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In the wonderful kingdom of birds, there are all kinds of birds, some are plump, some are small and delicate, some birds even talk to the scholars! Among them, my favorite is the beautiful peacock.

In the zoo, the peacock like a big star, watch a lot of a lot of it, because every time the tail, its sparkling tails just like the colorful fan, pleasing, and enjoy them.

Tell you, in fact, the peacock is to protect themselves, when it met the enemy and had no time to escape, then open your tail, rustle, like eyes, decorative pattern is moved, the enemy to see the "monster" many eyes also dare not move forward.

On one occasion, my mother took me to the zoo, I immediately ran to the outside of the peacocks cage, waiting for it to the tail, because the weather is too hot, I involuntarily to bright little handkerchief to wipe the sweat, the peacock saw small handkerchief, unfolds in a minute. Surprised and surprised, I asked my mother, "why did the peacock open the screen when he saw a small handkerchief?" Mother touched my head, smiled and said, "its better than your handkerchief!" When I heard her, I waved my handkerchief at once, and the peacock danced. How interesting!

I like the peacock, its beautiful feathers and graceful dancing have been deeply impressed in my heart.








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Green, tree and grass planting. Growing these plants containing chlorophyll, is of great help to improve air quality.

First of all, the green plants can be in the sun for photosynthesis, absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Studies show that plant growth and each 1 ton, can produce 5 tons of oxygen. Per hectare woods can absorb one ton of carbon dioxide every day, 0.735 tons of oxygen; The grass can absorb every day 0.9 tonnes of carbon dioxide per hectare, produce 0.6 tons of oxygen. Adequate and clean oxygen can keep human body and mind health.

Second, trees on earth every day can send out 170 million tons of terpenes substances into the atmosphere, the aromatic substance has incomparable sterilization ability and excitation.

Then, the green is good for the dust in the air, dust filtration and absorption, and dust into the air dispersion can stop work. According to the determination, the atmosphere through the forest, can reduce dust amount 32% - 32%, fly ash quantity reduced by 30%.

Do you know? The negative oxygen ion in forest can reach 10-1 million. Negative oxygen ion can adjust the excitement and inhibition of the nervous system, improve the function of the cerebral cortex. Medical experts to simulate forest magic effect, negative oxygen ion into ward. The results found that when the environment is negative oxygen ions and the proportion of oxygen ions control at 9:1, for asthma, burns, ulcers, the treatment of trauma patients can promote role

In addition, greening and absorb the noise, reduce water loss and soil erosion, etc. Your a power to go into our countrys green enterprise, the green idea slowly tell it to you will reap the benefits.









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I have a dog, it is lovely, it is called Mimi. Every time I go home from school, Mimi always cruising around me, I will go to the kitchen to get a piece of meat to it, it lay on the floor to eat. My legs and then jump to bark "Wang "called, so I picked up Mimi, it is the opportunity to lick my hand, making me laugh.

I like Mimi, like puppies.





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Waking up on New Year, everybody dresses up. First they extend greetings to their parents.

Then each child will get money as a New Year gift, wrapped up in red paper. People in northern China will eat jiaozi, or dumplings, for breakfast, as they think "jiaozi" in sound means "bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new". Also, the shape of the dumpling is like gold ingot from ancient China.

So people eat them and wish for money and treasure.

Southern Chinese eat niangao (New Year cake made of glutinous rice flour) on this occasion, because as a homophone, niangao means "higher and higher, one year after another." The first five days after the Spring Festival are a good time for relatives, friends, and classmates as well as colleagues to exchange greetings, gifts and chat leisurely.

China has 56 ethnic groups. Minorities celebrate their Spring Festival almost the same day as the Han people, and they have different customs.




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Whenever a painful situation arises in your life, try to embrace it instead of running away or trying to mask the hurt. When the sadness strikes, take a deep breath and lean into it. When we run away from sadness that’s unfolding in our lives, it gets stronger and more real. We take an emotion that’s fleeting and make it a solid event, instead of something that passes through us.





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I plan to go to travel alone this summer vacation. I have traveled several times, but gone with my family or friends, never did it alone. I want to do it once, so I can train myself to be stronger and more confident. I told my parents about my plan, they supported me very much, and they thought it is a good opportunity to help me grow up. They also told me many tips of traveling and prepared the package for me. I am grateful that my parents understand me and respect my decision. I won’t let them down.




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Of the four seasons,I love Spring best.In Spring,the weather gets warmer and everything begins to grow rapily.If we go to the countryside on a sunny day in Spring,W‘ll find tree turning green and flowers blooming.Besides mypersonal interests,I think the most in portant reason.

Why I like Spring is that Spring signifies hope and progress.It assures us a promising season of summer and also the most iportant havvest seaso-autum.I love Sprig.



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A monkeys life cycle is basically how it reproduces.This is not real statistics.a female monkey becomes sexually mature at 6 yrs of age and a male at 5.Now explaining it like thta shows the cycle of how the monkey reproduces,creating a life cycle.

Highlights of the series include the birth of woolly monkey Julio who,immediately after being born,was rejected by his mother; the rescue of Bryan – a chimp who was found on a beach in Mexico where he was being groomed to work as a photographer’s prop; the birth of Dinda – the latest orangutan baby to join the Park; and the rescue of Koko,who is otherwise affectionately known as one of the ‘Ugly Monkeys’.



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Beijing is an ancient city with a long history. Back in 3000 years ago in Zhou dynasty, Beijing, which was called Ji at the moment, had been named capital of Yan. Thereafter, Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasty all made Beijing their capital. Therefore, Beijing was famous for "Capital of a thousand years".

The long history leaves Beijing precious cultural treasure. Winding for several kilometers in Beijing area, the Great Wall is the only man-made structure that could been seen in the space. The Summer Palace is a classic composition of ancient royal gardens, and the Forbidden City is the largest royal palaces in the world. Tiantan is where the emperor used to fete their ancestors, and also the soul of Chinese ancient constructions. The four sites above has been confirmed world cultural heritage by UNESCO. However, the best representatives for Beijing are the vanishing Hutongs and square courtyards. Through hundreds of years, they have become symbol of Beijings life. Tiananmen square being still brilliant today with cloverleaf junctions and skyscrapers everywhere, the old-timey scene and modern culture are combined to present a brand new visage of Beijing.

As Beijing has been confirmed home city of Olympics 2008, the spirit of "green Olympics, scientific Olympics and humanized Olympic" will surely bring more and more changes to Beijing, promote the development of sports and Olympics in China as well as in the world, and strengthen the friendly communications between Chinese and foreign people.






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In everyone’s life, most people have some experience and career which are affected by someone. It is difficult for you to forget them and what they affected you because they have taught you something of importance in your life, also it changed your life. It is difficult for me to forget that my older sister who is 4-year older than me has taught me something which were important in my life.

It is fortunate thing for me that I have two sisters, and they are all my loved ones. When I was child, I was jealous of another children who have older brother. When they got some trouble with other another children who has no older brother, they let their older brother to help them and they always got win even though they were wrong. This thought was ridiculous when I recognized that having an older sister is wonderful thing for me especially when I was youth.

In my memory, my older sister was a pretty and not tall girl when she was in high school, and she had two long braids. She got a job when she just graduated for senior high school because my mother’s health was not in good situation and she though that she should earn some money to reduce my parents afford. I was in junior high school when she got her job. I was clever and excellent student when I was in elementary school. But when I was in junior high school, everything was totally changed, I was also clever but I could not get good grade, I was confused and disappointment. My sister advised me to change my study method. She told me that you should not think that finishing your homework is only one thing you need to do after school. You are in high school now, you need to study your textbook more and think about some question more. In order to help me to do it effectively, she studied with me and explained some question for me after her work.




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一天,阳光明媚,我和团友们高高兴兴去游北京故宫博物院。导游安排的参观路线是沿着故宫的中轴线游览,先由南门进,也就是从天安门进,然后从北门出。 我们来到故宫的第一个门――端门。导游解释说:“清代时候,文武大臣上朝觐见皇帝时,就要在端门前,把自己的官服整理端正,然后才可进见皇上。听到这个解释,我自然地整理了一下自己的衣服和帽子。

“进端门时,摸一摸大红门上的门钉,就是把福带回家,大家都摸一摸。”导游边带着我们往前走边解释,当我们到了大红门,看到门钉都抬高手去摸啊摸,笑嘻嘻地朝前走去。 一座高高的城墙出现在我们面前,我抬起头仰望,这城墙大概有二十多米高吧,城门上写着两个大字“午门”。导游说这是以前人们把犯人拉出午门斩首指的就是这个门,看着午门两个字心里有点发毛。

“三分看七分听。”进故宫前导游就提醒我们要跟着她,认真听。我们紧跟导游穿过午门,一路上边认真听她讲各个地方的历史,我很喜欢听故宫得历史故事,总是挨着导游的。 我们到了故宫的三大殿第一殿:太和殿,可惜是整个大殿都在大修。导游对我们说:“这是当时皇上面见文武大臣的殿。”导游给我们提了一个问题,“你们知道整个皇宫有多少间房子吗?”大家都猜不到,导游告诉我们说:“整个故宫有九千九百九十九间半房子。为什么会出现半间房子呢?天上一万间房子,皇帝不敢冒犯,就建了九千九百九十九间半房子。”

故宫第二殿是:保和殿,这是皇上亲自监考的地方,谁中了状元就能从这里骑马挂花去游北京长安大街。 最后一个大殿是中和殿,那里是皇上休息的地方,我看见有一张金床,真是美丽极了。

我们就这样兴趣盎然地沿着故宫中轴线游览着,等走出故宫北门时已是中午了,故宫真大啊! 当我走出故宫北门,我回头眺望故宫,情不自禁地高赞一句:“雄伟壮观的故宫,等我到北京读大学,我会再来看你的。”



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雄伟壮丽的故宫,是北京的中心,这表现了中国古代建筑传统和独特风格的庞大建筑。故宫始建于明永乐四年,永乐十八年基本建成,历经明.清两朝二十四位皇帝,至少也有近600年历史了。. Yongle was basically completed in eighteen years. After the Ming Dynasty. The twenty -four emperors of the Qing Dynasty. At least 600 years of history.

我们来到故宫门前,一进门就是高大的红色城墙,进门映入眼帘的就是午门,高35.6米,午门上有五座楼,人们习惯叫它玉凤楼。我们穿过午门,来到了太和殿,太和殿 是故宫最富丽堂皇的建筑啦。俗称“金銮殿”殿高二十八米,宽十一间,进深五间,共十五间。有盈米大柱八十六根,气魄稳重。





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People say that father’s love likes a mountain: heavy and silent. It’s heavy because he puts all his love to us and it’s silent because he does not know how to express. Faced his love, we accept it silently without saying a word to show our appreciation.

Before I was going to senior school, my father had never said a word to show his love to me, so that I thought he did not love me very much and sometimes I was upset about it. However, when I left home for senior school, he called me frequently and just asked me some simple questions like: how’s your study and life? When do you come home? or something like that. Gradually, I realize that he misses me although he would never say it out. So this is father’s love, not so obvious but definitely deep.



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Elephant is the largest animal on land today. It weights some ninety kilograms and is about one metre high when born. When it is 12 years old, it studs over three meters and does not grow any more. Elephant is usually grey in color, having a long trunk with large ivory tusks protruding from each side of its mouth. Usually moving in groups and caring for each other, Elephant is know to be a very and gentle creamre. For many years people have used the strength of these poweful animals to move trees and heavy logs. Elephant has been and is a vital tool for people to do many things that would normally be imposs-ible. Elephant is and will continue to be one of the greatest creatures man has ever come into contact with. Its size. beauty, and power willforever be useful to man.





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到天安门广场了,我和爸爸直奔故宫走去,到了故宫,我惊叹起来了:我从来都没有见过这么大的广场,我估计这个广场可以容下几万人了呢!接着,我们又走呀走呀,抬头一看,哇!简直不敢相信,这是古人造宫殿,这太和殿 真是金碧辉煌,雄伟壮丽啊——!在楼梯中间有一副用石头雕刻出来的石雕画。整个石雕画上面刻着各种各样的龙,真是华丽而威武。看这那么大的巨石雕刻,我不禁感叹。

我们走进了御花园,满眼看到的都是苍松翠柏 ,奇花异石。放眼望去,不时可见几座宫殿和几座奇怪的山峰呢!




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What will the future be? There are likely to be numerous potential breakthroughs and achievements in science and technology.

Solutions to current social and economic problems will be found.

In the field of industry, agriculture and service industry, possible products and manufacturing methods might be realized.

Hi-tech industry could develop faster.The living environment will be cleaner and satisfactory.

People will lead a carefree life.Higher education will be available to every knowledge-thirsty person.

It is hard to detail visions on people’s beautiful life.

Future is indeed like a riddle, some areas of which are beyond the reach of our imagination.

Nevertheless, one thing is certain: the advancement of science and technology will characterize the future.

Only through mastering advanced science and technology can a nation be successful in facing more challenges of technological revolution and social progress.



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