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Environmental Pollution

Write a passage with the words and phrases given:

the problem of pollution, cause, artificial substances, release, waste products, industrial production, consumption of goods, bring it under control, agriculture, chemical substancea.

Environmental Pollution

I read a piece of news recently. It says that in Japan marly businessmen ave selling fresh air to customers.and now it is becoming more and more popular. Why? --Fresh air is getting less and less in Japan, and so is it in the U. S. A.

In fact, environmental pollution is a very serious problem the whole world is facing.

it is mainly caused by the waste products released from artificial substances, industrial

production and increased consumption of goods. Bedsides, the use of chemical substances

in agriculture also causes environmental pollution. Look at the sky, you can see that dense smoke is being released from the high and big chimneys; those dirty and poisonous substances are flowing into the rivers that we use for drinking water and millions of tons of waste products are heaping around us.

How to change this condition? More and more countries are trying to work out some effective means to bring it under control, but no great success has been made.


最近我读了一则消息说在日本,许多商人向顾客出售新鲜空气,现在这种情况越演越烈,Environmental Pollution-环境污染,四六级写作《Environmental Pollution-环境污染》。为什么呢? 因为在日本新鲜空气越来越少,在美国也是如此。






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记得一次,我从学校的语数补习班回来。在公交车上,我拿出口香糖,开始嚼起来。可就在这时,我看到旁边有一个和我差不多大的小孩正睁大了惊奇的眼睛瞪着我看。看着他的眼睛,还以为自己有点“衣冠不整”,摸摸头发,好好的啊,衣服也没有特别脏的地方啊?!我心里想:“这个人真是莫名其妙!”等下了车,我回到家,把这件事情和已经工作了的姐姐说。姐姐听了,对我说:“我认为那个小朋友肯定是从新加坡来的。”“你怎么知道?”“我会推理呀!”姐姐慢条斯理地向我解释:“因为在新加坡是不准嚼口香糖的,因为口香糖是一种破坏环境的罪魁祸首,在那里嚼口香糖是会处以鞭刑的,所以他当时会特别惊讶地看着你哦!” 东坡语文



仅四百米长的北京路商业步行街商铺林立,来购物的人很多,节假日时更是摩肩接踵,每逢周五晚上深夜,清洁服务的员工便通宵达旦地清洗步行街人行道。他们每半月铲一次口香糖,新年前两天,又对北京路进行一次“铲胶行动”。他们手拿用刀片制成的小铲,把粘在路上、树下、路灯柱、车站牌等地方的口香糖一一铲起,放进垃圾桶内。较脏的地方先用清洗药水擦洗,再用清水擦拭。两边人行道清洗一遍后,两个水桶也盛满了脏脏的口香糖。更在北京的天安门地砖上,有着许多圆黑的斑点,你不要以为那是装饰;其实就是口香糖污染的最好见证。游人来到天安门,随口将口中的口香糖吐在地上,经过长时间的风吹日晒就变成了地砖上的黑斑点。 东坡语文




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Nowadays, a lot of environment has been seriously polluted. Now, look at the polluted environment.

The river

I was walking in the park, smell a smelly fish, the pedestrians on the road also cover your nose in one hand, with his other hand fan with bad smell, I cant stand, hurriedly to speed up the pace, I looked down and turned out to be a lot of dead fish in the river, is this why? I puzzled, and then takes a look, want to come out, must be the river has been polluted, I saw the river there are many junk "gather" talk loud talking and laughing together, so I must be the fish cant stand it, to "rest" in this harsh environment, the main or because people litter, let the water turbidity, polluted, alas! Looking at the already clear water of the river is now dark, the original lively and disorderly fish are also motionless, I have a feeling of not coming out!


It is a sunny day, I a person walking in the street, the road cars, buses, motorcycles, the horn is to me a son to chung, car and more up, however, pedestrians less, because the way the air became more pungent, car tail industrial waste gas, contain a variety of toxic substances, in the sunshine, will produce many harmful gases, respiratory tract have a lot of harm to human body, high incidence of respiratory disease. Why do people have bicycles? It is one of the best tools for overcoming heart disease, and cycling can also help prevent high blood pressure, sometimes more than medicine, and can prevent weight gain, hardening of the arteries and keeping the bones in half. And bikes dont emit waste gas and are healthy. Doesnt this kill two birds with one stone? So I urge people not to drive a bike only, for the whole earth more color, one less dirty!

Here, I appeal to everyone to love our home -- earth, we have only one earth, you do not love her how do she love you? So let us work together to make our home more beautiful and rich. And everyone thrifty, polite and hygienic, so that the whole earth will be more beautiful and clean! I believe that after listening to my appeal, we will all act together to make our family more beautiful, wont we?




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cars have created a lot of serious problems in our world. all the time, they are pumping huge amounts of waste gases into the atmosphere, causing disease and even death.

one possible solution is to design and develop clean cars and clean fuels. but it may take decades for the new models to completely replace the traditional ones.

another solution is to develop modern public transportation systems and restrict the use of private cars. if the price of petrol rises constantly and the public vehicles are efficient and convenient enough, most people will not drive private cars. on the whole, the elimination of air pollution needs the co-efforts from the government and the public. this problem will be solved only with the help of science and technology.



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Today, pollution has become a serious problem to us. It means that the air, seas, rivers and land are polluted by waste or poisonous things. It does harm not only to human beings but also to animals (It does harm to animals, as well as human beings.)。

We cannot have fresh air because many factories have the poisonous smoke sent into the air. Beautiful parks are made dirty by plastic tins and bags. Fish die from the polluted water. It is said that strange diseases have appeared in some places because of pollution.

I hope scientists can find ways to solve the serious problem. We are looking forward to seeing the clear sky, clean rivers and beautiful parks again.



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Where is my home?

Some fish are forced to leave polluted water and are flying in the sky. But unfortunately, air is also so polluted that they have to wear masks. Each of them is crying, “Where is my home?” What a terrible sight!

Mankind has brought so much pollution. Waste is being poured into rivers and seas. Poisons to kill pests in farming and chemicals go into rivers and seas, too. Poisonous gasses from factories also make the air so dirty. The whole balance of nature is being destroyed as a result of our ignorance of the environmental protection.

Personally, man can not live alone on the earth. Should fish die from serious pollution, so would man! It is high time we did something to prevent such a scene from happening.








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Write a passage with the words and phrases given:the problem of pollution, cause, artificial substances, release, waste products, industrial production, consumption of goods, bring it under control, agriculture, chemical substancea. Environmental Pollution I read a piece of news recently. It says that in Japan marly businessmen ave selling fresh air to customers.and now it is becoming more and more popular. Why? ——Fresh air is getting less and less in Japan, and so is it in the U. S. A. In fact, environmental pollution is a very serious problem the whole world is facing. it is mainly caused by the waste products released from artificial substances, industrial production and increased consumption of goods. Bedsides, the use of chemical substances in agriculture also causes environmental pollution. Look at the sky, you can see that dense smoke is being released from the high and big chimneys;

those dirty and poisonous substances are flowing into the rivers that we use for drinking water and millions of tons f waste products are heaping around us. How to change this condition? More and more countries are trying to work out some effective means to bring it under control, but no great success has been made.



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[家乡环境污染 作文



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In general, there are two ways of traveling, private cars and public transportation. Chinese people should regard public transportation as their first traveling opinion.


First, there are so many people living in this countries that make it so crowded. If each chinese people own a car, there will be far more traffic jams and accidents, which increase you impatience.


Moreover, there will be far more pollution resulted from cars. Once a car started, it release huge amount of dirty gas and heat, which lead to great pollution and result in green house effect.


All in all,Chinesepeople should take public transpotation into consideration first。



Too many cars have caused a lot of serious problems in our world. Besides congestion, accidents and fast fuel consumption, cars are responsible for a good part of air pollution in big cities. One possible solution is to design and develop clean cars and clean fuels. In Shanghai, some of the public buses begin to run on natural gas, which does not give off as much carbon dioxide as petrol. Another solution is to develop modern public transportation systems and restrict the use of private cars. If the price of petrol rises constantly and the public vehicles are efficient and convenient enough, most people will not buy private cars. Thus, the total number of cars in big cities will reduce greatly. On the whole, the elimination of air pollution needs the collective efforts from the government, the public and the environmentalists.



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对于容易形成灰霾的城市,除了城市当地工业污染,汽车尾气的影响以外,特定的地形导致污染物的难以扩散也是灰霾形成的主要原因,像美国的洛杉矶,还有前面提到的受灰霾影响的北京和武汉都受到了地形的影响。洛杉矶市三面被群山包围,当地空气干燥,白天阳光充足。到了晚上,地表面冷却很快。地面附近的空气变冷,而上层空气都比较热,形成逆温。北京市位于华北平原的西北边缘,背靠太行山余脉和燕山山脉,面对辽阔的华北平原,东南距渤海约150公里, 地处暖温带半湿润地区,气候属于暖温带半湿润大陆性季风气候,四季分明,春季多风和沙尘,夏季炎热多雨,秋季晴朗干燥,冬季寒冷且大风猛烈。武汉市则居于内陆、距海洋远,周围地形如盆地,集热容易散热难,河湖多、晚上水汽多,城市热岛效应和伏旱时副高控制明显。通过比较以上3个城市的情况可以发现它们都是较大的工业城市,而且城市海拔较低,周围至少有一面是高地,都分布在低于南北纬50度的地方。这些地区夏季阳光明媚,天气温暖干燥。在城市的盆地地区,逆温现象十分普遍。夏季的阳光使地面温度升高,城市街道和建筑物迅速升温,与炎热的物体表面接触的空气温度升高。通过对流空气向上运动,但它却不能穿透逆温层,因为上面的空气温度更暖且密度更小。空气聚集,但连续的对流形成了垂直的循环,使空气完全混合在一起。从建筑物和汽车废气释放出的气体和颗粒也都聚集在逆温层下,通过对流把聚集的空气彻底混合。这样导致污染物无法快速扩散而聚集,大大增加了当地的污染物浓度。






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5、日本水俣病事件:1953年至1968年,日本熊本县水俣湾,由于人们食用了含汞污水污染的海湾中的鱼虾,造成近万人中枢神经疾病 ,其中甲基汞中毒患者283人中有60余人死亡。

6、日本四日市废气事件:1961年,日本四日市由于石油冶炼和工业燃油产生的废气,严重污染大气,引起居民呼吸道疾病骤增,尤其是哮喘病的发病率大大提高 ,形成了一种突出的环境问题。


8、日本的爱知粮油事件:1963年3月,在日本的爱知县一带,由于对生产米糠油的管理不善,造成多氯联苯污染物混入米糠油,人们 食用了这种被污染的油之后,造成13000多人中毒,数十万只鸡死亡的严重污染事件。



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It is reported that ten big cities in China are being  among the top twenty cities with the highest pollution index in the world. This means it is high time we did something to bring the situation under control.

Many factors are  to the deteriorating situation: industrial wastes pumped into the air, the lakes and rivers; a increasing number of automobiles crowding into the streets; the  use of plastic bags etc.

To my view, stiffer laws and regulations must be implemented to check pollution. Industries that release wastes without  should be heavily fined. Cars should be equipped to minimize the exhaust they release into the air. And the use of plastic bags and disposable meal boxes should be banned. What’s more, the media should play an important role in implanting a sense

of consciousness into people’s mind.

If everybody works toward a common goal of making the environment better, we can create a cleaner and lovelier world for us and for the coming generation.



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I read a piece of news recently. It says that in Japan marly businessmen ave selling fresh air to customers.and now it is becoming more and more popular. Why?——Fresh air is getting less and less in Japan, and so is it in the U. S. A.

In fact, environmental pollution is a very serious problem the whole world is facing.

it is mainly caused by the waste products released from artificial substances, industrial production and increased consumption of goods. Bedsides, the use of chemical substances in agriculture also causes environmental pollution. Look at the sky, you can see that dense smoke is being released from the high and big chimneys; those dirty and poisonous substances are flowing into the rivers that we use for drinking water and millions of tons of waste products are heaping around us.

How to change this condition?More and more countries are trying to work out some effective means to bring it under control, but no great success has been made.


The picture shows the pollution caused by chimneys of the factories in cities. Often, the sky is covered by large clouds of smoke from chimneys. The air is nearly suffocating, especially in the evening as it becomes cold and the smoke is spreading everywhere. The scene reminds us of the end of the world.

From the picture we can infer that the drawer of the picture intends to convey to the readers that unplanned factories has brought about great hazards to the city air condition. Due to planning mistakes, factories were usually placed in the center of cities, among residential and business districts. Besides, nearly every block has several chimneys for the heating system, which makes the whole city immersed in thick columns of smoke. As a result, respiratory diseases have been reported to be rising and old people dying of the worsening air pollution.

Pollution is really a hot issue in the world. If we don’t take useful measures, we may live in terrible surroundings, and some unexpected results may come out in the end. So, what we should do is to bring down the problems caused by chimneys. For one thing, factories with chimneys should be moved out of the center of the city and it should be made sure that the waste gases are at least not poisonous. For another, other means of heating should be developed to stop using coal. In a word, in the city there should be no coal, no chimney, and no smoke to pollute the air.


It is reported that ten big cities in China are being ranked among the top twenty cities with the highest pollution index in the world. This means it is high time we did something to bring the situation under control.

Many factors are contributing to the deteriorating situation: industrial wastes pumped into the air, the lakes and rivers; a increasing number of automobiles crowding into the streets; the widespread use of plastic bags etc.

To my view, stiffer laws and regulations must be implemented to check pollution. Industries that release wastes without permission should be heavily fined. Cars should be equipped to minimize the exhaust they release into the air. And the use of plastic bags and disposable meal boxes should be banned. What’s more, the media should play an important role in implanting a sense of environmental consciousness into people’s mind.

If everybody works toward a common goal of making the environment better, we can create a cleaner and lovelier world for us and for the coming generation.



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Today, as the development of the technology, people live a much better life than before, the average wage is promoted highly. The economy develops at the cost of polluting the environment, we can see the pollution everywhere, like the river water is dirty, the situation is so serious that we must take some action to control the environmental pollution. First, we should not throw away the rubbish, whenever we have rubbish at hand, we should keep the habit to throw it into the dustbin, sometimes the garbage can be recycled. Second, the government should make some measure to punish the industry which is not deal with the pollution well. With the government’s intervention, the businessmen will pay special attention to the pollution and dare not to ignore it. Protecting the environment needs everyone’s effort, to ourselves and our offspring’s health, we must take action to protect the environment.



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