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由于生物不停的变少,陆陆续续出现了保护野生动物的公益团体,而这些集团不断倡导要爱护动物、保护动物,因此,野生动物的生存权渐渐被重视,不过光靠这些热心人士的帮忙仍是杯水车薪,我们更应该从日常生活中落实,假如全世界的人每天都能随手关灯,至少可以救回一只可爱的北极熊;假如全世界的人都能 减少塑胶的使用量,就有许多生物的肚子里面没有垃圾的存在;假如我们能减少废气的排放量,就可以使空气更为干净,不只保护动物,同时也是保护我们自己。






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Excuse me waiter, there’s a shark in my soup

Some 200m years before dinosaurs made their appearance on earth and thus quite some time before Homo sapiens began celebrating nuptials at extravagant wedding banquets, sharks swam the oceans. Sharks are older than trees. They have survived at least four planetary mass extinctions.

在恐龙在地球上出现之前两亿年左右,也就是在现代人(Homo sapiens)开始举办奢华婚宴之前相当久远的时候,鲨鱼们就已经在海洋中游弋。鲨鱼比树还要古老。它们至少经历了四次地球物种灭绝,一直活到了今天。

The link between these ancient predators and contemporary wedding receptions is that, among Chinese people, it is a sign of generosity and prestige to serve guests shark-fin soup. Since there are more than 1.3bn Chinese people, and since they are getting more affluent by the day, that is of no little consequence to the shark population. Some 70m sharks are killed each year for their fins. Much of the time, the fins are sliced off with a blade at sea and the bloody shark torso thrown back in the water to die.


The California state legislature is debating a bill co-sponsored by Paul Fong, a Chinese-American Democrat, to ban the sale, consumption and trade of shark fin. Hawaii, Oregon and Washington state already impose similar bans. California accounts for 85 per cent of shark fin eaten in the US. The bill sailed through the lower house assembly, but is being held up in the state senate because of concerns it discriminates against Chinese Americans.

加利福尼亚州立法机构正在讨论由民主党人、美籍华人方文忠(Paul Fong)联合提议的一项旨在禁止贩卖、消费和交易鱼翅的议案。夏威夷州、俄勒冈州和华盛顿州已经实施了类似的禁令。加州的鱼翅食用量占到美国鱼翅总食用量的85%。州众议院会议已通过了此项议案,但因担心法案有歧视美籍华人的嫌疑,州参议院还未对其投票表决。

What people eat is, indeed, a sensitive topic and one that generates much hypocrisy. Different cultures have formed their own taboos about what is proper, and not proper, to eat. Muslims and Jews don’t eat pigs, Hindus don’t eat cows and most Americans don’t eat snake or whale. Jains, and vegetarians of all cultures, don’t eat any animals at all.


Westerners are particularly prone to turning up their nose at what other people eat. Their position is mostly illogical and sometimes offensive. They tend to mentally divide animals into those you eat (like pigs, sheep and chickens); those you cuddle or stroke (cats, dogs and horses); and those too ugly, unusual or intelligent to eat (say beetles, zebras and dolphins). Many profess to loathe barbarity – think clubbing seals – yet are happy to eat veal or to ignore what goes on in their friendly neighbourhood abattoir.


Michael Moore, the American documentary film-maker, brilliantly – if possibly inadvertently – exposed this self-delusion in Roger & Me. In a scene that was meant to highlight the poverty of Flint, Michigan, a woman selling rabbits is shown asking customers if they want “pets or meat”. If the answer is “pet”, the cuddly bunny is handed over to a delighted child. If “meat”, the hapless creature is clubbed to death with a lead pipe and skinned on the spot.

美国纪录片电影制片人迈克尔?摩尔(Michael Moore)在《罗杰和我》(Roger & me)中绘声绘色地(也可能是不经意地)披露了这种自欺欺人的行径。在展现密歇根州弗林特(Flint)贫困状况的一个场景中,有个女人在卖兔子,她问顾客要买“宠物还是兔肉”。如果答案是“宠物”,她就把小兔子交给一个满心欢喜的孩子。如果答案是“兔肉”,她便当场用一根铅管把这个可怜的动物打死并把皮剥下来。

The richer societies get, the more finicky they tend to become. Many (including myself) waste half the animal they have had killed on their behalf, refusing to consume its organs, intestines, brain and so on. These parts are often eaten, and sometimes prized, in non-western societies, particularly in Asia. In their willingness to consume almost all the animal, both China and Japan score far better than most western countries.


Surely, then, one can’t object to eating shark fin? Yet one can and one should. The reasons are to do with conservation and our broader ecosystem. Some species of shark have been depleted by 70 per cent and a few, such as smooth hammerhead, bull sharks and tiger sharks, by 90 per cent or more. Sharks are the ocean’s top predators. Their absence causes havoc. Off the east coast of America, sharks used to eat bottom-feeding rays. With shark numbers massively depleted, the rays have had a field day devouring scallops, clams and oysters, rapidly reducing stocks.


Once shark fins are dried and in jars, it is all but impossible to tell what kind of shark they came from or whether they were finned. At one store in the Sheung Wan district of Hong Kong, a city where half the world’s shark fin is traded, a salesman admits he has no idea whether the fins come from endangered species. His shop does not sell shark meat, and he says it could be true that the carcase is simply tossed into the sea. As well as the cruelty, there is also the incredible waste. The average shark stretches to about 10 bowls of soup.


Certainly, shark fin is traditional. As one writer points out, to ask people to stop eating it is the equivalent of suggesting Americans give up turkey for Thanksgiving. There is doubtless a case for banning other types of food, such as some types of caviar and some species of whale. But cultures are not immutable. Traditions change, especially when they are unsustainable.


Fortunately, many of the most prominent campaigners against shark fin are Chinese, with Yao Ming, the recently retired basketball sensation, among the most passionate. In Hong Kong, where shark fin used to be de rigueur at Cantonese banquets, many young people refuse to eat it. Besides, sharks have less cachet now they are siphoned from the oceans on an industrial scale.


In Canada, more than a few ethnic Chinese couples have made a show of not serving shark fin at their wedding. Judy Lao recently told the Vancouver Province why she didn’t have it at her reception. “We don’t really care, our friends don’t care, and shark fin has no nutritional value anyway,” she said. “So why should we serve it?” Why indeed.

在加拿大,许多对华裔夫妇已做出表率,在婚宴上不供应鱼翅。Judy Lao最近向《温哥华省报》(Vancouver Province)解释了,为什么她的婚宴没有上鱼翅。“我们并不介意这些,我们的朋友也不介意,再说鱼翅根本也没有什么营养价值,”她表示。“所以,我们为什么要上鱼翅呢?”确实,这有什么必要呢?




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In our daily life, the living environment is very important. But in daily life people in protecting the environment is not very seriously.

In order to let our beautiful environment, no hurt. There are many old people to clean street, greening lawn. They finished a day early out, to the motherland green environment at all costs. But as fate would have it, those who do not care for the environment but also to destroy, we have to provide for those who do not care for the environment and ideological work, let them early day break habits.

On the way we go to school, there is also a team the many classmates litter waste. For example: some students throw snack bags at the school gate, and the classmate throw like folded paper airplane, even along the wall into the school. Their actions again and again to affect not only school, to be on duty every morning classmates brought a lot of trouble.

Meeting in the school, the teacher again and again asked, to persuade, but some classmate dont persuaded, but continue to damage the environment, shorten the life of the earth.

Once, the school organization we 2, grade 6 students to pick them pick up white trash park lawn. Before departure, I thought to myself, common tour to play in the park, think there are clean. Today to pick up white trash, should be few, pick up must be very easy.

But when I walk there, looked down, I was shocked. There are a lot of rubbish on the ground. Waste paper, cigarette butts, plastic bags, etc. These are everywhere, a green lawn, under the destruction of tourists has become a piece of environmental pollution, this is how serious environmental problems.

In the face of the lawn, make us angry, try to eliminate those rubbish. After 100 minutes of our labor, labor, and the grass is finally back to the original beautiful, famous flowers qi yuan contend in fragance and fascination. We can not help but sigh: originally the earth also is very beautiful!

在我们日常生活中 ,生活环境是十分重要的.但在日常生活中人们在保护环境上并不十分重视.









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As we all know,the number of Siberian tiger is becoming smaller and smaller. The appearances of Siberian tiger is terrifyingly.They are with an red-brown colour and brindle on their furs.They are mainly inhabit in forests and mountain area of the north by east in China.Their favourite food is fresh meat,especially the small animals.Their habitual behavior is to hide by day and come out at night. And we should try our best to protect them.



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Oh behalf of the University Students’ Union, I, the Chairman of the Union , am earnestly calling for yo ur active participation in our environmental protection campai gn. It is the duty of every global villager; man just can not sustain his glorious c i vilization without a rewarding environment, which will be possible only if man makes considerable efforts to protect the environment.

Do you cherish precio us opportunities to volunteer in our joint efforts in environmental protection? Here is a great one not to be missed by any enthusiastic youth; Right next Saturday, our university is to run a publicity campaign to advocate environmental protection across the city. The University Students‘ Union will be in charge of recruitment of volunteers. Let’s join our h ands and take action immediately.

哦代表大学生联盟,联盟的主席,我认真要求字数积极参与我们的环保信缘gn。全球每一个村民的责任;人就不能维持他的光荣c vilization没有有益的环境,这将有可能只有让人相当大的努力来保护环境。

你珍惜precio我们志愿者的机会在我们的共同努力,环境保护?这是一个很好的一个不容错过的青春热情,下星期六,我们的大学是运行一个宣传活动,倡导环境保护整个城市。大学学生会将负责招募志愿者。让我们加入h and并立即采取行动。




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Nowadays, more and more people realize it`s necessary and important to protect the environment. Also,there are some people who don`t pay attention to hygiene and they can`t stop littering the rubbish casually or spitting everywhere all the time.And in addition, there are a few factories often cutting down the trees, discharging chemicals and dirty water and so on.And it causes many problems like the Greenhouse Effect.If they do these day by day and our life will be harder and harder,so we have to stop them. To stop them we can put up commonweal advertisements and tell them the detriment of destroying the environment.So we can start from now to make a beautiful life.



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When I was picking up my stuff after school, I saw a dog staring at me at the school gate .I was kind of scary. I thought the dog would bite me when I was going out. But it was not. The dog started to follow me. I was very afraid. I started to run away, but the dog did it, either. Suddenly, the dog ran pass away me. I realized the man in front of me was the owner of the dog. I was relieved.

From then on, as long as a dog stares at me, I will look back to have a look whether there is another person near or not.



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My favourite animal is the giant panda. The giant panda or panda is a bear living in central western and south western China. Most pandas live in Sichuan province. Pandas are adorable because of their distinctive black patches around eyes, ears and across its round body. Pandas are China’s national treasures. They’re among the world’s most adored and protected animals. Pandas are the star attractions in the Beijing Zoo. Experts say that despite their sweet public image, pandas are capable of attacking humans, especially if they feel threatened.



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Today, father bought me a lovely chicken, whole body long with orange, I named it "yellow". Huang, two small eyes with a twinkle, like a star, its so hard claws havent grow strong, let the little yellow looks more lovely. Huang favorite things to do is to sleep on my feet. Fluffy and soft body, let me feel the warmth. Watch it slept soundly, I couldnt move, afraid to wake up it, when I move my feet, it also reluctant to follow my feet. In the evening little yellow or haw, want me to accompany it. So I made a model of a foot, surrounded by a warm water bottles, so huang at ease dream, fell asleep watching it, I also sleep peacefully. Yellow like running around and I hide and seek, on one occasion, I seek along while, also didnt find it, then found the little yellow in my bathtub. It inside how to fly, and fly out its own accidentally jump in to the tub. Looking at it, I smiled, carefully take it out. My chicken "yellow" cute!!!!

今天爸爸给我买了一只可爱的小鸡,全身长着桔黄色的茸毛,我给它起名叫“小黄”。小黄两只小眼睛一眨一眨的,像小星星一样,它的爪子还没有长得那么坚硬有力,让小黄显得更加可爱。 小黄最喜欢做的事情就是趴在我的脚上睡觉。毛茸茸的、软软的身体,让我感觉到脚暖和极了。看着它睡得香甜,我不忍心动一下,生怕惊醒它,当我挪动我的脚时,它还恋恋不舍地追随我的脚。到了晚上小黄还是唧唧的叫着,要我陪它。于是我做了一个脚的模型,周围放了温水瓶,这样小黄就安心入梦了,看着它睡着了,我也安心地睡觉了。 小黄还喜欢跑来跑去和我捉迷藏,有一次,我找了半天,也没找到它,后来,在我的澡盆里发现了小黄。它在里面怎么飞,也飞不出它自己不小心蹦进去的澡盆了。看着它,我笑了,小心翼翼地把它拿出来了。 我的小鸡“小黄”可爱吧!



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At present,the endangered animals are increasingly fast.How to protect them become our priority.People are crazy about killing animals for their meat, fur.But it is wrong because that animals are our friends, we should try to protect them,instead of killing them to die out. Pandas are represents of endangered animals, which live in the forest and live on bamboos for food. They only depend on the nature reserves to live. We should stop killing animals, and protect them better



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作文在小学英语考试中占了很大的分值,那么究竟怎样做才能写好一篇小学作文呢?不妨看看保护动物的英语作文。 保护动物的英语作文一:

Animals Need Protecting

Animals are natural resources that people have wasted all through our history. Animals have been killed for their fur and feathers, for food, for sport, and simply because they were in the way. Thousands of kinds of animals have disappeared from the earth forever. Hundreds more are on the danger list today. About 170 kinds in the United States aloneare considered in danger.

Why should people care? Because we need animals, and because once they are gone, there will never be any more.Animals are more than just beautiful or interesting. They are more than just a source of food. Every animal has its place in the balance of nature. Destroying one kind of animal can create many problems. For example, when farmers killed large numbers of hawks, the farmers stores of corn and grain were destroyed by rats and mice. Why? Because hawks eat rats and mice, with no hawks to keep down their numbers, the rats and mice multiplied quickly.

Luckily, some people are working to help save the animals. Some groups raise money to let people know about the problem. And they try to get the governments to pass laws protecting animals in danger. Quite a few countries have passed laws. These laws forbid the killing of any animal or planton the danger list. Slowly, the number of some animals in danger is growing. 保护动物的英语作文二:

It was a fine day today and the sun was bright. I visited Beijing Zoo with my classmate, He Song. The animals were so interesting that all the people loved them. When a bear asked for some food by waving its ann, a visitor threw something to it. At once I went up to him and said without thinking,Dont do that. Its bad for it. If you really love them, take good care of them. His face turned red and answered he wouldnt do that again.

今天是个风和日丽的好天,我和同学贺松去了北京动物园。动物们是那么可爱,大家都非常喜欢它们。一只熊挥动着胳膊向人们要吃的,一个游客就投进去了什么东西。我想都没想就走过去说:“不要那样做。你的做法对它们没好处。如果真的喜欢它们,就应该爱护它们。”他的脸红了,并且回答说他不会再那么做了。 保护动物的英语作文三:

Many animals are in danger of dying out. As is shown in the chart, we can see the number of animal species decreases faster and faster and this trend will continue. From 1980 to 2010, at least 1 million animal species have disappeared. Worse still, more and more wild animals are in great danger. It is not a piece of sensational news; it is a fact, a harsh reality. Unfortunately, we may not see these animals in the near future.


From the second picture, we can find some reasons. Why is the number of animal species declining year by year? Apparently animals have become victims of fashion industry. Animal skin has been used to make fashionable clothes and these clothes sell at a high price. So some greedy people begin to kill animals in a large quantity. This irresponsible behavior not only breaks the balance of nature but also endangers the living environment of human beings.


As far as I am concerned, something must be done to stop this illegal action. We believe "no buying, no killing". First, we must make concerning laws to protect these animals in danger. Second, we must take some measures to protect animals effectively. Animals are our friends and part of our environment. Third, we should raise peoples awareness to protect animals and our environment. In this way, we can build a harmonious society and ensure a sustainable development.

在我看来,我们必须要做些什么来阻止这种违法行为。我相信“没有买,就没有杀”。首先,我们必须制定有关法律来保护这些处于危险中的动物。其次,我们必须采取一些措施有效的保护动物。动物是人类的朋友,也是我们环境的一部分。再次,我们应该提高人们保护动物和环境的意识。这样一来,我们就可以建立一个和谐的社会,确保其可持续发展。 保护动物的英语作文四:

I am a student from Xinhua Middle School in Chongqing,China. Informed that you have a vacancy for a student to serve as the spokesman for animals, I cannot resist my inner excitement,hoping to seize the opportunity to do something for animals .


In my mind,nothing can delight me so much as caring for animals. Wherever I go and whatever I do, I usually keep in mind that animals are angels from the heaven, which bring us endless comfort and pleasure. I have been a panda lover since my childhood. Panda is so lovely that brings fun to people and they are regarded as the treasure of our country. Unfortunately,such a rare species is now faced with the danger of being extinct。What I am eager to do is to raise people’s awareness of animal protection and appeal to more people to care for our earth companies.


It is my belief that all human beings can make a difference together. I would appreciate it if my application could get your approval.

我相信,所有人团结起来就会有很大的不同。如果我的申请 能够得到大家的赞成,我将不胜感激。



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Dear Bill,

I’m glad to receive your letter,thank you for your caring for the weather and my health.Now I’d like to tell you something about the smog.

Since the winter last year,the smog has occurred a lot of times.it has done great harm to our daily life.many traffic accidents happened just because of the heavy smog weather,more and more people have to go to see the doctor because the serious disease caused by the smog,quite a lot of flights have to be put off,a great number of people have to stay at home for fear of the poisonous air caused by the smog.

People have realized the great harm caused by the smog and the importance of protecting the environment.people all over the country are taking measures to reduce the smog weather.the government suggests people go to work or school with the public traffic, such as the bus and the underground.Also we should plant more trees.

According to me, I will go to school by bike or on foot, and I won’t throw the waste anywhere.in addition, I will tell the people I meet to protect the environment as possible as they can.would you like to tell me some good ideas?i’m looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua



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Why should people care? Because we need animals, and because once they are gone, there will never be any more.Animals are more than just beautiful or interesting. They are more than just a source of food. Every animal has its place in the balance of nature. Destroying one kind of animal can create many problems. For example, when farmers killed large numbers of hawks, the farmers stores of corn and grain were destroyed by rats and mice. Why? Because hawks eat rats and mice, with no hawks to keep down their numbers, the rats and mice multiplied quickly.

Luckily, some people are working to help save the animals. Some groups raise money to let people know about the problem. And they try to get the governments to pass laws protecting animals in danger. Quite a few countries have passed laws. These laws forbid the killing of any animal or planton the danger list. Slowly, the number of some animals in danger is growing.



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Earths biological diversity is being fast decline of many species facing extinction.Threat to the survival of wild animals and plants is a major factor in habitat loss, business development, and wild animals and plants and their products in international trade.Resources are limited, it is necessary for the endangered species, to propose specific measures of protection level.We can formulate the corresponding endangered species laws, application to establish nature reserves, endangered species breeding centers, means of conservation biology, endangered species, the implementation of in situ conservation and ex situ conservation.At the same time, we must restrict international trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, to make laws to protect endangered species。



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Human beings are different from animals in many ways. One of the differences is the ability of human beings to build. It is true that many animals are builders. Birds make nests, and bees make hives. But no animal could build the pyramids or the Great Wall or the Eiffel Tower. The variety, size, and beauty of the structures built by human beings is simply unsurpassed.

Another difference is the ability of human beings to use intelligence. Many animals are probably more clever than we realize, but no animal has the ability to write, to reason, or to speak. Only human beings can invent computers, make use of solar energy. Only human beings paint, draw, compose music, and write poetry.

These are but a few of the differences between human beings and animals. It is our special abilities that give us power to affect the world for the benefit of all mankind. We should be thankful for those abilities and learn to use them in a more wise way.



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保护动物初二英语作文一:Protect Panda

The giant panda is known as the national treasure of China. The panda was a kind of ordinary animal in China long ago. However, for some reasons, too many of them have been killed. So the number of them is falling quickly.

At present people are taking an important measure to save pandas. People want to find a home for them, and recently, they have set up a nature park for them in Sichuan Province,which is called "Pandas Home. "There pandas can enjoy their life happily. There is a bamboo forest near the Pandas Home. So the pandas can find bamboos easily which they like to eat very much. .

Because pandas are well protected now, the number of them is increasing every year. We hope that one day we will have enough pandas to set them free and let them live in the wild again.

Pandas are good friends of man. Man should try to protect them and ]et them live in the way they like!

保护动物初二英语作文二:Save the Wild Animals

Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction, because the environment that they are living in has changed greatly. For example, with the developmet of cities, the using of insecticide and serious pollution, their living areas have become narrowcr and narrower. Many of the wild animals, now are confronted with food crisis. At the same time, man is killing off species just for getting their fur, skin, horns, teeth and meat.

In order to protect our resources of ecology, people should realize that the loss of any species is at least the loss of source of knowledge and a source of natural beauty. There fore, measures of the following should be taken: pollution standards are made to keepdown poisons; killing off certain rare species is prohibited; national parks should be set up as wild life, reserves.

Only if we human beings take some drastic measures can wild animals be preserved.

保护动物初二英语作文三:How to protect the animals?

Animals are our friends.But how to protect them? government is working to protect all animals in danger,and has made lots of plans to save animals. On the other hand, we shouldn’t eat wild animals.We should keep them away from our dinner. That way,there will not be wild animals on sale. I think the hunters and killers will become fewer and fewer.

Last, we should protect the environment.We should stop people from cutting trees down. Without trees, wild animals will lose their home. And we will lose our animal friends. All of us should try our best to protect animals.

We need to protect animals better.We should give them fresh water to drink.We should make the forests bigger for animals in danger to live in.We should advice people not to kill animals beacause they are our friends!

保护动物初二英语作文四:Protect endangered animals

There are more and more endangered animals at present,so how to protect them has been our task of top priority . Its wrong for people to hunt animals for their meat and feather,for they are our good friends.We should protect them instead of killing them.Giant pandas,which are one of the endangered animals,live in the forests and live on bamboo lealves.They can just live safely in the natural protection zones.We should stop animal and protect them.
