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Thanksgiving, or Thanksgiving Day, is coming. Its a traditional North American holiday,and is a form of harvest festival. In the United States, the fourth Thursday in November is called Thanksgiving Day.

Thanksgiving was about the Pilgrims, the first settlers in America. They shared the first harvest with the Indians and gave thanks. Thanksgiving Day is usually a family day. People always celebrate with big dinners and happy reunions. Pumpkin pie and Indian pudding are traditional Thanksgiving desserts. Relatives from other cities, students who have been away at school, and many other Americans travel a long distance to spend the holiday at home.

On that day, Americans give thanks for the blessings they have enjoyed during the year. And I am sure that we all must have a lot to be thankful for. Maybe you would like to give thanks for being here with your family and for being well,or give thanks for a healthy year, a good job,or thank your friends for encouraging you when you are in dismay,etc.




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1、 父爱是座山,比山更伟岸,父爱是条江,比江更宽广,父爱是片海,比海更慷慨,父爱是棵树,比树更大度。朋友,请在父亲节来临之前,对他说声节日快乐!

2、 圣旨到!奉天承运,皇帝诏曰:父亲节将至,特赐红包一个,内有问候多多,幸福无数,健康无限,快乐万两,祝福无限!愿卿家永远幸福快乐。钦此!

3、 艳阳高照,父爱美好;星光灿烂,父爱无限;雨横风狂,父爱阻挡;山高路远,父爱陪伴;父亲节日,送上祝愿;祝父平安,一生康健!

4、 爸爸,您是我们这个家庭的支柱,您的快乐就是全家人的快乐,祝您节日愉快!

5、 爸爸,不管您打过我也好,骂过我也好,我知道都是为了我好,恨铁不成钢,我心里一点也不怪你,我要告诉您,您是我永远的好爸爸。

6、 燃烧的岁月,已将父亲的青春焚尽,但那坚强的信念,仍在父亲额头闪光,父亲在我心目中永远高大伟岸,父亲的爱护、关怀和勉励将伴我信步风雨人生。祝父亲快乐!

7、 您总是把最深沉的爱,藏在默默凝望的眼里。虽然不言不语,但我总能感受到那份血浓于水的关爱。父亲节到了,祝老爸健康长寿!

8、 他一动,你就紧张;他一闹,你就发毛;他一叫,你就乱了神经;他一乐,你就烦恼全光。因为他,你的宝宝,你光芒万丈!父亲节到了,你当然要开心!

9、 父亲节到了,我要送你一件外套:口袋叫温暖,领子叫关怀,袖子叫体贴,扣子叫思念;让这件外套紧紧伴着你度过每分每秒,祝父亲节快乐!

10、 您是海中塔,指引我回家;您是万重山,撑起一片天;您是被中棉,身暖心也暖;尽管您总是默默无言,但无声的父爱却永伴身边!爸爸,节日快乐!

11、 愿我最虔诚的祝福,带给你无尽的喜悦。祝你每一个今天都过得幸福美满,愿你每一个明天都比今天快乐,祝父亲节快乐。

12、 盼你伸出双手,接受我盈盈的祝福;在你未来的日子里,让幸福之花开放得灿烂芬芳。在父亲节的日子里,寄一份祝福给你,愿你拥有真心的快乐与喜悦!

13、 当我遇到挫折和困难时,我第一个想起的就是您,当我遇到快乐大转盘时,我第一个告诉也是您----我的爸爸。我爱您!

14、 是您孜孜不倦的教诲,为我前程点燃了一盏明灯;是您不求回报的爱,为我建造了一个家。亲爱的爸爸父亲节到了,只想对您说一声,您是我永远的骄傲!

15、 你有高山的巍峨,你有苍穹的辽阔,你有大海的碧波,你有星空的磊落。你是我前进的灯火,你是我生命的船舵。父亲节快到了,祝您节日快乐!

16、 人生不过几十年,成败荣辱都在天,是非恩怨莫在意,健康快乐最值钱,自古人间苦无边,看得高远境如仙,轻轻松松每一天,父亲节快乐!

17、 古老相传,母亲给了我血肉,使我成长,而父亲却给了我骨骼,使我站立。父亲给了我一种启示,给了我教训,给了我一种暂时无法理解却收益终身的爱。而这种爱是父亲一生的付出。

18、 爸爸的教诲像一盏灯,为我照亮前程;爸爸的关怀像一把伞,为我遮蔽风雨.

19、 父爱不如母爱那样体贴入微,随处可见,他一般是埋在心底,只有在关键时刻才显露出来;他的严厉有时是恨铁不成钢,当你做出成绩的时候他会欣然一笑。

20、 父爱其实很简单。它像白酒,辛辣而热烈,让人醉在其中;它像咖啡,苦涩而醇香,容易让人为之振奋;它像茶,平淡而亲切,让人自然清新;它像篝火,给人温暖去却令人生畏,容易让人激奋自己。

21、 父爱如海,是深邃而难懂。

22、 父爱是拐杖,让我们在人生中少摔跟头。

23、 父爱是宽阔的海洋,即使在我一事无成的时刻,也会包容我,把我纳入他温暖的胸膛。

24、 父爱是太阳,即使在乌云密布的日子里,我也能感受到他的光芒。

25、 父爱是我人生旅途中的一盏明灯,在我迷路时,照亮我的行程。

26、 父爱是一把大伞,总在有雨的天里撑着。

27、 爸爸不论何时你都是我的拐杖,给我支持,给我方向,给我力量,让我可以走好今后的每一段路。也许有一天,你老到无法再给我支持,但在我心里那份浓浓的父爱仍然会帮助我直到永远!

28、 爸爸,感谢您为我做一切,我一定会加倍努力工作学习来报答您养育,我爱您今天父亲节,我深深祝福您节日快乐! 爸爸教诲像一盏灯,为我照亮前程;爸爸关怀像一把伞,为我遮蔽风雨祝您父亲节快乐!!

29、 让阳光晒走你的忧愁,让雨水浇走你的疲惫,让让风儿吹走你的烦恼,让月亮捎去我的祝福,让黎明带去我的问候,父亲节快到了,提前祝您节日乐,天天乐!

30、 人间最珍贵的是友情,最浪漫的是爱情,最动人的是恋情,最难得的是真情,最烦人的是心情,祝你天天好心情,父亲节快乐!

31、 公安部新发五条禁令:禁止假装工作忙不理我!禁止发财忘了我!禁止有难不帮我!禁止吃饭不叫我!禁止闲暇的时候不想我。祝愿父亲节快乐。

32、 落日余辉,映着彩霞,迎着微风,向着天际。丝丝柔柔的微风,传去了节日的祝辞,飘向远方的你,愿你度过这美好的一切,父亲节快乐。

33、 祝我我多才多艺的爸爸节日快乐,你永远是我心中的偶像,就是明星那样的人物!

34、 愿你拥有:春天的歌欢快;夏天的心火热;秋天的意深厚;冬天的情纯真。在未来的人生旅途中,永远保持你自己,祝父亲节快乐!

35、 是全天下埋藏得最深的爱,是全天下掩饰得最好的爱,是全天下诉说得最少的爱,这,就是父爱。父亲节到了,把父亲的爱说出来,祝他节日快乐吧!

36、 我的脉博里流淌着您的血液,我的性格上深烙着您的印记,我的思想里继承着您智慧,这一切的一切,我永远不会忘记,我亲爱的父!

37、 老爸!今天是父亲节,你不知道吧?祝老爸身体健康,生意兴隆,股票“变红”,要不要什么礼物啊?不过,得要你报销啊!

38、 操劳的您歇歇吧,让儿女们尽尽孝心,为您捶捶背,让您享享福!

39、 亲爱的爸爸:岁月已将您的青春燃烧,但您的关怀和勉励将伴我信步风雨人生,用我心抚平你额上的皱纹,用我的情感染黑您头上的白发。祝您父亲节快乐!

40、 父爱是万丈悬崖上的长青藤,永不枯萎;父爱是苍茫大海中的灯塔,指引航程;父爱是烈日炎炎下的那把雨伞,遮挡风雨;预祝父亲们节日最美!

41、 父亲严肃的脸容和他的诚挚的爱却时时伴随着我,激励着我。

42、 小孩爱模仿,父亲是榜样。言行要注意,粗口不适宜。若是爱哭闹,打骂是错招。耐心做家教,让娃习惯好。兴趣要导向,不强塞硬加。父亲节,做好爸,棒!

43、 有一种快乐漂漂洒洒,有一种自在平平淡淡,有一种幸福安安静静,有一种拥有实实在在,有一种友谊长长久久,有一个你,我天天祝福,祝父亲节快乐!

44、 自少离家已多年每年无言表思念当年铁塔已变样两鬓苍苍腰已弯年近五十回家转当年小屋乐开天八旬老父似当年美味佳肴我碗填眼角泪珠挂两边祝福老人赛南山

45、 父爱是山,不量距离;父爱是水,包容天地;父爱是风,没有承诺,却守候着雨;父爱是目光,炽炽如炬;父爱是深沉,只放在心里。祝天下父亲节日快乐!

46、 父爱是一座山,伟大威严;父爱是一汪泉,源源不断;父爱是一本书,深藏不露;父爱是一双手,默默引牵。.生日快乐,别忘了表达你对父亲的爱!

47、 我的祝福就像山泉水,洗去您满脸的尘与灰;我的祝福像芭蕉扇,扇去您满头的汗;我的祝福像绿豆汤,解暑消夏给你带清凉!祝父亲节日快乐!

48、 生日快乐,别吝啬你的时间,抽空陪他聊会天;别吝啬你的拥抱,给他一个大拥抱;别吝啬你的赞美,让他知道他的美;别吝啬你的话费,多多少少是安慰。

49、 恍然梦境中,不再少年郎,如歌岁月里,父爱悠悠唱,温馨六月里,生日快乐来到,一句问候声,愿父永安康!生日快乐来了,祝愿父亲,笑意挂眉稍。

50、 一丝真诚胜过千两黄金;一丝温暖能抵寒霜回春;一声问候送来温馨甜蜜;一条短信捎去我万千真情!你快乐是我最大的心愿,祝父亲节快乐!

51、 曾怀着远走高飞的梦想,渴望展翅的瞬间,在蓝天翱翔,却不知无论去到什么哪里,无论呆在谁的身旁,永远最眷恋你的地方。亲爱的爸爸,祝你父亲节快乐!

52、 山够高,高不过您的疼爱,海够深,深不过您的关爱,天够广,广不过您的宠爱,地够阔,阔不过您的慈爱,老爸,你的生日到了,我也好爱您,愿您生日快乐!

53、 在外混了不少年,吃了不少亏,受了不少累,遭了不少罪,流了不少泪,总算明白了:还是老爸的鸡毛掸子最实惠!生日快乐,向鸡毛掸子的所有主人致以问候!

54、 由于你有一个好父亲,教你育你,造就了最好的你,才有了你我的友谊。生日快乐,我决定托你向他表达我的敬意,送你全家一句最朴实的祝福语:万事如意。

55、 爸,为了您的健康,烟还是少抽吧,把省下的钱交给你,父亲节我就能买礼物送给你,不然,你看,现在我就只能发条短信,祝您父亲节快乐!

56、 生日快乐到祝父亲:远离霉运,天天与好运握手;送走烦恼,时时和快乐谈心;辞别疾病,秒秒和健康交流,抛弃苦难,永远和幸福过日子。祝父亲生日快乐!



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2、爸爸,感谢您为我做一切,我一定会加倍努力工作学习来报答您养育,我爱您今天父亲节,我深深祝福您节日快乐! 爸爸教诲像一盏灯,为我照亮前程;爸爸关怀像一把伞,为我遮蔽风雨祝您父亲节快乐!!
































34、 总是向你索取,却不曾说谢谢你!直到长大以后才懂得你不容易,每次离开总是装作轻松的样子,现在才明白,你耕耘一生最大的收购就是我。父亲节,愿我的老父亲开心快乐!

35、 记得小时候您拉起我的手去疯跑和玩耍,你真是我心中最可爱的老爸.您时常会逗我开心,大善无言,至爱无声。父亲节到了。祝愿天下所有的父亲都健健康康,快乐的生活!

36、 您给的教诲谨记心头,您给的安慰足以解忧。您给的父爱美不胜收,您给的真情细水长流。您给的拥护随处都有,您给的指点不曾弄丢。父亲节到了,愿父亲幸福安康,万事吉祥!

37、 父爱如月,在夜里为我们点亮前进的道路;父爱如海,包容我们所有的不足;父爱如山,深沉却给了我们所有;父亲节到来之际,愿父亲身体健康,每天都有好心情!

38、 父爱,如大山般巍巍而质朴;父爱,如大海般深沉而宽广;父爱,如青松样苍翠而挺拔;父爱,如金子样默默而发光。父亲节,祝福天下好爸爸一生平安,幸福吉祥!

39、 编辑一条短短的短信,送上我深深的问候;复制无数微风,为你夏天吹散炎热;点击转送我的祝福,愿您父亲,永远健康快乐!

40、 父爱如山,给了我坚强的依靠;父爱如天,给了我广阔的天空;父爱如火,给了我前进的光明。老爸,父亲节到了,愿您身体健康,万事如意。

41、 你用宽容包容了我的任性,你用耐心容忍了我的无理取闹,你用坚强教会了我梦想要自己去创造,老爸,谢谢你这些年教给我的,父亲节到了,不在身边的我只能发条短信祝您身体健康。

42、 父亲别太抽劳,有事让儿女来代劳;父亲别牵挂,儿女过得都挺好;父亲节到,愿父亲开心快乐无烦恼,健康平安身体好!祝父亲幸福吉祥!

43、 做你的孩子我以你为荣,虽然你脾气暴躁,但我明白是生活的压力让你成了暴君,但是你从不把压力加于在我们的肩上,在我心里你是山,是海,让我一生敬仰。父亲节,我想告诉你:老爸,我爱你!

44、 小时候,父亲会把我高高举起,抱着我转圈,陪着我入睡,我知道父亲深深爱着我。长大后,我多想再依偎在父亲的怀里,甜甜入睡。父亲节到了,愿我的父亲开心健康,快乐平安!

45、 感谢父亲,是我心底里最真切的道白。父亲节的今天,我要大声告诉他:我会让亲情拥抱您所有的日子,让欢愉之花开遍你心中的每个角落,让温馨灿烂着您的每一个微笑,让舒心变成每一颗米粒,滋养您的每一个细胞。

46、 我心中有一座山,千呼万聆他最伟大,走南闯北走不出他的怀抱,海角天涯能听到他的呼唤,冷峻的脸上是万般温存,心灵深处是悠长万千。爸爸,你就是我心中的一座山。父亲节,愿我心中的大山永远伟岸!

47、 儿时的调皮,吓坏父亲;年轻的倔犟,气坏父亲;成家的琐事,忙坏父亲;父亲的教诲,严厉温和;父亲的关怀,伟大慈祥;父亲节来到,让我说一声‘爸爸您辛苦了’,愿爸爸永远开心,身体健康无疾病,事事顺利不闹心。

48、 父亲是座山,默默付出,不求索取;父亲是大海,容纳我们所有无理要求;父亲是棵树,为我们遮蔽风雨;父亲是条路,甘愿在我们的脚下,做我们最后的支撑!父亲节到了,祝全天下的父亲,身体健康,吉祥如意!

49、 用关爱,暖一暖父亲的心,用孝敬,搂一搂父亲的身,用虔诚,看一看父亲的皱纹,用美好,敬一敬父亲这个人。父亲节到了,祝愿所有父亲福到、财到、运到,家好、业好、人好。

50、 心中有千言万语要对你说,话到嘴边却发现语言是那么苍白,心中有许多为你而感动,却不知道如何才能报答你的养育之恩,今天父亲节,我要对你说:父亲谢谢你,你辛苦了。祝你身体健康!平安快乐!



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My father is like all his love is poured on my body, from small to large as long as I like the father will try to meet me, for my meticulous care, and strive for me to build a warm nest, so I always Feel the taste of happiness, to appreciate the father of the mountain is so ordinary and great. A small pen is difficult to record all the fatherly love, but can only depict a little memory. Remember that eight years old, because I slippery right arm serious fracture, after the plaster on the doctor asked the arm can only stand, can not move, or bone dislocation will be the second operation is quite painful, in order not to let me suffer twice, father Had to stay all night in front of my bed, leaning on my arm, so day after day, his fathers face lost, his eyes covered with bloodshot eyes, seven or eight days later, to the hospital review the doctor said very good Did not move, the arm can be flat down his father hanging heart and finally put down half of the. Can be a few days after the emergence of a new situation, gypsum wrapped around the place itching unbearable, his father had to use a bamboo from time to time to give me a scratch, so many months survived, my arm is good, his fathers The body lost a circle, eyes like giant pandas, often think of these, my eyes are always wet. So that I deeply feel the great love of the father, I only put it engraved in the heart, so I will always be a grateful heart.

Parents love is selfless, with heaven and earth in the same, with the sun and the moon with the bride; parents love lofty, than the high mountains and sea Qi, the world children have a grateful heart, so that the world parents to health forever.




The trees are grateful to the soil, because the soil makes it thrive; we want to Thanksgiving teacher, because the teacher will teach us without reservation; but we have to Thanksgiving parents , Because the parents not only give us life, but also gave us meticulous care, gave us a warm home.

From our "quack" landing, to our thrive, parents pay for us hard and sweat countless, which I was most impressed or the fourth grade summer vacation happened one thing. One night, I suddenly flushed, headache badly, could not help but burst into tears, my mother saw, hurriedly came, touched my forehead anxiously said: "Oh! How do ah? Forehead so hot, It is a fever. Dad is not at home, my mother was anxious like ants on the wok round and round. Finally, my mother decided to take me, marching the night, like the arrows from the same rushed out. The hospital, my mother to copy the path to go.Love no lights, dark, I am afraid, can not help but hit a chill, my mother hold me more tightly. Suddenly, only to hear the mother "Oh" sound, followed by a reel I could not help but press on my mothers back and fell to the ground, my mother did not see a stone stumbled because of the darkness, my mother could not attend to myself, and asked me quickly, "daughter, there is no wrestling ah? "I quickly said:" No. Then, my mother ran slower than before, perhaps because it was too tired.I let my mother let me down, my mother said nothing refused. Finally to the hospital, my mother in a hurry. To find a doctor, and then ran up and down, picking medicine injections ... my burning finally retreated.When my mother took me away, I suddenly found her mothers right knee pants were red stained a large, The original mother back I fell even when the fall .In order to daughter, endured the pain, even hum did not hum a few tears slowly flowing through my cheeks.

We have to learn to be grateful, to filial piety parents, to know how to report, at home, even wash the bowl, sweeping, dry some of the things you can do, to let parents worry about, how happy.

"Who is the words of grass heart, reported three Chunhui." Parents love is endless, never finished. Know how grateful, winter is no longer cold, the night is no longer long, happy and happy, always around us


In my memory, I am most grateful to the people is my father and mother, they are not only in my life care for me, but also in the study of my strict requirements.

Remember that once they went out to do things, leaving me alone at home, I felt so scared. After they had gone, I started writing my homework. I wrote for a moment, there is a problem that I was stumped. I want to wait for them to come back to help solve this problem, waiting for a long time they have not come back. Later, I was really tired, lying on the bed whirring sleep. Suddenly, I heard my father in the hazy call me: "fast up, do homework." I do not want to get up from the bed, when my father furious, a slap on me waved me, "wow" crying up The I hate them, but the thought of their busy day during the figure, know that they do so is concerned about me ah. So, I immediately get up to wear clothes, listen to my father to explain to me, with his help, I successfully solved the problem.

There was a morning to go to school, my mother heard the weather forecast that it was going to rain today. I am sure to go out with an umbrella when I go out, I do not want to take, go directly to school. To the noon school, when the down from the downpour. I thought: how can this go home ah Mom and Dad have to work, I must be hungry at noon. After half an hour later, I suddenly saw a familiar figure in the rain, when the figure away from me closer, I found that she is my mother. When we got home, I found my mothers clothes soaked, and there were many small drops of water. And I do, but the body was dripping without sticky. The next day, my mother fell ill, see my mother lying in bed, my heart regret very, if I listen to my mothers advice, my mother may not be sick, I really want to mother said: "Mom, I was wrong "

Mom and Dad for me to pay so much effort, I must study hard, do not live up to their expectations. Strive to be a good child, to be a socially useful person.



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记得从小爸爸就特别的疼爱我 ,把我视为家里的“小公主”,把我当做“掌上明珠”,以前每逢父亲节,我还是个满脸稚气的孩童,浑然不知道那是父亲的节日 ,我还在他的面前又蹦又跳得要礼物呢!现在我已经是一个博览群书,知书达理的少年了。我现在懂得了今天是父亲的节日,我们应该为父亲祝福。我应该感谢我的父亲,哪怕我们的礼物再简单、再稚拙,也会让父亲倍感欣慰!





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It was Mother’s Day. Sun Zheng thought he should do something for his

mother. He decided to help his mother do some housework. After school he went to

a shop to buy some food on his way home.

When he got home, he did his best to cook some nice food,though he couldn’t

do the cooking well. Thenhe cleaned the room. He felt very tired, but he was

very happy.

When his father and his mother came back and saw the clean rooms and dishes

which weren’t so nice, they were very happy.They had their supper together. His

mother said, "Thank you,my child!"



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We are supposed to express our gratitude to others on Thanksgiving Day.

However, we should feel gratitude every day.

God has two dwellings, one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful

heart. Be grateful to others is a way to show your love. In our daily life, we

often receive help from our parents, friends, colleagues and strangers. Perhaps

it is a little thing, pick up the pen you drop, lift a heavy box for you or

offer you a seat in the bus. We should be thankful to them for whatever they

have done. The more love you give, the more love you receive.

A sense of gratitude can acknowledging our interdependent existence. You

will be ready to help others if you have a thankful heart. Therefore, a thankful

heart is like a magnet. Not only will we attract more things to be grateful for,

but also we will attract gratitude from others. “give thanks alittle and you

will find a lot.”

Gratitude is heaven itself. A sense of gratitude and indebtedness to others

is and important wellspring of a generous and virtuous life. We now fall into a

busy life, neglecting to be grateful for details, the beauty of nature, the

comforts of modern living ,the love of parents and so on. People can notice

these details and realize the friendship, love and happiness in our life with a

grateful heart.

Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul. Be thankful

for whatever you have, give and receive. Happy Thanksgiving today and every




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Thank heaven and earth, thank fate, heaven and earth wide, bumpy, but as long as there is love in the heart, be grateful, well work hard, we can move on.

We accept it with a grateful heart, listen to their words, more than ten years of reading, benefit a lot. We feeling everything, with exquisite heart feeling affection of selflessness and without reservation. Full of wise parents, their image in our hearts is so broad. We are surprised to find that at the same time, they are eager to understand us, also want to be our understanding. Actually we can become friends. In the event we have a deeper understanding of what is affection.

The family is HuangJi oasis in the desert, when youre lonely melancholy weak thirst disease, glance was filled with brightness, soul get ease, and not be lonely. Will act quickly to, only a drop of water, roll life, wang Yang will spread in the heart.






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Everyone first Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving parents, teacher in gratitude. Yes, I like all people, also be thankful to my parents. I dont know what words to describe them. I only know that they since the childhood is the most hurt me. On that occasion, I do not know is I do wrong, or if they do wrong. I dont know how they love me, and I know, how they education I.

Since the childhood, mom and dad are often said to me: "good good study, you will have a way out." I dont know how to answer. Just in my heart she complains and upset you. Now, I grow up, is no longer that easily to "swept" mom and dad I; Is no longer the only a day I will cry; No longer is that the I couldnt climb up. Experienced a lot of things, I understand a lot.





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Thanksgiving is an ancient festival American original people, is also the American family reunion holiday, so the Americans brought Thanksgiving always feel warm. Thanksgiving Day is the most truly American of the national holidays in the United States (holiday), the early history of the United States and is most closely connected. The early settlers of Massachusetts originated in Plymouth. These people were called pilgrims in the UK, because of their religious reform of the Church of England is not completely satisfied with, and the king and the Church of England for their political repression and persecution, so the pilgrims from the Church of England, went to Holland, then decided to move to the other side of the Atlantic that desolate land, hope in accordance with the wishes of their religious freedom in life.


In 1962 September, "May flower" ship loaded with 102 pilgrims and their families to leave England to North America, after two months of hard sailing in Plymouth, Massachusetts ashore, settled down. The first winter, due to lack of food, cold weather, disease rampant and overworked, the settlers died more than half. The second year spring, the local Indian tribal chiefs, Masaso de led the kind-hearted Indian, gave the Puritan grain seed, and teach them to hunt, planting crops, fishing etc.. With the help of the Indians, the pilgrims had a good harvest. The first governor William Bradford has proposed the establishment of a festival to celebrate the harvest, thank you for the gift of god. At the same time, also want to take a holiday to strengthen the harmony between whites and indians. In late November 1621 Thursday, 90 Indians have a joyous gathering the Pilgrims and Massa Soder, celebrated the first Thanksgiving USA history. Male pilgrims go out hunting, capture Turkey, women in the home with corn, pumpkin, sweet potato and fruit to make delicious food. Thus, whites and Indians around the bonfire, chat while eating, but now singing, now dancing, the celebration lasted three days.


At Thanksgiving without a fixed date, the provisional decision by the state. Until America after independence in 1863, President Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a national holiday.



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Thanksgiving, is to be one of the basic virtues. People who want to learn to be grateful, learn to repay.

This morning, the day Yin down, suddenly to rain cats and dogs. The classmates umbrellas in the rain step by step, insist on back to school. Although almost all the students umbrellas, or because of too much rain is wet. The students began to complain about the weather. At this moment, the teacher in charge teacher saw this situation, while maintaining the order of the class take out a cellular phone call contact more than a dozen students in the class parents, hope they can help children to clothing. In this more than a dozen parents, Yang Baihui of parents is the most hard, she started just for my son to send clothes, get wet later heard that the rest of the class and didnt inform parents, immediately go home in the rain, bring clothes, pants, etc., in person to the classmates, asked cold ask warm, no half sentence.

After the event, once the teacher and the students are very grateful to the maverick of parents for their children, for Yang Baihui parents also want to say "thank you", but because of the trouble to her and regret, had also helped the teacher, she can use the office phone contact parents, but she has not done so.

Say "thank you" is easy, but heartfelt "thank you" is the most important thing.







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Thanksgiving is a valuable kinds of quality, who know Thanksgiving is a sincere person, honest people, noble people, moral people.


From the bottom of my heart with gratitude, can build a bridge between people and friendly.


Parents nurtured us, give us a warm home, let us run around the boat can be docked ship in the warm bay.


When the dead of night, the earth to sleep, many people have silent prayer: will grow up themselves, and we must fulfill their filial duties, so that parents live comfortably warm and peaceful.


But they did not expect that, "son wants his parents, does not wait."


Years later, his parents have been aging, and some even dead, and then think themselves to have too late.


There have been a success with emotion: "The child, for parents to send my school, the family was poor, even the sick can not bear to go to the hospital, literally for my last finished college, after which the parents have died one after another. If not for the body to live frugally I am reading, they will live better and live a long time more, and now I am also able to watch on their side. think of it, I really lack of filial piety. "Therefore, parents Thanksgiving from now start life in peacetime curfew honor them.


We should not onlygratefulbut also let them know that he is willing to spend any time around them.




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Flying in the blue sky, a group of wild geese, the eagle suddenly launched a attack to geese, lead goose desperately to protect the small wild goose. That couldnt help thinking I respected teacher - hong-ling zhao at the teacher.

Miss zhao is very concerned about us, who have difficulty, miss zhao will go to help him out. Sometimes, some classmate is ill leave, miss zhao will take the initiative to go to his house to give him make up a missed lesson, who accidentally injured at school, miss zhao will accompany him to the school infirmary immediately...

Three years ago, we these children even a, o, e all dont know, after zhao teacher for more than one thousand days hard efforts, to now, I have learned thousands of words, learned how to write a composition, you can also put many beautiful poems to recite down, learned a lot of knowledge. Now Im from a small trees grew up and became a tree, these are inseparable from miss zhaos care, love and help. This is my beloved hong-ling zhao teacher, this is a selfless dedication own teacher, thank you - hong-ling zhao teacher!




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When I watch the TV series, there always present the rich familys life,

but I dont feel envious about the rich life. It is obvious that though these

people live the better life, the cost is that their parents spend less time to

play with them. The time to stay with our parents is really important, while the

rich parents have much work to do, so they dont have much private hours. I was

born in an ordinary family. My parents will never miss the moment when I need

them. I am so thankful to life, because I have my parents love. Whats more, I

have made many good friends. We share our interest and have a lot in common.
