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The old man and the sea mainly tells the story: an old fisherman for eighty-four days without fish, met with a giant marlin on the sea. After three days and three nights of struggle, the old man finally killed the big marlin, but he on the way home, but being attacked by a shark, when he returned, the big marlin only fish head fish left.

This story, but tell the immortal hero, although the old man fails, but thats just the sort of strength and a failure of the body, of his confidence and hope that it is impossible to burst. "People are not born for defeat. A man can be destroyed, but can not be one to beat! This is a tough guy spirit!" A very valuable spirit!

老人与海》主要讲述了:一位老渔夫连续八十四天没有捕到鱼的情况下,在大海上遇到了一条巨大的马林鱼。经过了三天三夜的较量,老人终于杀死了大马林鱼,可他返航的途中 ,却被鲨鱼袭击了,当他返回时,那条大马林鱼只剩下鱼头鱼尾了。




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Snow White

I read Snow White last week, I to this book as well as the inside master public some views and the feeling, below am my some ideas. I thought that this book is very interesting, moreover is also exciting, story plot unconstrained fluctuation, confusing. A bright side won certainly finally. inside the storys leading character is also may encircle may select. Snow White, is chaste, lovable; Seven dwarves, is friendly, good. Stepmother, is also empress, is virulent, cruel-hearted ......Inside thiss each characters have filled the unique individuality, after enabling we looked, to the character to have the nearly completely unified view. I thought I most like the character is seven dwarves, they are good, friendly, is willing to help other people, this is worth us studying, I most repugnant character is empress, she is virulent, is cruel-hearted, does not have a spot good performance, only wants to raise oneself, disparages others. the relation life, inside thiss leading character many are worth us studying actually, certainly, also has some people not to be worth us studying. Generally speaking, this written unusual good. After this is I read this book the view and the opinion.

Madam Curie

Madam Curie, a world famous woman scientist, was born into a techers family in Poland in 1867 and died in 1934. She finished her middle school at the age of 16. Eight years later, when she was 24, she went to study at Paris University. All her lige was devoted to scientific research and her efforts were rewarded. She had won the Nobel Price twice.

Today, as a famous female, Madam Curie is sill remembered by the whole world. People will remember her forever for her courage, determination and her spirit of sharing knowledge with others.




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Created in 1600 —— 1601 Hamlet had been admired for centuries. Is to at the moment, still feel his vocal. And all this is not the plot, also not only only is excellent literary technique, it is reflected by the problem. In general,

It describes a kind of extremely primitive, people.

The hero Hamlet first dealing with your original ideal world. At the start of the benefits in some Hamlet "childhood", he did you experience any huge setback, living environment is more simple, always learning western orthodoxy. But in the end, noble, to adore the father died, less than a month is virtuous mother remarried his uncle to usurp the throne. This made him wonder in the world. And after this doubt directly contributed to his hesitation. He realized that they are not perfect it, chastity but desire, moral victory over greed. He thinks you should go to revenge, but the moral person is his mother; His uncle killed his father and he is a person, is a persons thoughts. But even if revenge success, again how? He said: "to be or not to be, this is a question worth thinking about" life is a pain, but the fear of death and have less absolute. He met a problem, cant answer is unavoidable.

Hamlets situation is not the only, the life of big hands to hold each one is so tight.(.)

The old kings death, which are not related and queen. But as a woman she faces two kinds of selection, it is moral or desire. She chose the latter. However she scorned by the Hamlet and criticism, moral emptiness has brought her considerable pain, in fact, the queen is a kind person, she is not morally repugnant. She is to choose what kind of misfortune, not in the selection of your own destiny.

The new king, the uncle usurped the throne, he is the biggest villain in the play leading role. He wanted to the throne, and to the queen with desire. But the king was others. Is his brother, he dont deserve the throne. He, like all of the faces the loss of the ideal world in my heart. But he strenuously to win, but at the moment, he was a hero general spirit, he bravely to fight for originally do not belong to own. But it is also the tragedy. He paid the price, his hands stained with the blood of others, cannot repent. In later, he found Hamlet after knowing the truth, he began to save themselves may lose the happiness of life. He hovered between sin and rational, in the end he didnt jump out, died in his own sword.




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I recently read Tom Sawyer adventures, the protagonist of the story is a boy named Tom Sawyer, he and his friends adventure, finally got a lot of property.

Let me the deepest impression with Tom and huck saw Indian Joe killed the scene of the doctor, and the Indian Joe is referred to the drunken neighbour muftah potter.

And afraid to expose the Indian Joe, at first, Tom and huck the oaths, can not say out. But porter was tried, because conscience uneasy, Tom brave stand out. Spoke at that time the doctor is how to die, for potter proves that he kills no one.

But Tom have a naughty side, such as Tom dreams lie to aunt polly, clearly is Tom in the night quietly overheard their talk to the home. Aunt polly so lose face in front of celine, Harper, but kind of aunt heard Toms rhetoric, forgiven Tom.

This book also let me know how many of the truth, a person should be brave, and see a wrongdoer should disclose; The person should be kind, even died for the sake of the other party; The person should have a dream, do not do the cage bird. I benefit a lot from it, a lifetime.








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船刚驶出海口,便碰到了可怕的风浪,使我感到全身说不出的难过,心里十分恐怖。我在痛苦的心情中发了誓,假如上帝在这次航行中留下我的命,我在登上陆地后,就一直回到我慈爱的父母身边,从此一定听从他们的忠告办事。 概括:鲁滨孙遭风浪后,后悔莫及。




岛上有不少野果树,但这是我过了好久才发现的。岛上还有到处乱跑的山羊,但要不是我从船上取来了枪支弹药,它们对我又有何好处呢?因此,我有理由感谢仁慈的上帝,让船搁在海岸边,直至使我搬来了对我有用的一切东西。 概括:岛上有的山羊,鲁滨孙感谢上帝让他从船上取来了枪支弹药。


这样一直到了那重大的一天,我在沙滩上偶然发现了一个人的光脚印。 我当时好像挨了一个晴天霹雷。我侧耳倾听,回头四顾,可是什么也没听见,什么也没看见。我跑到海岸上,还下海去查看,可是总共就只有那么一个脚印!我惊吓到了极点,像一个被人跟踪追捕的人似地逃回到我的住处。一连三天三夜,我都不敢外出。概括:鲁滨孙发现了脚印,害怕得不敢外出。


正当我们差不多已准备驾船启航时,又有二十一个野蛮人乘着三只独木船,带了三个俘虏到这个岛上来开宴会了。其中一个俘虏是个白人,这可把我气坏了。我把两支鸟枪四支滑膛枪两支手枪都装上双倍弹药,给了星期五一把小斧头,还给他喝了好多甘蔗酒,我自己带上了大刀,我们冲下山去,把他们全杀死了,只逃走了四个野蛮人。 概括:鲁滨孙和“星期五”把野蛮人杀死,救下俘虏。



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Ive read this twice. The first time I rushed through it just to find out who was the "victim." Yeah. Wasnt really surprised about that. Im sure a few people are thinking it was a serious mistake to off our lamented victim, but honestly, I wasnt really enthused at having to slog through this book.

I understand that this is covering the adolescent years of young Mr. Potter, but the whole teenage angst thing came out of nowhere. There shouldve been some hints as far back as "Chamber" but instead, we have four years of pent-up hormones come flooding out of the page. It is overwhelming at times, a feeling made worse when you realize that there wasnt a big plot; if anything, this was written partially for contract, partially to continue the story (I, personally, could have lived without the whole Hagrid/Grawp subplot, not to mention 50% of Dolores Umbridge, who herself is part pun, part metaphor, yet neither part really does anything but make one groan)。

But one thing to be said, there is growing tension and suspense in the book, which is written and intended--if we remember for a moment and think (perhaps somewhat na-iv-ely)--for young adults and not those of us with seasoned palates. This is why the book deserves a high rating; to me--and to many individuals over the age of, say, 16--this isnt a great novel. But it is an excellent novel for the young adult crowd and anyone who wants a mystery/fantasy/pseudo-thriller with characters who are reaching the genesis of their development. We may not like the person Harry becomes or the browbeating attitude of Umbridge or Rons jealousy rearing its head at odd turns, but it is a realistic portrayal of adolescent confusion and angst, of the tendency for some individuals in todays society to repreinformation and punish anyone who tries to resist the "system."

Yes, this is a heavy-handed statement, but this book is a metaphor as much as it is a fantasy. Remember, the Harry Potter series is desgined as an arc, so we naturally have to have the stage set for the final two books in the saga.

Hardcore Potter fans will enjoy this. Anyone expecting a great epic, however, will be disappointed because of their misconceptions.



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Oliver Twist is written by Charles Dickens.

Charles Dickens is one of the greatest writers in the England. He was born in a poor family but later he became famous and rich. The famous novel --A Tale of Two Cities is written by him too.

This novel shows us the cruelty and crime of London. Oliver Twist the hero is a poor orphan. He lived in a life filled with taunts. Nobody loved him. With visions of his future he decided to go to London. He thought a new life was coming but he was wrong a group of thieves were waiting for him.

The author created a group of bad men.

Fagin an old man with a horribly ugly face and red hair was the head of those thieves. He tried to make Oliver be a criminal.

Bill Sikes was a cruel and evil man in the group. He had a bad temper.

Monks Oliver’s brother did bad things to hurt Oliver. He wanted to get the legacies left by his father alone. He paid Fagin to trap Oliver into a life of crime. In fact they were all afraid of being put into prison and being hanged. They can’t live happily.

Nancy a poor girl loved a bad man. She had to help Bill Sikes perpetrate because she loved him. She had to be loyal to the criminal group because she loved him. Actually she was kind. She helped Oliver at the risk of her life. If she hadn’t fell in love with Sikes she would have a happy ending.

The author showed these ugly things to us he described an ugly world. But there are more kind people in the novel.

Mr. Brownlow an old friend of Oliver’s father took good care of Oliver.

Mrs. Maylie Harry Maylie’s mother saved Oliver of his life.

Miss Rose is the aunt of Oliver in fact.

They all protect Oliver from hurt.

Oliver was unlucky to meet so many evil people but he was luckier to get help from so many kind people.

In the end of the novel all the evil people were punished. Oliver got what he should get. Rose married Harry Maylie and they lived happily. All the kind people have a happy ending.

Righteousness can always beat evil. I think this is what the author wants to tell. Although there are many ugly things in the world we must believe that righteousness can always beat evil.

We must store kindness even though we are in ugly situation. One is poor if he doesn’t have kindness. One is rich if he has kindness. So please store your kindness in your mind.

What’s more the novel also tells us to be brave. Oliver was brave enough to overcome all the problems he had met. No matter how difficult the problem is we can’t give up we must try our best to solve it.

From Oliver Twist I have learnt a lot .It’s really a good novel.



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Let me just start by saying that I had been put off reading Thomas Hardye by Dickens. Having really struggled with Dickens and resorted to audio I had wrongly assumed that all 19C liturature was the same. How wrong I could be. From the first paragraph where the opening character farmer Gabriel Oak is desribed smiling, ‘the corners of his mouth spread till they were an unimportant distance from his ears‘ I fell in love with Hardy‘s narrative. His ability to use words that lift the description off the page and into the reader‘s imagination are not just outstanding but incredibly enjoyable.

I went into this book blindly, knowing little about the plot that lay ahead or even the genre. It has been described by some as romantic fiction. But I think this is too simplistic a title and and maybe slightly off-putting to some. Hardye steps into Greek Tragedy when the unwitting and churlish actions of our young protagonist, Bathsheba Everdene, result in a love tryst between three suitors with tragic consequenses.

The book is essentially a journey for Bathsheba into womanhood not unlike the journey that Scarlett O‘Hara makes in Gone with the Wind who also has to overcome great tragedy in order to realise her own strength. Unlike this heroin, however, Bathsheba is more the instrument of chaos and indecion and part of her journey is that she accepts what she has caused and tries to make it right.

Hardye avoids making this into moral stricture but deviates from the Greek Tragedy model by giving us a happy ending not atypical of 19C serialised fiction.

Quite often an author‘s voice creeps into their writing and the reader becomes aware that they are not in fact walking the hills and dales of fictional Wessex but are at the pen nib of a writ



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"The adventures of Tom Sawyer" is the masterpiece of the famous American novelist Mark Twain, the novel the hero Tom Sawyer innocent and lively, dare to adventure, the pursuit of freedom, unbearable bound individual character, the boring life, fantasy do a hero career.

Tom childhood parents died, adopted by aunt polly. Smart naughty Tom cant stand aunt polly and school teacher, often play truant. Late one night, he and his good friend huckleberry Finn to the cemetery to try courage, but accidentally witnessed a murder happened. At another time, Tom and huck together with Joe Harper, fled to a desert island as a "pirates", make thought they had died in the home, the results but they appear in his "funeral". From their show integrity and bravery in the difficult, in the usual life smart and lively, naive and earnest words and deeds, left a deep impression on me.

After reading this novel, I think the person should be honest, honest, difficult to calm, calm analysis, and try to solve the problem, after we failed in the exam, we should also take more diligent, dont discouragement, strive for better results, if able to overcome difficulties, on the road to success, it is a matter of epic. Tom is in a world full of sunshine, tell us as long as there is joy, have a dream, a dream can come true. One day, our nature can play freely, to create a piece of heaven and earth belongs to our own dream.

So special precious childhood, but people always look forward, I believe that the next few days will be more fulfilling, more vibrant.







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I have read the book called Readaholic recently. I can know a lot through reading. I can learn some foreign culture and habitude . It is really interesting. Most of my classlates are interested in it.

At first, I found it that it is hard to understand the articles. There are a lot of new words and difficult sentences in it. But these beautiful illustrations attracted me. So I read these stories again and again. Finally,I learnt many new word.I felt very excited. My English is very poor in the past, through reading , my marks has been largely improved.

In this book, there a module introduces traditional life in the UK. The traditional life in China is different from that in the UK. For example,In China,we should not give a top to a waiter in a restaurant. But in England you must do it. I learnt so much knowledge by reading. Maybe I will use them when I go to England in the future, I will get well with everyone in England. Then I will introduce the Chinese culture to them.

This book also introduces a lot of famous cities ,such as Beijing,Oxford,London and so on. Londn is my dream city. It is a wonderful and old city. There are many places of interest in London . Tower Bridge, London Eye, Houses of Parliament, St Pauls Cathedral and Millennium Dome, all of the above attractions are popular for holiday. I like London eye best. It is a very large wheel that I can go around in to get a fantastic view of London.That is the weather is clear. Do you like London, too?

It is a fantastic book, I think. It help us to open our eyes,and learn a lot about the world . Perhaps you will use them when you grow up .Maybe sometimes you will feel tired when you read it ,just like me ,but do not worry if you do not understand everything –just guess what it is saying. In the end, you will find how funny is the book.

In a word , I love this book. It improve my English a lot . Now I can speak or write English easily .My English is very pround of me. At the same time, he warned me not be conceited, but should guard against making mistakes. I feel really excitad.Because I have made progress. That sounds wonderful. Come on, let us read the book.I am sure you will enjoy it.



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rale, let person collapse, loss of hope in life. If failure can not beat you, but you stepped on the foot, then success will surely belong to you.

Famous writer Ernest Hemingway in "the old man and the sea" to shape of the old man is a failure and dare to fight the case.

The old man and the sea is mainly about a man named diego old fisherman fishing through a special. In did not hit a fish for eighty-four days, but in the second day, he was very lucky to had caught a big marlin. The marlin is his life caught the biggest fish, the fish is longer than his boat to 2 feet! Marlin body big, strength is big. It pulled the old man and the boat drifted at sea for two days and two nights. Old man experience in these two days and two nights (a) has never experienced a tough test. The big marlin in struggling in the sea, in an attempt to escape back to the sea. Old man in order to uniform marlin, exhausted, were raw, but he did not yield to the big marlin. He with strong will, finally put the big marlin to death, tied to the bow. Fortunately, however, does not appear, waiting for the old man is a bigger test. A group of smelling scent of sharks and already were raw launched a deadly fight against the old man. Finally the old mans life saved, but the shark ate up the big marlin, the old man towed back to the final is a bare skeleton...

A bumpy road has many twists and turns in life, failure is often encountered, we should always have a heart to strong and not to yield to face failure, success will be coming to us.







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"Little Women" is an autobiographical nature of the family with a novel, the author is a U.S. Aoerkete.

This book will be the main Marchi is home to four different character of the girls through their own good and hard work to find their own well-being of the storys ups and downs of rock or no plot, no suspense spectacular, but by using plain language description of the Marchi home Tianlun love. Are good, the love of family love and loyalty to the desire deeply touched me. The author describes only a very ordinary life in the details, but it is always exposed to love the vision of a better life.

Marchi family home while the girls poor, but they have it has anything positive and optimistic attitude. Novels stressed their individuality and dignity, but they have shown self-restraint, self-reliance and independence are the four girls are the common characteristics they always keep to identify their weaknesses and efforts to correct. It is also worthy of everyones learning.

I like Meg, like her love to be willing to poverty, not by the temptation of money for the character of ladies like her style. I like Joe, like her freely, like her dream and work hard for the unwavering determination. I like Beisi, like her quiet, do anything Haowuyuanyan, for others like her always think of good moral character. I also like Amy like shes strong, pro-poor economic poverty as Jiren conviction. They were not ideal and the fate of the same, but they all found themselves the best destination.

In their view, the growth of their home is a place, but also a sacred place of refuge. To listen carefully to their mothers teachings, to use their dexterous hands intelligence of the brain invented one after another innovative at the same time beautify the soul of the game. The four sisters grew up is like the richest man in an interesting education poetry. With neither the author nor boring gorgeous language to show us great human family, friendship and love. It seems to me that in the eyes of four sisters, and they will always love and love of their life together is the most well-being of all things.

From them on, I learned how strong and learned to understand but can not meet the contentment I learned to always full of hope for the future and try to chase the dream of optimism. I also learned how to redouble our treasure owned by, do not die, and so lost only know their commendable. We should be careful that each persons strengths rather than put on a colored eyes only see other peoples shortcomings.

Meg, Joe, Beisi, Amy their four strong, optimistic spirit will always be stored in my mind. They smile back to exist forever in my mind, to remind me and to strong, have a pure heart



这本书主要将的是马奇家的四个不同性格的女孩通过自己的善良和勤劳找到了自己幸福的故事小说没有跌岩起伏的情节,没有引人入胜的悬念,但作者用朴实的语言描写了马奇家的天伦之爱。们的善良,对爱的忠诚及对亲情的渴望深深地感动了我。 作者只描写了生活中很平凡的细节,是但却处处显露出对爱对美好生活的憧憬。

马奇家的女孩虽然家里贫寒, 但她们却对任何事都有积极乐观的态度。 小说强调了她们的个性与尊严,但有表现出她们的自我表现约束, 而独立自强有是这四个女孩的共同特点她们总是在不停的找出自己的缺点并努力改正。 这也是值得每个人学习的。

我喜欢梅格, 喜欢她为爱情甘于贫困, 不为金钱所诱惑的性格喜欢她淑女风范。我喜欢乔, 喜欢她的无拘无束, 喜欢她为梦想而努力奋斗的坚定不移的决心。 我喜欢贝思,喜欢她的恬静,做任何事都毫无怨言,喜欢她总是为别人着想的善良品德。 我也喜欢艾米喜欢她的坚强, 把扶贫济穷当作己任的信念。 她们的理想与命运个不相同, 但她们都找到了自己最好的归宿。

在她们看来,家是她们的生长之地, 又是神圣的避难场所。们回仔细聆听母亲的教诲,回用自己灵巧的双手聪慧的大脑发明一个又一个富有创意同时又能美化心灵的游戏。四姐妹的成长历程仿佛是一首富有趣味的教育诗。 作者用既不华丽也不枯燥的语言想我们展示了人类伟大的亲情、 友情和爱情。 在我看来, 似乎在四姐妹的眼里, 永远和她们爱的人和爱她们的人生活在一起就是天下最幸福的事。

从她们身上, 我学会了坚强, 学会了要懂得知足但不能满足我学会了要对未来永远充满希望, 并努力追逐梦想的乐观精神。 我同样也学会了要加倍珍惜所拥有的,不要等死去失去了才知道它们的难能可贵。 我们应该细心发现每个人的优点而不是带上了有色眼睛只看到别人的缺点。

梅格、乔、贝思、艾米她们四个坚强、乐观的精神将永远贮存在我的心里。 她们的微笑回永存在我的脑海中, 提醒着我, 要坚强,要有一颗纯洁的心 "



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"The legend of hercules" tells the story of the king of the gods Zeuss son hercules was born strong, causing the jealousy of the goddess Hera, committed horrible crimes against him.

For sin, he must be in 12 years for the king eurystheus complete 12 pieces. The first task is to ink the, will be a hungry lion kill, and bring back its body to eurystheus. The second task is to ear that lake, will be a monster with nine heads (hydra) to kill. The third task is to find the goddess Artemis golden deer, and bring it back. The fourth task is to catch a big wild boar in the mountains, and bring it back alive. The fifth task is to visit the king, the leather, and within a day to clean up the bullpen. 6 the task was to house the method, the lake, will be to kill cows giant birds to kill. The seventh task is to Crete, the king of the Minoan white bull caught. Task is to put the 8 female xi-bo wang lu te belt to get it. Task is 9 three-headed monster leather weng red bull back. Task is to put the king ten diomedes horse back in the palace. The eleventh task, to the end of the world, find the goddess Heras garden and back to three golden apples. 12 the task is to the underworld, a dog back.

These tasks, he did, for the forgiveness of the gods.






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