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There was once a Piers family, and the father of the group divided his

son’s equally between them for homes.

The greedy son named Cassim, married a rich wife and of course got rich

himself. The other one, named Ali Baba, was not half of greedy as he was, and

married a poor wife and remained as poor as usual.

One day Ali Baba went to town where he knew was a wood in the end; he

brought with him three mules and an axe to load wood. Ali Baba only finished

loading half his mules with wood, when he heard a thumping sound coming from not

far away; he thought it was in the fields.

As they came nearer and nearer, Ali Baba began to feel more like they were

robbers. So he decided to leave his mules and save himself, and he climbed up a

tree nearby, and waited until the robbers went away.

Ali Baba was patient, and waited for the robbers to go away; after the

robbers tied their horses to the fence in town, they came under the tree which

Ali Baba had left his mules; he found the robbers approaching a big rock, and

found the captain of the leaders standing in the front of the big rock. And then

pronounced the words, “Open sesame!” the mouth of the cave immediately opened

wide, and the robbers went inside; the captain went in last. After a few minutes

Ali Baba found the robbers coming out with bags in their hands, since the

captain of the robbers went in last he came out first that is for sure! And then

the captain of the robbers stood at the mouth of the cave again, and pronounced

the words, “Close sesame!” and the door immediately closed shut very tightly.

And then robbers hopped on their horses, and galloped away through the


Ali Baba stared at them for a long time until he couldn’t see them.

And so Ali Baba got down from the tree, and went to the big rock. And as he

knew the words, he pronounced, “Open sesame!” the door immediately opened. Then

he went inside. To Ali Baba’s surprise, he found a golden chamber, and in it was

gold and diamonds of all kinds! Ali Baba couldn’t even believe his luck!




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my father is a nice man. he likes to play computer games. he is an owner of

a factory which produces many things .he is good at designing. he works very

hard. i love him very much because, sometimes, i can help him to do something in

his factory .he is always on business trips because he has his business

everywhere so it takes up too much of his time .

therefore, he doesn’t have any time to play with me but i don’t blame him

for that. i often spend a lot of my time on the computer, so i have something to

do. my mother is usually on the phone and tells my father to get home early but

my father doesn’t listen to her. so my mother and i sometimes are upset and i

don’t like my father in a sense that he always gets home late.

i love my father but not his job!



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Dear Miss Jiang,

How time flies! It has been a year since you went to teach in Sichuan. How are you getting on? I miss you so much that I often remember those days when we were together. Thank you for teaching me so well.

Now I’m interested in English more and more. In class, I listen to the teacher carefully and take active part in discussions in English. After class, I join in the English corner and watch English

programs to practice speaking and listening. All these help my English a lot. Now I have made great progress. I even won the first prize in last English competition.

I wonder how the children in Sichuan are studying and living now. Wish them a brighter and better future. Looking forward to meeting you soon.

Best wishes!

Yours sincerely




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Dear Friends,

Please accept my sincere apology for the inconvenience that I caused you by

adding the extra visiting without your permission.

I had no intention of intruding on your personal life. In China, arranging

interesting leisure activities for visitors is a common way to show welcome.

However, as your receptionist, I should have realized that you are inclined to

regard your private time as an inviolable treasure and hate to be harassed by

unplanned matters.

Im really sorry that I didnt check with you before making such

incomsiderate arrangement .All I can say is that it wont happen again.





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My idol is Lu Han, he is a sunny and handsome boy with beautiful eyes and a

charming smile. Lu Han is an actor and singer. His singing is beautiful, his

dancing is cool, he can play football, so he has a lot of fans. I like his song

"medal" best, which gives people courage and strength. I will always support

him. Who is your idol?



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Dear English teacher:

Hello,thank you for the last few more and for our education,when you first

came here,I thought you very fierce. The results you are very kind,I like your

clas very much,although you are very strict,take care to do for customs

clearance. But the love make fun of. I began to think that I would learn English

is very poor,the results from the period of senior high school entrance

examination and the monthly exam,I did not read at first I was so bad,but also

got eighty-six and ninety point five. In this you I want to say thanks to

you,thank you for this a few months of teaching

Your students:

Shi Senmiao

In January



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我们虽然素不相识,但常言说:有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。朋友是人生中必不可少一部分。人与人之间的感情交流离不开朋友。愿这封载着款款厚意的交友能架起你和我之间友谊的桥梁。我愿将一颗真挚的、渴望友情的心献给你。 我先自我介绍吧,我叫蔡文燕。是澄海区华窖华桥小学五年级二班的一名学生,就快要升六年级了。在班级里,我聪明、可爱,事事不甘落后,每次考试都名列前茅。当然啦,也有管不住自己的时候,甚至还会闹出笑话来呢!人送外号“调皮鬼”。相信到这里,你们对我有个大概的了解了吧。 前一阵子,我的学校举行广播操比赛。那是个想起来就让人激动的日子,天气非常的好。天空万里无云,太阳温暖的阳光照在大地上,这也是秋季里最难得的一个晴天。我们迎来了年一度的海门市广播操比赛。 9点30分,广播里准时传来体育老师的声音:“请各班准备,比赛马上开始。”广播中的话音刚落,我们就以迅雷不及掩耳之势,在楼房的走道中排完了队,整装待发。 “五,四,三,二,一。”“发射。”不知是哪个调皮鬼轻声说的,我们觉得很好玩,想笑,可老师的一个瞪眼,让我们把“跑”到嘴边的笑声给“咽”了回去。我们完全进入了比赛时的良好状态。 “跑步,走!”体育委员一喊,我们就排着整齐的队伍,小跑步前进。 “第三套中小学生广播体操,希望风帆现在开始。”我一听到这句话,就打起了百分之一百的精神,把手伸得像钢管一样直,每一个动作都做得钢劲有力。就连平时做得动作像绵花一样有气无力的整理运动都把每个动作做得无可挑剔。 我留心看了一下四周,啊!那场面是多么壮观!全校几千个同学做着整齐的广播体操。连一年级的新生也做得令人赞叹不已。骤雨一样,是急促的掌声:雷声一样,是宏亮的口令:旋风一样,是挥舞的手臂:乱蛙一样,是整齐的脚步:焰火一样,是舞动的红领巾。我们的每一个动作都充满了力量,每一个动作都是那么的整齐,就像只有一个人在做一样。 我一走神,险些把动作做反再看一眼楼上的评委,他的日光直直地射向操场的中心,对我们毫不在意,我在心里松了一口气。虽然评委没发现我的错误,但是我心里一紧张,心情就无法平静下来,后面的动作就做得没有前面那么顺了……。 比赛终于结束了,我把压在心底里的另半口气也吐了出来。接着,我们就在退场音乐中排着队告别了操场。你最近有没有发生一些有意思的事情呢?有,那就回信告诉我吧!远方的朋友,我相信,有那么一天,我们一定会手拉着手,肩并着肩,共同坐在友谊的桥梁上,感受着家乡的温暖,祖国的美好!成为祖国的栋梁!就聊这,下次再聊!再见 祝身体健康、学习进步




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Dear Mary,

Thanks for your last letter. Im so glad that you have been able (at last!

) to arrange a holiday in Australia. As I fear I wont be able to meet you at

the airport when you arrive, nor will I be able to be home until later in the

afternoon, so here are some instructions and suggestions. There is a bus from

the airport to the city. It is much cheaper than a cab. Take the bus to the city

and ask to get off at Town Hall railway station. To get to my place in the

eastern suburbs you have three options. You can either take a cab, a bus or the

train. I suggest you take the train, since the airport bus will leave you right

at the station. Get off at Cliff Station. From there you can either walk to my

place (about ten minutes) or take a taxi. Probably you should take a taxi as you

will have luggage.

When you arrive at my flat, ring the intercom for Flat 2. My friend Lillian

will be at home and she will open the front door for you and let you into my

flat. Presumably you will be tired and want to sleep. But if you feel like some

exercise after that long flight, you could stroll down to Cooper Park, which is

only ten minutes away ? you can see it from the window. Cheers and looking

forward to seeing you.

Yours sincerely,


P.S. I will leave something for breakfast in the fridge. Help yourself to

anything you want.



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Dear Miss Li,

Im very happy to have you as our English teacher.

As the world is becoming a global village, English is getting more and more

important, so mastering English means we can see the world through a new


My English is just OK and the two main problem in my study are that I feel

it difficult to learn words by heart, and that I often feel nervous when

speaking English. I really hope that you can give me good advice on how to

memorize new words. Another suggestion is to give us more chances to practice

speaking. I believe we can make much progress in English with your help.

Thank you!

Withbest wishes




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Hello, I am Erika. My birthday is in winter. It’s cold. But I am happy,

because I can play with snow. I like skating and making a snowman. It’s a good

time for winter sports. On my birthday, I can get lots of birthday presents and

My parents often take me to the ice rink. We always have a good time. I am happy

on my birthday.



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There was once a little boy, who was my grandpa; lived in a little cottage

near the king’s palace. He was a jolly fellow in his life.

One day, he went down to the brook to pick some flowers. Close to the brook

was a little log, on it was a tinker. Beside him was a tool box, and in it were

some tools. “He must be the one that fixed the pluming machine in my backyard!”

my grandpa gasped as he said that. The tinker was having his lunch: One or two

pieces of bread, a bit of cold meat, and a cold potato. It looked such poor

lunch; that grandpa ran into the house, and grabbed two fresh apples, and gave

it to the tinker. The tinker thanked grandpa and ate the apples. And then he

went down to the brook to have a drink. When he came back, he said, “Now my boy,

we shall plant a tree!” “A tree?” asked grandpa, “But I thought only god makes

trees!’’ “True,” said the tinker, “Only god makes trees. But sometimes we could

help him. And the tinker pulled out a stick, and dug a hole in it. In which he

found a bark. He took the bark out of the stick, and gave the stick to grandpa,

saying, “Here my boy; wash it in the brook.” And so grandpa went to the brook,

and washed up the stick. And then he went back where the tinker was standing

with the bark in his hands.

There he found the tinker, dragging some grass from the ground. And then he

took the stick in grandpa’s hand, and used the grass to tie up around with the

bark. Then he slipped the bark back in the stick. And then he took it out,

squeezed the water out, and told grandpa to wash it up again. When he came back,

he put the bark back in it again. And then fitted it into a hole, which he had

dug; and used the end that didn’t have a hole, and fitted it in the ground; a

few months passed, and the tree grew as strong as the strongest man.



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This is our classroom, which is a nice big room.The windows are big and the

walls are white. There is a blackboard on the front wall. On the back wall there

is a map, which is a map of China.In front of the blackboard there is a big

desk, it is for the teacher.There are forty small desks and chairs in the room.

They are for us studens. Whats on the teachers desk? There are some






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My Friend(我的朋友)

Zhang Dong is my best friend。 He entered our class last semester。 He is a

boy。 Both of us are good at English, so we often have a chat in English in our

spare time。 After school, we often play football together on the playground。 He

runs so fast that I can not catch up with him。 He is an excellent student。 He

not only gets good marks in all subjects but also is very kind and modest。 He

loves popular songs and also classical music。

There are three people in his family and he is the only child。 His father

is a doctor and his mother is a Beijing Opera actress。 Though Zhang Dongs

family is wealthy, he is usually simply dressed。 He has a dream which is to be a


Such is my friend, a clever and kind boy。 He is highly praised by the

teachers and students。






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dear naclopendoor.org,

we are the parents of yan han. its a great honor for our daughter to be

chosen by your organization after the test and interviewing. in the middle of

august, 2015, yan han went to minnesota, usa, as an exchange student of 11th



having been in america for more than two months, our daughter, yan han,

have gotten a good care from the sweetest families. the american familys father

james and mother karen treat her just like their own daughters. my daughter

calls james and karen “father” and “mother”. for studies, her american parents

choose the curriculum carefully and make every effort to help her improve her

english listening and speaking ability.


for her life aspect, they take her eating custom into consideration, and

tell her feel easy just like at her chinese home. when we chat with our daughter

through on-line video, we often see that her american parents send some midnight

snack for her.


in order to be familiar with the us as soon as possible, yan han joins the

basketball team and the cross country long-distance running team under the help

of american parents. and they accompanied yan han to some interesting places

such as amusement park and kansas state, etc. american father and mother also

often talk openly with our daughter. when finding some difficulties in study and

life, they help her solve promptly.


american mother has also specially recorded our daughter’s active

situations in us with dv. she said that when we meet our daughter in china, we

certainly will receive a big surprise that yan han makes a great progress not

only in her english ability but also in socialist manner. my daughter said that

living in the american family is perfect and she feels happy and lucky.


american mother always send us e-mails to communicate with us about yan

han’s life and study situations. the every e-mail moves us and we deeply feel

the warm humanity from americans. we (yan han’s parents) also once studied in

america and got mba degree in usa. at that time, we received the generous help

from american people. and now, our daughter has gotten the same kind of help,

which make us full of gratitude. we heartily hope that the sino-us people can

become the very good friends, and we are willing to make our contribution to

maintaining the sino-us peoples friendly relationship.




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july 15, 201x

dear bob,

im very glad to learn that you will come to our city to study chinese in jianxin college of chinese in september, and equally glad to find a place for you to live in。 ive found a flat with a bedroom, kitchen and a bathroom, which is on the third floor of a building on fangcao street。 the 35-square-metre flat with furniture costs 500 yuan per month。

whats more, youll find it very convenient to live here because a bus stop is right at the foot of the building。 and the college you will study in is at the next stop。 you can go to the college either by bus or on foot。 in addition, the environment of this area is very beautiful and people there are very friendly and helpful。

i hope you will come soon and enjoy your stay here。

best wishes!


li hua




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Hello,my name is Thomas.I am nine.I am a boy.I like to run and swim.I

don’t like to sing and dance.I like to eat chicken wing,l can make it.Every

Sunday,I go to park with my father and my mother.I like to fly the kite.Blue sky

is very nice.I like summer and winter.In summer,I can eat ice cream.I can

swim.In winter,I can play with the snow.

Come on,Let’s be







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I had the second a gry Summer Holiday in Los Angeles America.

Los Angeles is a beauliful city.There are blue sky green grass.Grass fields

were intermixed with areas of woodland.We walked across the springy grass.l like


I went to a lot of place Disnep`s park and Hollywood.This summer holiday l

made some new friends. Do you know who they are?Let me tell you:they are my

favorite books ,l like books very much .I like reading science books, English

books, Chinese books, cartoon books and so on .Not only let me know how

wonderful the word is but also teach me how to be a good person in the society

,they give me great pleasure .So l love book very much.

I had a happy summer holiday with my books . How about your holiday. Los

Angeles is one of my greatest pleasures to come here .I learned some English

words l am very happy! Custom makes all things easy!
