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1. Because of you I believe in fate perhaps all this are doomed to heaven having a Mianmianzhizhong traction. Now I want to say is that I Shangbeizi. what is built Nie ah?


2. Also known as the bricks and mortar boards infants bricks the old Beijing is the most characteristic of the cultural heritage of one of a lethal strong and easy-to-carry concealed not weapons and other characteristics…… shoot you use the most appropriate!


3. Psychological test: If you and the coward race you want to: 1 you run fast; as fast; you coward slower than… answer: you than beasts also a beast; you are beasts; beast than you! Happy April Fools Day!


4. Notice: April Fools Day approaching on April 1 you receive text messages are bogus meaning exactly opposite please pay attention. Following is the first: You are handsome styles Yushulinfeng beauty of the blossoming devil build lover!


5. you are the sun in my heart but it began to rain; you are the moon in my dream but it was obscured by clouds; you are the most beautiful flower in my heart but held; you are the goddess of the moon in the sky will fall to the earth unfortunately in the face of first the......


6. in my eyes you will always be looked so carefree and eating with relish is always sleep is always Hanran sleep. I really envy you ah sometimes think do a pig is also very good.


7. my mother and I said I like you I want you to accompany me day and night. You know through this period of time I found that I cant be without you now. But my mother refused she said: "the family is not allowed to raise pigs"


8. After dinner seven Commandment: I quit smoking quit immediately eat two fruits three ring relaxed belt the four immediately quit drinking Wujiebaibu walk bathe immediately quit six seven quit immediately to sleep! Journey: Remember?


9. If you look ugly call 0 if you build well call 120 if you temper bad call if you feel beautiful call my cell phone and elaborated……


10. Because you I believe in fate perhaps all this are doomed to heaven having a Mianmianzhizhong traction. Now I want to say is that I Shangbeizi--what is built Nie ah?


11. Also known as the bricks and mortar boards infants bricks the old Beijing is the most characteristic of the cultural heritage of one of a lethal strong and easy-to-carry concealed not weapons and other characteristics--shoot you use the most appropriate!


12. Psychological test: If you and the coward race you want to: 1 you run fast; as fast; you coward slower than… answer: you than beasts also a beast; you are beasts; beast than you! Happy April Fools Day!


13. Shaceng said: I have 1 change! Journey said: I have 32 change! Wukong said: I am 2 changed! In his Tang Seng: Nishi on the treatment you change a phone call I saw how other people look at monsters with phone messages? Happy April Fools Day!


14. an urgent reminder: look at your left and then look at your right. Please be careful just slipped out of a mental illness his features are: holding a mobile phone look around.紧急提醒:看看你的左边再看看你的右边。请小心一个刚溜出来的精神病他的特征是:拿着手机东张西望。

15. want to with you to see the sea but can not grasp the unfathomable future; think and you go mountain climbing is full to the ideal of the vacant; think and you to drift but not the happy heaven; want to go shopping with you has been the police refused he said: dont walk a dog!


16. the first sight to see you I said to myself: you are my life to strive for the goal I want to pursue you I want to hug you. I want to announce: I love you.........


17. do you have a TV? Look at CCTV1 the White House was bombed the whole building collapsed the police have closed down the entire Washington 1 people were killed and 32 injured people lost... 1 people cheated!


18. do not move! Robbery! All hands up! Men stand on the left the woman stood on the right abnormal station in the middle hey! Said is you but also installed to see the phone!


19. your quality such as plum general staunch; my character like a glacier and refined; you have admirable connotation; you have let people dump of cool; and we respectfully call you "Meichuan underpants was"!


20. yesterday I dreamed of you really the sky is so Mingjing sunshine is so beautiful the sea is so boundless you stand on the blue sea I take small stick a poke you hey this is small bastard case is quite hard.


21. the day I saw you in the supermarket! You secretly reached barcode scanner and the screen display: yuan pigs trotters. Do you think the machine is broken and leaned over to look at the screen display PigHead meat yuan!


22. It is just a gust of wind worth mentioning but why is so eternal just a dream why is so real you do not bow to the phrase but I can not calm I finally couldnt help to say to you: next time you fart say!


23. In my eyes you will always be looked carefree and eating with relish is always sleep is always Hanran sleep…… I really envy you know Oh! Sometimes think as you do so pigs are very good!





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My father likes fishing。 He always goes fishing with his friends in Autumn。

One day, he took me to fish, too。 In autumn, fish have grown up。 It is the best season to fish。 First, we chose a good place。 Then my father helped me put an earthworm onto the fishhook。 Afterwards, I threw the fishhook into the river。 I waited for a long time。 Suddenly, I saw the float sink。 I was very happy。 I pulled it out of the water but I only saw half of the earthworm。 The fish played a trick on me。 I was very angry。 But my father said to me, “it takes time。 You need to be more patient。” I tried again。 A few minutes later, I caught a big fish and I showed it to my father。 My father praised me, “what a good angler you are!”





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In western countries, the annual April 1st "fools Day" means a person can play a variety of tricks and dont have to bear the consequences. Called a "fools Day joke" your trick will be forgive.

This is a distinction between soft hearted and hard hearted day, soft hearted person who made that they have been cheated, but look very foolish. A woman set a few years to save her from the other women get a business card, and no notice of their intention to obtain a number of friends there, and then with a lot of this kind of business card to go fools day party. She brazenly people flirt, suggesting that spend the night with her would be "not fair" of pleasure, and gave each one requires the men meet again a another woman card.

Undoubtedly, during this holiday, magic goods stores will be refurbished to provide a lot of tricks. For example, sit up will happen harsh noise cushion; row will be fireworks after the match; and for those who want to fit a ball at the other faces of the people ready sarcoma, fake nose, glasses, beard and putty.



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Last night, I and many of the kids decided to catch a gecko. Well go to my "secret base", where a lot of bamboo sticks, we pick up the bamboo sticks, each door in the district to find geckos, all of a sudden I heard my friend Sphere shouted: "Here, found, finding gecko, "I ask where? We all ran to a door inside buildings, I followed them to run, before the buildings came to the door, I saw a big, long gecko: slender body, two small eyes, nose and almost invisible , now its four legs to climb along the walls light and saw a golf ball pestle with bamboo sticks, gecko fell from the wall, he quickly caught with nets to the gecko, and then put it into the bottle, is pleased to say, "Ha ha, I caught a lizard!" very envious of some of the children are wanted Sphere gave them Sphere thought of Egg said: "The Egg, send your , and "Egg quickly said:" Thank you Sphere. "

I am a little unconvinced, saying what great, I can catch a gecko, said, the most trusted me and my best friend ZHANG Zhi, Dong carrying bamboo sticks to another gate to catch geckos come, I see Building the back door before the lights dim a geckos shadow, I like the opportunity Yigun the gecko shot down, but fortunately not injured gecko, I put it in the bottle, put some water inside the mosquito, the only gecko gift ZHANG Zhi.

Home, my mother told me: gecko, also known as Si Jiaoyi, eat mosquitoes, flies, moths and other insects, beneficial to mankind, we should not catch it, I thought about running out, we again returned to the big gecko natural.



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For some reasons, I never get up before nine oclock on Saturdays. Sometimes I stay in bed until lunch time. Then Ill do some exercises, read English, play computer games. In the afternoon, I go to school for writing and playing table tennis. I play table tennis well. In the evening, I go to the teachers home to play Chinese chess, I like it.

What an interesting day!



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你是我心中的太阳,可惜下雨了;你是我梦中的月亮,可惜被云遮住了;你是我心中最美的花朵,可惜开过了;你是天上的嫦娥降临人间,可惜脸先着地了…… 经典愚人节短信













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This Saturday was my aunts birthday, so my family went to a resterant to have dinner. We were quite happy. After dinner, we sent presents to my aunt.Then we lighted cancles, sang birthday songs, and finally ate the cake.

I think it was very interesting.





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Today, at my home a very interesting thing happened.

Noon, dad is sleeping, I was watching TV, suddenly, I feel very boring, so just came up with a project and interesting game.

Ill take red, yellow, blue, green four kinds of color, then, go jump on your bed, with a red pen in his mouth painting lipstick, with yellow pen to draw father face, with blue pen to draw dad left eye hair, finally, in a green pencil on the fathers right eye hair, just like that, I give my father a make-up. Then, I went to watch TV.

Such as dad wake up, go to comb my hair, I burst out laughing, dad a in the mirror, shame flushed, even also cant lift up.

How, it is very interesting!


Today,there is an interesting thing at my home. Today is Sunday, so my father doesn’tgo to work. After lunch, my father goes to sleep and I feel a little bit bore. Suddenly,an interesting idea comes to my mind. I take four color pens to my father’sroom.

And then, I help him put on lipstick with a red pen, paint his face witha yellow pen, draw the left eyebrow with a blue pen and draw the right with agreen pen. Finally, I draw a very interesting makeup for dad. And then I goback to watch TV. About half an hour later, he shouts loudly when he is doingwith his hair. I laugh loudly, because he is shocked by himself and he isn’tangry with me.



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1. 事业上,你是一位“愚公”,有着移山的精神;生活中你是一位“渔人”,总能捕捞到幸福;爱情上,你是一位“愚夫”,还配上了愚妇,真让人羡慕。愚人节到了,愿你把“愚中之乐”坚持到底。

2. 日医药广场搞活动:购买一百元的感冒药,可获赠幸福一包。购买五百元的养胃药,可获赠快乐一箱。购买千元以上的任何药品,可获赠健康一生! 愚人节祝福短信

3. 知道我怎么认识你的么?上幼儿园的时候老师说:尿床一次罚三元,两次罚五元,三次罚十元,我正想问包月多少钱时,你很坚毅的举手说:老师,我办年卡!

4. 日所有超市为答谢新老客户的厚爱,特搞一天大型活动。活动内容:购物满一百元即送贰仟元现金。转发此消息可凭发票领数码相机一台,大家记得相互通知!

5. 骗你不是我的错,相信不是你唯一的选择,只是你一时不明白我为什么要这么做。信我不是你的错,快乐是我想要的结果,只是我不该以你为乐。愚人节到了,你我都会犯错,但是我们都要快乐着犯错!

6. 上帝送给我一个宝盆,想啥它就变啥。我不小心想了你一次,它变出一个你。我止不住想,它就不住变。最后满屋都是你,我就愁呀!这么多小猪我咋喂呢?

7. 今天是个好日子,我要请你来吃饭。地点随你选,菜式随你愿。带上好朋友,你也不孤单。短信身边到,快快莫迟延。若问何佳节,请你猜一猜。今天愚人节,请你吃饭你买单。祝快乐开颜!

8. 愚人节到真开心,快乐伴随秒秒分。捉弄别人有分寸,被人捉弄也高兴。句句笑话别当真,过眼浮云情谊深。生活处处见真情,节日愚人有情分。短信祝福身边送,愿你快乐笑声闻。朋友深情永不忘,幸福感觉在全身!

9. 说你天真,你就活蹦乱跳;说你聪明,你就四处炫耀;说你稳重,你就不吵不闹;说你调皮,你就没大没小。愚人节到了,啥也不说了,自个儿去傻笑!

10. 世界上最可笑的事情就是,我知道了真相,你却还在说谎,说得那么真,那么深…

11. 女同事七点半来上班,抢着上厕所,事毕,才发现今天厕所居然无纸。急忙手机求救:“我在厕所,没纸了,快来救急!”“谁信你啊,以为我不知道今天是什么日子!”连续拨通无数电话(其中还包括男同事,回复基本一致。估计今天求纸无望,只能用手了。

12. 有一种福气,是傻人有傻福;有一种快乐,是难得糊涂;聪明人,太累,身体难免疲惫;精明人,太强,心情难以释放;爱情需要痴痴的爱,方可地久天长;事情需要傻傻的干,方可取得辉煌;愚人节到,傻气也是一种正能量,做个有福气的傻人吧!

13. 真好!想祝福新年,有元旦节;想祝福春天,有春节;想祝福花好月圆,有元宵节;想祝福情人,有情人节;想祝福美女,有妇女节;想祝福劳动,有五一节;想祝福孩子,有儿童节;想祝福年轻人,有青年节。想祝福你了,哈哈,还有愚人节!愚人节快乐哦!

14. 淡淡的想念,浅浅的情思,好久没有这样好好的想你了,面对你的时候有口难开,不见你的时候心里总是无比惦念!希望这个特别的季节特别的日子送上我特别并且温暖的话语:朋友,愚人节快乐!

15. 嗨,哥们,我有一个办法,能让你住别墅开好车拥有花不完的钱,而且还不用上班,不用投资零风险,现在把这个办法告诉你,你可不要告诉别人啊,办法就是:做梦!哈哈,愚人节快乐!

16. 据说,收到朋友愚人节祝福就马上请朋友吃饭的是文艺青年,马上回复的是普通青年,置之不理的是那啥青年。你是?看着办哦!愚人节快乐!

17. 没有你的天空不蓝,少了你的地球不转;你是我们的骄傲,是你让这节日更加美满;此时此刻我向你发来贺电,祝你在你的节日里笑的灿烂:愚人节快乐!

18. 你这个聪明过头的家伙,当一天傻瓜吧!

19. 号外号外,现在发现世界上第一只灰看短信息的哈巴狗!

20. 希奇希奇真希奇,发现意投达春绿,春绿头脑有问题,不吃不喝不休息,要问春绿在哪里,正在埋头看消息!

21. 过马路,碰到红灯请赶快脱下衣服原地转十圈,否则别过!

22. 还记得我们风雨同舟同甘共苦的日子吗?还记得我们开怀大笑满杯痛饮的时刻吗?最重要的……还记得你欠我的钱吗。

23. 希望你在这个特殊的日子,变得越来越聪明。

24. 做家具的是木材,懂诗词的是秀才,众人想的是钱财,看消息的是蠢才。

25. Hey!好吗?看到它是不是被吓了一大——跳!祝你好心情!

26. 人生最快乐的事情是我可以做别人做不到的事,比如我可以发短信息骂你是猪,可你却不知道我是谁。哈哈哈!

27. 一只猪和一只企鹅被关在-℃的冷库里,第二天企鹅死了,猪没事。为什么?你不知道?对了,猪也不知道!














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One day, it was time for lunch. Mr and Ms White were already at the table, but where was Tom their only son. Mr White decided to go and asked Tom to have lunch. When he went into Toms bedroom, he found Tom reading a book while lying on the stomach on the floor. He told Tom to come to lunch immediately, so Tom did. Mr White wondered why Tom was so attractted by the book? So he decided to have a look at the book. Now, it was the turnof Ms White and Tom to wait. After sometime, Ms White asked son to see what his father was up to. Tom went tohis bedroom. To his great surprise, his father was lying on the stomach and reading the book. He is just being reading. Mr. White had forgotten all about for lunch , what is an interesting book.





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Every year on April 1st, is one of many western countries the most happy day, because this day is world famous "April Fools day". On this day, people can play their own rich imagination, cajole, teasing, fool others. But, no matter do appear after what kind of consequences, people will not take any legal responsibility. Now this festival also began in our Chinese popular, especially among the college students. In view of this, April Fools Day is not only the Western things, also influence to the east.

April Fools Day is also called the feast of fools, has a history of several hundred years. About his origin, the audiences said numerous Yun. One of the most popular saying that April Fools Day originated in france.

In sixteenth Century France, people in this day April 1st New Years day, gifts, a party, to celebrate the new year. Then celebrate method and now not much difference between. By the year 1582, the French king Charlie nine world decided to adopt a new calendar -- Gregory Calendar, new years change in January 1st. In the new calendar implementation of process, there are still some people around or is not willing to accept the new calendar, or dont know how to change the date of the new year, still in April 1st day. Others played tricks on them, giving them false gift, and invited them to false celebration, leading them to run errands, or that they dont exist for certain things for Gospel truth. If you believe is called "April fool".



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One day, my parents bought me a computer. I had been longing for a computer for such a long time. I used to go to net bar to use computer. Now I have my own computer. So I was very excited. Along with the computer, they bought some software to help me with my studies. My father said that the computer would be my tutor from now on. However, he told me not to play computer game or chat on internet for a long time. He thought it was a waste of time. And I think so too. Then I used it to send E-mails to my friends to tell them that I have a computer on my own home too. What a happy day!



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Every year on April 1st, is one of many western countries the most happy day, because this day is world famous "April Fools day". On this day, people can play their own rich imagination, cajole, teasing, fool others. But, no matter do appear after what kind of consequences, people will not take any legal responsibility. Now this festival also began in our Chinese popular, especially among the college students. In view of this, April Fools Day is not only the Western things, also influence to the east.


April Fools Day is also called the feast of fools, has a history of several hundred years. About his origin, the audiences said numerous Yun. One of the most popular saying that April Fools Day originated in france.


In sixteenth Century France, people in this day April 1st New Years day, gifts, a party, to celebrate the new year. Then celebrate method and now not much difference between. By the year 1582, the French king Charlie nine world decided to adopt a new calendar -- Gregory Calendar, new years change in January 1st. In the new calendar implementation of process, there are still some people around or is not willing to accept the new calendar, or dont know how to change the date of the new year, still in April 1st day. Others played tricks on them, giving them false gift, and invited them to false celebration, leading them to run errands, or that they dont exist for certain things for Gospel truth. If you believe is called "April fool".


1. Because of you I believe in fate perhaps all this are doomed to heaven having a Mianmianzhizhong traction. Now I want to say is that I Shangbeizi. what is built Nie ah?


2. Also known as the bricks and mortar boards infants bricks the old Beijing is the most characteristic of the cultural heritage of one of a lethal strong and easy-to-carry concealed not weapons and other characteristics…… shoot you use the most appropriate!


3. Psychological test: If you and the coward race you want to: 1 you run fast; as fast; you coward slower than… answer: you than beasts also a beast; you are beasts; beast than you! Happy April Fools Day!


4. Notice: April Fools Day approaching on April 1 you receive text messages are bogus meaning exactly opposite please pay attention. Following is the first: You are handsome styles Yushulinfeng beauty of the blossoming devil build lover!


5. you are the sun in my heart but it began to rain; you are the moon in my dream but it was obscured by clouds; you are the most beautiful flower in my heart but held; you are the goddess of the moon in the sky will fall to the earth unfortunately in the face of first the......


6. in my eyes you will always be looked so carefree and eating with relish is always sleep is always Hanran sleep. I really envy you ah sometimes think do a pig is also very good.


7. my mother and I said I like you I want you to accompany me day and night. You know through this period of time I found that I cant be without you now. But my mother refused she said: "the family is not allowed to raise pigs"


8. After dinner seven Commandment: I quit smoking quit immediately eat two fruits three ring relaxed belt the four immediately quit drinking Wujiebaibu walk bathe immediately quit six seven quit immediately to sleep! Journey: Remember?


9. If you look ugly call 0 if you build well call 120 if you temper bad call if you feel beautiful call my cell phone and elaborated……


10. Because you I believe in fate perhaps all this are doomed to heaven having a Mianmianzhizhong traction. Now I want to say is that I Shangbeizi--what is built Nie ah?


11. Also known as the bricks and mortar boards infants bricks the old Beijing is the most characteristic of the cultural heritage of one of a lethal strong and easy-to-carry concealed not weapons and other characteristics--shoot you use the most appropriate!


12. Psychological test: If you and the coward race you want to: 1 you run fast; as fast; you coward slower than… answer: you than beasts also a beast; you are beasts; beast than you! Happy April Fools Day!


13. Shaceng said: I have 1 change! Journey said: I have 32 change! Wukong said: I am 2 changed! In his Tang Seng: Nishi on the treatment you change a phone call I saw how other people look at monsters with phone messages? Happy April Fools Day!


14. an urgent reminder: look at your left and then look at your right. Please be careful just slipped out of a mental illness his features are: holding a mobile phone look around.紧急提醒:看看你的左边再看看你的右边。请小心一个刚溜出来的精神病他的特征是:拿着手机东张西望。

15. want to with you to see the sea but can not grasp the unfathomable future; think and you go mountain climbing is full to the ideal of the vacant; think and you to drift but not the happy heaven; want to go shopping with you has been the police refused he said: dont walk a dog!


16. the first sight to see you I said to myself: you are my life to strive for the goal I want to pursue you I want to hug you. I want to announce: I love you.........


17. do you have a TV? Look at CCTV1 the White House was bombed the whole building collapsed the police have closed down the entire Washington 1 people were killed and 32 injured people lost... 1 people cheated!


18. do not move! Robbery! All hands up! Men stand on the left the woman stood on the right abnormal station in the middle hey! Said is you but also installed to see the phone!


19. your quality such as plum general staunch; my character like a glacier and refined; you have admirable connotation; you have let people dump of cool; and we respectfully call you "Meichuan underpants was"!


20. yesterday I dreamed of you really the sky is so Mingjing sunshine is so beautiful the sea is so boundless you stand on the blue sea I take small stick a poke you hey this is small bastard case is quite hard.




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先在钢笔上图上"风油精",不要太多。然后去给一个人:请帮我写个xx字,我忘了怎么写了。他用此钢笔写完后,右手几根手指自然就有风油精了。然后假装关心的说:啊!你的右眼里有很大一块眼屎啊。他自然用右手去揉右眼,然后... ...要狠一点就在他揉右眼时说他左眼也有眼屎...



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Morning, I get up early in the morning and think: today is April 1st, April Fools day the lord! Hee hee, tease sister! I pretended to be happy with my sister said: "sister, I will go to the moral education base tomorrow, Im so excited oh!" "Really? Arent you going to get things ready? " Haha, my sister yesterday. "Ah -- wait, to moral education base before should have parents ah, in my impression, as if you have no parents meeting!" Oh, would happen so fast. No way, I had to use the final "killer mace", I put a piece of paper to his sister, then turned and slipped out of the room. Just listen to the sound deafen the ear with its roar came behind the call: "Yu -- know -- scarlett!!" The paper wrote: "you know how the pigs died? You are stupid! Beauty, happy April Fools Day ~ ~ "Oh, is my sister huyou.


I turned toward the kitchen, holding the hands of a artificial flowers. I saw my mother busy in the kitchen washing dishes. I went to the mother side "affection" said to mother: "mother, give you!" Said gave flowers to mom. Hey, is worthy of the old ginger is spicy, the mother can not on me when, puzzled and asked: "what day is today?" It seems that the mother is not to insist on getting to the bottom, then ask down I may be unable to resist sustain the blows, I wanted to think, put flowers and a note together in the cupboard. Well, I quickly slipped out of the kitchen. Suddenly, a loud shaking heaven and earth "stop!" From my ears. The sound of "stop" come from, you know. Ah! Mother from behind after coming, thirty-six meter, its politic to leave, I still can make a run for it!


Then I found my dad, "serious" asks father: "father, you have heard of the wise man said, idiot that no story?" No. Ha-ha. Dad I got ah!


Up to now, the precise point is to the 12:45 so far, I havent been the whole, I am lucky!



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今天是4月1 日,愚人节。我满心的忐忑,总觉得特别害怕。










全文共 950 字

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I still remember a funny thing of mine when I was a child. I have been short-sighted since I was thirteen years old.But I dont like to wear glasses because it made me feel uncomfortable.One day,when I after school, I walked happily.Soon, I found a woman like my mother very much.Of course I thought she was my mother.Then I walked to her happily and spoke loudly :"Hey,mom. I miss you all day!"But mother was very surprised and said:"What?Who are you?" Why did mom ask me who I was? I wore my glasses then.God ! She wasnt my mom! I said sorry to her and ran away as fast as I can.From then on, I also wore my glasses when I after school. Because I didnt want to make a mistake like that any more...


