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感恩”,是一种生活态度,是一个内心独白,是一片肺腑之言,是一份铭心之谢。每个人都应该学会“感恩”。教师,多么神圣的字眼。这个名字赋予我们的实在太多太多……每个人的成长和成才,都离不开老师的培养;社会的每一点进步和更新,无不饱含着老师的辛劳和奉献。解决疑难,教师是书;传递文明,教师是桥;科教兴国,教师是帆。从入学的第一天开始,我们的每一点进步,每一份成功 ,无不浸透了老师们的心血与汗水,无不来源于老师们的栽培与辛苦。

万里春风催桃李,一腔心血育新人。对老师的辛勤劳动,人们总是用动人的诗句 来表达自己崇高的敬意和由衷的赞美。在我们的心目中,老师是美丽、淳朴、善良的爱心使者,她把自己的爱无私地奉献给我们每个人;老师像慈爱的母亲,用温暖的臂膀拥抱着我们;老师像辛勤的园丁,用甘甜的雨露滋润着我们;老师像一块块铺路石,用自己的青春年华为我们铺垫着一条成长的道路。









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A. Ladies and gentlemen, I feel very much honored to have a chance here to make a speech on the subject -- A Balance Diet and Health.

B. Good morning everyone! Allow me, first of all, on behalf of all present here, to extend our warm welcome and cordial greeting to our distinguished guest.



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从原子弹到氢弹,“东风一号”对地导弹到如今的“神州七号”太空飞船;从“相约2008北京奥运会”到 “青岛世界园艺博览会”; 从“歼15”舰载机到“辽宁舰”航空母舰。从建立外交关系到加入“WTO”;再到“一带一路”发展思路的提出,哪一样不显示出我们伟大祖国的发展?






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students in this 9.6 million square kilometers of land, which his uncle did not know the name! his name is called - lei feng.

uncle lei feng him helping others, has no profits.on one occasion, due to a stomach ache from lei feng to the ministry of health mission even opened the medicine to come back, see benxi road primary school building under construction, it helped push the car shipped from a brick, a series done for several hours. this is lei feng.

when they replace their vehicles in a business trip, feng found a middle-aged woman carrying a child’s train ticket, and lost money, he used his allowance to the sister-in-law bought a train ticket from jilin go. it is therefore a stay chuan phrase: "lei feng travel thousands of miles one good one to do the train." this is lei feng.

he "stole" a comrade-in-arms of their loved ones for money for the disaster area to send the people on all deposits over the past few years. some say he is a "fool," said feng him happy revolution "fool." this is lei feng.

lei feng selfless, willing to sacrifice things really are too much.

today, the lei feng spirit of the people in the probation, in between there are a lot of our revolution, "fool." lei feng has left us more than 40 years, but his spirit is with the times, shine forever.

traffic police, they stand in the street on day and night, to withstand the test of wind and rain, frost withstand the torture, whether it is a cold winter or hot summer, they always standing there; regardless of family and friends are still ordinary people, they always impartial and incorruptible, impartial treatment. they pay for this cause too much too much, sacrifice too much, no matter how difficult the road, they decided to do so. traffic police are not our great-human transmission is lei feng?

teacher, they work day and night, i do not know the number of correct operation, i do not know how many little rest at night. in their teachings, we know how to make an aspiring person, a noble person, a moral person, a person the benefit of the people; in their care under the guidance, i do not know how many people have embarked on a the success of the road. they love their work, paid in full, return was always someone else’s happiness. them as a candle, burning himself, and lit up the others, and our hard won ding lei feng-human transmission is not it?

people’s liberation army soldiers, who guarded the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, the republic of the great walllife. vanguard is the pacesetter; floods, are the vanguards; sacrificed their lives to save, or pacesetter ... ... a few days and nights never sleep, they have no complaints; together with their families far more than they have no complaints; selfless for the people, dedication to the motherland they have no complaints about ... ... they really do the "first and worry about all over the world, after everyone else to enjoy." these are not the people’s liberation army soldier lei feng is the successor?

project hope’s first contributions to people, are tianjin tanggu district experimental primary school students, january 1, ×× he told the china youth development foundation contributed 27 yuan relief-of-school children. shandong province, the western suburbs of the third school (2) students wei, tsung-wei new concern for the care for have never stopped. carried out my classes, "a gang of one" campaign, after a period of time, was to help students score significantly improve with the truth ... ... everyone loved, struck up a touching song; those helping others who do not like mine feng uncle as "silly" the sweet吗? lei feng is it not our human?

lei feng has become a perfect purification of the soul of a model of personality.

it is precisely because it was the traffic police, teachers, the people’s liberation army soldiers and young people of these people, our community will be stability and prosperity, national unity and brotherhood is more toward the pace of civilization forward is more sound, and our country also it is more powerful, the future also be more full of hope and vitality.

regardless of whether the traffic police, teachers, or the people’s liberation army soldiers, or young people, they have the lei feng such a "no benefit has been dedicated to carlo," the great spirit, this illustrates that lei feng is not unattainable, china education net documents the total channel everyone can learn from lei feng, everyone can become the lei feng lei feng spirit is ever-present: "comrade treatment, such as spring-like warmth; treat job, such as hot as the summer; treat individuals marxism, like autumn leaves as sweep; treat the enemy as ruthless as the severe winter. "lei feng spirit is everywhere, and lei feng spirit has been demonstrated here, where lei feng spirit shining brightly.

human lives are the most valuable, but why people alive? where the meaning of life? lei feng in their own actions on the world to do our best answer. students, please permit me to lei feng’s speech this sentence as the concluding words right:

human life is limited, but human services are unlimited, limited to my life, into serving the people go unlimited! students, let us, in the ordinary life, do a double extraordinary things!



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Faculty, family, friends, and fellow graduates, good evening.

I am honored to address you tonight. On behalf of the graduating masters and doctoral students of Washington Universitys School of Engineering and Applied Science, I would like to thank all the parents, spouses, families, and friends who encouraged and supported us as we worked towards our graduate degrees. I would especially like to thank my own family, eight members of which are in the audience today. I would also like to thank all of the department secretaries and other engineering school staff members who always seemed to be there when confused graduate students needed help. And finally I would like to thank the Washington University faculty members who served as our instructors, mentors, and friends.

As I think back on the seven-and-a-half years I spent at Washington University, my mind is filled with memories, happy, sad, frustrating, and even humorous.

Tonight I would like to share with you some of the memories that I take with me as I leave Washington University.

I take with me the memory of my office on the fourth floor of Lopata Hall - the room at the end of the hallway that was too hot in summer, too cold in winter, and always too far away from the womens restroom. The window was my offices best feature. Were it not for the physics building across the way, it would have afforded me a clear view of the arch. But instead I got a view of the roof of the physics building. I also had a view of one corner of the roof of Urbauer Hall, which seemed to be a favorite perch for various species of birds who alternately won perching rights for several weeks at a time. And I had a nice view of the physics courtyard, noteworthy as a good place for watching people run their dogs. Its amazing how fascinating these views became the longer I worked on my dissertation. But my favorite view was of a nearby oak tree. From my fourth-floor vantage point I had a rather intimate view of the tree and the various birds and squirrels that inhabit it. Occasionally a bird would land on my window sill, which usually had the effect of startling both of us.

I take with me the memory of two young professors who passed away while I was a graduate student. Anne Johnstone, the only female professor from whom I took a course in the engineering school, and Bob Durr, a political science professor and a member of my dissertation committee, both lost brave battles with cancer. I remember them fondly.

I take with me the memory of failing the first exam in one of the first engineering courses I took as an undergraduate. I remember thinking the course was just too hard for me and that I would never be able to pass it. So I went to talk to the professor, ready to drop the class. And he told me not to give up, he told me I could succeed in his class. For reasons that seemed completely ludicrous at the time, he said he had faith in me. And after that my grades in the class slowly improved, and I ended the semester with an A on the final exam. I remember how motivational it was to know that someone believed in me.

I take with me memories of the midwestern friendliness that so surprised me when I arrived in St. Louis 8 years ago. Since moving to New Jersey, I am sad to say, nobody has asked me where I went to high school.

I take with me the memory of the short-lived computer science graduate student social committee lunches. The idea was that groups of CS grad students were supposed to take turns cooking a monthly lunch. But after one grad student prepared a pot of chicken that poisoned almost the entire CS grad student population and one unlucky faculty member in one fell swoop, there wasnt much enthusiasm for having more lunches.

I take with me the memory of a more successful graduate student effort, the establishment of the Association of Graduate Engineering Students, known as AGES. Started by a handful of engineering graduate students because we needed a way to elect representatives to a campus-wide graduate student government, AGES soon grew into an organization that now sponsors a wide variety of activities and has been instrumental in addressing a number of engineering graduate student concerns.

I take with me the memory of an Engineering and Policy department that once had flourishing programs for full-time undergraduate, masters, and doctoral students.

I take with me memories of the 1992 U.S. Presidential debate. Eager to get involved in all the excitement I volunteered to help wherever needed. I remember spending several days in the makeshift debate HQ giving out-of-town reporters directions to the athletic complex. I remember being thrilled to get assigned the job of collecting film from the photographers in the debate hall during the debate. And I remember the disappointment of drawing the shortest straw among the student volunteers and being the one who had to take the film out of the debate hall and down to the dark room five minutes into the debate - with no chance to re-enter the debate hall after I left.

I take with me memories of university holidays which never seemed to apply to graduate students. I remember spending many a fall break and Presidents Day holiday with my fellow grad students in all day meetings brought to us by the computer science department.

I take with me memories of exams that seemed designed more to test endurance and perseverance than mastery of the subject matter. I managed to escape taking any classes that featured infamous 24-hour-take-home exams, but remember the suffering of my less fortunate colleagues. And what doctoral student could forget the pain and suffering one must endure to survive the qualifying exams?

I take with me the memory of the seven-minute rule, which always seemed to be an acceptable excuse for being ten minutes late for anything on campus, but which doesnt seem to apply anywhere else I go.

I take with me the memory of Friday afternoon ACM happy hours, known not for kegs of beer, but rather bowls of rainbow sherbet punch. Over the several years that I attended these happy hours they enjoyed varying degrees of popularity, often proportional to the quality and quantity of the accompanying refreshments - but there was always the rainbow sherbert punch.

I take with me memories of purple parking permits, the West Campus shuttle, checking my pendaflex, over-due library books, trying to print from cec, lunches on Delmar, friends who slept in their offices, miniature golf in Lopata Hall, The Greenway Talk, division III basketball, and trying to convince Dean Russel that yet another engineering school rule should be changed.

Finally, I would like to conclude, not with a memory, but with some advice. What would a graduation speech be without a little advice, right? Anyway, this advice comes in the form of a verse delivered to the 1977 graduating class of Lake Forest College by Theodore Seuss Geisel, better known to the world as Dr. Seuss - Heres how it goes:

My uncle ordered popovers

from the restaurants bill of fare.

And when they were served,

he regarded them

with a penetrating stare . . .

Then he spoke great Words of Wisdom

as he sat there on that chair:

"To eat these things,"

said my uncle,

"you must excercise great care.

You may swallow down whats solid . . .

BUT . . .

you must spit out the air!"

And . . .

as you partake of the worlds bill of fare,

thats darned good advice to follow.

Do a lot of spitting out the hot air.

And be careful what you swallow.

Thank you.


篇11:辛亥革命100周年演讲稿:辛亥革命, 振兴中华

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Internet Change Collage life

When it comes to internet age, many thing goanna be changed, such as the ways to knowing news, the way to community, the way to shopping and so on, at the same time, it also changed every aspect of students’ college life.

Now, our college students have many ways to study except listen the teacher said, we can scan the knowledge on web, we can download the electronic edition of the textbook, if necessary, we even can listen other college’s teacher’s class on the internet. All of these depend on the development of internet; it makes our study in college more efficient, more interesting, and quick.

The internet brought us so many benefits, does it mans it haven’t any disadvantageExactly not, it is so obvious that so many college students have damage for it. There is a example, a seiner high school student was eolled by Tsinghua University in a high scores but after 1year he was dropped out by the university, whyThe reason is sample, after he stepped into college he began high on or suspected to addicted to web game, he started to be truant, violate the college rules, finally, he failed many courses, and the university didn’t forgive him anymore. There are lots of other stories like this one, because of internet, college students had to give up their college life. What makes these unhappy things happenedIn my opinion, the main reason is that under the Chinese education system, every student is strictly surprised by their parent’s, the teachers and school before college entrance examination, they have little freedom. After they go to the college, the parents left them alone, the teachers started to give them enough belief, so they can do everything they want include surfing the internet without control

Even so we still .shouldn’t give up our right study life, we shouldn’t forget the reason we spend extra 4 years in college: we need more useful knowledge, so that we can have a good job, a good future.

Internet is a rapier, it can help you gain more ,it also can make you lose more, it leys on what will you choose.



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Success Is What?What is successThis is an old topic. However,However, everyone’s  understanding of success is quite different. Some people think that having money, house, car, a woman is successful. Some people think that success is doing something that you want to do. Some even deny the existence of success, he thinks this world is not successful, only the endless pursuit.So I want to make a new definition of success: Success is something that people are very eager to do good things gained a sense of satisfaction and excitement. Therefore, we do things, no matter big and small, as long as you want to do, and through your efforts made, and you happy, then you succeeded. Do not look too far successful, they should not be too easy to see success, success requires your effort. Those who believe that successful people do not exist, in fact, continue to define new goals, they will from what they have done to get happy, they succeeded.(

In order to become successful, you should first of all be both perseverance and hardworking. As you know, whatever you do, there are always two possible results: success and failure. When you fail, you should never lose heart. On the contrary, you must build up your confidence and work even harder. You should always keep in mind that perseverance is the mother of success and industry is the key to it. In addition, you should pay great attention to your work method. It is necessary for you to sum up your experience constantly and improve the efficiency of your work. Finally, it is important for you to get along well with your co-workers, care for each other and help each other. If you follow these principles, you will certainly achieve remarkable success in thefuture.

In my opinion, success means achieving brilliant results in ones work, that is, making outstanding contributions to the development of the country and bringing happiness to the people. So my conclusion is that even if one has made great progress in what he does, I don’t think there’s any reasons for him tobeconceited.



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Chinese people always appreciate the purposes and principles of Olympic ideal, support the efforts of Olympic Games to promote world peace. The Chinese Government and people are doing our the utmost/best to prepare for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, and shooting at the pageant with advocating Olympic ideal, sparkpluging world peace and enhancing the relationships among the world. Olympic spirit are gonna spread again in orient cultural ancient China.

The government and people of China have always admired the purposes and principles of the Olympic spirit and supported the efforts made by the Olympics in promoting world peace. The Chinese government and people are doing our utmost in preparation for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. It is our hope to make it a grand gathering that will carry forward the Olympic spirit, promote world peace and enhance the friendship among people of the world, so that the Olympic spirit will flourish once again, this time in China, an oriental country with an ancient civilization.



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