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五一劳动节,始于美国工人在19世纪90年代为争取8小时工作日而进行的斗争。自那以后,世界人民便开始庆祝这一天 - 国际劳动节。这个日子在全球所扮演的角色体现了它的力量:正是在这一天,全世界所有的工人们宣布为了共同的目标而一起奋斗。

Labor Day, began in USA workers for the 8 hour day struggle in nineteenth Century 90s.. Since then, the people of the world began to celebrate this day, international labor day. It plays role in the world embodies its strength: it is in this day, the whole world all workers announced strive together for a common goal.


In many Labor Day, workers are suppressed, their activities were banned, the bloodshed has often happened. Five one Jie gradually lost its original meaning, become a kind of decoration workers movement against dictator and symbol of power centralization rule; or is a peaceful holiday. Despite the fact that, workers are still full of confidence to celebrate the labor day, because we all know that this society is relying on our strength, eyes, hands and wisdom and constantly development and strong, we also need to continue to support.


It is in this day, we adhere to the expression of decent work, health, diet and housing, education and culture, we are right, not a privilege. Were aiming to acquire these rights. However, on this day, we never fear to the judge and the humble, never keep in the finance ministers meeting place, never persuade their union is beneficial to do business, never asked for more dialogue. It is in this day, we say: your bank, you buy, buy back, causing pain and a large number of unemployed workers to our trade agreements and patent system; you let the workers were unable to make a living, even destroy all humans for food, water and medicine to the right. It is in this day, we say out loud: we not only need to build a better world, moreover, we also determined not to let the world become worse.


Labor Day we celebrate the past, now and future day celebration to celebrate. We celebrate the way is to fight for their rights and express our determination to fight for the rights of the whole world. Let us loud and proud to celebrate International WorkersDay.




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小编导语:Happy Valentines Day!2月14情人节是一个全世界性的节日,这天情侣们会在一起共度美好时光,在这浪漫的节日里,温情的情人节祝福怎么能少呢?情人节英文祝福语大全:快为你的中外友人送上温馨的情人节祝福吧。

To the girl of my dreams and the mother of our child: you are the only Valentine for me. 献给我梦中的女孩及我们孩子的母亲:你是我惟一的爱人。

On this Valentines Day, just like every day, all I have is love for you. 如同每一个平常的日子,我在这个情人节里所拥有的东西,就是对你的爱。

I will be your Valentine until the end of time. 我将是你的情人,直到地老天荒。

To my one and only Valentine: I love you. 献给我唯一的爱人:我爱你。

I didn’t think that I could ever trust happiness. Then I met you.Happy Valenti ne’s Day, Dear. 我一直不相信有真正的“幸福”,直到不久以后,我邂逅了你。亲爱的,情人节快乐。

Be genuine and conceal noting.I write every wiod I wand to say on this small card.I wish my honey a happy Valentine’s day. 真诚,不必隐藏,把所有的话语,都写在那小小的贺卡上。祝我新爱的人,情人节快乐。

Sending you a kiss to say I’m glad that you are mine. Happy theday! 送你一个吻,悄悄的说我很高兴你是我的。情人节快乐!

I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。

To the world you may be one person, but to me you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于我,你是我的整个世界。

It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can’t be expressed with any choice of words. 想你,是一种美丽的忧伤的甜蜜的惆怅,心里面,却是一种用任何语言也无法表达的温馨。

Do you understand the feeling of missing someone? It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears. 你知道思念一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。

Those days when we were together appear in my mind time after time, because they were so joyful, happy, blest, disappointing, sad and painful. I miss you ,and miss you so mach…… 常常想起曾和你在一起的那些日子。开心、快乐、幸福、失落、伤心、痛苦的所有日子。很想你,很想你……

Do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time ? Your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hanging on the curtain of my heart. 你知道么,有个人时时想念着你,惦记你,你含笑的眼睛,象星光闪闪,缀在我的心幕上,夜夜亮晶晶。

Listening to my heart beating. Seeing how much I love you ,I dare to admit how much I love you .When thinking of you, I hope you can receive the passionat words I left for you! 心要让你听见,爱要让你看见,不怕承认对你有多眷恋;想你的时候,盼你能收到我的真情留言!

I miss you not because of my loneliness but I do feel lonely when I miss you. Only when I miss you deeply I feel so lonely. 不是因为寂寞才想你,是因为想你才寂寞。孤独的感觉之所以如此之重,只是因为太想你。



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1. all year round 一年到头、终年

例句: We’ve made certain arrangements so that there can be flowers of different colors all year round.


2. the seven year itch 七年之痒

例句:Is there so-called the seven year itch between two friends?


3. put years on 使某人觉得(显得)老些

例句:Being tired and unhappy put years on him.


4. be light years away from something 遥不可及,或指两个事物截然不同、差别很大

例句:Righteous punishment is a thousand light years away from revenge.


5. getting on in years 上了年纪

例句:He is a person who is getting on in years.


6. ring in the new year 新年前夕喜迎新年

例句:We ring in the New Year with the church bells.




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1、 Success is dangerous. One begins to copy oneself, and to copy oneself is more dangerous than to copy others. It leads to sterility. -Picasso , Spanish artist 成功是危险的。一个成功的人开始模仿自己,而模仿自己比模仿别人更加危险。因为这样做将毫无结果。 ── 毕加索 , 西班牙画家

2、 But failure also taught me that life is a road with unpredictable forks and unexpected tomorrows. 但是, 失败还使我懂得, 生活的道路充满了无法预测的岔路口和无法预料的明天。

3、 The common idea that success spoils people by making them vain, egotistic, and self-complacent is erroneous; on the contrary, it makes them, for the most part, humble, tolerant, and kind. Failure makes people cruel and bitter. -W. Somerset Maugham , British author 人们普遍认为成功使人变得虚荣、自以为是、自满, 从而毁了他们, 但这种看法是错误的;恰恰相反, 成功在很大程度上使人变得谦恭、宽容、善良。失败则使人变得残忍、怨愤。 ── W•萨默塞特•莫姆 , 英国作家

4、 Against all the odds she achieved her dream of becoming an actress. 她冲破重重困难,实现了当演员的梦想。

5、 He is too smart not to jump at the chance. 他这个人很精明,不会错过这个机会的。

6、 I’m not sure if I’ll succeed, but I certainly hope so. 是否成功我没有把握, 不过我当然希望会成功

7、 I wish you every success. 祝你万事如意!

8、 He seems to be successful in anything he tries. 他好像不论做什么事都能成功。

9、 Experience shows that success is due less to ability than to zeal. 经验告诉我们,成功与其说是由于才能,不如说是由于热情。

10、 Ambition is to life just what steam is to the locomotive. 抱负之于生活, 恰似蒸汽之于火车头。

11、 With their advanced features and compact size, portable electronic devices offer consumers freedom, productivity, and organization. 由于本身小巧玲珑, 又具备种种先进的特点, 便携式电子设备为消费者带来了自由, 提高了生产力, 改进了对信息的组织。

12、 However, the ease and speed with which messages can be sent and received has increased and accelerated to such an extent that many people are receiving hundreds of electronic messages of all kinds each day. 但是, 信息发送与接收的便捷发展得如此之快, 以至于很多人每天都会收到各种各样、成百上千的电子邮件。

13、 Weak men wait for opportunity, but the strong men make it. 弱者等待机会,强者创造机会。

14、 Opportunity meets the prepared mind, as the old saying goes. 正如俗话所说,机遇只属于那些有心理准备的人。

15、 Perseverance is failing nineteen times and succeeding the twentieth. 十九次失败,到第二十次获得成功,这就叫坚持。

16、 He tried hard to learn, and to be a good boy, and he succeeded fairly well. 他用心学习,又很听话,因此一切倒还顺利。

17、 In fact, there’s an old Chinese saying which goes, “He who hasn’t been to the Great Wall is not a true man.” 实际上,中国有句古谚语说:“不到长城非好汉。”

18、 A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. -John Barrymore只要一个人还有所追求, 她就没有老。 ── 约翰•巴里莫尔

19、 To take advantage of them, you can’t let yourself be destroyed by a defeat, or let others set the limits on your ability to achieve. 利用它们, 你就不会被一次失败击倒, 也不会让别人来限制住你成功的能力。

20、 Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily. 只有有耐心圆满完成简单工作的人才能够轻而易举地完成困难的事。

21、 The most important thing in life is to have a beautiful dream and good ways to realize it. 人生最重要的是要有美梦,并有好的方法去实现它。

22、 We must carry on till success in spite of the extremely difficult conditions. 尽管条件极端困难, 我们必须坚持下去, 直到成功。

23、 This belief in equal opportunity has produced a spirit of competition. It’s like a race to the top of the success ladder. 这种机会均等的信念造就了一种竞争的精神, 它就像一场通往成功之梯顶端的比赛一样。

24、 Just as history has shown that species which fail to adapt die out, businesses will die out if they don’t get to grips with the Internet. 正如历史所示, 适者生存, 企业如果不紧跟互联网就将退出历史的舞台。

25、 Television is different from radio in that it sends and receives pictures. 电视与无线电不同, 电视能播送和接收图像。

26、 When people master the digital organization, it will greatly simplify and improve both their professional and personal lives. 当人们掌握了这种数码管理方法后, 他们的工作与个人生活都会得以极大地简化并改善。

27、 A new IT high-tech park in Beijing is helping the city keep its promise to be the country’s center of the knowledge-based economy. 一所焕然一新的IT高科技园帮助北京实现了它的诺言:成为全国知识型经济的中心。

28、 Observation is the best teacher. 观察是最好的老师。

29、 Imagination is more important than knowledge. 想像力比知识更重要。 ── 爱因斯坦

30、 Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it. 知识是一座宝库,而实践是开启宝库的钥匙。

31、 We can kill two birds with one stone by combining our honeymoon with our business trip. 我们可以把蜜月和出差合在一起,这样一举两得。

32、 Greatly inspired, he made up his mind to read as much as he could, and what’s more, he would study harder than ever before. 他深受鼓舞,决心尽可能多读书,而且,比以往任何时候都努力学习。

33、 Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. 世界上再也没有比实实在在的无知和认认真真的愚蠢更危险的了。

34、 Eat to live, but live to eat. 吃饭是为了生存而不是生存为了吃饭。

35、 To my knowledge, my daughter has never told a lie before. 据我所知, 我女儿以前从未说过谎。

36、 In the long run, basic knowledge and technological applications go hand in hand—one helps the other. 归根结蒂, 基础知识和技术应用是并进的, 相辅相成的。

37、 Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. 读书之于思想, 就如运动之于身体。

38、 English is now the international language for airline pilots, scientists, medical experts, businessmen and many others. Consequently, more and more people are learning it. 现在, 对于航空公司飞行员、科学家、医学家、商人及许多其他行业的工作者来说, 英语是一门国际性语言, 因此越来越多的人开始学习英语。

39、 Unlike many other widely used languages, English can be correctly used in very simple form with less than one thousand basic words and very few grammatical rules. 与许多其他被广泛应用的语言不同, 英语仅凭借将近一千个基础词汇和很少的语法规则,就能够用简单的形式正确地表达意思。

40、 English will doubtless continue to change and develop as a living language always does. 毫无疑问, 英语将像一种活的语言贯常的变化和发展一样继续变化和发展下去。

41、 Another reason for the popularity of English is that English-speaking countries are spread through out the world. 英语流行的另一个原因是说英语的国家遍布世界各地。

42、 Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. 天才是百分之一的灵感和百分之九十九的汗水

43、 An estimated 310 million people in Britain, U.S.A., Canada, Australia, South Africa, etc. use English as their mother tongue. 据统计,在英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚和南非等国有三亿一千万人以英语为母语。

44、 It is surprising that some students have little or no knowledge of English. 令人感到吃惊的是, 有些学生英语懂得很少, 或者根本不懂英语。

45、 The rush to learn English has reached even China. 这种学习英语的浪潮甚至波及到中国。

46、 Washington is known as “the father of his country” and is one of those “larger than life” historical figures who are known around the world. 华盛顿被称为“美国国父”,是一位誉满全球的具有传奇色彩的历史人物。

47、 Many immigrants have come to this land of opportunity for that reason-to seek a better future. 许多移民基于这个缘故来到了这块充满机会的土地上──为了追求一个更好的未来。

48、 Not all Americans are rich, but most are concerned about money. Success-oriented Americans often measure people’s worth by how much they have. 并非所有的美国人都很有钱, 但大多数美国人都在乎钱。以成功为取向的美国人常常用人们拥有财产的多少来衡量他们的价值。

49、 As a result, nearly half of foreign students in the U.S. are concentrated in just 100 out of 2,500 post-secondary institutions, mostly brand-name schools. 结果, 在美留学生几乎有一半集中在2500所高校的仅100所, 这些学校大多是名牌学校。

50、 Credit cards symbolize American shopping habits: “Buy now, pay later.” 信用卡反映美国人的购物习惯:“现在买, 以后付。”

51、 In general, the act is designed to keep the U.S. high-tech industry on top by filling the need for skilled technology workers. 总之,这个法案是为了填补美国对熟练技术工人的需求,以保持美国在高科技工业中的领先地位而制定的。

52、 Tom’s college education gave him an advantage over boys who had not been to a university. 汤姆的大学教育使他比没上过大学的男孩们占优势。

53、 Educators also claim that calculators are so inexpensive and commonplace that students must become competent in using them. 教育家们还声称, 计算器如此便宜而又普遍, 学生必须学会熟练使用。

54、 He already has five honorary doctorates-the latest bestowed upon him by Yale University late of May, 2002-but what he really wanted was this humble bachelor’s degree. 斯皮尔伯格已获得5个荣誉博士头衔,其中最近的一个是在2002年5月下旬由耶鲁大学授予的,然而他最想得到的却是这个不起眼的学士学位。

55、 Calculators do have their place in the world outside school and, to a limited extent, in higher-level math classes, but they are hardly education tools. 计算器在学校之外的社会中的确有其地位, 在高等数学课堂上也有一定的作用, 但它们很难算得上是教育工具。

56、 Very heavy objects or bulky materials like coal, cement, mineral ore, and the like, are weighed in tons. 非常重的物体或者像煤、水泥、矿石等堆积如山的原材料用吨计重。

57、 By the end of this century, about 5,000 modern windmills will be in operation, generating about 20% of the electricity of the country. 到本世纪末, 将有5000架现代化的风车投入运行, 生产约全国20%的电力。

58、 Deep down, they realize that happiness can’t be bought, but it can be given away. 在内心深处,他们认识到幸福是买不来的, 但却可以与人分享。

59、 It is wrong to define happiness as owning a lot of money, but some people take it as their life philosophy. 把幸福定义为有很多钱是错误的,但是有些人却把它奉为人生哲学。

60、 He is rich in terms of money, but not in terms of happiness. 从钱的角度说他是富有的,但从幸福的角度说他不是。

61、 All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. —Leo Tolstoy 所有幸福的家庭彼此都很相似,而每个不幸的家庭却各有各的不幸。 ── 托尔斯泰

62、 Unfortunately, there are still some people who do not look after their pets properly or are even cruel to them. 遗憾的是,仍然有一些人对他们的宠物不好好照管甚至虐待它们。

63、 She sat up straight and pretended to believe in herself, so much so that she actually started believing in herself. 她坐直了身子, 假装对自己充满信心, 装得连她自己都开始以为自己确实很有信心。

64、 It’s not easy to keep in touch with friends when they are far away, however, they are always on her mind. 和远方的朋友保持联系不是一件容易的事,但是她一直记挂着他们。

65、 Agriculture will have to undergo a drastic change to meet the needs of the new situation. Otherwise, the country will starve. 农业必须进行深入的改革, 以满足新形势的需要。否则, 国家将遭受饥荒。

66、 In the northern area, it is necessary to plant varieties which are outstandingly resistant to low winter temperature. 北部地区只能种植确实能抗冬季低温的品种。

67、 Synthetic, or man-made, diamonds have been manufactured from carbon since the mid-1950s, when General Electric Co. developed the process for making small diamonds for industrial uses. 人们从20世纪50年代中期就开始用碳来制造或人工合成钻石,当时通用汽车公司开发出了生产工业用小钻石的工艺。

68、 The WTO’s creation on January 1 1995 marked the biggest reform of international trade since the Second World War. 1995年1月1日世贸组织的诞生,标志着第二次世界大战之后国际贸易的最大改革。

69、 A student who has grown up with a calculator will struggle with both strategies and computations. 一个伴着计算器长大的学生既要对付解题策略, 又要对付实际运算。

70、 Students learn far more when they do the math themselves. 学生自己进行数学运算所获得的收益远比依赖计算器多。

71、 A student who learns to handle numbers mentally can focus on how to attack a problem and then complete the actual calculations easily. 学会心算的学生能把注意力集中到如何解题上, 然后轻而易举地完成实际运算。

72、 It’s my mother who has been encouraging me never to lose heart when I had difficulties in study. 这些年来,当我在学习中遇到困难时,是我的母亲一直在鼓励我从不要泄气。

73、 With more students applying to college than ever before, admissions directors are paying especially close attention to essays, interviews, and teacher recommendations. 由于有比以往更多的学生申请上大学, 招生部主任将格外注重作文、面试和教师的推荐信。

74、 Calculators prevent students from seeing this kind of natural structure and beauty in math. 计算器妨碍学生认识数学中这类自然结构和美。

75、 If we don’t require students to do the simple problems that calculators can do, how can we expect them to solve the more complex problems that calculators cannot do? 如果我们不让学生做那些计算器能代劳的简单的运算, 又怎么能期待他们去解决计算器解决不了的更为复杂的问题呢?

76、 Your parents are the people responsible for helping you make decisions until you’re 18. 父母是有责任帮助你在18岁之前做决定的人。

77、 But he is too young to understand cheating won’t do him any good in the long run. 就长远而言, 他太小, 还不懂得欺骗会给他带来害处。

78、 What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul. 教育之于心灵, 就如雕刻术之于大理石。

79、 He began to study accounting at night sessions of the City University of New York, earning his tuition during the daytime. 他开始晚间在纽约城市大学学习会计,白天做工赚学费。

80、 Those who educate children well are to be more honored than the parents, for the latter only give them life while the former teach them the art of living well. —Aristotle 把儿童教育好的人们甚至应该比他们的父母更受尊敬,因为后者仅仅给予他们生命,前者却教给他们生活好的艺术。 ──(古希腊)亚里士多得

81、 The cloning of Dolly the sheep nearly 5 years ago raised the hopes of transplant scientists looking for an endless supply of lifesaving organs. 将近5年前,克隆羊多莉给寻求无穷无尽的救命器官供货的移植学家带来了希望。

82、 I would rather join you in research work than go on a holiday to the seaside. 我与其到海滨去度假,倒不如和你们一起参加科研工作。

83、 The further that Joy dug into the cutting edge of research in the new technologies-robotics, genetic engineering and nanotechnology-the more horrified he became. 乔伊在机器人学、基因工程和纳米技术等新技术研究领域的前沿钻得越深, 就越感到恐惧。

84、 What Henry Ford is to the automobile, George Eastman to photography, and Charles Goodyear to rubber, Edison is to not one but several of today’s essential technologies. 对当今不止一项而是多项重要技术的贡献, 就如同Henry Ford 对汽车、George Eastman 对摄影、Charles Goodyear 对橡胶的贡献一样大。

85、 I am not afraid of tomorrow for I have seen yesterday and I love today. -W.A.White我并不害怕明天, 因为我已见过昨天而又热爱今天。 ── 怀特

86、 He invested his money in several different companies, by which means he hoped to reduce the natural hazards of investment. 他把自己的钱向几个不同的公司投资, 希望借此减少投资的自然风险。

87、 With the rise of the Internet, personal finance magazines and TV shows find information on investing. 随着因特网、个人理财杂志和专事选股的电视节目的兴起,人们很容易找到有关投资的信息。

88、 Nothing is more precious than time yet nothing is less valued. 时间最宝贵,却最不被爱惜。

89、 If indeed silence is golden, it is also becoming as rare as gold. 如果宁静真是贵重如金的话,那它也在变得像金子一样稀罕了。

90、 Man is not creature of circumstances, circumstances are the creatures of man. 人不是环境所造就的,乃是环境由人所创造。

91、 Pollution is a global problem which needs a global response. 污染是一个全球性的问题,需要全球关注。

92、 Greenhouse effect means the gradual warming of the air surrounding the earth. 温室效应意味着地球周围的空气逐渐变暖。

93、 Air is to us what water is to fish. 我们离不开空气, 就像鱼离不开水。

94、 As our country is populous, it is confronted with a more and more serious crisis of resources. 我国由于人口众多,面临着越来越严重的资源危机。

95、 The government has to provide against a possible oil shortage in the coming months. 政府不得不预防未来几个月里可能出现的石油短缺。

96、 Why do Americans emphasize money so much? Well, this “land of plenty” has long enjoyed abundant natural resources, and people have gotten used to material wealth. 为什么美国人这么看重金钱呢? 这么说吧, 这块“丰饶之地”久已享有充裕的自然资源, 而人们已习惯于丰富的物质财富。

97、 A slip of the foot you may soon recover, but a slip of the tongue you may never get over. -Benjamin Franklin 失足可以很快弥补, 失言却可能永远无法补救。 ── 富兰克林

98、 The earliest Mother’s Day celebrations can be traced back to the spring celebrations of ancient Greece in honor of Rhea’, the Mother of the Gods. 庆祝母亲节的习俗最早 可以追溯到古希腊, 当时人们在春天举行庆祝活动, 来向众神之母──莉雅女神表示敬意。

99、 I am grateful to you for the opportunity to express my conviction in this most important political question. 感谢你们使我有机会就这个最重要的政治问题发表意见。

100、 I am thankful for America and thankful that we are able to resolve our electoral differences in a peaceful way. 我感谢美国, 我们终于用和平的方式解决了选举中的分歧。



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微笑 - smile


The corners of your mouth move outwards and slightly upwards.



Her smile makes her even more beautiful.


大笑 - laugh


To make a noise to show ones amusement and happiness. You can laugh at a joke or at an amusing sight. You can laugh at someone without being amused.



Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone.


露齿而笑 - grin


To smile with the teeth.



People who confess to feeling happy also grin more than others.


轻声地笑 - chuckle


To laugh quietly.



She was roused by a chuckle which Mr. Dorset seemed to eject from the depths of his lean throat.


咯咯笑 - giggle


To laugh repeatedly foolishly and uncontrollably, esp. by girls.



There was silence for a moment, then a giggle.


坏笑 - snicker


To laugh in a disrespectful more or less secret way.



The shuffle and snicker become the comedians trademark.


假笑 痴笑 - simper


To smile in a silly unnatural way.



Ill tell you, Scarlett OHara, if youll take that Southern belle simper off your face.


得意的笑 - smirk


To smile in a false or too satisfied way.



Look at his smile, really more of a smirk.


憋笑,痴痴地笑 - titter


To laugh very quietly from nervousness or badly controlled amusement.



He was abusing with anger, but hearers laughed, even Hai Xi Xi close tightly his mouth to titter. I definitely gloated over him.


狂笑 - guffaw


To laugh loudly and rudely.



All the boys burst out into a guffaw at the joke.


哄笑 - roar


To laugh long and loudly.



They roared after they heard the joke.


欢笑 - chortle


To give a laugh of pleasure or satisfaction.



Father used to chortle over the funny funny papers every Sunday.


嘲笑 嘲弄 - ridicule


To laugh unkindly at or to make unkind fun of.



Your conduct subjects you to public ridicule.


讥笑 - deride


To laugh at or make fun of as of no value. /to mock



Most of them, however, mock the clichés used to deride European business.


嘲弄 - mock


To laugh at sb(sth) when it is wrong to do so, esp. by copying in a funny or contemptuous way.



How dare a newspaper published in a country that invented the chip butty and the deep-fried Mars Bar mock the rich and varied cuisine of half a continent?


嘲笑 轻蔑地笑 - scoff


To laugh at, to speak or act disrespectfully. /to speak in scornful mocking way.



Some even scoff at the stores efforts to spruce up its image.


讥笑 - jeer


To laugh rudely at /to insult sb in a loud, unpleasant way.



The children liked to jeer at the awkward student.




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1. 我认为秋天是一年中最美的季节。

I think autumn is the most beautiful season in a year.

2. 秋天时叶子变黄。

The leaves turn yellow in autumn.

3. 在秋天的晚上,我感到一丝凉意。

I feel a little cool in the autumnal night.

4. 秋天里树木都是光秃秃的。

The trees were naked during autumn.

5. 今天的天气已露出了一丝秋天的气息。

There is a breath of autumn in the air today.

6. 九月的天气确实像秋天了。

The weather in September was positively autumnal.

7. 我喜欢收集秋天赤褐色的叶子。

I like to collect russet autumn leaves.

8. 我们欣赏着秋天里新英格兰树林的瑰丽色彩。

We are enjoying the resplendent colors of the New England woods in the autumn.


Wake up to drink ,people feel the middle of the night, moving wind over a lotus leaf pond


Life is so si-mp-le, such as the autumn, such as fallen leaves.


In autumn, some emotions, such as fallen leaves as they decline, some have lingering shadow, only in the virtual network is indistinct in the familiar names. It withered on the decline,ashes are also good, regardleof the feelings of like how the leaves like a tree in full bloom and how to decline. I was standing on the flow of time, laughing, even if the sky flying leaves, eventually covering the lives of desolation.


That is an oil painting of a landscape in spring.



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Time is a file that wears and makes no noise.光阴如锉,细磨无声

Time stays not the fools leisure.时间不等闲逛的傻瓜

Time and I against any two.和时间携起手来,一人抵两人

Time is life and when the idle man kills time, he kills himself.时间就是生命,懒人消耗时间就是消耗自己的生命。或时间就是生命,节省时间,就是延长生命

Time spent in vice or folly is doubly lost.消磨于恶习或愚行的时间是加倍的损失

Time undermines us.光阴暗中催人才。或莫说年纪小人生容易老

Time and tide wait for no man.岁月不待人

Time cannot be won again.时间一去不再来

Time is , time was , and time is past.现在有时间,过去有时间,时间一去不复返

Time lost can not be recalled.光阴一去不复返

Time flies like an arrow , and time lost never returns.光阴似箭,一去不返

Time tries friends as fire tries gold.时间考验朋友,烈火考验黄金

Time tries truth.时间检验真理

Time is the father of truth.时间是真理之父

Time will tell.时间能说明问题

Time brings the truth to light.时间使真相大白。或时间一到,真理自明。

Time and chance reveal all secrets.时间与机会能提示一切秘密

Time consecrates: what is gray with age becomes religion.时间考验一切,经得起时间考验的就为人所信仰

Time reveals(discloses) all things.万事日久自明

Time tries all.时间检验一切

There is no time like the present.现在正是时候

Take time by the forelock.把握目前的时机

To choose time is to save time.选择时间就是节省时间

Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today.今日事,今日毕

Procrastination is the thief of time.拖延为时间之窃贼

One of these days is none of these days.拖延时日,终难实现。或:改天改天,不知哪天

Tomorrow never comes.明天无尽头,明日何其多

What may be done at any time will be done at no time.常将今日推明日,推到后来无踪迹

Time works wonders. 时间可以创造奇迹或时间的效力不可思议

Time works great changes.时间可以产生巨大的变化

Times change.时代正在改变

Time is money.时间就是金钱或一寸光阴一寸金

Time flies.光阴似箭,日月如梭

Time has wings.光阴去如飞



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一)Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.千万记住:度量生命的不是呼吸的次数,而是那些最最难忘的时刻。

二)Children in backseats cause accidents. Accidents in backseats cause children. 后排座位上的小孩会生出意外,后排座位上的意外会生出小孩。

三)Don’t take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, to the next country, to a foreign country, but NOT to where the guilt is.别踏上犯罪的道路。你可以去逛街,可以到邻县去,可以出国旅行,但就是别踏上犯罪的道路。

四)Nothing is impossible!没有什么不可能!

五)Success is a relative term. It brings so many relatives. 成功是一个相关名词,他会给你带来很多不相关的亲戚(联系)。

六)The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Be ALIVE while you are alive.有泪就流。在忍耐和伤心过后,要继续前行。陪伴我们度过此生的只有一人--那就是我们自己。让生命鲜活起来。

七)The wise never marry, And when they marry they become otherwise. 聪明人都是未婚的,结婚的人很难再聪明起来。

八)While there is life there is hope.一息若存,希望不灭。

九)Love is photogenic. It needs darkness to develop. 爱情就象照片,需要大量的暗房时间来培养。

十)Never put off the work till tomorrow what you can put off today. 不要等明天交不上差再找借口,今天就要找好。

十一)Never underestimate your power to change yourself!永远不要低估你改变自我的能力!

十二)Nothing for nothing.不费力气,一无所得。

十三)Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity.把你的爱告诉你所爱着的人们,把握住每一个表达机会。

十四)Never put off the work till tomorrow what you can put off today. 不要等明天交不上差再找借口,今天就要找好。

十五)Never underestimate your power to change yourself!永远不要低估你改变自我的能力!

十六)The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible ". 凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说“不可能的”。

十七)Enjoy the simple things.享受简单事物的乐趣。

十八)I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards. 我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。

十九)很多我们想要的东西都是价格不菲的。但是,真正能让我们感到满足的东西,比如爱、欢笑还有工作中的激情,却都是不需要花钱的。 Many of the things we desire are expensive. But the truth is, the things that really satisfy us are totally free –love, laughter and working on our passions.

二十)我们无法在这个世界上做什么伟大的事情,可我们可以带着伟大的爱做一些小事。 We cannot do great things on this Earth, only small things with great love.

二十一)你无法真正忘掉那个打动你内心的人,无论他是那个伤害你的人,还是治愈你的人。 You never really forget the ones who touched your heart; regardless whether its the ones who broke it or the ones who healed it.

二十二)不要祈祷生活的舒适,祈祷自己变得更加坚强。 Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.

二十三)所有人都想得到幸福,不愿承担痛苦,但是不下点小雨,哪来的彩虹? Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain, but you cant have a rainbow without a little rain.



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1. According to a recent survey, four million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking.


2. The latest surveys show that quite a few children have unpleasant associations with homework.


3. No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet.


4. People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation.


5. An increasing number of people are beginning to realize that education is not complete with graduation.


6. When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study.


7. Many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a persons physical fitness.


8. Proper measures must be taken to limit the number of foreign tourists and the great efforts should be made to protect local environment and history from the harmful effects of international tourism.


9. An increasing number of experts believe that migrants will exert positive effects on construction of city. However, this opinion is now being questioned by more and more city residents, who complain that the migrants have brought many serious problems like crime and prostitution.


10. Many city residents complain that it is so few buses in their city that they have to spend much more time waiting for a bus, which is usually crowded with a large number of passengers.


11. There is no denying the fact that air pollution is an extremely serious problem: the city authorities should take strong measures to deal with it.


12. An investigation shows that female workers tend to have a favorable attitude toward retirement.


13. A proper part-time job does not occupy students too much time. In fact, it is unhealthy for them to spend all of time on their study. As an old saying goes: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


14. Any government, which is blind to this point, may pay a heavy price.


15.Nowadays, many students always go into raptures at the mere mention of the coming life of high school or college they will begin. Unfortunately, for most young people, it is not pleasant experience on their first day on campus.


16. In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures should be taken before things get worse.


17. The majority of students believe that part-time job will provide them with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills, which may put them in a favorable position in the future job markets.


18. It is indisputable that there are millions of people who still have a miserable life and have to face the dangers of starvation and exposure.


19. Although this view is wildly held, this is little evidence that education can be obtained at any age and at any place.


20. No one can deny the fact that a persons education is the most important aspect of his life.


21. People equate success in life with the ability of operating computer.


22. In the last decades, advances in medical technology have made it possible for people to live longer than in the past.


23. In fact, we have to admit the fact that the quality of life is as important as life itself.


24. We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.


25. People believe that computer skills will enhance their job opportunities or promotion opportunities.


26. The information Ive collected over last few years leads me to believe that this knowledge may be less useful than most people think.


27. Now, it is generally accepted that no college or university can educate its students by the time they graduation.


28. This is a matter of life and death——a matter no country can afford to ignore.


29. For my part, I agree with the latter opinion for the following reasons:


30. Before giving my opinion, I think it is important to look at the arguments on both sides.


31. This view is now being questioned by more and more people.


32. Although many people claim that, along with the rapidly economic development, the number of people who use bicycle are decreasing and bicycle is bound to die out. The information Ive collected over the recent years leads me to believe that bicycle will continue to play extremely important roles in modern society.

尽管许多人认为随着经济的高速发展,用自行车的人数会减少,自行车可能会消亡, 然而,这几年我收集的一些信息让我相信自行车仍然会继续在现代社会发挥极其重要的作用。

33. Environmental experts point out that increasing pollution not only causes serious problems such as global warming but also could threaten to end human life on our planet.


34. In view of such serious situation, environmental tools of transportation like bicycle are more important than any time before.


35. Using bicycle contributes greatly to peoples physical fitness as well as easing traffic jams.


36. Despite many obvious advantages of bicycle, it is not without its problem.


37. Bicycle cant be compared with other means of transportation like car and train for speed and comfort.


38. From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that advantages of bicycle far outweigh its disadvantages and it will still play essential roles in modern society.


39. There is a general discussion these days over education in many colleges and institutes. One of the questions under debate is whether education is a lifetime study.


40. This issue has caused wide public concern.


41. It must be noted that learning must be done by a person himself.


42. A large number of people tend to live under the illusion that they had completed their education when they finished their schooling. Obviously, they seem to fail to take into account the basic fact that a persons education is a most important aspect of his life.


43. As for me, Im in favor of the opinion that education is not complete with graduation, for the following reasons:


44. It is commonly accepted that no college or university can educate its students by the time they graduate.


45. Even the best possible graduate needs to continue learning before she or he becomes an educated person.


46. It is commonly thought that our society had dramatically changed by modern science and technology, and human had made extraordinary progress in knowledge and technology over the recent decades.


47. Now people in growing numbers are beginning to believe that learning new skills and knowledge contributes directly to enhancing their job opportunities or promotion opportunities.


48. An investigation shows that many older people express a strong desire to continue studying in university or college.


49. For the majority of people, reading or learning a new skill has become the focus of their lives and the source of their happiness and contentment after their retirement.


50. For people who want to adopt a healthy and meaningful life style, it is important to find time to learn certain new knowledge. Just as an old saying goes: it is never too late to learn.




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Bills of exchange, also referred to as bills, are essentially a short term credit instrument that can be used by a company either for financing or investment. Bills can be issued for any term up to a year and are generally issued for periods of less than 6 months. Companies issue bills because they are a convenient form of borrowing. The difference between bills and a standard loan is that bills held by the bank can sold to investors. Bills with terms of 30 days to 90 days are the easiest to trade? Bills are usually an ideal loan because a company generally will not run into any problems within 3 to 6 months.





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If set up a holiday, I want to set up a reading festival.

There is a celebrity once said: books are the ladder of human progress. Can learn directly from the book in predecessors experience, knowledge to make our trips up again on the way forward little, little detours. Reading can broaden our horizons, cultivate our feelings... The benefits of reading.

But now, we learn a lot of pressure, although we also want to read more books, but the heavy academic burden and a variety of extracurricular cram school, the remedial class is our breath, where still have time to read more books? So I can look forward to establish a special reading festival.

In reading festival on this day, we dont have to go to school, dont do your homework, you can enjoy all the extra-curricular, explicitly swim in the sea of knowledge. Can communicate with friends their own reading experience, express their own unique insights. Can also and students to act out the scene in the book! Reading festival can each month once or twice a week.

How I hope to have a reading festival!








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例句1、奥地利发现五名疑似病例。Five suspected cases of swine flu found in Austria.

例句 2、韩国奥地利发现1名疑似病例。大家自己写写吧!

如果我们写 ,猪流感期间不建议大家去疫情的地区旅游,大家怎么写?先看一个例句:

例句3:瑞士公民被建议不去墨国旅游. Swiss citizens advised against Mexico travel.同样的换个国家,就能写另外一个句子了.

例句 4、瑞士政府周二通知公民避免不必要的墨国旅游.The Swiss government advised its citizens to avoid non-essential travel to Mexico on Tuesday.


例句5: 从墨国刚返回的瑞士公民都有流感症状,已被隔离.Swiss who had just returned from Mexico all had the symptoms of influenza and were in quarantine.


He admitted that all of the suspected patients, having recently been to Mexico, /were already quarantined and received necessary medication, /but a series of tests are needed to confirm whether they are really infected with swine flu virus. 大家按照我的分句符号来看长句,是不是很简单?



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Winter solstice is the earliest Chinese festival, call it yesterday, as early as the han dynasty had formed when we are familiar with todays twenty-four solar terms. Twenty-four solar terms, every 15 days for a throttle, a throttle is divided into three. As the winter solstice is divided into "hou earthworms knot; 2 hou elk horn, three HouShuiQuan move." Are the ancients from traditional agricultural production routine. Fade as the farming civilization, modern agriculture is affected by season is not very big, such as the vegetables all the year round in the greenhouses, traditional throttle effect on guidance and restriction of agricultural farming is also a little bit fade.

People now pay more attention to the throttle keeping in good health, in winter it was the season of supplements. After spring, summer, autumn three season, the body organs need to enter a state of rest during the winter, physical consumption in winter supplements in the past. Left the teacher said, so also have "winter signings, dozen tiger next year" the proverb.





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Betrand Russell, British philosopher 乞丐并不羡慕百万富翁,尽管他们一定会羡慕比他们乞讨得多的乞丐。


He that has a full purse never lacks a friend. Even in a busy market, nobody cares to know a poor person.

Anonymors 富在深山有远亲;贫在闹市无人识。


All good things are cheap, all bad things are very dear.

Henry David Thoreau, Ameican writer 一切好的东西都是便宜的,所有坏的东西都是非常贵的。


Apply yourself to true riches; it is shameful to depend upon silver and gold for a happy life.

Lrcius Annaeus Seneca, Ancient Roman Philosopher 要争取真正的财富,靠金银谋取幸福是不光彩的。


I would rather have my people laugh at my economies than weep for my extravagance.

Oscar ll, Swedish king 我宁愿让我的人民嘲笑我的的小气也不愿让他们为我的挥霍而哭泣。


A penny saved is a penny gained.

Richard Brckminster Fuller.American srchitect 省下一分钱等于得到一分钱。


Beggars cannot be choosers.

Du Bose Heywood, American writer 乞丐不能挑肥拣瘦。


Creditors have better memories than debtors.

Benjamin Franklin. American president 放债的比借债记性好。


Economy is in itself a source of great revenue.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Ancient Roman Philosopher 节约本身就是最大的收入 .

罗马哲学家 西尼加,L.A.

Economy is the poor man s mint; and extravagance the rich man s pitfall. 节约是穷人的造币厂,浪费是富翁的陷阱。

英国作家 塔泊.M

Few rich men own their property.The property owns them.

Robert Green Ingersoll. American Iawyer 极少富人拥有他们的财产,是财产拥有他们。


If you would know the value of money, go and try to borrow some.

Benjamin Franklin, American presudent 要想知道钱的价值,就想办法去借钱试试。


I finally know what distinguishes man from the other beasts:financial worries.

Jules Renard, French playwright 我终于明白人与野兽的区别在于:人为钱而担忧。


If rich, it is easy enough to conceal our wealth, but, if poor, it is not so easy to conceal our poverty. We shall find it less difficult to hide a thousand guineas, than one hole in our coat.

Charles C. Colton, British clergyman 如果富有,藏富很容易;如果贫穷,掩饰贫穷却很难。我们不难发现隐藏1000个金币比遮盖衣服上的一个破洞来得容易。


An ounce of prudence is worth a pound of gold.

Tobias Smollett, British writer 一盎司谨慎抵得上一磅黄金。

英国作家 .斯摩莱特 .T.

All the splendor in the world is not worth a good friend.

Voltaire, French thinker 人世间所有的荣华富贵不如一个好朋友。



A bashful dog never fattens.害羞的狗养不胖。(bashful:害羞的)

A beggar can never be bankrupt,乞丐永远不会破产。

A beggar s purse is a I ways empty.乞弓存不住钱。

A borrowed loan should come laughing home.向人借贷应微笑返还。(借钱乐还,再借不难)。 读书笔记

A clear fast is better than a dirty breakfast.宁为清贫,不为法富。 内容来自

A covetous man does nothing that he should till he dies,贪娶之人,死后方尽其义务。

A covetous man is good to none, but worst to himself,贪娶之人,对人无益,对己更损。 读后感

A covetous woman deserves a swindling gallant,贪娶女郎的绝配就是负心汉。

A fool and his money are soon parted,傻子存不了钱。 内容来自

A heavy purse makes a light heart,钱袋沉甸甸,人就轻飘。

A lamb is as dear to a poor man as an ox to the rich,的黑羊比富人的牛更珍贵。

A light purse makes a heavy heart.?中无钱心事重。

A man does not wander far from where his corn is roast i ng.人不会远离财富的来源。 内容来自

A man has no more goods then he has good of.只有享用财富,才算真正拥有财舍田。 读后感

A man may love his house we I I without riding on the ridge.有宝何必人前夸。

A man without money is a bow without an arrow.人无钱,犹如弓无箭。 读后感

A man without money is no man at all. 一分钱难倒英雄汉。

A man’ s wealth is his enemy,财富是人之患也。



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Reading is very important in our life. We can get knowledge through reading. It can not only open our minds but also make us more intelligent. Besides, reading is also one of the most important ways to learn a foreign language like English.

Textbooks, newspapers, magazines and other kinds of reading materials can help us know more about the outside world and help us grow into an excellent person.

Im planning to read at least 5 books in the coming holiday. And Ill spend more time reading every day in my senior high school life. Reading makes a full man! Lets start reading now.



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reading, seems to be a grind, or what some of the head hang beam, the awl stab? But, why some people can not eat, dont go to bed to read? In my opinion, reading is mainly SanLe.

First, follow ones inclinations. Reading, owner is you, you are to read, rather than books tube you, forcing you to read. A book is forthcoming, your way. Would you like to read, you can take a reading, poetry, prose, fiction... Whatever you choose. You can consult to Confucius life art, also can through the novel to ease your mood, more can experience feelings in prose.

Second, the growth of knowledge. Before when you finish reading book, in the friends, relatives, gushing, isnt it is a kind of "and dont three days when sit up and take notice," the feeling?

Third, to help you learn. When you read a book, when the exam was tested in the book, is there a kind of unspeakable joy welled up in my mind?

Reading, is a kind of enjoyment, is a way to experience pleasure. Come on! Friend, to study together, to study, to experience the fun of reading together!








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There were three of them. There were four of us, and April lay on the campsite and on the river, a mixture of dawn at a damp extreme and the sun in the leaves at cajole. This was Deer Lodge on the Pine River in Ossipee, New Hampshire, though the lodge was naught but a foundation remnant in the earth. Brother Bentleys father, Oren, had found this place sometime after the First World War, a foreign affair that had seriously done him no good but he found solitude abounding here. Now we were here, post World War II, post Korean War, Vietnam War on the brink. So much learned, so much yet to learn.

Peace then was everywhere about us, in the riot of young leaves, in the spree of bird confusion and chatter, in the struggle of pre-dawn animals for the start of a new day, a Cooper Hawk that had smashed down through trees for a squealing rabbit, yap of a fox at a youngster, a skunk at rooting.

We had pitched camp in the near darkness, Ed LeBlanc, Brother Bentley, Walter Ruszkowski, myself. A dozen or more years we had been here, and seen no one. Now, into our campsite deep in the forest, so deep that at times we had to rebuild sections of narrow road (more a loggers path) flushed out by earlier rains, deep enough where we thought wed again have no traffic, came a growling engine, an old solid body van, a Chevy, the kind I had driven for Frankie Pike and the Lobster Pound in Lynn delivering lobsters throughout the Merrimack Valley. It had pre-WW II high fenders, a faded black paint on a body youd swear had been hammered out of corrugated steel, and an engine that made sounds too angry and too early for the start of day. Two elderly men, we supposed in their seventies, sat the front seat; felt hats at the slouch and decorated with an assortment of tied flies like a miniature bandoleer of ammunition on the band. They could have been conscripts for Emilano Zappata, so loaded their hats and their vests as they climbed out of the truck.

"Mornin, been yet?" one of them said as he pulled his boots up from the folds at his knees, the tops of them as wide as a big mouth bass coming up from the bottom for a frog sitting on a lily pad. His hands were large, the fingers long and I could picture them in a shop barn working a primal plane across the face of a maple board. Custom-made, old elegance, those hands said.

"Barely had coffee," Ed LeBlanc said, the most vocal of the four of us, quickest at friendship, at shaking hands. "Weve got a whole pot almost. Have what you want." The pot was pointed out sitting on a hunk of grill across the stones of our fire, flames licking lightly at its sides. The pot appeared as if it had been at war, a number of dents scarred it, the handle had evidently been replaced, and if not adjusted against a small rock it would have fallen over for sure. Once, a half-hour on the road heading north, noting it missing, wed gone back to get it. When we fished the Pine River, coffee was the glue, the morning glue, the late evening glue, even though wed often unearth our beer from a natural cooler in early evening. Coffee, camp coffee, has a ritual. It is thick, it is dark, it is potboiled over a squaw-pine fire, it is strong, it is enough to wake the demon in you, stoke last evenings cheese and pepperoni. First man up makes the fire, second man the coffee; but into that pot has to go fresh eggshells to hold the grounds down, give coffee a taste of history, a sense of place. That means at least one egg be cracked open for its shells, usually in the shadows and glimmers of false dawn. I suspect thats where "scrambled eggs" originated, from some camp like ours, settlers rushing west, lumberjacks hungry, hoboes lobbying for breakfast. So, camp coffee has made its way into poems, gatherings, memories, a time and thing not letting go, not being manhandled, not being cast aside.


Once upon a time, a man punished his 5-year-old daughter for using up the familys only roll of expensive gold wrapping paper. Money was tight, and he became even more upset when on Christmas Eve, he saw that the child had pasted the gold paper so as to decorate a shoebox to put under the Christmas tree.

Nevertheless, the next morning the little girl, filled with excitement, brought the gift box to her father and said, "This is for you, Daddy!"

As he opened the box, the father was embarrassed by his earlier overreaction.

But when he opened it, he found it was empty and again his anger flared. "Dont you know, young lady, " he said harshly, "when you give someone a present theres supposed to be something inside the package!"

The little girl looked up at him with tears rolling from her eyes and said: "Daddy, its not empty. I blew kisses into it until it was all full."

The father was crushed. He fell on his knees and put his arms around his precious little girl. He begged her to forgive him for his unnecessary anger.

An accident took the life of the child only a short time later. It is told that the father kept that little gold box by his bed for all the years of his life. Whenever he was discouraged or faced difficult problems he would open the box, take out an imaginary kiss, and remember the love of this beautiful child who had put it there.

In a very real sense, each of us as human beings have been given an invisible golden box filled with unconditional love and kisses from our children, family, friends and God.

There is no more precious possession anyone could hold.


I live in Hollywood. You may think people in such a glamorous, fun-filled place are happier than others. If so, you have some mistaken ideas about the nature of happiness.

Many intelligent people still equate happiness with fun. The truth is that fun and happiness have little or nothing in common. Fun is what we experience during an act. Happiness is what we experience after an act. It is a deeper, more abiding emotion.

Going to an amusement park or ball game, watching a movie or television, are fun activities that help us relax, temporarily forget our problems and maybe even laugh. But they do not bring happiness, because their positive effects end when the fun ends.

I have often thought that if Hollywood stars have a role to play, it is to teach us that happiness has nothing to do with fun. These rich, beautiful inpiduals have constant access to glamorous parties, fancy cars, expensive homes, everything that spells "happiness".

But in memoir after memoir, celebrities reveal the unhappiness hidden beneath all their fun: depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, broken marriages, troubled children, profound loneliness.

The way people cling to the belief that a fun-filled, pain-free life equates happiness actually diminishes their chances of ever attaining real happiness. If fun and pleasure are equated with happiness, then pain must be equated with unhappiness. But, in fact, the opposite is true: More times than not, things that lead to happiness involve some pain.

As a result, many people avoid the very endeavors that are the source of true happiness. They fear the pain inevitably brought by such things as marriage, raising children, professional achievement, religious commitment, civic or charitable work, and self-improvement.


Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the room‘s only window. The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back. The men talked for hours on end.

They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the military service, where they had been on vacation. And every afternoon when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window. The man in the other bed began to live for those one-hour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and color of the world outside.

The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every color of the rainbow. Grand old trees graced the landscape, and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance. As the man by the window described all this in exquisite detail, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine the picturesque scene.

One warm afternoon the man by the window described a parade passing by. Although the other man couldn‘t hear the band - he could see it in his mind‘s eye as the gentleman by the window portrayed it with descriptive words.

Days and weeks passed. One morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the lifeless body of the man by the window, who had died peacefully in his sleep. She was saddened and called the hospital attendants to take the body away.

As soon as it seemed appropriate, the other man asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch, and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone. Slowly and painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look at the world outside. Finally, he would have the joy of seeing it for himself. He strained to slowly turn to look out the window beside the bed. It faced a blank wall.

The man asked the nurse what could have compelled his deceased roommate who had described such wonderful things outside this window. The nurse responded that the man was blind and could not even see the wall. She said, "Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you."


A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealers showroom, and knowing his father could well afford it, he told him that was all he wanted.

As Graduation Day approached, the young man awaited signs that his father had purchased the car. Finally, on the morning of his graduation, his father called him into his private study. His father told him how proud he was to have such a fine son, and told him how much he loved him. He handed his son a beautiful wrapped gift box. Curious, but somewhat disappointed, the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Bible, with the young mans name embossed in gold.

Angrily, he raised his voice to his father and said, "With all your money you give me a Bible?" He then stormed out of the house, leaving the Bible.

Many years passed and the young man was very successful in business. He had a beautiful home and a wonderful family, but realizing his father was very old, he thought perhaps he should go to see him. He had not seen him since that graduation day. Before he could make the arrangements, he received a telegram telling him his father had passed away, and willed all of his possessions to his son. He needed to come home immediately and take care of things.

When he arrived at his fathers house, sudden sadness and regret filled his heart. He began to search through his fathers important papers and saw the still new Bible, just as he had left it years ago.

With tears, he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. As he was reading, a car key dropped from the back of the Bible. It had a tag with the dealers name, the same dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag was the date of his graduation, and the words… "PAID IN FULL".

How many times do we miss blessings because they are not packaged as we expected? I trust you enjoyed this. Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; but remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for. Sometimes we dont realize the good fortune we have or we could have because we expect "the packaging" to be different. What may appear as bad fortune may in fact be the door that is just waiting to be opened.


Once upon a time there was a baby eagle living in a nest perched on a cliff overlooking a beautiful valley with waterfalls and streams, trees and lots of little animals, scurrying about enjoying their lives.

The baby eagle liked the nest. It was the only world he had ever known. It was warm and comfortable, had a great view, and even better, he had all the food and love and attention that a great mother eagle could provide. Many times each day the mother would swoop down from the sky and land in the nest and feed the baby eagle delicious morsels of food. She was like a god to him, he had no idea where she came from or how she worked her magic.

The baby eagle was hungry all the time, but the mother eagle would always come just in time with the food and love and attention he craved. The baby eagle grew strong. His vision grew very sharp. He felt good all the time.

Until one day, the mother stopped coming to the nest.

The baby eagle was hungry. "Im sure to die," said the baby eagle, all the time.

"Very soon, death is coming," he cried, with tears streaming down his face. Over and over. But there was no one there to hear him.

Then one day the mother eagle appeared at the top of the mountain cliff, with a big bowl of delicious food and she looked down at her baby. The baby looked up at the mother and cried "Why did you abandon me? Im going to die any minute. How could you do this to me?"

The mother said, "Here is some very tasty and nourishing food, all you have to do is come get it."

"Come get it!" said the baby, with much anger. "How?"

The mother flew away.

The baby cried and cried and cried.

A few days later, "Im going to end it all," he said. "I give up. It is time for me to die."

He didnt know his mother was nearby. She swooped down to the nest with his last meal.

"Eat this, its your last meal," she said.

The baby cried, but he ate and whined and whined about what a bad mother she was.

"Youre a terrible mother," he said. Then she pushed him out of the nest.

He fell.

Head first.

Picked up speed.

Faster and faster.

He screamed. "Im dying Im dying," he cried. He picked up more speed.

He looked up at his mother. "How could you do this to me?"

He looked down.

The ground rushed closer, faster and faster. He could visualize his own death so clearly, coming so soon, and cried and whined and complained. "This isnt fair!" he screamed.

Something strange happens.

The air caught behind his arms and they snapped away from his body, with a feeling unlike anything he had ever experienced. He looked down and saw the sky. He wasnt moving towards the ground anymore, his eyes were pointed up at the sun.

"Huh?" he said. "What is going on here!"

"Youre flying," his mother said.

"This is fun!" laughed the baby eagle, as he soared and ped and swooped.

"Yes it is!" said the mother.

[英语作文阅读:The Three Fishermen



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The laba festival, commonly known as "laba", namely the lunar December 8, the ancients worship our ancestors and gods, pray for harvest auspicious tradition, some areas have the tradition of drinking laba rice porridge.Legend has it that day and the Buddha sakyamuni into way, known as the "magic festival", is one of the grand festival of Buddhism.

Somehow called "la" end of the month at the age of three: the meaning of the "la, also", combine the meaning of a new era (sui, etiquette volunteers record);The "la with hunting", and refers to the good hunting for the beast ancestor worship to god, "la" from the "meat", "the winter" is to use meat;Spring-heralding "three yue" la, pursuit of epidemic diseases, and the tradition of "Buddha into a festival, is also a" tao ", actually is the origin of December eighth day for LaRi, so to speak.

腊八节,俗称“腊八” ,即农历十二月初八,古人有祭祀祖先和神灵、祈求丰收吉祥的传统,一些地区有喝腊八粥的习俗。相传这一天还是佛祖释迦牟尼成道之日,称为“法宝节”,是佛教盛大的节日之一。




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I think reading is important in the whole life for people. There are many benefits of reading. Firstly, reading increases our knowledge and we can learn the world affairs without going out. Secondly, reading is a good way to improve reading and writing skills. Before you learn to write, you must know how others write. Thirdly, reading can broaden our knowledge and horizon, which is important to job hunting in the future. Finally, reading helps us become self-cultivation that would be beneficial to our whole life. Therefore, start to reading, no matter how old you are and what you are doing. Then, you may find the great charm and benefits of reading.





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"Blaspheme books, line miles." I thank the book guide me swim world; I appreciate the book gave me a rich imagination; I was moved, book another one let me understand a truth.

When I was a child, I was with the beautiful Snow White, lovely seven dwarfs, kind of grazing geese princess, mana boundless goldfish made friends. In the age of the reality and imagination cant distinguish, fairy tale has taught me to love others and love the world. Out of the fairy tale of innocence era, numerous interesting, thought-provoking classics like a magnet attracted me, for my students reading the hunger, the degree of surprise as Columbus discovered the new world. Classics Paul ko ezer gold iron in the spirit of perseverance let me admit defeat, Hemingway portrayed the Spanish bullfight of the scene made me shock...

I remember one day in the evening, Im watching the literature appreciation. Each read a story, I have to stop to think, write your own thoughts on the notebook, so imperceptibly see late at night more than 10 points. If not mother push me sleep, I will continue to see, because each piece of prose appeals to me. Reading brought me endless happiness, if read seriously, will be out of your mind, to another soul, with another soul communication and conversation. Reading is also a kind of the feeling of life. Du fus poems make people feel the bitterness of life, reading lu xuns articles make people recognize the darkness of the society, read bing xin let me feel the love and hope... Every book is a friend, we were taught to look at life.

In my eyes, like a cup of delicious fruit juice, is reading in the real thirst; Book is like a tempting bread, reading is in good chewing; Book is more like a piece of chocolate and spicy, reading is to taste slowly... In the endless books, I will continue to read the story.




