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Li Jianxin, a professor of social demography at Peking University, says that the younger generation, especially those living in cities, are unlikely to have more children without first considering the economic challenges that decision might bring.


The lifestyle and viewpoints of the post-80s generation are totally different from the 50s and 60s generations, Li said. "Many Chinese want to give birth to fewer but healthier children."


Yuan Tian, a 25-year-old photographer in Shanghai, has a 1-year-old daughter. And one, she says, is enough – due both to the cost of raising a child and to the challenges a child poses to developing a career.


Giving birth really affected my career, she said. "When I returned to work, it took me several months to catch up with my colleagues again. And I cant focus on my work, since I need to leave the office early to take care of my daughter."




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dear sir or madam:

Im a middle school student.


Im looking forward to hearing form you.

Yours faithfully

Zhang Hua


Dear sir or madam:

Im a middle school student. I have recently leamed from the newspaper that you are going to build a factory here in my hometown. There is no doubt that it is good for development of my hometown and it will provide us with more jobs. most of us stand by the program. however,some of us are worried that the factory will make much noise and pollute the environment of the area. I would like to know whether you have any plans for the environment protection. Would you please offer us more information about it?

Im looking forward to hearing form you.

Yours faithfully

Zhang Hua



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Nowadays,with the rapid increase of population,the problems of overloading in cities is becoming more and more serious around the world.

For instance,the resources such as education,jobs,health care that a city can supply is limited.So more populations mean that everyone living in the city have less welfare.In addition,the phenomenon of pollution can also be aggravating.And the traffic jams will disturb drives frequently.

In order to deal with the problems caused by overloading,in my opinion,Lowering the birth rate is the essential methods.On the other hand,another way which is executable to reduce the pressure of population in cities is to move people from cities to suburban areas.Of course,this need the help of governments.

In a nutshell,it is time for us to make efforts to control the population timely.



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Create a Green Campus

It is of great importance to make and maintain a green campus in our university or college. Obviously, a growing number of people are beginning to realize that it is our duty to do that in the present days, since the concept of “a green world” has become the focus of the society. The idea of “a green campus” is beyond a green environment. To begin with, the development on the campus is to be sustainable and recyclable. Some of the authorities’ budget should be on how to reduce of the waste. What’s more, we’d better be aware of the seriousness of pollution around us. Thus the idea of environmental protection may become a common occurrence in our daily life. It is necessary that effective actions should be taken to protect our campus from waste and pollution, and hence these activities are to play an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. Certainly, there is little doubt that further consideration must be paid to our green campuses.

With the development of our society and economy,people are confronting with serious environmental problem,including environment pollution and resource scarity.So for modern college students,it is of great importance to create and maintain a green campus in our university.

As we all known,the idea of green campus has become the focus of the most colleagues.What measures should we take to creat green campus?As far as were concerned we can take action from the following two aspects.Firstly,wed better be aware of the seriousness of pollution around us and the importance of protection of environment.Only in this way ,the idea of environmental protection may become a common action in our daily life.Secondly,it is necessary for us to take effectie measure to protect our campus from pollution and waste,for example,we may call on student to save water and electricity and refuse sorting equipment treatment by the way of the slogan or other effective form of our purpose of make green campus.

Certainly there is no doubt that the further consideration must be paid to our green campus.And there is an increasing number of college students will participate in the action which is meaningful for our development.Under everyones joint effort,I believe that our environment

will become more and more beautiful.



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The large number of our population has become one of the most serious problems of our society. according to a recent survey of the national bureau of statistics, there are more than 1.3 billion people in our country, which account for about 1/5 of all the people in the world. the same survey also predicts that our population will grow quickly in the years to come.

overpopulation has brought about a series of negative effects to our economic development and social security. in the first place, too many people impose a heavy burden on our environment. as a result, we suffer from a shortage of fresh water and natural resources. in the second place, as the supply of labor greatly exceeds the demand of the society, many people become employed. this is a source of social unrest. last but not least, we have to manufacture all kinds of products to meet the needs of the people, which causes environment pollution to our lakes and land.

serious though the problem seems, we have to take some measures to tackle it. on the one hand, the government should carry out more strictly the policy of family planning, thus reducing the total number of population. on the other hand, all the people should realize the harms of overpopulation. with the concerted efforts of all the parties concerned, we’re sure to solve the problem in the future.




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the ups and downs of population growth

while the problem of the explosively-growing human population has become this century’s focus , the mas s media , during the r ecent decades , have been conveying another sensational is sue near ly to every household — the world’s wildlife extinction . take the u .s . alone for example . during the past one hu ndr ed-odd yea rs , especially f rom 1940 to 1990 , its population has been increasing so rapidly that it has now amounted to 250 million . howeve r , we have, at the same time , surprisingly discovered that the number of wildlife species has been propor tionally decreasing . this is enough to explain what effect“ the ups”of human population has brought to“ the downs”of wildlife population .

investigations so fa r made s how that the extinction of wild animals and c reatur es is att ributed to various r easons , the inc reasing h uman occupa tion of space and environmental pollution being the two impor tant factors obviously k nown to everyone . howeve r , in my mind , nowadays the cruelty of killing and eating wild animals is simply beyond conceivability .

mer ciles s hunters capture them and then sell them for a good price; greedy vintner s try to procur e the best recipes for dressing the meat to pe rfection and con sequently have their restaurants frequented by fine gentlemen; skillful cook s , who under - stand how to oblige the guests , cont rive to make it as expensive as they please; fashion designer s and tailors make the skin into admirable gloves , shoes , handbags , girdles for rich ladies . in this way , the wildlife cont ribute to the feeding , and partially to clothing , of many thousands .

for tunately , the world’s at tention has nowadays been shifted to ecological balance . most people have become aware of the danger of the extinction of wildlife . for the protection of wildlife the government is respon sible, the law is r esponsible, and i should , in the sincerity of my hear t , say eve ry human being is r esponsible .




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此政策在网络和微信上引发了热议(become a sensation on the Internet and We Chat)。不少网友认为"00后"(children born after 2000)太自私,即使是同意父母生二胎的孩子,在有了弟弟妹妹后脾气也会变坏。但也有不少人认为,这仅仅是教育方式的问题而已(the problem lies in education)。如青岛一所小学的一群四年级学生日前成立了"反弟弟妹妹联盟",说服父母不要生二胎。(A group of fourth-graders at an elementary school in Qingdao formed an "anti-siblings alliance" in an effort to persuade their parents not to have a second child.)该校一名老师最近发现,班里有八个孩子常聚在一起窃窃私语,讨论这件事(hold secret meetings to discuss the issue)。这些学生担心弟弟妹妹会分走自己独享的父母宠爱(steal their parents exclusive love)。

有话题就会有相关词汇,这就要求大家在平常的学习中多多积累,这样到用了时候心中自然就有丘壑。同时也可以扩充相关词汇,如:流动人口mobile population;独生子女家庭only child family;生育时间表birth time schedule;备孕plan for pregnancy。

二胎政策实施过程中,也给社会带来了一定的影响。这一部分探讨也可以作为作文的写作素材。如全面二孩政策(universal two-child policy)出台后,中国内地主要城市三居室或四居室的大户型房子(large three or four-bedroom homes)销量攀升。北京和上海等城市的很多夫妇正在搜寻居住环境更佳的大房子(hunt for larger homes with a better environment),为家里添丁加口早做准备。据估计,新的生育政策将使未来5年内多增加1700万新生儿(extra 17m babies being born within the next five years)。



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Everything grows in modern times, and it seems that nothing grows as quickly as population. Population keeps growing, and grows rapidly, firstly because peoples living standards keep going up, with better houses, better clothing, better food, secondly because people know how to preserve themselves so as to live longer, and thirdly

because they have modern medicine and medical care to ensure that usual diseases can be easily cured. There is another cause for the growth of population. Few countries or governments have realised the importance of family planning. On the contrary, some encourage child-birth.

Here are some examples of population growth from 1985 to 2000 (as anticipated).

Lima had 5.7 million people in 1985 but there were 9.1 million by 2000. Tianjin used to have 7. 9 million in 1985. By 2000 its population reached 9. 7 million. Such cities as London, Osaka, Moscow, Beijing, Karachi, Delhi, Jakarta, Seoul, and Teheran are having a similar population growth. We would not be shocked if all other cities have this rate. But some cities, like Calcutta, Shanghai, New York, and Sto Paulo boost their population even more quickly than the above-mentioned cities. Tokyo had 18.8 million in 1985. The year 2000 found 20.2 million Tokyo citizens. Mexico city had 17.3 million people in 1985, but as population specialists had predicted, that reached 25.8 million in 2000 !

The population problem is a universal concern nowadays. Any government is a failure if it does nothing about its population growth.



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What Can We Do for the Environment

our environment is becoming worse and worse,what can we do for the environment?I think each of us can do a little bit to help with this problem。

The first thing we can do is to use cloth bags instead of plastic bags when we go shopping. It helps to protect the environment. The second thing we can do is to reuse the old textbooks as possible as we can. We should also never forget to turn off the lights when we leave the classrooms in order to save energy. Whats more,it would be better if we walk or ride a bike to school. We should try our best to reduce pollution and waste。

In fact,even the simplest everyday activities can make a real difference to the environment. I believe we can make the world a better place to live in.



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俄罗斯 根据俄罗斯联邦《居民人口普查法》,俄罗斯每十年至少应该举行一次人口普查。人口普查的时间精确到时,即年、月、日、时。20xx年的人口普查是苏联解体后俄罗斯进行的首次人口普查,对于国家掌握居民情况和制定社会发展计划发挥了重要作用。那次人口普查使政府获得了关于人口数量、年龄、性别、婚姻状况、民族成分、受教育程度、家庭副业、就业与收入、住宅状况等资料,既有联邦范围的,也有地区的。最重要的是获得了社会民族结构方面的信息。政府根据这些信息及时调整了国家和地区的社会发展规划。



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Population expansion is one of the most serious problems in the world. With better hygienic conditions and better medical care, fewer babies die today. But the birth rate remains unchanged. Moreover, the death rate has been lowered considerably by various kinds of progress. People generally live longer than they used to. All these contribute to a series of problem: shortage of national resources and food supply crowded cities and high rate of unemployment.

To solve all these problems, we must take measures to control birth rate. The first important step is to educate people-to help them understand the advantages of small families. Another important measure is to raise peoples living standards. When people full understand the consequences of population expansion, and when their standard of living is raised, the birth rate will decline without compulsion.

Though it is a difficult task, we should try in a thousand and one ways to carry out birth control If we fail to do so, the world will be too crowded to live in, and the natural resources will be used up. Then we will no longer survive on earth.



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To begin with, as the population grows, people consume much more natural resources, which often leads to excessive hunting. Second, with the increase of human activities, modern people take up more and more space. Which has a great impact on other species. Finally, the problem of pollution becomes more and more serious with the development of modern industry. More and more animals have to adapt themselves to the decaying environment or move to a totally different place, but not all of them are fortunate enough to survive the changes.

Solving this problem calls for, above all, the government’s efforts to control population growth, to decrease industrial pollution and to enhance the laws to forbid wildlife hunting. Moreover, common citizens should be aware of this ecological crisis and take on the responsibility of wildlife protection. In a word, only when the government and the common people make joint e f forts can we hope to find a satisfactory solution to this problem.






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Today,pollution has become a serious problem to us. It means that the air,seas,rivers and land are polluted by waste or poisonous things.

It does harm not only to human beings but also to animals .

We cannot have fresh air because many factories have the poisonous smoke sent into the air. Beautiful parks are made dirty by plastic tins and bags.

Fish die from the polluted water. It is said that strange diseases have appeared in some places because of pollution.

I hope scientists can find ways to solve the serious problem.

We are looking forward to seeing the clear sky,clean rivers and beautiful parks again.



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China has already begun to face an aging population. It is reported that by 2003 in China, the population over 65 years of age the proportion of the total population will reach 7%, which will allow China into the United Nations in 1956 set the population aging countries in the world. By 2020, this proportion will be increased to 10.85%, while in 2050, it will reach 20.43%.

At present, the time being will not become the worlds largest country in the elderly population. However, it is the process of aging faster than any other developing country. In fact, China will become the worlds population, one of the fastest aging process, this change brought to China unfavorable factors, it needs China to take a unique way to take care of the aging population.

Respect for the elderly project

In recent years, Chinas economy developed rapidly, with the strength becomes stronger, the state since 1990, security expenses for the elderly are more than 100 billion yuan every year, but also the state was increasing year after year, while also encouraging social and personal fund-raising, donations of non-juvenile welfare facilities set up to address a number of elderly people a sense of security, old age care issues. However, for a big country like China, but also there are other ways to those who need help to provide assistance for lonely elderly people. Care in the community, a warmth of respect for the elderly project in China, the rise of many young people took part in respecting the obligation to engineering work, they not only raised in all directions to bring the material assistance to the elderly, but also for their daily needs and get a wide range of help, thus bringing the warmth and love dedicated to the lonely and helpless old man.

This shows that the "senior citizen project," is Chinas aging population on the eve of a large number of old age to solve the problem of looking into a way to have multiple meanings, which not only brought the Gospel to the lonely elderly, but also carry forward the socialist spiritual civilization.









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With the improvement of our living standard, more and more people can afford a car. As a result, our roads are more often than not crammed with cars. However, with more and more waste gas being discharged by the cars, the problem of air pollution becomes even more serious. So nowadays we advocate to lead a low-carbon life.

My suggestion is we should ride bikes more often instead of driving cars.By riding a bike, we can not only exercise our body but also protect our environment. Why not have a try, my dear friends?




Now, our side of the car constant more up, the environment also increasingly worse! That the air around us there are many harmful substances. Therefore, we want to Sue around things start to do. For example, we can go to school by bike or walk, it can exercise. If you have time can use less elevator, many climb stairs. We can not only physical exercise, but also to protect our environment.




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how to solve the energy shortage(如何解决能源短缺问题

energy shortage is a very serious problem in the world. many people worry that energy resources on the earth will be exhausted if we use them in an unchecked way. this, most people agree, will cause serious problems and even crisis and jeopardize the survival of mankind .

on the one hand, most people agree that the problem can be solved in one way or another. one is to conserve and save our energy. energy refers not only to coal, oil, or natural gases but also to goods, land and water, etc. most countries have realized the wastefulness in their using of energy. they are trying to conserve energy. for example, some countries have a daylight saving system to use less electricity for lighting. some cities have enforced water savers at public such as restrooms and bars. some have enforced serious penalties on overuse of electricity, water, and farming land. by these means, people hope the drain on energy resources could be slowed down.

however, conservation alone cannot solve the problem. another way, perhaps the best i think,, is to develop new energy resources. obviously, no matter how hard we try to save energy resources and how abundant they are, we will use them up sooner or later. i think there are many energy resources that we can develop and utilize. we don’t have to depend only on the current conventional energy resources. there are many other energy resources that we can develop such as nuclear power, waterpower and solar power. these resources, if developed, can completely replace the conventional energy and thus solve the problem of energy shortage.




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It has been estimated that a thousand years ago there were less than 400 million people on earth. Today, however, the worlds population has amounted to 5,000 million. What is worse, it keeps growing at a surprising speed. If this trend continues, the worlds population will shoot up to 7,000 million by the year 2000. This is what we call population explosion.

The rapid development of science and technology is the main cause of population explosion. We can see that the population has been growing at a tremendous speed since the Industrial and Agriculture Revolution in 1650, which raised the peoples standard of living, and the emergence of modern medicine in 1550, which lowered the peoples death rate.

Population explosion will result in a lot of such problems as food shortage, housing shortage and unemployment. It is time that we acted quickly to carry out the policy of birth control otherwise, mans survival on the earth will be threatened.







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Nowadays,the problem of piracy has become more and more serious. Books,tapes,VCDs and others high-tech products have been pirated. For instance,when a new product comes onto market,most probably,its pirated counterpart will soon put on its appearance in the market,too. Piracy has caused a great loss to legitimate producers,inventors and writers in many ways. To start with,the pirated products often cost much less than the genuine ones so that they enjoy a better trading position in spite of their relatively poor quality. The genuine products,on the contrary,sell poorly. Whats worse,pirated books sometimes do great harm to the authorsreputation due to some misprints. In the long run,pirated products may have a negative impact on customers. Those legitimate producerscreativity and enthusiasm may be deeply hurt by the fact that some customers are more interested in the pirated products for the sake of small gains. In my opinion,its high time that everyone started the battle against piracy.First,customers should develop their consciousness to resist the pirated products. Second,the government should take effective measures to put an end to piracy. Finally,laws must be strictly enforced to completely ban piracy. Only in this way can we wipe the pirated products out of our life.





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Almost every country in the world faced the population problem.China has the largest population, so the one-child policy was necessay. In America, there were 2 billion people 20 years ago, now there were 3 billion. Some day they will have the same amount people as we had in china, will they apply our population control policyAnyway we could be sure they will not critize our population policy at that time.



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China has a huge population, so the population of china will be very hard to control. Many specialists to solve this problem, but no one have a good

way to solve. Now, the population of china have about 1.3 billion population, and land holdings per head average only 0.82 hectares, also the plough holdings per head average only 0.106 hectares. It take up 43% of the world, so that means the resource of our country is very less now, and didnt surpass the half percentage of the world.

In this article, I will show you some information about the Chinese population policy.

The history of Chinese policy

Start with 1949, china was liberate. The leader of china Mao Zedong was make a policy which is encourage people to bear, because the Mao think a strong country need a huge population. So, in that time if a woman burn many children, then the woman will called “hero woman”.

And many people were born, that is why the population of china were very huge new.

In 1978, the family plan were start to use, because the population of china is too huge, and need some policy to control it. So Chinese government was start to use the family planning to control, that is the most useful way to control, they do many thing like welfare to the Chinese people.

At that time, many of the population were like thispolicy, because they can get much benefit from this event.

I have seen some poster of the family planning in 1978, and I think it is fool the common people in that time. So I always pity for all elderly Chinese

people, and my parent tell me it was very cruel that time. When you born more than one child, you will have much and much punishment from the government, like to injure your house, increase your tax levy, but not cruel as kill you, so Chinese is very kind that time!

Now, the government have been thinking the problem of the population, some peoplesay that we have been keeping the family planning, and other people think we have to stop the family, so it have two choose of family planning, each of it will have a big change in china.

Family planning

Family planning is a kind of population policy in the world which is very common, many country were use this policy to control the population, because it is very easy to use, and very convenient to manage the population. Also is very low-cost to use.

But it have some bad way, like it will have a big problem called aging of population, it made the many young peoples burden very huge, very hard to care two parent or more.

Conclude, family planning isnt the best way to control the population, and it can bring many problem to the country. But we cant find another way to control the population, so we just can use this policy.

The policy of population now

One Chinese leader of family planning department said that we have to keep going for family planning forever, and china need much and much strict family planning to control our population.

Then many specialist to publish their own idea of family planning, all of

ideas were talk about to weaken or stop the family planning, and give some advice of population. Here I would like introduce some specialist ideas.

Chinese population is very large now, if we stop growing immediately, it will have a big problem call aging of population. If this problem happen, the young people will be very hard to provide their family.

Population will be stop growing to 1.8 milliard if we dont do anything, so that is a good way to control the population and dont have much shortcoming. It can be a better way to control the population, isnt it

If we still using the policy of family planning, it will have a large population decrease, and will have aneffect of many thing. Productivity of china will be less, and manpower resource will be less too.

This is all my thinking




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The first fifty years of the next millennium will be critical for the worlds population. By 2050 population growth should have leveled off, but by then well have 10 billion people--two-thirds as many again as we have today.The rate of population growth is something we can choose right now, though: its not something that just happens, but a matter of human choice. The choice is a complicated one,with many variables, but it remains a choice.

If we want to prevent a population explosion, we should take action now -or assist the poorer countries to do so. They need better government, better institutions, better labor and capital markets, better schools.

Anything that increases the value of womens time and adds to the cost of caring for a child makes a woman less likely to have that child. Since big families are often seen as safety nets for illness and old age, improving poor peoples access to insurance, pensions and welfare institutions also has a major impact. This can be as simple as rural credit, providing a means of saving. Finally, there is education--both for women and, perhaps even more important, for the next generation of children.

These steps are there to be taken, but there appear to be some countries that are not seriously trying at the moment. If we cannot achieve that we will certainly not control population.

That said, I dont feel pessimistic that we are going to run out of resources: we are becoming more efficient at producing food faster than the rate at which population is increasing. There is, however, a risk that we will wreck the environment so effectively that the world will no longer be an attractive place to live. That really would be a dismal outcome, to reach world population equilibrium only to find wed destroyed the natural environment in the process.






