全文共 1309 字
+ 加入清单Autumn garden is beautiful, is fragrant, is happy, is happy.
Autumn garden has a variety of chrysanthemums, there are fragrant sweet-scented osmanthus.
Chrysanthemum color is very much, there are red, yellow, red - chrysanthemum not only the color, the variety is also very much, look! Some like a little girl long fluttering, and some like the poodles hair, Scrolls, and some like a small pompon, soft - the chrysanthemum in the garden there is a cluster of piles, and some of a basin of pots, and some are blossoming, they are contests!
Autumn garden, more fragrant than the chrysanthemum, that is sweet-scented osmanthus. A blossoming sweet-scented osmanthus, small, yellow, that shares of the fragrance blowing with the wind, it intoxicated. Whenever I walk through the osmanthus tree before, could not help but stopped, I think a lot of people will say: What is the use of incense? I think sweet and fragrant osmanthus not only give you a good mood, it also has a Quality, is to work together. You see, a sweet-scented osmanthus gently fall down, another sweet-scented osmanthus and quietly bloom, a steady stream of aroma. How much like our motherland, 56 ethnic prosperity, endless!
I love the colorful chrysanthemums and fragrant sweet-scented osmanthus, they add a vibrant landscape to the autumn garden!
全文共 659 字
+ 加入清单it is true thatSummeris hot, very hot. but the wicked summer sun is nothing to me, for i dont usually go out. what i like to do best during the long summer vacation is to stay in my own little room and read. i love to read, but during the school year i could hardly find a free moment for reading. endless assignments press down upon me like a mountain. i feel confined and imprisoned. once the summer vacation comes, however, i have all the time in the world to read and read and read. i read everything i want to read. i read to my hearts content. my room maybe small, and the sun maybe hot, but im free, im happy, im really living! oh, how i love summer!
全文共 1314 字
+ 加入清单My dogs character is weird. Say it is gentle, it is really obedient. Let it lie there tease it to play, the United States and the United States looked at me, soon as not out. However, when it is eating, no matter who, that is, usually the best friend to its side will not work. It is so fierce, it is true ah, or how friends do not go to it around it? However, it came to see my grandfather will hide, for fear that grandfather see, because grandpa played it, it is so Gall bladder
If it is happy, can be cute than anyone else: turn around and turn around, the back of the tail shake to shake, as if you are affectionate. Or when you walk, rushed to your pants, let you stop walking.
It is a child can be pleasant to love! Just came to our house just full moon, the road is still bad, they learned to play their own. Walking around in the house, I do not know what to find, round little ass twisted, people laugh. Where is he beautiful, suddenly, hit the mans legs, back a few steps back, buttocks hit the wall again. Although it hit two, but it did not cry at all.
Then I do not know where to find a small ball, went to the yard to play. The small ball Diao Diao to go. It bite it all can not see the way.
I always like it and never say it. Look at it so lively and lively, not enough I like it, how could it be said?
全文共 7687 字
+ 加入清单1.不辞艰险出夔门,救国图强一片心;莫谓东方皆落后,亚洲崛起有黄人。
12. 我怀着比对我自己的生命更大的尊敬、神圣和严肃,去爱国家的利益。
22. 爱自己的祖国。这就是说,要渴望祖国能成为人类理想的体现,并尽自己的力量来促进这一点。
60.成长在你的红旗下,我们走向世界,世界给我们一片掌声,阵阵喝彩。 在十月的节日里为您放歌,祖国啊,母亲,祝福您永远美丽、年轻!
73. 红旗之所以飘扬是因为有风的依托,我的生活之所以幸福美好是因为有了你-我的祖国母亲!今天是你的生日,我愿你繁荣昌盛,永远屹立于世界的东方!
74. 飞黄腾达事事顺,荷包满满天天喜;国庆祝福送给你,富贵连连陪伴你;前途无量多欢喜,鸿福多多那是你;最后一句沾好运,愿你事事都如意!
75. 放大我对你的思念,缩小我对你的距离,复制我对你的祝福,加粗我对你的关怀,我将上面一切制成文本发送到你的手机,祝你国庆节快乐。
76. 低下头,看短信,我的牵挂就在这短信里!给你我最特别的祝福,愿它每分每秒都带给你快乐、幸运和幸福,希望这是你度过的最美好的国庆佳节!
77. 告诉你一个机密,十一佳节,国家主席会夸奖你,比尔盖茨会赏识你,英国女皇会爱慕你,美了吧,乐了吧,可惜蒙你的,小小短信,谨供十一开心一乐!
78. 古老的文明,镌刻在残矛断戟上,勇敢与忠贞、高风与亮节浸沉在历史的每一页,而这一切,早已成为融在我心中恒的情结。苦,为了您!甜,为了您;生,为了您;死,为了您!您的忧虑便是我们的忧虑,您的欢乐便是我们的欢乐!今天,我们又一次庆祝您的生日,看到您新的振兴、新的开拓!
79. 到到到,国庆就要到;妙妙妙,心情真美妙;闹闹闹,处处都热闹;笑笑笑,好运陪你笑;早早早,祝福要抢早;好好好,愿你一切好。提前祝你国庆快乐!
80. 给你讲个故事,开头苦涩,接着惊险,后来寒酸,结果甜蜜:我手里一分钱没有,想向你借钱度日,一想你也不容易,用一毛钱给你发条短信,祝国庆节快乐!
81. 红日东升艳阳照,蓝天万里白云飘。国之庆典又来到,男女老少乐淘淘。鲜花满地含羞笑,绿草迎风弯下腰。缤纷礼花闹云霄,音乐声声传美妙。全国人民齐祝愿,祖国明天更美好!
82. 花团锦绣拥金秋,万里河山迎国庆;张灯结彩庆丰收,龙飞狮舞闹欢腾;礼炮缤纷展盛世,载歌载舞享和谐。各族儿女共祝福,祖国繁荣富又强,国泰民安再辉煌。
83. 假期快乐,上班苦闷,假期虽好已是昨日,今日苦难却在眼前。打起精神,好好工作,苦闷的日子里拼搏,奋斗,加薪,升职,下个假期会更快乐!
84. 好久没见你了,真想你啊!你在那里还好吗?老虎欺负你吗?狮子吓唬你了吗?游客朝你扔东西了吧?两只小蹄抓着手机看短信习惯吗?祝国庆快乐!
85. 红旗飘,精神好,十一假期安排好,休息好,吃喝好,身体健康最是好,欢聚好,沟通好,朋友交情联络好,一条短信一份心意,收到就好,祝你十一快乐。
86. 短信到,手机忙,快乐祝福来道好。中华情,爱国情,天南海北话真情。西也好,东也罢,全国兄弟是一家。庆大典,贺中国,爱死咱的大中华。
87. 放假:昼短夜长,成天赖床;饮食:生化危机,注意身体;风景:门票很贵,人多排队;祝福:国庆来到,福星高照。愿你长假乐逍遥,幸福满怀抱!
88. 放弃完美,多一份轻松;欣赏自己,多一份自信;做好选择,多一份从容;寻找快乐,多一份追求;相信成功,多一份欣喜。放松心情,祝十一长假逍遥随性!
89. 飞舞的彩带是我的关怀,喧天的锣鼓是我的祝福。国庆佳节到了,祝你全家红红火火,和和美美,开开心心!
90. 给你送个微笑,让你嘴角往上翘。给你送瓶美酒,让你品尝甜美的感受。给你送件外套,让你享受温暖的怀抱。给你送上国庆假期祝福,让快乐时刻伴你左右。
91. 东海浪花翻,翻出美丽的问候。西域狂沙卷,卷出密密的祝福。南疆风频吹,吹出和谐的颂歌。北国冰雪垂,垂下晶莹的心韵。祝福祖国繁荣昌盛。国庆日快乐。
92. 姑娘好像花儿一样,小伙儿心胸多宽广,为了开辟新天地,唤醒了沉睡的高山,让那河流改变了模样。这是美丽的祖国,是我生长的地方。
93. 华夏神州披锦绣,百姓安居笑开颜;灯笼高悬迎国庆,红旗飘飘喜气浓;载歌载舞人欢喜,祖国华诞万民贺;祝福祖国国运昌,繁荣稳定更美好!
94. 风:带来轻盈,水:带来温柔,雾:带来朦胧,海:带来宽容,月:带来温馨,日:带来热情,我:带来真诚的祝福,祝国庆快乐!
95. 公事全部放下,高高兴兴回家;工作全部搁下,轻轻松松玩耍;烦恼全部抛下,开开心心度假;好运全部留下,舒舒服服发达!国庆快乐!
96. 今年国庆节,我将举办短信巡回展,将朋友们的精彩短信一一展示,并设立有“最佳煽情奖”、“最佳搞怪奖”、“最佳表演奖”等奖项,记得投稿哦!
97. 金秋十月,灿烂的阳光充满着喜庆的味道,秋日的田野荡漾着丰收的微笑,繁华的大街涌动着温暖的热闹,绽放的烟花散发着动听的呼啸,又是国庆佳节到,衷心祝愿快乐把你抱,福星把你照,幸福把你绕。
98. 告诉大家一个惨绝人寰的消息,告诉大家一个失望透顶的消息,告诉大家一个无比沮丧的消息,告诉大家一个提不起精神的消息……那就是:国庆假期结束,今天上班啦!祝上班的你保持心情愉快!
99. 烦恼太多?学会放手;痛苦难忍?喝点美酒;快乐不久?分享与友;生活无助?多交朋友;假期孤独?出门走走;长假将至,祝你快乐无忧!
100. 桂花飘香佳节到,金秋十月仓斗满,长假七天乐翻天,十一国庆愿你家人幸福,朋友康健!
101. 给自己一个上进的心,给爱人一份美丽的情,给朋友一份真挚的问候,给节日一份快乐的心情,十一假期将至,祝你幸福度过每一天,愉悦十一!
102. 宏图大展耀神州,仕途顺畅展风流,中流砥柱体安康,家和业兴幸福久,烦恼忧愁莫惦记,开心生活乐无忧,国庆佳节齐欢贺,吉星福运跟你走。国庆节快乐!
103. 啊,祖国!我是在圆明园里,认识了您的屈辱、您的悲愤;我是在八达岭上,认识了您的磅礴、您的巍峨;我是在大漠草原,认识了您的宽广、您的辽阔;我是在驿道古渡,认识了您的悠久,您的坎坷!
104. 沿着黄河与长江的源头,漂流而下,过壶口,闯关东,走三峡,奔大海。在河西走廊,华北平原,我看祖国的富饶与辽阔,看祖国千里马般日夜兼程的超越;在长江三角洲、珠江三角洲,看祖国崇高与巍峨,看祖国繁荣的霓虹灯日夜闪烁,灿若银河……
105. 高山弓起的脊梁,踩在脚下,蜿蜒的长江黄河,捧在手心,生命不在卑微,崛起的中国,是东方升起的太阳。
106. 古老的文明,镌刻在残矛断戟上,勇敢与忠贞、高风与亮节浸沉在历史的每一页,而这一切,早已成为融在我心中恒的情结。苦,为了您!甜,为了您;生,为了您;死,为了您!您的忧虑便是我们的忧虑,您的欢乐便是我们的欢乐!
107. 给我肤色的祖国,给我智慧与胆略的祖国。尽管在乡村,还有辍学孩子渴望的目光;尽管在城镇,还有下岗女工无奈地诉说,但我知道,更有改革的浪潮迭起,冲破旧的观念,旧体制的束缚,迎来新世纪磅礴的日出!
108. 我沿着长江、黄河纤夫的足迹,手抚被纤绳磨深印痕的石柱,心如潮涌、泪眼盈盈,苦难深重的祖国啊!你是那样的坚韧不屈和顽强!
109. 一声中国,诉不尽祖国五千年的沧桑历史,却诉出了我对您的一片深情。一声中国,说不完祖国六十年的繁荣昌盛,却说出了我身为您子女的那份骄傲。一声中国,唱不出祖国明天的锦绣前程,却表达出了我对祖国的美好祝愿。-
110. 成长在你的红旗下,我们走向世界,世界给我们一片掌声,阵阵喝彩。 在十月的节日里为您放歌,祖国啊,母亲,祝福您永远美丽、年轻!
全文共 264 字
+ 加入清单神州飞扬,壮丽山河,举杯共饮,歌声嘹亮,气宇不凡,欢声笑语,国富民强,欢蹦乱跳,欢欢喜喜,
全文共 1406 字
+ 加入清单My family has a lovely puppy. It is not a big face with a pair of water Lingling big eyes, body hairy, very cute!
It is not only cute, but also very slippery. Once, my mother and I buy food back, not into the house, the dog will run out, as if to meet us. But who knows it smelled the smell of ribs meat, only foolishly ran to meet us, really a "small slider". After dinner, my mother threw the bones out of it, did not think it will really enjoy it! While bathed in the sun, while enjoying the food, but also from time to time vigilant observation of the surrounding, for fear that others snatched away.
Do not look at it, but it is my faithful partner. Whenever I write homework in the house, it will always look out at the window with a small head looking at me; when I am sad, it will rub in my side to rub, as if to make me happy; When I am sick, it is always guarding at the door, hope I can recover soon ...
My dog is still very diligent. It is like a patrol every day, in front of the house after the cruise, as long as there is a movement, it will "barking" shouting. I remember once, the dog is patrolling the kitchen outside the door, suddenly heard the kitchen there is movement, they immediately ran to the table, after a fierce fight, and finally dragged a mouse in front of me, as if to show off their own Of credit.
I really like my puppy, how lovely it is, how intimate and how diligent it is!
全文共 475 字
+ 加入清单每年的十月一日是一年一度的国庆节,是我们伟大祖国母亲的生日。伴随着风风雨雨,我们的母亲祖国已经了,这一天,举国上下都在欢度庆祝这一节日。
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+ 加入清单As the saying goes: a autumn rain, ten autumn rain wear cotton. You see, this morning, all the people outside the name of the colorful umbrella, wearing thick clothes, in the rain in a hurry to shuttle.
It s time to fall and it s cold when it s raining. To wear some thick clothes. Unlike the summer, when the rain is cool and cool outside.
The first rain in autumn is elegant. It does not play flash, do not thunder, just quietly sprinkle to the earth, really "Run things fine silent" ah!
I heard the smell of the earth, and heard the sound of the trees, and heard their words: ah! More sweet rain ah! I have not drunk for a long time, so thirsty! This time, I want more Drink some!
I saw one by one on the road is moving the "mushrooms", is color. This is the people holding a large umbrella, to do their own dry things.
This rain has been from the morning, in the middle, never stopped, it has been down to the evening, or did not stop, when it stopped?
The air was sober, the plants were tender and beautiful, and the road was covered with silver, and silver was shining and beautiful!
Feel the beauty of nature, enjoy the softness of nature!
全文共 998 字
+ 加入清单As the saying goes: snow is a symbol of winter. This is good, you see, yesterday the weather is cloudy, maybe it will snow today.
Sure enough snow to fall today, first off and on, stars, soon the vast floating, like goose feather, such as catkin. In the afternoon, on the earth, branches, roof, remained on the earth all things to be clothed with a layer of white coat, whiteness and all things in this world, there are the guardian of the snow elves. Guardian is snow in the winter, snow is pure, nothing can defile it.
Under the snow in slowly and quietly, so happy children, busy snowball fights, a snowman, only heard a joyous laughter is full of between heaven and earth.
Winter is beautiful, is full of spiritual, I like winter, more like snow in winter.
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+ 加入清单Our English Teacher Our English teacher, Ms Huang, came to our school in 1970. She has been an English teacher for more than 30 years. She works hard and has been a model teacher for many years. She is kind and friendly to us after class, but She is rather strict with us in class. She always encourages us to speak and read more English.
She often says,"Practice makes perfect." She is good at teaching and tries her best to make every lesson lively and interesting. She often gives us slide shows, teaches us English songs and helps us to put on short English playS. She is not only our teacher but also our friend. We all respect and love her. Tomorrow she is going to attend an important meeting, at which she will be given a medal for her advanced deeds.
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+ 加入清单Fresh and natural garden, I heard the autumn girl crept to come. "Really refreshing!" Said this sentence and it is my own - chrysanthemum. "Oh, Im dreaming of being a chrysanthemum, it s a dream come true.
I was too busy to meet my new friends. Hello, fancy roses, in your side I will always see you elegant and elegant lining. Hello, slim cold blue, see you I understand the meaning of Chunlan Qiuju. Hello, Guizi fragrance of the sweet-scented osmanthus, I will always smell the kind of Gui Fu Lan Xins fragrance, people indulge in pleasures; Hello, beautiful posture Phalaenopsis, you were assessed on the blue queen must be very proud of it Do not take it lightly. Hello, budding hibiscus flowers, you can I am under the eyes of the province of flowers, you are still still being a small green leaf cicadas tortured, strong point. Hello, gorgeous colorful camellia, see you, I really believe that your flower language is really good - cute. Hello, arrogant extraordinary cosmos, you disdain the appearance of the hidden mystery. Hello, wonderful immortal cyclamen, your appearance of private fairy guest dazzling and far to the meaning, far to see, even if the thriving is also novel. I will be in these simple flowers to learn that people should learn the blue and blue and other reasons.
When the fall is about to pass, I met a new friend - Cai Ye grass. In this piece of golden ocean only her half purple half green leaves particularly eye-catching, so I particularly appreciate this in all occasions will see her color leaves, appreciate her tenacious vitality, appreciate her that was endured Insect bites strong ...
Know the end of autumn, that day seems to be particularly quiet, the flowers in the garden are prepared for the zero, they are well enjoy the last day. I close my eyes, vaguely can see the leaves are still leisurely floating down, it seems that the minds of the leaves fall out of the scene. A burst of cold wind pierced my body, I can not help but hit a chills. I looked at the sky, I saw the sky blue and blue, from time to time a white spot looming. Is it snowing, is she coming to bring us back to heaven? Sure enough, the rain did not like my hope, but mercilessly took away our lives. Snow tells us the next fall you will be as happy as this fall, the next year must grow better.
I secretly thought: there will be a few autumn for us happy? One is enough.
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+ 加入清单Bills of exchange, also referred to as bills, are essentially a short term credit instrument that can be used by a company either for financing or investment. Bills can be issued for any term up to a year and are generally issued for periods of less than 6 months. Companies issue bills because they are a convenient form of borrowing. The difference between bills and a standard loan is that bills held by the bank can sold to investors. Bills with terms of 30 days to 90 days are the easiest to trade? Bills are usually an ideal loan because a company generally will not run into any problems within 3 to 6 months.
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+ 加入清单Look, the leaves on the trees are slowly turning yellow.All the leaves following the autumn wind, lightly fall to the ground. Now the ground covers m with golden leaves.Every clear day,the sun shines on the golden yelow leavess,they will make a rusting noise telling us autumn is here!
Autumn is all the small animals is busiest season.
Autumn is also everyone is busiest time.
Autumn is short. To the sutudents,this is the best time for learning.
I love autumn!
全文共 606 字
+ 加入清单My Happy Day
Last Sunday was my birthday .I forget it. In that morning .My two little sisters came to my home. when I opened the door. I saw a beautiful cake in front of me .I was surprised . Suddenly,Two little girls gave me a big kiss and said :"Happy birthday to our dear sister !"I was very happy that my sister remembered my birthday .
Then,we put 14candles on the cake and sang :"HappyBirthday to you"together .After that we cut the cake .
Finally we listenedtomusic and watched TV.I also played hide and seek with them. though we were very tired. Weaii very happy . What a nice day!
全文共 1021 字
+ 加入清单Autumn rain, like a box of colorful pigments.
Look, it gives red to persimmon, red persimmon, like a light lantern, according to ah, according to the beautiful autumn. It gives the sun to the sunflower, yellow sunflower like a sun, according to ah, according to the autumn of the sweet smell. Golden yellow is to the rice, see, the golden rice like the earth covered with a golden carpet. Red apple you squeeze me, fight people to pick it! Sweet-scented osmanthus fairy to get more color, orange, pale yellow, golden ... ... beautiful sweet-scented osmanthus in the rain often nodded.
The rain of the rain blows up the golden horn, and he tells everyone that winter is coming soon. The wild goose flew to the south, the snake in the stepping holes, ready to sleep comfortable sleep, small ants get bread slag, rubbish ... ... when the grain, maple, elm leaves floating at the foot of the mother The They have to prepare for the winter.
Autumn is a world that makes me feel happy, and the kids let us enjoy the joy of autumn.
全文共 918 字
+ 加入清单My favourite animal is the panda,is our"national treasure",bacause pandas nive,lovable and lively,it was very likr it.panda is an ancient animal,is a zoologist called "living fossile " long ago there were many pandas in china,panda bamoo living area has large flowers,dead,threatening the survival of giant pandas.The whole world is extremely concerned about the rare giant panda rescue and transfer work.due to the destruction of the natural balance,climate warming,fewer and fewer panda.Panda is one of endangered animals,now only found in China,Sichuan,Shaanxi,Gansu,people began to conserve this endangered species.Today,the number of pandas has increased,but there is still a long way to go.Care for animals,is to protect human,we should be animals as mans best friend,to care,to protect them.Protection of animals is a duty of each person,let us work together to protect the giant pandas,giving them a good home.
全文共 866 字
+ 加入清单Panda
Panda is one of the scarcest animals. People in the world like it very much. there used to be many pandas in China long ago. As the balance of nature was destroyed and the weather was getting warmer and warmer, pandas became less. But at present, the number of pandas is increasing year by year. there are now so many pandas that some are being sent to other countries so that people there can enjoy them.
Nowadays, the biggest nature park for panda in China is in Sichuan. there is a research centre for nature and wild life there. Scientists hope that one day they will have enough pandas to be set free and let them live in the wild again.
全文共 1455 字
+ 加入清单Today, I went to Huang Xishan and Zhu Xiaoqians birthday party.
Sally to earth up her bakery, we do the cookies first. One, two, three, four, five dollars for a long time to choose a suitable text book eventually finished, our next to a dozen children rushed into the paradise crazy playing with it.
Lets start and cake. Lets put a bag on the table, a cream, coat put fruit, repave a package, coated with butter, use a toothpick in the above drawing graphics. The final color with cream color on it. A delicate and beautiful cake appeared.
Finished the cake. Lets go to the nearby have a meal in the hotel.
"Eat the cake, eat cake." Shouted with adults, they brought into the 焟 candle cake up, we sang the birthday song, the birthday girl made a wish, to share the cake.
After eating the cake, the next target is blue apples paradise. We ran up a dozen children, after a while, we finally arrived blue apples paradise. We went in to play, not only that, children we still stand on the "dolphin" acrobatics!
Today, a lot of fun. Again, we wish them a happy birthday. We are yearning, respectively.
全文共 2040 字
+ 加入清单春姑娘迈着轻盈的步伐恋恋不舍地离开了。她一转身,那美丽的夏天就静悄悄地来到了我们身边。
Spring girl walked with light steps reluctant to leave. She turned around, the beautiful summer quietly came to our side.
Although I like spring, I like summer better.
Summer is hot. The hot sun hung high in the air, the heat and sprinkle to the earth. I like summer, because we can wear thin clothes, can be lightly dancing with the wind.
Summer is all grown up period, every day in the growth of plant. You see the green vine beans overnight in scaffolding, can grow very high. Zhu Zilin, you listen to the voice of sorghum fields, in a bar in the sound, more than half of the night. The scenery here is so beautiful!
Summer is relaxed. A lot of people are like holding a fishing rod to go fishing. In the morning the lake quietly, without a sound, as in the school classroom, even a needle falling on the ground could be heard. At noon, the old people sitting in the shade under a tree, they take a leisurely fan fan, beside the dog vomit a bright red tongue, slightly closed eyes lazily lying on the ground. The birds and cicadas in the tree bark incessantly, as if to tell people, summer is so leisurely and comfortable.
Summer is beautiful. The green grass and colorful flowers swaying in the wind. A variety of flowers open. Lake in the beautiful lotus is beautiful! Pink and white flowers nestled in the lotus leaf side, like a shy little girl. There are a lot of dew on a lotus leaf, the sun came out, they are like the ellipsis, the lotus leaf "patter" slipped into the water.
Ah, summer is beautiful, how charming! Summer, I love you!
全文共 824 字
+ 加入清单Today, the way home from school, I am far to see a person in the trash to find something, I feel very strange.
I approached a look, the original is a grandmother, her hair gray, wrinkled face, wearing a ragged clothes, a black and black hands in the trash to find. Suddenly her face showed a smile. It turned out that she found a few empty vials. I think: a few empty vials worth a few cents, she was so old, should have been comfortable living at home, and she was in such a dirty place to pick up trash, her family must be very poor, she was so poor Oh!
I looked at my heart very sad, I gave my mother to my breakfast money to the grandmother, grandmother said to me: "You really a filial child, thank you!" I quickly said: "do not thank!" Go home.
I was in a good mood on my way home because I made a meaningful thing today.
全文共 1038 字
+ 加入清单Autumn really beautiful autumn girl wearing a golden dress, sitting uncle breeze of the car came to the Xia Gonggong side, it said: "Xia Gonggong you tired, Ill take your class!"
At this time, there is a row of geese in the sky is about to fly to the south of the winter! Dayan leader led his team members for a while arranged in a "person" word, while arranged in a "one" word, while lined up a "big". They fly and say, "Dear Southern friends, we come back to see you!"
In the field, the red sorghum is like a burning torch. A piece of field covered with mature rice, a tree of rice together to become a golden "ocean". The wind blowing, as if in front of rolling the golden waves.
Orchard, Apple smiled red face; Huang Chengcheng pear, like a yellow bells; ripe persimmon in the tree you squeeze me touch, scrambling to let people pick it!
Maple forest, maple leaves are more beautiful than those who dance, the wind blowing them began to dancing, jump out of the joy of autumn!
Autumn is really beautiful, I like this golden, lovely season!