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High-rise buildings for dusk, Indus leaves on Xiaoyu rain. --Inscription

The raindrops were spinning in the sky and seemed to cheer for the location of the summer rain. Its dancing infected with the hot summer heat uncle and that annoying cicadas, they all want to see the interpretation of the autumn, but still was driven away by the wind.

Autumn sparse under the rain, wrapped in a layer of sadness. It is sad in what? Originally, it is blaming themselves, blame their coming to give a lot of good life is about to end the hint. Yeah, those "withered old trees faint crow, bridges people, trail westerly thin horse." The bleak picture, though by your hint after the picture. However, you do not know, without your kindness hinted that everything will know how the last interpretation, how will the interpretation of the most beautiful dance it So, you use the enthusiasm of the red maple leaves, so that it is in the last interpretation of the moment, with the most unique color of the fall. Then, you put your magic sinking rain dripping to the field, so that rice in the end of the life of the moment, the last bath once, and then in their own sleep, was stripped of the shell, leaving a small toot Particles, in the dream of peace with the world farewell. Let them go so quietly, without any pain.

Autumn is a magical painter, with its unique brush out of a "day street rain, such as crisp" ink painting. In the scroll, the little girl who holds the oil paper umbrella, with the autumn rain in the same umbrella, she is listening to the rain in the paper on the paper umbrella melody, try to interpret the autumn rain under every dream. Lying on the side of the leaves, in the autumn rain Xiaoxiao sprinkled, the veins flowing in the autumn rain, the wind cruel attack it, because the fall of love and this piece of poor little leaf tied to the ground, no longer let it suffer the wind All the way to torture. Leaves drank the raindrops of rain, obediently stay on the ground, that sitting shaky, and with a slight wind, even more autumn. Ink painting in the autumn rain, with their own vitality of the brush, everywhere depicts his own unique beauty. Autumn in the ink painting stroked in the past, when we had time to fall for the leaves and sigh, but our eyes attracted in such a beautiful picture. I worship this magical autumn painter.

A refreshing autumn debut of the fall ...




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The wind of autumn is a key. It is cool and gentle, slowly, slowly, while you did not pay attention to the door of the border to open the border. As soon as you enter the autumn world, you will soon see the harvest orchard. Pear fragrant, pineapple sour, apple sweet. Uncle aunt is busy putting these delicious fruits in the basket.

You see, orange, persimmon seems to wait, you squeeze me touch, scrambling to people to pick it. The west side of the orchard is a large garden of Guan Li. The garden is open all year round. What is the twill of this season? Oh, it was beautiful chrysanthemum. Chrysanthemums are purple, yellow, golden, white, pink ... ... really colorful, very beautiful off!

Guan Lis chrysanthemum nodded slightly in the autumn wind, like a little girl of Guan Li. There is a wide field in the southeast of the garden, and the fields grow millet and corn. Golden grain is wrapped in the valley, like a baby in the burden, had to be quietly crowded together. Corn cob in the corn grain like a golden little teeth, it is truly cute. Corn and millet are bowed, modestly invited the master to harvest.

Field east is a woods. The woods planted with white birch, trees, pine and cypress, ginkgo tree, dragon claw Huai, Ching Chung, Guan Lai extremely. Every fall, the leaves fall from the tree down, leaves like a yellow butterfly in the forest dagger dance, pine and pine and cypress is more green.

Autumn is really beautiful, I love autumn!



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Elephant is the largest animal on land today. It weights some ninety kilograms and is about one metre high when born. When it is 12 years old it studs over three meters and does not grow any more.

Elephant is usually grey in color having a long trunk with large ivory tusks protruding from each side of its mouth. Usually moving in groups and caring for each other Elephant is know to be a very and gentle creamre. For many years people have used the strength of these poweful animals to move trees and heavy logs. Elephant has been and is a vital tool for people to do many things that would normally be imposs-ible. Elephant is and will continue to be one of the greatest creatures man has ever come into contact with.

Its size. beauty and power willforever be useful to man.







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A tiger is a kind of catamount animal. It looks like a cat, but much bigger than a cat. A tiger is very ferocious and it eats mainly meat. It has yellow and black streaks all over its body and it looks very beautiful. Its tail is long and strong and it can hit its quarry dying.


Tigers live in the thick forests and small animals in the forests are tigers food.


During the past years, many forests have been cut down and the living conditions of the tigers are becoming worse and worse. There are fewer tigers left in the world now. Tigers are the animals of the world, and they should have their own living spaces. We must do our best to protect the tigers and their living environment.




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I walk around the Peak, around the flowers are numerous, full of branches, flowers and criss-crossing, as if the fence rows. Looking down from the peak, only an immense display. full of golden-yellow flowers, Down on the ground, not for the intoxicated with the beauty of nature, this beautiful paradise like the Garden of Paradise.

Suddenly, a cold wind blowing, I began to tremble , and winter jasmine, it seems a soldier, is to resist the wind, the yellow flowers with a sword, and the wind is it a duel! I was怔住this scene, the winter jasmine as appears to be weak, so delicate, and in the cold before they are without fear.

They really tenacious vitality ah!



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Spring is full of hope of planting, summer is full of management of fatigue, and autumn, it is full of the joy of harvest. Then in this joyful autumn I will carry the autumn yearning and curiosity, came to the grandfathers home orchard.

As soon as you enter the orchard, the aroma of the various fruits is blowing. And then saw an apple opened a smiling face covered with branches, it is a lovable. Take off one, bite, thin chew, a sweet taste will be in my heart. The wind blows, the sound of the rustling of the leaves and the sound of the streams that hit the rocks, and the play is a wonderful symphony. So that people relaxed and happy, deeply intoxicated.

Along the meandering path, go inside, one persimmon will be reflected in my eyes, so I was surprised and happy. This heavy persimmon one by one bending the branches, three clusters, five together to hold together, very cute. There is a pond next to the persimmon woods. The pond reflects the persimmon tree, it is a wonderful landscape painting. People met immediately fell in love with it, here linger.

Into the depths of the orchard, a pear will be it covered with "freckles" little face so that you love it. A little look, the tree parked a few birds, twittering cried, it seems to say: this years harvest can be really good, you see, that apple, that persimmon, that pear, one by one will be a big tree mother pressure Breathe. This is the farmer uncle hard labor in exchange for.

This is the autumn orchard, a farmer uncle with hard and sweat watering orchards.



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果不其然,白爪来到了村子里的垃圾堆。好时机,周围没有一条狗。如果有狗的话,它便要和那条狗争个你死我活,把那狗赶走到“千里之外”,那片垃圾堆便是自己的了,可以为所欲为!白爪在哪里翻找,好像那里面有金子一样。它翻找到能吃的,便囫囵吞下去,一副贪婪的模样。(原创作文 )







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我从东坡书院陈列馆的侧门到后面,见树荫深处是怀贤亭,亭的两旁分布有假山和。我也是慕名而来观狗崽花的人之一。院内有十来株狗崽花, 其中有一株是2001年种的, 已有两米高; 属于灌木的它高只能达3米。 茎皮黄白色, 枝粗壮, 圆柱状, 被灰白色绒毛。 叶几无柄, 椭圆状长圆形或倒卵状长圆形, 两面被灰白色绒毛。 花序腋生和顶生, 总花梗和花梗被灰白色绒毛。初见狗崽花,定要仔细看以后才发现它的奇特之处——绽放的花朵像是一把浅紫色的小伞,花梗笔直细长, 花瓣儿整齐地平展延伸; 花蕊像是五只小狗蹲坐, 脑袋上竖着两只尖尖的耳朵, 背后卷起的尾巴形状清晰可见; 嘴一齐朝向花蕊, 盛托着嫩绿色的副花冠; 下半年花开然后结果, 果实像牛角, 因而又名为牛角瓜。

人们团团围着绽放出狗崽花的植株, 花虽无香味, 但人们仍似蜂一样拥挤着。 指指点点---“有五只小狗在上面, 这个像耳朵, 哪个像尾巴。” “真是花如其名, 名如其花。” 用手机来拍, 拿相机照摄。 然而人们并非只冲它而来, 而是因它与苏东坡和王安石之间的一段文人趣闻有关。 这是有故事的狗崽花, 人们翘首以待。

这时管理处王圣阳主任来了, 人们等着他讲述这段千百年前的故事. 他说:“ 相传有一回苏东坡去王安石家中拜访, 但由于王安石上朝不在家, 坡公便到书房歇息等待. 在书房里, 坡公发现案桌上铺笺歇着----明月当空叫, 五犬卧花心——这样一句诗, 他认为王安石的这句诗不合事理, 明月岂能叫, 花心又岂能卧犬? 遂提起笔将王安石的诗句改成了——明月当空照, 五犬卧花阴----然后返回自己家. 待到王安石下朝回来发现诗句被改后, 便哂笑坡公见闻不广, 此话传到坡公耳朵里, 他心中略有不服之气。”

王主任见大伙听得入神接着说:“ 后来, 苏东坡谪居儋州, 居住在桄榔庵时常常在清朗的夜晚听有鸟儿啼叫, 逐问当地的老百姓, 百姓告诉坡公这是明月鸟. 以后又知道当地有一种花的蕊似五犬卧花心的狗崽花, 坡公才桄然大悟, 原来王安石的诗写" 明月’ 是一种鸟, 而 “ 五犬’ 是狗崽花的蕊, 鸟岂能不叫, 花又岂能无蕊? 顿时坡公自惭羞愧, 王安石的诗句原来是有根据的, 由于自己见闻不广, 就草率错改了诗句。”

有人见王主任介绍完就插嘴:" 狗崽花还可以入药。”

手机搜索:根据香港浸会大学中医药学院药用植物图像数字据库的资料显示, 狗崽花以叶入药, 于夏及秋季釆收晒干, 味微苦、涩、性平, 具袪痰、止咳等功效, 主治百曰咳、支气管炎、痢疾、风湿、皮肤病等病和治咳嗽痰多等症状, 现代药理研究表明牛角瓜的乳汁有毒, 具抗炎、抗凝血等作用, 树皮亦可用于治疗癞癣之上。

那人又说:" 说不定苏东坡哪时睡觉是靠狗崽花来帮他驱蚊虫的呢.”

“哪我们去载洒堂看看。” 我附和道。

载洒堂在书院前面, 是苏东坡居住和讲学的地方。 北宋绍圣四年(公元1097年), 东坡从惠州贬被至憺州, 在此谪居三年多, 并以文会友, 讲学授业, 传播中原文化, 为培养人才。 东坡来之前, 海南从未出过一个秀才, 完全是蛮荒之地, 文明是他带来的。 坡公的不幸, 却是海南的有幸。 正是" 其人圣德桄榔遗迹, 春风化雨惠泽南荒”。

我仿佛能穿越时空隧道, 听到坡公用当时的普通话或者川普或者黎苗话在讲课. 感受当年坡公吟出" 我本儋耳人, 寄生西蜀州。”、" 九死南荒吾不恨, 兹游奇绝冠平生。” 等诗句的心境。 站在书院内, 看着绿瓦重檐、墨宝碑刻、亭榭莲池, 我还是偏爱那盛开浅蓝色的狗崽花, 这花开得奇妙, 名字也取得炒。 它是造型奇妙的一种神奇植物, 一朵长相奇特的花儿, 与众不同。使我想: 坡公之所以与众不同, 是因为他多才多艺!




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Autumn rain, like a box of colorful pigments.

Look, it gives red to persimmon, red persimmon, like a light lantern, according to ah, according to the beautiful autumn. It gives the sun to the sunflower, yellow sunflower like a sun, according to ah, according to the autumn of the sweet smell. Golden yellow is to the rice, see, the golden rice like the earth covered with a golden carpet. Red apple you squeeze me, fight people to pick it! Sweet-scented osmanthus fairy to get more color, orange, pale yellow, golden ... ... beautiful sweet-scented osmanthus in the rain often nodded.

The rain of the rain blows up the golden horn, and he tells everyone that winter is coming soon. The wild goose flew to the south, the snake in the stepping holes, ready to sleep comfortable sleep, small ants get bread slag, rubbish ... ... when the grain, maple, elm leaves floating at the foot of the mother The They have to prepare for the winter.

Autumn is a world that makes me feel happy, and the kids let us enjoy the joy of autumn.



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Qingdao, located in the southeast part of Shandong Province, is a beautiful seaside city with clear air and enchanting sea view. This city, bordered by the Yellow Sea on two sides, has the largest bathing beach in Asia and produces the mellow Qingdao Beer. To the east of the city, a short distance across the Yellow Sea, lie Korea and Japan, making the city an important port for international trade.

For thirty three years, up to 1949, Qingdao was a colony of Germany . Thus, it has a great deal of European architecture. This foreign architecture -a remnant of the colonial past- now beautifies this seaside city.

The red roofs, green trees, blue sea, and azure sky form a bright and colorful picture of Qingdao. The city is sometimes known as the Switzerland of the Orient.

Surrounded by the sea on three sides, Qingdao attracts many tourists with its charming seascape. Sights like the Eight Passes Villas, Wusi Square, the Zhan Bridge, Mt. Laoshan, No.1 Bathing Beach, Badaguan Scenic Area will help you remember the city. Just walking on the sand and listening to the surf breaking on the beach becomes enjoyable.

Qingdao offers food with distinctive flavors--especially seafood. So take this chance to enjoy the delicious seafood. Also, the city is the home of the famous Qingdao (Tsingtao) Beer. Have a bottle of pure Qingdao Beer right here!

The Qingdao Municipal Government recognizes the importance of the tourism industry and has further plans to develop the local tourism. To enhance the tourism industry, the city now sponsors the Qingdao International Beer Festival, the Qingdao International Sea Festival, Beach Culture Festival, the Sea Affection Festival, and the Summer of Qingdao Festival.



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Nowadays there are so many animals out there make people in real life  happier. Dog is the best example to identify. As many people believe dog is  mans best freind, this is very true.It not just entertain us, however,  sometimes dogs could actually help their owner do some work!

When we are bored, we might take our dogs for a walk, we could play with  them. Mainly dogs listen to their owner all the time, they are most obedient pet  out of all kinds of animals.Peeple like dogs simply because, they are cute, they  make fun of us and most significantly, dogs make people happier. Therefore,  saying dogs are peoples friend have nothing wrong, they actually obtain the  most closest relationship with the human beings out of all animals.




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Autumn came, the fruit of the orchard was ripe.

You see, apple red, and big and round, like a small bowls of light. Pear Huang Chengcheng, like a small gourd, covered with branches, the number is also countless. Grapes, purple, light green, a string of water Lingling, looks very good. They are floating fragrance, looked really lovable.

Listen, the orchard came out of the noisy voice, oh, the original is a few children in the orchard picking fruit! Bull is a Hercules, he picked a basket of apples ready to send them to uncle aunt home. Do not look at the point is a little point, she can not be willing to fall behind someone else, she climbed the ladder, picked a big round and round apples, shouted: "I picked a biggest apple!" Show it, Brought up an apple, on the baskets, everyone applauded for her.

There are a few small hedgehogs also came to the orchard join in the fun, as long as they can be filled with a roll and return.

Autumn orchard really lively ah! I love the fall of the orchard!



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Turnip greens, all have love. Some people like to bounce the little rabbit, some people like well-behaved little cat, and I like my home that shaking his head and wagging the little black dog.

My dog has a pair of water Lingling, shiny, talking big eyes. In addition to the dog on the legs and belly hair is white, the other places are black. Every time we eat, it is lying on the door, waiting for the owner to feed it. I remember once, the dog did not eat a day, and at night when the grandfather to go, it was like a child holding the grandfather holding, until the grandfather said to give it to eat, it was down.

My puppy usually likes to sleep, like shaking the tail on the ground. You can not underestimate it all day lying on the ground, it has a pair of sensitive ears. Every time I go home from school very far away, it will run out to meet me. It put his legs on my lap, tongue licking my hand, or else licking my clothes, the kind of intimate strength unspeakable, often made me covered with dog hair.

Yesterday at noon school, it also wanted to follow me to school. I went back and said, "Ill go back to school in the afternoon." Do you want to run at home and know that? "It looked at me like a pair of eyes. When I went to the corner of the street, I saw it still standing there motionless ...

I like my dog!



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Another summer, the wind becomes warmer and warmer, village pond also dont have a summer flavor.

And I came to the pond, is a piece of red and white cross lotus, green lotus leaves a piece next to a more set off the beauty of the lotus. Like chopsticks and bowls, the tacit understanding. All of a sudden, lotus leaf slightly shaking, close to a look, turned out to be the fish who can move back and forth under the lotus leaf. On the surface of the lotus also couldnt help shaking with lotus leaf "swan dance", see, lotus petals how charming, delicate and bright petals in front of me shaking, like a beautiful fairy, wearing a pink and white dress, lovely fish and lotus in dance together, pool of willow is littered with beautiful long hair. The wind gently blowing, lotus pose more charming, more beautiful willow branches, and fish swimming more cheerful. The beauty of the scene makes me reluctant to go, but I want to eat dinner!

After supper, I again came to the pond for two years, the shore lit the lamp, the wind became much more cool. Suddenly heard a "cicada" tree singing this song: "know - -" dont know, this bug "know" what? The pond at night, always so quiet, no beautiful lotus pond moonlight, lotus also cant see clearly. But zen call and frogs left in the quiet.

You listen to, the pond at night is so beautiful!

Summer has a beautiful pond, pond also have a beautiful summer!
