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In Chinawhen some festivals comewe use the firework to celebrate .But Firework may lead to fire and endanger society.According to surveysixty percent

people surport the use of fireworkbecaus-

eit can add the atmosphere of festival

.Setting off fireworks is also the tradition of Chinese people.Forty percent

people disagree to use fireworkbecause firework may endanger society and harm people.Whats moreIt will cause air pollution .In my opinionWe can build up a special place far from city.There we can set off firework during festival.I know Beijing is using the method and it works.




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"Meow woo - meow woo -----" ah, the original is a small cat in the call. This little cat, every day I go home from school, it is always squatting at the door to meet me. So I love my little cat very much.

The little kitty is full of golden hair, and it is really funny. Its head long two pointed little ears, as long as there is something a little move, its ears can be heard immediately. One night, two shiny eyes like a scout like everywhere to collect. The little nose is long on the mouth of the triangle. The long bearded face is very cute.

My kittens have high ability to catch mice, and once a cunning mouse gets into a jar. Kittens quietly in the side, after a while the mouse look at the outside is very safe, only ran out. At this time in the next kitten ran up suddenly. Saw the kitten picked up the mouse, all of a sudden the mice killed, and finally eat with relish.

How lovely is my kitten?



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I love summer.There ia a summer vacation in summer.What I like to do best during the long summer vacation is to stay in my own little room and read. I love to read, but during the school year I could hardly find a free moment for reading. Endless assignments press down upon me like a mountain. I feel confined and imprisoned. Once the summer vacation comes, however, I have all the time in the world to read and read and read. I read everything I want to read. I read to my hearts content.

I hate summer.In summer, the weather is hot, the air is humid, and the wind doesnt blow at all. In summer, everything seems tired——except the mosquito and the fly. They are everywhere. They bring diseases to people. No one likes to walk or work under the summer sun. Because the wicked sun will burn your skin. So the hot summer confines you to your room. Hot weather makes me drowsy and I cant study effectively. I hate summer. I wish it would go away quickly.

All in all,summer is a season in every year.Of course,Ican adjust to summer.








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True friends dont have to contact every day, when youre depressed, find someone to vent when first thought the man, when you have good things to share right away the first person to think of...

True friend after a long and you will have to talk about, even if two people together there is no words dont feel embarrassed!

True friend he will understand your temper, your habits, in front of him you dont need to disguise, you can blunt he lost his temper, he can understand you.

He will make you happy when you sad, he will follow you when you are happy happy together, two people occasionally because a little things that conflict, but the contradiction will be more stable after your feelings.

A true friend is the person you care about When you most care about people hurt themselves, that kind of mood... So, dont think so much, my friend dont care how many, there are several bosom friend is enough...



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一天,阳光明媚,我和团友们高高兴兴去游北京故宫博物院。导游安排的参观路线是沿着故宫的中轴线游览,先由南门进,也就是从天安门进,然后从北门出。 我们来到故宫的第一个门――端门。导游解释说:“清代时候,文武大臣上朝觐见皇帝时,就要在端门前,把自己的官服整理端正,然后才可进见皇上。听到这个解释,我自然地整理了一下自己的衣服和帽子。

“进端门时,摸一摸大红门上的门钉,就是把福带回家,大家都摸一摸。”导游边带着我们往前走边解释,当我们到了大红门,看到门钉都抬高手去摸啊摸,笑嘻嘻地朝前走去。 一座高高的城墙出现在我们面前,我抬起头仰望,这城墙大概有二十多米高吧,城门上写着两个大字“午门”。导游说这是以前人们把犯人拉出午门斩首指的就是这个门,看着午门两个字心里有点发毛。

“三分看七分听。”进故宫前导游就提醒我们要跟着她,认真听。我们紧跟导游穿过午门,一路上边认真听她讲各个地方的历史,我很喜欢听故宫得历史故事,总是挨着导游的。 我们到了故宫的三大殿第一殿:太和殿,可惜是整个大殿都在大修。导游对我们说:“这是当时皇上面见文武大臣的殿。”导游给我们提了一个问题,“你们知道整个皇宫有多少间房子吗?”大家都猜不到,导游告诉我们说:“整个故宫有九千九百九十九间半房子。为什么会出现半间房子呢?天上一万间房子,皇帝不敢冒犯,就建了九千九百九十九间半房子。”

故宫第二殿是:保和殿,这是皇上亲自监考的地方,谁中了状元就能从这里骑马挂花去游北京长安大街。 最后一个大殿是中和殿,那里是皇上休息的地方,我看见有一张金床,真是美丽极了。

我们就这样兴趣盎然地沿着故宫中轴线游览着,等走出故宫北门时已是中午了,故宫真大啊! 当我走出故宫北门,我回头眺望故宫,情不自禁地高赞一句:“雄伟壮观的故宫,等我到北京读大学,我会再来看你的。”



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This is a small cat is a grandmother from someone elses house to hold, it is busy all day to catch the mouse, for grandparents to prevent things stolen, security family peace, it is the grandfathers grandfather in the eyes of grandparents. Its hair is a mature piece of wheat-like color, the eyes are golden, look carefully, like a pair of sparkling yellow gems ah! His claws stretched, that sharp pointed out will be exposed, as if In the door to show off: "Look! My paw more windy ah! Who can escape my claws?"

The cats character is really weird. That he is lazy, it sleeps all day; that it is diligent Mody, a whole night busy catching the mouse, that it is greedy it, it is out for most of the day; that it timid Mody, see the dog even the hair are Stand up; say it brave, and sometimes dare to fight with the bucket ... ... it is not happy, sleep on the day, who also ignored, from time to time issued a "snore snore" sound. It is happy when you rub your legs with your body, but also climbed into your arms, let you smooth hair for it, scratch itch.

That day, I was writing a summer job, it jumped to the table, in my homework on a few "plum India". Say it is angry, it is happy to play with you; say happy it, after all, it is dirty, it makes me dumbfounding.

Once, it lying on my lap, whirring sleepy sleep, I gently stroked it with its golden fur. Suddenly, I hit a nap and threw it on the ground. It was anxious, and turned over and jumped down the steps, meowly went to the river, and I chased it behind, has been chasing the uncles home, it lying in the uncles home, do not look at me, so I am boring Go and let it go home alone at night.

After this thing happened, I to please it, went to the river to catch a lot of fish, put it in its small bowl to let it eat. It stretched out claws a grasp, to deftly put a fish into his mouth, "Gollum" about to eat, really fun. It is also to me "meow" call, obviously it is good with me.

Later, when I returned home, the lovely little cat always inseparable and I caught small fish, catch butterflies, catch the dragonfly, catch squirrels ... ... with me through how many memorable good times.



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Autumn, how people yearn for the season! Everywhere fruit fragrance, fruitful. There is golden ocean of rice fields. Autumn wind blowing, like a lively and lovely little girl, wearing gold clothes, with gold cap, dancing in the wind to see. That mountain also learn paddy fields covered with a dazzling color of the clothes are green, golden, and dark, colorful, for the old autumn added a trace of gorgeous.

See a field of Huang Chengcheng, like a golden blanket, in a closer look, the original wheat is mature, the wind gently blowing, they also nodded to passers-by. Looked to the side, the sorghum has long raised a big torch, is holding a torch relay, where the red where the red.

Wow! Look at those fruit trees, head high, good mighty ah! Every tree is fruitful, and the tree it seems to waved to us, to show us the results of us! Let us enjoy it! The road side of the road, the roadside leaves have fallen, like a golden butterfly, dancing. Fell to the roadside of the brook, like a golden boat, drifting away.

This is the fall of my hometown of Tonglu!



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Dogs belong to the canine.

When a dog follows its nose, its actually being led by thee key senses. Sight:a glimpse of the enemy saves them barking up the wrong tree. Sound: a bark can be a fierce threat, but its also how canines make their long distance calls. Smell: this tells a dog more than all the other senses put together.

Inside its nose are around two hundred million smell sensitive cells, forty times more than in humans. Through them the dogs brain can pick up signals from one molecule of scent in a million. It gives the dog: a completely different picture of the world, based on what it smells, rather than what it sees.

Flowers are irrelevant to a dog. So their scent is meaningless. But food is a serious matter. What to us is an empty plate, is covered with the smell of chicken to a hungry dog.







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Winter vacation is coming.Were happy to welcome the holidays.Usually,winter vacation is funny because Spring Festival is during the vacation. www.t262.Com

Spring Festival is a excellent day for every Chinese,especially for children.During the festival,relatives go to visit each other and give presents to each other.then its the happy moment for children,children are given some lucky money.

But Im not a child any longer.I want to make the festival a little bit different. I plan to have a different day.Im going to sell some toys in the flower market.I will ask my friends to join me.If i earn some money,Ill buy some presents to my parents.Well,its my turn to give back to my parents for their love.



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Planting Trees Day comes on March 12 every year. Do you know what can we do to help on the day?

In China, Planting Trees Day is on March 12. This special day began in 1979. On that day, people can plant many trees. And if we plant trees more, we must also take care of the trees by watering them until they grow up to be strong. In different countries, Planting Trees Days are on different days. Like in India, Planting Trees Day is on July 1.

Why do the people plant trees? It is very easy. Because they want to protect the environment. There are many people who want to earn the money form only cutting down trees. So more and more trees are cut by them. But kind people want to protect the environment and make the air clean. So they plant trees as many as they can.

All these actions show that people should pay more attention to the environment. We want to make it better, don’t we? So we must plant more trees to protect the environment.

So, everyone, if you want to make the air clean, please try your best to protect the environment and plant more trees.



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"Woof, woof, woof" hear what voice you will know that I am like this animal. You may ask, why the dog called lele? I come to you: "lele is one of the neighbors dog, because always come to my house, I will regard it as their own the dog. Hes always, very active, very happy every day, so I told him to do le le!"

Lele is a fox small dogs, the aspect of color are all white, no other color is a little. Although dogs are color blind, but I dont think he is color-blind. Round discerning eyes, he is a little cockroach in one meter, which it can see clearly. For example: "that Im eating bread, suddenly saw a cockroach ran out from under the cabinet, on the rest of the lele a saw a cockroach, immediately blunt come over, put it in the foot pads, he at the top of the cockroaches in lele also, with its sharp claws grasp cockroach to bits."

Lele like others to touch it. When I touch it head, two ears hang down, eyes closed, seems to be enjoying. As long as it a angry, keep call, you can touch it, like magic, lele mood immediately to calm down, dont angry.

Lele didnt eat rice, he will always follow you, with a miserable eyes looking at you, you dont have to give him to eat it up. Until you give him to eat, he cant follow you. Do you like had in its sleep, eat dog food to him.

Lele sleep appearance, also is varied. Just sleep time is bipod and approach, head on top. Who the time on all over the body. Is asleep after fall. Sleep is the body sideways.








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Dear Mickey,

How did you spend your summer vacation this year?

In my vacation, my family and I went to National Park. We visited the island in the center of the lake.

We took a ferryboat to the island at 9:00 am. The first place we visited was the Botanical Garden. Then we visited the Site of an Old Temple which had a history of over 600 years. Lunch was served at 11:30. After that, we went to see varieties of birds at the Birds House. We went shopping for some souvenirs at the Gift Shop before we left. Finally, we returned from the island by cable car at 3:30 pm.

Though we were tired, we had a good time, because we like nature very much. Do you like nature, too?

I’m looking forward to your reply!

Li Hua



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Panda is the most lovely animal in the world. It is treated as the national treasure. Everybody loves panda. It has round body shape and black eyes. There are many countries renting the panda and they are proud of it. People from other countries come to the animal zoo to witness this lovely creature. At the same time, we should protect the environment, so as to protect panda.




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向东走,到了东院.远眺望去,大政殿好像近在面前,可盘龙飞檐,金奕宝座却又像影子似的含糊.沿着正中的御道,我朝着大政殿蹈蹈独行,脚下每一块青石板似乎都深刻着它们漫长的光阴,密密匝匝地写着它们无字的诗文和感民气弦的故事. 昨夜风疏雨骤,留下一片淋漓,尽量太阳的光热会把这些水雾蒸腾,尔后再化作甘霖润泽着脚下这片土地,把四个多世纪前如梦如烟的旧事渗人大地更深一层,然而我将同样看到这残断的影象,感觉着汗青的沉淀.




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A new high-performance swimsuit,developed by mimicking the skin of sharks,will be worn by top athletes in Athens from this week.

The revolutionary new fabric,developed by Speedo,is the result of four years of research and development that began with the study of shark skin at the Natural History Museum .

The new swimsuit,called Fastskin FSII,increases a swimmers speed by reducing passive drag through water by up to 4% more than the next best swimsuit.

Research into shark skin texture and movement through water was carried out under the guidance of Natural History Museum fish expert Ollie Crimmen.

Tiny teeth cover the surface of a sharks skin and the shape and positioning of these teeth vary across the body to manage the flow of water.

With these findings Speedo created a full bodyskin with different fabrics on different parts of the body and for the first time,male- and female-specific and stroke-specific swimsuits.



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I have a cute little white rabbit, it can be white, why can be called white, because it is white like snow, lovely can not describe.

Can be long with long ears, a pair of ruby-like big eyes, dark nose, long a few fine fish bones like beard. It also has a small mouth, it is white body chubby, there is a round short tail tightly stick in the ass, very cute.

Can not only be beautiful, but also very flexible. One night, it jumped out of a box of more than 60 cm high, you know, can be white more than 20 cm high, the height of this box is about three times its height. I was awakened, turned on the lights, ready to be disturbed by the little white rabbit caught hand. But it is too flexible, busy for a while, even if it did not touch a hair. It looked at me in the distance, laughing nasty, as if to say: "how, catch me!" I thought: "great courage, so on my site so wild! I am taking advantage of it when I am forgetful, to make up the past, grabbed his long ears, put it in a higher box, be considered rein in it. When I go, it is also hard to jump out, as if to say: "let me go out! Let me out!"

Can be very naughty white, once, I can go out to play with white, it is elated, and soon disappeared, and I like to hide and seek like, how to find can not find. I am anxious, almost crying, it jumped out from the flowers ... ...

Do you like white?



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Autumn is the most beautiful and fascinating season.Its not hotter than summer and colder than winter.Its most comfortable.

We can do many good deeds in autumn such as travelling、driving etc.Its the tenderness after summer and the warm before winter.

Many people say that autumn is depressed and old.

But I think its the best and liveliest/I hope that your autumen is same as me.It is full of good!
