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1. Hope your Halloween is masked with spooky fun ... just as mine.


2. Thank you for your very special wish. Happy Halloween!


3. Thank you for making my Halloween so special.


4. Thank you for making my cauldrons full of fun! Happy Halloween!


5. Your smile lights up our world! Wishing you a Halloween bright and glowing as you are!


6. Its Halloween ... time to dress up in your spookiest best and grab all the fun! Hope its lit up with smiles for you! Happy Halloween!


7. My Halloweens happy when I freak out with you! Happy Halloween to you ...my friend!


8. Its hell lot of fun when Im with you! Happy Halloween to you!


9. You never know what might happen on Halloween. Wait until dark for some spooky surprises. The creatures of the night are waiting. To my dear pal, have a howling Halloween!


10. Trick or treat what it will be? Wishing you a happy Halloween!






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Things about Me

Iam Andrea。Perhaps the word "average" can best describe me。 I am of average height, average weight and of average complexion。 I have a thin face, double-lid eyes and a pointed nose。My hair is black, short and straight。I have never worn my hair long。I look like both my mother and

my father, but I have inherited their best parts。

lam a teacher, and I like my job。 I believe her or his students can sometimes teach a teacher。 Actually I have learnt a lot from my own teaching experience and my students。 One particularly good thing about being a teacher is that I am learning something new each day and thus XXX progress each day。 This is wonderful。 Of course the income is modest, but on the other hand, quite stable。 I keep growing all the time。 I find great rewards both monetarily and mentally。

I have many hobbies: reading books, raising pets, XXX dresses, etc。 I like volleyball very much, but I can't play it very often, because it is a team sport。 It is difficult to get enough people to play volleyball with me。 It's a shame。 I derive great pleasure out of my hobbies。

Generally speaking, I am open, honest and easy-going。 I hate hypocrisy and injustice。 Fairness is very important to me。 I try to be fair in everything I do。 I have great appreciation for physical and spiritual independence。 I am a bit disorganized and impatient sometimes。

I don't have many friends, but I do have a few。 I have both male and female friends。 We do sports together, go shopping together; and we exchange our views and ideas and share happiness and sadness。 Of course we help each other if necessary。 I always consider myself a lucky person。 I am lucky in my family, I am lucky in my career, I am lucky in my friendship, I am lucky in many things。 In one word, I am lucky in life。 I am really grateful for all these。











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1.surrender; yield; bow to; give away; knuckle under; submit to


◎ 屈服 qūfú

(1) [surrendor;yield;knuckle under;at the feet of]∶降服;折服


(2) [bend and undulate]∶弯曲起伏


(1).曲折起伏。《庄子·大宗师》:“众人之息以喉。屈服者,其嗌言若哇。” 成玄英 疏:“屈折起伏,气不调和,咽喉之中恒如哇碍也。”

(2).降服;折服。《吕氏春秋·应同》:“故割地寳器,卑辞屈服,不足以止攻,惟治为足。”《后汉书·宋意传》:“强者为雄,弱者即屈服。”《南史·隐逸传下·马枢》:“王欲极观优劣,乃谓众曰:‘与 马学士 论议,必使屈服,不得空立客主。’” 宋 窦苹 《酒谱·醉圣》:“ 李白 每大醉为文,未尝差误,与醒者语无不屈服,人目为‘醉圣’。” 曹禺 《家》第三场:“你只知道跟恶势力妥协屈服,一天天走上庸俗昏瞆的路。”



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It was Mother’s Day. Sun Zheng thought he should do something for his mother. He decided to help his mother do some housework. After school he went to a shop to buy some food on his way home.

When he got home, he did his best to cook some nice food,though he couldn’t do the cooking well. Then he cleaned the room. He felt very tired, but he was very happy.

When his father and his mother came back and saw the clean rooms and dishes which weren’t so nice, they were very happy.They had their supper together. His mother said, "Thank you,my child!"






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Union is strength. 团结就是力量。

Until all is over ones ambition never dies. 不到黄河心不死。

Use a book as a bee does flowers. 读书如蜜蜂采花,吸取其中之精华。

Virtue is a jewel of great price. 美德是无价之宝。

Virtue is fairer far than beauty. 美德远比美丽更美好。

Virtue is her (or its) own reward. 为善最乐。

Virtue is the only true nobility. 唯有美德是真正高贵的。

Wash a dog comb a dog Still a dog remains a dog. 本性难移。

Waste not want not. 俭以防匮。

Weak men wait for opportunity but the strong men make it. 若者等待机会,强者创造机会。

You cant eat your cake and have it. 不能既要吃饼,又要把饼保存。

You cant make omelets (or omeletts) without breaking eggs. 有失才有得。

You have no goats and yet you sell kids. 你虽无老山羊,却出卖小山羊。

Zeal without knowledge is fire without light. 有热情而无知识,犹如有火焰而无光芒。




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it was mother’s day. sun zheng thought he should do something for his mother. he decided to help his mother do some housework. after school he went to a shop to buy some food on his way home. when he got home, he did his best to cook some nice food,though he couldn’t do the cooking well. thenhe cleaned the room. he felt very tired, but he was very happy. when his father and his mother came back and saw the clean rooms and dishes which weren’t so nice, they were very happy.they had their supper together. his mother said, "thank you,my child!"

今天母亲节。孙峥觉得应该为妈妈做点事,他决定帮妈妈做些家务。放学回家的路上,他去商店买了食品。到家后,他尽全力做些好吃的,尽管他并不擅长烹任。做完饭,他又打扫了房间。他感觉有些累,但仍然很高兴。 当父母回来后,看见干净的房间和并不太荚味的菜,他们依然很高兴。他们一起吃了晚饭。妈妈说:“谢谢你,孩子。”

today is mother’s day. i know some of my classmates are going to help their mothers with the housework, others .are going to buy some flowers for their mothers. i want to say to her that i love her very much. but as a boy, it is a bit difficult for me to show my heart. i think only girls can do that. my mother is very kind. she takes care of me day and night. she spends little money, but buys anything for me that i need. this time i must show my love. i am going to give her a card and write like this, "i love you, mother!" i am going to put it under her pillow.

今天是母亲节。我知道一些同学打算帮妈妈做些家务,还有一些同学打算给妈妈买些花。我只是想对妈妈说一声,我非常爱她。但是对我来说这样表达我的情感有点儿难,因为我是个男孩。我觉得只有女生才这样做。 我妈妈是个非常善良的人。她对我照顾得无微不至。她自己很少花钱,但能给我买我需要的任何东西。 这次我一定要表示我对她的爱。我打算送她一张写有“我爱你,妈妈”的卡片,我还打算把它放在她的枕头下面。




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Mom, thank you so much for not only giving birth to me but also teaching me how to be a good man. No matter what will be in the future, I will always love you!


Although you don’t say anything, I can understand your heart: you always care me! Thank you!Mom.虽然您不轻易表露,但我知道您一直都在关心着我。谢谢您,妈妈!

Having been in this world for long, I realized that you are the one who loves me most, Mom!


Nobody can take your part in my heart, Mom,wherever you are, I will always love you!


While you gave me life, you took me as your concern. Mom, I wish you happiness and joy everyday when I’m away from you!您给了我生命,而我则成了您永远的牵挂。在我无法陪伴左右的日子里,愿妈妈您每一天都平安快乐。


Mom, I keep my appreciation to you in the bottom of my heart for your caring and loving me so much although I had never written even a note or express my thanks to you.


Mom, I cant send you a bunch of Carnation cause Im not by your side, but I hope this text-message can tell my greeting. May you can be healthy and happy forever!


Mom, your love is just like a bar of candy, with a package of ceaseless chatter and scold; I couldnt find it out until I grow up. Happy Mothers Day!


Mom, I am concerned about you not just on this special day. Everyday would be Mothers Day within the year! Hope you enjoy yourself everyday!


Mom! Thank you again for your hard work, cooking us tasty dinner, washing clothes for us, making us happy! And please accept the sincere wish from our whole family,Happy Mothers Day!



Mom is always the best in the world! If there were not heaven, there wouldn’t be earth. If there were not you, there wouldn’t be me! Thank you so much for bringing me everything!


You did such a sacrifice to give birth to a lovely me, despite losing your attractive figure. Mom. You are so great!


If I were a rich man, you would be a rich man’s mother. If I were president, you would be president’s mother. No matter what I will be, I will always love you, Mom!


I once didn’t cherish your careful instruction, only when you are not with me, I realize you are so valuable to me. Mom, I hope you forget my rudeness, and you can be happy and peaceful everyday!


No matter how many grey hairs you have because of your hard-working year after year, you are the most beautiful and forever young in my heart! Mom, wish you remain young and happy!



My soft greeting, bringing my best wish to you. It is like the warm sunshine, filling your eyes and your heart!


My happy childhood is in your rough hands and my growing course is in your grey hair.

I miss you, Mom, especially on this day!


Mom, I love you, because you gave me life and brought me up.


Carnations are not so leisure as peony, not so fragrant as lily, but they give out delicate fragrance, just like your love to me.


Mom, I once was a little bird by your side, enjoyed your love and care, and today I send you fragrant flowers.




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I don’t take the time to tell you this often, but I love you, mom. 虽然我经常没有时间告诉您,但我真的爱您,妈妈。

I want to wish you a happy Mother’s Day. 祝福您母亲节快乐。

I’ve tried many times to tell you,but I’ll say it again:I love you mother.我已经告诉您许多次了,但是我将再说一次:我爱您,妈妈。

may not often say it, but I do love you. 我也许并不常挂在嘴上,但我真正爱您。

Roses are red, violets are blue. This card on Mother’s Day is especially for you. 玫瑰是红色的,紫罗兰是蓝色的.这张母亲卡是特别给您的.

Today is your day to relax and let us take care of you. Happy Mother’s Day. 今天是您休息的日子,让我们来照顾您.母亲节快乐.

To the world’s number one mom! 给世界上最好的妈妈!

Though it is hard to tell you sometimes, I do love you dearly, mom. 虽然有时要告诉您并不太容易,但是我真的非常爱您,妈妈。

Moms should get more than a special day, they should get a medal of honor. 妈妈们应该得到的不只是一个节日,她们该获得荣誉勋章。

Mother’s Day is a time when mothers discover how well their children can prepar e breakfast. 母亲节是妈妈们发现她们的小孩会把早餐做得很好的时刻。

Moms should get more than a special day, they should get a medal of honor. 妈妈们应该得到的不只是一个节日,她们该获得荣誉勋章。

Mother’s Day is a time when mothers discover how well their children can prepar e breakfast. 母亲节是妈妈们发现她们的小孩会把早餐做得很好的时刻。

Sometimes it may not seem like it, but I really do love you. 有时候好像不是这样,但是我真的爱您。

Thank you for everything over the years, mom. 妈妈,谢谢您这些年来所做的一切。

to the world’s number one mom!


you are the best mom that a son ever had.


here’s a little token of my appreciation for all that you have done for me over the years.


sometimes it may not seem like it, but i really do love you.


i want to wish you a happy mother’s day.


thank you for everything over the years, mom.


moms should get more than a special day, they should get a medal of honor.


mother’s day is a time when mothers discover how well their children can prepare breakfast.


considering the quality of food that children make their mothers on mother’s day, it becomes apparent that without moms, their kids would starve to death.


we would love to fix breakfast for you mom, but we think it would be safer for us all if we took you out.


this card is to let you know that you have done a super job raising us children.


when i was sick, you always stood by me.


this is the day that we appreciate all the things that moms do for us. thank you.



Today is mothers day, wish you forever healthy, beautiful; everything seemed, well. No flowers, no gifts, only my best wishes!


There is no water, the fish only live day and night; no light, flowers will not bloom; without you, I would not now; thank you, my most loving mother. Today is mothers day, wishes for you: wish you happiness and goog health!


Cooking and washing housework all day long, restless figure busy, unknown to the public complaints never, for the children for women are living a simple life, on Mothers day visit, the children send sincere blessing: wish mom, happy holidays!


Love is originally a kind of wine, drink it into thoughts. I always miss you! Pay ones respects to gently say, will be the blessing of my heart into the warmth of the sun, forever remain in your hearts.


Mother: since you will position itself in the role as an understanding wife and loving mother, he worked hard day and night, that they have no time to care too much of the festival, I wish you a happy mothers Day


She is not a cloud, because she is not the wind and scattered waves; she is not, because she cant swim. She is love -- the love of the mother, happy mothers happiness!


Mom, today is the one you may not remember and I will never forget the day! Mom: I wish you a happy mothers day!


Looked at the mother increasingly hair, increasingly looked at the mothers wrinkles, looked at the mother gradual



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1.especially; all the more; extraordinarily; exceptionally


◎ 格外 géwài

(1) [especially]∶超出常规常态之外



(2) [all the more]∶比原来更多、更大量或更长时间


(3) [in addition]∶另外;额外


(1).额外;另外。《南史·张绪传》:“ 元徽 初,东宫官罢,选曹拟舍人 王俭 为格外记室。” 宋 岳飞 《奏辞母亡格外赙赠及协办葬事札子》:“奉圣旨 岳飞 母身亡,已降指挥起復於格外,特赐银绢一千匹两,令户部支给。” 沙汀 《闯关》:“就这样吧。也格外找不出办法来了。”

(2).特别,异乎寻常。 宋 侯寘 《风入松》词:“少年心醉 杜韦娘 ,曾格外疎狂。” 元 耶律楚材 《请容公和尚住竹林疏》:“我 容公禪师 一条生铁脊,两片点钢唇,参透 济 下,没把鼻禪説得格外无滋味话呵。” 老舍 《骆驼祥子》二:“自己的车,当然格外小心,可是他看看自己,再看看自己的车,就觉得有些不是味儿。”



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Mothers Day Mother’s Day is a holiday when children honor their mothers with cards, gifts and flowers. In many countries, such as Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia and the US, people cel lebrate Mother’s Day on the second Sunday in May while many other countries of the world celebrate their own Mother’s day at different times through out the year.

One of the best ways to celebrate Mother’s Day is to give your mom the day off. Let her relax with the rest of the family doing all the housework. Usually, dad and the kids will let mom sleep late that morning as they go into the kitchen to prepare her favourite breakfast. Never forget to place a vase with a single flower on the table beside the food. The kids can pick up the flower from the garden or buy one from the shop. Arrange everything nicely before mom wakes up. Some families will carry the food and mom’s favourite sections from the newspaper to her bedroom so that mom can have breakfast in bed. Presents and cards from the kids can be handed to mom by themselves or just placed on the dining table.

After breakfast, go anywhere mom likes to go. Shopping, swimming or going on a picnic in the garden. Make a special Mother’s Day dinner or take mom out for a great meal in a famous restaurant she loves most.

Anyway ,let mom enjoy the whole day and feel your love, and then the Mother’s Day can be a good one. As Mother’s Day is around the corner, it’s time to take actions!



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The annual Thanksgiving Day is coming soon. In fact, in life there are so many people need we to gratitude, such as parents. Classmates. The teacher, etc. But I want to gratitude is miss li.

It is often said that children are flowers of the motherland, the teacher is not cultivated flower gardener? B: yes. Not a gardener, we can still grow so bright, so can do? Of course not.

Remember once, I was sick. But that is what Im on duty when the monitor. When the students are doing eye exercises, you called me to come over, with a cordial tone, said: "there is no fever?" "No!" I said busy. At that time I really feel very warm, very comfortable. Her gentleness, my little heart melts. As if Im not a child, but adults, one of her old friends.

Oh, miss li! You not only the ignorant we introduce the spacious classroom, also teaches us how to be a man. Your care is like the genial spring breeze; Your protection can make us happy under the blue sky, healthy growth; You also constantly nurturing the with hard work in us.

In Thanksgiving Day, I will thank you very much, and I will work hard, strive to use results to repay you.








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The Value of Reading Books

People often say that gold and silver are the most valuable things in the world.ButI don‘t think so. In my opinion, to read books is more valuable than anything else.

The old saying "To open a book is always helpful" clearly tells us how good it is to read a book.

Books are our friends. They introduce us different kinds of knowledge. They lead us down the road to success.

Books are our teachers. They teach us troth, science, literature, and philosophy of life. Besides, they increase our knowledge, enlarge our experience,strengthen our character and do many other things which we can not do without them.

Books tell us what is good and what is evil. And only books can tell the good from the bad.

Therefore to read more books is the best policy for our young students.










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It is said that in the year of 300 AD, there was a kind old man and his name was Saint Nicholas. He was always ready to help the poor and often gave presents to them.

Today, Father Christmas is an imaginary figure, but nearly all young children believe in him. They think he is a happy old man with a long white beard and a long red robe.

On the night of the twenty-fourth of December every year, Father Christmas from some cold northern land comes down the chimney of the fireplace to put presents by the beds of children or to fill their stockings. So when children go to bed that night, they hang up their stockings, and on Christmas morning they wake to find them full of presents. Of course, it‘s really their parents who fill the stockings.

Another name for Father Christmas is Santa Claus.









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Our mind, a record of growing up learned knowledge, it is your hard education results. Thank you, my teacher. Is that you get me into the world of knowledge, let me in the way of growth, sucking the showers of culture. Thank you, let me sit in the classroom learning knowledge, teach us between students should live in peace.

Remember once, you taught us a word. Mainly wrote pastoral scenery. The teacher gave us your patience. As we raise hand to ask questions, the teacher you is talked, to an abrupt end when we are deluded. What is the meaning of wu phonetics? Later, wu phonetics and word meaning, we are all in mind, but in order to prevent forget, we are written in the book. The teacher asked what we mainly expressed the first words? Although I didnt say it out, but later, I knew I was right. The teacher often goad to let us improve the learning interest, let us love of learning, can better learning. The teacher you learned not only humor, is also very strict. The teacher you let me know a lot of knowledge; You let us know. When you understand the reason and foundation, also told us dont bite the hand that feeds you, the kindness. The teacher, I will never forget you, I will repay the grace of your teachings.

Thank you, my teacher.


记得有一次,您教了我们一首词。主要写的是田园风光。老师您耐心的给我们讲解。我们举手问问题,老师您则是娓娓而谈的说,在我们如痴如醉的时候戛然而止。 吴音是什么意思? 后来,吴音等词的意思,我们都记在脑子里了,但是为了防止忘掉,我们还是记在了书上。老师还问我们这首词主要表达了什么?我虽然还没说出来,但是后来,我知道我是对的。老师经常用激将法让我们提高学习兴趣,让我们爱学习,能更好的学习。老师您不仅博学幽默,还非常严厉。老师您让我知道了许多知识;您让我们懂得。理解了做人的道理和基础,还告诉我们不要忘恩负义,要知恩图报。老师,我永远也不会忘记您,我会报答您的教导之恩的。




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Wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas.


May happiness follow you wherever you go!


A special card from your grandson


A Christmas wish from your nephew


Wishing you and yours a happy happy new year


From all of us in sales: Merry Christmas!


Your entire staff wishes you and yours a most happy Christmas


To Grandpa and Grandma Merry Christmas!


May the Christmas be a time of laughter and real enjoyment for you Best wishes


May the glow of Christmas candle fill your heart with peace and pleasure and make your New Year bright

Have a love filled Christmas and New Year!


May the bright and festive glow of Christmas candle warm the days all the year through Hoping you will

have a wonderful time enjoying Christmas Day and wishing you a New Year that is happy in every way



Christmas time is here I hope you have a wonderful New Year May every day hold happy hours for you


May your Christmas be filled with special moment, warmth, peace and happiness, the joy of covered ones near,

and wishing you all the joys of Christmas and a year of happiness


Warm greetings and best wishes for happiness and good luck in the coming year


Christmas should be a time of banked-up fines, the scent of flowers and wine, good talk, good memories and

loyalties renewed But if all else is lacking - love will do



May the beauty and joy of Christmas remain with you throughout the new year!


Christmas greetings and best wishes!


Wishing you every happiness when Christmas is near, and expressing appreciation for your cares and

concerns during the year


Thinking of you at Christmas with a wish that is warm and sincere Have a wonderful Christmas and

joyous New Year!


Forget, forgive, for who may say that Christmas day may ever come to host or guest again Touch hands!


A wish for a truly merry Christmas and may the joy of Christmas linger in your heart all the year!


Wishing you a blessed Christmas and a New Year filled with happy surprises


With the old wish that is ever new, may the greeting do its share toward making your Christmas a pleasant one


Numerous loving wishes for my wife who will always be my valuable Christmas gift and everything to me


Christmas is the most human and kindly of season, as the month of June with sunshine and the balmy breath of roses


Wishing you a Christmas of happy time and a New Year of happy days


Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful Christmas season


Wishing you all the happiness of the holiday season


Hope all your Christmas dreams come true!


Hope you enjoy the happiness of Christmas and all the trimmings


arm hearted wishes for an old fashioned Christmas and a happy New Year filled with all your favorite things


I wish you a merry Christmas All affection and best wishes to you and yours


Chritsmas time is for thinking of others.


A merry Chistmas from all of your students.


Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful Christmas season.


Wishing you all the happiness of the holiday season.


Hope all your Christmas dreams come true!


Hope you enjoy the happiness of Christmas and all the trimmings.


arm hearted wishes for an old fashioned Christmas and a happy New Year filled with all your favorite things.


I wish you a merry Christmas. All affection and best wishes to you and yours.


In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts. May the kind of Christmas outshine all the rest.


May the Christmas be a time of laughter and real enjoyment for you. Best wishes.


May the glow of Christmas candle fill your heart with peace and pleasure and make your New Year bright.

Have a love filled Christmas and New Year!


May the bright and festive glow of Christmas candle warm the days all the year through. Hoping you will

have a wonderful time enjoying Christmas Day and wishing you a New Year that is happy in every way.




Christmas time is here. I hope you have a wonderful New Year. May every day hold happy hours for you.


May your Christmas be filled with special moment, warmth, peace and happiness, the joy of covered ones near,

and wishing you all the joys of Christmas and a year of happiness.


Warm greetings and best wishes for happiness and good luck in the coming year.


Christmas should be a time of banked-up fines, the scent of flowers and wine, good talk, good memories and

loyalties renewed. But if all else is lacking - love will do.



May the beauty and joy of Christmas remain with you throughout the new year!


Christmas greetings and best wishes!


Wishing you every happiness when Christmas is near, and expressing appreciation for your cares and

concerns during the year.


Thinking of you at Christmas with a wish that is warm and sincere. Have a wonderful Christmas and

joyous New Year!


Forget, forgive, for who may say that Christmas day may ever come to host or guest again. Touch hands!


A wish for a truly merry Christmas and may the joy of Christmas linger in your heart all the year!


Wishing you a blessed Christmas and a New Year filled with happy surprises.


With the old wish that is ever new, may the greeting do its share toward making your Christmas a pleasant one.


Numerous loving wishes for my wife who will always be my valuable Christmas gift and everything to me.


Christmas is the most human and kindly of season, as the month of June with sunshine and the balmy breath of roses.


merry christmas, my best friend.


a christmas greeting to cheer you, my good friend.


take your passion and make it come true.


i hope we can spend the holidays together.


to hong from your good friends at peking u.


best of luck in the year to come.


a merry yuletide!


wish all the best wishes for you.


wish many good wishes for the holidays and the coming year.


wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful christmas season.


may its blessings lead into a wonderful year for you and all whom you hold dear.


Hope all your Christmas dreams come true!


Hope you enjoy the happiness of Christmas and all the trimmings.


arm hearted wishes for an old fashioned Christmas and a happy New Year filled with all your favorite things.


I wish you a merry Christmas. All affection and best wishes to you and yours.


In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts. May the kind of Christmas outshine all the rest.


May the Christmas be a time of laughter and real enjoyment for you. Best wishes.


May the glow of Christmas candle fill your heart with peace and pleasure and make your New Year bright.

Have a love filled Christmas and New Year!


May the bright and festive glow of Christmas candle warm the days all the year through. Hoping you will

have a wonderful time enjoying Christmas Day and wishing you a New Year that is happy in every way.





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Today is Mothers Day. I know some of my classmates are going to help their mothers with the housework, others .are going to buy some flowers for their mothers. I want to say to her that I love her very much. But as a boy, it is a bit difficult for me to show my heart. I think only girls can do that.

My mother is very kind. She takes care of me day and night. She spends little money, but buys anything for me that I need.

This time I must show my love. I am going to give her a card and write like this, "I love you, mother!" I am going to put it under her pillow.  参考翻译:







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face danger fearlessly;be brave in a dangerous situation;be brave in the face of danger;be fearless in the face of danger


1. The commander bade his men be undaunted in the face of perils. 指挥员命令他的战士要临危不惧。

2. The soldiers courage was partly caused by his ability to keep cool in the face of danger. 临危不惧也是这个军人勇敢的一个原因。


I fear nothing in the face of adversity, because theres no adversity in my dictionary, and what is more, I dont have a dictionary.


An popular argument is that teaching children a little courage and panic, perseverance, upstream.


We remember the images of fire, the final calls of love, the courage of rescuers who saw deathdid not flee.




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1.despise; disdain; look down upon; contempt; make light [little] of sb.; take no count of; set not much store by; be disdainful; set sth. at defiance; set little store by sth. [sb.]; in contempt of; be scornful of; fall into contempt; be contemptuous of; think scorn of; express ones scorn for sb.; hold in scorn sth. [sb.]; hold in contempt; feel contempt for; turn ones nose up at sb.; bring sb. into contempt; show contempt to sb.; bring disgrace on sb.; give sb. [sth.] the go-by; bridle at sth.



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There are numerous classics in the shining in the world. These classics are great writers knowledge and the crystallization of the wisdom of life, they can apply their charm of a long, touched people generation after generation. French science fiction, Jules verne, the master of the submarine two miles "is one of them.

The submarine two miles "tells the story of the French naturalist alon, professor, sea travel story, the author to capture sea monster as the guide, with less even, showed the elegantly magnificent pictures for readers, tells the story of the wonderful: the mystery of the sea monster, the beauty of the underwater world, solemn funeral under the sea, rich treasure of the ocean floor, breathtaking journey to the South Pole," revenge "plan · · · · · · thrilling story twists and turns, fascinating. The figure description very carefully; Colorful picture, spectacular, and ever changing. Alarmingly, read the book language level, text simple and fluent, the plot is compact, vivid, have a different comfortable to read.

Up and down all the whole book is written by using the method of the fantasy and fact, the story is very vivid, make readers feel the same way, greatly satisfy the readers reading needs, let the reader can fill a pleasure.

This book from beginning to end to the readers about the benefits of science, the advantages, greatly inspired readers love science, bold exploration, bold fantasy of valuable spirit.







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We may not be angels all of the time, but we do appreciate what you do.


Thanks for being there, mom. Happy Mothers Day.


This card comes from the whole family. Happy Mothers Day.


Today is your day to relax and let us take care of you. Happy Mothers Day.


We will try to make this your best Mothers Day ever.


On this day we honor you, dear mother.


Where would we be without you, mom?


On this day we all sit back and think about how much our mothers do for us.


Ive tried many times to tell you, but Ill say it again: I love you mother.


Though it is hard to tell you sometimes, I do love you dearly, mom.


I may not often say it, but I do love you.


There are little things that I should have said and done to show my gratitude, but it is appreciated what you do.


I dont take the time to tell you this often, but I love you, mom.


Sometimes I cry and make you sigh, but you know that I love you so.


To mother on Mothers Day: Thank you for all of the wonderful things that you h ave done for me.


This card is from all of us. It may not be the greatest, but its from the heart.


Mother, I just want to let you know that you are always in my thoughts.




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Tomorrow is mothers day once a year, every year in the second week of May. Now remember that mother is so selfless. She always wanted the best thing for us, she would prefer to work rather bitter child, she is in the future for children to do, there is such a selfless man?


My mother always when I am in trouble to bring help, always when Im sad to comfort, always selfless dedication and ask for nothing in return. If I use a word to describe my mother that I would say: "selfless dedication, asking nothing in return." So after the dispute with her mother must be more sympathetic to the mother, dont let them very sad.


There are several times, I do not pay attention to health, only time. Later, the mother behind always helped me up, when I think of it, always very grateful to her. Thank you for your mother, your selfless nurtured me, thank you!


Wish you everything is going smoothly. Later, good luck in everything!
