘,轻松愉快。祝你开心快乐每一天。

9、 世界卫生日,短信嘱咐你,饭前便后要洗手,疾病与你绕着走,早晨夜晚要刷牙,刷走细菌清爽留下,勤换内衣和外套,身体健康没烦恼!

10、 四月七,卫生日,我的祝福陪着你,愿你干干净净穿新衣,讲究卫生数第一,收拾房间扫垃圾,清扫屋院心欢喜,手脚衣物多清洗,无病无灾好身体!

11、 争一种快活叫“干干净净”,盼一种享受叫“健康卫生”,祈一种美丽叫“心灵纯净”,得一种情谊叫“祝福由衷”,世界卫生日,愿你健康幸福一辈子,世界卫生日快乐。

12、 常洗手常洗脚,卫生习惯很重要,多通风多锻炼,身体健康永相伴,讲卫生今日抓,环保搞好利国家,世界卫生日,愿你好运相伴,安康永远。

13、 卫生日,想健康,卫生保,想平安,垃圾扫,想快乐,勤洗澡,想舒心,被褥晾,想幸福,来环保,卫生日,祝福语,财运随,幸福绕,平安行,健康抱,笑容爽。

14、 一池清水藏着致命的细菌,一双净手躲着无数病毒,一阵浓雾带来众多颗粒。侵害人身体的毒物都是人的眼睛看不到的,只有良好的卫生习惯才能让我们的生活更健康。世界卫生日,愿你的生活无污染,永远健康。

15、 世界卫生日,送你一把扫帚:扫扫房根屋角,扫来快乐扫走烦恼;扫扫房前屋后,扫来幸福扫走忧愁;扫扫路口桥头,扫来真情扫走阴谋;愿你越扫越快乐,越扫越健康,越扫越幸福!

16、 世界卫生日,愿你:搞好卫生,勤晒太阳,室内通风,空气流畅,扫去灰尘,干干净净,多吃蔬菜,轻松愉快,讲究卫生,健康永伴。

17、 幼儿园的时候老师告诉我们饭前便后要认真洗手,小学的时候老师告诉我们不要乱扔垃圾,中学的时候老师告诉我们不要随手涂鸦,大学的时候老师告诉我们要多锻炼重健康。世界卫生日,你还记得这些卫生生活的叮嘱吗?卫生生活,健康一生!

18、 世界卫生日,送你一把扫帚:扫扫房根屋角,扫来快乐扫走烦恼;扫扫房前屋后,扫来幸福扫走忧愁;扫扫路口桥头,扫来真情扫走阴谋;愿你越扫越快乐,越扫越健康,越扫越幸福!

19、 在公共场合吸烟,危害的是一群人;在公共场合吐痰,恶心的是所有路人;在公共场合乱丢垃圾,也给自己脸上丢了垃圾;世界卫生日,愿朋友你跟我一起呼吁社会保护环境,注意卫生。

20、 世界卫生日,卫生问题要重视,你我行动齐环保,公共场合垃圾少,保护环境利国家,清新空气身体佳,愿你快乐永相随,一生安康事业飞。

21、 世界卫生日,送你温馨贴士,垃圾别乱丢弃,公共卫生不能大意,勤洗手,勤换衣,超级病毒共同抗击,锻炼才有好的身体,清新明朗好空气,天天精神高兴溢!

22、 关爱世界卫生,从“五不”小事做起:不乱扔垃圾,不乱倾废水,不乱涂乱画,不乱吐口痰,不破坏环境。世界卫生日,健康生活你我他!

23、 世界卫生日,送上我最真挚的祝福:希望你注意卫生,把疾病拒之门外;希望你注意细节,养成良好习惯;希望你注意身体,身体倍棒,吃嘛嘛香。总之,世界卫生日,送你一生安好。

24、 病从口入口齿健康很重要,经常刷牙身体健康,福从口出祝福的话语芳香迷人,世界卫生日,我请你把好“口”这一关,我祝福你一生永远健康,乐无忧。

25、 愿你扫去灰尘,清除烦恼,晒出细菌,收获健康,保护环境,人人有责,爱护公物,从我做起,空气清新,心情舒畅,世界卫生日,祝你健康。

26、 世界卫生日,记得你要洗清烦恼的污垢,扫走霉运的灰尘,刷去忧伤的痕迹,还给生活的一片洁净,送给心中的一片清新,从此,清新舒畅,世界卫生日快乐。










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1. 祝福加祝福是很多个祝福,祝福减祝福是祝福的起点,祝福乘祝福是无限个祝福,祝福除祝福是唯一的祝福,祝福你生日快乐!

2. 一碗甜甜的长寿面,筋斗的面条是我长长的祝愿,一丝丝将你缠绕到永远,愿健康与快乐幸福和甜蜜与你日夜相伴,祝你生日快乐!

3. 友情,不是茶,愈冲,愈淡;友情,应是酒,愈陈,愈香!祝你在生日后的每一天里依然健康快乐!

4. 愿你是清新的海风,鼓起白色的船帆;愿你是坚固的大船,剪开蓝色的波澜。生活的海在你前方微笑,望你乘风破浪,将彩色的人生拥抱,祝你聪明上进!生日快乐!

5. 今夜,那一轮新月静静地映在我的窗棂,想把那一抹清光寄去,为你燃亮枚心愿。

6. 你的生日即将揭幕,发条短信送来祝福:开心快乐一锅同煮,吉祥如意一船同渡,平安顺利一起上路,幸福好运一同奔赴。祝:亲爱的朋友生日快乐!

7. 虽然温度总在变化,虽然时光没有停息,虽然此刻你我远隔千里,虽然祝福只是一条信息,但朋友的心总在惦记,真挚的问候总是跟随着你,生日快乐!

8. 烛光交辉映甜蜜,长寿面来缠幸福,红酒醉人心中美,良辰美景庆生日;恭喜,恭喜,又长大一岁,祝你在新的一岁里事事顺利!生日快乐!

9. 曙光初现幸福在你身边艳阳高照微笑在你心间日落西山欢乐随你一天。关心你的朋友在这一天衷心祝你快乐到永远生日快乐!

10. 生日快乐愿我的祝福萦绕你,在你缤纷的人生之旅,在你飞翔的彩虹天空里。祝:生日快乐!天天好心情!永远靓丽!

11. 今天,用意想不到的甜蜜和幸福的礼物开始,像花儿绽开一样。在这喜庆日子里,我深情地思念你,愿生活中最美好的友谊爱情和幸福都属于你。

12. 虽然平常会因一些小事争得面红耳赤,感情也就从争吵中出来的,足已证明我们共同点太多,这也是一种缘分,生日之即,祝你生日快乐!合家欢乐!

13. 日光给你镀上成熟,月华增添你的妩媚,在你生日这一天,愿朋友的祝福汇成你快乐的源泉,一起涌向你

14. 青春的树越长越葱茏,生命的花就越开越艳丽。在你生日的这一天,请接受我对你深深的祝福,愿你充满活力,青春常在!

15. 爸爸,献上我的谢意,为了这么多年来您对我付出的耐心和爱心!愿我的祝福,如一缕灿烂的阳光,在您的眼里流淌。生日快乐!

16. 只有懂得生活的人,才能领略鲜花的娇艳。只有懂得爱的人,才能领略到心中芬芳,祝您有一个特别的生日!

17. 我唱着祝你生日快乐的歌向你走近,表达我的祈愿,分享你的快乐,再倾听那属于你的青春的回音

18. 青春阳光欢笑为这属于你的日子,舞出欢乐的节拍。祝你生日快乐!

19. 娇艳的鲜花,已为你开放;美好的日子,已悄悄来临。祝你生日快乐!

20. 鲜花再美,也比不上你美,蜜饯再甜,也比不你今天的生日蛋糕甜,生日之即,你的事友忠心祝你生日快乐!永远年轻有活力!

21. 真挚的友谊,由生日烛光送入你的心田,浸润你跳动的心,根根为你点燃,朵朵鲜花为你展现。

22. 难忘是你我纯洁的友情!可贵是永远不变的真情!高兴是能认识你!献上我最爱的康乃馨,祝你生日快乐!

23. 今天,是你走向成熟的第一步,祝你走得踏实,走得沉稳,走出一条鲜花满途的大道。

24. 让我保留这段芳香的记忆,珍藏这页美丽的友谊,在你生日的今天,请接受我深深的祝福愿未来的生命成为一首五光十色的诗。

25. 祈愿您心灵深处,好花常开,好景常在,好运永远盈满胸怀!生日快乐!

26. 很开心!在你的生日到来之际,诚挚地献上我的三个祝愿:一愿你身体健康;二愿你幸福快乐;三愿你万事如意。

27. 祝我快乐的漂亮的热情奔放的健康自信的充满活力的朋友,生日快乐!愿你用你的欢声笑语,热诚地感染你的伙伴们!这是人生旅程的又一个起点,愿你能够坚持不懈地跑下去,迎接你的必将是那美好的充满无穷魅力的未来!生日快乐!

28. 我虽然不能陪你度过今天这个非凡的日子,在遥远地方,我一样祝福你生日快乐!

29. 愿友谊之手愈握愈紧,让相连的心愈靠愈近!我最要好的朋友,送上我真诚的生日祝福!生日快乐!

30. 在你生日来临之即,祝你百事可乐,万事芬达,天天哇哈哈,月月乐百事,年年高乐高,心情似雪碧,永远都醒目。

31. 一生中总有一些朋友难忘记;一年中总有一些日子最珍惜;从春走到冬;由陌生转为熟悉;虽不能时时问候;在特别的日子里祝你生日快乐!身体健康!

32. 在你生日这天,舞出欢乐的节拍,祈望你心灵深处芳草永绿,愿属于你的这一天是最美丽的,最温馨的,最浪漫的,最难忘的

33. 留不住的时光和年龄的递增赋予你的是成熟,而留得住的只有在这张温馨的卡片上,涂抹得不标准的诗行,带去我诚挚的祝福!

34. 岁月总是愈来愈短,生日总是愈来愈快,友情总是愈来愈浓,我的祝福也就愈来愈深。祝你生日快乐。

35. 声声的祝福,深深的情谊,请这条小溪捎带着这一切,路过你的家门时送给你。祝福你的生日。

36. 在一起生活已有六年了吧?这六年间的点点滴滴都已刻在心上,此生拥有你这样的好同事,好哥们,是我上辈子修来的福气,愿你每年的生日愿望都可以实现。

37. 没有五彩的鲜花,没有浪漫的诗句,没有贵重的礼物,没有兴奋的惊喜,只有轻轻的祝福,祝你生日快乐!

38. 常说人在一起久了,都会成亲人了,你我现在就典型的例子,已经数不清几个春夏秋冬在一起了吧?哥们,今天是你生日,愿今后的生活越来越幸福!

39. 日月轮转永不断,情苦真挚长相伴,不论你身在天涯海角,我将永远记住这一天。祝你生日快乐!

40. 关上心门,浮现你幽默的话语,率真的性情。你是涓涓细流,滋润着我们的心田,生日快乐。

41. 让我保留这段芳香的记忆,珍藏这页美丽的友谊,在你生日的今天,请接受我深深的祝福愿你未来的生命成为一首五光十色的诗。祝你生日快乐!

42. 让阳光普照你所有的日子,让花朵开满你人生的旅途。岁月的年轮像那正在旋转着的黑色唱片,在我们每一个人的内心深处,播放着那美丽的旧日情曲。愿你**岁后的人生依然充满着欢愉和成功!

43. 我愿像那一树枫叶,在晨风中舒展我纯洁的浅碧,在夕阳中燃烧我殷红的灿烂,献给你的生日。祝你生日快乐!

44. 一支蜡烛,一颗心愿,一份真情,祝你生日快乐!祝我美丽的,乐观的,热情的,健康自信的,充满活力的大朋友---妈妈,生日快乐!

45. 采一片云,做你美味的蛋糕;摘一颗星,做你许愿的烛光。遥远的距离隔不断我对你的惦念,让你身处的四周都围绕着我对你的祝愿:祝你生日快乐!

46. 天啊,今天是哪一天,是大白天,二十几年前的某一天,你诞生在山水间,比我早了三百天,我只好叫你一声:姐,生日快乐请我吃饭。

47. 现在生日不送礼,写句祝福送给你,如果你嫌礼不够,再把我也往上凑。祝你生日快乐!

48. 于千万人之中,遇见你所遇见的人。于千万年之中,时间的无涯荒野里,没有早一步,也没有晚一步,惟有轻轻地问一声:生日快乐。

49. 愿我的心灵是一朵鲜花,盛开在你的天空下,为你的生日增添一点温馨的情调,为你的快乐增添一道美丽的色彩。祝你生日快乐!

50. 青春和天才携手同行,无疑是世间最美好的景象。而这两者你都具备了,今天,愿你的青春和才智,为你带来一个更美好的明天!生日快乐!

51. 我认为健康和快乐是人生最重要的两件东西,如果它们可以转让,我愿意把我的那一份都给你,生日快乐。

52. 青春的树越长越葱茏,生命的花越开越艳丽,在你生日的这一天,请接受我对你的深深祝福。

53. 当我把神灯擦三下后,灯神问我想许什么愿?我说:我想你帮我保佑一个正在看短信的人,希望那人生日快乐,永远幸福。

54. 流星划过天空,解开了礼物的银丝带,幸福就在其中,天空深蓝的卡片,写着我的祝愿,快乐正在闪烁,朋友,希望你喜欢我送的晴朗,祝你生日快乐。

55. 生命的小舟驶过**载,从前它只是游荡在妈妈的湖中,而今要换乘青春的小船,插上憧憬的风帆,在朝阳的沐浴下,驶向波澜壮阔的大海。生日快乐!

56. 猪啊!睡了没?有句话我一定要现在说,听着,我只说一次:生日快乐!

57. 日月星辰将友情的天空照亮,快乐的心是多么的热情奔放,乐悠悠地看着你微笑的脸庞,让欢笑在温暖的烛光中飘荡。祝你生日快乐,一生顺利幸福走四方!

58. 生日快乐!你快乐所以我快乐,你不快乐我不快乐。不管谁快乐,还是祝你生日快乐!

59. 暖暖的烛光里,有我的思绪与期盼,纵然相隔太远太远,仍送去无限想念及祝福。

60. 悠悠的云里有淡淡的诗,淡淡的诗里有绵绵的喜悦,绵绵的喜悦里有我轻轻的祝福,生日快乐!



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My birthday is on March 23th,I celebrate it every year with my family and my friends.

Every year,I hold a little birthday party and invite my friends . We chat and play a lot of games together. The best part of it is that I love the birthday cake and the gifts I get from my parents and my friends. I also get some money on my birthday.I can buy what I want with the money.

I have great fun on my birthdays,but on the other hand,I also understand that I am one year older after each birthday and that means I should be more responsible for myself and I should also my self-aware. I should understand more things and be less ignorant!

Fianlly,I should be thankful for my parents,I know they have done their best in raising me up.




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The four seasons, flowers and flowers, life in the world, people are not alone. Because besides the parents, everyone has many friends around, we should be grateful to the parents for the grace, but we also have to be grateful to our friends. Because it is a friend that makes us feel the friendship of the world.

Kinship, love and friendship are the most beautiful emotions of human beings.

Compared with family and love, friendship is the most insipid of these three emotions. It is not like affection, nor is it like love. But friendship is the most powerful of the three. Many people can be your friends if you like, familiar and unfamiliar. Friendship, sometimes insipid and sometimes exciting, different times it has different beauty.

Friendship can travel through time and space. Decades of time, stone wear, decades of time, enough to make the world witness the beauty of the pale. However, friendship in the passage of time, but can be like old wine, the longer the more fragrant. The friendship of youth, like a brush painting, the pursuit of the details of lifelike, even if there is a bit of defect, will affect the effect of the whole painting. The friendship of old age is like a painting of ink and ink, and the pursuit of the likeness. They each have their own characteristics, but they will not fade.

A friend that makes us grateful, grateful friend call mind, like the earth gave us grateful friends bring us happiness like a flower, grateful friend like rain moisten our hearts, grateful friends like the cool breeze bring us relaxed.









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My Best Friend

Blair is my classmate as well as my best friend. We have already known each other for ten years. We live in the same block so that we always go to school together. She has long hair, big eyes and sweet smile, which makes her popular in my class. Blair works hard and she is a good student in the eyes of teachers. Besides, she is clever and kindhearted. When others turn to her for help, she always tries her best to help. I feel proud to have such a good friend.


布莱尔是我的同学以及我最好的朋友。我们已经认识十年了。我们住在同一个街区,我们总是一起去上学。她有长头发,大眼睛,嘴角挂着甜美的微笑,使她在我 们班很受欢迎。布莱尔努力工作,她是一个好学生的老师。除此之外,她很聪明和善良。当别人向她求助时,她总是试着最好的帮助。我感到自豪有这样一位好朋 友。



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I have a good friend.His name is Tony Brown.His 14 years old.He is an English boy.His birthday is Maech 27th.Ans his telephone number is 256-4561.Hes study in NO.1 Middle School.Hes good at playing violin.He can also play drums and dance very well.His hobby is singsing,too.His favorite song is Justing biebers One time.His favorite subject is music,because its very relaxing.And he likes blue best.Do you like him?



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我的生日英语作文一:My Birthday

March 5th is my birthday. Its also a special day to memorize a great person -- Lei Feng. This year I celebrated my birthday in a different way. In the morning, I got up early and cooked breakfast for my parents. At school, I helped my desk-mates to repair their broken chairs. After school, I took my birthday cake to the home for the aged. The old men were so happy to see me. All of them hoped that I would be back again.

What a joyful birthday it was!

我的生日英语作文二:My Birthday

In the last year,?my birthday was very bad.

In the morning,?and I went to the math class,?It was begin ?at eight oclock,?on has been to 10:00?.?It more and more boring.

The morning was spent.

In the afternoon,?I went to an English class,?has been quarter past five to on.?This afternoon,?but no sign of my birthday.

In the evening,?I do my homework and English homework,?write all the way to 11,?I was very tired.

I was very angry and I dont have a birthday party,?my birthday is so bad,?so, unfortunately.?My birthday was spent.

我的生日英语作文三:My Birthday

Yesterday is my six-year-old birthday. It is important to me as I can go to primary school after my birthday. It means that I grow up. I got up very early at that day. My mother just smiled at me and said nothing. I felt a little down. But I recovered with excited soon and then I went out to play. Everything in my eyes is so beautiful. When I got home about five o’clock, my mother gave me a surprise. She prepared a party for me and invited all my friends. She also gave a lovely schoolbag to me as my birthday present. I’m so happy that day.

我的生日英语作文四:My last birthday

My birthday’s in February. It was my birthday last week. I had a big birthday party . Lots of friends came to my home that day. They gave me a lot of birthday presents. We sang and danced at the party. We also ate birthday cake. We had a good time.

Tomorrow is my birthday, and that day is very near, so I decide to make a plan for it. On that morning, my mother will go shopping with me. We will buy something nice to eat. And then, I will invite my classmates to come to my birthday party. We can sing,dance and play games. I am looking forward to that day.

我的生日英语作文五:My Birthday

Today is fools day and its also my birthday. My name is Sam. Im 11 years old. In my birthday party, Mother usually buys some interesting books for me and my father usually buys a pair of beautiful shoes for me. I love my gifts.

My friends are coming. The boys and girls are enjoying my birthday party. Theyre laughing and playing games. Now, Theyre eating sandwiches, cakes and fish. Theyre drinking apple juice and orange juice too. My birthday cake is very big. There are 11 candles on it. They say: happy birthday to Sam! Hip, Hip, Hurry! Hip, Hip, hurry!

Oh, what a nice birthday party!

我的生日英语作文六:My Birthday

Last birthday, i had a big party. My birthday in on March 6th .I invited my best friends, my classmates and my teachers. We were very happy. We went to a park and had a barbecue. It was delicious. Then we flew kites on a grassy lawn. After that, we went back home. My friends,teachers and my family gave me a lot of presents, such us a toy bear, a notebook and a WII.I was surprised.And we ate a big birthday cake. What a happy day!

我的生日英语作文七:My Birthday

My birthday is on May 6. My parents and friends celebrate it to me every year. On that day, we usually hold a small birthday party at home and invite my friends to come for a dinner. We chat, watch TV or play games together that we really enjoy ourselves. When we are playing, my parents prepare a delicious dinner. My friends and I like the dishes very much. Of course, I can get some gifts from parents and friends. I am very happy because they always know what I want and need. But, on the other hand, when the birthday comes, I am a year older, so that I must be more sensible and independent. Last but not the least, it’s also a time to show my appreciation to my parents. They work hard and do their best to bring me up.

我的生日英语作文八:My Birthday

Today is Sunday. It’s cloudy. It’s the second of November. How happy I am!Guess! Why am I so happy?Yes, you’re right. Because it is my birthday. My relatives and good friends come to my new house. They are my aunt, grandpa, grandma, brother, sister and my friends. Each of them gives me a nice present.

I am wearing a pink skirt. It’s very nice. I like this colour. The skirt is from my mother. Look, there’s a big birthday cake with lots of fruit on the table. I think it’s from my grandparents. At this time my brother is coming. He have seen the big cake. He wants to eat it very much. I stop him. He’s very angry. I let him sing the song ’Happy Birthday to You’ to me. Then I blow out the candles and eat the cake. It’s very delicious. After eating the cake, we play games together. We’re very happy!You should say "Happy Birthday to You" to me.



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My good friend is Ouyang Wenqing. Her English name is Lily. She is nine years old. She is tall and big, she has small eyes, short hair and a red mouth, she is really a nice girl, because she studies very hard and always help others.

She likes to eat beaf and pears, she likes pink. Her favourite animal is rabbit. She likes to run and jump, and she can run fast and jump very high, her English is very good.

This is my good friend. Do you like her



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Dear Mike,

This Saturday is my birthday and my parents will hold a simple celebrating

party for me。 I am glad to invite you to e to the party。 Blair, Emma and Roan

will also be invited。 I am sure we will have a good time。 We will have dinner at

18:30 so that you are wished to e at 18:15。 My mother is a good cook and you

will enjoy the dishes。 After the dinner, we will play some small games and then

eat the cake。 My parents and I sincerely expect you to e and hope to see you


True yours,




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I have many friend.do you know who they are?are they my pet?no.are they my classmates?no. let me tell you:they are my favourit book.

I like books very much.i like reading science book,cartoonbook so on.not only let me know how wonderful the word is but also teach me how to be a good person in the society,they give me great pleasure.

I love books!



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My Friend(我的朋友)

Zhang Dong is my best friend。 He entered our class last semester。 He is a

boy。 Both of us are good at English, so we often have a chat in English in our

spare time。 After school, we often play football together on the playground。 He

runs so fast that I can not catch up with him。 He is an excellent student。 He

not only gets good marks in all subjects but also is very kind and modest。 He

loves popular songs and also classical music。

There are three people in his family and he is the only child。 His father

is a doctor and his mother is a Beijing Opera actress。 Though Zhang Dongs

family is wealthy, he is usually simply dressed。 He has a dream which is to be a


Such is my friend, a clever and kind boy。 He is highly praised by the

teachers and students。



