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It is known to all that Guangxi province is famous for its various culture,

because there are many minorities. Recent years, the local government carry out

a policy of taking a break on March 3rd, which makes it the special day for

Guangxi Province. People can enjoy some shows which are full of local features,

such as singing local songs, having dragon-lion dance and so on. This policy not

only lets people take relax from routine work, but also makes people remember

their culture. I am part of the local people and I am so proud of the variety.

The different culture makes our country full of charm.




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I will soon become a middle school student, which means my life will come

to a new chapter. So I must do something different to make me stronger. I want

to be more independent, so I can make my own decision. As my parents always make

decisions for me, I want to tell them that I have grown up. From now on, I

should learn to take care of myself, such as washing clothes and helping my

mother with the house work. The most important thing is to finish my homework

without my parents supervision. I am so excited about my new life and I believe

that I can become a better person.



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尽管那样,爸爸在我的心中依然是那样的高大! 因为爸爸会开拖拉机,开着拖拉机带着收割机,把熟透了麦子放翻在地,然后再开着拖拉机带着大车斗,把金黄的麦子一车又一车地来到我们的麦场上来,再带着石磙把麦子粒碾掉,最后再把麦子颗粒归仓。爸爸有着神奇的能力,他没有上过驾校,拖拉机买回家就会开,而且技术娴熟,我们家的大门从来没有被拖拉机碰掉过一块砖头,邻居伯伯家的大门经常被伯伯撞塌,还常常让爸爸帮他倒车。

爸爸那精湛的驾车技术以及不怕吃苦的精神在我心中是那样的高大、神圣。 爸爸的木工做得也是最棒的!妈妈姊妹七个,我的舅舅家、姨妈家每一家都有爸爸的手工艺品,小到凳子,大到门窗,以及衣柜、餐桌、迎面柜、大床……都是爸爸智慧与汗水的结晶。姥姥的手杖、案板、茶几、凳子,就连厕所用的凳子都是爸爸精心设计制作而成。姥姥常常夸我的爸爸:“又老实又聪明。”老实是做人实在,聪明是做活细致漂亮。就连十里八村的人都交口称赞爸爸是大好人。由于我远嫁外地,不免常坐公交车回家,在车上与本县外乡的人聊天,聊到高兴处人家会问你是哪儿的人,父亲是谁,我一报上爸爸的大名,人家都会不禁“毛师傅可是个大好人!”爸爸成年在外打工,周边村落的经常在外打工的男劳力都曾经是“同事”了。每每听到别人言不由衷地称赞爸爸是好人的时候,我不仅自豪,而且眼里还常常噙满泪水,爸爸的一生吃了太多的苦。

周日正是父亲节,见不到自己的爸爸,也不好意思亲口给爸爸说声节日快乐。正好这天公公婆婆来县医院了。前几天妞妞爷爷的胳膊上长了个良性小肿瘤,做了个手术,周日来换药了。我和老公带着妞妞赶紧到医院陪老人,换过药后,我建议大家到县城最大的超市逛逛,趁着父亲节,给爹妈买件新衣裳,婆婆很高兴,公公说什么也不愿意进超市。先在超市给婆婆挑了一条她喜欢的马裤,然后又给公公物色了两条裤子,让公公上来试了试,有一条穿上特别合适,也不贵,就买下了。 老公开着爹妈的电动车三轮车,爷爷奶奶坐在车上搂着妞妞,我骑着电动自行车跟在后面乐乐地看着他们祖孙三人,向我们的新家开去。



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With the development of todays technology, education becomes more

important than before because people need to learn more to adapt the

society.Education enables people to understand the world better and have a good

job in the futrue.Moreover ,it also hao an impact on peoples behavior.

First of all, education improves peoples learning ability that makes them

know more about the world.Most things taught in schools are the basic skills or

means to further understsnding of our society .Only by learning these,can human

have an opportunity to study more and know more about the society .Secondly,

opportunities are often given to someone who is good educated .Employers tend to

believe that people have high education are intelligent and they can manage

their jod and adapt the working environment quickly.That is why the educated

people always get a good job. Thirdly, the more people learn the more modest and

polite they act.Learned people think that they are not good enough ,so they show

a big patience to learn from everything .They often try to figure out the

solution of problems by things they meet or learn.

In sum,education can turn people out with better learning skills,job

offering and good behavior,so I think education is important to people to

fulfill their goals and live a easy life .



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Every year, my school holds sports meeting in about October, I am very

exciting about it, I can watch the wonderful game and don’t have class. My

school’s sports meeting lasts three days, the class is suspended, all the

students go to the play ground to watch the game. As an audience, I am so

nervous and yell out “come on” to my classmate, watching they get to the final

line, I am so proud of them. The part I like most is relay race, that is so

exciting, all the students yell loudly, the athletes chase one by one, nobody

can be sure who is the champion until the last minute. Sports meeting bring me

so many beautiful memories.



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Nowadays it is common to encounter a scene when people want to see things

happen but can‘t make things happen for various reasons. The most important

reason is that they just refuse to create and innovate. With the accelerated

pace of our society,more and more people recognize the importance of creation

that is bound to make a difference in social productivity.

As far as I am concerned,we should all have the notion of being the

participants of supporting creation. First of all,creation is the most vital

factor to improve the inner competitiveness of our nation. For another,it is

certain that creation is so essential that enables many people to find their

positions in the company and careers in their lives.

Measures are also needed to encourage creation . First and foremost,the

government should establish certain rules to sweep up the obstacles of

invention. Some people have already complained much about complicated procedure

of patent applications or high fees to do experiments of inventions.

Additionally,high schools and universities can provide students with

scholarships or overseas learning opportunities,which will stimulate more

youngsters to join the group of invention and innovation.



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On March 8th, 1975, the United Nation started to celebrate the

International Women’s Day. In China, the women’s day also called “March 8th”day.

Why we celebrate women’s day? There is a long story.

On March 8th, 1909, the Women’s Union of Chicago demonstrated against the

inequality between men and women. They demanded that they should have the same

payments, the same working hours as men had, and they should have the rights to

vote. They even put forward a slogan: Bread and Rose, which stood for equal

payment and a better living standard. This demonstrated had caused international

attention to the women’s rights. A year later, a critical meeting was held in

Demark, in order to promote the women’s liberation and equal rights, the council

members decided to establish the Women’s Day on March 8th. Then March 8th, 1911

just became the first Women’s day.

In our country, during the women’s day, the women usually have a day-off

holiday. The communities or companies will organize the recreational activities

such as a spring outing, a nice dinner and some extra welfare. On this special

day, the women can really realize that a woman’s value is not only giving birth

to a child, doing endless housework, but also find her own status in the modern

society. That is she can make a different. She can do everything that a man can

do. When you look around, you will find that more and more women are acting as

scientists, doctors, lawyers, even leaders. Just try to remember, women rule

half of this world. The life could quite different without their wisdom and


Happy International Women’s Day!



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This years Mid-Autumn festival, we can be noisy in the home, her aunt with

her sister and brother come to my home for Mid-Autumn festival. At noon,

grandmother made a table of the abundance of food, everyone happy for a family

reunion dinner. In the afternoon, the weather is appropriate, we go fishing to

the peoples square, feeding the birds, in my efforts, also a small harvest,

caught two small goldfish.

Evening, aunt advice to Columbus restaurant to eat buffet, there are a lot

of delicious, we eat may be full. Darkness came slowly, even the moon smiled, we

decided to go to enjoy the moon to the north street, the street can be lively,

everywhere is full of festive atmosphere, everyone is permeated with a happy

smile on their faces. Us and enjoy the moon while walking towards the river, not

far away, I see there are a lot of kongmin light in the sky, my sister told me

that it was through kongmin light of distant relatives of the missing people,

out of curiosity, we also bought a lamp kongmin light, took a small point and

kongmin light to drum up slowly, under the drive of wind, rose to the sky.

Kongmin light more and more in the sky, the moon at this time, in order to let

more people see the light of sky lantern, "go home to eat moon cakes". Although

the moon tonight "lazy", but kongmin light like the moon light the every one of

us. River put lotus lamp, there are some people in a wide variety of light

floating in the water, beautiful!

This is the most unforgettable, the most I have a happy Mid-Autumn







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我迫不及待地冲进酒店的大堂,里面的景象让我大吃一惊。首先,映入眼帘的是被称为“中华第一鼓”的牛皮大鼓。听导游说,这是用一头牛的皮制成的,重达500公斤,直径3.38米的超级大鼓。两旁分别有四根 “大鼓锤”,上面分别雕刻了财、康、安、乐、文、仕、朋、爱八个大字。最里面还有30面铜鼓和75面牛皮红鼓,我仿佛置身于鼓的海洋,这“雷文化”真够“雷人”的,真是“鼓色鼓香”,令人叹为观止。







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Girls at a training course offered by the "Care for Girls" program in

Qingjian county, Shaanxi province, talked about their pursuit of dreams despite

living in unfavorable conditions.

Initiated by the National Health and Family Planning commission in 2013,

the program helps girls in underdeveloped regions to build their self-esteem and


"I want to be a teacher teaching Chinese because I like Chinese and

writing," Xi said. "By teaching I can not only share knowledge with my students,

but also keep learning new things from new versions of textbooks."

She is living with her mother in a room that has no bathroom and costs 300

yuan ($48) a month to rent. Merit certificates she received from school are

displayed on the wall. Yan Lingling, Xis mother, said she is proud of her


According to the family planning policy, couples in which both the husband

and wife have rural residential permits can have another child if their first is

a daughter. Yan said she isnt planning on adding to the family because she

wants to give her daughter the best she has.

"My husband is away most of the time, working in construction sites and

making no more than 30,000 yuan ($4,840) a year. I work as an hourly worker

sometimes. The rent of our apartment is expensive. One more child means one more

burden," Yan said.

Speaking about how she plans to achieve her dream of becoming a teacher, Xi

said: "I will not give up on my dream easily, though I know it may be difficult.

When something becomes difficult, it only makes me want to try harder."



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Today is Halloween in the west. I went to suzhou park with my parents and went to Halloween.

I feel very lively as soon as I get in! Many, many monsters! They are all tourists. Then I saw the floats! The people on the float came down, cats, death, vampires and so on. I took pictures with them.

The most dynamic is me (wang xin), I am wearing orange pumpkin, with pumpkin cap and pumpkin basket, I am the pumpkin fairy! Dad wears a skeleton head mask, mom with a fluorescent stick, we are the devil combination, we follow the crowd to the Caribbean square. Oh! It turned out that there was a performance, and the show was a dance, and it was wonderful. Whos patting me on the shoulder when were looking at it in high spirits? I looked back, and there was a monster that startled me! The actor finished his performance and ran off to frighten every...



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Teacher is a great job in most students’ eyes. When they are asked what they want to be in the future, most will say they want to be a teacher and make a contribution to the society. Indeed, we have access to the teachers all the time and they have great influence on us. So being a teacher is a ideal job for most students, but for me, I want to be a librarian. I like reading books so much and once I have time, I will be immersed in these novels. Books broaden my vision, though I can’t travel to the places, I can still know about these famous sites from these books. Being a librarian can make me have a lot of time to read.



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Every morning you can see the sun rising in the east The sun gives us light

When you stand in the sun you can feel the heat The sun gives us heat from very

far away The sun is about one hundred and fifty million kilometers away It looks

small because it is so far from us, but it is actually very very big

The earth goes around the sun It takes the earth a year to go around the

sun Plants, animals and people need the sun We cannot live without the sun.



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The origin of this summer festival centers around a scholarly government official named Chu Yuan. He was a good and respected man,but because of the misdeeds of jealous rivals he eventually fell into disfavor in the emperors court.

Unable to regain the respect of the emperor,in his sorrow Chu Yuan threw himself into the Mi Low river. Because of their admiration for Chu Yuan, the local people living adjacent to the Mi Lo River rushed into their boats to search for him while throwing rice into the waters to appease the river dragons.

Although they were unable to find Chu Yuan,their efforts are still commemorated today during the Dragon Boat Festival.



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Today is a special day ,it is the Fathers Day.

I had planned to give my father a present. But I didnt remember it until noon.It was too late to post a card to him. So I decided to buy something. When I was in the department store I found it was not easy for me to choose something right for him. Suddenly I got an idea. I ran home and opened my computer. I made a beautiful card and mailed him through the Internet. then I began to make supper. When father came home, he was very glad to find a big meal on the table. then I asked him to check his e-mail. He was amazed to find a beautiful card in his e-mail-box.

What a wonderful surprise!







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What is the purpose of students studying hard all these years, of course

for the better future. Every parent wants their kids have advantage over others,

so they can be outstanding and have a good job. Students learn in campus, they

are in the stage of studying knowledge while getting a job soon, there is

necessary for them knowing something about society.

Before study in college, students focus all their attention on study for

entering a good college, they don’t need to care about other things, it is also

what their parents tell them. After entering college, it is a little different,

at this stage, study is no more the only task, students should have access to

society. They should make some preparation for the job hunting, knowing society

helps them get use to the society quickly. Some students only care about score,

when they find a job, the employer will ask him something about the public news,

but students have no idea, this is so bad. What’s more, getting familiar with

the society makes students find their own positions, they will know what they

want and fight for it.

The atmosphere of society is very different from campus, in order to better

adjust to finding a job, students should get to know society.



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I’m going to have a busy weekend! On Saturday, I’m going visit my friends by bike. Because I haven’t seen them for a long time. Then, I’m going to the bookstore on foot. I’m going to read lots of books there. On Sunday morning, I’m going to go for a walk. Then, in the afternoon, I’m going to go shopping with my mother. Then, in the evening, we are going to watch TV together. That will be fun! What about you? What are you going to do on the weekend?

